
「Famous」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(83ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Matsuurato in northern Kyushu also famous for wako (Japanese pirates) could be interpreted as 'to' from outside, but it did not have same systemized actions, and unified for the first time during the uprising of Shimo Matsuura Party (Lower Matsuura Party) by Ryoshun IMAGAWA, who participated in the Kyushu Tandai (local commissioner) during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), but the order of signature of the contract for the uprising was decided by lottery in 1384. 例文帳に追加

倭寇としても有名な九州北部の松浦党は、外部からは「党」と見られるが、その実ほとんど組織的な共同行動はとらず、南北朝時代に九州探題であった今川了俊の働きかけによって最初の下松浦党の一揆団結が行われるが、1384年(永徳4)の一揆誓約書の署名の順番はクジ引によって決たという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jichie's master Kukai, one of the three famous ancient calligraphers of ancient Japan, was also of the same clan), they took on the role of myogyo-do teachers and Sakemaro's son SAEKI no Toyoo also held the position of engraving official seals (regulations under the "Engishiki" (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) Department of State codes and Ministry of Central Affairs codes) following the statement that 'owing to his fine seal engraving, he was made a member of the Tengaku Kan' ("Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts), December 20, 861). 例文帳に追加

また、実恵の師である三筆の1人空海も同族であった)ように、明経道の教員の一員同然となり、酒麻呂の子佐伯豊雄も「以彫虫之小、忝学館之末員」(『日本三代実録』貞観(日本)3年11月11日条)と評されるように官印の刻印を担当する職務(『延喜式』太政官式・中務省式に規定がある)が主となっていくようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to this attribute, the common hongan in South Korea consist mostly of the royal families of Silla, the royal families of Gaya (their Chushiso were the meritorious retainers who contributed to Tongilsilla), local ruling families and nobles of Silla, meritorious retainers of Goryeo, and immigrants such as famous Chinese scholars and military commanders (However, Wang families or Son families among Chinese immigrants have no hongan with the ancestry of the immigrants or small hongan with unclear origin.) 例文帳に追加

その性格ゆえか、韓国に多い本貫は、新羅王族系、伽耶王族系(中始祖が統一新羅に貢献した功臣)、新羅豪族・貴族系、高麗の功臣及び中国の著名な学者や武将などの渡来系(ただし、中国渡来系の中で王姓・孫姓などは、渡来系を祖先とする本貫が皆無か由来が不明な小さな本貫のみである)が大半を占める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following were typical examples of Ichidai-garo officers who were appointed to the post due to their abilities: Tsugunosuke KAWAI of the Echigo-Nagaoka domain, Hirosato ZUSHO of the Satsuma domain, and Seifu MURATA of the Choshu domain, all of whom played an active part in the abolition of the bakufu system, and as an older example, Tomofusa ONO of the Ako domain who became famous for launching a raid during the Ako Incident in the Genroku era (1688 - 1704). 例文帳に追加

有能な者が実力によって、一代家老(家老格)に登用された代表例として、幕末に活躍した越後長岡藩の河井継之助、薩摩藩の調所広郷、長州藩の村田清風、そして、古くは元禄期の元禄赤穂事件の討ち入りで、有名になった赤穂藩の大野知房などが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The seventh son of Munetake TOKUGAWA of the Tayasu family, Masamaru (later Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA), was famous for his intelligence since childhood and considered to be a successor, but roju Okitsugu TANUMA, an influential person in those times, and Harusada TOKUGAWA (the head of Hitotsubashi family) who backed up his son Ienari TOKUGAWA made him being adopted as a son of Sadakuni MATSUDAIRA, the lord of Shirakawa Domain in Mutsu Province. 例文帳に追加

田安家徳川宗武の七男・松平定信(後の松平定信)が幼少の頃から英明を謳われ、後継と目されたが、時の権力者・老中田沼意次や、子の徳川家斉(後の家斉)を推す徳川治済(一橋家当主)らの画策で、陸奥国白河藩主・松平定邦の養子にさせられたとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They also built Hiyoshi-cho Kyodoshiryokan (Hiyoshi-cho Town Folk Museum) and Kyoto Fumin no Mori (Kyoto Prefectural Citizen's Forest) in the area, and the dam lake, Lake Amawakako, became popular as the best spot for fishing in the north of the Kansai region, with a reciprocal effect of creating an extensive outdoor pleasure spot including Ono Dam and Wachi Dam which had long been famous in the country for bass fishing, and the Yura-gawa River which provided a course for the canoe competition at Kyoto Kokutai (National Sports Festival) in 1963. 例文帳に追加

