
「men」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(116ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the Aizu Clan, the formal security force was the Kyoto Mimawarigumi (Commander = Tadazaburo SASAKI), and Shinsen-gumi (Commander = Isami KONDO), composed of men with the social position of farmers/merchants, was the non-formal security force of the Aizu Clan for the Kyoto area (in later years, KONDO and others became vassals of the shogunate, and thus Shinsen-gumi became a formal security force). 例文帳に追加

会津藩には武士身分で構成される正規治安部隊、京都見廻組(組長=佐々木只三郎)があり、農民・商人身分で構成される新撰組(組長=近藤勇)は、会津藩の京都における非正規治安部隊(後年は近藤らは幕臣になり正式な治安部隊になる)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to the impact of many works which will be described later, there is a strong general understanding that Shinsen-gumi took a leading part in maintenance of public order in Kyoto during the last days of the shogunate, but actually, the important area around the Imperial Palace was guarded by 2,000 elite troops under direct control of the Aizu Clan, and around that were another 500 men of Kyoto Mimawarigumi, composed of vassals of the shogunate. 例文帳に追加

後述する数々の創作物の影響もあり、幕末、京都の治安維持の主力を担っていたのは新選組であるとの認識も一般には強いが、実際は重要な御所近辺は会津直轄隊の精鋭2000人、その周りは幕臣で構成される見廻組500人が固めていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takauji, after destroying Tokiyuki's army, violated Emperor Godaigo's order to return to the capital and installed himself in Kamakura instead; having become alienated from the new government, he showed his disaffection by bestowing unique rewards on the officers and men who had fought with him to put down the rebellion, and by willfully seizing the territory of the Nitta clan in the Kanto (eastern Japan). 例文帳に追加

時行軍を駆逐した尊氏は後醍醐天皇の帰京命令を拒否してそのまま鎌倉に居を据え、乱の鎮圧に付き従った将士に独自に恩賞を与えたり、関東にあった新田氏の領地を勝手に没収するなど新政から離反する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the warrior clans, notable were Masanari KUSUNOKI, Nagatoshi NAWA (Protector of Hoki), and Chikamitsu YUKI (these three, with Tadaaki CHIGUSA, were called "the three trees (ki) and one grass (kusa)"); moreover, other talented men, both noble and non-noble, including the esoteric monks Monkan and Enkan of the Shingon sect, actively served in the government as well. 例文帳に追加

武家では楠木正成・名和長年(伯耆守)・結城親光(3名と千種忠顕とを合わせて「三木一草」という)、さらに真言宗密教の僧である文観や円観などの非・公家の人材も積極的に登用する人事であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Kyogoku force of 1000 men, who had joined the attack against the Ouchi, retraced their steps and neared Moriyama, Hidemitsu, trying to join up with Akinau TOKI, headed for Mino Province, but on the way he became caught in the middle of a farmers' uprising and was routed; Hidemitsu slipped away with just one close retainer and disappeared. 例文帳に追加

大内攻めに加わっていた京極勢1000余騎が引き返して森山へ迫ると、秀満は土岐詮直と合流すべく美濃国へ向かうが途中で土一揆の蜂起に遭って潰走、秀満は主従2騎で落ちて行方知れずになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Otagi and his men arrived in Tokyo, and repeatedly plotted together with Seinoshin HORIUCHI and retainers of the Akita and Kurume clans, who were called by Koga and Nakamura, to occupy Nikko with help from the members from the Akita clan, setting fire to Tokiyo and taking the emperor to Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

東京に入った愛宕主従は古賀・中村に誘われた秋田・久留米藩士や前述の堀内誠之進らと謀議を重ね、秋田藩内の同志に呼びかけて日光を占領し、更に東京に火を放って天皇を京都に連れ出す作戦を練った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The modern customs are shameful to the Buddhist record written about the future, and the students of Buddhism turned away from the will of the Buddha as the samurai of existing families built a tower, young men decorated their houses in order to have his name heard many times, gained profits from it, sat at drinking parties, or made it into kaisho where poetry is read, and held many rude activities. 例文帳に追加

