
「実態がない」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(6ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 320



To manage a black list or white list according to the actual situation while reducing a manager's burden by performing evaluation of temporary reliability according to the level of communication information for every Web page and then evaluating the continuous reliability thereof, and further to attain restriction of access or prevention of leak of information unintended by a user by use of the result. - 特許庁


In this situation, it is important that private financial institutions take risks and conduct precise risk management in a manner suited to the management condition and characteristics of borrower companies, in order to create a virtuous cycle of the facilitation of their provision of funds to SMEs, leading to the maintenance of their own sound financial conditions.  - 金融庁


Have you found anything unexpected in the report issued by Nomura Securities' investigative committee? Also, may we understand that you regard the measures adopted by the company to prevent the recurrence of insider trading cases as meeting the requirement that you mentioned earlier, namely that securities companies manage information in a manner effective in the current situation?  - 金融庁


When the Purpose of Utilization of employment management information is specified, the specification should not be made just abstractly and generally, but be made concretely and individually to the extent that a person including a laborer, etc. (a laborer who is employed by an entity handling personal information, a laborer who is or was going to be employed by an entity handling personal information, and a laborer who was employed by an entity handling personal information in the past; the same shall apply hereinafter) can reasonably imagine the result of utilization of obtained personal information of the person concerned.  - 経済産業省



In order to achieve the abovementioned goals, it is necessary to adopt comprehensive measures through the clarification of regulations and their state of operations that are serving as inhibiting factors for market exploitation and a detailed on-site follow-up in addition to the improvement of abilities of producers in Japan and spurring of demand for trade partner countries, thereby makinggood use of JETRO’s broad networks at both home and abroad and Regional Export Promotion Councils, etc. , with the Regional Agricultural Administration Offices serving as a secretariat. - 経済産業省



Fig. 2-3-17 shows enterprises' state of information systems utilization, based on the Survey of Conditions in Information Processing. Compared with enterprises that are achieving improvements in work convenience and productivity within enterprise departments, only a small number of enterprises are achieving IT utilization on a company-wide level or IT utilization together with suppliers and buyers. - 経済産業省


Further, when these families began to assume even higher government posts, surpassing the role of Onmyoryo while remaining onmyoji in reality, the official Onmyoryo became totally reduced to a shell and onmyoji became the charismatic spiritual rulers identified exclusively by their religious magic and ceremonies and thereby dominating the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this situation, it is important that private financial institutions conduct risk-taking and risk management carefully, in a manner suited to the actual management conditions and characteristics of borrower companies, so that their smooth provision of funds for SMEs and the maintenance of the soundness of their own financial positions may work in a virtuous cycle.  - 金融庁


(c) When exchanging opinions, - Confirm the external auditor's awareness, etc. of the external audit status and the business status of the financial institution in the initial stages of on-the-spot inspection. -Once verification has progressed, inform the external auditor of the problems identified by the inspection team, the reasons for the judgment, etc., directly confirm the external auditor's view on them, and exchange opinions thoroughly between the parties.  - 金融庁



In a situation like this, I believe that it is important for private financial institutions to take and manage risks carefully, in a manner suited to the management conditions of borrower companies and their characteristics, so that the provision of financing for SMEs, and the maintenance of the soundness of their own financial positions work in a positive cycle.  - 金融庁



To provide an education support system capable of providing information on education to a user, easily comprehending and verifying the actual conditions of education such as the level of understanding and learning state of users to be erducated, and supporting the education in an organization so as to be effectively and economically carried out. - 特許庁

(株)商工組合中央金庫及び(財)商工総合研究所が実施した「中小企業の国際事業展開に関する実態調査」によると、国内本社から現地法人への支援として、「新しい製品・サービス立上げ時の支援」や、「常駐・巡回による技術指導」、「資金供給」等の支援を行っている中小企業が多い(第2-2-24 図)。例文帳に追加

According to the results of the Survey on SMEsInternational Business Expansion conducted by the Shoko Chukin Bank and Shoko Research Institute,18) common forms of support provided by parent companies in Japan to overseas subsidiaries includeassistance with launch of new products or services,” “provision of technical supervision by permanent or visiting staff,” and “financing” (Fig. 2-2-24).  - 経済産業省


