
「Chinese characters」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(20ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Chinese charactersの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1023


To provide an apparatus and a program for translating Kana (Japanese syllabary) into Kanji (Chinese characters) which can keep a translating process at high speed, without laboring on special processing procedures.例文帳に追加

かな漢字変換処理に手間をかけることなく、変換処理速度を高速に維持することができるかな漢字変換装置およびかな漢字変換プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

This book is provided with KANJI (Chinese character) use parts 3 described with an ordinary form mixed with KANJI, and KANA (Japanese syllabary) parts 2 described by converting all of the contents of the KANJI use parts 3 to KANA characters in a state of being comarable with each other.例文帳に追加

漢字まじりの通常の形式で記述された漢字使用部3と、この漢字使用部3の内容をすべて仮名文字に変換して記述した仮名部2とを、相互に対比可能な状態で設けた。 - 特許庁

A selecting part 3 of a printer driver 2 executes the selecting designation of non-Chinese characters from an operation window of a user interface in a printing command of printing data as a designating means 3'.例文帳に追加

プリンタドライバ2の選択部3は、印刷データの印刷指示で、指定手段3′としてユーザインタフェースの操作ウインドウから、非漢字文字の選択指定を行う。 - 特許庁

In the single-clause conversion display processing, the input Kana character string is converted to the mixture of Chinese characters and Kana, by assuming that a clause is constituted of the input Kana character string.例文帳に追加

この単文節変換表示処理では、入力かな文字列の全てにより一の文節が構成されているとみなして、入力かな文字列を漢字かな混じり文字列に変換する。 - 特許庁


For example, when a simple text which can be read even by children is inputted, the output configuration is changed so that the text can be outputted in Japanese syllabary, thus, even children who can not read Chinese characters can read the output-displayed text.例文帳に追加

例えば、子供が読むような簡単な文章が入力された場合には、ひらがなで出力するように出力形態を変更することで、漢字が読めない子供であっても出力表示された文章を読むことができる。 - 特許庁


To suppress unresistered words by kana inscriptions from being generated and to obtain correct read-aloud by providing a dictionary which is specialized for alphanumeris and kana corresponding to a text in which Chinese characters are not mixed.例文帳に追加

漢字が混ざらないテキストに対応する英数仮名に特化した辞書を備え、、仮名表記による未登録語発生を抑制し、正確な読み上げを得る。 - 特許庁

To provide a stamp having the comprehensible meaning of what a printing element represents to anybody or the graspable significance of an impression to even a foreigner who does not understand a Chinese character, in a stamp with the printing element formed of hardly comprehensible letters or forms of characters.例文帳に追加

難読な文字や難解な字体で形成された印字要素を備えた捺印具において、印字要素の表記内容が誰でも理解できるようにし、あるいは漢字が理解できない外国人でも印影の内容を把握できるようにする。 - 特許庁

the drawings shall not contain textual matter, except, when required for the understanding of the drawings, a single word or words such as, “water”, “steam”, “open”, “close”, “section on AAor the equivalent Chinese characters, as appropriate, and, in the case of electric circuits and block schematic or flow sheet diagrams, a few short catchwords or the equivalent Chinese characters, as appropriate, indispensable for understanding; and any such words or characters shall be placed in such a way that, if required, they can be replaced by their translations without interfering with any lines of the drawings; 例文帳に追加

図面には,不可欠な場合における「水」,「蒸気」,「開」,「閉」,「AAの切断面」などの単語又は語句,又は場合により同等の漢字,並びに電気回路,ブロックダイヤグラム及び工程図表の場合における理解のために不可欠な表示のための短い語句,又は場合により同等の漢字を除いて,文言を記載してはならず,また当該語句又は字は,必要な場合はそれらに代えて,図面中の何れの線にもかかることなく翻訳を貼り付けることができるように配置する。 - 特許庁

