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In May 2011, a support program of a total of 78 billion by the EU and the IMF was initiated, and thus, immediate financing was in sight. However, to return its economy to a sustainable growth track, it is necessary for Portugal to strive to increase its international competitiveness by forging ahead with structural reform and raise its long-term debt-paying ability as with Greece. - 経済産業省


In a capital enhancement plan as of January 2012, prepared by a bank that was indicated as having a capital shortage by the European Banking Authority in December 2011, 77% of its capital enhancement will be implemented through capital increase measures such as financing from the market by issuing new stocks and accumulation of retained earnings. - 経済産業省


According to a report on the result of investigation conducted among 183 countries by the World Bank on easiness of business operation in the respective countries as of June 2011, in overall evaluation of the business environments of major continental European countries, Germany is ranked 19th and falls behind the United States, ranked 4th, and the United Kingdom, ranked 7th. In particular, Italy is ranked 87th in overall evaluation, almost equal to emerging countries such as China, which is ranked 91st. - 経済産業省

また、スイスはこの間に貿易赤字から貿易黒字に完全に転換し、所得収支やサービス収支も黒字を維持したため、経常収支黒字 GDP 比は拡大基調で推移しているし、シンガポールもかつて貿易サービスの赤字国であったが、その後貿易サービス収支黒字に転換し、所得収支赤字を埋め合わせている。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, Switzerland completely shifted from trade deficit to trade surplus and maintained surpluses in income balance and service balance, leading to a rising trend in the current account surplus-GDP ratio. Singapore was also a country with trade and service deficits but thereafter turned into trade and service balance surpluses, making up for income balance deficits. - 経済産業省


即ち、2010 年末からの中東の政治情勢の不安定化を受けて、原油価格が高騰したこと、それにもかかわらず代替燃料として LNG の輸入数量が増加したことが、貿易赤字化の主たる要因となり、これらに大震災による供給制約、歴史的円高、世界経済の減速等による輸出数量の減少が加わる形となった。例文帳に追加

Specifically, the trade deficit was recorded mainly because: the crude oil prices soared, as the political situation has become unstable in the Middle East since the end of 2010; and, despite this, import volume of LNG, an alternative fuel for the crude oil, increased. Apart from these major factors, other factors include a decrease in export volume resulting primarily from supply restriction by the great earthquake, historical appreciation of the yen, and the slowing world economy. - 経済産業省



Moreover, the leaders stressed that economies still relied largely on policy support measures and for a sustainable fiscal government and coherent country commented, “policy support measures should be maintained until the recovery is without a doubt being led by the private sector and until it is stronger,” and “a reliable exit strategy should be formulated from exceptional macro economic support policies and monetary support policies that meet the conditions of each individual country while taking into consideration all conceivable repercussions.” - 経済産業省


As will be covered below, the Chinese government has adopted various measures aimed at correcting the disparity between cities and rural communities and has laid out a policy of making efforts in the development of institutions, starting with a family registration system, but raising the level of income of persons residing in rural areas, which account for the majority of the population, also appears to be extremely important in order to realize strong economic growth that is driven by domestic demand. - 経済産業省


In particular, there were remarkable growths in finance, services for business, and transport/warehousing/communications. This growth may be due to these industries providing relatively limited services to business compared to the diverse demands of individuals in each country, and their active global expansion aiming at supplying the demands for international services accompanying the global expansion of the manufacturing industries. - 経済産業省

これらの実証分析結果から、EPA / FTAの締結は、特に発展途上国に対し、自由化による経済的メリットをもたらすとともに、自由化のメリットの更なる追求に向けて域外輸入品に課す税率を引き下げ、WTOによる多角的貿易自由化の進展に前向きに取り組ませようとする効果を持ち得ることが分かる。例文帳に追加

These demonstrative analysis shows that concluding EPA/FTAs affords developing countries in particular economical benefits realized by liberalization. It could also work as incentives for countries to seek further benefits of liberalization by lowering tariffs imposed on third countries of any relevant EPA/FTAs and work positively for the progress of multilateral trade liberalization by WTO. - 経済産業省



However, as in the experience of the US steel industry, where safeguard measures are implemented together with other permanent protection measures, the effectiveness of the former as a sunset measure encouraging self-reform efforts is greatly diminished, and safeguard measures can instead become a life-support device which detracts from the improvement of competitiveness. - 経済産業省