The MHLW shall properly check the circumstances of inspections based on monitoring plans and provide necessary instructions to the quarantine stations and when quarantine stations find it difficult to implement station-by-station or food group-by-food group inspections, review the monitoring plan during FY 2011 as necessary so that inspections will be implemented in a way meeting the actual import conditions. - 厚生労働省

金融庁では、2005年に初めてヘッジファンドの実態調査を行い、2005年3月末時点の国内金融機関によるヘッジファンドへの投資状況、過去5 年間に亘る設定及び販売状況を調査し、その報告書を「ヘッジファンド調査の概要とヘッジファンドをめぐる論点」(2005年12月)として公表している。例文帳に追加

In 2005, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) conducted its first comprehensive survey of hedge funds and issued a report entitledSummary of Hedge Fund Survey Results and the Discussion Points’.This report covered investment, distribution and arrangement activities by financial institutions in Japan over the past five years up to the end of March 2005.  - 金融庁


If Otari was special in term of career, economic activity and work, finding out about how more "ordinary" government official worked became subject of future investigation, and if many other government officials could work the same way as Otari, studying about Otari surely leads us to approach the actual condition of lower-ranking government officials.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to identify the actual status and the appropriateness of operations of the financial institution subjected in an effective manner, the inspector shall directly visit the facilities where the operations are actually executed by the executives and employees of the financial institution, the data storage site, etc., take samples of and peruse raw data, etc. arbitrarily, and investigate the operations and administration (hereinafter referred to as "site investigation"), according to necessity.  - 金融庁


As part of such efforts, I invited the executives of financial institutions to a meeting and requested once again their cooperation in enhancing smooth financing for SMEs.Furthermore, in order to ensure that financial institutions exercise adequate financial intermediary functions in local economies, including the smooth provision of credit to SMEs, through strengthening the capital base of financial institutions by the government's capital participation, I will submit to the Diet later today a bill for amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions and the Act on Special Measures for Promotion of Organizational Restructuring of Financial Institutions. At the same time, I will submit a bill for amendment of the Insurance Business Act for the purpose of protecting insurance policyholders and maintaining credibility of the insurance industry. I sincerely look forward to your cooperation in reviewing and supporting these bills in a prompt manner.  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA as a whole is operating with a high level of professionalism while bearing in mind the three major objectives of its financial administration, namely, stabilizing the financial system, protecting users and ensuring the transparency and fairness of the market.  - 金融庁

2月 24日、3省はTCPAを用いて化学物質の製造等を行っている国内の事業者に対し、TCPAの使用の停止を求めるとともに、製品中のHCB含有量等を3省に報告し、確認を受けるまでの間、当該製品の出荷停止を要請し、併せて使用実態に係る調査への協力を依頼した。例文帳に追加

On February 24, the three Ministries required domestic companies that produce chemical substances using TCPA to suspend use of TCPA, and asked the companies to report to them about HCB concentrations in their products and to suspend the shipment of the products pending further confirmation. The three Ministries also sought the companies' cooperation in an investigation into the actual status of the use of TCPA.  - 経済産業省


At a meeting yesterday of the Basic Policy Cabinet Committee’s working group, it was decided that the group will hold a further debate on the contents of the supplementary budget. While opinions have been expressed from various perspectives with regard to the contents of the supplementary budget, I have been arguing that aggressive, bold efforts should be made to stimulate private demand and create domestic demand through government expenditures, as private-sector demand is particularly weak, so that measures suited to the actual state of the economy and the actual circumstances of each region will be taken. I will try to have my argument reflected in the supplementary budget.  - 金融庁


To provide a portable type air suspension collecting device not disturbing suspension of measuring environment, having catching ability equivalent to existing measuring apparatus, capable of simply reflecting actual condition of contamination situation of a measuring space and suitable for research of fungus and bacteria floating in the door and to provide a method for measuring air suspension. - 特許庁