近世ノ作法、仏の懸記ニタガハズコソ、仏ノ弟子ナヲ仏意ニ背ク、マシテ在家俗士堂塔ヲ建立スル、多ハ名聞ノ為メ、若ハ家ノカザリトス、或ハ是レニヨリテ利ヲエ、或ハ酒宴ノ座席、詩歌ノ会所トシテ、無礼ノ事多シ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is because in China, the native land of ritsuryo, only Confucianism (=Myogyodo) was recognized as the study of worthy men and the other studies including law were recognized as Hogi which were regarded as less worthy and the ritsuryo legal codes in Japan were affected by such a trend. 例文帳に追加

これは、律令の母国である中国において、儒教(=明経道)のみを君子の学問として、法学を含めたその他の学術を方技として扱って学問としての価値を認めない風潮があったことに日本の律令法も影響を受けたためと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it actually varied depending on the financial condition of a feudal lord, the feudal estate or each land condition, and the rate was often defined in tenths, hundredths or thousandths, and in the Kyoto-Osaka area, Men was called 'Rin tori' (literally, collecting in units of Rin) because the rate was fixed to Rin. 例文帳に追加

しかし、実際には領主の財政状況や所領や個々の土地の条件などによってまちまちであり、かつ分・厘・毛単位まで定められている場合が多かった(特に上方では厘毛単位まで免を定めたために、免を「厘取り」とも称した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even after the Taira clan escaped to Saigoku (the western part of Japan) in July 1183, men of the Taira clan lived over wide areas of both Iga and Ise Provinces, which had been their home territory, so Koreyoshi OUCHI was assigned as Ise shugo (military governor of Ise) and Saneharu OI, a vassal in Musashi Province, was dispatched to Ise to subdue the Taira clan and their retainers there in April 1184. 例文帳に追加

寿永2年(1183年)7月の平氏西走後も、その本拠であった伊賀・伊勢両国には平氏家人が播居しており、元暦元年(1184年)3月に大内惟義が伊賀の守護に補任され、武蔵国の御家人大井実春が平家与党討伐のため伊勢に派遣される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A report from Yoshitsune stating that he had summoned Nobukane's three sons to his accommodation and killed them and that Nobukane had been dismissed from Dewa no kuni Kokushi (the governor of Dewa Province) reached Kamakura on October 9, and on October 22 a letter was sent out from Yoritomoto to put the land of Nobukane and the men of the Taira clan in Kyoto under Yoshitsune's control ("Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East)). 例文帳に追加

8月26日、鎌倉に義経から信兼の子息3人を宿所に呼び寄せて誅した事、信兼が出羽国国司を解官されたとの報告が届き、9月9日、信兼以下平氏家人の京都における所有地を、義経の支配とするよう頼朝から書状が出された(『吾妻鏡』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The military services imposed on the middle and lower ranking samurai who offered military services to the lord by lords such as the territorial lords were defined by 'the number of Mounted Warriors, the number of Bows, the number of Muskets, the number of Spears, and the number of Banners,' to which manpower including the numbers of such laborers as caravan of men and animals carrying supplies and low ranked people was sometimes additionally defined. 例文帳に追加

大名などの主君から給人へ課せられる軍役は「馬上○騎、弓○張、鉄砲○挺、鑓○本、旗○本」といった具合であったが、これに小荷駄隊や下人などの人夫もあわせた総人数が規定されることもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This led to the formation of the Takaaki KATO administration by the three pro-constitution factions of Rikken Seiyukai, Kenseikai and Kakushin Kurabu and to the legislation of the Universal Manhood Suffrage Act that abolished the restriction of voting right based on property (tax payment) and granted the right to all men aged over 25 for organization of popular elections. 例文帳に追加

その結果立憲政友会・憲政会・革新倶楽部の護憲三派からなる加藤高明内閣が成立し、普通選挙法が制定され財産(納税額)によって制限される制限選挙から満25歳以上全ての男子に選挙権が与えられることとなり、普通選挙が実現した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Nagayoshi's death, the three men emerged as custodians of the successor Yoshitsugu MIYOSHI who was still a child and all of Nagayoshi's brothers were deceased and collaborated with Hisahide MATSUNAGA, another Miyoshi commander wielding similar power, in the assassination of Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA (Eiroku no hen). 例文帳に追加

