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ピックアップコイル装置と環状の永久磁石部材とからなり、該永久磁石部材 は軸方向に離隔した第1及び第2の磁化された部分を有し、前記第1及び第2の磁化部分の各々は、一方向の一定磁気レベルに半径方向に磁化された半円周部分と、反対方向の一定磁気レベルに半径方向に磁化された半円周部分との間に鋭い磁束反転の区域、を画成し、かつ前記第1及び第2の磁化部分は互いに反対方向に磁化されていることを特徴とする、内燃機関の駆動軸に装着される点火トリガパルス発生器。例文帳に追加

Ignition trigger pulse generator to be deployed on the drive shaft of an internal combustion engine comprising a pick-up coil device and a permanent magnet, wherein the permanent magnet consists of two magnetized components placed on the drive shaft separated and forms an area of reversed flux of magnetic induction across the magnetized radius and further these components are magnetized in the opposite directions.  - 特許庁


The G-7 Finance Ministers' Report on Strengthening the International Financial Architecture issued at the Cologne Summit last year called for a comprehensive review of financial architecture that included: (1)reforming the international financial institutions and arrangements; (2)strengthening supervision over lender-side institutions such as hedge funds; (3)on the borrowing economy-side, strengthening the financial sector, adopting appropriate exchange rate regime, and well-sequencing of capital account liberalization; (4) strengthening private sector involvement in crisis prevention and resolution; and (5) promoting internationally agreed codes and standards.  - 財務省

モメンタムを維持するために、我々は単一の質の高い国際的な会計基準の実現、報酬慣行に関する国際的基準の実施の重要性を強調し、FSB の報告を歓迎した。また、必要に応じ、全ての標準化された OTCデリバティブの中央清算及び取引所又は電子取引基盤を通じた取引並びに全ての OTCデリバティブ取引の取引情報蓄積機関への報告に関する基準策定の完了、ヘッジ・ファンド、信用格付会社に対する着実で調和の取れた監督の重要性を強調した。例文帳に追加

To maintain the momentum, we stressed the importance of achieving a single set of high quality, global accounting standards; implementing international standards with regard to compensation practices and welcomed the FSB's report; completing the development of standards for central clearing and trading on exchanges or electronic platforms of all standardized over-the-counter derivative contracts, where appropriate, and reporting to trade repositories of all over-the-counter derivative contracts; and consistent and coordinated oversight of hedge funds and credit rating agencies.  - 財務省


To provide a capacitor element capable of eliminating drawbacks without causing reduction in its capacitance, and further provide its manufacturing method and a solid electrolytic capacitor using the capacitor element. - 特許庁



In the rotor, a thin part 15a, which is thinner than the magnetic plate 11a, is formed at the side of the hole 12a for embedding the magnets of the magnetic plate 11a, and the permanent magnet 13 is fixed to the rotor stacked core 11 by the elastic transformation of the thin part 15a. - 特許庁



The fuel tank T has the lid 1 for closing an opening 7, which is formed on the resin-made tank 2 at least partly made of a barrier material, and has a flange 7a. - 特許庁


On the peripheral wall of a bracket are provided a suction port communicating with the suction passage and an exhaust port communicating with the exhaust passage. - 特許庁


An electromotive force (secondary voltage) caused by an electromagnetic induction when a primary current passes through a primary winding of the ignition coil 1 is applied to the ignition plug 2 according to the driving signal from the ECU 3, to detect the ion current generated in the combustion chamber; and based on the detection, the combustion state in the combustion chamber is detected. - 特許庁

圃場から収穫されて外葉が付着しているキャベツCを載置して連続的に搬送する搬送機構2と、この搬送機構2の搬送経路の途中に設けられ、キャベツCの外葉を任意位置で切断して除去する切断機構3を備え、 .切断機構3は、搬送機構2に載置されて移動して来るキャベツの上面に転接してキャベツの高さを測定するキャベツ高さ測定車輪9と、この高さ測定車輪9とリンクにより連繋されて該高さ測定車輪9の上下移動と連動して上下移動し、キャベツの根茎部及び下葉を切断する切断刃10とを備えた。例文帳に追加

