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To provide a support device capable of easily forming a group transport vehicle operation plan in a large-scale event such as a national sports festival.例文帳に追加

国民体育大会など大規模イベントにおける団体輸送車両運行計画を容易に作成することができる支援装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Chugai Toen Co., Ltd. (48 employees and capital of 15 million yen) of Seto City in Aichi Prefecture plans, manufactures, and sells items such as decorative objects based on the traditional Chinese12-animal zodiac and dolls for the Girls' Festival in Japan.例文帳に追加

愛知県瀬戸市の(株)中外陶園(従業員48名・資本金1,500万円)は、干支置物、雛人形などを企画・製造・販売している。 - 経済産業省

Based on the results of the International Skills Festival for All, Japan 2007, the government will further the improvement of infrastructure to make Japan a monodzukuri-based nation (Chart 2-6).例文帳に追加

「2007年ユニバーサル技能五輪国際大会」の成果等を踏まえ、「ものづくり立国」の基盤整備を一層推進(図表2-6) 。 - 経済産業省

as the night before some great festival seems to an impatient child that has got new finery which it may not put on till the morning. 例文帳に追加

まるで盛大なお祭りの前の晩に、新調した晴れ着をもらった子どもが、朝までそれを着てはいけませんといわれていらいらしているかのようだった。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』


Now all things that were ordained for the festival were turned from their properties to do the office of a black funeral. 例文帳に追加

祝宴のためにと用意されたものは、すべて用途が変更され、暗い葬儀のために使われることとなった。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』


Because lotus seeds and lotus leaves used in the Urabon Festival (a festival of the dead held on Buddhist All Souls' Day, which is usually around the 15th of July or August, depending on the local custom) were accorded particularly high value, and most goods that were put on trays using lotus leaves or leaves of fuki (Japanese butterbur) were sold, persons dealing with seasonal goods were described as being in the 'trade of lotus leaves.' 例文帳に追加

その中で盂蘭盆(うらぼん)に使う蓮の実や蓮の葉が特に珍重された事や、商品の多くを蓮の葉や蕗(ふき)の葉の皿の上に置いて売っていたという事などから、季節物を扱う商人を「蓮の葉商い」(はすのはあきない)と呼ぶようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the volume of "Aoi," she came across the gissha (ox-drawn carriage) of Aoi no ue (Lady Aoi), who was the legitimate wife of Genji and suffering from morning sickness, at the viewing of the purification ceremony for the Itsukinomiya at Kamo-gawa River during the Kamo Matsuri festival (Aoi Matsuri festival, in the middle of the Day of Cock in April) and received humiliating treatment by Aoi's servants in securing a place. 例文帳に追加

「葵」の巻では、賀茂祭(葵祭、4月(旧暦)の中の酉の日)の加茂川での斎院御禊見物の折に、つわり中の源氏の正妻葵の上の牛車と鉢合わせし、場所争いで葵の上方の下人に恥辱的な仕打ちを受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hikiyama (pull-type Dashi) seen at the Otsu-matsuri Festival held in Otsu city, Shiga prefecture, and the Dashi used at Ishidori-Matsuri Festival in northern Mie prefecture, have three wheels, while the Nirin Yatai with two wheels are pulled in the central eastern part of Totoumi Province from Morimachi, Shizuoka Prefecture and in Iwata City, and Dashi at the Hamasaki Gion Yamagasa have six wheels. 例文帳に追加

ほかには滋賀県大津市の大津祭での曳山や三重県北部の石取祭に使われる山車が三輪であり、静岡県森町(静岡県)から磐田市にかけての遠江国中東部で引き回される二輪屋台、浜崎祇園山笠のように六輪あるものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first festival was held on October 25, 1895 to worship the newly built Heian-jingu Shrine; from the following year, the festival took a form in which 'two great spirits of Emperor Kanmu and Emperor Komei, who are the objects of worship, visit the shrine from the Kyoto Imperial Household, which used to be their residence, with a long line of attendants following in the procession, enjoying the view of the flourishing towns.' 例文帳に追加

初回は、創建されたばかりの平安神宮への参拝として明治28年(1895年)10月25日に行われ、その次の回からは、「祭神である桓武天皇と孝明天皇の二柱の御霊が、住まいであった御所から街の繁栄を見ながら行列のお供を従へて神宮へ行く」形となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the concept of the third Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa was 'From Event To Festival', the idea of introducing a dance to symbolize the festival was discussed and a project team was formed with people from the Executive Committee of Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa and Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa Administration Office, and other key figures. 例文帳に追加