To create excellent university settings, the Muroran Institute of Technology aims to reform instructors' awareness, encourage self-development, foster high quality instructors, and systematically improve education quality. To this end, the university evaluates its education targets and achievements on a self-assessment basis, assesses classes, evaluates education contributions, and assesses university instructors based on comprehensive evaluation on education, research, social/international contribution, as well as university operations. By doing so, the university treats its instructors in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration these evaluation results. - 経済産業省


In addition, "Comprehensive Emergency Economic Measures in Response to the Yen's Appreciation and Deflation," as approved by the cabinet in October 2010, call for reexamination of eco points granted from December 2010. Furthermore, the eco point program is only applicable to replacement purchase or recycle of home electronics appliances. By doing so, the government aims at soft landing by mitigating a reactionary drop after termination of the eco point program. - 経済産業省


Breaking down the value of exports (year-on-year changes) into the export quantity factor, the export price factor (contract currency basis) and the exchange rate factor7 show that the exchange rate factor gave a negative contribution owing to the soaring yen, but that the major factor for the decline in the value of exports since September 2008 has been the rapid decline in the quantity of exports (Figure 2-1-2-7). - 経済産業省


Also, the following were presented in the fiscal reconstruction plan that the government submitted to European Commission in 2010: while maintaining the enhancement of social security, increasing the numbers of young people and women who are entrepreneurs by reducing establishment costs, promoting innovation, and working on environmental problems by raising energy efficiency. - 経済産業省

アフリカ新興国地域についてであるが、サブサハラ地域に属する南アフリカ、ナイジェリアの2 か国合計の人口構成を見ると、2009 年時点では、富裕層0.04億人(2%)、中間層0.47 億人(23%)、低所得層1.54億人(75%)となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層0.09 億人(3.5%)、中間層1.02 億人(41.4%)、低所得層1.35 億人(55.0%)となることが予想される。例文帳に追加

When taking a look at the combined population composition of South Africa and Nigeria, which located in Sub Sahara region, they had the high-income population of 4million (2%), the middle-income population of47million (23%) and the low-income population of 154million (75%) as in 2009, while in 2020 it is anticipated that the high-income population amounts to 9million (3.5%), the middle-income population amounts to 102million (41.4%) and the low-income population amounts to 135million (55%). - 経済産業省

財団法人国際経済交流財団(2010)によると、新興国市場開拓に向けた商品・サービス等の開発方法として(第3-2-1-34 図)、「現状より高い機能・性能、品質による高付加価値化」と並び、「一部の機能・品質を抑え、大幅な低価格化」を将来的に重視するという企業が増加しており、我が国企業の事業戦略の変化がうかがえる。例文帳に追加

In a research by the Japan Economic Foundation (2010) pertaining to a method of development of product/service involving exploration of emerging markets (Figure 3-2-1-34), it showed that more and more companies place importance on low pricing significantly by keeping down part of function/quality. Yet, still many companies favor generation of high added valued product by enhancing the function/performance/quality that are higher than that of at presents.―This explains that the business strategy of Japanese companies has been changing. - 経済産業省

なお、日中の省エネルギー・環境協力を推進するため、2006 年より、閣僚クラスも参加した官民のフォーラムである「日中省エネルギー・環境総合フォーラム」を開催し、日中双方が省エネルギー・環境に関する政策、経験、技術などについて、幅広い分野で意見交換を実施している。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, in order to promote energy conservation/environmental cooperation between Japan and China, Japan has hosted the Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Forum since 2006, a public-private forum participated in by ministerial level officials, to exchange views on a wide range of areas concerning policies, experiences and technologies related to energy conservation and the environment. - 経済産業省


The following will review the current state of "goods" globalization, which is entering a new phase. At the same time, it will review the directionality of the development of the "Production Networks in East Asia," which has been building to date. The potential of a "pan-Asian market" deepening so as to become an "economic bloc"—due to its development as both a "consumption base" and "intellectual creation base"—will also be confirmed. - 経済産業省


However, as the inter-process division of labor has progressed, it has become unnecessary for companies to handle extensive production processes by themselves, in order to create value. Companies forming a global value chain have become diversified, as not only multinational companies but also local companies and small- and medium-sized companies have actively participated in147 this movement. - 経済産業省

例えば、藤本・天野・新宅(2007)、Ono and Fujimoto(2006)等では、製品・工程の基本設計思想を「摺り合わせ(インテグラル)型」と「組み合わせ(モジュラー型)」の二つに分けて考える製品・工程のアーキテクチャ(構造)分析に基づいて、「各国の能力・構築環境、その国のものづくりの比較優位をふまえて、製品・工程アーキテクチャ上の国際的な分業展開を行うべき」としている200。例文帳に追加