This concerns the issue of whether you can expect ordinary investors to have accurate knowledge regarding such products. It also concerns how sales activity is conducted, so we are considering all these issues. This is a complicated field. Some derivatives are like creating something from nothing. To put it simply, it is like, if I may say so, gambling. This has nothing to do with trading actual goods. In a betting game that used to be popular, we placed a bet as to whether the serial number of the next train would be an odd or even number. This is somewhat like that game, and transactions could be made without any relation to the real economy. If the parties involved in such transactions alone are to be affected, it may not be so problematic. However, as the scale of transactions has grown, the entire economy could be affected if the deals implode. So, we cannot just say, “We don't care if you suffer losses, as you have done the OTC(over-the-counter) deal with each side understanding the risk.” Therefore, we are considering all these issues.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, as I said earlier, accounting standards serve as an important means to disseminate information regarding the results of listed companies' business operations and financial conditions widely throughout the market, based on a common yardstick. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the consistency, compatibility and reliability of accounting standards.  - 金融庁


By the security policy structuring method consisting of steps of six stages, a draft of the security policy is easily structured first, groups and entities are adjusted when necessary, and the security policy is completed in stages, so the security policy can be structured according to the schedule and budgets of the groups. - 特許庁


There are no particular provisions which prohibit making a further divisional application (a grandchild application) on the basis of a divisional application (a child application) as an original application. Further, in certain situations, an applicant has no choice but to undertake repeated procedures for division (e.g., where a parent application cannot be divided due to the time limit but only the child application can be divided). Thus, insofar as both the child and the grandchild applications satisfy the prescribed requirements, the grandchild application is deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the parent application.  - 特許庁


However, it has been frequently pointed out that when education and training are implemented as a mere formality without reflecting the real conditions or needs of local labor markets, people participate in the system as a mere formality as a means of receiving unemployment benefits and donot become motivated to work, and furthermore, because company employers hire young people or take them on as trainees only in order to receive employment subsidies, actual employment is not created. - 経済産業省


The realities of the social security system differ from region to region, for example, with respect to the share of people who need social security benefits, the types of benefits received, the number of people paying social insurance premiums, and the amount of such payments. Therefore, the social security system plays the role of redistributing income among different regions and supports people's livelihood in areas with a high elderly population. - 厚生労働省

(注)不招請勧誘の禁止の例外とされている「外国貿易その他の外国為替取引に関する業務を行う法人」(金商業等府令第 116条第1項第2号)には、例えば、国内の建設業者が海外から材木を輸入するにあたって、海外の輸出者と直接取引を行うのではなく、国内の商社を通じて実態として輸出入を行う場合は含まれるが、単に国内の業者から輸入物の材木を仕入れる場合は含まれないことに留意する必要がある。例文帳に追加

(Note) It should be kept in mind that “corporations engaging in foreign trade and foreign currency transactions” (Article 116(ii) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance) that are excluded from the ban on uninvited solicitation includes cases where, for example, a domestic building contractor, who imports lumber from overseas, in reality, imports and exports through a domestic trading firm rather than transacting directly with overseas exporters, but does not include cases where it simply purchases imported lumber from a domestic trader.  - 金融庁


In relation to AIJ, you have continued to use the phrase “without ruling any optionfor the past one month in your comments. You said earlier that you will carefully listen to the people's opinions. The people's worries have not yet been dispelled. As the SESC has issued its recommendation, I suppose that progress has been made in the clarification of facts. Does the FSA have no intention of taking specific action?  - 金融庁


However, it may be unreasonable and too inflexible to argue, due to today.s diversified mode of employment, that the non-employees of the licensee (=user) engaged in the licensee company's business in the same manner as the other employees are always outside the scope of such software license simply because they have not entered into any service agreement with the licensee.  - 経済産業省


According to the Venture Capital Firms Supply Conditions Survey carried out by Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd., the reasons why investment recovery is biased towards initial public offerings are that venture capital firms say that they “cannot make an adequate profit from any investment recovery methods other than initial public offerings,” “M&A markets are not well enough established,” they have “a lack of experience in recovering venture capital,” among other reasons (Fig. 2-5-10). - 経済産業省