This device for preparing cabbages comprises a carrying mechanism 2 for loading and continuously carrying cabbages C harvested from a field and having outer leaves, and a cutting mechanism 3 which is disposed in the half way of the carrying route of the carrying mechanism 2 and is used for cutting off the outer leaves of the cabbages C at arbitrary positions. - 特許庁


一 第十二項の国土交通大臣が指定する飛行場からの離陸及びこれに引き続く上昇飛行又は同項の国土交通大臣が指定する飛行場への着陸及びそのための降下飛行を、航空交通管制圏又は航空交通管制区において、国土交通大臣が定める経路又は第九十六条第一項の規定により国土交通大臣が与える指示による経路により、かつ、その他の飛行の方法について同項の規定により国土交通大臣が与える指示に常時従つて行う飛行の方式例文帳に追加

(i) A method of flight in which any takeoff and climb or descent and landing at any aerodrome as specified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under paragraph (12) is performed in any air traffic control zone or air traffic control area in compliance with the routes specified by him/her, or instructed by him/her pursuant to the provision of Article 96 paragraph (1), while always following the instructions on other methods of flight given by him/her pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


c 精密進入用のものの光柱は、着陸しようとする航空機から次の表の上欄に掲げる滑走路灯列の間隔に応じ、それぞれ最小限同表下欄に掲げる範囲で見えるものであり、滑走路灯列線の延長線に直交する鉛直面における光柱の断面は、楕円形であつて、かつ、埋込み式の滑走路灯以外のものにあつては、灯光が光源の中心を含む水平面からその上方最小限十五度までのすべての角度及びすべての方向から見えるものであること。例文帳に追加

c. The anode light of a runway edge light shall be such that it is visible within the minimum range listed in the right-hand side section of the following table corresponding to the runway edge light array spacing given in the left-hand side of the table, and in the case of the cross-section of the anode light on the vertical plane perpendicularly intersecting the extended line of a runway edge lights array, the lamp light shall be visible from all the angles up to the minimum limit of 15 degrees from the horizontal plane comprising the light source center and all the bearing directions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 離陸及びこれに引き続く上昇飛行又は着陸及びそのための降下飛行のうち夜間に行うものを、国土交通大臣が定める経路若しくは法第九十六条第一項の規定により国土交通大臣が与える指示による経路、国際民間航空条約の附属書六及び附属書十一として採択された標準及び方式を採用する締約国たる外国が定める経路若しくは当該外国が与える指示による経路又は国土交通大臣が適当と認める経路により行うものであること。例文帳に追加

(iii) Persons carrying out take-off and the subsequent ascent, or landing and preparatory descent operations at night shall do so using the routes prescribed by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, or the routes as instructed by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to the provisions of the paragraph (1) of Article 96 of the Act, or routes as instructed by foreign countries who are party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Annex 6 and Annex 11, and who employ the standards and methods adopted by the said Convention, or routes approved as appropriate by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The method for producing the grafted polymer pattern comprises a step of producing the grafted polymer on the nanodomain structure of the material for fixing the polymerization initiator on the surface provided by the method for producing the material for fixing the polymerization initiator on the surface. - 特許庁


Further, the second rail can be provided in the overall length of the boom 3, and a launching initial speed of the flying object 1 can be accelerated. - 特許庁


A cutout part 6a for engaging a flow adjusting mechanism 13 such as the constant flow device is formed in the inside diameter of the female screw 6 to removably store the flow adjusting mechanism 12 on the outflow side of the body 2, and a pipeline 14 is connected to the female screw 6 from which the flow adjusting mechanism 13 is removed through the cutout part 6a. - 特許庁


To provide a traveling lawn mower capable of easily switching over a mowing and exhausting operation in which mowed lawn grass is gathered and exhausted from an exhaust duct and a mulching operation in which the grass is scattered so as to be spread all over the ground. - 特許庁


