
「Famous」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(80ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Famous Sobayonin officers were Yoshiyasu YANAGISAWA in the era of Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, the fifth shogun; Akifusa MANABE in the eras of Ienobu TOKUGAWA, the sixth shogun and Ietsugu TOKUGAWA, the seventh shogun; Tadamitsu OKA in the era of Ieshige TOKUGAWA, the ninth shogun; Okitsugu TANUMA in the era of Ieharu TOKUGAWA, the tenth shogun; and Tadaakira MIZUNO in the era of Ienari TOKUGAWA, the eleventh shogun. 例文帳に追加

5代将軍徳川綱吉時代の柳沢吉保、6代将軍徳川家宣・7代将軍徳川家継時代の間部詮房、9代将軍徳川家重時代の大岡忠光、10代将軍徳川家治時代の田沼意次、11代将軍徳川家斉時代の水野忠成などが有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Considering that the gardens of Jisho-ji Temple contain many famous stones and trees with absolutely no expense spared in their design, and also that the Higashiyama culture of the period was based on the simplicity of the tea ceremony and Zen, it is highly likely that never were any plans to cover the structure in silver leaf. 例文帳に追加

慈照寺の庭園には多くの名石、名木が配され、建材にも贅を尽くしていること、当時の東山文化が茶道趣味と禅宗文化を基調にしたものであったことを考えると、当初から銀箔を貼る計画はなかった可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koryu-ji Temple is located in Uzumasa, which is famous for Kyoto Uzumasa Eigamura (Toei Movie Land), but it is unknown whether it has always stood on this site since the time of its founding and there is a likely theory that it was built somewhere else during the first half of the 7th century and moved to its current location around the time of the relocation of the capital to Heiankyo. 例文帳に追加

広隆寺は、東映太秦映画村で有名な太秦に所在するが、創建当初からこの地にあったものかどうかは未詳で、7世紀前半に別の場所に創建され、平安遷都前後に現在地に移転したという説が有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The temple has a rustic charm with its thatched sukiya-zukuri style (built in the style of a tea-ceremony hut) gate. It is also famous for its many graves of noted scholars and writers such as Junichiro TANIZAKI and Hajime KAWAKAMI, and its close proximity to Philosopher's Walk draws in many visitors during the spring and autumn tourist seasons. 例文帳に追加

寺は、鄙びた趣きをもつ、茅葺で数奇屋造りの山門と、谷崎潤一郎や河上肇などの著名な学者や文人の墓が数多く存在することで有名であり、哲学の道近くという立地も関係して、春秋の観光シーズンには、大勢の参拝者がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Despite this, it is generally thought that yashiki-gami originate from the ancestor gods of a particular house and were not enshrined at specific Shinto shrines, but those shrines that once did so include many that now enshrine the deities of famous Shinto shrines. 例文帳に追加

とはいうもののおおむね屋敷神はそれぞれの家に関わりのある祖先神を起源にしていると考えられるのであって、特定の神社の祭神を祀るわけではなかったが、現在では有名神社の祭神を祀っているとしているところも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These statues have been famous from olden times as supreme masterpieces produced during the Nara period when Buddhist sculpture in Japan attained its original classical style while being influenced by the Six Dynasties of China and the Tang Dynasty China, which is proved by a dignified appearance of the principal statue, natural carriage of attendant statues, good proportion of each statue, and so on. 例文帳に追加

中尊像の堂々たる像容、脇侍像の自然な身のこなし、各像のプロポーションなど、日本の仏教彫刻が中国・六朝や唐の影響を受けつつ、独自の古典様式を完成した奈良時代の作品のなかでも最高傑作の1つとして古来名高いものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The examples of 'gyobutsu' are the Higashiyama Gomotsu, which was the collection of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, the eighth shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, and also the one called 'Ryuei Gomotsu, which consists of famous Japanese tea utensils (tea things handed down to the Tokugawa clan); however, the word 'Gyobutsu' simply means the belongings of the Imperial Family and is usually referred to as 'gyobutsu.' 例文帳に追加