The need to ensure the stability of the payment and settlement functions is not temporary.  - 金融庁


The integration of the economies of East Asia has advanced in terms of both the economy and systems.   Amid this process, Japan has continued to develop and use its technical capabilities, including the product development capabilities and production know-how that form the core of domestic industrial competitiveness, as well as management capabilities.  At the same time, in response to the energy and dynamism of the East Asian economy, actively pursuing intra-regional production, sales and development is extremely important for Japan to achieve growth with the countries in the region. - 経済産業省


In cases where there is no designated ADR body, although business operators are required to state the details of their complaint processing measures and dispute resolution measures in these documents, it should also be kept in mind that appropriate matters should be stated in the context of actual conditions. If, for example, the Financial Instruments Business Operator utilizes an external organization, then the name, contact address and so forth of the said external organization (in cases where part of the services pertaining to the complaint processing or dispute resolution are entrusted to another organization, then including that other organization) should also be stated.  - 金融庁

現行の「臨床研究に関する倫理指針」については、臨床研究の質を公的に確認する仕組みがない、被験者保護にも欠けるとの指摘があるため、臨床現場の実態等を踏まえつつ、法制面の検討を含め、臨床研究開始時の届出制を導入する等その在り方を見直す必要があり、その検討を行うこととする。(2007 年度)なお、その際には臨床研究の推進を阻害することのないよう留意する。例文帳に追加

It has been pointed out that the current 'Ethical guidelines for clinical research' do not provide a mechanism for official checks on the quality of clinical research and also fail to protect trial subjects. Therefore, with ongoing reference to the current clinical status and other relevant matters, the guidelines should be reviewed and discussed, including the legal aspect and the introduction of a system of notification on commencing clinical research. (Fiscal 2007). However, in doing so care should be taken to prevent clinical research being hindered. - 厚生労働省


In Section 4, we performed a quantitative analysis utilizing statistical data and a qualitative analysis utilizing a questionnaire to analyze small enterprises that have a significant weight for regional economies. Just because an enterprise is small does not mean it lacks profitability. We made clear that there is no shortage of small enterprises with greater profitability than medium enterprises, and revealed what managements are thinking regarding the strengths and weaknesses of their enterprises, management targets, management principles, and other elements. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, as for the practical application of fair value accounting, the FSA is aware of problems, such as the possibility that in cases where the market is in a state of great turmoil, for example, when the liquidity of financial products to which fair market accounting is applied has dried up with only a very small amount of extraordinary transactions being done, the uniform application of prices observed in market transactions could significantly sway financial statements or cause an extreme deviation from the actual state.  - 金融庁


As for Citibank, although we had already issued an order for business improvement in September 2004, it was confirmed that the bank had failed to develop an adequate system for properly performing the obligation for reporting suspicious transactions, including money laundering-related transactions. Consequently, we ordered the bank to suspend part of its sales operations of the division for personal finance for one month from July 15 and to take necessary improvement measures to drastically revise the existing governance and internal control systems.  - 金融庁


Obviously, our top priority is to first get a grasp of the actual situation. Once the results are out, we will perform checks from the borrowers’ perspective. In particular, as you know, provisions have been established to exempt sole proprietors and corporations from the application of the Act and treat them as exceptions; yet, there have been newspaper and TV reports about such provisions not being widely known. While taking such matters into account, we will deal with the situation in a speedy and appropriate manner as necessary.  - 金融庁


(iii) Are the contents of the minutes of the meetings, when combined with the raw data used there, sufficient to confirm the agenda and substance of the meetings, such as matters reported to the Board of Directors or organizations equivalent to the Board of Directors (including business consultation and guidance and other finance facilitation, the actual status of risk management, problems related to legal compliance and customer protection, inappropriate acts and other problems) and details of the approval given and decisions made by the Board of Directors or organization equivalent to the Board of Directors (including the process and substance of debate)?  - 金融庁


However, we see the debate moving toward enhancing the capital adequacy ratio requirement in terms of both quality and quantity. The specifics will be discussed at various organizations, including the Basel Committee, and it is desirable that decisions are made with due consideration of the circumstances of Japanese financial institutions and Japan's financial situation. Whether it is really desirable to apply one size fits all standards across the board needs much more discussion.  - 金融庁