For example, Fujimoto, Amano and Shintaku (2007) and Ono and Fujimoto (2006), based on analyses of products and production process architecture, wherein basic product design concepts and production processes are made "integral" and "modular," have suggested that the "international division of labor in products and production process architecture should be done on the basis of abilities and countries business environments, as well as their comparative advantages in manufacturing". - 経済産業省


It is often pointed out that increase was the result of the creation of a positive business cycle: the investment and business environment improved as Asian countries promoted trade and investment liberalization, which led to active direct investment by cost-conscious multinational firms; this, in turn, resulted in export increase and an inflow of investment14. - 経済産業省


according to the International Telecommunication Union, although the prevalence rate of mobile phone use in Africa was 27%—far below the world average of 49%, as of the end of 2007—the average rate of increase in African subscribers has been the highest in the world, at 39%, since 2005. A total of 260 million people in Africa are mobile phone subscribers, and the market is expanding rapidly. - 経済産業省


However, while the export of cheap products from China skyrocketed, technology transfer from these foreign companies and the technological capabilities of Chinese companies have not increased as expected. The Chinese government has recognized that it is not necessarily reaping sufficient benefits from the introduction of foreign capital and has begun to focus on such foreign investment that can contribute to the real development of the country. - 経済産業省


On October 23, 2007, Japan announced, simultaneously with the United States and European countries, the start of intensive discussions on the "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (tentative name)" Initiative (hereinafter the "ACTA Initiative") within the year by cooperating closely with countries keenly interested in protecting intellectual property rights. The ACTA is a new international framework to strictly enforce intellectual property rights. - 経済産業省


The result of such empirical analysis suggests that signing EPAs/FTAs brings the economic benefits of liberalization, especially to developing countries, and has the effects of lowering the tariff rates imposed on imports from external regions and promoting progress in the multilateral trade liberalization talks at the WTO, in pursuit of further benefits from the liberalization. - 経済産業省


This agreement provides general obligations regarding trade in services, such as most- favored-nation treatment and transparency. In addition, it enumerates 155 service sectors and stipulates that a member country cannot maintain or introduce, in the service sectors for which it has made commitments, market access restriction measures and discriminatory measures that are severer than those on the commitment table (see Chapter 11 "Trade in Services"). - 経済産業省


As long as this is kept to a problem of individual banks, the impact on the real economy is minor. But if there is a shortage of equity capital across the whole banking sector, then financial institutions will frequently tighten their lending standards, be reluctant to lend, and recover loans; and concerns of a credit crunch will grow. - 経済産業省


The Doha Work Programme established during the July 2004 WTO General Council was designed to provide a framework for negotiations on trade facilitation under one of the four Singapore Issues. However, investment, competition and transparency in government procurement were excluded from the Doha framework. - 経済産業省

2年間のプロジェクトとして作業を経た後、2001年5月の閣僚理事会において、① 情報通信技術( I C T :Information and Communications Technology)の役割と、②それによるニューエコノミー実現の可能性に対する理解を深めた上で、③高い経済成長を実現・持続させるための具体的な政策を提言した最終報告書「ニューエコノミー: 熱狂を超えて("The New Economy: Beyond the Hype")」がまとめられた。例文帳に追加

After completing the two-year project, the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting in May 2001 adopted the final report, The New Economy: Beyond the Hype, which called for a deeper understanding of (i) the role of information and communications technology (ICT) as well as (ii) the potential to realize the new economy through ICT, and then proposed (iii) specific policies to help realize and sustain high economic growth. - 経済産業省


CSR has no clear shared definition because specific items of interest differ by country, region, religion and custom. Generally speaking, however, CSR is interpreted as follows: "companies become successful in business not only by complying with law but also by making well-balanced approaches on their own to economic, environmental and social problems in a manner that is beneficial to stakeholders surrounding companies, including citizens, local communities and society." - 経済産業省


In the background of this expansion was the broader availability of SRI-type financial products in the menu for 401k defined contribution pension plans, in addition to the strong support for investment policies excluding tobacco companies amid the growing social awareness about smoking and health issues and the favorable performance of SRI-type investment management. - 経済産業省


So, the division added "speedy organizational response" as an item in the medium-term management program, mapped out new action plans for the integration of contact points with customers to meet their requests for speedy responses and setting regular meetings with customers to put out feelers for customer needs, setting and managing indicators to measure the progress in these efforts. - 経済産業省


They also systematically implemented a survey on the system in exporting countries with respect to food safety and conducted consultations and surveys on individual issues with exporting countries in order to prompt exporting countries to take appropriate safety measures on foods imported to Japan. - 厚生労働省


