
「Famous」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(82ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Moreover, the company has also enhanced its brand image by such activities as offering sponsorship to the Olympic Games and other sporting events, and promotingfamous spot marketingin which a large-size advertising signboard is put up at popular and highly visible locations with heavy flow of traffic, in various locations throughout the world.例文帳に追加

また、オリンピック等のスポーツへのスポンサー活動や、世界中の、通行量が多く知名度の高い場所へ大型の広告を設置する名所マーケティング活動を進めることで、ブランド力の構築に成功している。 - 経済産業省

The standard of living is high in Malaysia, which, under the firm leadership of former Prime Minister Mahathir and his famousLook East Policybasing economic development on the Japanese model, has employed a variety of industrial policies to develop its infrastructure and actively court foreign investment. 例文帳に追加

マレーシアは生活水準が高く、日本の経済発展を手本にしようという「ルック・イースト政策」で知られるマハティール元首相の強力なリーダーシップの下、様々な産業政策を打ち出し、インフラの整備も進み、外資誘致にも積極的であった。 - 経済産業省

who, for his part, whenever he had trodden the streets of Antwerp, had thought the daub of blue and red that they called a Madonna, on the walls of the wine-shop where he drank his sou's worth of black beer, quite as good as any of the famous altarpieces 例文帳に追加

というのは、ジェハンじいさんは、アントワープの町にでかけたとき、わずかなお金で黒ビールを飲むことがありましたが、そのようなときに見る居酒屋の壁に青と赤で書かれている下手くそな聖母マリアの絵だって、祭壇わきにかかっている有名な絵と同じくらい結構なものだと思っていたのですから。 - Ouida『フランダースの犬』

London is indisputably the headquarters of the Association, but the English people have got a scare, and smell International in everything as King James smelled gunpowder after the famous plot. 例文帳に追加

ロンドンは間違いなくこの団体の本拠地だが、イギリス人たちはおびえており、ジェームズ王が陰謀のあとで何を見ても火薬のにおいをかぎつけてしまったのと同様に、何があってもインターナショナルの関与を疑うような状態になってしまっている。 - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』


As a court noble during the transition period between the era of rule by regents and advisors (Sekkan seiji) into the era of rule by Retired Emperors (the Insei period), he recorded the changes in that period, the events that happened in his immediate circle, and his interactions with famous people of the day, and also noted his own opinions and evaluations of these activities in the diary he left behind, making him a person of great historical significance who recorded his first-person grasp of the period in his diary, a historical record of tremendous value, and passed on that understanding to later generations. 例文帳に追加

摂関政治から院政への過渡期の公卿として、その時代の動きや自身の身辺での出来事、また、重要な人物との接触や、その活動についての自身の意見や評価を日記として残し、その時代をつかむ上で重要な史料を後世に提供した重要人物である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And in Satake's famous volume, the handscroll showing the portraits of the 36 Immortal Poets, which is the oldest surviving work depicting them, among the vast majority of the figures shown seated in sokutai (ceremonial court robes) and sumptuous twelve-layered kimonos, one, Queen Kishi, is shown in a more relaxed posture, in uchiki-sugata (informal dress), modestly hiding her face from view; she is painted beautifully, with vivid colors, and her appearance reflects a truly regal quality, secluded there deep in her inner rooms. 例文帳に追加

現存最古の作品として名高い佐竹本三十六歌仙絵巻でも、束帯や華麗な十二単の正装に居住まいを正す歌仙が大半を占める中で、一人くつろいだ袿姿で慎ましく顔を伏せた斎宮女御は、いかにも深窓の姫君らしい気品漂う姿が華やかな色彩で美しく描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Three sub-categories are covered under the umbrella term "poetry circles of the Kyogoku school": 1) members of the Kyogoku family itself, a family famous for its waka production (this would also include the Reizei family, since at this point it had not yet split away and become independent), 2) gatherings of poets who had adopted the Kyogoku poetic style, and 3) the literary salon at Emperor Fushimi's court; each of these aspects reinforced the other until the overall entity took shape as something that could be called 'the Kyogoku school.' 例文帳に追加

京極派歌壇には、(1)歌の家としての京極家(および当時はまだ一家を成すにいたっていなかった冷泉家)、(2)京極派歌風を信奉する歌人たちの集まり、(3)伏見院宮廷における文学サロンの三つの面があり、それぞれが互いに重なりあいつつ全体として「京極派」と呼ぶべきものをかたちづくっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, unlike "Genji Monogatari" which begins 'in a certain era,' "Sagoromo Monogatari" begins with 'The springtime of youth does not stop, for it is already around the 20th day of the third month' (Yuhodo Bunko), which is based on a Chinese poem and a famous poem from "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) and depicts Sagoromo's anguish caused by his unrequited love for his younger female cousin Genji no Miya while being true to reality. 例文帳に追加