三好氏の当主三好長慶の死後、後継者の三好義継は幼く、長慶の弟達もまたこの世を去っていたため、義継の後見役としてこの三名が台頭し、三好氏の重臣として同じく権勢を振るっていた松永久秀と共に足利義輝の謀殺(永禄の変)に携わるなどした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a townsman's document, "Mishikayono Monokatari"(A story of what I saw in life), the misery was that "they stabbed to death men and women including old people and babies and the number of miserable people who lost their parents, whose children were captured, or who parted their partners were beyond number." 例文帳に追加

ある町人が残した記録「見しかよの物かたり」には「男、女のへだてなく、老ひたるも、みどりごも目の当たりにて刺し殺し、あるいは親を失ひ子を捕られ、夫婦の中も離ればなれになりゆくことの哀れさ、その数を知らず」とその悲惨さが語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Nagashino is a battle fought on June 29, 1575 between the Nobunaga ODA - Ieyasu TOKUGAWA allied forces of 38,000 soldiers and the Katsuyori TAKEDA forces of 15,000 men over Nagashino-jo Castle in Mikawa Province (current Nagashino, Shinshiro City, Aichi Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

長篠の戦い(ながしののたたかい、長篠の合戦・長篠合戦とも)は、天正3年5月21日(旧暦)(1575年6月29日)、三河国長篠城(現愛知県新城市長篠)をめぐり、織田信長・徳川家康連合軍3万8000と武田勝頼軍1万5000との間で行われた戦い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The cabinet meeting held on from October 14 to 15 got complicated, but chairman SANJO who was afraid of SAIGO's remark that he will resign when his idea couldn't put through as a result of a tie (there is a possibility that numerous bureaucracies and military men from Satsuma will leave from central government in case of Saigo's resignation), determined immediate dispatch. 例文帳に追加

10月14日-15日に開かれた閣議は紛糾したが、採決で同数になった結果、この意見が通らないなら辞任する(西郷が辞任した場合、薩摩出身の官僚、軍人の多数が中央政府から抜けてしまう恐れがある)とした西郷の言に恐怖した議長の三条が即時派遣を決定。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The rescript consists of the preamble, the main part and the last part: the preamble indicates Emperor holding supreme command, saying 'Being Emperor, I myself am commander in chief,' the main part tells military men five types of virtue of loyalty, courtesy, military prowess, faithfulness, and frugality, and the last part orders soldiers and sailors to follow and practice them sincerely. 例文帳に追加

内容は、前文で「朕は汝ら軍人の大元帥なるぞ」と天皇が統帥権を保持することを示し、続けて、軍人に忠節・礼儀・武勇・信義・質素の5つの徳目を説いた主文、これらを誠心をもって遵守実行するよう命じた後文から成る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The typical pattern of Han was to have samurai, Hanshi, in the castle town as military men or government officials who collected land taxes in rice from peasants whose yields were registered in villages located in the whole ruling region in the vicinity of the castle town, and divided the taxes into the financial resources for the Han and Hanshu as well as the salaries for the Hanshi. 例文帳に追加

藩士である武士を城下町に集めて軍人・官吏とし、彼らの支配のもとで城下町周辺の一円支配領域にある村に石高を登録された百姓から年貢を現物徴収して、藩と藩主の財源や藩士の給与として分配する形態が藩の典型である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having no idea what to do with hiimself, TAIRA no Sadamori left for Kyoto via Tosando Road in Feburary 938, but was chased by Masakado with his 100 horsemen who feared action from the Imperial Court; Sadamori escaped following a battle at Shinano-gawa River in Shinano Province, although many of his men were killed. 例文帳に追加

承平8年(938年)2月、身の置き所のなくなった平貞盛は東山道をへて京へ上ろうと出立するが、朝廷に告訴されることを恐れた将門は100騎を率いてこれを追撃、信濃国信濃川で追いついて合戦となり、貞盛側の多くが討たれるも、貞盛は身ひとつで逃亡に成功。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the rules were established, the numbers of the count, viscount and baron councilors were not to exceed one fifth of the total numbers of the men with that rank (At the first Imperial Diet, there were 14 counts, 70 viscounts and 20 barons; at the twenty-first Imperial Diet, there were 17 counts, 70 viscounts and 56 barons.) 例文帳に追加

