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However, the Japanese economy has remained stuck in deflation, while prices of foods, oil and other products have surged around the world and the growth in personal income has stagnated in Japan. In addition, over the past one year or so, the violent turmoil in the securitization product market caused by the subprime mortgage problem in the United States has put Japan in a precarious situation, although its damage is limited compared with other countries because we had already suffered from the bitter experience of the bursting of the economic bubble. So, it is important that we respond to this situation properly and quickly with all of us Japanese working as one. As both fiscal management and financial management are the vital elements of economic management, the Prime Minister has appointed me to serve concurrently in these two posts.  - 金融庁


Furthermore, in the inspection and supervision of financial institutions, we take action in a stringent manner as necessary based on the confirmed facts pursuant to laws and regulations if violations of laws and regulations or problems in user protection are found as a result of on-site inspections, day-to-day supervision and other such activities. Likewise, we have endeavored to inspect and supervise the Incubator Bank of Japan in a stringent manner. The FSA had to properly conduct the first inspection and, in particular, the second inspection, according to law as an executive branch of government. Unless there is an obvious violation of law, an executive branch of government cannot take any arbitrary action. The third inspection, however, clearly revealed a violation of law as you know—what I am trying to tell you is that our action must be based on laws and facts. That is how an executive branch of government works. In that sense, although I can see at the emotional level why we are being criticized for not taking action earlier from the start, I believe as the head of an executive branch of government that regulation and supervision involves giving guidance based on objective facts in accordance with law, and should have as little room as possible for demands based on likelihood and arbitrariness. I believe this is an important quality for a person in charge of regulation and supervision based on laws and facts. Nevertheless, given that the Bank consequently failed, the FSA shall learn a lesson from this and continue to endeavor to stabilize the financial system.  - 金融庁


When the right of cadastral surveys was transferred to kokushi from the central government, the shoens and private lands (lands of local lords such as gunji (district managers), goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and so on) without chiden (small scale land already developed by tato) or kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi or gunji (local magistrates) for transfer of the ownership of private property) were confiscated one after another into kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) in order for them to secure tax revenue (it is clear that this authority was strong because when the shoen of sekkan-ke in Wakasa Province was confiscated by kokushi and it was pointed out that FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, the chief adviser to the emperor, was wrong in kugen, the judgment of kokushi was justified (in the description on September 1 and 13, 1025 in "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For me, or for Japan, this is the second crisis in a decade, rather than a once in a century crisis. As you know, Japan experienced a serious financial crisis in the late 1990s, and in my opinion, the previous crisis was more serious than the current one. The previous crisis resulted from the economic bubble created by Japan itself. Banks were deeply involved in the creation of the bubble. Complicated webs of credit-debt relationship, including an arrangement called “tobashi,” were formed. From the viewpoint of borrowers, the bad-loan problem was a problem of excessive debts. In this sense, that crisis was an internally-generated one.  - 金融庁



The importance of the arduous task Portia had engaged in gave this tender lady courage, and she boldly proceeded in the duty she had undertaken to perform; and first of all she addressed herself to Shylock; and allowing that he had a right by the Venetian law to have the forfeit expressed in the bond, she spoke so sweetly of the noble quality of _mercy_, as would have softened any heart but the unfeeling Shylock's; saying, that it dropped as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath; and how mercy was a double blessing, it blessed him that gave, and him that received it; and how it became monarchs better than their crowns, being an attribute of God himself; and that earthly power came nearest to God's, in proportion as mercy tempered justice: and she bid Shylock remember that as we all pray for mercy, that same prayer should teach us to show mercy.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』



His great-grandson Eisaku SATO wrote at the beginning of his autobiography "Kyowa Ashitano Zenjitsu" (Today is the day before tomorrow) that "my ancestors were originally vassals of the Mori clan and were living in Hagi City (omission), my great-grandfather was serving directly the main Mori clan, however he was not at a high rank, yet, thinking about it now, he was a reformist at that time and when the Mori clan went to fight in Kyushu, he joined in the attacking force, after the Meiji Restoration he became the governor of Shimane Prefecture."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At a press conference last evening, there was a mood of disappointment at the lack of any surprising proposal. However, I had not been hoping for any such proposal, as I had already been maintaining contact with many of the members of this panel. What is important is what implications the policy measures that each member of this panel is considering will have for the current socio-economy, and their proposals will be very useful. Rather than merely receiving the proposals, we must reflect them in our management of economic and fiscal policies.  - 金融庁