しかし、「いずれの御時にか」で始まる『源氏物語』と違い、「少年の春は惜しめども留まらぬものなりければ、弥生の二十日余になりぬ」(有朋堂文庫)と始まる書き出しは、白居易の漢詩や『古今和歌集』の名歌を踏まえ、従妹源氏の宮への遂げられぬ恋に起因する狭衣の煩悶を描き、現実を意識したものとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because this is the oldest, most famous and most important for research among the picture scrolls on The Tale of Genji and among picture scrolls that are called 'The Tale of Genji Emaki,' 'The Tale of Genji Emaki' often means (only) this one except as otherwise noted. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら現存している源氏物語を題材にした絵巻物の中で、また「源氏物語絵巻」という名称で呼ばれている絵巻物の中で最も古く、最も著名であり、研究史上最も重要な絵巻物がこれであることから、特に何の説明も付けずに単に「源氏物語絵巻」と呼ぶ場合にはこれ(のみ)を指すことが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The story situated during the Sengoku period (period of warring states) with two women who were mourning for young warriors that died in battle happened to meet each other, and its gazoku-setchu style, i.e. the mixture of dialogue in common language and narrative in elegant literary style received favorable reviews as the symbol of new style of contemporary literature, so Koyo suddenly became famous as a popular writer. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代に材をとり、戦で死んだ若武者を弔う二人の女性の邂逅というストーリーと、会話を口語体にしながら、地の文は流麗な文語文という雅俗折衷の文体とが、当時の新しい文学のあらわれとして好評を博し、紅葉は一躍流行作家として世間に迎えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Muromachi Period because of its organizational power and the ease-of-getting information the Bashaku played the central role at the riots in which the Tsuchi-ikki in Shocho era and the Tokusei-ikki in Kakitsu era were famous for, and in the latter the Bashaku in Omi Province who were taken under Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple that was attacked by the riot seceded from the riot force so that the Bashaku power itself was split. 例文帳に追加

その組織力や情報の得やすさなどから、室町時代には、一揆の中心にもなり、正長の土一揆や嘉吉の徳政一揆などが知られているが、後者では一揆の攻撃対象となった比叡山延暦寺の保護を受けていた近江国の馬借が一揆から離反して、馬借勢力そのものが分裂している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous archers include Sakae URAKAMI (Hanshi Judan - tenth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is shaho-seitei-iin (Archery Constitution Committee Member) and an editor of textbooks on archery; Hisashi MURAKAMI (Hanshi Judan - tenth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is vice-president of All Nippon Kyudo Federation; Genshiro INAGAKI (Hanshi Kyudan - ninth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is a professor at Tokyo University of Education and an instructor for the Budo Federation of Germany. 例文帳に追加

有名な射手としては、弓道教本編集に関わり射法制定委員であった浦上榮(うらかみさかえ)範士十段、全日本弓道連盟副会長を務めた村上久範士十段、東京教育大学教授でドイツ武道連盟師範であった稲垣源四郎範士九段がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a popular theory, they are recognized as portraits of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, TAIRA no Shigemori, and FUJIWARA no Mitsuyoshi, and reported that they were drawn by the famous nise-e painter FUJIWARA no Takanobu, who lived at the end of 12th century; however, a new theory was announced in 1995 that they are the portraits of Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, Takauji ASHIKAGA, and Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA; the identification of the figures and the timing of drawing have been controversial since then. 例文帳に追加

通説では、国宝名称にあるように源頼朝・平重盛・藤原光能の肖像画とされ、12世紀末の似絵の名手藤原隆信の作とされていたが、1995年(平成7)に足利直義・足利尊氏・足利義詮の肖像画であるとする新説が発表され、以後、像主・成立時期などをめぐって論争が続いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, not a few local ramen have become famous without actual forms (like Kobe ramen and Naniwa ramen) or have already become a mere name (like Sapporo ramen and Hakodate ramen); compared with them, 'Kyoto ramen' has an evident entity and satisfies requirements as the local ramen much more. 例文帳に追加

実際、ご当地ラーメンには、神戸ラーメンや浪花ラーメンのように、実体はないのに言葉だけが一人歩きしているものや、札幌ラーメンや函館ラーメンのようにすでに形骸しているものも多くあり、それらと比較すれば、「京都ラーメン」は、確かな実体もあり、はるかにご当地ラーメンの要件を満たしていると言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although originally the same length as Japanese swords, towards the end of the Edo period, many people started using shinai over 1.2 meters long since it gave them an advantage in tournaments (the famous Susumu OISHI used a very long shinai of 5 shaku 3 zun, or about 161 cm), and due to the above situation it is said that people began to use shinai longer than swords. 例文帳に追加