第3回京都学生祭典のコンセプト「イベントからまつりへ」のもと、まつりを象徴するおどりの導入が検討されるようになり、京都学生祭典実行委員会と京都学生祭典事務局、有識者などで構成されるプロジェクトチームが発足した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The origin of the yama and hoko floats is believed to be shirushi yama (tall decorative float with wheels), that was pulled in Daijosai (first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor); some say that the yama and hoko floats originated from the floats in the Jagannatha Festival, a religious festival held in April in the state of Orissa, India. 例文帳に追加

山鉾の源流は大嘗祭で曳かれていた標山であると考えられているが、一部ではインドのオリッサ州地方で行われる4月の祭礼ジャガンナート祭の山車が山鉾のモデルになったものではないか、と言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Toyoakari no sechie festival is the Imperial Court ceremony held on Daijosai (first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor), held on the days of the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, and Horse (note: yuki no sechie (seasonal court banquet) held on the day of the Dragon, and suki no sechie held on the day of the Snake) as well as on the final day of the Niiname-sai festival (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities), held on the days of the Rabbit and Dragon. 例文帳に追加

豊明節会(とよあかりのせちえ)とは大嘗祭(卯・辰・巳・午の日の4日間:但し、辰の日に悠紀(ゆき)の節会、巳の日に主基(すき)の節会が行われた。)、新嘗祭(卯・辰の日の2日間)の最終日に行われた宮中儀式。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the time of Bon festival split, depending on the regions, into July and August after the solar calendar was adopted in 1873, tanabata is currently celebrated either on July 7 of Gregorian calendar (new calendar) (the night of July 6 depending on events) or on August 7 as a part of Bon festival based on the old calendar (a month later) (mainly, eastern Japan, Hokkaido and Sendai). 例文帳に追加

明治6年(1873年)の改暦後は、お盆時期が7月と8月に分かれたが、七夕もグレゴリオ暦(新暦)の7月7日(行事によっては7月6日の夜)に勤める地域と、旧暦風(月遅れ)お盆の8月7日(東日本・北海道と仙台に多い)に行われるものとに分かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also used as presents, a lucky charm (sold at a festival day), and used for enjoying festivals (enjoy dance holding it in Bon Festival Dance and other festivals), advertising, putting it on (as a fashion tool), following the current fashion (influenced by the pattern on the fan part), catching fireflies and driving insects away, sorting out paddy from rice husks, extinguishing fire (by fanning the sparks away, a large type was used). 例文帳に追加

贈答、祭(盆踊りなどで持って踊る)、縁起もの(縁日に売られる)、宣伝する(広告)、装う(おしゃれの小道具)、流行にのる(おしゃれ、描かれる模様)、狩る・追う(蛍狩り・追い、遊び)、選別(籾殻を、農耕)、火消し(火の粉を払う、村の共有品、大型のうちわ) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They are active around mainly Kanto area such as in Tsuruoka Hachiman-gu Shrine Yabusame (Kamakura Festival, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture), Miura Dosun Matsuri Kasagake (Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture) and Meiji-jingu Shrine Yabusame Shinto Ritual (Autumn big Festival, Shibuya-ku Ward, Tokyo Metropolis) but they also have overseas performances. 例文帳に追加

鶴岡八幡宮流鏑馬(神奈川県鎌倉市、鎌倉まつり)、三浦道寸まつり笠懸(神奈川県三浦市)、明治神宮流鏑馬神事(東京都渋谷区、秋の大祭)など、関東地方を中心に活動するほか、海外での公演も行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As shown by the terms, matsuri and Monoimi (to purify oneself by abstaining from certain foods), and a festival day and a holy day, a rhythm contrasting a joyful occasion (festival) with the time to get oneself ready for joyful occasion (Monoimi) is incorporated in the tradition of Orthodox Church and is a standard of everyday life, and when this is explained, the term 'matsuri' and its concept are often used. 例文帳に追加