日吉町郷土資料館や京都府民の森等もダム近辺に整備、また天若湖は関西北部屈指の釣りスポットとして有名となり、古くから全国的にバスフィッシングで有名な大野ダム、和知ダム、63年京都国体のカヌー会場にもなった由良川との相乗効果で一大アウトドアスポットとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Miyamaso (Yaso Ichimian - literally, wild herbs one-taste 'Miyamaso') is a restaurant and inn that is located in the Hanase-no-sato community on a remote mountain in Kyoto and is famous for Tsumikusa ryori (cuisine using wild herbs and vegetables), which was loved many intellectuals like Masaaki TACHIHARA and Masako SHIRASU and has been said not allowed to be taken out of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

美山荘(みやまそう)(野草一味庵「美山荘」)は、京都の奥山、花背(はなせ)の里にある「摘草料理」で有名な料理旅館で、摘み取った季節の草花や旬の野菜に魚を取り入れた美しい料理は、立原正秋や白洲正子など多くの文化人から愛され、京都から「門外不出」といわれてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sotoji NAKAMURA, a craftsman specialized in sukiya-zukuri architecture, was in charge of its design and construction: Sotoji NAKAMURA was also known as a master craftsman engaged in building many Japanese style hotels, restaurants and tea-ceremony rooms, including Jingu chashitsu (tea-ceremony room) of Ise-jingu Shrine, the tea-ceremony room in the Japanese garden at the Japan World Exposition and the tea-ceremony room in the Rockefeller residence, in addition to 'Tawaraya' (a famous Japanese style hotel) (designed by Junzo YOSHIMURA) in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

その設計と施工は、数寄屋造りの匠中村外二(なかむらそとじ)が担当したが、中村外二は京都の「俵屋」(設計:吉村順三)ほか、神宮茶室、日本万国博覧会日本庭園の茶室、ロックフェラー邸の茶室など、数々の旅館、料理屋、茶室を手がけた名工として知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Io' of Ioto no miya refers to "Anshitsu," i.e. a humble cabin, which a person who lives a life aloof from the affairs of the world such as a person of refined taste, or a priest uses at work, or refers to a camp for controlling the army (adapted from "Wamyoruiju-sho" [famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary]), so that Ioto no miya is believed to be derived from the residence of Emperor Korei who was literally the governor of the government. 例文帳に追加

庵戸宮の「庵(廬)」とは、風流人など浮世離れした者や僧侶が執務に用いる質素な佇まいの小屋である庵室を指したり、あるいは軍隊を管理する陣営を指す(歴史辞書『和名類聚抄』)ことから、文字通り政権の統括者である孝霊天皇が暮らした住まいに由来するものといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Famous members of the Taira clan included the following: TAIRA no Masakado of Shimousa Province and Hitachi Province, who tried but failed to establish an independent government in Togoku; TAIRA no Kiyomori, who led the aristocratic government; and the Bando-Heishi, supporters of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, who had toppled Kiyomori; ironically, both Kiyomori and the Bando-Heishi could trace their ancestry back to the lineage of the Taira clan that was native to the Togoku. 例文帳に追加

著名な平氏出身者としては例えば東国に独立政権を樹立しようとして失敗した下総国・常陸国の平将門、時代が下って貴族政権で台頭した平清盛の先祖も東国出身の土着平氏であり、これを倒した源頼朝を支えた坂東平氏も同じ土着系平氏の末裔であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding postal affairs, in Germany and the United Kingdom, where demand for mail service is declining, as it is in Japan, there are postal business companies: Deutsche Post in Germany, a famous privatized postal company, and Royal Mail in the United Kingdom, the oldest postal service in the world. These companies are reforming their postal businesses in a manner suited to the circumstances of their respective countries. 例文帳に追加

また、郵政関係では、郵便需要が減少傾向にある中、我が国同様、ドイツ及びイギリスにおいても、ドイツには民営化した有名なドイツポストがございますし、イギリスは世界で最も古い伝統を有するロイヤルメールがあるわけでございますが、それぞれ国情に応じ郵政事業の改革に取り組んでいる。 - 金融庁

Lastly, just as I also did in my blog today, let me talk about Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the former Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France and also used to be a professor at the famous ENA (Ecole national d'administration) of France. He is the incumbent Managing Director of the IMF, as he was when the Lehman shock hit. 例文帳に追加