元々は日本刀とほぼ同じ長さであったが、江戸時代末期に試合に有利なため4尺を超える竹刀を使用する者が多く現れ(5尺3寸≒161cmの長大な竹刀を使用した大石進が代表的である)、その対抗上、竹刀の長さは刀より長いものを使用するようになったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was famous for being a good combination and rivalry with kengyo KIKUOKA, but he was forced to eat the leftovers of KIKUOKA who had assumed a kengyo earlier and bore a grudge against KIKUOKA, but when there was an ensemble with KIKUOKA he played the koto freely and beat KIKUOKA down and next time KIKUOKA improvised staggeringly blowing him out and at last they thawed and became good musical friends. 例文帳に追加

菊岡検校とは名コンビ、良きライバルとして有名で、先に検校へと登官した菊岡から食事の残り物を食べさせられたのを遺恨に思い、菊岡との合奏の際に箏を縦横無尽に弾き菊岡を打ち負かしたが、菊岡も次には八重崎を圧倒するほどの即興演奏を行ない、そうこうする内に互いに打ちとけて良き楽友となったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, these came down to musicians in Kyoto, refined by them and 'Kyoto-style tegotomono' (a form of Japanese chamber music) was spawned and the following numerous famous works were composed: "Uji meguri" (uji tour), "Shiki no Nagame" (Viewing the Four Seasons), "Sue-no-chigiri" and so on by kengyo MATSUURA and "Yaegoromo" (An Eight-Fold Garment), "Shin Aoyagi" (new green willow) and so on by koto ISHIKAWA and "Nagara-no-haru," "Iso Chidori" (beach plover), "Yugao" (Evening Face), "Cha ondo" (Tea Song) and so on by kengyo KIKUOKA and "Sakuragawa" (Sakura river), "Nanakomachi" (Seven Komachi) and so on by kengyo MITSUZAKI. 例文帳に追加

さらにこれが京都の音楽家たちに受け継がれ、洗練されて「京流手事物」が生まれ、松浦検校の『宇治巡り』、『四季の眺』、『末の契』など、石川勾当の『八重衣』、『新青柳』など、菊岡検校の『長等の春』、『磯千鳥』、『夕顔』、『茶音頭』など、光崎検校の『桜川』、『七小町』など、数多くの名曲が作られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most famous paintings are two pieces (the sixth and eleventh fans of "hokkekyo" vol. 7) held by Shitenno-ji Temple depicting the market in Heian-kyo (the ancient name of Kyoto), in which a woman wearing an apron is selling various commodities including fish, fruits, Japanese melons, chestnuts and cloths in a small 2-meter wide shop and another woman wearing an ichime-gasa (a kind of woman's cap with a shade) and uchigi (ordinary kimono) is walking before the shop. 例文帳に追加

なかでも名高い遺品は、四天王寺所蔵の平安京の市場の風景を描いた二葉(法華経巻七扇6、同扇11)で、間口一間の小さな店では前掛けをした市女によって魚、果物、瓜、栗、布など多種多様な商品を売られており、その前を市女笠(いちめがさ)をかぶり、袿をまとった女性が通行しているようすが描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most famous example is the tactics conducted by Spanish military personnel, Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba during the Italian Wars in 1503, where he commanded the Arquebusiers, whose number is estimated to have been 2000, positioned in a hastily built fosse and the embankment made with the remaining clod, that broke up the advancing French heavy cavalry troop, and these wars were an important factor leading to the establishment of Spanish hegemony. 例文帳に追加

最も著名な例は1503年イタリア戦争中、スペイン軍人ゴンサロ・フェルナンデス・デ・コルドバが行った戦法で、急造の堀とその残土を利用した土手に拠った二千名と推定されるアルケブス銃兵を指揮して、押し寄せたフランス重騎兵団を粉砕し、スペインの覇権確立の重要な要因となった戦いがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This battle is famous for the first record of the use of the gun, and it is said that the evidence of rapidly established horse-blocking fence is being revealed by an excavation and research, but, even though guns were used, they were very few and the fact and effect of the use of guns still remain to be proven. 例文帳に追加

この戦いは火砲の使用が初めて記録された戦いとしても有名であり、また馬防柵を急造設置したらしい痕跡が現在発掘調査で明らかになりつつあると言われているが、火砲は使用されたとしても極少数であり、使用の事実及び効果に付いてはまだ今後の研究を待つ所が大きい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Presently in Japan, shorinji kenpo and nihon kenpo are famous - the former has spread among a wide range of people within background of a new religion and the latter has spread among some groups centered on university kenpo teams and turned into a sport in a sense – but both are performing activities such as showing their techniques on TV. 例文帳に追加