This flame control method of a jet type combustor controls combustion in the jet type combustor 1 by changing a floating jet flame by exciting vibration in a flame flowing field. - 特許庁


The theory to point out the possibility that the Ando family had been already settled in Akita Country before the supposed time of the Minato family's establishment, based on such findings; the family's history can be dated back even earlier period than the time of Magogoro ANDO and Andota, both of whom are confirmed as the territorial lords of the Oga Peninsula, and also earlier than the time of the legendary Kanosue's Nansen (provincial capital's relocation to the south), about which Jakuzo, Tadasue ABE, Joso ABE, etc. described in the copy of Jisha shuzo munefuda (ridge tag with history of the reparation and construction of temples and shrines) compiled in 'Ichikawa Minato Monjo' (The letter of Ichikawa Minato), and that there is an oral tradition in which a family called the Onagawa family was the territorial lord of the Oga Peninsula before the Minato family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Islamic finance has shown rapid expansion against the backdrop of the Islamic world, which has many oil-producing countries under its influence and is said to have a population of 1.3 billion people worldwide,21 possessing huge amounts of financial assets as a result of the expansion of oil export revenues in recent years. Islamic finance is occupying a gradually increasing share in the international financial market, and there are increasing expectations of Islamic finance as a new channel for the smooth back-flow of funds, such as petrodollar, to the United States and so forth. These challenges should be thoroughly addressed and sound development of Islamic finance should be achieved. - 経済産業省


In the method, the metallic article has a coefficient of thermal expansion CTE1; the metallic member has a coefficient of thermal expansion CTE2; and CTE1 is greater than CTE2. - 特許庁


A cover means is provided between the drain hose 1 on the communication side and the rice cooking device to cover the undersurface of the drain hose and a part of the cover means is detachably mounted on the box 16. - 特許庁

学生の職業観の醸成や働くことに対する理解を深めてもらうとともに、成長企業(中堅・中小・ベンチャー企業)の魅力発信・人材確保を目的に、全国に11 の地域プロジェクトチーム(管理法人・経済団体・企業・大学)を組成し、人文・社会科学系の大学1、2 年生を主なターゲットに、大学内での魅力的な成長企業の経営者等によるリレー講座、大学外での成長企業等の取材や就業体験を通じた魅力発信レポートの作成を行った。例文帳に追加

In order to improve studentsoccupational awareness and strengthen their understanding of what it means to work, 11 regional project teams (consisting of representatives of management corporations, business organizations, enterprises, and universities) were set up around Japan to publicize the attractions of working at growth enterprises (small, medium, mid-tier, and venture enterprises) and the employment opportunities offered by them. Targeting mainly first- and second-year university students in the humanities and social sciences, these teams organized on-campusrelaylectures taught in turn by the proprietors of attractive growth enterprises. Off campus, meanwhile, they produced reports highlighting the attractions of SMEs based on interviews conducted at growth enterprises and studentsexperiences of their internships at these and other enterprises.  - 経済産業省


The following points will be discussed with regard to the overseas business activities of Japanese companies: (1) Characteristics of motivation for entry into the East Asian region and development of business; (2) recouping of headquarters costs and collection of profits; (3)making the most of merits in business costs; (4) local management structure; (5) R&D activities; and (6) efforts by Japanese companies with the opening of the Chinese market. With regard to (1) above, the difference in comparisons between Japanese companies and foreign companies is that Japanese companies emphasize balance in production functions between China and ASEAN and foreign companies focus on the use of R&D functions. - 経済産業省


More specifically, (1) user-friendly systems need to be designed so that the knowledge and technology created by universities and other public research institutions lead to the creation and fostering of ventures and small and medium enterprises; (2) appropriate protection and distribution needs to be provided for digital content in line with the advent of the network society; while internationally, (3) counterfeits and other infringements of the intellectual property rights of Japanese companies abroad need to be dealt with appropriately, and (4)intellectual property systems need to be internationally harmonized in response to the globalization of patent applications. - 経済産業省