最後に、今日私はブログに書きましたけれども、ドミニク・ストロス・カーンという人、これは世界IMF(国際通貨基金)の専務理事でございますが、フランスの社会党のときの経済・財政・産業大臣をした方でして、なおかつ有名なフランスのENA(国立行政学院)の教授もしていた方なのです。この方は、今IMFの専務理事でして、リーマン・ショックのときもIMFの専務理事でした。 - 金融庁

identical with the protected industrial design or any other object of industrial property, literary, scientific or artistic work protected under the copyright, the name or surname or artistic pseudonym of a famous person, or the portrait of another person or its misleading likelihood to the above, except in cases where consent has been granted by the owner of the rights or the successor of rights;例文帳に追加

保護されている工業意匠,若しくはその他の工業所有権対象物,著作権に基づいて保護されている文学,科学又は芸術作品,著名人の姓名又は雅号,若しくは他人の肖像と同一であるか,又は上記と混同する虞のある類似のものである場合。ただし,権利の所有者又はその承継人により同意が与えられている場合は,この限りでない。 - 特許庁

The registration bodies competent to grant or verify names of legal persons shall reject the name or business name requested if it corresponds to or may generate confusion with a known or famous trademark or trade name under the terms of this Law, except where the authorization of the owner of the trademark or trade name has been obtained.例文帳に追加

法人名称の認可又は検証を管轄する登録機関は,申請された名称又は事業名称について,本法の条件に基づく周知又は著名な商標又は商号に対応する又はこれと混同を生じさせる可能性のある場合は,商標又は商号の所有者の許諾が得られた場合を除き,これを拒絶する。 - 特許庁

In order to increase likelihood that the word uttered by a user of the navigation system is included in the limited number of items included in the word list, the word list is constructed so that it includes an item corresponding to a famous geographical characteristic point, the closest to a current position of a vehicle on which the navigation system is provided.例文帳に追加

ナビゲーションシステムのユーザによって発声された単語が、単語リストに含まれる限られた数の項目に含まれる尤度を高めるために、単語リストは、ナビゲーションシステムが設けられている車両の現在位置に一番近い有名な地理特徴点に対応する項目を含むように構築される。 - 特許庁

The concept of Premium Outlets has won extensive support from consumers in Japan as people can enjoy shopping all day long in them, surrounded in an extraordinary atmosphere where a variety of products, including famous domestic and foreign brands, are available at low prices. As a result, Chelsea Japan is steadily fostering a consumer market in Japan.例文帳に追加

非日常的な空間の中で、内外の有名ブランド品をはじめとした幅広い品揃えかつ格安価格でショッピングが1日中楽しめるという「プレミアム・アウトレット」のコンセプトは、日本の消費者にも広く支持されており、チェルシーによる日本の消費者市場の開拓は順調に進んでいる。 - 経済産業省

In this section, the museum exhibits and demonstrates ASIMO, one of the most famous humanoid robots in Japan and developed for household activities. Visitors are able to actually touch or operate a wide variety of robots, including PARO, a therapeutic robot designed to interact with humans and improve user’s motivation, relaxation, as well as reduce stress. By closely interacting with robots, visitors are able to understand with their eyes and hands “how robots move,” “what robots can do,” and “what robots can do for humans.” 例文帳に追加

人間の生活空間で活動することを想定して開発されているヒューマノイドロボット「ASIMO(アシモ)」や、人との相互作用により楽しみや安らぎを与えることを重視したセラピー用ロボット「パロ」など、様々な種類のロボットに触れたり操作したりしながら、ロボットとは「どんな動きをするものか」、「どんな仕事ができるのか」、そして「人間にとってどんな存在なのか」を、目と手で確かめることができる。 - 経済産業省

(iv) unfair competition listed in Article 2(1)(ii) ? the act of a person, who has used an indication of goods or business that is identical or similar to another person's indication of goods or business before said person's indication became famous among consumers and other purchasers or who has succeeded to a business pertaining to said person's indication, using such indication of goods or business without a wrongful purpose, or the act of said person assigning, delivering, displaying for the purpose of assignment or delivery, exporting, importing or providing through an electronic telecommunication line, goods using such indication of goods or business without a wrongful purpose; 例文帳に追加

四 第二条第一項第二号に掲げる不正競争 他人の商品等表示が著名になる前からその商品等表示と同一若しくは類似の商品等表示を使用する者又はその商品等表示に係る業務を承継した者がその商品等表示を不正の目的でなく使用し、又はその商品等表示を不正の目的でなく使用した商品を譲渡し、引き渡し、譲渡若しくは引渡しのために展示し、輸出し、輸入し、若しくは電気通信回線を通じて提供する行為 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Many other commercialized products exist in Japan that are difficult for Japanese to tell whether they are nihon-ryori dishes or foreign dishes for example; 'the essence of tom yam chazuke (boiled rice with tea poured over it' with the flavor of the 'tom yam' soup famous as a soup dish in the Kingdom of Thailand, 'the Morioka reimen' (cold noodles), the pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) Japanized by completely changing the udon nature using the leaf mustard that Vietnamese never ate originally, and 'rice burger' in which boiled rice is placed on the both sides of a teriyaki (grilled with soy sauce and sugar) beef paddy. 例文帳に追加