現在、日本で拳法と名の付く代表的なものには少林寺拳法と日本拳法があり、前者は仏教系新宗教を背景として幅広い層に普及し、後者は大学拳法部を中心にいくつかの団体に分かれて広がってきたが、スポーツ化した一面も持つと言われており、いずれもテレビで技を見せるなどの活動もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Elsewhere, in the tea ceremony passed on from Sotsu ISHIZUKA, a student of Fuhaku, masters in the Meiji period were famous for their exchanges with Tenshin OKAKURA, and again, in the tea ceremony passed on by Ihaku KAWAKAMI, another student of Fuhaku, one of the masters was Shigeru KISHIDA, the wife of Ryusei KISHIDA, who was designated as the sixth master of Ihaku KAWAKAMI and then restored the Edosenke Ihaku school. 例文帳に追加

このほか、不白の門人の石塚宗通が代々伝えた流れでは明治になって岡倉天心と交流があったことで有名であり、また同じく不白の門人で川上渭白が伝えた流れには岸田劉生夫人の岸田蓁(しげる)がいて、6代川上渭白と称して江戸千家渭白流を再興した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A famous lighting technician who worked at the Shochiku Kyoto Studio named Shigeru MUTAGUCHI, known for his nickname 'Mutayan' (later known as Korema ARIMA), joined Nakane Productions under the name 'Shigeaki ARIMA,' bringing over Kenichi Enomoto (he referred to himself as 'Ken ENOMOTO' at the time), a chorus boy for the Asakusa Opera and Obeya-haiyu (an actor who played bit-parts to establish their career and lived together with other actors who had the same aims) from Toa Kinema Kyoto Studio (also known as Toji-in Studio). 例文帳に追加

中根プロには、松竹京都撮影所の名物照明マンだった「ムタやん」こと牟田口茂(のちの有馬是馬)が俳優に転向、「有馬茂明」を名乗り、浅草オペラのコーラスボーイ崩れで東亜キネマ京都撮影所(等持院撮影所)の大部屋俳優だった榎本健一(当時「榎本健」名義)を連れて参加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some of the more famous Night Markets are: 'the Shilin Night Market' (Largest scale in northern Taiwan) in the Shilin area of Taipei City, 'the Ningsia Night Market' of Datong District, 'the Huasi Street Night Market' of Wanhua District, 'the Raohe Street Night Market' of Songshan District, 'the Shida Night Market' near the National Taiwan Normal University, 'the Gong Guan Night Market' near the administration building of the National Taiwan Normal University, 'the Le hua Night Market' of Yonghe City in Taipei County, 'Fong Jia Night Market' (the Largest scale in Middle Taiwan) of Taichung City, and 'the Liu He Night Market' of Kaohsiung City. 例文帳に追加

有名な夜市として、台北市士林地区の「士林夜市」(北台湾最大規模)、大同区の「寧夏夜市」、萬華区の「華西街夜市」、松山区の「饒河街夜市」、台湾師範大学近くの「師大夜市」、台湾大学本部近くの「公館夜市」、台北県永和市の「楽華夜市」、台中市の「逢甲夜市」(中台湾最大規模)、高雄市の「六合夜市」などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous scenes are that a beautiful man dressed as a woman, Bentenkozo Kikugoro, made a speech (declaring that he was a man and showing a tattoo) in Scene One (Yukinoshita Hamamatsuya) of Act Two, and that Goninotoko (five men) who put up their bangasa (coarse oilpaper umbrella) with the letters of 'Shi-ra-na-mi' (らなみ in Japanese) left undyed, and pretended to be otokodate (ones who seek to right wrongs) made a speech in Scene Three (Inasegawa seizoroi) of Act Two. 例文帳に追加

二幕目第一場(雪の下浜松屋の場)での女装の美男子、弁天小僧菊之助の名乗り(男であることを明かして彫り物を見せつける)、二幕目第三場「稲瀬川勢揃いの場」では「志らなみ」の字を染め抜いた番傘を差して男伊達の扮装に身を包んだ五人男の名乗りが名高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These modification gained the favor of Kodanji and later they became a good combination to produce some other famous plays: "Tsutamomiji Utsunoya-toge" (also known as "Bunya goroshi" [Killing of Bunya]), "Sannin Kichisa kuruwa no hatsugai" (also known as "Sannin Kichisa" [Three Men Named Kichisa]), "Kanzen choaku nozoki karakuri" (also known as "Choan MURAI"), "Nezumi komon haruno shingata" (also known as "Nezumi kozo"), "Kosode soga azami no ironui" (also known as "Izayoi Seishin"), "Hachiman matsuri yomiya no nigiwai" (also known as "Chizimiya Shinsuke") and so on. 例文帳に追加

このことが小團次の気に入り、以降新七と小團次の名コンビによる『蔦紅葉宇都谷峠』(文弥殺し)、『三人吉三廓初買』(三人吉三)、『勧善懲悪覗機関』(村井長庵)、『鼠小紋東君新形』(鼠小僧)、『小袖曾我薊色縫』(十六夜清心)、『八幡祭小望月賑』(縮屋新助)などの名作が作られてゆくことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Speaking of cavalry, the one that belonged to Shingen TAKEDA in the Kai Province during the Sengoku period was famous because of following reasons; the imperial pastures were established in the Kai and Shinano Provinces from ancient times, so there were many people who excelled in handling horses, and also many places for breeding horses; these areas had an image symbolized by the legend of a black horse of Kai; the horses bred in these areas showed high mobile ability in mountainous regions. 例文帳に追加

