
「SHO」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(38ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 1930


The thought was that if merchants and artisans were allowed to freely pursuit profits, their wealth would threaten the ruling class and farmers would give up the hard labor of agriculture start new careers as sho or ko, decreasing agricultural output, leading to famine, and resulting in the collapse of the social order. 例文帳に追加

商人や職人に自由に利潤追求を許せば、その経済力によって支配階級が脅かされ、農民が重労働である農業を嫌って商工に転身する事により穀物の生産が減少して飢饉が発生し、ひいては社会秩序が崩壊すると考えたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Yokoyama Party, centered in the Yokoyama-sho estate in Tama County, Musashi Province (the present Hachioji City, Tokyo), was an armed group from the same family that existed from the late Heian period to the Kamakura period, and based themselves in Musashi Province (Osato County, Hiki County, and Tachibana County) and the northern part of Sagami Province. 例文帳に追加

横山党(よこやまとう)は、平安時代後期から鎌倉時代にかけて、武蔵国多摩郡(現・東京都八王子市)横山庄を中心として、武蔵国(大里郡・比企郡-橘樹郡)および相模国北部に割拠した同族的武士団である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of this, on March 4, 808, one person from myogyo chokko was again allotted to establish an independent official, kiden hakase (equivalent of Shoshichiinoge), and two types of students, Kiden Tokugosho (student of history) and Kiden no sho (student of history) were also created. 例文帳に追加

このため、大同_(日本)3年2月4日_(旧暦)(808年3月4日)に再度明経直講より1名を割いて独立した官として紀伝博士(きでんはかせ、正七位下相当)が設置され、その下に学生として紀伝得業生(きでんとくごうしょう)及び紀伝生(きでんのしょう)が置かれたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following this, gimonjosho, those who enjoyed On I (the automatic promotion of persons at the age of 21, whose parents are from the Imperial Prince to the fifth rank, or whose grandparents are above upper third rank) and those who were given permission by imperial decree would take Shoshi (an examination held by Shikibusho for determining whether applicants are employable) on poetry, which was held directly by the Shikibu sho (the Ministry of Ceremonial) and those who passed this examination became monjosho (a record shows that in exceptional cases, students were promoted to monjo tokugosho). 例文帳に追加

続いて擬文章生及び蔭位の対象者、宣旨などで特に許された者に対して式部省が直接行う省試にて詩賦を課し、それに合格することにより初めて文章生になった(記録では極稀に文章得業生に抜擢された例もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


TAIRA no Tadamori, who was confided in by Emperor Toba, began the trade between Japan and Sung Dynasty in China through chigyo (enfeoffment) of Kanzaki-no-sho in Bizen Province, which was Goin Palace's manor (territory of Emperor's retreat), and came to be admitted as In no Kinshin (the retired Emperor's courtier) by presenting imported goods. 例文帳に追加

鳥羽天皇の信任の厚かった平忠盛は、後院領荘園(天皇の隠居所の所領)であった肥前国神埼荘の知行を通じて日宋貿易を開始し、舶来品を院に進呈して院の近臣としてみとめられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1196 Shunjobo Chogen in Todai-ji Temple deplored the derailment of reconstruction work for Owada no tomari and the latter damaged situation and collected one sho (of rice) per one koku of rice tax carried through this port from each province and shoen (manor in medieval Japan) in Sanyodo Road, Nankaido Road and Saikaido Road. 例文帳に追加

建久7年(1196年)、東大寺の俊乗坊重源は、大輪田泊の修築事業の中絶とその後の泊の損壊状況を嘆き、山陽道・南海道・西海道の諸国および荘園からこの港を経て運ばれる運上米のうち1石あたり1升を徴収した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, the glass bottle of the capacity of about 1.8 liters has been called 'Isshobin' (1 sho glass bottle) and it has been used for alcohol, cooking oil, soy sauce, and so on, but today, it tends to be replaced with the plastic bottle of the size other than 1.8 liters, so 1.8 liter glass bottle is, except for that for business use, fading away. 例文帳に追加

約1.8リットルの液体が入る瓶は「一升瓶」と呼ばれており、酒類の他、油脂食用油脂や醤油などにも用いられてきたが、近年はペットボトルに移行する傾向にあり、業務用のものを除き次第に廃れてきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With having authority over foreign affairs, family registers (related to the family names), and the whole field of ceremonies, Jibu-sho also managed lawsuits over troubles related to the family names, engaged in several affairs and lawsuits relating to marriage and family registers, supervised monks and nuns and Buddhist rites, administered Gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music), watched imperial mausoleums, and entertained overseas envoys. 例文帳に追加