国際的な金融危機の後も、ムハンマド・アブダビ皇太子のイニシアチブで2008 年に発表されたアブダビの基本開発計画である「プラン・アブダビ2030」や2006 年に発表された持続可能な社会の構築を目指し、CO2 を排出しない都市を建設する開発計画「マスダール・イニシアチブ」が継続している。マスダールに関しては、2009年にはアブダビに国際再生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA)事務局の誘致を決定したほか、我が国企業、銀行も太陽熱などの分野のほか、実施主体であるアブダビ・フューチャーエナジー社(通称:マスダール)と共にファンドを設立するなど、積極的に参加している。例文帳に追加

After the global financial crisis, under Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed's initiative, the basic development plan was announced in Abu Dhabi in 2008, "Plan Abu Dhabi 2030", and published in 2006, goal to build the cities with CO2 emissions control, the society that ever last to exist, "Masdar Initiative". Regarding Masdar, he decided to invite the office of International Renewable Energy Agency Abu Dhabi (IRENA) in 2009 in Abu Dhabi, Japanese companies and banks are on board with solar heating research and main institute, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Implementation (known as: Masdar) to establish a fund and is also actively participating. - 経済産業省

3 都道府県知事は、地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護につき市町村長から前項の届出があった場合において、当該申請に係る事業所の所在地を含む区域(第百十八条第二項第一号の規定により当該都道府県が定める区域とする。)における介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数及び地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数の合計数が、同条第一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県介護保険事業支援計画において定めるその区域の介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数及び地域密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数の合計数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る事業者の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県介護保険事業支援計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、当該市町村長に対し、必要な助言又は勧告をすることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) A prefectural governor, in a case when a mayor of a Municipality provides notification as set forth in the preceding paragraph regarding Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility, and when it is determined that the total sum of the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in the area (which shall be an area provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 118, paragraph (2) item (i)) including the location of the Business Office pertaining to said application has been reached or is it determined that said total number of maximum users will be exceeded by the appointment as service provider pertaining to said application to provide service of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of the necessary number of users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in said area provided by Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan that is provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or when it is determined that it will be likely to cause a problem with accomplishment of a Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan, may provide necessary advice or recommendations to said mayor of the Municipality.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 法第九十七条第一項の承認を受けた飛行計画による航路(以下「承認を受けた航路」という。)に従つて、当該飛行計画による最初の着陸地(以下「目的地」という。)の上空(目的地へ進入する地点として特定の航空保安無線施設又は地点が指示されている場合は、その上空。以下この条において同じ。)まで飛行すること。ただし、通信機が故障する以前に管制業務を行う機関より受けた指示(以下「故障前の指示」という。)により、承認を受けた航路から一時的に逸脱している場合は、最寄りの位置通報点(故障前の指示により、承認を受けた航路に戻る地点が明らかにされている場合は、当該地点)において、承認を受けた航路に戻り、その後、当該承認を受けた航路に沿つて飛行すること。例文帳に追加

(a) It shall fly to overhead the first place of landing (hereinafter referred to as "destination") (in the case where an air navigation radio facility or a point is specified as an approach point to the destination, it shall be overhead that point, also applicable to Articles hereafter) in accordance with the applicable flight plan, following the routes in the flight plan that was approved pursuant to the provisions of Article 97 (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "approved route"). However, if there is temporary deviation from the approved route based on the instruction received from air traffic control provider prior to the communication equipment failure (hereinafter referred to as "instruction prior to failure"), return to the approved route at the nearest reporting point (if the instruction prior to failure made clear the point where it returns to the approved route, then the applicable point), and fly according to the applicable approved route.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