また、騎馬隊といえば、戦国期甲斐国の武田信玄の騎馬隊が有名であるが、これは古来から甲斐や信濃国に御牧が設置され騎馬の扱いに長けた者や馬の産地が多く甲斐の黒駒伝承に象徴されるイメージ的な要素や、かの地の馬が山岳機動に優れた能力を示したといった様々な説が唱えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One of Daigo-ji Temple's major activities is the Segaki memorial service, which centers around the magnificent outdoor bonfire Saito-Goma, originated by the Daigo-ha sect, held in August; in February at the Godairikison Ninnoe festival the temple burns the same Saito-Goma bonfire and praise the virtuous deeds of the Godai Myoo; that festival is famous for the contest of strength, in which participants lift a giant Kagami mochi (rice cake) of nearly 150kg. 例文帳に追加

醍醐寺の主な行事としては、醍醐派が本家である壮大な屋外大護摩柴燈護摩(さいとうごま)を中心とした施餓鬼法要が8月に厳修されるほか、2月には同様に柴燈護摩を炊き上げて五大明王の功徳を讚える「五大力尊仁王会」(ごだいりきそんにんのうえ)が厳修され併せて150キロ近い巨大な鏡餅を持ち上げる力比べが行われることで有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kenmu Restoration appeared to be a reactionary movement, but was in fact an old and ignorant imperial dictatorship, and most of the measures introduced, such as aristocracy-centered political management that excluded the samurai, sudden reforms, inability to handle lawsuits for land, inequality in rewards, and the unreasonable Daidairi Construction Plan, caused discontent in various sectors, especially in the samurai class. As a consequence, criticism of the government for its incompetency grew, as was evidenced in the famous Nijogawara Graffiti, and the government completely lost power over the public. 例文帳に追加

建武の新政は表面上は復古的であるが、内実は蒙古的な天皇専制を目指し、武家を排除した公家中心の政権運営を敷き、性急な改革、土地訴訟への対応の不備や恩賞の不公平、大内裏建設計画などその施策の大半が各方面、特に武士勢力の不満を呼び、また有名な二条河原の落書に観られるようにその無能を批判され、権威を全く失墜した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Emperor Gokomatsu only had one male child, Emperor Shoko, (Emperor Shoko's Crown Prince, Emperor Gokomatsu's second Prince died young, and in fact, Sojun IKKYU the famous monk was Emperor Gokomatsu's Prince, he had to enter into the priesthood at a young age for political reasons, he did not have any right to succeed to the throne.) Emperor Shoko did not have any children and he was born weak, and he was not expected to live long. 例文帳に追加

更に後小松には称光しか男子がおらず(称光の皇太子であった後小松の第2皇子は早世、実はこの他に名僧として知られた一休宗純も後小松の皇子であったが、政治的事情により早くから出家させられて皇位継承権を失っていた)、更に称光には子供がいない上に虚弱体質であったためにいつ崩御されてもおかしくない状態となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the policy of the Emperor Showa, 'Learn the thought and custom of the West,' he studied from October 1946 to December 1950 under a Quaker enElizabeth_Gray_Vining, a famous juvenile literary person in the U.S. (in Japan, she was known as 'Mrs. Vining'), who was invited as a tutor. 例文帳に追加

昭和21年(1946年)10月から昭和25年(1950年)12月まで、昭和天皇の「西洋の思想と習慣を学ぶ」という方針に従い、アメリカ合衆国の著名な児童文学者にしてクエーカー教徒のエリザベス・ヴァイニング(日本では「ヴァイニング夫人」として知られている。enElizabeth_Gray_Vining)が家庭教師として就き、その薫陶を受ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'temple gate' scene in Kabuki, "Kinmon Gosan no Kiri (Sanmon Gosan no Kiri)" (The Temple Gate and the Paulownia Crest), is a famous scene in which he takes a flamboyant pose with a tobacco pipe in one hand and says, 'What a glorious view, what a glorious view, the scenery of spring is worth its weight in gold, how small that is, how small that is,' and he reads a poem as a part of his line in the temple gate scene, 'Although there maybe an end to ISHIKAWA and sand on the beach, there is no end to the seeds of robbers in this world (said to be his poem at his death)' as he is roasted to death in a cauldron. 例文帳に追加