外事・戸籍(姓名関係)・儀礼全般を管轄し姓氏に関する訴訟や、結婚、戸籍関係の管理および訴訟、僧尼、仏事に対する監督、雅楽の監督、山陵の監督、および外国からの使節の接待などを職掌としていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, the military ranks of 'sho, sa, i, so' (11 ranks from Rikukaigun taisho [general of Army and Navy]) to Rikukaigun gon no socho [Deputy Sergeant Major of Army and Navy]) which were established at Hyobusho (Ministry of Military) by Dajokan Futatsu (promulgate of Grand Council of State) No. 604 issued on October 12, 1870, were not seen in the military system of Ritsuryo system. 例文帳に追加

一例をあげると、明治3年9月18日の太政官布達第604号で兵部省に設けられた「将・佐・尉・曹」(陸海軍大将から陸海軍權曹長の11等級)は律令制下の武官にはみられない序列である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The philosophy of sho-chuka brought the trend to regard Yomei-gaku (Neo-Confucianism based on the teachings of Wang Yangming), which was popular in China in the Ming dynasty but was not so in Korea, as a heresy, as well as the cognition to define China ruled under the Qing dynasty as "China subjugated by iteki (barbarians)," and accordingly it promoted the idea that Korea is the mainstream of chuka (China). 例文帳に追加

小中華主義は明代中国に流行しながら朝鮮では流行しなかった陽明学を異端視する風潮、清朝による中国支配を「中国が夷狄の支配に服するもの」と規定する認識となり、朝鮮こそが中華の本流であるという思想をはぐくんだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This internal conflict developed into the battle between the Ikko sects in which the Chosho-ji Temple and Hongan-ji Temple side which confined to orders from Hongan-ji hoshu was called 'Dai-Ikki' (Big League) and the Gashu Sanka-ji Temples side which was purged as traitors despite they were authorized as governors of the Kaga Domain was called 'Sho-Ikki' (Little League), which is why this battle is also called 'Daisho Ikki.' 例文帳に追加

この内紛は一向一揆同士の戦いに発展した事から、本願寺法主の命令を奉じた超勝寺・本覚寺側を「大一揆」、加賀の国主権限を認められながら反逆者として粛清された賀州三ヶ寺側を「小一揆」と呼ぶ事からこれを「大小一揆」とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, on June 30, 1876, Okura-sho (Ministry of the Treasury) notified that acceptance and exchange of Minbusho-satsu would be halted, but it took a long time to collect, finally, a deadline was set on September 30, 1878, and the acceptance and exchange was halted. 例文帳に追加

その後、大蔵省より明治9年(1876年)6月30日に民部省札の通用・交換を停止するとする通達が出されたものの、回収に時間がかかったために最終的に明治11年(1878年)9月30日を期限として通用・交換が停止された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Yoro-ryo" (Yoro Code), 'Kaheisho,' which provided salted food (of meat or fish), condiments such as Chinese sauce and misho (original form of miso or say sauce), fruits, rice cake products (millet and so on) and so on and dealt confectioneries and rice cakes under the jurisdiction of it, and 'Shoin' (section in charge of primitive soy sauce, sho) were established. 例文帳に追加

『養老令』によれば、醢(肉や魚を塩辛状にしたもの)、醤・未醤(みそ)などの調味料、菓(くだもの)、雑餅(雑穀などの餅製品)などを供給し、管下の組織として菓・餅類を扱う「菓餅所」と醤・未醤を扱う「醤院」が設置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of the Miyoshi clan that was dominant in Kyoto in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States), a family in the lineage of Kasho MIYOSHI, which had been picked by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, owned the territories of Tango no sho manor, Soejimo County, Yamato Province (present Tangonosho-cho, Yamato-Koriyama City) and Morimedo, Yamabe County (present Morimedo-cho, Tenri City). 例文帳に追加

戦国期に京で権勢を誇った三好氏のうち、徳川家康に取り立てられた三好可正の系統は大和国の添下郡丹後庄(現・大和郡山市丹後庄町)及び山辺郡守目堂(現・天理市守目堂町)を所領として有した家である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hososhiyo-sho" (a legal book compiled by the Sakanoue clan between the end of the Heian period and the early Kamakura period), which described rules and regulations on dismounting a horse depending on his court rank based on the Ritsuryo Law system (an ancient administrative law system in Japan), a person of the third court rank or the lower had to dismount his horse when he met any imperial prince on the road, and even any lower-ranked or younger person without Ikai (a court rank) had to follow the same manner toward the nobilities and the elderly. 例文帳に追加