「御物」の用例としては、室町幕府8代将軍足利義政の所蔵品を指して東山御物(ひがしやまごもつ)、徳川家伝来の名物茶道具を指して柳営御物(りゅうえいごもつ)などと言う場合があるが、単に「御物」と言えば皇室の私有物を指し、「ぎょぶつ」と読むのが通例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Okina gusa," by Teikan KANZAWA, the Emperor was called the return of Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku), since they had similarities such as a New Year's birthday and there was a fire on the day of birth, or that they both achieved a lot in politics; moreover, the famous historian and court noble, Motomitsu YANAGIHARA, referred to the Emperor as 'the first Saint Emperor since the peaceful era of Engi and Tenryaku.' 例文帳に追加

神沢貞幹の『翁草』によると生まれが元旦でそのとき火事があり且つ実績も立派という共通点から聖徳太子の再来といわれ、歴史家としても知られた公家の柳原紀光も「延喜・天暦の治以来の聖代である」と評したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Study was famous for paintings on the walls or fusuma of the building by Mitsuoki TOSA and his child, it is said these pictures of well known places of Provinces around Kyoto were painted to comfort Empress Meisho, who spent all her life not being able to go out or to see people without the approval of the Edo bakufu and Emperor Gomizunoo. 例文帳に追加

書院は土佐光起親子が書いた障壁画で有名であるが、これらの絵画は江戸幕府や後水尾上皇らの許可無しでは、外出や他人との面会もままならない一生を過ごした明正天皇を慰めるために畿内の名所を書いた物と伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a (stone) monument where the Imperial Prince's mountain villa used to be, in the precincts of Moroha Shrine in Yanagiyama-cho Town, Shinomiya, Yamashina Ward, there is also a Shinomiya Jizo (the Guardian Deity of Travelers and Children) in Sensui-cho Town, Shinomiya and a (stone) monument written as, 'Imperial Prince Saneyasu Semimaru (the name as famous poet) Kuyoto (a tower erected for the repose of a dead person's spirit).' 例文帳に追加

山科区四ノ宮柳山町の諸羽神社の境内には、親王の山荘跡とされる場所があり石碑が設けられている外、同四ノ宮泉水町には四宮地蔵があり、「人康親王 蝉丸 供養塔」と書かれた石碑が建っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a famous episode that he achieved to construct Sunomata Castle in one night in the middle of the battle with Tatsuoki SAITO of Mino province; this episode was described in 'Buko-yawa' and others, but there is no description of historical data in the document, so it is considered to be a fiction in Edo Period. 例文帳に追加

美濃国の斎藤龍興との戦いのなかで、墨俣一夜城建設に功績を上げた話が有名だが、『武功夜話』などを典拠とするこのエピソードは当時の史料に関係する記述がなく江戸時代の創作であるとする説が強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this year, Ryoma achieved a crucial mission entrusted by Toshimichi OKUBO and Takamori SAIGO to deliver an OKUBO's letter, which is famous for its phrase, "Unjustifiable Imperial order is not Imperial order," to the Choshu clan's high-ranking official. "Politics in the End of Edo Era and Satsuma Clan" by Suguru SASAKI (Yoshikawa kobunkan, 2004). 例文帳に追加

この年、「非義勅命は勅命にあらず」という文言で有名な大久保利通の書簡を、長州藩重役に届けるという重大な任務を龍馬が大久保や西郷隆盛に任されている。佐々木克『幕末政治と薩摩藩』(吉川弘文館、2004年)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are two theories on the famous boiling in the cauldron, one of which is that he was supposed to be executed with his child but he tried hold his child up until he himself died in the hot water, and the other one of which is that he drowned his child at once so that the child wouldn't have to suffer. 例文帳に追加

有名な釜茹でについても2つの説があり、子供と一緒に処刑されることになっていたが高温の釜の中で自分が息絶えるまで子供を持ち上げていた説と、苦しませないようにと一思いに子供を釜に沈めた説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