However, this time, countries around the world are moving in the same direction from a broad perspective, and that is the difference from the situation after 1929, in which the world was divided into economic blocs, which I have often mentioned. Countries have gone so far as to carry out coordinated interventions. I hear that a G-7 meeting and two G-20 meetings will be held before the summit meeting. Various opinions may be expressed at individual meetings, but from a broad perspective, a consensus must be forged by all means. I feel this is a mission for humanity.  - 金融庁


However, we are carefully listening to and considering the opinions of banks on the lending side and SMEs and small shops on the borrowing side as to what we should do so that my idea will be realized as a scheme that is really effective in helping SMEs and providing a hopeful prospect for them. Moreover, we have explained my idea to financial institutions, which may have been scared by your news coverage of the idea, in order to assure them that its implementation will not put their businesses on the line  - 金融庁



but whatever men you are that in this desert, under the shade of melancholy boughs, lose and neglect the creeping hours of time, if ever you have looked on better days, if ever you have been where bells have knolled to church, if you have ever sat at any good man's feast, if ever from your eyelids you have wiped a tear and know what it is to pity or be pitied, may gentle speeches now move you to do me human courtesy!"  - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』



While business decisions are up to managers at individual companies to make, basically, the Japanese government welcomes acquisitions made by financial institutions based on the judgment that the deals are necessary to expand international operations, and we are ready to support M&As related to resources, as I mentioned previously. In that sense, I am hoping that financial institutions will consider their position in the global market and work to better ensure the stability of their financial foundation by improving their international competitiveness and profitability based on business decisions made by their management teams.  - 金融庁


First, what I just said about the Incubator Bank of Japan may have sounded a bit like an inside story, but it is based on the findings of our workwe examined the bank's corporate management structure and the status of its risk management system development through noncompulsory hearings, orders to submit a report, on-site inspections and other means to look into its business of purchasing loan claims from money lending businesses, which suddenly picked up in and after 2008, and of making large loans, which started showing a remarkable increase in 2009. As, in so doing, we detected a serious problem with respect to its credit risk management system concerning major borrowers and its loan claim purchase business in the results of our on-site inspection that was begun in June 2009, we recently issued a business suspension order and business improvement order on May 27 to show it a direction. My guess is that following the subsequent replacement of the bank's management, which you surely know about, the results of reassessment conducted by the new management concerning those major borrowers led to the significant change in numbers.  - 金融庁


The SME Financing Facilitation Act was put into force on the watch of former Minister for Financial Services Kamei following the severe impact of the Lehman Shock. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the Democratic Party of Japan, the Social Democratic Party, and the People's New Party proposed six common policy initiatives in the campaign for the elections to the House of Representatives that resulted in the change of government.The campaign pledges we made before the change of government included the enactment of an act to prevent the excessive tightening of credit against SMEs.I have always believed that financing focusing on SMEs is very important.  - 金融庁


As the issue of financing is involved, the most important thing to do with regard to this bill is to provide appropriate damage compensation to local residents. Also important is the stable supply of electricity, which is essential to industrial activity. Unless the stable supply of electricity is ensured - Tokyo Electric Power is calling for a 15 % cut in electricity usage - GDP will decline considerably. In that sense, from my experience of serving as Parliamentary Vice Minister for International Trade and Industry about 21 years ago, I know that the stable supply of electricity is very important. In particular, the semiconductor industry, which consumes a huge amount of electricity, uses clean rooms that would malfunction if the supply of electricity is suspended even for eight hours. There are many industries like this. Once the supply of electricity is suspended, it may take a very long time to start up again in some cases. In the semiconductor industry, if clean rooms become dirty, tiny circuits on semiconductor chips would short-circuit. Then, they would become useless.  - 金融庁


We examined the governance system and the risk management system of the Incubator Bank of Japan through voluntary interviews, reporting orders, on-site inspections and other activities in relation to its business of purchasing debts from money lenders which had increased rapidly since 2008 and large loans which soared sharply since 2009. As the results of the on-site inspection launched in June 2009 identified serious problems including those in the credit risk management system relating to large loans and debt factoring operations, we issued a business suspension order and a business improvement order on May 27 and took action accordingly. That is what happened, and I do understand what have asked. As the Minister for Financial Services, I truly feel sorry for honest depositors for having had the “pay-offscheme implemented.  - 金融庁