もっとも、平成18年4月26日東京高裁判決(いわゆるブブカアイドル事件控訴審判決)は、「出版物であるとの一事をもって、表現の自由による保護が優先し、パブリシティ権の権利侵害が生じないと解するのは正当ではなく、当該出版物の販売と表現の自由の保障の関係を顧慮しながら、当該著名な芸能人の名声、社会的評価、知名度等、そしてその肖像等が出版物の販売、促進のために認められたか否か、その肖像等の利用が無断の商業的利用に該当するかどうかを検討することによって判断するのが正当である。」として、「専ら」顧客吸引力に着眼したか否か、というキングクリムゾン高裁判決後に踏襲されてきた立場とは若干異なる判示をした 。例文帳に追加

In its judgment dated April 26, 2006, the Tokyo High Court (appeal trial judgment for the Bubka Idol case) stated that "it is not appropriate to argue that publicity rights and matters pertaining to infringement thereof shall be and superseded by the protection of freedom of expression simply because it is a publication Instead, the infringement of publicity rights should be analyzed, in consideration of the protection of freedom of expression in the sale of the publication, based on the circumstances such as the reputation, evaluation in the society, name recognition etc, whether the publication contributed to the promotion of its sale, and whether the utilization of such publication should be considered as an unauthorized utilization for commercial purposes." The approach taken by this judgment was slightly different from that consistently held since the King Crimson Case, which focused on whether the infringer "solely" utilized the celebrity's power to attract the customers' attention.  - 経済産業省


That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about.  - 金融庁

3 市町村は、第四十一条第一項に規定する指定居宅サービス事業者、第四十二条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型サービス事業者、第四十六条第一項に規定する指定居宅介護支援事業者、介護保険施設、第五十三条第一項に規定する指定介護予防サービス事業者、第五十四条の二第一項に規定する指定地域密着型介護予防サービス事業者又は第五十八条第一項に規定する指定介護予防支援事業者(以下この項において「指定居宅サービス事業者等」という。)が、偽りその他不正の行為により第四十一条第六項、第四十二条の二第六項、第四十六条第四項、第四十八条第四項、第五十一条の二第四項、第五十三条第四項、第五十四条の二第六項、第五十八条第四項又は第六十一条の二第四項の規定による支払を受けたときは、当該指定居宅サービス事業者等に対し、その支払った額につき返還させるほか、その返還させる額に百分の四十を乗じて得た額を支払わせることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) When a Designated In-Home Service Provider as prescribed in Article 41, paragraph (1) of this Act; a Designated Community-Based Service Provider as prescribed in Article 42-2, paragraph (1); a Designated In-Home Long-Term Care Support Provider as prescribed in Article 46, paragraph (1); a Facility Covered by Long-Term Care Insurance; a Designated Provider of a Preventive Service to Long-Term Care as prescribed in Article 53, paragraph (1); a Designated Provider of Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care as prescribed in Article 54-2, paragraph (1); or a Designated Provider of Support for Prevention of Long-Term Care as prescribed in Article 58, paragraph (1) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Designated In-Home Service Provider, etc." in this paragraph) receives a payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 41, paragraph (6), Article 42-2, paragraph (6), Article 46, paragraph (4), Article 48, paragraph (4), Article 51-2, paragraph (4), Article 53, paragraph (4), Article 54-2, paragraph (6), Article 58, paragraph (4), or Article 61-2, paragraph (4) by deception or other wrongful act, a Municipality may require said Designated In-Home Service Provider, etc., to return the amount paid, or to pay the amount obtained by multiplying 40 percent of the principal amount to be returned.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I am aware that the euro-zone finance ministers held a meeting on Monday, February 20, European time, and that debate on aid for Greece is ongoing. As the details of the debate have not been made public, I would like to refrain from making specific comments. However, as I have been saying all along, I believe it is essential that in addition to extending aid to Greece in order to deal with the European debt crisis, Europe should adopt and steadily implement a comprehensive package of measures which realizes economic recovery as early as possible, and which simultaneously improves the fiscal deficit and regains the trust of financial markets. Japan will continue to carefully monitor the situation.  - 金融庁