Under the Law Concerning Stabilization of Older Persons, employers are obliged to take one of the three measures to secure employment for the elderly (raising the mandatory retirement age to 65, adopting a continuous employment system or abolish the mandatory retirement system). The survey results show that these measures have become common among large companies, with 98.1% of companies with 301 or more employees having implemented them as of June 1, 2007. However, the smaller the company is, the lower the implementation rate. - 厚生労働省


In order to execute the Disaster Relief Act, which rules emergency measure etc. in times of disaster such as shelter, provision of foods for emergency feeding and drinking water, temporary housing etc., the "Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Emergency Action Plan" was formulated to promote disaster prevention measures and to ensure flexible response in case of outbreak of disaster - 厚生労働省


They also systematically implemented a survey on the system in exporting countries with respect to food safety and conducted consultations and surveys on individual issues with exporting countries in order to prompt exporting countries to take appropriate safety measures on foods imported to Japan. Moreover, they conducted on-site inspections on safety control in exporting countries with relation to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (hereinafter referred to asBSE”), etc. - 厚生労働省


The MHLW shall provide information on sample cases of violations of the Act concerning foods that are subject to an inspection order or enhanced-monitoring inspection as well as the results of the Plan and monitoring and guidance under the Plan in English.The MHLW will also link its web pages to those in English of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), which describe food-sanitation regulations in Japan, in order to promote the dissemination of information in English version. - 厚生労働省

付加価値の創出が図られていく中で、第22図のとおり、製造業では、自社の競争力の源泉として新製品・サービスの開発力が上昇するとともに、人材の多様性、人材の能力・資質を高める育成体系が現在と比較して今後では大きく上昇している 。例文帳に追加

We can say that the importance of diversification of human resources and human resource development is strongly recognized by the companies when they provide new products and services with high value-added; meanwhile, the human resources and skills necessary for the R&D jobs and specialized and technical jobs are changing in line with technological innovation and business restructuring, etc ., but the companies still cannot fully deal with the development and securing of such human resources . - 厚生労働省

・ 今回の産業ビジョンは、以上のように、前ビジョンを踏まえつつも、その後の環境変化に対応し、各省連携の仕組みや官民対話の仕組みを一層進め、国際化・国際競争力強化の新たな地平面を目指すものである。したがって、前回ビジョンの見直しにとどまらず、新たなビジョンの策定として「新ビジョン」と呼ばれるべきものである。例文帳に追加

・The industrial vision this time, based on the previous vision as described above, responds to the future environmental changes, further progresses the system of collaboration between the ministries and the system of communication between the public and private sectors and aims a new goal for internationalization / strengthening of the international competitive power. Accordingly, it should be calleda new visionas establishment of the new vision not only review of the previous vision. - 厚生労働省


(Elderly people) As for elderly people, that incomes are guaranteed and a working places where the knowledge and skills they have experienced are drawn is secured, is important for elderly people to send a stable life and have a purposeful life, and it is also important in view of keeping economic dynamism in Japan. - 厚生労働省


When and only when the concrete process of further reviewing and improvement - that should reveal the facts of the past and clarify the background as well as the causes, consider today's circumstances, and incorporate these findings in our future development of government policies - is implemented, connecting the nation, society, and individual citizens, then the results of our verification shall receive true praise. - 厚生労働省


"The application of designation of dates set by the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with Article 50 of the Act concerning Special Financial Assistance and Subsidies in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake" (Health Insurance Bureau, February 24, 2012)To inform respective insured persons and relevant organizations that the period, during which the standard copays, etc. of dietary treatment costs charged at the time of hospital admission are exempted, has been designated. - 厚生労働省


and when he had done this hard, and even harder, he distinctly remembered a youthful desire to return to the tree-tops, and with that memory came others, as that he had lain in bed planning to escape as soon as his mother was asleep, and how she had once caught him half-way up the chimney.  - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』


If, however, the mischievous operation of the absence of free discussion, when the received opinions are true, were confined to leaving men ignorant of the grounds of those opinions, it might be thought that this, if an intellectual, is no moral evil, and does not affect the worth of the opinions, regarded in their influence on the character.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


They were essentially a negative discussion of the great questions of philosophy and life, directed with consummate skill to the purpose of convincing any one who had merely adopted the commonplaces of received opinion, that he did not understand the subject—that he as yet attached no definite meaning to the doctrines he professed;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


When a person, either by express promise or by conduct, has encouraged another to rely upon his continuing to act in a certain wayto build expectations and calculations, and stake any part of his plan of life upon that suppositiona new series of moral obligations arises on his part towards that person, which may possibly be overruled, but cannot be ignored.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