祭と斎(ものいみ)、祭日(さいじつ)と斎日(ものいみび)というように、喜ばしい時(祭)と、自らを喜ばしい時に備える時(斎)とを対比させるリズムは正教会の伝統に組み込まれて日常生活の規範となっており、これを説明する際に「祭」の語・概念が多用される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is customary that dancers selected for the Hono-mai (a Shinto dance for dedication) in the Kamo no rinjisai (Kamo Special Festival) and Iwashimizu-rinji-matsuri (Iwashimizu Special Festival) always use sekitai with agate, and although only shosho usually use an agate sash (an imperial envoy for special festivals was selected from among chujo and shosho), they are permitted to put on a rhinoceros horn sash on this occasion. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに、賀茂臨時祭・石清水臨時祭の奉納舞に選ばれた舞手は必ず瑪瑙の石帯を使うのが慣例であって、本来瑪瑙の帯を使うのは少将だが(臨時祭勅使は中・少将から選ばれる)この時だけは犀角の帯をつける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And in regions which don't have 'danjiri' and value the style of devotion that consists of festival music and dance only, one of the key moments was apparently when the danjiri-bayashi Hono on the eve of festival of the Osaka Expo in 1970 was broadcast by Osaka Mainichi Broadcasting. 例文帳に追加

そして、このような囃子と踊りの奉納を重視する「地車」の存在しない地区による地車囃子が公認される一つの契機となったのは、1970年の大阪万博の前夜祭における地車囃子奉納が、大阪毎日放送の電波に乗ったときのことであると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hikiyama Matsuri Festival held at Nagahama every April (every October, in old days) was said to begin from the time when people were given congratulatory gold sands from Hideyoshi, who was glad to having a boy, and made a float and showed it at the festival of Nagahama Hachimangu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

長浜で毎年4月(昔は10月)に行われる曳山祭は、秀吉に男の子が生まれ、そのことに喜んだ秀吉からお祝いの砂金を贈られた町民は、山車を作り、長浜八幡宮の祭礼に曳き回しことが、始まりと伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Sakuramachi and Kaneyoshi ICHIJO together revived Imperial court events that had died out, starting with the Daijo-sai festival, followed by the Niiname-sai festival (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities) in 1740, and the Hoheishi (imperial messenger) to Usa-jingu Shrine and Kashii-gu Shrine in 1744, the start of the traditional Chinese sixty-year cycle. 例文帳に追加

桜町天皇と一条兼香のコンビは先の大嘗祭復活に続いて、元文5年(1740年)に新嘗祭復活、次いで延享元年(1744年)の甲子改元時における宇佐神宮・香椎宮への奉幣使復活など、廃絶していた朝廷行事の再興を実現する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About his father, Masazane, there remained an anecdote that he had confidence in his son Masasada's skill in dancing, and probably because of this, Masazane got angry when his son Masasada was not selected for the first dance at the Special Festival at Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrinel cerebrated in 1106, and abandoned the festival in the middle of it and returned to Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

父雅実は雅定の舞の技能に自信を持っていたためか、嘉承元年(1106年)に開催された石清水八幡宮臨時祭における一の舞に雅定が選ばれなかったことに腹を立て、雅実が祭りの途中で帰京してしまったとの逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, it is said that the Hikiyama festival held in April (previously in October) every year in Nagahama started when townspeople of Nagahama built a float to be drawn throughout the town in the festival of the Nagahama Hachimangu Shrine, after Hideyoshi, then-castle lord of Nagahama Castle, gave gold dust to the townspeople to celebrate the birth of his son. 例文帳に追加

また、長浜で毎年4月(昔は10月)に行われる曳山祭の始まりは、当時長浜城主だった秀吉に男の子が生まれ、そのことに喜んだ秀吉からお祝いの砂金を贈られた町民は、山車を作り、長浜八幡宮の祭礼に曳き回しことが始まりとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Altar types used in Buddhism include a permanent altar called a shumidan which enshrines an image of the Buddha; a household altar referred to as butsudan; a temporary altar for funerals and religious ceremonies; an altar called a chuindan which is kept until the Buddhist memorial service held 49 days after a person's death; and an altar called a shoryudana (or bondana) which is used in the Bon festival (the festival of the dead). 例文帳に追加

仏教における祭壇の形態的には常設の祭壇として仏像を安置するための須弥壇、家庭内に設置する仏壇、仮設の祭壇として葬祭用の祭壇、四十九日まで設置される中陰壇、盆に設置される精霊棚(盆棚)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This festival day varies from region to region; it is called 'Mikunichi' in Tohoku region, 'Tokanya (the night on the 10th day of October)' from northern west of Kanto region through Koshinetsu region, 'Inoko' from western Japan through a part of Chiba, Ibaraki, and Saitama Prefectures along the Pacific coast, and Shimotsuki-matsuri Festival in Kyushu region. 例文帳に追加