歌舞伎『金門五山桐』(楼門五三桐)の「山門」の場で「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の眺めは値千金とは小せえ、ちいせえ」と煙管片手に見得を切り、楼門の場の科白で釜煎りにされながら詠む「石川や 浜の真砂は 尽きるとも 世に盗人の 種は尽きまじ(辞世の句とされている)」が有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the Yoshitsune legends, especially famous stories is the story of his encounter with Musashibo Benkei at Gojo-ohashi Bridge, the anecdote that he learned strategy by stealing ancient Chinese strategy books, "Rikuto" and "Sanraku" owned by Onmyoji (diviner) Hogen KIICHI, making use of a love affair with his daughter, and the legend of Musashibo Benkei's Standing Death in the Battle of Koromogawa, and they were extended widely through "Gikeiki," which is said to have been written in the early Muromachi period, 200 years after Yoshitsune's death. 例文帳に追加

義経伝説の中でも特に有名な武蔵坊弁慶との五条大橋での出会い、陰陽師鬼一法眼の娘と通じて伝家の兵書『六韜』『三略』を盗み出して学んだ話、衣川合戦での武蔵坊弁慶弁慶の立ち往生伝説などは、死後200年後の室町時代初期の頃に成立したといわれる『義経記』を通じて世上に広まった物語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also at Tekigaiso, at the end of September, 1941, that Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, Isoroku YAMAMOTO, who was asked by Konoe about the Navy's prospects in the fight against the U.S., worried Konoe with the famous words, 'If you say I must, I will show you how much damage we can inflict for the first half a year or a year. However, if it goes on for 2 to 3 years, I have absolutely no confidence.' 例文帳に追加

昭和16年9月末に近衛から対米戦に対する海軍の見通しを訊かれた連合艦隊司令長官の山本五十六が、「是非やれと言われれば初めの半年や一年は随分と暴れてご覧に入れます。しかし、二年、三年となれば、全く確信は持てません」という有名な回答で近衛を悩ませたのも、この荻外荘においてであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to "Enko-in Jiden" (history of Enko-in Temple), which is historical material kept by Enko-in Temple at that time, just before Shingen's death at Komaba in Shinano Province, he called Nobuharu BABA to his bedside and left his will to send to Sessan-osho (a priest), for dedication to Enko-in Temple, his Jinchu Mamorihonzon (guardian deity at the front), Tohachi-bishamon (a statue of Bishamoten) and Shogun-jizo (Jizo that brings victory), carved at Shingen's order by Kunaikyo hoin Yasukiyo ([宮内法印 定訳不明])(famous busshi (sculptor of Buddhist Statues) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period and worshipped very much). 例文帳に追加

さらに、円光院に伝わる当時の史料・『円光院寺伝』によると、信玄が信濃国駒場で臨終間近の時、病の床に馬場信春を呼び寄せ、(安土桃山時代の高名な仏師)宮内卿法印康清に彫らせた、自分が日頃から信仰していた陣中守り本尊、刀八毘沙門・勝軍地蔵を託し、説三和尚に送り、円光院に納めてくれるように遺言したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the notes and additional remarks of No. 1219, "Gosen Wakashu (the second of the Imperial anthologies of classical Waka poetry) Vol. 17, Miscellaneous 3," she was a 'famous, tasteful woman' who lived in Shirakawa in Tsukushi Province; when FUJIWARA no Okinari, a senior assistant governor-general of Government Headquarters in Kyushu, asked her to fetch water, she is to be said to have composed a poem which reads, 'Time has passed and my once black hair has turned white, and I have fallen so low that now I have to fetch water from the Shirakawa River myself.' 例文帳に追加

『後撰和歌集・巻第十七・雑三』、1219番の詞書と付記によれば、筑紫国の白河という所に住んでいた「名高く、事好む女」で、大宰大弐・藤原興範に水を汲むよう乞われると、「年ふればわが黒髪も白河の みづはくむまで老いにけるかも」と詠んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note: "Tosaku-shi" (Topography of East Mimasaka Province), written in the late Edo period, explains that Musashi's birthplace was Mimasaka Province (present Okayama Prefecture), and since Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote the novel "Miyamoto Musashi" using information about the topography, Mimasaka became famous as Musashi's birthplace, what's more, Okayama Prefecture and Mimasaka City (previous Ohara-cho, Okayama Prefecture) are encouraging the development of tourist attractions. 例文帳に追加

注:江戸時代後期の地誌『東作誌』には美作国(現在の岡山県)で生まれたという説が記載されており、それを根拠として美作生誕説が生まれ、同説は吉川英治の小説『宮本武蔵』などに採用され有名であり、小説に基づいて岡山県および美作市(旧大原町(岡山県))などは宮本武蔵生誕地として観光開発を行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masanao's son Kagehide TOYOTA adapted his father's work "Buko-den" for "Niten-ki;" later, in 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that to write "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); in addition, Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;"therefore, the stories written in "Niten-ki" became famous. 例文帳に追加