「法曹至要抄」には、三位以下の者が路上で親王に会えば下馬するのをはじめとして、位階に応じてそれぞれ下馬の令制を載せ、有位者でない場合も賤者、少者は貴人、老人に対して同様にすべきであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These goods were confiscated by Aganaimono no tsukasa (office which deals with stolen goods), and weapons were kept in Hyogoryo (Bureau of Military Storehouses), valuable goods were kept in Okura-sho (Bureau of the Treasury), books were kept in Zushoryo (Bureau of Books and Drawings), and some were used to maintain the prison houses and as daily necessities for prisoners at the Gyobusho (Bureau of Criminal Punishments) which oversaw Aganaimono no tsukasa. 例文帳に追加

これらは贓贖司が没収して兵器は兵庫寮、財物は大蔵省、図書は図書寮などに分配され、一部は贓贖司を所管する刑部省のために獄舎の維持や囚人の生活物資として用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This made its power more extensive by assigning the six newly set-up sections of Kirokusho to different trial dates and different areas of litigation such as temples, shrines, public affairs, and ownership of land (later this influenced the setup and division of Zasso ketsudan-sho (the ancient civil court) during the Kenmu Restoration). 例文帳に追加

これによってその権限が拡大され、記録所の職員を6班に分けて、寺社・公務・所領争いなど、訴訟の分野ごとに担当する日付や班が定められた(後の建武の新政における雑訴決断所の分離・設置にもにも影響を与えた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As it is believed that Tsuchimochi clan's expansion of territory into this region south of the Gokase-gawa River and the Ose-gawa River came with acquisition of half of Agata no sho by Hidenobu () TSUCHIMOCHI in 1336 ('Tanabe clan Tree'), it is therefore reasonable to consider that Tsuchimochi clan occupied the castle some time after the first quarter of the 14th century. 例文帳に追加

五ヶ瀬川・大瀬川以南のこの地域に土持氏領が拡大するのは、建武(日本)3年(1336年)に土持栄宣が縣荘の半分職を獲得(「田部氏系図」)して以降と考えられるから、土持氏がこの城に居城するのは14世紀前半の半ば以降と考えるのが妥当であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when it comes to the first builder, it is absolutely unknown, and rather if we were to guess, it could be someone related to Kadokawa Ito clan who occupied Agata no sho, however it is also necessary to consider the relationship with the 'Furushiro' (Old Castle), 'Nakano-jo Castle' or 'Naka no shiro Castle' mentioned later, as well as that this area was called 'Hon-mura' (main village) until recently. 例文帳に追加

しかし、最初の築城者となるとまったく不明であり、あえて推定するならば、縣荘を支配していた、門川伊東氏関連かと思われるが、後述の「古城」や「中野城」あるいは「中城」との関係や、この地域を最近まで「本村」と呼んでいたことも考慮して考える必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ordinance for Keeping and Disposal of Castles and Selection of Military Posts is an edict and notice of Dajokan (Grand Council of state) issued by the Meiji Government to Okura-sho (Ministry of the Treasury) on January 14, 1873, regarding the property management policies on castles and jinya (regional government office) across the country. 例文帳に追加

全国城郭存廃ノ処分並兵営地等撰定方(ぜんこくじょうかくそんぱいのしょぶんならびにへいえいちとうせんていかた)は1873年(明治6年)1月14日に明治政府から大蔵省に発せられた、全国の城郭陣屋の財産所管方針の太政官布告・太政官達書。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Suruga-Date clan was founded by Tameie DATE (the second son of Tomomune Date [the founder of the Date clan]), and Sukemune DATE, the seventh family head of the clan, was awarded territories in Irino-sho, Arito County, Suruga Province by Takauji ASHIKAGA in return for his achievements, and later, Sukemune designated Moroi-go, Yamana County, Totomi Province, as his ruling base. 例文帳に追加

-伊達氏初代・伊達朝宗の次男伊達為家にはじまる家系で、その七世・伊達資宗が足利尊氏に従い功績を挙げて、駿河国有度郡入野庄に所領を得、後に遠江国山名郡諸井郷を本拠とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, Yoshikuni and his eldest child, Yoshishige NITTA developed Nitta County, Kozuke Province (Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, former Nitta-machi, Nitta-gun, etc.) on the other side of the Watarase-gawa River which had been devastated by the eruption of Mt. Asama, and donated the developed land to FUJIWARA no Tadamasa in the Taira family side in 1157, which established Nitta no sho estate. 例文帳に追加

その後、義国と長子の新田義重は渡良瀬川対岸の浅間山噴火で荒廃していた上野国新田郡(群馬県太田市、旧新田郡新田町など)を開発し、保元2年(1157年)平家方の藤原忠雅に開発地を寄進し、新田荘が立荘された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Nitta family was divided into those who came up to Kyoto with Yoshisada, and those who remained in Kamakura and Nitta no sho estate, and the former mostly followed Yoshisada, while the latter, and Tokiuji YAMANA, the Iwamatsu clan, Odachi clan, Satomi clan, Serada clan and Oshima clan mainly followed Takauji and belonged to the Northern Court. 例文帳に追加