その他、一般の日本人向けの商業商品においても、タイ王国のスープ料理として名高い「トムヤム」スープ風味の「トムヤム茶漬けの素」、ベトナム麺を本来ベトナム人は食べない高菜を用いてうどん質を全く変えてご当地化した「盛岡冷麺」、牛肉の照り焼きを米で挟んだ「ライスバーガー」など、果たして日本料理なのか異国料理なのか判別に悩むものも多数存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous persons are SEN no Sotan/Sowa KANAMORI/Enshu KOBOI of tea ceremony, the Emperor Gomizunoo/Senko IKENOBO of flower arrangement, Sakuden ANRAKUAN/Tameharu MIURA/Teitoku MATSUNAGA/Mitsuhiro KARASUMARU of literature, Jozan ISHIKAWA/Razan HAYASHI/Seii HORI of Confucianism study, Soho TAKUAN/Monju ISSHI/Shosan SUZUKI of Zen, Nobutada KONOE/Shojo SHOKADO/Koetsu HONNAMI of Kanei no sanpitsu (the three masters of calligraphy in Kanei era), Soan SUMINOKURA/Nobuhiro KONOE of calligraphy, Sotatsu TAWARAYA/Tanyu KANO of paintings and Ninsei NONOMURA of ceramic art. 例文帳に追加

代表的な人物としては、千宗旦・金森宗和・小堀遠州の茶道、後水尾天皇・池坊専好の生け花、安楽庵策伝・三浦為春・松永貞徳・烏丸光広などの文学、石川丈山・林羅山・堀正意の儒学、沢庵宗彭・一糸文守・鈴木正三の禅、近衛信尹・松花堂昭乗・本阿弥光悦の寛永の三筆、角倉素庵・近衛信尋の書、俵屋宗達・狩野探幽の絵画、野々村仁清の陶芸などが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The journal of Doyu KUROKAWA's visit Renge-ji Temple in 1681 (included in "Tohoku Rekiran no Ki" (Records of looking around Tohoku region)) says that the Renge-ji's construction was carried out with the cooperation between the poet and calligrapher Jozan ISHIKAWA who built the Shisen-do hall, the scholar of Neo-Confucianism Junan KINOSHITA, the Kano School artist Tanyu KANO, Obaku Sect founder Ingen Ryuki Zenshi, and the 2nd chief priest Mokuan Seito Zenshi; and the 1786 publication "Shui Miyako Meisho Zue" (Images of Famous Places in Kyoto) includes an image of the temple precinct. 例文帳に追加

蓮華寺の造営にあたって、詩人・書家で詩仙堂を造営した石川丈山、朱子学者の木下順庵、狩野派画家の狩野探幽、黄檗宗の開祖である隠元隆き禅師や第二世の木庵性トウ禅師らが協力したことが、1681年(延宝9年)に蓮華寺を訪れた黒川道祐の訪問記(『東北歴覧之記』所収)に記され、1786年(天明6年)の「拾遺都名所図会」には境内図が描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The seventh Jihei OGAWA, who revived the field of gardening, was called Gennosuke and left behind sakutei of Heian-jingu Shrine, Maruyama Park, Murinan (official residence of Aritomo YAMAGATA), Seifu so (the official residence of Kinmochi SAIONJI), Tairyusanso (residence of Yaichiro ICHIDA), and gardens designated as the National Site of Scenic Beauty, as well as many famous gardens such as the Furukawa Teien Garden, Heian-jingu Shrine, the front yard of Kyoto National Museum, the residence of Nomura Hekiunso, Sumitomo family (Yuhoen, the residence of Chausu-yama Mountain, the residence of Unagidani, Sumiyoshi, the residence of Hyomachi in Tokyo City), Mitsui family, Iwasaki family, and the Hosokawa family. 例文帳に追加

中興の七代目小川治兵衞は源之助といい、平安神宮・円山公園・無鄰庵(山県有朋公邸)・清風荘(西園寺公望公邸)・對龍山荘(市田弥一郎邸)・等国指定名勝指定庭園の作庭、さらに古河庭園、平安神宮、京都博物館前庭、野村碧雲荘などや住友家(有芳園・茶臼山邸・鰻谷邸・住吉・東京市兵町邸)・三井家・岩崎家・細川家等数多くの名庭を残す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he played an active role in TV in the early 70's and again started producing movies, since he had experience directing Sayuri YOSHINAGA's movie at Horipro, Inc. (former chairman was Takao HORI), he had an opportunity to remake "Dancing Girls of Izu" having a famous actress and actor, Momoe YAMAGUCHI and Tomokazu MIURA, they were called the golden combination, and also directed remakes of "Shiosai," "Zessho," "Eden no umi," and he is well known for remaking movies and has a fresh and original technique for directing so his movies remain in the history of Japanese movies. 例文帳に追加

