
「耳朶を打つもの」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 耳朶を打つものに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1015



When the voice synthesizing unit S inputs document information, a hybrid synthesizing sub-unit S1 and a voice segment synthesizing sub-unit S2 select voice segment data whose readings are common to voices in a document out of voice segment data, and acquires and combines the data of phonemes corresponding to a part for which voice segment data cannot be selected to synthesize voice data. - 特許庁


To provide a stucco material for producing a mold for precision casting which can be advantageously used for producing a mold for precision casting capable of advantageously obtaining a casting with a fine cast skin without using zircon particles, and to provide a mold for precision casting using the same. - 特許庁


Then a color redecision means 9 decides a color part again to make a color/ monochromatic decision while input deviation at a color image input part 1 is taken into account. - 特許庁


Looking at Japan’s structure, whiledomestic indirect outflow,” namely, “spilloversflowing out in the production process for “domestic demand,” is observed in broad sectors, outflow itself in each sector is smaller than other countries. - 経済産業省



To provide a pharmaceutical composition for mitigating pain through treating neuromuscular diseases and symptoms including pain(associated with muscle contractions), secretions(including excessive sweating, lacrimation and mucus secretions), and muscular disorders and smooth muscle disorders(including, but not limited to, spasms in the sphincter of the cardiovascular arteriole, gastrointestinal system, urinary, gall bladder and rectum). - 特許庁



A temperature controlling means 20 which makes constant the temperature in the methane fermentation tank and has a cooling function is arranged in the methane fermentation tank 4 for methane-fermenting garbage. - 特許庁


To provide a food packaging material in which inhabitation of harmful insects is effectively impaired, inhabitation impairing components of the harmful insects are prevented from being diffused in the packaging material and transferred to the food or a peripheral part thereof, the food and the peripheral part thereof are not polluted, or affected by the odor. - 特許庁


On the tube member 2 made from Al alloy metal containing Mn of 1.0-1.5% and Mg of 0.2-0.6%, a Zn plating layer having thickness of 0.8-5 μm is formed, and this tube member 2 and fin members 3 is soldered in a furnace, thereby the oil cooler is produced. - 特許庁


In the ferrule-integrated bite type pipe joint, the space part 34 and the notch (in this case, a first notch 36) are formed to match an apex shape of a common special cutting tool 51 so that they can be cut by the common special cutting tool 51. - 特許庁



The martensitic steel exhibits high-toughness by controlling the average grain diameter D of prior austenite to20 μm and controlling the average martensite lath length to30% of the grain diameter D. - 特許庁



This information life card is constituted from a several millimeter-thick card-type razor 224, a several millimeter-thick card-type toothbrush 226, a several millimeter-thick information communication device 222, all in a size easily acceptable to the palm of the hand, a case 212 having a reflecting plate as mirror, and a lighting device to illuminate the user. - 特許庁


Apart from these graves, the Imperial Household Agency currently manages various other properties, including quasi-mausoleums (such as cinerariums, cremation mounds and ash mounds), memorial pagodas used to bury hair, teeth and nails, and potential mausoleums with unidentified owners that have the possibility of being imperial family members' graves, and all these properties are collectively called mausoleums.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA continued the production restriction decree of sake brewing to one-third in the Tenmei era as part of the Kansei Reform and severely limited the Edo Nyushin of kudarizake because he thought that 'people would not drink sake if it does not come in.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the long-fiber mat, a long fiber 2 of 100-4000 mm in length obtain from at least one among an ambari hemp bast part, oil coconut and a coconut palm is oriented in the same direction and used. - 特許庁