第一条 この法律は、我が国における少子高齢化の進展、就業構造の変化等の社会経済情勢の変化に伴い、短時間労働者の果たす役割の重要性が増大していることにかんがみ、短時間労働者について、その適正な労働条件の確保、雇用管理の改善、通常の労働者への転換の推進、職業能力の開発及び向上等に関する措置等を講ずることにより、通常の労働者との均衡のとれた待遇の確保等を図ることを通じて短時間労働者がその有する能力を有効に発揮することができるようにし、もってその福祉の増進を図り、あわせて経済及び社会の発展に寄与することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to enable Part-Time Workers to effectively exercise their abilities through ensuring, etc. of their treatment balanced with that of ordinary workers, and thereby enhance welfare of the Part-Time Workers and contribute to economic and social development, by means of taking such measures as those concerning ensuring of proper working conditions for Part-Time Workers, improvement of employment management for them, promotion of their transformation to ordinary workers, development and improvement, etc. of vocational abilities, in view of the fact that the importance of roles played by Part-Time Workers is increasing with such socioeconomic changes in Japan as the progress of aging population combined with low birthrates and change in employment structures.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 都道府県知事は、第一項の申請があった場合において、当該申請に係る施設の所在地を含む区域(第百十八条第二項第一号の規定により当該都道府県が定める区域とする。)における指定介護療養型医療施設の療養病床等に係る入所定員の総数が、同条第一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県介護保険事業支援計画において定めるその区域の指定介護療養型医療施設の療養病床等に係る必要入所定員総数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る施設の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県介護保険事業支援計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、第四十八条第一項第三号の指定をしないことができる。例文帳に追加

(4) In a case when an application as set forth in paragraph (1) is submitted, the prefectural governor, when it is determined that the total capacity of persons who may be admitted to the Sanatorium Ward, etc., of a Designated Medical Long-Term Care Sanatorium in the area (which means an area provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 118, paragraph (2), item (i)) including the location of the Facility pertaining to said application has reached the total necessary capacity of persons who may be admitted to the Sanatorium Ward, etc., of the Designated Medical Long-Term Care Sanatorium in the area as prescribed in the Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or will exceed said total number by said appointment as service provider of the facility pertaining to said application, or when it is determined that it is likely to cause problems with the accomplishment of said Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan, may determine not to provide an appointment as service provider as set forth in Article 48, paragraph (1), item (iii).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 都道府県知事は、前項の申請があった場合において、当該都道府県における当該申請に係る指定障害者支援施設の入所定員の総数が、第八十九条第一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県障害福祉計画において定める当該都道府県の当該指定障害者支援施設の必要入所定員総数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る施設の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県障害福祉計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、第二十九条第一項の指定をしないことができる。例文帳に追加

(2) A prefectural governor may refrain from the designation of paragraph 1 of Article 29 in the event that the application of the preceding paragraph is filed, if he/she acknowledges that the total of limit capacity of the designated support facility pertaining to such application in such prefecture has already reached to the total capacity necessary for such designated support facility which is prescribed in a prefectural plan for welfare of persons with disabilities prescribed by such prefecture pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article 89; such capacity will be surpassed by the designation of the facility pertaining to such application; or such application could be possible to be an obstacle for achievement of other plans for welfare of persons with disabilities of such prefecture.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 総務大臣は、前項の申請があつたときは、同項の設備等設置維持計画及び評価結果を記載した書面により、当該申請に係る設備等設置維持計画に従つて設置し、及び維持する場合における特殊消防用設備等が第十七条第一項の政令若しくはこれに基づく命令又は同条第二項の規定に基づく条例で定める技術上の基準に従つて設置し、及び維持しなければならない消防用設備等と同等以上の性能を有しているかどうかを審査し、当該性能を有していると認められるときは、同条第三項の規定による認定をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Upon receiving the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications shall examine, while referring to the equipment installation and maintenance plan and the document stating the evaluation result as set forth in said paragraph, whether or not the special fire defense equipment, etc. to be installed and maintained according to the equipment installation and maintenance plan pertaining to the application performs to an equal or higher level than that of the fire defense equipment, etc. that should be installed and maintained in accordance with the technical standards specified by Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 17, paragraph (1) or order issued thereunder or a municipal ordinance under the provision of paragraph (2) of said Article, and if he/she judges said special fire defense equipment, etc. to have such performance, he/she shall grant the certification under the provision of paragraph (3) of said Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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原題:”On Liberty”

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