設立時は、伯子男爵議員の定数は、各爵位を有する者の総数の5分の1を超えない範囲とされた(第1回帝国議会において伯爵14名、子爵70名、男爵20名、第21回帝国議会において伯爵17名、子爵70名、男爵56名)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With an attempt to avoid repeating KATSURA's folly, YAMAMOTO made concessions to political parties by easing the Military ministers to be officers on active-duty rule (the rule stipulated that only generals and lieutenant generals on the active could serve as ministers of the army and navy, however, in order to increase the political parties' influence over the military, Yamamoto opened these ministerial posts to military men on reserve duty and those on the second reserve duty as well. 例文帳に追加

山本は桂の二の舞を演ずることを避けるため、軍部大臣現役武官制を緩和(陸海軍の大臣は現役の大将・中将から出すこととなっていたが、山本は政党の軍部に対する影響を強めるために、予備役や後備役にまで拡大した)して政党に譲歩した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When KAYAMA asked Perry to give him 4 days to talk with his superiors, Perry answered that he would wait three days, and further threatened that if the Shogunate did not dispatch a high ranking officer to whom he could hand the letter, he and his men would sail to the north of Edo Bay and hand the letter directly to the Shogun. 例文帳に追加

香山は上司と相談する為に4日の猶予をくれるように頼んだが、ペリーは3日なら待とうと答え、さらに親書を受け取れるような高い身分の役人を派遣しなければ、江戸湾を北上して、兵を率いて上陸し、将軍に直接手渡しすると脅しをかけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the official organizations of Muromachi bakufu and shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords), Okura bugyo (the magistrate of storehouse) undertook to secure army provisions, but in the Sengoku period (Japan), it became common to place directly-controlled land and invested energy in securing army provisions in peacetime, and prepare konidabugyo (the commissioner of rear-echelon support troops) and, under that, konidatai (caravan of men and animals carrying supplies) in wartime. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府や守護大名の職制では、御蔵奉行が兵糧確保の任務にあたっていたが、戦国時代(日本)には、平時より蔵入地を設置して兵粮確保に力を注ぎ、戦時に際して小荷駄奉行とその下に小荷駄隊を設けるのが一般的となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, business and industrial men around urban areas were frustrated by assertions of Minto calling only for the reduction in the land tax despite the fact that the fraction of business tax (Japan) on profits was higher than that for land tax, and established their own movement through Zaiseikakushin kai (conference on reform of financial affairs) and others. 例文帳に追加

更に都市部を中心とした商工業者は地租よりも営業税(日本)などの方が収益に対する税負担の割合が高いにも関わらず、民党が地租軽減ばかりを唱えることに不満を抱き、財政革新会などを通して独自の運動を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Second Matsukata's cabinet proposed this policy in 1898, heated arguments erupted between the government and Minto or landowners and peasants against commercial and industrial men, which caused a radical change in the composition of the political world such as the cooperative relationships between political parties and domain cliques. 例文帳に追加

1898年に第2次松方内閣がこの構想を打ち出すと、政府と民党、あるいは地主・農村と商工業者の間で激しい議論を巻き起こすようになり、政党と藩閥の連携などの政界の構図を激変させる原因の1つとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Inoue, who resigned from his post as Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs took responsibility for the failure of a treaty revision at the late stage of the first Ito cabinet by conceiving a plan to form a conservative party opposing minto (general term of the political parties such as Liberal Party and Progressive Party that conflicted with the domain government when the Imperial Diet was inaugurated) by organizing men with high reputation such as mayors, who were the main constituent to manage local autonomies. 例文帳に追加