新田一族中でも義貞とともに上京した者と鎌倉や新田荘に残った者にわかれ、前者は主に義貞に従い、後者や山名時氏や岩松氏・大舘氏・里見氏・世良田氏・大島氏などは主として足利氏に従い北朝方となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hirano Shichimyo-ke (seven branch families of Hirano clan) including the Sueyoshi clan, were generated from the Hirano clan founded by SAKANOUE no Yukimatsu (according to the record of Choho-ji Temple, the genealogy of the Sueyoshi clan) then they supported the head famiy Sakanoue clan which operated Hirano Sho, successively referred to themselves as "Minbu", and were in charge of operatting Hirano, an autonomous city in the medieval period which was a match for Sakai City. 例文帳に追加

坂上行松(坂上行増)を祖とする平野氏(長寶寺寺記、末吉氏家譜)から末吉家をはじめとする平野七名家が登場し、宗家の平野庄の坂上氏を支え、代々「民部」を称し、堺市と並ぶ中世の自治都市の平野を担った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The inside diameter Do of the bead part 5 positioned on the vehicle outer side is made greater than the inside diameter Di of the bead part 4 positioned on the vehicle inner side, and thereby the section height SHo of the tire portion To positioned on the vehicle outer side is made lower than the section height SHi of the tire portion Ti positioned on the vehicle inner side.例文帳に追加

車両外側に位置するビード部5の内径Doを車両内側に位置するビード部4の内径Diより大きくすることにより、車両外側に位置するタイヤ部分Toの断面高さSHoを車両内側に位置するタイヤ部分Tiの断面高さSHiより低くしている。 - 特許庁

This mass production comprises obtaining a fermented product by inoculating Bacillus natto into a medium prepared by, e.g. adding glycerol to vinasse produced in Sho-chu (a gapaneses white liguor) production or the like, and is characterized by extracting a gapanes white liquor Natto kinase menaquinone-7 from the above fermented product with an extractant such as water or an organic solvent.例文帳に追加

焼酎製造時などに生じる蒸留粕にグリセリンを添加するなどした培地に納豆菌を接種してなる発酵物、及びその発酵物から水、有機溶媒などの抽出液でナットウキナーゼとメナキノン−7を抽出することを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

The image of Roku Kannon was created from the idea that six kinds of Kannon relieve people who have lost their way in six worlds, based on Rokudo (Rokudo Rinne, a belief that every life repeats reincarnation into six types of worlds) as the following combinations show: Jigoku-do (地獄道) - Sho Kannon, Gaki-do (餓鬼道) - Senju Kannon, Chikusho-do (畜生道) - Bato Kannon, Shura-do (修羅道) - Juichimen Kannon, Jin-do (人道) - Jundei Kannon, Ten-do (天道) - Nyoirin Kannon. 例文帳に追加

六観音は六道(ろくどうりんね、あらゆる生命は6種の世界に生まれ変わりを繰り返すとする)の思想に基づき、六種の観音が六道に迷う衆生を救うという考えから生まれたもので、地獄道-聖観音、餓鬼道-千手観音、畜生道-馬頭観音、修羅道-十一面観音、人道-准胝観音、天道-如意輪観音という組み合わせになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, at Horyu-ji Temple in Nara, there are three National Treasure Kannon statues which are commonly called 'Kudara Kannon' (Kannon of Kudara), 'Yumechigai Kannon' (dream changing Kannon) and 'Kuse Kannon' (Kannon of salvation), and the official names of these three statues at the time of recognition as national treasures were 'the standing statues of Kannon Bosatsu' so that they are not called 'Sho Kannon' as either official names nor as popular names. 例文帳に追加

たとえば、奈良・法隆寺には「百済観音」、「夢違観音(ゆめちがいかんのん)」、「救世観音(くせかんのん)」と通称される国宝の観音像3体があるが、これら3体とも国宝指定の際の正式名称は「観音菩薩立像」であり、正式名称としても通称としても「聖観音」とは言わない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Nichiren Sho Sect, nyubutsu-shiki (a consecration ceremony) is held being guided by doshi (the master priest) when honzon is newly bestowed, and is also held under the guidance of hossu (the head priest of the sect) when a temple is newly built or when honzon is newly enshrined in the main hall, or when the main hall of the temple is reconstructed, (if a main hall is reconstructed but honzon is not newly bestowed, rakusei-shiki (an inauguration ceremony) is held in combination with kaigen-kuyo for existing honzon after restoration of the hall). 例文帳に追加