ABE no Seimei (Haruakira, Hareaki, 921? to October 31, 1005) was one of the most famous Ommyoji (Ommyo diviner), and he is the ancestor of the Abe clan (Tsuchimikado family) who was responsible for Ommyo-ryo (Bureau of Yin and Yang) from the Kamakura Period to the early Meiji Period. 例文帳に追加

安倍晴明(あべのせいめい/はるあきら/はれあき、延喜21年(921年)?-寛弘2年9月26日(旧暦)(1005年10月31日))は、平安時代の最も有名な陰陽師の一人であり、鎌倉時代から明治時代初めまで陰陽寮を統括した阿倍氏(土御門家)の祖である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He officially married with the daughter of Shigeyori KAWAGOE (Sato Gozen) through Yoritomo's good offices, and also had concubines, one is a beloved Japanese traditional dancer, Shizuka Gozen, who is famous for her dance at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, and the other is the daughter of Tokitada, and she was said to have been forwarded to him by her father, Tokitada, who wanted to secure his own neck after the extinction of the Taira family. 例文帳に追加

妻には頼朝の媒酌による正室の河越重頼の娘(郷御前)、鶴岡八幡宮の舞で有名な愛妾の白拍子・静御前、平家滅亡後に平時忠が保身の為に差し出したとされる時忠の娘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Michinaga seemed to have favored Chinese poetry over waka (Japanese) poetry (incidentally, it is said that he did not particularly like his famous poem, 'This world,' because it was composed on the spot, and therefore, it does not appear in "Diary of Mido-Kanpaku," but it is passed down in "Ouki/Shoyuki" by his political enemy, FUJIWARA no Sanesuke). 例文帳に追加

もっとも道長本人は和歌より漢詩の方を得手としていたようである(ちなみに有名な「この世をば」の歌は本人も即興で作った歌であったために気に入らなかったとされ『御堂関白記』などには記載されておらず、政敵・藤原実資の『小右記』に伝えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the funeral service of Shigenobu OKUMA, which was held around the same time, was attended by famous people from a variety of fields, and the venue was crowded with the general attendants although his was not a state funeral (it was a 'national funeral' instead), even though Okuma was also a former Prime Minister and a genkun of the Imperial Restoration just as Yamagata had been. 例文帳に追加

これに対し、ほぼ同時期に行われた大隈重信の葬儀は、同じ首相経験者であり維新の元勲であったのにもかかわらず国葬にならなかったものの(「国民葬」とされた)、各界の著名人が出席し、一般参列者によってごった返すなどあまりに対照的だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He went on expeditions himself and actively strived for the reform of the shogunate; he was surrounded by great anticipation as a 'famous lord,' but in his last years he left the shogunate's political affairs to some of his close advisers, like the brothers of Masatane YUKI and Hisatoyo YUKI, as well as Moriyuki NIKAIDO, and caused a weakening of the otherwise domineering shogun's power. 例文帳に追加

自ら遠征を行ない、積極的に幕府再建を目指し、周囲からも「名君」と期待されたが、晩年には結城政胤・結城尚豊兄弟や二階堂盛行ら一部の側近に幕政を任せてその専横と将軍権力の弱体化を招いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to this version of legend, Shuten Doji was born in the Province of Echigo in the early Heian Period, a contemporary of the famous Japanese Buddhist leaders Denkyo Hoshi (Saicho) and Kobo Daishi (Kukai), and became a page of Kokujo-ji Temple (Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture) (there is a path called 'Chigo Do,' or literally Page's Path, at the foot of Mt. Kugami, which is believed to have been used by Shuten Doji). 例文帳に追加