However, compared to "Koninshiki" (the Japanese reading of a Chinese character is written by Manyo-gana (a form of syllabary used in the Manyo-shu or Collection of Myriad Leaves), and ancient special Kana usage is also accurate) which was cited as 'the Konin theory' in an old manuscript of Shoki (Jindaiki (Records of period of gods) of the Kengen book), the existing denpon (existent books of transcription and published books) (most of the Japanese readings of Chinese characters are written in katakana (syllable based writing system of the Japanese language)) was greatly deteriorated during the process of transcript, so that it is regarded to be different from the original form. 例文帳に追加

が、書紀古写本(乾元本神代紀)に「弘仁説」として引用されている『弘仁私記』(和訓が万葉仮名で表記され上代特殊仮名遣も正確)と比べると、現在の伝本(和訓の大半が片仮名表記)は書写の過程ではなはだしく劣化したものであり、原型をとどめていないと見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this new on-line telephone number retrieving system and method, the names of individuals or the names of enterprises, having the same and homonym Chinese characters can be displayed on a home page with their addresses or zip codes, by quickly performing retrieval with a binary research method from a data bank, to which the homonym Chinese character are preliminarily inputted so as to be unified with a specific code.例文帳に追加

本発明は、同音漢字であっても特定コードで統一して予め入力したデータバンクから2分検索(バイナリーサーチ)手法により高速に検索して、全国の同一・同音漢字の個人名、或いは企業名を住所や郵便番号と共にホームページ上に表示することが容易にできる新規なオンライン電話番号検索システム及びその検索方法とを提供するものである。 - 特許庁


Text books included Oraimono such as "Teikin Orai" (collection of letters used for family education), "Shobai Orai" (a Guide to Commerce), "Hakusho Orai" (a Guide to Farming), "Senjimon" (a poem consisting of one thousand Chinese characters) for learning characters, "Nagashira," "Myojizukushi" for learning names of people, "Kunizukushi," "Chosonzukushi," for learning place names and geography, "Shishogokyo," "Rikuyuengi" for Confucianism, and history books such as "Kokushiryaku," "Juhasshiryaku" and classics such as "Toshisen," "Hyakuninisshu" and "Tsurezuregusa." 例文帳に追加

教科書としては、『庭訓往来』『商売往来』『百姓往来』など往来物のほか、文字を学ぶ『千字文』、人名が列挙された『名頭』『苗字尽』、地名・地理を学ぶ『国尽』『町村尽』、『四書五経』『六諭衍義』などの儒学書、『国史略』『十八史略』などの歴史書、『唐詩選』『百人一首』『徒然草』などの古典が用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an inexpensive and reliable proofreading means for not only people of specific occupation such as a reporter and a writer but also a wide range of users including production companies, public relations staff of enterprises/government and municipal offices, and persons involved in education by creating character fonts added with some kind of explicit information matching the use conditions of characters such as use rule of chinese characters while maintaining conventional character shape and information.例文帳に追加

本発明は、従来の文字の形状・情報を保持しながらも、漢字の使用規則など文字の使用条件に合わせたなんらかの明示的な情報を付加した文字フォントを作成し、これにより、記者や作家など特定の職業陣のみならず、制作会社や企業/官公庁広報、教育関係者など幅広い利用者に、安価で信頼性の高い校正支援手段を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

Moreover, from the viewpoint of a person who tries to regard the Nichiren chant of five Chinese characters as Myogo (Amida's name) of the Original Buddha, the way of practice on teaching in five letters of the Nichiren chant is not Volume 8 Chapter 28 but instead the seven-letter Nichiren chant, which is, 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo (南無妙法蓮華経).' 例文帳に追加

また、漢字翻訳によるこの五字の題目を本仏の名号と見なして南無(帰命)しようとする立場の者から見れば、五字の題目に込められた教えの実践法とは八巻二十八品ではなく、七字の題目すなわち「南無妙法蓮華経」となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dainichi-kyo Sutra (Mahavairocana Sutra) is believed to have been established in India in the middle of the 7th century and it was translated into Kanji characters (translated into the then Chinese language) around 725 in the early 8th century by Zenmui (683 - 735), a native Indian monk, along with his disciple Ichigyo (683 - 727). 例文帳に追加