As for financial inspections, in relation to the second pillar of the Better Regulation initiative, ''prompt and effective responses to high-priority issues,'' we are striving to improve the quality of the conduct of inspection in line with the five basic themes indicated at the beginning of the Financial Inspection Manual, including focusing on important risks and gaining understanding on the inspection results. As a result, I feel that the FSA has been gradually building relations with financial institutions that enable frank and constructive discussions.  - 金融庁


Now, allow me to go back to one of the questions today, as I think that my answer was a little lacking. The question implied the possible weakness of money laundering regulation in Japan but my understanding is that, according to the press, the case at issue involved an illegal transfer of funds by a U.S. bank. In any event, we have requested financial institutions to develop a suitable system by describing points of focus, etc. in addressing the issue of money laundering in our guidelines for supervision and inspection manuals, and believe that financial institutions have been working on developing a required structure.  - 金融庁

色々その他、世界経済の現状について議論されましたけれども、私は金融担当の大臣でございますから、金融担当の大臣として申し上げれば、今バーゼル III 、大変世界的な大きな議題になっていますが、そういったこの金融規制については、特段議論にならなかったというふうに承知をいたしております。国際的な金融規制改革については、金融危機の再発防止、金融システム強化に向けて、G20首脳会議等の場で具体的な方向性が示され、その実施に向けて、今私もお話ししましたように、バーゼル III 、こういったことも着実に話が進んでいるところでございます。例文帳に追加

The current state of the world's economy was discussed from a variety of other angles as well, but, being a minister responsible for financial matters, I would like to point out that although Basel III currently ranks among significant global topics, it seems that the subject of such financial regulations did not come up in the discussion much. In the area of international financial regulatory reforms, specific objectives have been presented in forums like G20 summit meetings in a move to prevent another financial crisis and to strengthen financial systems and, as I have just mentioned, there has been steady progress made in this direction in the form of Basel III and other initiatives.  - 金融庁


Rather than giving scores to the current state of affairs, we should establish a framework that enables dispute settlement which provides sufficient satisfaction to both sides of the dispute, namely the provider of financial services and the consumer. This should be the ultimate goal. I think that we should continue our study on what kind of framework is the most realistic one that produces sustainable effects for Japan.  - 金融庁


When the internal combustion engine 10 idles, a mass flow rate flowing in the tank vent valve 50 and a mass flow rate flowing in the regulator 25 for idling air are measured, and the functionality of the tank vent valve 50 is estimated from a change in the regulator 25 for idling air. - 特許庁


The drain region and the pixel electrode are electrically connected through aluminum. - 特許庁


The lighting device is provided with a pre- charging means of charging the first capacitor immediately after the application of power. - 特許庁

第百三十条の二 外国の国籍を有する航空機(外国人国際航空運送事業者の当該事業の用に供する航空機を除く。)は、第百二十六条第一項第一号の航行(これと接続して行う本邦内の各地間における航行を含む。)により本邦内に到着する旅客若しくは貨物の有償の運送をし、又は同項第二号の航行(これと接続して行う本邦内の各地間における航行を含む。)により本邦内から発する旅客若しくは貨物の有償の運送をする場合には、国土交通大臣の許可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 130-2 Any aircraft having the nationality of any foreign state (except any aircraft which is used for the concerned services of any foreign international air carrier) shall obtain permission from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, when it engages in passenger or cargo transport for remuneration arriving in Japan by a flight referred to in Article 126 paragraph (1) item (i) (including flights between points in Japan which is made in connection thereof) or departing from Japan by a flight referred to in item (ii) of the same paragraph (including flights between points in Japan which is made in connection thereof).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ロ 故障前の指示による高度又は国土交通大臣が定める経路ごとに国土交通大臣が地表、水面若しくは障害物との間隔等を考慮して定める最低の高度のいずれか高い高度及び当該故障前の指示による速度(以下「故障前の指示による高度等」という。)を維持して国土交通大臣が定める時間まで飛行し、その後、通報した飛行計画による高度及び速度を維持して飛行すること。ただし、故障前の指示により、着陸のための降下を指示されている場合は、故障前の指示による高度等を維持して飛行すること。例文帳に追加

