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And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. - Tatoeba例文


This was issued by major Japanese manufacturers and other companies, such as Nippon Steel, Toyota Motor, Panasonic, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Asahi Kasei, Mitsubishi Estate, Sumitomo Metal Industries, JFE Holdings, Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance - lease accounting will become very complicated - and Canon, from which Mr. Mitarai, the former chairman of Keidanren hails, as well as a director of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. As the Minister for Financial Services, I also received this letter of request on May 25.  - 金融庁


In addition, the ratio of dormant deposits paid back is generally as high as 40% or so, as depositors remember the existence of dormant accounts even after 10 years have passed.  - 金融庁


Based on the aforementioned principle, the following section will discuss, the assumption that any disputes are brought into a Japanese court, and additionally examine which civil and/or commercial code will be applicable pursuant to the international private law of Japan.  - 経済産業省



Minutes have not been kept, according to the administrative staff. Having been a politician for 25 years, it is not impossible for me to understand the position of officials. I have read a newspaper article stating that a “pay-offscheme was implemented at the Incubator Bank of Japan due to the change in government. In some aspects, there may certainly be such political factors. We intend to respond to people’s voices by taking such matters into consideration.  - 金融庁



I am in the most magnificent health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a tree, yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear my old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan.  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』


I have so far refrained from expressing my view on this matter and maintained a neutral stance. I hear that the ruling parties will probably hold in-depth debate on specific matters starting next week.  - 金融庁


As I mentioned now, I would like to refrain from making comments, as this is a matter concerning an individual financial institution.  - 金融庁


Furthermore, the called party can select the informing or not informing mode of a caller number designating the calling party, namely the dial-in number of the calling party through the operation of the called party only when the call is from one of the extension subscriber terminals 6a...6m of the private branch of exchange 7. - 特許庁



We, the FSA staff, are not in a position to directly comment on his remarks. The FSA's stance regarding the taxation related to securities investment is to promote a shift ''from savings to investment,'' so I take his remarks from that standpoint.  - 金融庁



As to what results are expected, it would be better for me to refrain from making comments with prejudgment, as I said previously in relation to the question concerning remarks made by the Senior Vice Minister of Finance.  - 金融庁


Therefore, we intend to respect the lessons learned through our experiences and use them in combination with new measures to be taken in the future.  - 金融庁


In the Diet, I was asked what relevant ministers should do when they have heard opinions from the committee. The committee will comprise members who have excellent judgment, academic knowledge and capabilities, so I have said that their opinions will be too important to be ignored.  - 金融庁


When he went down to shoen (manor in medieval Japan) in Mino Province by the order of the lord FUJIWARA no Tadazane in the same year, he blamed an insolent fellow on the way, which developed to strife arising from mutual personal grudges, ended up killing three retainers including TACHIBANA no Hirofusa, Shinano no kuni no kami (Governor of Shinano Province), and MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We have not yet made a formal decision and we are still considering what new services will be provided by the reorganized postal businesses, although we intend to decide the outline by around the end of January.  - 金融庁


I have talked with Chairman Hirose, who expressed his intention to take Keidanren staff members particularly to the United States, Europe, China and India as an initiative conducted from a broad perspective.  - 金融庁


but its sufficiency must be tried by the tests of science alone, if we are to maintain our position as the heirs of Bacon and the acquitters of Galileo.  - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』


I do not know whether such advertising by lawyers is a crowd-pulling ploy for commercial gain or whether it reflects a conscientious intention to provide support for people saddled with a heavy burden of interest payments on multiple debts and for people seeking a refund of overcharged interest  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, type 113 suburban cars were introduced for Rapid service in 1964 because it became difficult for the existing type 80 cars to cope with the congestion during the rush hour and private railway companies introduced new cars for the super-express trains during the early 1960's.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Instead of this, people with zuryo experience or their children, who had participated in actual fighting or security duties using the barbarians as private armies and were off the career track of the central government and fell from the class of shodaibu who could become zuryo, were recruited to suppress regional conflicts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is a once-in-a-millennium disaster, and in times of emergency, emergency political actions must be taken, as I have been saying.This act has been written in order to strengthen financial functions and protect depositors in the earthquake-stricken areas.  - 金融庁