大日経は7世紀の中頃、インドで成立したものと言われ、インド出身の僧・善無畏(ぜんむい、637年-735年)が弟子の一行(いちぎょう、683年-727年)とともに8世紀前半の725年(開元13年)前後に漢訳(当時の中国語に翻訳)したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These 'centralization' of important powers shows the prohibition of 'independent honzan' beyond the control of sohonzan, in contrast to the Minobu schools of Nichiren Sect, where the local chief priest himself makes a written copy of the principle image of Monji Mandala (mandala depicted Buddha in Chinese characters, scriptures, and so on) and gives away copies to his close believers. 例文帳に追加

こういった重要権限の「中央集権」化は総本山の指揮統制を離れる「単立本山」の成立を許さない姿勢の表れであり、地元の住職が独自に文字曼荼羅本尊を書写し親しい信徒に下賜することもある身延系の日蓮宗とは対照的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of the Chinese characters comprising 'Saisho Ein Sanmaya Ho' (最勝三昧耶), 'Saisho' (最勝) is another name of Dainichi Nyorai, 'E' () means wisdom, one of the sangaku (three kinds of practices: precept, rule and wisdom), 'in' () means a kind of symbol made by the combination of fingers that represents absolute decision, and 'Sanmaya' (三昧耶) means equality, respectively. 例文帳に追加

「最勝恵印三昧耶法」の「最勝」とは大日如来の異名であり、「恵」とは三学(戒・定・慧)の智慧(恵)を意味し、「印」は手に結ぶ印契(いんげい)で決定(けつじょう)不変を表し、「三昧耶」は平等を意味する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Honno-ji Temple, which was renamed to Honno-ji with different Chinese characters in 1433, had been founded in 1429 with the support of a wealthy merchant Sojun KOSODEYA in Rokkakudo-cho, and the temple became one of the main temples for the Happon school together with Honko-ji Temple in Amagasaki (Amagasaki City), which was founded under the auspices of Mitsumoto HOSOKAWA. 例文帳に追加

1429年(永享元年)京都六角堂町の豪商小袖屋宗句の援助により本応寺(1433年に本能寺と改称される)は、細川満元の庇護を受けて創建された尼崎本興寺(尼崎市)とともに八品派の中心的な寺院となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As to the main character Princess Kaguya, people made various suppositions; for example, a relationship with Emperor Suinin's consort Kaguyahime (a daughter of Otsuki no Miko (King Otsuki Tarine)), and a relationship with Toyouke Taijin (Grand Divine Toyouke) was discussed because the name of Kaguyahime written in Chinese characters (赫) can also be read as 'Toyohime.' 例文帳に追加

主人公のかぐや姫も、垂仁天皇妃である迦具夜比売(かぐやひめ、大筒木垂根王の女)との関係や、赫夜姫という漢字が「とよひめ」と読めることからから豊受大神との関係について論じられるなど、様々な説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A fundamental policy of collating "Genji monogatari taisei" was 'aiming at brevity,' so the differences which seem not to have affected the meanings such as the proper use of distinguishing between kanji (Chinese characters) and kana (the Japanese syllabary), hentaigana (anomalous Japanese cursive syllabary), itaiji (variant character), kana orthography, and so on, were mostly omitted. 例文帳に追加

『源氏物語大成』では、基本的な校合方針として「簡明を旨とする」という方針が示されており、漢字と仮名(文字)の使い分け、変体仮名、異体字、仮名遣いなど意味に影響を与えないと考えられた校異は多くの場合省略されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the "Zatsuji-ki" (record of miscellaneous affairs) written by Hironori AZIRO (around 1328) there is a description that said; 'I copied the Lotus Sutra on torinoko colored paper,' in the section of 1356 in the "Gukan-ki" (the diary of Michitsugu KONOE in Chinese characters), there is a description as 'ryoshi toriko,' and furthermore, in the section of 1431 in "Kanmon-nikki" (the diary of Gosuiko-in) the word 'ryohi toriko' is seen as well. 例文帳に追加