『武公伝』の内容は正脩の子・豊田景英によって『二天記』に再編集され、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で『二天記』が原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから現代にも広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1909, Miyamoto Musashi Iseki Kenshokai (the association in honor to the accomplishments of Musashi MIYAMOTO) of Kumamoto Prefecture regarded the descriptions of the duel in "Niten-ki" as historical facts and based on that wrote "Miyamoto Musashi" (called "Kenshokai-bon"); and Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote a novel "Miyamoto Musashi" (1935-1939) based on the information of "Kenshokai-bon;" therefore, the story of the duel written in "Niten-ki" became famous. 例文帳に追加

『二天記』が詳述した岩流との試合内容は、明治42年(1909年)熊本の宮本武蔵遺蹟顕彰会編纂による『宮本武蔵』通称『顕彰会本』で原資料の一つとなりそのまま史実とされ、さらに吉川英治が小説『宮本武蔵』(1935年-1939年)で『顕彰会本』の内容を用いたことから広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sanada's army defeated Echizen Matsudaira's army, attacked the headquarters of Ieyasu and defeated hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) of Ieyasu, who were famous for their brawniness (it is said that it was the second time since 'the Battle of Mikatagahara' when Ieyasu's headquarters was attacked and Uma-jirushi (massive flags used in Japan to identify a daimyo or equally important military commander on the field of battle) was brought down and Ieyasu prepared to kill himself, having seen the fierceness of Sanada's army; time was vengeful, and Ieyasu's uma-jirushi was brought down twice by commanders related to the Takeda family). 例文帳に追加

真田勢は越前松平勢を突破し、家康の本陣まで攻め込み、屈強で鳴らす家康旗本勢を蹴散らした(ちなみに、本陣に攻め込まれ馬印が倒されたのは「三方ヶ原の戦い」以来二度目と言われ、真田勢の凄まじさに家康は自害を覚悟したほどだったという。これにより、奇しくも家康は武田家ゆかりの武将に二度馬印を倒されたこととなる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokitomo was 178 cm tall and taller than average in those days, skilled in martial arts due to his privileged body, famous as a cultured person so that his 51 poems whose number was next to Yoritsuna UTSUNOMIYA were contained in "Utsunomiya Shin Wakashu"(the second collection of Utsunomiya group's poetry), and a copy of Tokitomo's poems "Collection of Poetry Written by Tokitomo KASAMA" is stored in Imperial Household Archives. 例文帳に追加

時朝は、身の丈が当時としては高く178cmもあり、その恵まれた体格から武勇に優れていたが、文化人としても名が高く、宇都宮新和歌集には、宇都宮頼綱に次ぐ51首もの歌が収録されており、時朝の詩集である『前長門守時朝入京四舎打聞集』の写本が現在、宮内庁書陵部に秘蔵されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to legend, it is a famous episode of showing Nobuhide's character as busho that on the occasion of seizing Nagoya-jo Castle, Nobuhide approached Ujitoyo IMAGAWA, the lord of the castle and a brother-in-law of Owari Shugo Yoshimune SHIBA, friendlily in advance, and after he became a friend of playing renga (linked verse) and put off Ujitoyo's guard, he captured the castle with a subtle stratagy. 例文帳に追加

那古野城の奪取にあたっては、信秀はあらかじめ城主で尾張守護の斯波義統の妹婿にあたる今川氏豊に友好的に接近、連歌などの友人となってこれを油断させた後、奇策をもって攻略したと伝えられており、信秀の武将としての性格を示す有名なエピソードになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A ground to read '' as 'To' is, for example, based on the description in "Chinese Phonology" written by Akiyasu TODO, in which he said 'It is a famous fact that "Yamato" was written as "" in the Gishiwajinden.', but it is pointed out that his description seemed to be merely depending on the then prevailing idea of reading '' as 'Yamato'. 例文帳に追加

「臺」を「と」と読む根拠は、例えば藤堂明保『国語音韻論』に、「魏志倭人伝で、『ヤマト』を『邪馬臺』と書いてあるのは有名な事実である」と記載されていることに求められているが、これはすなわち「邪馬臺ヤマト」という当時の通説に基づいた記述に過ぎないことが読み取れると言う指摘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sovereign's message of 607 brought to Emperor Yang by an envoy sent from Wa to Sui to learn Buddhism included this famous phrase, "From the sovereign of the land of the rising sun to the sovereign of the land of the setting sun. I hope you are doing well," which made Emperor Yang, who had already become a Dharani by Bodhisattva Precepts in 591, angry. 例文帳に追加