11 前項の規定により、当該報告書提出組合員から当該組合利益関係書類の写しに記載された内容の売買等を行つていない旨の申立てがあつた場合には、第九項本文の規定の適用については、当該申立てに係る部分は、内閣総理大臣に対する第一項の規定による報告書に記載がなかつたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(11) When an application to the effect that the Reporting Partner has not made the Sales and Purchase, etc. as stated in the copy of the Document Relating to Partnership's Profit is filed by the Reporting Partner under the preceding paragraph, the portion pertaining to the application shall be deemed, for the purpose of application of the main clause of paragraph (9), to be not included in the report submitted to the Prime Minister under paragraph (1).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九十九条の二 何人も、航空交通管制圏、航空交通情報圏、高度変更禁止空域又は航空交通管制の特別管制空域における航空機の飛行に影響を及ぼすおそれのあるロケットの打上げその他の行為(物件の設置及び植栽を除く。)で国土交通省令で定めるものをしてはならない。ただし、国土交通大臣が、当該行為について、航空機の飛行に影響を及ぼすおそれがないものであると認め、又は公益上必要やむを得ず、かつ、一時的なものであると認めて許可をした場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 99-2 (1) No person shall launch rockets or perform any action (except installation of objects and planting of trees), as may be specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which might affect the flights of aircraft in an air traffic control zone, an air traffic information zone, an altitude change prohibited airspace or a positive control airspace within an air traffic control area; provided, however, that the same shall not apply when the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism deems that the said action poses no danger to the flights of aircraft or is necessary in the public interest and transitory and permits such action.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ タンカー(ばら積みの油以外の貨物の海上輸送をすることができるタンカーにあつては、ばら積みの油の輸送の用に供しているもの並びにばら積みの油の輸送の用に供した後当該タンカーのすべての貨物艙内に当該油が残留しない程度にその貨物艙を洗浄するまでの間において、ばら積みの油以外の貨物の輸送の用に供しているもの及び貨物を積載しないで航行しているものに限る。)から流出し、又は排出された油による汚染(貨物として積載されていた油又は燃料油(当該油が貨物艙内その他の国土交通省令で定めるタンカー内の場所に残留したもの及び当該油を含む混合物で国土交通省令で定めるものを含む。)による汚染に限る。)により生ずる責任条約の締約国の領域(領海を含む。第七号の二イ及び第三十九条の五第一項第二号において同じ。)内又は排他的経済水域等内における損害例文帳に追加

(a) Damage caused within the territory (including territorial sea. The same shall apply to item vii-2.(a) and item 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 39-5) of a Contracting State of the Liability Convention or within the Exclusive Economic Zone, etc. by the pollution (limited to the pollution by the Oil loaded as cargo or by the Bunker Oil (including the Oil that is left in the cargo hold and the other places in the Tanker prescribed by an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and mixture which is including a said Oil and which prescribed by an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) resulting from the escape or discharge of Oil from a Tanker (as for the Tanker capable of carrying cargo other than Oil in bulk, it is limited to the Tanker used for transporting Oil in bulk and while the cargo holds have not been cleaned to the degree so that no oil may be left after they were used for transportation of Oil in bulk, the Tanker being used for transportation of cargo other than Oil in bulk and the ships navigating without any cargo).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However, since the shrine originally was located in precincts of Horaku-ji Temple (Shingonshu sect, founded by Prince Shotoku) in the same town as a chinju-sha shrine (Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area), then was transferred to the current place by the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism in early Meiji period to take over ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) of Kuroda village (confirmed by a pair of stone lantern with the inscription of the transferred year as '1770'), the present location of Ioto-jinja Shrine technically is not the palace site.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

本研究会のための委託調査として日本総合研究所が2010年に実施した WEBアンケート6の結果(図表 -1、6-2)を見てみると、流通業の地域貢献への満足度は高く(流通業は地域に対して充分に貢献していると「思う」と「やや思う」で 45%)、流通業の地域への貢献のあり方として「良いものを安い値段で提供」が77%で最も大きい。例文帳に追加

When we see the result of the Web questionnaires6 (Figures 6-1 and 6-2) conducted by Japan Research Institute, Ltd. in 2010, which was consigned by our study group, the distribution industry was earning high satisfaction regarding the contribution to the local communities ("I think so" and "I think so somewhat" to "Do you think the distribution industry make a sufficient contribution to the local community?" cover 45 percent), and the most frequent answer, "Providing high-quality and inexpensive goods" reached 77 percent as the ways of the contribution by the distribution industry to the local communities.  - 経済産業省

組合員は、出資約束期間中、ポートフォリオ投資を目的として、出資未履行金額の範囲内で、無限責任組合員からの[ ]日前までの書面による通知(以下「追加出資請求通知」といい、追加出資請求通知による出資請求を「追加出資請求」という。)に従い、無限責任組合員が指定した日までに、ポートフォリオ投資に関して必要となる金額につき、各組合員がその[出資約束金額/出資未履行金額]に応じて按分した額を組合口座に振込送金して払い込むものとする。例文帳に追加

During the Commitment Period, a Partner shall, in accordance with [__] days prior notice issued by the General Partner (such notice, a “Capital Call Notice”; and a demand by a Capital Call Notice to make a contribution is hereinafter referred to as a “Capital Call”) for the purpose of making a Portfolio Investment, make a contribution in an amount obtained by dividing, on a pro rata basis, the amount required for the Portfolio Investment by its [Capital Commitment/Unpaid Capital Commitment], within its Unpaid Capital Commitment, by remittance to the Partnership Bank Account no later than the date designated by the General Partner.  - 経済産業省

18.4. 知的財産庁は、特許権者と締結した契約に基づいてこの法律の第18.3条にいう積立金の一部を形成する発明の特許を所有する権利を有するものとする。例文帳に追加