この祭日は地方によって違いがみられ、東北地方では「三九日」(みくにち)、関東地方の北西部から甲信越地方にかけては「十日夜」(とおかんや)、西日本から千葉県・茨城県・埼玉県の一部など太平洋沿岸にかけてでは「亥子」(いのこ)、九州では霜月祭などと呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, the resumption in 1500 of the Gion Festival, which had been acclaimed for the townsmen's initiative behind it, may be considered to have been motivated in part by the social unrest prevailing then, given the history that the Gion Festival had originally been an event of prayer for recovery from epidemics. 例文帳に追加

また、町衆主導によって行われたと評価されてきた明応9年(1500年)の祇園祭の再興も本来祇園祭が疫病平癒の祭りであったことを考えると、逆に当時の社会不安の反映が祇園祭再興を促したという側面も考えられるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the day at the Genyasai Festival, memorial ceremony for students of Kyoto University and member of Japanese Red Army (Tsuyoshi OKUDAIRA, Yasuyuki YASUDA and others) who lost their lives in a gun battle in Tel Aviv was held at west side of the campus, and the great pageant 'Genyasai Festival,' connecting Seibu-Kodo Hall to the grounds of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, was realized. 例文帳に追加

幻野祭の当日、テルアビブの銃撃戦で亡くなった日本赤軍の京大生(奥平剛士、安田安之ら)らの追悼集会を西部構内で行い、西部講堂から農学部グラウンドまでをつなぐ、一大ページェント「幻野祭」を実現したのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a photographing pose controller that offers pose images having been recorded in advance to a customer and allows the customer to select its preferred pose image thereby efficiently setting the photographing conditions in the case of photographing a commemorative photo under a theme of the seven-Five-three Festival, the Baby's First Tutelary Shrine Visit Festival or the like in a photo studio.例文帳に追加

写真スタジオで七五三、宮参り等のテーマで記念撮影を行うに際し、あらかじめ記録しておいた複数のポーズ画像を客に提示して、その中から好みのものを選択してもらうことにより、撮影条件の設定を能率的に行うことができるようにする。 - 特許庁

This project featured the implementation of a "Cool Japan months" campaign and participation in "Anime Festival Asia (AFA)" in Singapore. The project was designed to increase awareness of Japanese contents (such as anime, characters and artists), and an antenna shop was established to sell related goods.例文帳に追加

シンガポールにおいて「クール・ジャパン月間」等のキャンペーンの実施、「Anime Festival Asia(AFA)」への出展等を行い、日本のアニメ、キャラクター、アーティスト等のコンテンツへの認知度を高めるとともに、アンテナショップを設置して関連グッズを販売した。 - 経済産業省

From such a career, the diary has detailed entries about conflicts between the Kamo-jinja Shrines, the Great Thanksgiving Festival in 1466 that in fact became the last such festival held in the medieval period, the relationship between court aristocrats and warriors (Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)), the circumstances of the Onin War, what the frequently-occurring do-ikki (uprisings of cultivators and other commoners) were like, and the ordinary life of court nobles, etc., so it is an important historical source to know about this period. 例文帳に追加

このような経歴から、賀茂神社間の争いに関わる話や、事実上中世最後となった文正元年(1466年)の大嘗祭に関する記事、公家と武家(室町幕府)の関係、応仁の乱の経緯、頻発した土一揆の様子、さらに普段の公家の生活などが詳細に記されており、同時代を知る上での一級史料といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They appear not only in the shrine festivals accompanied by a shrine maiden and a historic pageant, but also in a flower festival at a temple (birthday ceremony, kanbutsue (the Buddha's birthday festival), Shakyamuni's birthday ceremony), days consecrated to the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Fudo Myoo, the anniversary of the death (memorial service) of the founders, such as Honen and Nichiren, grand Buddhist memorial services held once in decades or hundreds of years such as a celebration of completion of a main hall or the inauguration ceremony for the head priest of a temple. 例文帳に追加