足代弘訓の『雑事記』(嘉暦3年(1328年)頃に成立)に「鳥の子色紙に法華経を書写した」との記述があり、『愚管記』の延文元年(1356年)の条に、「料紙鳥子」とあり、さらに後崇光院の『看聞日記』永享7年(1431年)の条にも「料紙鳥子」の文字が見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In section 1328 of "Zatsuji-ki" (a record of miscellaneous matters) written by Hironori AJIRO, there is the word 'torinoko colored paper,' in the section of year 1356 of "Gukan-ki" (the diary of Michitsugu KONOE in Chinese characters) there is the word 'torinoko paper for writing,' and in section of year 1431 in "Kamon-nikki" (a diary written by Gosukoin) there is the word 'torinoko paper for writing.' 例文帳に追加

足代弘訓の『雑事記』の嘉暦3年(1328年)の条に「鳥の子色紙」の文字があり、『愚管記』の延文元年(1356年)の条に、「料紙鳥子」とあり、さらに後崇光院の『看聞(かもん)日記』永享七年(1431)の条にも「料紙(りょうし)鳥子」の文字が見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the structure of the Senjimon (a poem consisting of one thousand Chinese characters) in China, four nouns constitute one line of the poem at first, but it shows collapse already in the fifth line in terms of formality as verbs are used there and in addition meaningless words are placed in the sixth line; therefore it is hard to say this poem is a good piece. 例文帳に追加

中国の千字文を意識して1行に名詞が4語並ぶように作られているが、5行目で早くも動詞を使用するなど形式的にも破綻しており、6行目は無意味な語の羅列になっているなど、作品としての出来は決してよいとは言えない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was expressions likening a sexual activity between a man and woman to 'matsuri' in a phrase of Joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment) and in a book of zappai (playful literature originating from haiku [a Japanese poem in seventeen syllables having a 5-7-5 syllabic form and traditionally containing a reference to the seasons]) (haiku collected in the streets) called yanagidaru (box-shaped, lacquered liquor cask) (written as 柳樽 and also as 柳多留 in Chinese characters) in the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の浄瑠璃の一節や柳樽(やなぎだると読み、柳多留とも表記する)という雑俳(巷から集めた俳句)の書籍のなかに「祭り」を男女の性行為の例えとして用いている表現がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Daishoreki (Daishoreki calendar which shows only the order of the long and short months) of the year, 1873, (a long month (with 30 days), a short month (with 29 days)), the long months were ni (number 2)-gatsu (February), shi (number 4)-gatsu (April), roku (number 6)-gatsu (June), ku (number 9)-gatsu (September), and juichi (number 11)-gatsu (November), and a mnemonic rhyme for remembering the long months of the year was 'nishimuku samurai' (meaning a samurai facing the west with the identical pronunciation as number 2 (ni), 4 (shi), 6 (mu; number six can be expressed as 'mu' as well as 'roku'), and 9 (ku) and the last number 11 is written in kanji (Chinese characters) (meaning ten) and (meaning one), and when they are written vertically, the result resembles the kanji (meaning samurai), which also means that ten plus one is eleven). 例文帳に追加

天保8年(1837年)の大小暦(大月〈30日〉、小月〈29日〉)は、2月、4月、6月、9月、11月が大月であり、その覚え言葉が「西向く士」であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yokai can be written using other Chinese characters, 夭, and words such as yo, oni, obake (ghost), kaii (mysterious creature), kaibutsu (monster), kesho (reincarnated or transformed being), chimimoryo (evil spirits of mountains and rivers), tsukimono (something that possesses people or things), bake (ghost), bakemono (ghost), hyakki (hundred demons), henge (apparition), ma (devil), mamono (devil), mononoke (specter), mononoke, youi, yokaihenge (specter) are also used with a similar meaning. 例文帳に追加