TV界に進出した70年代前半を経て東宝映画にて映画界に戻り、ホリプロ(元会長堀威夫氏)に吉永小百合作品を監督した経験から、山口百恵・三浦友和のゴールデンコンビで『伊豆の踊子』をリメイクする事になり、その後、『潮騒』『絶唱』『エデンの海』とリメイク作品の監督をし、その新鮮さと斬新な監督技法は日本映画界の中でも歴史に残る作品であり、代表作にリメイク作品が多いというのも特色である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1964 he directed "Getsuyobi no Yuka" starring photogenic Mariko KAGA which recently became famous, "Ryojin Nikki" (The Hunter's Diary) which was based on the book written by Masako TOGAWA and in which Noboru NAKAYA was stared and played a middle age man who fell into sexual love, "Suna no ue no Shokubutsugun" (Plants in the sand) which was based on the book written by Junnosuke YOSHIYUKI and which was said to be impossible to be made into a film, and "Onna no uzu to fuchi to nagare" (Whirlpool of Women) starring Nakaya and Kazuko INANO one after another, which were experimental unique works illustrating his distinguished talent. 例文帳に追加

昭和39年(1964年)には近年特に有名となったフォトジェニックな加賀まりこの『月曜日のユカ』、性愛にのめり込んで行く中年男性を仲谷昇主演で描く戸川昌子原作『猟人日記』、映画化不可能とまでいわれた吉行淳之介原作『砂の上の植物郡』、同じ仲谷・稲野和子コンビの『おんなの渦と渕と流れ』と立て続けに撮った実験的異色作にも並々ならぬ才気を見せる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on historical evidence, Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA of the Owari-Tokugawa family made clear that Lord Ieyasu's 'Goikun' (teachings), which includes the famous phrase of 'A person's life is as if going on a long road with a heavy burden on its back --- Consider that anger is an enemy,' had the following origin: First, in the Meiji period, Matsunosuke IKEDA, a shogun's former retainer having earned a 500 koku of rice crop, made documents with an autograph sign of 63-year-old Ieyasu, based on 'Hitono-imashime' (Admonitions), which had been said being Tokugawa's teachings, and then Deishu TAKAHASHI and others dedicated them to Tosho-gu shrines in various areas, including Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

「人の一生は重荷を負ふて遠き道をゆくがごとし…怒りは敵とおもへ」で有名な家康公の「御遺訓」は、明治時代に元500石取りの幕臣、池田松之介が徳川光圀の遺訓と言われる「人のいましめ」を元に家康63歳の自筆花押文書との体裁にしたものを高橋泥舟らが日光東照宮など各地の東照宮に収めたものであることを尾張徳川家の徳川義宣が考証した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Boshin War, sailors of Kanrin-maru, a ship of the Fleet of Enomoto Takeaki in the port of Shimizu, fought soldiers of the new government's forces and the dead bodies of the sailors were abandoned there (it is a famous story that SHIMIZU no Jirocho buried the bodies and gained a reputation for courage) and later during the Meiji period, a stone monument was erected for the war dead in the precincts of Seiken-ji temple in Shimizu; when Yukichi took a trip with his family to Shimizu, he read and got furious about the epitaph signed by Takeaki ENOMOTO on the monument, which said 'Men who served their master died for their master (which means that the servants of the Tokugawa family died for the Tokugawa family).' 例文帳に追加

戊辰戦争の折に清水港に停泊中の脱走艦隊の1隻である咸臨丸の船員が新政府軍と交戦し徳川方の戦死者が放置された件(清水次郎長が埋葬し男を上げた意味でも有名)で、明治になってから戦死者の慰霊の石碑が清水の清見寺内に立てられるが、福澤は家族旅行で清水に遊びこの石碑の碑文を書いた男が榎本武揚と銘記され、その内容が「食人之食者死人之事(人の食(禄)を食む者は人の事に死す。即ち徳川に仕える者は徳川家のために死すという意味)」を見ると激怒したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December 14, 1853, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) ordered Okayama Domain to guard Boso ('Hojo' [Hojo, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture] and 'Takegaoka' [Kagamigaura and Yawata, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture], which continued until July 1858) due to the arrival of the Black Ships, and thereby Gonrokuro moved from Okayama to the spot as the chief of staff, but he caused a mess such as making Boso Otsu-e (Otsu paintings, named after the town of Otsu in Shiga Prefecture) Song (a song of famous places and products) and holding a wild drinking party with soldiers every day, and even Tadazumi Igi, the commander in chief, indulged in a tea ceremony, and therefore, Tadatake KAGAWA, Igi's subordinate, submitted a petition of reformation in samurai (warrior) style (enforcement of official discipline) to Yoshimasa IKEDA. 例文帳に追加