第1次伊藤内閣の末期、条約改正の失敗の責任をとって外務大臣(日本)を辞任した井上は、町村長ら地方自治運営の主体となる名望家層を結集させて、民党に対抗する保守政党を結成する構想を抱いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, during this time, Kuniuji HATAKEYAMA - lord of Iwakiri-jo Castle and Oshu Kanrei (shogunal deputy of the northern regions), and Sadaie KIRA - who was also an Oshu Kanrei, attacked Taga-jo Castle as representatives of the Northern Court, and drove Imperial Prince Norinaga and his men from Taga-jo Castle to Ryozen in Date District, Fukushima Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

しかし、このとき、奥州管領の岩切城主・畠山国氏(奥州管領)、同じく奥州管領・吉良貞家は、北朝方として多賀城を攻撃し、義良親王一向を多賀城から福島県伊達郡霊山へ追いやった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He called itthe meaning of our liberty , why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebrationfor someone whose father would not have been able to eat in some restaurants in Washington, D.C. 60 years ago. 例文帳に追加

彼は,60年前にはワシントン市内のレストランで食事をすることが許されなかったであろう父親を持つ人物(オバマ大統領のこと)のための「祝典にあらゆる人種,あらゆる信仰の男性,女性,子どもたちが参加できる理由」を「われわれの自由の意味」とみなしました。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

We face the greatest challenge to the world economy in modern times; a crisis which has deepened since we last met, which affects the lives of women, men, and children in every country, and which all countries must join together to resolve. 例文帳に追加

我々は、世界経済に対する現代最大の挑戦、すなわち、前回会合以来深刻化し、各国の女性、男性及び子供たちの生活に影響を与える、すべての国が解決のために団結しなければならない危機に直面している。 - 財務省

The neck pin fixes the collar without deformation even in a state where the collar of the shirt for men or women (the white shirt, the casual shirt, the shape-stabilized shirt, and the stretch shirt, etc.) is opened without buttoning.例文帳に追加

本発明は男性用シャツ、女性用シャツ(ワイシャツ、カジアルシャツ、形状安定シャツ、ストレッチシャツ等)の襟元のボタンを留めないで開放した状態でも襟元が乱れなく固定でき、また襟元の装身具としても提供できる。 - 特許庁

To obtain a repellent of Gastropoda, having excellent repellent activities against Gastropoda such as Incilaria bilineata causing damage in useful crops, hardly reduced by rain and watering, readily treated, safe to men and beasts and comprising an inorganic compound.例文帳に追加

有用作物に被害を与えるナメクジなどの腹足網類に対して優れた忌避効果を有し、降雨や散水によっても忌避効果の減少が少なく、取り扱いが容易で人畜に対して安全な無機化合物からなる腹足網類忌避剤を提供することである。 - 特許庁

The hesperidin and/or its derivative (α-glucosyl hesperidin) have been found to have excellent functions for reducing a waist size, a waist/hip size ratio, a weight and the like when administered to adult men and women selected based on a diagnostic criterion for a metabolic syndrome.例文帳に追加

ヘスペリジン及び/又はその誘導体(糖転移ヘスペリジン)をメタボリックシンドロームの診断基準に該当する成人男女に投与したところ、優れたウエスト周囲径の低下作用、ウエスト/ヒップ比減少作用、体重減少作用等があることを見出した。 - 特許庁

To provide an undergarment coping with a little amount of urine leakage by dividing the inside of a men's undergarment having a front opening part in the vertical direction, free from trouble when urinating, and notice around at a public toilet or public bathhouse, and expected to bring effect of relieving uncomfortable stuffiness by urine.例文帳に追加

前開口部を縦方向に有する男性用下着の内側を分割する事によって、少量の尿漏れに対応し、小用時に手間取る事も無く、公衆トイレや公衆浴場などでも周りに気づかれる事無く、尿などによる不快な蒸れを軽減させる効果が期待できる下着を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a moth repellent for a bedding which is used for the bedding such as a pillow, a futon and a cushion, proves a high inspect effect on a cloth moth mainly based on the repelling effect of the larva and the imago thereof, is further excellent in safety to men and beasts, and moreover is odorless and easy to use.例文帳に追加

枕、布団やクッション等の寝具類に用いられる寝具用防虫剤であって、衣料害虫に対し主としてその幼虫並びに成虫の忌避効果に基づき高い防虫効果を奏する一方、人畜に対する安全性に優れ、しかも匂いがなくて使い易い寝具用防虫剤の提供。 - 特許庁