夭怪とも表記し、妖(夭)・鬼・お化け・怪異・怪物・化生・魑魅魍魎(ちみもうりょう)・憑き物・化け・化け物・百鬼・変化(へんげ)・魔・魔物・物の怪(勿の怪)・物の気・妖異・妖怪変化なども同様な意味で使われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is based on the explanatory note on the first part of the story of Susanoo's killing of the Yamata no Orochi (an eight-forked great serpent), which is described in the Chigi hongi (the original record of earthly deity worship) in the volume 4 of "The Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History) (although it is said to be false an apocryphal book that was submitted when lecturing on the Chronicles of Japan) that is quoted from the article on Soshimari described in book 10 of volume 20 of the "Wamyo ruijusho" (Japan's oldest dictionary of Chinese characters edited in the Heian period). 例文帳に追加

『和名類聚抄』二十巻本第10卷にある蘇志摩利の記述を引用した『先代旧事本紀』(日本紀講筵の際提出された偽書とされる)巻第四地祇本紀の素戔烏尊によるヤマタノオロチ退治の前段の分注記事による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They criticized Jindai-moji (written language claimed to have existed before the introduction of Chinese characters) used in the so-called Koshi Koden (unofficial ancient documents) including Takeuchi-monjo (alleged record of the lineage of ancient gods and a dynasty preceding Emperor Jinmu) for 'having only five vowels and not adopting the ancient Kana usage of eight vowels' and denied it as having been forged in a later era when such distinction of Kana usage had disappeared. 例文帳に追加

いわゆる古史古伝の竹内文書などに使用されている神代文字も「上代には8母音あったはずなのに、なぜか5母音のままで上代の仮名遣いに配慮していない」ということから、そうした仮名遣いの区別がなくなった後世の偽書として否定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1981 Hiromichi MORI, in his 'The Northern Dialect of the Tang Dynasty and the Phonetic Value of the Vowels in Old Japanese', published a theory of seven vowels, recognizing the distinction between the A- and B-types other than those with the vowel of エ (e), and tried to presume concrete sounds using the northern dialect of the Tang dynasty and phonetically arranged dictionary of ancient Chinese characters. 例文帳に追加

1981年には森博達が「唐代北方音と上代日本語の母音評価」でエ段以外の甲乙に差があることを認める7母音説を発表するとともに、唐代北方音と切韻を利用した具体的音価の推定を試みた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The inmon (words or symbols engraved on the seal) on Gyoji says 'Tenno Gyoji' (Emperor's Gyoji) (written in two vertical lines with 'emperor' on the right and 'Gyoji' on the left) in tensho-tai (seal-engraving style of writing Chinese characters) in square; the seal is placed on instruments of promulgation and ratification of laws, cabinet orders and treaties, credentials of ambassadors and appointment letters and notifications of replacement of the Prime Minister and the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court. 例文帳に追加

印文は篆書体・角印で「天皇御璽」(2行縦書で右側が「天皇」、左側が「御璽」)であり、法律・政令・条約の公布文や批准書、大使の信任状、内閣総理大臣・最高裁判所長官などの任命の官記や交代の辞令書に捺される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Mitsuhide was about to leave the banquet discreetly, Nobunaga shouted, "This bald head," and hit Mitsuhide on the head ("bald head" may have been a pun based on recombination of Chinese characters from "Mitsuhide") 例文帳に追加

同じく酒席で光秀が目立たぬように中座しかけたところ、「このキンカ頭(禿頭の意)」と満座の中で信長に怒鳴りつけられ、頭を打たれた(キンカ頭とは、「光秀」の「光」の下の部分と「秀」の上の部分を合わせると「禿」となることからの信長なりの洒落という説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the day Ishi/Takeko became an Empress (November 26) various court nobilities were invited to the banquet held at Michinaga's mansion, and Michinaga read an impromptu poem to Sanesuke, 'When I reflect, this world is indeed my world, nor is there any flaw in the full moon' ("Ouki/Shoyuki," original text in Chinese characters). 例文帳に追加