伝教法師(最澄)や弘法大師(空海)が活躍した平安初期(8世紀)に越後国で生まれた彼は、国上寺(新潟県燕市)の稚児となった(国上山麓には彼が通ったと伝えられる「稚児道」が残る)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yasunari KAWABATA's famous collection 'Juben Jugi-zu (Ten Advantages and Ten Pleasures of Country Life)' is a book jointly created by Taiga and Buson which depicts the convenience of secluded life in mountains, based on Rigyo's (Qing dynasty, China) 'Juben Jugi-zu' (Taiga drew the Ten Advantages). 例文帳に追加

川端康成の蒐集品として著名な「十便十宜図」は、中国・清の李漁の「十便十宜詩」に基づき、山荘での隠遁生活の便宜(便利さ、よろしさ)を画題に大雅と蕪村が共作した画帖である(大雅は「十便図」を担当)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tenga no noriai incident (the incident of Motofusa in the Palace) was a famous episode that supposedly showed Kiyomori's cruel personality, but Kiyomori's retaliation against Motofusa MATSUDONO was a fictional episode in "Heike Monogatari," it was Shigemori who actually took cruel revenge, and according to 'Gyokuyo" and "Hyakurensho," Kiyomori in fact exhibited apologetic behavior toward Motofusa. 例文帳に追加

清盛の非道を示す有名なエピソードである「殿下乗合事件」は、清盛が松殿基房に報復したというのは平家物語のフィクションであって、実際には非道な報復を行ったのは重盛であり、『玉葉』や『百錬抄』の記述によれば清盛はむしろ基房に謝罪的な行為を示したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Taira clan was exiled from the capital in 1183, he rushed to Ninna-ji Temple and returned "Aoyama" which he was granted and offered waka; such episode was famous in 'Tsunemasa no Miyakoochi' (Tsunemasa's Flight from the Capital) of "Heike Monogatari" (The tale of the Heike) and 'An episode of Tsunemasa's visit to Ninna-ji Temple' article of "Genpei Seisuiki" (The Rise and Decline of the Minamoto and Taira clans), etc. 例文帳に追加

寿永2年の平家都落ちの際に仁和寺に駆けつけ、拝領の『青山』を返上し和歌を残した逸話は、『平家物語』中「経正都落」、『源平盛衰記』中「経正仁和寺宮ヘ参リシ事」条などで著名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Michinaga's daughter, FUJIWARA no Akiko, was wedded to the emperor in 999, Michinaga had a folding screen of four shaku (approximately 120 cm) wide created as a bridal gift, which was designed in such a way that Japanese waka poems, collected from well-known high court officials at the time and selected by FUJIWARA no Kinto, would be written onto it by a famous calligrapher, FUJIWARA no Yukinari. 例文帳に追加

長保元年(999年)道長の娘の藤原彰子が入内することになり、その調度品のひとつとして四尺の屏風をつくらせ、それは当時の公卿名士たちから和歌を募り、藤原公任が選首となり、書家の藤原行成に筆を入れさせる趣向であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Between them, they had children including MINAMOTO no Akimoto, who held the title of Gon Chunagon, was the personal attendant of Emperor Goichijo and entered priesthood after the death of the emperor, MINAMOTO no Takakuni, who was a person of wit and had the title of Uji no dainagon (major councilor of Uji) trusted by FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, who had the title of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), and the mother of Jojin Ajari, who was famous for Kashu (collection of family or personal waka, Japanese poems) that were reflections on her children. 例文帳に追加

後一条天皇の近臣で帝の崩後に出家した権中納言源顕基、関白藤原頼通に信任された才人・宇治大納言源隆国、子を思う家集で有名な成尋阿闍梨母らを儲けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His father, Imperial Prince Atsuzane, was famous for his biwa play and, most probably because of its influence, Masanobu was also a past master mentioned as 'very good at music and the greatest master of his period' and he defined 'Gen-ke Konpon Roei Nanashu' (seven singing poems for the Minamoto family) and later called "the patriarch of Roei recitation." 例文帳に追加