I was Minister for Financial Services, while Minister Yosano had the experience of serving as the Minister for International Trade and Industry. Minister Yosano strongly requested that two of us be allowed to join the debate at that time, when the Kan cabinet was in office, and as Mr. Kaieda, who was Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry at that time, agreed to that, we joined the debate on the draft of the scheme halfway through it. Therefore, I have certain knowledge about this matter. In relation to the support for Tokyo Electric Power, what kind of cooperation the company seeks from stakeholders and how stakeholders, including financial institutions, respond are matters to be determined through consultations between private business operators, so my understanding is that the Financial Services Agency is not in a position to make comments. In any case, regarding the compensation issue, it is important to pay damages compensation in a prompt and appropriate manner, and another important thing is, as you know, to avoid causing unnecessary, unexpected adverse effects on the stability of the financial and capital markets, on the principal premise that stable electricity supply should be ensured. We will continue to carefully monitor market developments.  - 金融庁


Let me use this occasion to talk about my meeting today with the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association (ZENGINKYO). Regarding loans to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), the relationship between lenders and borrowers is essentially a matter that should be dealt with by themselves. However, as I have been telling you, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) unfortunately guided financial institutions in the wrong direction under the wrong financial policy of Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister) and Mr. Takenaka (former Minister for Financial Services).  - 金融庁


This also affected the real economyfor instance, production in Toyota's factory in Fukuoka Prefecture, my home prefecture, dropped by 40 percent two years ago and occurrences like that explain why Japan has been in the situation that it is in now since then. It was against this background that the Dodd-Frank Act was implemented in the U.S. And, at that very time of historical significance, I met with FRB Chairman Bernanke and Mr. Volcker. Under the Volcker Rule, commercial banks may engage in a high-risk, high-return business on demand from customers, but not for their own accounts. In my view, this is the very core of the new Dodd-Frank Act. This is another case of a significant sea change. It was by luck that I had an opportunity to visit the U.S. in those days in the capacity of the Minister for Financial Services.  - 金融庁


Just now, I heard from my staff that the Yen has risen to the dollar up to 85.50 yen. At today’s informal meeting of cabinet ministers -- although we are supposed to refrain from talking about what is discussed at the meeting -- regarding this rapid rise of the yen, I told the Minister of Finance (Mr. Fujii) that we should consider how Japan should deal with the excessively volatile exchange rate movements, or I should say the rapid decline of the dollar, and we should also urge the United States and the international community to take action to deal with it. I also suggested to Deputy Prime Minister Kan, who is responsible for economic and fiscal policies, that the government should flexibly take economic and fiscal policy measures at a time when a trend like the yen’s rise is rapidly progressing. Regarding the compilation of the supplementary budget and the budget for the next fiscal year, I said that although it is important to implement the election manifesto, the government should take appropriate measures with regard to the (ailing) domestic economy  - 金融庁


SMEs are like living things. Moreover, I hope that financial institutions will aim to perform the consulting function. The required paperwork will be reduced by 20%, as I have said. This law, for which we are seeking a one-year extension, is important for Japan to overcome deflation and recession. Associations of SMEs are very strongly supporting it and some opposition parties are also strongly supporting and recommending it. Therefore, until March 31, I am strongly resolved to continue doing my best on my responsibility to have this act extended.  - 金融庁


In that sense and others, striking a balance between all those factors is criticalwhile peace of mind and security do matter in financial services, adhering excessively to such qualities could, as I have just pointed out, result in a credit crunch or oppressive debt collection and thus create impediments to the growth of truly healthy companies or the growth of a healthy economy, which is why the financial sector is so vital. This time around, I reaffirmed in talks with people like Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan that harmony or a balance between those factors is extremely important. Having spoken with financial regulators in both the U.S. and China, I am now even more convinced of this idea. In any case, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) is aware of the importance of paying proper attention to any impact of the new requirements on the current situation and corporate reform efforts in Japan – a point that applies to not only Japan but also the G20 nations that each have their own lay of the landwhile they will, put simply, contribute to a higher level of soundness of Japan's financial system over the medium to long term. From this viewpoint, I do see that Japan's argument has increasingly received global approval to a considerable extent, while I am committed to continuing to advocate Japan's position in a proactive and resolute fashion.  - 金融庁