お寺の花まつり(誕生会、灌仏会、釈尊の誕生日)や観世音菩薩、不動明王、等の縁日、法然、日蓮、等の宗祖の命日(お会式)、本堂落慶法要や晋山式といった、数十年~数百年に一度の大法会に行われる他、神社の祭りにも巫女と共に登場、また、時代行列の中で登場する場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, it is also said that the proverb began based on the fact that before 1966 the Gion Matsuri Festival included the 'Saki no Matsuri' (an event before the main festival) (July 17) and the 'Ato no Matsuri' (July 24), each for the Yamahoko Junko: in the 'Saki no Matsuri,' a number of gorgeous decorative hoko floats as well as yama floats were paraded, whereas the 'Ato no Matsuri' had a smaller parade of only yama floats. 例文帳に追加

また、祇園祭は1966年(昭和41年)まで「前祭」(7月17日)と「後祭」(7月24日)の2回に分けて山鉾巡行を行っていた経緯があり、「前祭」では山に加え豪華絢爛な鉾が多数巡行するのに対し、「後祭」では鉾の巡行が無く山のみの巡行で、小規模であることからこの諺が言われるようになったという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason it is considered is because municipalities give consideration to young people so that many of them who leave their home towns to take a job or to proceed to higher education can easily participate in the ceremony on the day of Obon festival or during the first seven days of the year when many of them return home, and do not need to spend money on buying a best dress (in particular, more than half of towns and villages in Iwate Prefecture hold the ceremony on the day of the Obon festival). 例文帳に追加

これは就職や進学で地元を離れる人が多いので、実家に帰省する人が多いお盆や松の内に行うほうが参加しやすい、晴れ着などに金銭をかけなくて済むという配慮が働いていると思われる(特に岩手県では、半数以上の町村がお盆に開催している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because many Japanese people engage in rituals of multiple religions, holding the seven-five-three festival and other seasonal festivals at shrines and visiting shrines at the beginning of the New Year based on annual events and rituals developed in the natural climate from ancient ethnic religions of Japan, and by the influence of the temple guarantee system in the Edo period, holding funerals and bon festivals (a festival of the dead or Buddhist all soul's day) with Buddhist rites. 例文帳に追加

これは、日本古来の民族信仰の基盤の上に、自然風土の中で培われた年中行事や、祭礼などを通じて、多くの日本人が七五三や初詣、あるいは季節の祭りを神社で行い、江戸時代の寺請制度の影響で、葬式や盆などを仏教式で行うなど、複数の宗教にまたがって儀礼に参加しているためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Danjiri-bayashi is festival music which is played to accompany the drawing danjiri (decorative portable shrines; floats used in festivals), and in the region centered on the northern part of Osaka City which does not possess danjiri for some reasons it refers to the 'hetari' style which is festival music played by itself on a stage, turret and also a boat for funatogyo (a ritual to place divine spirits on boat, to cross a river). 例文帳に追加

地車囃子(だんじりばやし)とは、地車曳行の際に演奏される祭囃子のことであるが、何らかの事情で山車(地車)を保有していない大阪市北部を中心とした地域などで、地車とは独立した音楽として舞台や櫓(矢倉)、さらに船渡御の船等において「へたり」で演奏・奉納される祭囃子のことでもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One of Daigo-ji Temple's major activities is the Segaki memorial service, which centers around the magnificent outdoor bonfire Saito-Goma, originated by the Daigo-ha sect, held in August; in February at the Godairikison Ninnoe festival the temple burns the same Saito-Goma bonfire and praise the virtuous deeds of the Godai Myoo; that festival is famous for the contest of strength, in which participants lift a giant Kagami mochi (rice cake) of nearly 150kg. 例文帳に追加

醍醐寺の主な行事としては、醍醐派が本家である壮大な屋外大護摩柴燈護摩(さいとうごま)を中心とした施餓鬼法要が8月に厳修されるほか、2月には同様に柴燈護摩を炊き上げて五大明王の功徳を讚える「五大力尊仁王会」(ごだいりきそんにんのうえ)が厳修され併せて150キロ近い巨大な鏡餅を持ち上げる力比べが行われることで有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The deities enshrined at Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku-jinja Shrine include Ryoma SAKAMOTO who was assassinated in Kyoto, with a bronze statue of him standing at the shrine and the Ryoma-sai Festival held on the anniversary of both his birth and death on November 15 of each year to honor his memory and comfort his soul (his birth and death originally took place on November 15 of the old calendar but the festival is held on November 15 of the Gregorian calendar). 例文帳に追加