また、父敦実親王が琵琶の名手として有名で、その影響か雅信自身も「音楽堪能、一代之名匠也」といわるほどの達人で「源家根本朗詠七首」などを定め、後世に朗詠の祖とまで言われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kosho's existing masterpieces include the statue of Kuya Shonin (a collection of Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple), which is one of the most famous masterpieces of all image statues in Japan, and the statue of Kobo Daishi (a posthumous title of the priest Kukai) in Mieido hall of To-ji Temple, which became the model for the statues of Kobo Daishi in later years. 例文帳に追加

現存する康勝の作品としては、日本の肖像彫刻として屈指の著名作である空也上人像(六波羅蜜寺蔵)、後世の弘法大師像の規範となった東寺御影堂の弘法大師(空海)像などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reliable records of Noh performances show Zeami's famous activities of participation in Takigi-noh (Noh theater performed at night by a fire) held at Kofuku-ji Temple in 1427 and 1429, performance of Sarugaku at a festival held at Seiryo-gu Shrine of Daigo-ji Temple in 1428, performance of Sarugaku held at Kasagake Baba (a horse-riding ground for arrow shooting) of the Muromachi Imperial Palace in 1429, and performance of Noh held at the Shogun's palace in 1432. 例文帳に追加

確かな演能記録としては、応永34年(1427年)および永享元年(1429年)に興福寺の薪能に参勤、正長元年(1428年)醍醐寺清滝宮の祭礼猿楽、永享元年の室町御所笠懸馬場での猿楽、永享4年の将軍御所での能などへの出演が知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tomoyuki TANAKA, who is a producer and worked together with Okamoto for a long time, is also famous for having fostered special effects movies at Toho, however, as Okamoto declared publicly that he disliked special effects (probably in his film he could not accept the production system containing a part which was out of his control), Tanaka never proposed him any plans of that type. 例文帳に追加

長年名コンビを組んだプロデューサーの田中友幸は、一方では東宝特撮映画の育ての親として有名だが、岡本が特撮嫌いを公言していた(自作に権限外のパートが混在するシステムが相容れなかったと思われる)こともあり、彼にその種の企画を振ることはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1957, he re-released his own film 'Muhomatsu no issei' with the scenes that had been cut by the wartime censors restored; the complete version then went on to win the Grand Prix at the Venice International Film Festival, and the story of the brief telegram he sent to Japan just after receiving the reward, 'won, cried,' is quite famous. 例文帳に追加

さらに33年には自作「無法松の一生」を戦時中にカットされた箇所を元に戻して再度映画化し、ベネチア国際映画祭グランプリに輝く、このときに本国に「トリマシタ ナキマシタ」の電報を打ったという話は有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He not only wrote annotations on Buddhism, Waka, Military strategy and Classics, but also various works such as 'Kannin ki' (The Record of Patience), 'Kashoki Hyoban' (The Record of Amusing Rumors), 'Tokaido meisho no ki' (Famous places along Tokaido Road), and 'Honcho jokan' (Mirror of Japanese Women), and 'Otogiboko' (A Charm Doll) published in 1666 influenced later generations as the forerunner of horror stories. 例文帳に追加

仏教書・和歌・軍書・古典の注釈書などを著す一方、「堪忍記」「可笑記評判」「東海道名所記」「本朝女鑑」など多岐にわたる著作を行い、1666年(寛文6年)に刊行された「御伽婢子(おとぎぼうこ)」は怪奇物の祖として後世に大きな影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A descendant of Sugane, his son, Motokata, who climbed from monjosho to Dainagon (chief councilor of state) and others did not follow (his great grandson and the grandson of Motokata or FUJIWARA no Yasusuke was famous bandit) but Monjo hakase (professor of literature) was picked from the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan with him as the forerunner. 例文帳に追加

菅根の子孫は息子・元方が文章生から大納言に昇って以後は振るわなかった(菅根の曾孫・元方の孫の藤原保輔は盗賊として著名)が、彼を先駆者として藤原南家から文章博士が輩出されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She became famous for receiving the Nihon Kogeikai (the Japan Art Crafts Association) director-general prize in the Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition, Nikkei Inc. Award, Takamatsunomiya Memorial Award, and the Mayor's Prize in the Kyoto Applied Fine Arts Exhibition, and had an exhibition of 'Buddhist statues and saikin' with her husband, Kokei ERI. 例文帳に追加