威子の立后の日(10月16日(旧暦)(11月26日))に道長の邸宅で諸公卿を集めて祝宴が開かれ、道長は実資に向かって即興の歌「この世をば わが世とぞ思ふ 望月の 欠けたることも なしと思へば」を詠んだ(『小右記』、原文漢文)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The era issue mentioned above was resolved owing to a compromise by Mochiuji but his relationship with the the government remained volatile because of the Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple curse issue, and also because, in 1438, Mochiuji ignored Yoshinori and named his son himself when he reached adulthood (according to the custom of that time, one of the Chinese characters used in the shogun's name was given). 例文帳に追加

先の年号問題は持氏の妥協でケリが付いたものの、比叡山の呪詛問題、それに1438年(永享10年)には嫡子の元服の際に義教を無視し勝手に名前をつけた(当時は慣例として将軍から一字を拝領していた)ことなどから幕府との関係は一触即発となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Instead, this "shikimoku" is a law that has been created for the local warriors who cannot read Chinese characters, and this shikimoku is based on the very common reason called "dori" for the native residents to be able to live in peace by respecting honesty in people's minds and eliminating dishonesty, as followers who are loyal to their master and children who are dutiful to their parents.' 例文帳に追加

この『式目』は漢字も知らぬこうした地方武士のために作られた法律であり、従者は主人に忠を尽くし、子は親に孝をつくすように、人の心の正直を尊び、曲がったのを捨てて、土民が安心して暮らせるように、というごく平凡な『道理』に基づいたものなのだ。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in 1861, he ran away, leaving behind shichigon zekku (a Chinese poem of four lines, each of seven characters) scripted on the wall of Kyoon-ji Temple that read 'Although I essentially value the purity of Japan, which is a divine land/I made an error and became a priest to preach Buddhism/Now I am going to abandon ascetic practices, but do not accuse me Buddha,/For I essentially value the purity of Japan, which is a divine land,' and lived in a thatched-roof hut in Komazuka, Tofuku-ji, Horyu-ji Village in Yamato Province and involved in activities as a loyal supporter of the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

だが、1861年に教恩寺の壁に七言絶句「本是神州清潔民 謬為仏奴説同塵 如今棄仏仏休咎 本是神州清潔民」を書き残して出奔、大和国法隆寺村東福寺の駒塚の茅屋に住み、勤王志士として活動した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At first, Sorin protected Christians for the purpose of trade, but he was soon attracted to the doctrine of Christianity, and finally joined and caused the Battle of Mimi-kawa while dreaming about building Mushika (ideal world, represented as 志賀 in Chinese characters, around present-day Mushikamachi, Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture) in Hyuga Province. 例文帳に追加

当初は貿易目的のためにキリシタンを保護していたが次第に宗麟自身もキリスト教の教義に惹かれるようになり、遂には入信し日向にムシカ(理想郷。漢字表記は務志賀とされる。現在の宮崎県延岡市無鹿町の付近)の建国を夢見て耳川の合戦を引き起こすことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Makibi came back with a young man called EN Shinkei (later called, KIYOMURA no Sukune) who mastered phonology, and according to FUJIWARA no Nagazane, KIYOMURA no Sukene tried to change the reading of kanji (Chinese characters) from the Wu reading to the Han reading, which is said to have contributed to the creation of katakana (one of the Japanese syllables). 例文帳に追加

真備は、袁晋卿(後の浄村宿禰)という音韻学に長けた少年を連れて帰朝したが、藤原長親によれば、この浄村宿禰という人物は、呉音だった漢字の読み方を漢音に改めようと努め、片仮名を作ったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He started to practice calligraphy at terakoya (a private elementary school in the Edo period) at the age of six and then started to learn Chinese characters from Kyuko YAMAMURO, a Confucian scholar in the Bingo-Fukuyama Domain in Bingo Province, but skipped grades to enter the Seishikan, a Fukuyama domain school as a special case by recommendation of Yamamuro because he was doing very well at school. 例文帳に追加