As mentioned above, there is no sufficient survey or data on the realities of the angel investment situation in Japan. In the United States, everybody knows the success of Google was supported by an angel investor, Andreas Bechtolsheim, the first person who made an investment in the company. Such a positive perception of people about angel investment helps motivate them to be angel investors themselves.  - 経済産業省


Regarding this, Takashi MORIYAMA, Chairman of Japan Eel Importers Association commented that even though the above-mentioned substances were detected in the eels imported to the United States, 'Chinese eels that are imported to Japan have passed inspections by the Chinese government, voluntary inspections at each factory, and mandatory inspections in Japan, and therefore they are safe' and that 'fear in consumers is stoked by eels continuously being reported as dangerous, and the sale of eels is rapidly decreasing. I would like to see an understanding of the reality of how much effort we make to make them safe items.' (refer to the safety of foods from China).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Team, chaired by Mr. Ohtsuka, will first direct its efforts at thoroughly publicizing the system under the revised Money Lending Act. Although the FSA had worked strenuously to make the system widely known, we were told at this press conference that they were still inadequate. The Team will conduct fact-finding with respect to the implementation status and the impact of the amended Money Lending Act. As the revised Money Lending Act was passed unanimously by all the parties at the Diet with the aim of reducing multiple debtors, the Team will get a grasp of the actual situation as to whether the legislation is functioning as intended in reality, how it is being implemented and what kind of impact it has had, and then conduct a follow-up inspection of the system.In government administration, where I have spent 25 years of my career as mentioned before, the basic assumption of bureaucracy had long been to beinfallible”—that is, not to make any mistakes. However, there has been a change in government.  - 金融庁


We maintain communications with them through our onsite inspection and offsite monitoring as well as daily supervisory processes. Through its efforts to identify the current situation in a timely manner, the FSA has been encouraging financial institutions to take necessary action quickly, and I believe that this regulatory arrangement has been well established in the relationship between the supervisory authorities, including the FSA and local Finance Bureaus, and supervised financial institutions.  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA's broad administrative purposes include protecting users and investors. Until now, the mainstream approach of the supervisory authorities, including the FSA, to financial administration has been to regulate and supervise business operators that have engaged in inappropriate transactions with customers and take necessary actions if problems are found as a result of investigation  - 金融庁


As described above, for the lock-in mechanism to function, skilled labor in a region is essential. However, the Business Survey Cluster mentioned above, for example, reveals that many enterprises consider "supply of highquality labor" and "technological base and buildup" to be merits that have declined, and as Fig. 2-3-8 shows, moreover, satisfaction of manufacturers with the local supply of labor is lower among manufacturers than among enterprises locating in clusters of information and telecommunications enterprises,6) indicating that the attractions of regions have been declining. - 経済産業省


Besides, some of those employees are dispatched workers, we think that this employment arrangement should If they are employed merely as providers of labor, as a tool, as cheap labor, as promoted by the previous LDP-Komeito government and the Koizumi politics, we must change that situation. We have asked (Japan Post) President Saito to find out and report to me the actual employment conditions and what kind of jobs they are actually doing.  - 金融庁


When considering a specific framework, we believe that it is necessary to firmly grasp the actual status of the capital adequacy and business operations of domestic standard banks. To that end, we are collecting necessary information from far and wide, including from small and medium-size regional financial institutions. We will debate this issue in the future in light of the information collected while keeping a close watch on international debates and adequately listening to the opinions of the people concerned.  - 金融庁



Each quarantine station shall prepare an annual plan based on the number of foods subject to monitoring inspection assigned by the MHLW and systematically implement inspection on the assigned number of specimens.The MHLW shall properly check the circumstances of inspections based on monitoring plans and give necessary instructions to the quarantine stations and, when quarantine stations find it difficult to implement station-by-station or food group-by-food group inspections, review the monitoring plan around the middle of FY 2010 so that inspections will be implemented in a way meeting the actual import conditions. - 厚生労働省


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