大業3年(607年)の国書に「'聞海西菩薩天子重興佛法故遣朝拜兼沙門數十人來學佛法其國書曰日出處天子致書日沒處天子無恙云云」とあり、仏教を学ぶための使者の国書が有名な「日出處天子致書日沒處天子無恙云云」であり、開皇11年(591年)菩薩戒により総持菩薩となった煬帝を怒らせた(「」) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In November 2004, as the result of the consolidation, the former Hikami District announced itself as Tanba city over the opposition of the surrounding areas, although it was the whole former Tanba region that made the name known widely, and not only Sasayama city, which was proud of itself as the city that established some famous brands like "Tanba kuromame (black soybean)", "Tanba matsutake (mushroom)", etc. (from Kobe shinbun, July 17, 2003, etc.), but also the mayor of Ayabe city in Kyoto opposed it (from Kyoto shinbun, July 5, 2003). 例文帳に追加

丹波の名を広めたのは旧丹波国全域であり、「丹波黒豆」や「丹波松茸」などの丹波ブランドを確立したと自負している篠山市に加え神戸新聞2003年7月17日付記事など、京都府内の綾部市長からも反対の声があったにも関らず京都新聞2003年7月5日、2004年(平成16年)11月、旧氷上郡が町村合併で周囲の反対を押し切る形で丹波市を名乗った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous busho (Japanese military commanders) and politicians who met their end here included MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi and TAIRA no Tadamasa in the Hogen War, MINAMOTO no Yoshihira and FUJIWARA no Nobuyori in the Heiji War, TAIRA no Yoshimune in the Genpei War, Toshimitsu SAITO in the Honnoji Incident, Mitsunari ISHIDA, Yukinaga KONISHI and Ekei ANKOKUJI in the Battle of Sekigahara, and the remnants from the Osaka (Toyotomi) side including Morichika CHOSOKABE, Hidenori SENGOKU and Kunimatsu TOYOTOMI in the Siege of Osaka. 例文帳に追加

保元の乱における源為義・平忠正、平治の乱における源義平・藤原信頼、源平合戦では平能宗、本能寺の変における斎藤利三、関ヶ原の戦いにおける石田三成・小西行長・安国寺恵瓊、大坂の役における長宗我部盛親・仙石秀範・豊臣国松らをはじめとする大阪方の残党など、著名な武将や政治家がここで最期の時を迎えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the remark to the Kyoto Prefecture Police in 1919 was made in the middle of the famous 'Omoto Incident,' two crackdowns by the nation, the fact that it might have been expedient to avoid more suppression, abuse, and torture should be considered, so the remark cannot really be assumed to be relevant to the credibility of this matter. 例文帳に追加

しかし大正8年京都府警での発言はかの有名な2度にわたる国家弾圧の「大本事件」まっただ中であるので、国家による弾圧、虐待、拷問の犠牲者を増やさないための方便であったのかも知れず、その点を考慮する必要があるから、一概に本件の信憑性に関わる発言であると判断するには至らない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Heiji monogatari" describes a scene in which Shigemori and Yoshihira fought in single combat at the Taikenmon gate, Yoshihira driving Shigemori back seven times in an area of the palace between the tachibana on the right and the cherry tree on the left, and meanwhile, Yorimori was staging a fighting withdrawal, but when he came under danger of being overrun by his foes he furiously struck all around him with 'Nukimaru,' his famous and ancient sword; needless to say, this episode is considered to be a literary embellishment to create a stirring climactic scene. 例文帳に追加

『平治物語』では重盛と義平が待賢門で一騎打ちを繰り広げ、御所の右近の橘・左近の桜の間を7度も義平が重盛を追い回した、頼盛が退却中に敵に追いつかれそうになり重代の名刀「抜丸」で辛くも撃退した、というエピソードが出てくるがこれらは話を盛り上げるための創作と思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This means that many of the famous modern castles have not experienced actual fighting, at least in their current conditions and therefore they have structural remains which have been well preserved and, on the other hand, one of the reasons why castles in the Sengoku Period were ruined or could not be changed to a modern castle is that they experienced falling and then were abandoned. 例文帳に追加

これは、有名な近世城郭の多くは、少なくともその状態での実戦を経験していないために現在まで良く保存された遺構が残されている一方で、戦国時代の城が没落し、あるいは近世城郭に生まれ変わることのできなかった原因の1つは、陥落を経験し、その後、放棄されてしまったためであることを示すものでもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nevertheless, however, titles representing family status in the Sendai Domain that had been derived from the relationship of lord and vassal in the era of Utsuro, such as 'ikka' and 'ichimon,' were continuously used and became the basis of the hierarchical relationship in the domain (Allegedly, only the Katakura family, which became famous due to Kojuro KATAKURA, and one other family were conferred the title of 'ikka' and 'ichimon' or higher during the period between the end of the Tenbun War and the establishment of the Sendai Domain). 例文帳に追加

それでも仙台藩家格の呼称には「一家」・「一門」などの洞時代の主従関係の残滓が残され続けて、これに基づいた家中の上下関係が形成された(ちなみに天文の乱終結から仙台藩成立までに新規に「一家」・「一門」以上となった家は片倉小十郎で知られる片倉氏他1家のみと言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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