日蓮正宗では、新たに本尊が下付された場合に僧侶の導師により入仏式が行われ、寺院が新たに創設された場合や本堂安置の本尊を新たに迎えた場合、本堂が建て替えられた場合に法主を迎えて入仏式(本堂再建で、かつ本尊が下付されない場合は本尊修復後の開眼供養を兼ねて落成式)が行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To establish religious groups of Nichiren Shoshu Sect, the chief priest of the branch temples needs to be the chief kyoshi of the religious group to submit the application 'Soshiki Kessei Kyoka Negai' (the application for approval to establish an organization), in the joint signature with the representative of the people who wish to establish the group, to Shumuin, and after the application is processed, 'Soshiki Kessei Kyoka sho' (Approval to establish the organization) will be signed and imprinted with his seal by Hoshu, kancho of Nichiren Shoshu Sect, and approval will be given to XX Ko via the chief kyoshi. 例文帳に追加

日蓮正宗の信徒団体を作るには、末寺の住職が信徒団体の指導教師となって信徒団体を作ろうとする代表者と連名で「組織結成許可願」を宗務院に提出し、宗務院での審議を得て日蓮正宗の管長である法主が「組織結成許可書」に署名押印して「組織結成許可書」が交付されて指導教師から○○講に手渡される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They once formed a unified sect in the Meiji period, and after that, going through splits and uniting with the Nichiren Sect, from 8 major honzan temples of Fujimon School, 5 of them formed an independent sect, starting with Nichiren Sho Sect, and 3 of them, belonging to the Nichiren Sect as an organization, kept Nichiren Honbutsu Ron (a creed which regard Nichiren as the principal image) of Shoretsu School, which is a tradition in this monryu (lineage). 例文帳に追加

明治時代に単一の宗派を形成したこともあったが、その後分裂や日蓮宗との合同などをへて、現在、富士門流の主要本山8ヶ寺のうち、5ヶ寺は日蓮正宗をはじめいくつかの独立した宗派を形成、3ヶ寺は、組織上は日蓮宗に所属しつつ、教義面では、この門流の伝統の勝劣派・日蓮本仏論を維持している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shibuya in Tokyo, where Konno Hachiman-jinja Shrine is located, coincides with Yamori no sho Manor of Toshima-gun in Musashi Province that was awarded in 1051 to KAWASAKi no Kaja Motoie of Chichibu Party, who was a grandfather of Shoshin TOSANOBO and insisted that he was a descendant of Prince Takamochi, a grandson of Emperor Kanmu, for his military exploits in Zen Kunen no Eki (Former Nine Years' Campaign). 例文帳に追加

金王八幡神社(こんのうはちまんじんじゃ)が鎮座する東京都の渋谷は、土佐坊昌俊の祖父、桓武天皇の孫高望王の子孫と名乗る秩父党の河崎冠者基家(かわさきの・かじゃ・もといえ)が、1051年(永承6年)に、前九年の役での武功により与えられた武蔵国豊島郡谷盛庄(としまぐん・やもりのしょう)にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are Shaka Nyorai (Shakyamuni), Jogyo Bosatsu (Pure Practice Bodhisattva), Anryugyo Bosatsu (Firm Practice Bodhisattva), Fugen Bosatsu, Miroko Bosatsu, Daikasho (Mahakasyapa), Shakudai Kanin Daio (many of the principle images of the Nichiren Sho Sect after the end of the Edo period expressed it as Taishakuten-o), Daigetsu Daio (literally, great moon king), Myojo Tenshi (literally, son of heaven in morning star), Ju-rasetsunyo (ten demonesses), Ajase-o (A king of Magadha in India in the time of Shakyamuni Buddha), Dairyuo (Great Dragon King), Myoraku Daishi (daishi refers literally a great master, an honorific title given by the Imperial Court), Denkyo Daishi, Hachiman Daibosatsu (Great Bodhisattva Hachiman) and Aizen Myoo (Ragaraja) located on the left. 例文帳に追加

左側に釈迦如来・浄行菩薩・安立行菩薩・普賢菩薩・弥勒菩薩・大迦葉・釈提恒因大王(江戸時代後期以降の日蓮正宗の本尊の多くは帝釈天王と書かれている)・大月大王・明星天子・十羅刹女・阿闍世王・大龍王・妙楽大師・傳教大師・八幡大菩薩・愛染明王等を配置する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for sutras which were translated from Sanskrit into Chinese, there are 4 volumes of "Kongocho Yuga Churyakushutsu Nenju-kyo" (Rykushutsu Nenju-kyo) by Kongochi (ajrabodhi) Sanzo (tripitaka) (around 670 - 741), 3 volumes of "Kongocho Issai Nyorai Shinjitsu Shodaijo Gensho Zanmai Daikyoo-kyo" (Kongocho Daikyoo-kyo) (Compendium of Truth of All the Tathagatas), by Fuku (Amoghavajra) Sanzo (705 - 774), and 30 volumes of "Issai Nyorai (concentration of Tathagatas) Shinjitu Sho-gyo Sutra (Tattva-samgraha)" by Sego. 例文帳に追加