(b) Maintain the altitude according to the instruction prior to failure or minimum altitude determined by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism taking account the distance with land surface, water surface or obstacles for each route determined by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, whichever is higher, and the speed according to the instruction prior to failure (hereinafter referred to as "altitude etc according to the instruction prior to failure") and fly until the time specified by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and then maintain the altitude and speed of the flight plan notified. However, if the instruction prior to failure has instructed to descend for the purpose of landing, then maintain altitude etc according to the instruction prior to failure.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百三十条の二 法第百二十六条第五項ただし書の許可を受けようとする者は、その着陸又は離陸の予定期日の十日前(商用目的で本邦に入国する個人若しくは商用目的で本邦に入国する法人の役員(これらの者に随行する者を含む。)のみの運送をする場合又は商用目的で本邦から出国する個人若しくは商用目的で本邦から出国する法人の役員(これらの者に随行する者を含む。)のみの運送をする場合にあつては、三日前)までに、次に掲げる事項を記載した申請書を国土交通大臣に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 230-2 Any person who intends to obtain permission set forth in Article 126 paragraph (5) proviso of the Act shall submit an application to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism describing following matters ten days (three days in case when transporting only individual(s) or officer(s) of any corporation to/from Japan with business purpose (including attending person(s))) prior to the scheduled date of landing or taking off.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a substrate catching means with structure suitable for manufacturing process of a large liquid crystal display element as well in consideration of scale increase of a liquid crystal display element. - 特許庁

平成 21 年度においては、政府開発援助(ODA)により国内外で行われる水道分野の研修の内容をより効果的なものとするために、研修内容の検討の足がかりとして、本邦にて実施されている研修、特にJICA課題別研修に着目して、研修講義資料等の情報の整理を行うとともに、今後の課題の抽出を行い報告書にとりまとめた(水道分野の研修に関する検討報告書、平成 21 年度厚生労働省水道分野の国際協力検討事業・水道国際協力検討委員会、平成22年3 月:以下参考文献2)。例文帳に追加

In FY2009, in order to ensure that the content of training in the water supply sector conducted in Japan and overseas under the auspices of Official Development Assistance (ODA) is implemented more effectively, as a basis for review of training contents, the training implemented in Japan, and the issue-specific training implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in particular were focused on.In addition to organizing and setting out information on training and lecture materials, future challenges were identified and these were cited in the report that was compiled. - 厚生労働省


The metallic cover 92a and the metallic cover 22a (or the magnetic substance cap) are made opposite to each other to couple both clasp bodies 1, 2, and a washer made of magnetic material is disposed on the opposite surface to the surface of the magnet 92 disposed on the holding body 1 that is opposite to the holding body 2. - 特許庁


Start-ups could be seen as a business started by the founder (or the group of founders) as an individual (or a group of individuals) being transformed to one managed by a company, that is to say, an organization. Compared with established, large corporations, many ventures may need to employ people who are likely to feel more empathy with their visions and ambitions and work more closely as a team. Once a person is employed, the company isobligedto retain that person, who becomes difficult to fire if found not to share its visions or ambitions or because that person becomes is harmful to the unity of the team. From such a viewpoint who a company hires has great impact on its entire business.  - 経済産業省


In terms of public pension funds, a recommendation has been made recently that they should be allowed more discretion in management of their reserves and be authorized to invest in alternative assets, so that they are managed in a way suitable for one of the largest pension funds in the world with the view to keeping pension financing in a sound condition, as well as granting more to future pensioners and reducing the burdens of present contributors (“For Reform of Management of Public Pension Funds,” Second Report of the Working Group on Financial and Capital Markets, Expert Committee on Reforms Addressing Globalization, Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, April 2008). Present obstacles that outright prohibit pension funds from investing in venture capitals should be removed soon.  - 経済産業省