また日本伝統工芸展において日本工芸会総裁賞、日本経済新聞社賞や高松宮記念賞、京都工芸美術展では市長賞など受賞を重ね、夫の江里康慧との二人展「仏像と截金」なども開催し、截金の認知度を高めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was taught by SUGAWARA no Tamenaga and famous for a broad knowledge about chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court) and kuji (public duties) and as a professional of government practices, and according to Yorisuke HIROHASHI, he himself was proud of it (in the section of October 8, 1229, "The Diary of Lord Yorisuke"). 例文帳に追加

菅原為長の教えを受け、朝儀・公事に関して高い見識を有し、政務に練達した人物として知られ、広橋頼資によれば本人もそのことについての自負を有していたという(『頼資卿記』寛喜元年9月13日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In classical literatures such as 'Taiheiki' (The Record of the Great Peace), he is described to have committed suicide with his elder brother Masashige by stabbing each other, and he swore the famous 'shichishohokoku' (which means if he is reborn seven times, he will destroy enemies of the Emperor to serve the country every time he is reborn); but this has been mistaken as the words that Masashige said by some people. 例文帳に追加

古典「太平記」などには兄・正成と刺し違えて自害したと記され、このとき有名な「七生報国」(七たび生まれ変わっても、朝敵を滅ぼし、国に報いるの意)を誓っているが、一部ではこれが正成の発した言葉と誤解されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A list of exemplary descendants would begin with his eldest son MINAMOTO no Yoshiie and include MINAMOTO no Tameyori, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, but would also include MINAMOTO no Yoshishige, founder of the Nitta clan, as well as MINAMOTO no Yoshiyasu, founder of the Ashikaga clan; in other words, his descendants include great numbers of the Minamoto clan's most famous and exemplary military commanders. 例文帳に追加

代表的な子孫としては、長男源義家からは、源為朝、源頼朝や源義経、源義仲の他、後の新田氏の祖となる源義重や足利氏の祖となる源義康といった源氏の代表的な武将が輩出される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shojo was proficient in calligraphy, painting and the tea ceremony, and was particularly famous as a good penman, who learned the calligraphy under Sakihisa KONOE, studied calligraphy of the Daishi-ryu and Teike-ryu schools, established a new school of calligraphy which was called Shokado-ryu school (or Takimoto-ryu school), and was, along with Nobutada KONOE and Koetsu HONAMI, given the honorary title of 'Three Brushes of the Kanei Era' 例文帳に追加

書道、絵画、茶道に堪能で、特に能書家として高名であり、書を近衛前久に学び、大師流や定家流も学び,独自の松花堂流(滝本流ともいう)という書風を編み出し、近衛信尹、本阿弥光悦とともに「寛永の三筆」と称せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nakayama-dera Temple associated with Tada-Genji in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture is famous for praying for a safe delivery, and its Haraobi (an obstetrical sash) called 'Kane no o' (a sash for the bell) is based on a legend that a principal image of the temple admonished infidelity of Yukitsuna's wife with the sash. 例文帳に追加

多田源氏ゆかりの寺であり、また安産祈願の寺としても有名な兵庫県宝塚市の中山寺(宝塚市)の「鐘の緒」と呼ばれる腹帯(晒)は、行綱の妻の不信心を本尊が鐘の緒をもって戒めたという伝説に基づく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kisakata located in the Honjo Domain was famous for its picturesque view consisting of Tsukumo-jima Islands and Yasohachi-gata Lagoon, which was depicted as 'small islands floating in the sea with shoals' and where Basho MATSUO also visited on his journey of "Oku no Hosomichi" (The Narrow Road to the Deep North), however, Kisakata was uprooted by the above mentioned great Chokai earthquake (Kisakata Earthquake) and changed into 'an extensive land with scattered mounds.' 例文帳に追加