At a meeting yesterday of the Basic Policy Cabinet Committee’s working group, it was decided that the group will hold a further debate on the contents of the supplementary budget. While opinions have been expressed from various perspectives with regard to the contents of the supplementary budget, I have been arguing that aggressive, bold efforts should be made to stimulate private demand and create domestic demand through government expenditures, as private-sector demand is particularly weak, so that measures suited to the actual state of the economy and the actual circumstances of each region will be taken. I will try to have my argument reflected in the supplementary budget.  - 金融庁


Although this system cannot be defined clearly because of its diversity, here are some characteristics: (1) hereditary Iemoto exists as a normative and legitimate model with regard to the school's accomplishments in order to preserve the identity of the style; (2) as a political authority, Iemoto leads and manages the school by top-down control system; (3) financially, Iemoto redistributes money collected from novices, experts, et al. to the entire school; (4) Iemoto has the authority to issue certificates; (5) Iemoto himself or herself is at the core of the school, and Iemoto's or his/her family's private matters and the school's public matters are not clearly differentiated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The issue of reputational risk for financial institutions considering making an application for capital injection is sometimes cited as a background factor for the argument for simultaneous capital injections. However, I think that considering making an application for capital injection will mean, so to speak, making judgment as part of forward-looking management, namely considering how the management should be conducted and how the operating environment will change one year, three years and five years from now. It may also be regarded as the expression of a commitment to supporting local economies and local SMEs by exercising the financial intermediary function properly.  - 金融庁


In particular, this week and next and in early November, there will be various movements in the financial sector - I am not talking about unexpected market developments, but about scheduled releases of various data - so perhaps, instead of scheduling a summit for a particular date, we should convene a summit or hold a telephone conference as soon as something has happened, although that may be difficult. However, the facts that neither Japan nor the United States rules out the possibility of holding a G-8 summit, and that Europe is positive about it, are evidence that a sense of crisis is shared by all countries, so neither I nor the Prime Minister would not rule that out.  - 金融庁


On an additional note, our basic inspection policy for this year is formulated to act on the New Growth Strategy, which was approved by the Cabinet in June of this year, and contains – I particularly want to stress this pointan extensive statement concerning smooth financing from financial intermediation service providers in accordance with the SME Financing Facilitation Act, which was enacted last December as former Minister Kamei successfully gained the Diet's approval on the basis of the three-party pact, and it also emphasizes our forward-looking approach to supervision, through, among other things, adherence to macro-prudence, in areas of risk management and financial system stabilization. In accordance with those policies, the FSA is committed to delivering appropriate and effective inspections and supervision from the viewpoint of financial institution users and the public.  - 金融庁


Japan was struck very hard and pushed to the brink by the financial crisis, which started in 1997, and the jusen problem, which started two years earlier than that. Based on this bitter experience, Japan has established the world's most advanced legal framework regarding the failure of banks and the rehabilitation of failed banks, I believe. In light of that, we will continue to engage in international cooperation at the forthcoming meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors with a view to preventing the recurrence of a financial crisis and strengthening the financial system. Without sound financial institutions, sustainable corporate management would be impossible and a liberal society would be unable to function. Pursuing the right balance in that respect is very important. We will engage in international cooperation while firmly arguing our cases.  - 金融庁


My focus will be on the post-global-financial-crisis G8 and G20 including China, India and Brazil, as mentioned earlier. The reality is that G8 alone can no longer cover the global economy. There is also Basel III. Populous countries undergoing extremely rapid development such as China, India and Brazil have joined G20 with significant power. China, being Japan’s neighbor, has been the Japan’s biggest import and export partner in the past three years. For China, Japan is the third biggest export destination, behind the United States and EU, ranked first and second, respectively, so Japan and China are in a strategic, mutually beneficial relationship. In that sense, especially when it comes to the issue of finance, the financial sector is extremely globalized; the impact of the financial sector on the global economy is instant. China is the leading holder of U.S. Treasury securities, followed by Japan. With some 60 trillion yen of public spending, China is booming, as you may be well aware, although some people have suggested that a bubble may be forming.  - 金融庁



Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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