18.4. The intellectual Property Office shall have the right to own a patent for an invention which form part of the Fund referred to in Article 18.3 of this Law on the basis of a contract concluded with the patent owner. - 特許庁


To provide an optical fiber ribbon improving a polarization dispersing property and suitable for large-capacity communication including wavelength multiplexing communication. - 特許庁


To provide an epoxy resin providing a cured product having high heat resistance, and adhesiveness and toughness improved than those of a conventional high heat-resistant epoxy resin. - 特許庁


A mat-like material 10 is arranged on the outer circumferential surface 9c of the ceramic honeycomb filter structure 9, and they are stored in a fluid flowable tubular casing 8. - 特許庁


This system is provided with an information providing electronic component 11 which can electromagnetically or optically read information and is attached to an optional tangible thing 2 in order to offer information related to the thing 2, a portable terminal device 30 having an information reading function which electromagnetically or optically reads the information from the component 11 and an information processor 5 which reads and processes the information recorded in the device 30. - 特許庁


To provide information on an object reflected in an image photographed by a cell phone, information on the photographed image independent on elapsed time to a viewer, and information effective for improving recognition about the reality reflected in the photographed image. - 特許庁


In the protection panel with touch input function for the electronic apparatus display window, an inside edge of a frame-like pasting material for use in adhesion between an upper electrode sheet and a lower electrode panel is partially or entirely brought close to an active area securing the input function, except corner parts. - 特許庁

プリンタのネットワークインタフェースカードは、 2 種類に分類することができます。 1つはスプーラをエミュレートするもの (高価) で、もう 1つはシリアルやパラレルポートを使うように プリンタにデータを送ることができるだけのもの(安価) です。例文帳に追加

Often, when you buy a network interface card for a printer, you can get two versions: one which emulates a spooler (the more expensive version), or one which just lets you send data to it as if you were using a serial or parallel port (the cheaper version).  - FreeBSD


The swirling current type microbubble generator 32 to be used has a vane-shaped nozzle for generating a swirling current, and a vortex collapsing nozzle having a flow contractor and a vortex collapsing unit and bonded coaxially with the vane-shaped nozzle for generating the swirling current. - 特許庁


The artificial nail composition for forming an artificial nail by hardening with ultraviolet radiation contains an ionic monomer polymerizable with ultraviolet radiation, especially a specific acid-reactive monomer (e.g. 2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate or 3-dimethylaminopropyl acrylamide), and thereby is made to be removable with an acidic solution having a pH of ≤3.5. - 特許庁


To provide a sliding tool which has an extremely simple structure and on which one can safely ride and which is inexpensive and has good appearance and to provide a practicing tool which is very suitable for training of surfing on the ground by making the structure of a riding part to be an extremely close shape to a surf board. - 特許庁


To provide a raw material aluminum bronze alloy for producing an aluminum bronze alloy casting composed of fine crystal grains by a half-melted alloy casting process without performing stirring. - 特許庁

9 内閣総理大臣は、第一項の報告書の記載に基づき、当該特定組合等の財産について第三項の利益が生じていると認める場合において、報告書のうち当該利益に係る部分(以下この条において「組合利益関係書類」という。)の写しを、報告書提出組合員(第一項の規定により報告書(直近の買付け等又は売付け等に係るものに限る。)を提出した組合員をいう。)に送付し、当該報告書提出組合員から、当該組合利益関係書類に関し次項に定める期間内に同項の申立てがないときは、当該組合利益関係書類の写しを当該上場会社等に送付するものとする。ただし、内閣総理大臣が、当該組合利益関係書類の写しを当該報告書提出組合員又は当該上場会社等に送付する前において、第三項の利益が当該上場会社等に提供されたことを知つた場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(9) When it is found from the report provided in paragraph (1) that the profits referred to in paragraph (3) have accrued to the assets of the Specified Partnerships, etc., the Prime Minister shall send a copy of the portion of the report pertaining to the profits (hereinafter referred to as a "Document Relating to Partnership's Profit" in this Article) to the Reporting Partner (meaning the partner who submitted the report (limited to one pertaining to the latest Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc.) under paragraph (1)), and if no application under the following paragraph is filed by the Reporting Partner within the period specified therein with regard to the Document Relating to Partnership's Profit, the Prime Minister shall send a copy of the Document Relating to Partnership's Profit to the Listed Company, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the Prime Minister becomes aware of the fact that profits referred to in paragraph (3) have already been provided to the Listed Company, etc. before the copy of the Document Relating to Partnership's Profit is sent to the Reporting Partner or the Listed Company, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This method for producing the mixed granular seasoning which contains extracts and common salt comprises a combination of a first process of compounding at least one kind of edible polymer materials with extracts and a second process of pelletizing without directly adding water to common salt. - 特許庁