松尾芭蕉が『奥の細道』でも訪れた「遠浅の海に小島が浮かぶ」九十九島・八十八潟の景勝地・本荘藩領の象潟はしかし、前述の鳥海大地震(象潟地震)により隆起し、「広々とした陸地に小山が点在する」風景となってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in January 1608, when he and other several persons such as Katsumitsu AMANO and Nobunari TSUDA were entertaining themselves at Gion (a famous entertainment area) in Kyoto, Michishige, who was a sort of drunken frenzy, forcedly drew some ladies of the wealthy merchant families such as those of Shiro Jiro CHAYA, Shozaburo GOTO into a teahouse and practiced hideous immorality such as forcing the ladies to drink. 例文帳に追加

ところが慶長12年(1607年)12月、天野雄光や津田信成ら数名と京都の祇園で遊んでいたとき、酒乱のために茶屋四郎次郎、後藤庄三郎などの富商の婦女を強引に茶店に引き入れ、酒を飲ます等の乱行を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that 'Sanada Juyushi,' famous as ninja of Yukimura SANADA, have their origin in the title of an omnibus of 'Sasuke SARUTOBI,' a book in the "Tachikawa Bunko" series, which was based on 'Sanada Sandaiki' and 'Nanba senki' and lauded throughout the world in the Taisho era. 例文帳に追加

真田幸村の忍者として著名な「真田十勇士」は、「真田三代記」や「難波戦記」を底本として、大正時代に一世を風靡した立川文庫の中の一冊·「猿飛佐助」が大好評を博し、その総集編のタイトルとして使われたのが始まりとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 15,1824 (according to the old lunar calendar), Atsuma (Kanetane) was adopted by Atsutane HIRATA, a famous scholar of ancient Japanese literature and culture, got married to Atsutane's daughter Oteu (later she called herself Orise), and changed his name to Atsusane, calling himself Kuranosuke (later he called himself Daigaku), then, he practically became the successor to Atsutane. 例文帳に追加

文政7年1月15日、兄である篤眞(鐡胤)は縁により国学者平田篤胤翁の養子となり、篤胤の娘おてう(後に織瀬と改名した)と結婚し、名を篤実(あつさね)、通称内蔵助(くらのすけ)のちに大角(だいがく)と改め、篤胤の後継者となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dr. Taizo KUMAGAI of the medical school of Tohoku University was a relative of Dr. Aoyama, and had a deep relationship with the Hirata family; Dr. Yasuhiko MORIOKA, who became world-famous when he operated on Emperor Showa, also had a relationship with the Hirata family and he wore a good-luck charm from the Hirata-jinja Shrine when performing the operation. 例文帳に追加

東北大学医学部の熊谷岱蔵博士は青山博士とは姻戚関係で、平田宗家とも関係深く、現在では昭和天皇の手術で一躍世界に知られた東京大學の森岡恭彦博士は、手術のとき平田神社のお守りを肌身につけて手術に臨まれたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a famous anecdote related to this occasion as follows: to the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa, who said to him 'As you were living a country life, you have forgotten music, haven't you?' he replied reciting a verse of imayo (popular style of song in Heian period) that originally reads, 'The river along the Kisoji Road which is supposed to be in deep Shinano,' by changing it slightly as, 'The river along the Kisoji Road which surely exists in deep Shinano,' (recorded in "Jikkinsho" [Miscellany of Ten Maxims], "Heike Monogatari" [The Tale of the Heike], etc.). 例文帳に追加

その際、後白河院に「田舎住まいで音曲など忘れただろう」という問いに対して、「信濃にあんなる木曽路河」という今様を「信濃に有し木曽路河」と謡い替えた逸話は有名(『十訓抄』『平家物語』などに記載)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a famous story about Sakon KOSUGI from the Takeda clan praising Tadakatsu with a rakusho (anonymous letter) of kyoka (comic and satirical poem) where he said 'Ieyasu has two things too good for him: Kara no kashira (the Chinese heads) and Heihachi HONDA' ('Kara no kashira' refers to helmets with tail hair of Yak which Ieyasu gathered for enjoyment.) 例文帳に追加