嘉永6年(1853年)11月14日、江戸幕府より黒船来航のため岡山藩に房総警備(「北条(千葉県館山市北条)」と「竹ヶ岡(鏡ヶ浦・千葉県館山市八幡)」・安政5年(1858年)6月まで続いた)の命令が下ったので参謀長格で岡山から現地に赴いたが、房総の大津絵節(名所名物の唄)を作り兵士と共に毎日酒宴を開き騒いだり、総司令官の伊木忠澄も茶の湯遊びに耽っていたため、部下の香川忠武が池田慶政に士風刷新(綱紀粛正)の建白書を提出する騒ぎにまでしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sanyo Railway was using, in addition to Sanyo 820/850 series cars that were previously used for super-express trains, Sanden 2000 series cars including two-door cars for super-express and three-door cars for commuting trains, Sanden 250 series cars that were converted from Sanden 100 series wooden cars, Sanden 250 series cars, Sanden 270 series cars, Sanden 300 series cars that were converted from streamline-shaped small-size cars of Sanden 200 series cars, Sanden 2700 series cars that were converted from Sanden 700 series cars famous for broad-gauge 63 type, 700 type metal-made cars and Sanden 3000 series cars that are being used even at present. 例文帳に追加

山電も山陽電気鉄道820・850形電車といった元特急車のほか、2扉の特急車と3扉の通勤車が投入された山陽電気鉄道2000系電車、一部木造車が残っていた山陽電気鉄道100形電車を更新した山陽電気鉄道250形電車、山陽電気鉄道270形電車、流線型の山陽電気鉄道200形電車小型車を更新した山陽電気鉄道300形電車、広軌63系として有名な山陽電気鉄道700形電車を更新した山陽電気鉄道2700系電車と700系全金属改造車、そして現在も活躍する山陽電気鉄道3000系電車が運用されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In ancient times, the present-day Kameoka Basin was a large lake, and the region around the basin is said to have been named Ni-no-umi (cinnabar wave), or Tanba, after cinnabar waves rippling across the basin in a windy day; legend also has it that Okuninushi-no-mikoto, a famous deity in the Izumo Shinwa (Myths of Izumo), carved out a valley, poured water in it, reclaimed the area, and then named the river 'Hozu-gawa River' and the valley 'Hozu-kyo Gorge' after wife Deity, 'Mihotsu-hime,' and is the enshrined deity of the Izumo-Daijingu Shrine in Chitose-cho. 例文帳に追加

亀岡盆地は太古は大きな湖であり、風が吹くと美しい朱色の波が立ったところから、このあたりを丹のうみ・丹波と呼ぶようになったとされており、出雲神話で有名な大国主命が亀岡と嵐山の間にある渓谷を切り開いて水を流し土地を干拓して、切り開いた渓谷を「三穂津姫」の名前にちなみ保津川・保津峡と名付けたという伝説も残っており、出雲大神宮(千歳町)の祭神となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that, because long ago Kameoka Basin was a big lake with beautiful, vermillion waves caused by wind, this area was called のうみ(Ni-no-umi; umi means a lake in English) or 丹波(Tanba; means waves in English); others say that Okuninushi-no-mikoto who is a famous god appearing in the Izumo Shinwa (Myths of Izumo) carved a valley between Kameoka and Arashiyama, and made the water flow, forming land by reclamation, and named the carved valley 'Hozu-gawa River and Hozu-kyo Gorge' after 'Mihotsu-hime,' goddess in the position of wife of Okuninushi-no-mikoto; in fact, a fault has been found that shows that Kameoka Basin used to be a lake. 例文帳に追加