6歳から寺子屋で手習いをはじめ、8歳から備後備後福山藩の儒学者山室汲古に漢字を習い始めるが学業優秀だったため山室の推薦により飛び級で福山藩校誠之館に特例入学。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yo-dai was angry at the letter brought by the envoy, but he still sent Sei HAI (One of his Chinese character '' [pronounced "Sei"] was also used in the real name [] of the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Tang Taizong; therefore it was omitted from his name because it was taboo for people in the ancient China to use any of the characters used in the Emperor's name), a secretary, as the envoy for a return visit in 608. 例文帳に追加

煬帝はその国書に立腹したが、翌大業2年(608年)、文林郎である裴清(世については太宗(唐朝の二代目皇帝李世民)の諱世民のため避諱された)をその答礼使として派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the term "yomi (to read)," which means counting cycles of the moon phase, was spelled "" ("yomi") or "" ("yomi") in Chinese characters in order to reflect the Japanese pronunciation and both were spelled "ヨ・ミ" ("yo・mi") in the Jodai special kana orthography-which conforms precisely to the spelling of "yomi" of "Tsukuyomi"--it would be safe to conclude that the name Tsukuyomi came from counting days and months. 例文帳に追加

上代特殊仮名遣では、「暦や月齢を数える」ことを意味する「読み」の訓字例「余美・餘美」がいずれもヨ乙類・ミ甲類で「月読」と一致していることから、ツクヨミの原義は、日月を数える「読み」から来たものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many concepts have been added to Koshinto since ancient times, including the idea of shinra bansho (all natural things in the world), making it very difficult to classify the religion precisely, but the following concepts--as well as comments concerning the meaning of the Chinese characters and ancient Japanese words used in Shinto terms--of the religion, beginning with Koshinto and turning into today's Shinto, can be listed 例文帳に追加

古来からの古神道は、後から意味付けされたものも多く、その対象も森羅万象に及ぶので、必ずしも定常に当てはめることはできないが、古神道に始まり現在への神道までの流れとして時系列や、漢字や日本語としての古語の意味などを考え、記述する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is generally deemed to be synonymous with "jinko" (also known as "kanbe," written as 神戸 or in Chinese characters), it is considered that their period of origin and original role were different with each other; it is considered that the two became increasingly confused from the late Nara period to the early Heian period. 例文帳に追加

一般的には神戸(じんこ、かんべ)または神部(かんべ、かむべ)と同義とされるが、その成立時期や初期における役割には差異があったと考えられ、両者の混合が進んだのは、奈良時代後期から平安時代初期にかけてと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When these miyake developed and expanded to a certain size, they became the bases of kohori (written as in Chinese characters), which was a unit that the central government directly administered and controlled in local areas, and it is believed that they later developed into the kohori (written as ) of the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code). 例文帳に追加

この屯倉がある程度発達・広域展開した段階で、屯倉を拠点として、直接的に地方を把握・管轄した単位が県(コホリ)であり、のちに律令制における郡(コホリ)へと発展していったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The relationship of bushidan and range of power of Sagami Province was described in detail from the disturbance in Obamikuriya estate to the Battle of Ishibashiyama Mountain by looking at the matrimonial relation of kaihatsu-ryoshu prior to the mobilization call by Yoritomo in "Soga Monogatari" (the tale of Soga) (Manabon - a book written only in Chinese characters) despite being just literature. 例文帳に追加

物語ではあるが、『曽我物語』(真字本:まなぼん)に見る頼朝挙兵前の開発領主の姻戚関係を見ると、大庭御厨の濫妨から、石橋山の合戦までの相模近辺の武士団の関係、勢力範囲がよく表されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because to and ryo are situated at the top of building and were its essential parts, the term "toryo" became the one that referred to an important person of organization like a nation and was also written in Chinese characters as '頭領' or '統領' (according to the description of "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) for the fifty-first year of the Emperor Keiko (121), TAKENOUCHI no Sukune was described as '棟梁' (Mune no machigimi) (a prime minister). 例文帳に追加