Mr. Nishimuro will tell you more about the process but let me just say now that he played a very important role in building bridges between the world of business and the different worlds of trade unions and civil society activists. - 厚生労働省


Are you creating for us a future world where there is a greater danger of skin cancer, weakened bodies, less food and fewer plants and animals? - Tatoeba例文


Are you creating for us a future world where there is a greater danger of skin cancer, weakened bodies, less food and fewer plants and animals?  - Tanaka Corpus


and rejoice that there is some one to do for us what we otherwise ought, if we have any regard for either the certainty or the vitality of our convictions, to do with much greater labor for ourselves.33  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


The duke and his senators left the court; and then Bassanio said to Portia, "Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend Anthonio have by your wisdom been this day acquitted of grievous penalties, and I beg you will accept of the three thousand ducats due unto the Jew.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


At a press conference, Kaifu said, "Could the ancient settlers see Yonagunijima from Taiwan? How did they get across the Black Current? I think the voyage must have been very challenging. We want to solve the mystery of the origins of the Japanese people." - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Regarding your second question - what should be done with the large amount of government bonds held by the Japan Post Group - basically, I am not in a position to make comments although I am in charge of the postal reform bill, since Japan Post is basically a joint stock company and it is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications. I think that the government should not intervene in the affairs of Japan Post, which has now become a joint stock company. Rather, in principle, this is a matter that should be considered by the company's management team.  - 金融庁


A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. - Tatoeba例文


For example, they know which company wants to sell land in what location, and which field such-and-such company currently wishes to expand into by making new capital investments. In my hometown in Kyushu, when I asked questions to people like the branch manager of a regional bank, I found them extremely knowledgeable.  - 金融庁


My boss and other masters of various kinds of craftwork, such as woodworking and lacquer-work, are of course much older than I am. But they often speak to me, and they informally talk on matters that are instructive to me. - 厚生労働省


'For at a time when all human learning had suffered shipwreck these planks of Aristotelian and Platonic philosophy, as being of a lighter and more inflated substance, were preserved and came down to us, while things more solid sank and almost passed into oblivion.'  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


All the same, borrowers are generally in a weak position, and since before becoming the Minister for Financial Services, I have heard about cases in which borrowers were forced to purchase currency derivatives in combination with loans. If such a business practice is evident, it would be the abuse of a superior position and would be unforgivable from the perspective of business ethics  - 金融庁


This is a European problem, so first of all, the 27 EU countries and the 17 euro-zone countries should think and act for themselves. As you know, the European leaders have apparently reached an agreement on fiscal discipline after working out various ideas, so I think that it is very important to take necessary steps and procedures one by one.  - 金融庁


The specifics of the inspection schedule is precisely what this committee will be mandated to deal with from a fair and neutral standpoint, and I would therefore like to refrain from giving you any speculative answer in my capacity at this time.  - 金融庁


To provide a healthy food of safflower young sprouts, by utilizing safflower seeds which are germinated, because it is well known that a safflower oil known as a healthy edible oil richly contains essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and oleic acid, which we should take from foods for maintaining our health. - 特許庁


The FSA hopes that the establishment of the Life Insurance Support Network for the Orphaned Minors will lead to quick and reliable payment of insurance claims to minors orphaned by the earthquake disaster, and I am very grateful for the establishment of this network. As a human being, rather than as the head of the FSA, I am grateful to the Life Insurance Association of Japan and life insurance companies for having extended support to children who lost their parents and persons with parental authority.  - 金融庁


In the academic society of constitutional studies, some conservative scholars regard the 'inside of the Imperial Court' as a public organization like the prewar 'Imperial Court' because of the perspective that there is no personal affairs in the Imperial Household, and they also strongly believe that the Court rituals are 'public rituals at the inside of the Imperial Court.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This new material is formed by using vegetable fiber such as cotton as the material for the core, using vegetable starch as the fixing agent and, after impregnating the fixing agent into the vegetable fibers, forming it into a three-dimensional shape such as a cylindrical shape or a cube to solve the problems of the conventionally-used oil brush for cooking. - 特許庁


In a changing financial environment, various efforts are being made to facilitate financing by SMEs.  - 経済産業省