祭神の中には京都で暗殺された坂本龍馬も含まれており、境内に銅像が作られているほか、誕生日であり命日でもある11月15日には、龍馬の遺徳を偲び霊を慰める龍馬祭が行われる(誕生日・命日は本来は旧暦11月15日だが、祭は新暦11月15日に行われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Three deities of Munakata-jinja Shrine were in Junii (Junior Second Rank) Kun hachito on April 10, 859, and promoted to Shonii (Senior Second Rank) on the same day and to one higher rank to Juichii (Junior First Rank) in November 17, 864 (according to "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku") and in 1275, it is decided that Shido no kanpei (Kinensai (prayer service for a good crop), Tsukinami-sai Festival, Niiname-sai festival (ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities) was given to the shrine (according to "Shoshinki"). 例文帳に追加

宗像神社3座は貞観元年2月30日(旧暦)には従二位勲八等と見え、同日正二位へ昇り、同6年(864年)10月11日(旧暦)更に1階進んで従一位が授けられ(以上『日本三代実録』)、建治元年には四度官幣(祈年祭・月次祭・新嘗祭4祭の頒幣)に預かることが定められた(『諸神記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the final announcement of the government at that time, the Onie no matsuri Festival was not considered as a state act, because unlike the emperor's state acts, which were not related to the state vaguely but needed advisement and authorization of the ministry, the Onie no matsuri Festival, a traditional noble ritual, was in a different category to the state acts belonging to the affairs of State, and thus was not considered as a state act. 例文帳に追加

当時の政府発表(最終のもの)によれば、大嘗祭が「国事行為」とされなかった理由は、憲法上の天皇の「国事行為」とは漠然と国に関わる行為を指すものではなく、すべて「内閣の助言と承認」を必要とするものであり、皇室の伝統祭祀である大嘗祭は「国事行為」に当たらない(大嘗祭は政務上の「国事行為」と次元を異にする尊貴な行為である)ためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the film director Nagisa OSHIMA, whose film was not listed, strongly protested against the office of the Cannes International Film Festival, and caused a fuss (On the background, although there was a provision that only one film could be listed officially from one country, the Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan, Inc. sent both films of Nakahira and Oshima, and the office of Cannes International Film Festival selected "Yami no naka no Chimimoryo" as the official film). 例文帳に追加

だが、これに洩れた大島渚監督が選考経緯不明瞭としてカンヌ国際映画祭事務当局に強く抗議、騒動となった(日本映画製作者連盟が正式出品作は1国につき1作品の規定にも関わらず、中平・大島両監督の作品を送り、カンヌ国際映画祭事務当局によって『闇の中の魑魅魍魎』が正式出品作として選ばれたという経緯があった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He received the Yomiuri Play Award (Excellence Actor Award), in 1997; the Excellence Award of Arts Festival by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Hosei University Noh Drama Prize in Memory of Kanze Hisao in 1998; the Osaka Arts Award, the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 1999; the Purple Ribbon Medal in 2002; and the grand prize of the Osaka Culture Festival Award of Osaka City, the Osaka Stage Arts Award of Osaka Prefecture in 2006. 例文帳に追加

1997年読売演劇大賞優秀男優賞、1998年文化庁芸術祭優秀賞、観世寿夫記念法政大学能楽賞、1999年大阪芸術賞、芸術選奨文部大臣賞、2002年度紫綬褒章、2006年大阪市・大阪文化祭賞グランプリ、大阪府・大阪舞台芸術賞を受賞。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While people after death transmigrate in Indian Buddhism, go to Hell or Buddhist paradise in Japanese Buddhism, or the faraway world for the departed in Christianity, in the Shinto view of life and death, they stay close to the world of living things (the next world in mountains or on the sea), and come back to their descendants during the Bon festival (a Festival of the Dead or Buddhist All Soul's Day) and New Year. 例文帳に追加

神道の死生観では、人は死後、インドの仏教のように転生したり、日本の仏教のように地獄(仏教)や極楽へ行ったり、キリスト教のような遠い死者の世界に行ったりするのではなく、生者の世界のすぐ近く(山中や海上の他界)にいて、盆や正月に子孫の元に帰ってくると考える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides priests, fukuotoko (the luckiest man); fukumusume (the luckiest girl); people involved in Shinto rituals (such as the arrow gatherer of a bow and arrow performance at a festival); performers and promoters at a festival (including sumo wrestlers, daikagura lion dance performers, and stall keepers) as well as their sources (such as the medieval sarugaku form of theater and kugutsu puppet theater) are all 'kannagi' and have long been thought to have special power to bring good luck. 例文帳に追加