To provide a television outlet in which the width of a case can be made narrow, a coaxial cable can be easily connected, two switches can be easily distinguished on which television terminals they correspond, and television terminals can be established easily to apply to two-way communication mode or one-way communication mode. - 特許庁


To provide a color image communication device that revises a quantization table in response to a read mode in the case of transmitting color information, takes no long communication time even when a specific color read mode is selected in the case of transmission and does not cause a receiver side unable to conduct processing. - 特許庁


To provide a highly safe composition for preventing or ameliorating spots, pimple, myalgia, shoulder stiffness, backache, arthralgia and/or bruise pain, wound, scald, chap, hemorrhoid and hangover. - 特許庁


In addition, both compounds have common fundamental structures and the final compound indicated by Formula [I] is directly manufactured from an intermediate indicated by Formula [II]. Therefore, it is recognized that both compounds are closely and technically associated with each other, and the substantial parts of matters in the claims of both inventions are the same.  - 特許庁


Furthermore, both compounds have a common, new skeletal structure, and the final product of formula is direct derivative of the intermediary of formula. Therefore, the two compounds have a technically close relationship each other and the substantial parts of matters in the claim of the two inventions are the same.  - 特許庁


Any person who is sent a copy of the reference and statement under subsection (2), (3) or (5) and who wishes to oppose the making of the order or the granting of the relief sought (“the opponent”) shall, within 3 months from the date on which the copies are sent to him, file a counter-statement which shall be in the specified form, shall set out fully the grounds of opposition and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.  - 特許庁


When unification of the whole country was in process with the power of Nobunaga ODA and then Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, there was the need to standardize the masu used nationwide in common, because the standard of the masu (or sho) affected the amount of nengu (land tax) paid by farmers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Any establishment that puts in circulation works, recorded performances, sound recordings or broadcast programs through sale, rent, loan or licensing, shall be required to:  - 特許庁


The sweetener-containing placebo powder is produced by spraying an aqueous solution of D-mannitol and hydroxypropyl cellulose and granulating and drying the sprayed particles. - 特許庁


To provide a polyamide resin composition, significantly improved in chemical resistance and fuel barrier property while retaining excellent impact resistance at low temperature, or having well-balanced fuel barrier property and low-temperature toughness. - 特許庁

3 内閣総理大臣は、飲食料品以外の農林物資(生産の方法又は流通の方法に特色があり、これにより価値が高まると認められるものを除く。)で、一般消費者がその購入に際してその品質を識別することが特に必要であると認められるもののうち、一般消費者の経済的利益を保護するためその品質に関する表示の適正化を図る必要があるものとして政令で指定するものについては、その指定のあつた後速やかに、その品質に関する表示について、その製造業者等が守るべき基準を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) With regard to agricultural and forestry products other than foods and drinks (except those which have distinctive features in the method of production or distribution and thereby their value are found to be increased) whose quality is found to be particularly distinguished by consumers upon the purchase of them and are designated by Cabinet Order as products whose quality labeling should be appropriate to protect economic interests of consumers, the Prime Minister shall, promptly after the designation, enact a standard for quality labeling, with which the Manufacturer, etc. should comply.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To solve various problems about gifts such as being too busy to have the time to choose gifts, high transportation costs for going shopping, no confidence in one's sense, physical difficulty in shopping and choosing gifts, catalog gifts not being desirable, (yet) the significance of choosing gifts by oneself, etc. - 特許庁

4 国及び地方公共団体は、教育活動、広報活動等を通じて指定化学物質等の性状及び管理並びに第一種指定化学物質の排出の状況に関する国民の理解を深めるよう努めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) The State and local public entities shall endeavor to increase the understanding of citizens about the properties and management of Designated Chemical Substances, etc. and the status of release of Class I Designated Chemical Substances through activities such as educational activities and public relations activities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an absorptive article packaging structure capable of allowing information on each stored individual package to be easily shown through a window of the same, giving emotional effect for those to see the same, and further suppressing any gloomy mood before using the absorptive article. - 特許庁


To provide a heat exchanger suppressing increase of the number of parts when communicating two systems of cooling fluid, and capable of suppressing heat distortion and heat loss accompanying a temperature difference. - 特許庁



The catalyst for removing nitrogen oxides is obtained by depositing a platinum group element on a carrier 10 which has a shape including a coiled cylindrical material 11 wound spirally at predetermined intervals and supports 12 joined to the coiled cylindrical material 11 along the axial direction thereof and is based on alumina. - 特許庁


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