武田氏方の小杉左近から「家康に過ぎたるものは二つあり、唐のかしらに本多平八」との狂歌の落書をもって賞賛されたことが有名である(「唐のかしら」は家康が趣味で集めていたヤクの尾毛を飾りに使った兜を指す)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And Naomasa, who had now become Taishin (great feudal lord), blatantly said, "I managed to become Taishin because I served as well as a fine horse, even though you treated me like a fool, calling me brat or something, when the lord gave me that famous horse. It was you who were blind," when he met Shigetsugu. 例文帳に追加

そして、大身になった直政は重次と顔を合わせた時、「昔、殿が名馬を下さった時に子倅だの何だのと馬鹿になされましたが、このような大身になれたのは、名馬に違わぬ働きをしたからでございます。目が暗かったのは本多殿の方でありましたな」と言い放った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When OKUBO was guided to Hamadera park by Tomoatsu GODAI, he knew that Atsushi SAISHO, Sakai prefectural governor planned to cut pine trees and use the park for a residential area, so he composed a haiku (Japanese poem) saying "Even the pine trees on the famous Takasi sands are not able to escape noisy ripples in the world, opposing the residence plan". 例文帳に追加

五代友厚に浜寺公園へ案内された大久保は、堺県県令税所篤が、園内の松を伐採して住宅地として開発しようとするのを知り、「音に聞く高師の浜のはま松も世のあだ波はのがれざりけり」と反対する歌を詠んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the saying "Nogi of the land, Togo of the sea" he was classed with General Maresuku NOGI as the world-famous admiral who led Japan to victory by the daring Crossing the T tactic, and was much revered by the people as a hero of the Russo-Japanese War. 例文帳に追加

日本では、大胆な敵前回頭戦法(丁字戦法)により日本を勝利に導いた世界的な名提督として、『陸の乃木 海の東郷』と乃木希典陸軍大将と並び称され、日露戦争の英雄として国民の尊敬を集めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there is an opinion that Naritoshi (Ranmaru) MORI and Hidemasa HORI who were famous as Nobunaga's page as well as Toshiie played a role of his homosexual partner, there is almost no material that recorded whether the homosexual relationship existed or not actually, so it is considered that the episode about the crane soup written in this "Ashoko On-yobanashi" is very unusual. 例文帳に追加

同じく信長の小姓として有名な森成利(蘭丸)や堀秀政にも衆道を務めていたとの説が存在するものの、実際に衆道の有無を記した資料は殆ど存在しないため、この『亜相公御夜話』に記された鶴の汁のエピソードはとても珍しいものとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Tadataka was commonly famous as 'consultant of tenka (the world),' the anecdotes that he came to castle riding on 'o-darai' (large basin) under the prohibition from using koshi (litter) by hatamoto rank or below, or that he remonstrated with shogun Iemitsu whenever something happened, were the fiction in kodan storytelling or koshaku narration in the later period. 例文帳に追加

俗に「天下のご意見番」として名高い忠教であるが、旗本以下の輿が禁止された際に「大だらい」に乗って登城したという逸話や将軍・家光にことあるごとに諫言したなどの逸話は後世の講談や講釈の中での創作である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Apart from this, FUJIWARA no Kimisuke who was married to Tokimoto's sister inherited part of Ano-sho, and his descendants have prospered as a court noble of the ANO family (Renshi ANO who is famous as a concubine of the Emperor Godaigo and a real mother of the Emperor Gomurakami, is from this family). 例文帳に追加

これとは別に、時元の姉妹と結婚していた藤原公佐が阿野荘の一部を相続し、その子孫は公家の阿野家として繁栄している(後醍醐天皇側室・後村上天皇生母として著名な阿野廉子はこの家の出身である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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