神職だけでなく福男や福娘や神事に携わる庶民(祭り弓矢の矢取りなど)や祭りの興行者(相撲の力士や太神楽の芸人あるいは、縁日の露天商なども)その源流(猿楽・くぐつなど)は「かんなぎ」であり、良い縁起を齎すものとして、特別な力があると考えられてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the following events are also folk events having a characteristic of the preliminary celebration, although they do not directly involve Tanokami itself but have close relations with it: bird-driving events widely handed down in East Japan, festivals of God of Water and Rain such as a mid-January festival in northern Japan, snow huts in which children play house, a festival of Sagicho (ritual bonfire of New Year's decorations) including the Dondo-yaki (a bonfire of the New Year's decorations, such as pine branches, bamboos, and straw festoons, at a shrine around the 15th of January), visits of Toshinokami widely seen in regions across Japan such as namahage (folklore demons of the Oga Peninsula that pay frightening visits to children at the New Year), Sai-no-kami, Toshidon and Amahage. 例文帳に追加

さらに、田の神そのものではないが、それと深くかかわるものとしては、東日本に広く伝承されている小正月の鳥追い行事、かまくらなど水神の祭礼、どんど焼きをはじめとする左義長の行事、また、ナマハゲ・サイノカミ・トシドン・アマハゲなど日本各地に広がるトシノカミの訪問も予祝の性格をもつ民俗行事である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shopping festival that everyone had been waiting for starts today. Because of this, the security force has thoroughly checked their plan to protect the safety of those attending for any flaws.例文帳に追加

多くの人々が首を長くして待っていたショッピング・フェスティバルが、今日開催されます。このため治安部隊は、来場者の安全を守る対策が万全である事を確認しました。 - Tatoeba例文

November 15th is the seven-five-three festival, when parents with boys of five, girls of seven and either boys or girls of three celebrate their children's maturation, dress them in gay clothes and take them to shrines where they pray for their children's future.例文帳に追加

七五三は11月15日です。男の子は3歳と5歳、女の子は3歳と7歳にあたるその祭りに、子どもの成長を祝い、晴着を着せて神社に詣る。 - Tatoeba例文

Toki Matsuri (Ceramic Work Festival) (Higashiyama Ward) is held in early August every year on the street in the section located between Gojo-ohashi Higashizume and Higashioji-dori Street and its surroundings (The Toki Matsuri held at Kiyomizuyaki-danchi in the Yamashina Ward on the fourth week of July has no relation). 例文帳に追加

五条大橋東詰から東大路通に掛けての区間も含めて、毎年8月上旬に「陶器まつり(東山区)」(山科区の清水焼団地で7月第4週に開催される陶器まつり(山科区)とは別のものである)が開催される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this festival, the power of Godai Myoo is magnified by burning a large ritualistic 'Saito Goma' outside, and on the last day the contest of strength by holding up a big Kagami-mochi of 150 kg has been held as a traditional event. 例文帳に追加

壮大な屋外大護摩「柴燈護摩」を焚き上げて五大明王の威力を讚えるこの祭事は、最終日に150キロもある超特大の鏡餅を持ち上げる力自慢大会が伝統行事として今に伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tanabu Matsuri Festival (Mutsu City Aomori Prefecture): In recent years women have been permitted to pull floats, but basically it adopts nyonin kinsei so that women are not permitted to ride on floats. 例文帳に追加

田名部まつり(青森県むつ市)-近年、女性がヤマを曳くことは許されているが、基本的には女人禁制であり、ヤマに乗ることは許されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is a story that shows the pious acts of Jizo Bosatsu, who is said to pour mercy upon all six worlds without prejudice; accordingly, the Hungry Ghosts' Feeding Festival was established as associated with Jizo Bosatsu. 例文帳に追加

これは六道全てに隔てなく慈悲を注ぐと言われる地蔵菩薩の功徳を表す説であり、施餓鬼法要と地蔵菩薩は深い関係として成立していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It supports the theory that the flower of bamboo hat for Hanagasa-odori in Yamagata Prefecture is 'cherry' and it is originally a festival to celebrate 'Zao Gongen' and that the sacred tree for Zao faith is 'cherry.' 例文帳に追加

山形県の花笠踊の笠の花が「桜」であり本来「蔵王権現」をお祭りする行事である事や蔵王信仰の御神木が「桜」であることも、この説を裏付ける根拠ともなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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