The portable sanitary paper is constituted of combination of allowing soft and highly permeable paper to adhere onto a mount such as vinyl without neither bleeding nor leaking and to be enclosed by vinyl, etc., with an opening window, in order to wipe the urine drop or residual urine, etc., attached onto the male genitalia after discharging urine in the men's toilet.例文帳に追加

男性トイレに於いて、排尿後の男性性器に付着した尿のしずくや残尿等を拭き取りため、吸収の良い柔らかい紙を、滲みたり漏れたりしないビニール等の台紙に貼り付け、あるいは窓明き状のビニールなどで包み込んだ組合せで構成された携帯用衛生紙。 - 特許庁

To achieve a business card holder or a card case which is preferred mainly by men, can be put in an inside pocket of a suit jacket, a pants pocket, a shirt pocket or the like, without being bulky, exhibits high portability and functionality and from which business cards are easy to take out though its body is slim.例文帳に追加

主に男性が好むような、スーツの内側ポケット、ズボンのポケット、シャツのポケット等にかさばらず収納できる、携帯性、機能性に優れた、本体が薄いのに名刺を取り出しやすい、名刺入れ、カードケースの実現。 - 特許庁

To provide a pair of 1 and 2 pants to be used for improving such problems that an urination port of conventional trunks pants is longitudinal and fastened with buttons, so many men in a hurry urinate through bringing down from an upper side or putting the hand from an oblique lower part as urinating takes time and troublesome and cause many failures.例文帳に追加

従来ではトランクスパンツの排尿口が縦でボタン止めでしたそのため急いでいる時、時間がかかり面倒なので上から下げたり、斜め下から手を入れて排尿する男性が多く、失敗が多かっが、1,2パンツを使用することで改善することができる。 - 特許庁

This chair seat room has a chair seat end row of respectively arranging a plurality of one-man arrangement chair seats 2 in right-left end rows of a room, and a chair seat intermediate row of arranging a plurality of two-men arrangement chain seats 4 between the chair seat end rows.例文帳に追加

例えば、新幹線の椅子席室では椅子席配置が通路を中心に二人並び椅子席が対に並べられている所謂2+2方式なので、奥側着席者の離着席は手前側着席者に災いされ自在にできず、個別性等に難点がある。 - 特許庁

To provide men's underwear including a front body part, a back body part, a crotch part and a leg part, wherein a curved pressing cloth for the front body side and the back body side is formed to be extended to the side of the leg part from the vicinity of the side part of the waist part so as to sufficiently exert silhouette effect.例文帳に追加

前身頃、後身頃、股部及び脚部からなる男性用下着において、湾曲状の前身側及び後身側圧接用生地をウエスト部の脇部付近から脚部側まで延長して形成し、シルエット効果が十分に発揮されるように男性用下着に関する。 - 特許庁

The men's auxiliary undergarment is formed by sewing up a sash cord in a circular shape, and is used as follows: placing the penis in the sewn-up sash cord; and pulling up the sash cord while holding the waist rubber from the front and the back of the body, so that the force for tucking the penis with the sash cord is constantly applied to the penis.例文帳に追加

円形にタスキを縫い合わせ、その中に男性の局部を入れ、身体の前後からウエストのゴムをもってそのタスキを上に引き上げるようにし、男性の局部には絶えずタスキに挟み込まれる力が働くようにした男性用補助下着。 - 特許庁

The support system 10 which determines an impression type based on data about skin color of a face, hair color, fixtures of the face and behavioral characteristics of the person for coordination and provides coordination support information such as article information corresponding to the determined impression type is provided for men.例文帳に追加

男性用に関しては、コーディネート対象者の顔の肌色、髪色、顔の造作、挙動特性に関するデータに基づいて印象タイプを判定し、判定した印象タイプに対応する商品情報等のコーディネート支援情報を提供する支援システム10を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a toilet corresponding to the new era devised such that even a man still accustomed to urinate in a standing posture can shift to urination while sitting without the feeling of incompatibility while the number of men who urinate in a sitting posture on a household Western-style toilet is increasing due to the change of the lifestyle in recent years.例文帳に追加