金剛智(こんごうち)三蔵(ヴァジュラボーディー/670年頃~741年)がサンスクリット語から漢訳した『金剛頂瑜伽中略出念誦経(略出念誦経)』4巻、不空(ふくう)三蔵(ア-モガヴァジュラ/705年~774年)が漢訳した『金剛頂一切如来真実摂大乗現証三昧大教王経(金剛頂大教王経)』3巻、施護(せご)が漢訳した『一切如来真実摂経』30巻がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, as to the period of the phenomenon for this punishment, he described in "Shiju onfurumai Gosho" (On the Buddha's Behavior) as 'Within the one hundred days or one year, three years, seven years after exile and death penalties, inter-clan conflicts will occur as Jikaihongyakunan (trouble of inter-clan conflicts),' and in "Shishin gohon sho" (On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice) as 'The king Udaen disdains the Binzuru-sonja and goes to ruin within the seven years, and Soshu (Sagami province) will be attacked within one hundred days after the exile of Nichiren.' 例文帳に追加

また、この罰の現象が現れる時期については、『種種御振舞御書』で「遠流・死罪の後百日一年三年七年が内に自界叛逆難とて此の御一門どしうち(同士打)はじまるべし」、また『四信五品抄』で「優陀延王は賓頭盧尊者を蔑如して七年の内に身を喪失し相州は日蓮を流罪して百日の内に兵乱に遇えり」などと述べた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hoke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) indicated that people who had not been able to believe Buddhism and had intended to stop believing when Daitsuchi-sho-butu had been born a long time ago, had been reborn in the era of Sakya-muni Buddha, who for 40-odd years had expounded his various teachings showing tentative enlightenment to make them understand the teachings and train themselves and had lead them to the real treasure, Ichijo teachings. 例文帳に追加

法華経では、遥か昔の大通智勝仏が出世された時、仏法を信じられず信心を止めようと思った人々が、再び釈迦仏の時代に生まれて仏に見(まみ)え、四十余年の間、様々な教えを説いて仮の悟りを示し理解して、また修行により真の宝である一乗の教えに到達させることを表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren cited this "Mappo Tomyo Ki" and persuaded that Goharamitsu of Mappo is useless, describing in "Shishin gohon sho" (On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice) that 'For the question what the beginner of practices should pay attention, the answer is that it is important to stop Goharamitsu and continue to chant Nam Myoho Renge-kyo Sutra (Devotion to the Law of Hoke-kyo (the Lotus Sutra)) as well as the title, by which Ichinenshingesyozuiki can be felt.' 例文帳に追加

日蓮はこの『末法燈明記』を引用し、『四信五品抄』で「問うて曰く末代初心の行者何物をか制止するや、答えて曰く檀戒等の五度(五波羅蜜)を制止して一向に南無妙法蓮華経と称せしむるを一念信解初随喜(いちねんしんげしょずいき)の気分(けぶん)と為すなり」と述べて、末法の五度は無用であることを説得した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tale of Genji with illustrations,' a representative printed book of "The Tale of Genji" in the Edo period, consists of 54 volumes of "The Tale of Genji," three volumes of 'Genji Meyasu,' one volume of 'Poem Quotation,' one volume of 'Genealogy' and one volume of 'Yamaji no Tsuyu,' making 60 volumes, while 'Kogetsu-sho Commentary of The Tale of Genji' has 55 volumes of "The Tale of Genji," including two books of 'Wakana' and a book of 'Kumogakure' and five books of 'Kubimaki,' consisting of 'Genealogy,' 'Chronology' and others, which together make a total of 60 volumes. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の代表的な『源氏物語』の刊本を見ても、「絵入源氏物語」は『源氏物語』本文54冊に、「源氏目案」3冊、「引歌」1冊、「系図」1冊、「山路露」1冊を加えて、「源氏物語湖月抄」は「若菜」上下と「雲隠」を共に数に入れた源氏物語本文55冊に「系図」、「年立」等からなる「首巻」5冊を加えて、いずれも全60冊になる形で出版されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While school members hold events such as "The gathering of Kyomai Shinozuka school" at Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theater and Kyoto Prefectural Art Center, etc., and "The gathering to appreciate Kyo dance in a tatami room" at Rokasensui-sho Manor (Important Cultural Property) and at Noguchi-tei Estate and Sugimoto-tei Estate (Tangible Cultural Asset Designated by Kyoto City) to develop their own school, they also devoted themselves in playing an active role in the cultural field by presenting classical "Shimabara san banso" (Shimabara third boat) at Kyoto Shimabara Sumiya (Important Cultural Property). 例文帳に追加