棟と梁は建物の最も高い部分にあり、かつ重要な部分であるため、転じて国家などの組織の重要な人物を指し、また「頭領」・「統領」という表記も用いられた(『日本書紀』景行天皇51年(121年)条において武内宿禰を「棟梁之臣」と表現している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The title "Ame-no-shita Shiroshimesu Okimi" known from archaeological studies to have been established around the fifth century is viewed as evidence of the perception that Wakoku was a different 'tenka' (realm, written with the same characters as 'Ame-no-shita') from the Chinese dynasties. 例文帳に追加

考古学の成果から5世紀ごろから「治天下大王」(あめのしたしろしめすおおきみ)という国内向けの称号が成立したことが判明しているが、これはこの時期に倭国は中華王朝と異なる別の天下であるという意識が生まれていたことの表れだと評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From then on till the latter half of the seventh century, the name designating the country was still Wakoku or Wa, but in the process of remodeling its state and administrative apparatus on the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code) by the Emperor Tenmu, there was growing national awareness about the avoidance of using Wa or Wakoku, so that before and after 701, a pair of Chinese characters, 日本, (meaning of 'the land from the sun-rise) came to be used. 例文帳に追加

その後、7世紀後半に至るまで国号の表記は倭国・倭のままであったが、天武天皇に始まる律令制建設の過程で、倭国・倭という表記を忌避する意識が再び高まり、701年前後に日本という表記が採用されることとなったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a special example, there is a case in which Sendai City in Kagoshima Prefecture became Satsumasendai City by attaching the old provincial name of Satsuma to Sendai which was homophony of Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture although the Chinese characters that make up the word is different from that of Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture; this city name was created at the time of merger (the nearby local governments disliked the image of incorporated merger and this was one reason why Sendai City became Satsumasendai City). 例文帳に追加

また、特殊な例としては鹿児島県の川内市が宮城県の仙台市と同音の「せんだい」であったことから合併に際して旧国名を冠し薩摩川内市となった事例がある(周辺自治体が編入合併のイメージを嫌ったことも理由)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mansen Shukai (also called Bansen Shukai; "" is officially written as "" in Chinese characters) is the ninjutsu (ninja art) strategy book including 22 volumes with an additional one volume attached to it written by Samuji Yasutake FUJIBAYASHI, who was a descendant of goshi (country samurai) Nagatonokami FUJIBAYASHI, in Iga Province in 1676. 例文帳に追加

万川集海(まんせんしゅうかい、ばんせんしゅうかい、正式には『萬川集海』と表記する)とは延宝四年(1676年)に伊賀の国、郷士で藤林長門守の子孫である藤林左武次保武が書いた22巻、別巻1からなる忍術兵法書である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And moreover, he implemented various reforms, such as renewing Edo city through establishing local fire brigades and Koishikawa Hospital, mitigating prohibition of Western knowledge through various measures (lifting an embargo on the import of Western books translated into Chinese characters, permitting cultivation of sweet potatoes, and so on), and handling matters about merchants (issuing Mutual Settlement Decree on money matters, permitting "kabu nakama" [a kind of cartel formed by wholesalers and other merchants], and so on). 例文帳に追加

更には江戸の都市政策(町火消の創設、小石川養生所の設置)、西洋知識禁制の緩和(漢訳洋書禁輸の緩和、甘藷栽培など)、商人対策(相対済まし令、株仲間の公認など)などの諸改革も行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Today, it is translated as "大統領" to mean a head of republic, but, at that time, since readers had no knowledge of that kind, it was considered that, even if they used a newly created word, readers could not understand correctly and it was determined to express pronunciation of the work in Chinese characters. 例文帳に追加

現在では共和国元首という意味で「大統領」と訳されるが、当時にあっては読者にそういう知識は無かったので新造語をあてても、正確に読者に伝わらないと考えられ、そのまま言語の音を漢字に置き換えたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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