太古は大きな湖であり、風が吹くと美しい朱色の波が立ったところから、このあたりを丹のうみ・丹波と呼ぶようになったとされており、出雲神話で有名な大国主命が亀岡と嵐山の間にある渓谷を切り開いて水を流し土地を干拓して、切り開いた渓谷を妻神「三穂津姫」の名前にちなみ「保津川・保津峡」と名付けたという伝説も残っており、事実、湖だったことを示す地層も明らかになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The famous reformations of the shogunate government, 'the three biggest reformations' (the Kyoho reform, Kansei Reform, and Tempo Reforms) are part of 'Miyohajime' by Yoshimune TOKUGAWA (8th), Ienari TOKUGAWA (11th), and Ieyoshi TOKUGAWA (12th); the Ansei Reform and the Keio Reform can both be associated with the 'Miyohajime' of Iesada TOKUGAWA (13th) and Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA (15th) (the Bukyu Reform is thought to be associated with Edo geko, go down to Edo, of the Imperial envoy of Emperor Komei, but not with 'Miyohajime.') 例文帳に追加

著名な幕政改革であるいわゆる「三大改革」(享保の改革・寛政の改革・天保の改革)は、本来はそれぞれ8代徳川吉宗・11代徳川家斉・12代徳川家慶の「御代始」の一環であり、近年注目されている幕末の安政の改革及び慶応の改革も13代徳川家定・15代徳川慶喜の「御代始」と関連づけられる(もう1つの文久の改革は、孝明天皇勅使の江戸下向との関連であり「御代始」との関連性は無いとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(c) any identical or similar sign for goods or services which are not similar to those for which the trademark is registered, where the trademark is known or famous in Spain and where use of the sign made without just cause might suggest a connection between said goods or services and the trademark owner, or in general where that use might imply improper exploitation of or harm to the distinctiveness or notoriety or fame of said registered trademark.例文帳に追加

(c) 商標がスペインにおいて周知である又は著名である場合,及び正当な理由のない当該標識の使用が当該商品又はサービスと商標所有者との関連を示唆する可能性がある場合,又は一般的に,そのような使用が当該登録商標の識別性又は周知性若しくは名声を不当に利用するか又はそれにとって有害となる可能性のある場合は,当該商標が登録されたものと類似しない商品又はサービスのための同一又は類似の標識 - 特許庁

(2) All those who carry out any other act infringing the registered trademark shall be obliged to compensate for the damage caused only if they have received sufficient warning from the trademark owner or, where appropriate, the person authorized to take the action regarding the existence of the trademark, suitably identified, and infringement thereof, with the requirement that they cease such violation, or where in their actions guilt or negligence has played a role or the trademark in question was well-known or famous.例文帳に追加

(2) 登録商標を侵害するその他の行為を実行したすべての者は,適切に識別された商標の存在及びその侵害について,当該侵害を停止すべきとの要求と併せ,商標の所有者若しくは該当する場合は訴訟を提起する権限を有する当事者による十分な警告を受領した場合,又はその者の訴訟において罪若しくは過失が役割を果たした場合,又は当該商標が周知若しくは著名であった場合に限り,生じた損害について賠償する義務を負うものとする。 - 特許庁

A theory opposing to the flexible exchange rate system. It suggests that according to the economic nature and characteristics of countries being analyzed, introduction of a common currency (or fixed rates) is sometimes more desirable than the flexible exchange rate against other currencies. It also suggests that regions united under a common currency (or a fixed rate) need not necessarily coincide with the geographical range of an existing nation, and that it is sometimes more desirable that multiple countries form a common currency area. Robert Mundell and Ronald Mackinnon are famous initial advocators of the theory.例文帳に追加

変動相場制度への反論として、分析の対象となる国の経済的性質・特質によっては、対外的に為替レートを変動させるのではなく、共通通貨(ないしは固定レート)を採用することが望ましい場合があるとし、共通通貨(ないしは固定レート)で結びつけられる地域は、既存の国家の地理的範囲と一致する必要はなく、複数の国家がまとまって一つの通貨地域を形成することが望ましい場合があるとするとした議論で、初期の提唱者としてロバート・マンデルやロナルド・マッキノンが知られている。 - 経済産業省

In addition, where the trademark etc. of another person is famous, it constitutes an unfair competition if a person utilizes such another person's name as if it were his/her own product identification, even if the customers are not misled (Article 2 Paragraph 1 Item 2 his/her authorization etc, due to misidentification of the relationship between the linked page and the linking page, the person may bear tort liability under the Civil Code (in addition to criminal liability for libel or defamation under the Criminal Code (Law No. 45 of 1907, "keihou" in Japanese)). This matter itself is not peculiar to setting up a link itself. Rather, it is simply a sort of illegal act committed by means of a link on the website. Therefore, whether or not a person who sets up a link bears liability should be judged according to the general interpretation of relevant laws. 例文帳に追加