祇園甲部歌舞練場、京都府立芸術会館などで、「京舞篠塚流の会」を開催したり、重要文化財・芦花浅水荘、京都市指定有形文化財・野口邸、同じく杉本邸などで「座敷で見る京舞」を開催するなど、流派の発展に尽力するかたわら、重文・京都島原角屋で『島原三番艘』を披露するなど文化面での活動にも余念がない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Naigai Sho" (selection from inside and outside the country) and "Kojidan" (Tales About the Past), influenced by Chinese culture, all dishes placed on the table were called 'daiban' and there was an extensive menu including garnished foods introduced from foreign countries such as 'togashi' (Chinese cake), and which also required complicated table manners, and from today's point of view, it seems to have been a very stiff and formal style of eating. 例文帳に追加

唐文化の影響を受け、「台盤」と呼ばれるテーブルに全料理を載せたり、「唐菓子」など渡来の料理も添えられるなどの献立の多さもさることながら、食べる側にも食べ物の種類ごとに細かい作法が要求されたことが『内外抄』や『古事談』の記述から分かり、現代人から見ると大変堅苦しい物だったようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Disciples of Chu His include, Ko Kan, who was the favorite of Chu His and made efforts to correct misunderstandings in the learning of Chu His, Hoko, who spread the learning of Chu His while working on the learning of religious doctrines, father and son of Saichin family, who edited the "Shoshu-den" (Annotation of Shujing) with Sai Gentei, who studied the art of divination by Sho Yo (Shao Yong), and Chin Jun, who organized the terms of Chu His in a dictionary format in "Hokukei Jigi." 例文帳に追加

朱熹の弟子には、朱熹に最も寵愛され、朱熹の学説の誤解を正すことに努力した黄カン、教学に努めて朱熹の学を四方に広めた輔広、邵雍の易学を研鑽した蔡元定と『書集伝』を編纂した蔡沈父子、『北渓字義』に朱熹の用語を字書風にまとめた陳淳などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Kamakura period, yusoku kojitsu became as specialist field and the subject of active research, leading to the authorship of books including those on ceremonies such as "Kinpisho" written by Emperor Juntoku, "Kemmu Nenchu Gyoji" written by Emperor Godaigo, and "Kuji kongen" (the Rules of Court) written by Kaneyoshi ICHIJO; those on the government system such as "Shokugensho" written by Chikafusa KITABATAKE; and those on clothing such as "Masasuke Shozoku Sho" (Masasuke's rule book on costumes) written by MINAMOTO no Masasuke. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代以降、専門分化して、研究が盛んとなり、儀式については順徳天皇の『禁秘抄』、後醍醐天皇の『建武年中行事』、一条兼良の『公事根源』、官職制度については北畠親房の『職源抄』、服飾については源雅亮の『雅亮装束抄』などの有職故実書が著された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, by exercising the exclusive rights to issue diplomas to onmyoji (a permit for Onmyo no sho, a student of Onmyo rather than an onmyoji) around the country, the Tsuchimikado family established themselves as the certified grand Onmyodo master and their Onmyodo became widely known as'Tsuchimikado Shinto' because of the Shinto style they adopted for their art leading them to their golden age. 例文帳に追加

さらに各地の陰陽師に対する免状(あくまで陰陽師としてではなく「陰陽生」としての免許)の独占発行権を行使して、後に家職陰陽道と称されるような公認の家元的存在となって存在感を示すようになり、さらにその陰陽道は外見に神道形式をとることで「土御門神道」として広く知られるように至って、土御門家はその絶頂期を迎えることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian Period, Todai-ji was affected by the Emperor Kanmu's Nanto Buddhism Oppression Plan, and due to the plan the Office of Todai-ji Temple Construction was abolished, and there were incidents such as the Kodo Hall and Sanmen Sobo (priests and monks dormitories constructed to the north, east and west of the Kodo Hall) being burnt from an accidental fire, the Saito (Western Tower) being hit by lightening, and the Nandai-mon Gate and the Shoro (Bell Tower) being broken in a storm; but later on, from reverence, the Imperial family and nobility donated private estates including the Kuroda-no-sho and Todai-ji Temple developed them. 例文帳に追加

また、平安時代に入ると、桓武天皇の南都仏教抑圧策により「造東大寺所」が廃止されるなどの圧迫を受け、また講堂と三面僧房が失火で、西塔が落雷で焼失したり、暴風雨で南大門、鐘楼が倒壊したりといった事件が起こるが、後に皇族・貴族の崇敬を受けて黒田庄に代表される多数の荘園を寄進されたり、開発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, according to "Gukan-sho," which was written early in the Kamakura period by Jien, who was Michinaga's sixth descendent, Michinaga found a letter in the Emperor's mementos saying that 'one person tried to have all the power to himself, therefore the world is covered by clouds and people are unhappy'; Michinaga burned this letter, since he took it as saying, 'Because of Michinaga's own way of ruling the government, the world is not in peace.' 例文帳に追加