日本国内に我が国でしかできない役割や機能をしっかりと維持又は拡大させながら、同時に新興国への「現地化」を進めることで新興国のダイナミズムを着実に取り込んでいこうとする企業を積極的に支援していくことが不可欠である(なお、企業規模が小さい企業ほど輸出も直接投資も実施していない傾向にあり、今後は、企業の大小を問わず、海外の事業機会を取り込んでいくことが一層必要であることから、国内拠点を維持又は拡大させつつも、海外展開を積極的に志向する中小企業への支援を一層後押ししていくことも重要である(第3-2-2-13 図))。例文帳に追加

It is essential to positively support companies which are going to steadily obtain the dynamism of the emerging countries, by pushing forward localization to emerging countries simultaneously, while maintaining or enhancing a role and a function which are produced only by us within Japan.(Smaller companies tend not to export or perform direct investment, therefore in the future, regardless of size, it is important for us to improve support for SMEs that endeavor to maintain or expand their domestic bases, and try to challenge foreign markets.) (Figure 3-2-2-13). - 経済産業省


Seven measures were identified for immediate institution by governments and private companies, namely:(1)strengthening of negotiations with the governments of countries where the infringements are occurring; (2) assistance for measures against rights-infringing products in other countries; (3)implementation of international border measures; (4) strengthening of efforts by private companies; (5) improved knowledge of the current situation in terms of rights-infringing products and implementation of effective means of utilizing this knowledge; (6) promotion of cross-industry linkage among private companies and strengthening joint government-private sector measures; and (7) introduction of strategies for measures against rights-infringing products. Concrete measures now need to be accelerated based on these recommendations. - 経済産業省


It is regrettable that, before this Annual Meetings, we could not agree on a concrete package for the second round quota reform, but it is important to overcome our existing differences to advance the discussions in a constructive manner. Based on last year’s Resolution of the Board of Governors, Japan continues to participate pro-actively in the ongoing discussions to complete the quota and voice reform by the Spring Meetings of 2008, and no later than the next Annual Meetings.New ways of thinking give rise to the redefinition of core competencies and priorities.The income of the IMF, which relies on interest generated by lending, is decreasing against the background of the stabilization of the global financial markets and the reduction in the number of countries borrowing from the IMF.As a consequence, the IMF has been in the red since FY 2007, and its deficits are forecast to expand rapidly.In this critical situation, the Fund’s measures to increase income are currently being examined, based on the recommendations by the Crockett committee.  - 財務省


第五十四条の二 厚生労働大臣は、国の開設した地域密着型介護老人福祉施設、介護老人福祉施設又は介護老人保健施設についてその主務大臣の同意を得て、都道府県知事は、その他の地域密着型介護老人福祉施設、介護老人福祉施設若しくは介護老人保健施設、その事業として居宅介護を行う者若しくはその事業として居宅介護支援計画を作成する者、特定福祉用具販売事業者、その事業として介護予防を行う者若しくは地域包括支援センター又は特定介護予防福祉用具販売事業者について開設者、本人又は設置者の同意を得て、この法律による介護扶助のための居宅介護若しくは居宅介護支援計画の作成、福祉用具の給付、施設介護、介護予防若しくは介護予防支援計画の作成又は介護予防福祉用具の給付を担当させる機関を指定する。例文帳に追加

Article 54-2 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall designate providers in charge of in-home care services, preparation of in-home care support plans, furnishing of welfare equipment, facility care services, care prevention services, preparation of care prevention support plans, or furnishing of welfare equipment for care prevention for long-term care assistance under this Act with regard to community-based long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, or long-term care health facilities for the elderly established by the State by obtaining the consent of the competent minister, and a prefectural governor shall designate such providers with regard to any other community-based long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly or long-term care health facilities for the elderly, or persons who provide in-home care services as their business, persons who prepare in-home care support plans as their business, specified welfare equipment dealers, persons who provide care prevention services as their business, community comprehensive support centers or specified care prevention welfare equipment dealers by obtaining the consent of the founder, the person himself/herself, or the establisher.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

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