また、他人の商品等表示が著名である場合には、混同を生じさせなくても、自己の商品等表示として使用した場合には不正競争行為になる(不正競争防止法第2条第1項第2号)。更に、競争関係にある他人の営業上の信用を害する虚偽の事実を告知又は流布した場合にも不正競争行為になる(不正競争防止法第2条第1項第14号)。 - 経済産業省

Fine Molds has developed figures representing characters designed by the famous comic artist Akira Toriyama from his comics such asDragon Ball,” as well as plastic models of the airplanes, space ships and so on which appear amongst other things in anime movies likePorco Rosso (Kurenai no Buta)” (directed by Hayao Miyazaki), and sci-fi movies likeStar Wars” (directed by George Lucas). However, with these production companies which have copyrights and other such rights held on the works, the products have been achieved thanks to the praise the company has received for its thorough dedication.例文帳に追加

同社は、漫画「ドラゴンボール」等で有名な漫画家・鳥山明氏がデザインしたキャラクターのフィギュアの開発や、アニメ映画「紅の豚」(宮崎駿監督)やSF映画「スター・ウォーズ」(ジョージ・ルーカス監督)等の作品に登場する飛行機、宇宙船等のプラモデルの開発も手掛けているが、これらは作品の版権等の権利を持つプロダクションが、同社の徹底的なこだわりを評価して、実現した製品である。 - 経済産業省

In the first international meeting in 2009, the founder of Six senses resort was invited, who manages a resort hotel the customers of which belong to the luxury group. For the 2nd meeting in the following year, the founder of Ritz Carlton hotel and the world's famous France cuisine chef were invited as an opinion leader. In these meeting, information on Ishikawa's charm was disseminated to the world through the opinion leaders, and the organizers were able to understand the movement and needs of luxury group in order to explore future demands.例文帳に追加

2009 年の第1回国際会議にはラグジュアリー層を顧客としたリゾートホテルを経営するシックスセンシズリゾートの創業者を、翌年の第2 回会議にはリッツ・カールトンホテルの創業者と世界有数のフランス料理のシェフを招へいして、オピニオンリーダーを通じた石川の魅力の対外発信に努めるとともに、今後の需要開拓のために、ラグジュアリー層の動向やニーズを把握したところである。 - 経済産業省

However, there is a view that he just carried out this duty under the command of FUJIWARA no Tokihira or Emperor Daigo, as this was a famous story written in "Okagami" (The Great Mirror), "Kanke bunso" (an anthology of Chinese-style poetry by SUGAWARA no Michizane), a story of Sugane dying from the curse of Michizane after carrying out his revenge for the embarrassment of being slapped by Michizane before the audience in the imperial court in "Kitano Tenjin Engi" (History of Kitano Tenjin Shrine), the story of how he swore friendship with Michizane but KI no Haseo, who was Sadaiben (major controller of the left) and jiju (a chamberlain), also stopped the visit of the retired emperor besides Sugane in "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), and "Choshuki" (diary of MINAMOTO no Morotoki) written by later generations mentioned that the Cloistered Emperor Uda was banned from visiting without permission while the emperor is present. 例文帳に追加

これは『大鏡』・『菅家文章』に載せられた著名な話であり、『北野天神縁起』ではかつて宮中にて道真に衆前で頬を打たれた屈辱を晴らそうとしたとされ、後年菅根が道真の祟りを受けて死んだとされる伏線となる話であるが、『扶桑略記』によれば菅根のみならず、道真の盟友であった左大弁兼侍従紀長谷雄も上皇の参内を阻止したとされることや、後世の書籍である『長秋記』には宇多上皇が天皇在位中に天皇の許可の得ない上皇の参内を禁じたとする記述を載せていることから、藤原時平もしくは醍醐天皇の命令に従ってその職責を果たしたに過ぎないとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(1) A sign which is identical or similar to a prior trademark or trade name may not be registered as a trademark, even though its registration is requested for goods or services not similar to those protected by said prior signs, where, since the latter are known or famous in Spain, the use of such a trademark might indicate a connection between the goods or services covered by it and the owner of said prior signs or, in general, where that use, made without just cause, might constitute improper exploitation of, or detract from, the distinctive character, notoriety or fame of said prior signs.例文帳に追加

(1) 先の商標又は商号と同一又は類似の標識は,先の標識がスペインにおいて周知又は著名であるために,当該商標の使用がその対象である商品又はサービスと当該先の標識の所有者との関連を表示する虞がある場合,又は一般的に正当な理由なくなされた当該使用が当該先の標識の識別性,周知性又は名声を不当に利用し又はこれらにとって有害となる可能性がある場合においては,当該先の標識によって保護される商品又はサービスと類似しない商品又はサービスについてその登録を請求する場合でも,商標として登録することができない。 - 特許庁


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