その一方で、鎌倉時代初期に書かれた道長の6代目の子孫にあたる慈円の著した『愚管抄』によれば、天皇の死後道長は天皇の遺品の中に一通の手紙を発見し、その中には「三光明ならんと欲し、重雲を覆ひて大精暗し」と書かれていて、これを「道長の専横によって国は乱れている」という意味に解した道長はその文を焼き捨てたという一件がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Discord in the government and amongst the executives regarding the problem in Korea in 1873 began after Shigeru MORIYAMA, who held the rank of Gaimu-shoki, returned from Busan, and the Yi Dynasty Korea insulted the ambassador after refusing the Japanese sovereign's message, so he reported that it would be necessary to either decide to evacuate from Korea, or to conclude the conclusion problem of treaty of amity by force, and Kagenori UENO with Gaimu-sho title submitted these reports to the ministry as a bill. 例文帳に追加

明治6年(1873年)の対朝鮮問題をめぐる政府首脳の軋轢は、6月に外務少記森山茂が釜山から帰って、李朝政府が日本の国書を拒絶したうえ、使節を侮辱し、居留民の安全が脅かされているので、朝鮮から撤退するか、武力で修好条約を締結させるかの裁決が必要であると報告し、それを外務少輔上野景範が内閣に議案として提出したことに始まる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the War, he evacuated to Sakamoto (Otsu-city), and got Arikazu KARAHASHI who was his clerk (Keishi (household superintendent)) and cousin on his mother's side to cover 200 hiki for official matters, but in 1470, as a condition for being forgiven his debt, he ended up handing over Arikazu the nengu (land tax) of Iriyamada-mura, Hineno-sho from the little remaining territory he had until the generation of his son Hisatsune. 例文帳に追加

乱中は坂本(大津市)に避難していたが、公事用途200貫文を執事(家司)であり母方の従兄弟でもある唐橋在数に立て替えてもらい、その借銭の棒引きの条件として、文明4年、残り少ない家領のなかから日根野荘入山田村年貢を息子尚経の代まで在数に引き渡す羽目になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are more written materials such as 'Gakko Mondo Sho' written in 1852 discussing about the relationship between academia and politics, 'Iryo Osetsu Taii', an opinion about Matthew (Calbraith) PERRY and Evfimiy Vasil' evich Putyatin, in 1853, 'Shozan Taiwa', the record of dialogue with Kowashi INOUE, in 1864 and 'Shozan Kanwa', the record of dialogue with Nagazane MOTODA, in 1865. 例文帳に追加

そのほか、学問と政治のむすびつきを論じた嘉永5年(1852年)執筆の「学校問答書」、マシュー・ペリーやエフィム・プチャーチンへの対応についての意見書である嘉永6年(1853年)執筆の「夷虜応接大意」、元治元年(1864年)の井上毅との対話の記録「沼山対話」、慶応元年(1865年)の元田永孚との対話の記録「沼山閑話」などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, he firmly rejected the Retired Emperor's jito (land steward) dismissal request (Ota no sho manor in the Bingo Province) on the ground that it would crush the basis of bakufu if he allowed it, saying 'I have no reason to dismiss jito who the late MINAMOTO no Yoritomo assigned as far as they're not problematic,' and when Kintsune SAIONJI was dismissed from Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Sanetomo pointed out the Retired Emperor's mistake and remonstrated with him. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、上皇が要求した地頭解任要求(備後国太田荘)を「故源頼朝が決めた地頭は問題がない限り解任する理由はない」と幕府の根幹を揺るがしかねないとして固辞しており、西園寺公経が右近衛大将を解任された折には上皇の非を指摘してこれを諌めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Tempo Famine struck the domain from 1836 to 1837, Kazan helped the domain survive without any deaths due to starvation by taking various precautions, including the construction of food storages (named "Homin-kura"), education on strict compliance with the law and order, the importance of saving by means of a handbook called "Kyoko Kokoroe-sho" (Handbook for Disaster Preparedness), and imparting the principle of priority on the survival of the domain's people to the samurai retainers of the domain; consequently, the Tahara Domain was the only domain that was awarded by the Tokugawa shogunate for its great feat. 例文帳に追加

天保7年(1836年)から翌年にかけての天保の大飢饉の際には、あらかじめ食料備蓄庫(報民倉と命名)を築いておいたことや『凶荒心得書』という対応手引きを著して家中に綱紀粛正と倹約の徹底、領民救済の優先を徹底させることなどで、貧しい藩内で誰も餓死者を出さず、そのために全国で唯一幕府から表彰を受けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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