本発明は近年のライフスタイルの変化により家庭洋便器での小用を着座姿勢で行う男性が増えてきたなか、未だ立姿勢での小用を慣習としている男性にも違和感なく座っての小用に移行してもらえる工夫をもった、新時代に対応する便器である。 - 特許庁

This dance posture supporter for men is provided with a belt part which connects a thigh portion holder part worn on a man's left leg thigh portion to a shoulder part worn on the man's right shoulder from the back side, and a rubber elastic part is provided in a part of the belt part.例文帳に追加

男性用として、男性の左足大腿部に装着する大腿部ホルダー部と、男性の右肩に装着するショルダー部を、背中側から繋ぐベルト部を有し、このベルト部の一部にゴム状の弾性部を備えたダンス姿勢サポータとした。 - 特許庁

The men's underpants is so designed that the upper hem of an antibacterial stretchable partition cloth is opened on the inner central part of a front body, the side hem and the lower hem are sewn together and cut holes are formed over a longitudinal given area on the central part of the partition cloth.例文帳に追加

〔請求項1〕男性用下穿きにおいて前身頃内側中央部に抗菌性の伸縮性仕切り布の上辺を開口すると共に、側辺及び下辺を縫着し、更に、該仕切り布の中央部を縦列所定区間にわたり切り孔を形成してなる。 - 特許庁

To make mahjongg a sound amusement with an image change from a shady and negative image under the leadership of men to a happy and plus image by unifying a head office, member stores and members through personal computers to hold a Japan tournament and a world tournament.例文帳に追加

マージャン利用者が従来、弾性中心で暗い負のイメージからパソコンを駆使することにより本部と加盟店、会員が統括され、今まで成し得なかった日本大会、世界大会をも可能にし、本来の娯楽にし、明るいプラスのイメージにすることにより、健全な娯楽にする。 - 特許庁

The men's undershirts comprises long sleeve shirts, half sleeve shirts or running shirts, where the posterior waist length is a little longer so that a lower part opening is located at a position lower than the upper part of the wearer's thigh, and a slit is formed at the lower center opening of the front part of the undershirt.例文帳に追加

長袖シャツ、中袖シャツ、または、ランニングシャツの形状を持つ男性用アンダーシャツであって、大腿上部より下方に下部開放部がくるように背丈が長めに設定されており、アンダーシャツ前方の中心の下部開口部にスリットを備える。 - 特許庁

To provide a neck pin for preventing the deformation of collar in addition to the provision of an accent by performing fixing at a neck also as an accessory so as to prevent the collar from being deformed with a movement in a state where the neck is not buttoned in shirts for men and women (a white shirt, a casual shirt, a shape-stabilized shirt, and a stretch shirt, etc.).例文帳に追加

本発明は男性用シャツ、女性用シャツ(ワイシャツ、カジアルシャツ、形状安定シャツ、ストレッチシャツ等)の襟元のボタンを留めない状態だと襟元が動きに対して乱れるのを装身具も兼ねて固定して、乱れをなくすることが出来又アクセントをつける事が目的である。 - 特許庁

To provide a simple and efficient method for surely preventing scales over a long period of time from being stuck onto a toilet with an attachable/ detachable trap (a men's urinal which has the built-in trap but rot-in its drainpipe).例文帳に追加

トラップ着脱式トイレ(便器に内蔵された着脱式トラップを有し、排水管中にトラップが設けられていない男子用小便器)におけるスケールの固着を簡便かつ効率よく、また長期にわたり確実に防止する方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁


Especially, in a three-men sitting rear seat being bad in riding comfortableness for golfers, both side seats 12 are made to be slid toward the outside and fixed, so that the interval from the central seat 11 can be variable, and further each of both the side seats 12 is provided with a handrail 8.例文帳に追加

特に、ゴルファーの乗り心地の悪い3人掛けの後座席シート7において、両側座席シート12を車体の外側方向にスライドして固定できるようにして、中央座席シート11との間隔を可変にするとともに、両側座席シート12には手すり8を備える。 - 特許庁


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