老いも若きも、金持ちも貧乏人も、そろって答えました。民主党員も共和党員も、黒人も白人も、ヒスパニックもアジア人もアメリカ先住民も、ゲイもストレートも、障害者も障害のない人たちも。アメリカ人はみんなして、答えを出しました。アメリカは今夜、世界中にメッセージを発したのです。たちはただ単に個人がバラバラに集まっている国だったこともなければ、単なる赤い州と青い州の寄せ集めだったこともないと。たちは今も、そしてこれから先もずっと、すべての州が一致団結したアメリカ合衆国(United States of America)なのです。例文帳に追加

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will be, the United States of America. - Tatoeba例文


When we consider the background to the establishment of the Financial Services Agency, the purpose of separating financial administration and fiscal management was removing the Budget Bureau's grip on financial administration, as the bureau's intentions were thought to have played a role in the delay in the disposal of bad loans in the 1990s.  - 金融庁


While debate seems to be raging in the press, I have been saying that I would consider any request voiced by the financial world, be it a request for raising the “pay-offceiling amount from the current 10 million yen, out of consideration that it would be better to do so from a perspective of attracting deposits, or rather from a standpoint of depositors, or be it a strong request to lower premium rates.  - 金融庁


If the Ministry of Finance may be compared to the digestive organs of the economy, the FSA is the heart, and we need to ensure that the heart functions properly. Even if the FSA tries to play its role as the heart by circulating blood throughout the body, there will not be sufficient blood unless the Ministry of Finance properly acts as the digestive organ by absorbing nutrients. Therefore, in some cases, I may express strong demands regarding fiscal management from my standpoint.  - 金融庁


This matter has been thoroughly discussed in a recent meeting in Tottori between Minister of Environment and Nuclear Power Policy and Administration Hosono and the governors of the Kansai region. I accept that statement as appropriate.  - 金融庁


In particular, we intend to ensure full discussions including on the issue of blacklisting. Ultimately, that is a matter to be decided based on consultations among private-sector parties. For my part, I hope that this matter will be dealt with from the standpoint of disaster victims with the issue of blacklisting in mind and with due consideration given to the rights of the victims, as this is a natural disaster, a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, and there is no fault with the victims themselves.  - 金融庁


In any case, in principle, we should quickly examine an application filed by private financial institutions on their own judgment in accordance with the law, and as the inspector and regulator of private financial institutions, we believe that that is very important.  - 金融庁


He also considered that the perpetual security of private properties and the individual freedom was the final goal in the human history, from the bourgeois liberalism and Darwinian historical view point on the civilization; and after that this view became the basis of his political activity, based on which he was strongly opposed to the socialism and militarism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With less than one month left until the expiry of the current Diet session, the mass media have expressed doubt over the fate of the bill. The postal reform bill is intended to ensure that postal services will continue to be universally provided comprehensively by post offices from the standpoint of users and the general public by resolving various problems arising from the postal privatization. The important thing is this. I recently visited Ishinomaki in Sendai City, and as reported by national newspapers over the past few years, I talked with Japan Post employees there and was told that the division into five companies created a difficult situation after the earthquake. For example, at the Ishinomaki post office, the chain of command was split between the postmaster and the branch manager of Japan Post Service Co., as I related to you previously.  - 金融庁



We have already entered the home stretch in the study, and at today's cabinet meeting, the cabinet members were instructed to select truly priority items (bills), as the period of the upcoming extraordinary Diet session is short, and we have already notified the Cabinet Secretariat of our bill with its tentative name. What we can do to support SMEs within the authority of the FSA is limited, and as I have been saying, it is necessary to envision the prospect of the overall economy and set the broad course of government policy for economic growth, and the moratorium scheme alone would not provide a hopeful prospect for SMEs; it is also necessary to take concrete measures to increase the jobs and revenues of SMEs and small shops. Therefore, it is very important to implement measures other than those that can be taken within the small areas of the FSA's administrative jurisdiction. As basic polices are to be decided by the Basic Policy Cabinet Committee, which is comprised of the Prime Minister, Minister Fukushima and I, I am in a position to be involved in implementing measures outside the FSA's narrow areas of administrative jurisdiction as cabinet policy. While I do my best in this respect, I will ensure the drafting of a bill that can stand against your criticism as a measure to support SMEs within my area of jurisdiction, as we still have more time till we submit the bill. Senior Vice Minister Otsuka's working group has entered the home stretch in its study on the bill, and it will fix the details based on opinions collected from various sectors.  - 金融庁


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