
「diary」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(37ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 1879


Although in a sense it was originally a secret diary of the Imperial court (a confidential record) and a private one, sometimes a manuscript was made for future reference, and that is why most of the records for 350 years, from 1477 (in the Muromachi period) to 1826, still remain when adding up the original documents, manuscripts and abridgments, even though parts of them in the middle are missing. 例文帳に追加

本来はいわば宮中の機密日誌(秘記)であり非公開のものであったが、後日の参考のために写本が作られる場合もあり、そのため正本・写本・抄本を合わせると室町時代の文明_(日本)9年(1477年)から文化_(元号)9年(1826年)の350年分の日記が途中に一部欠失があるもののほとんどが伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From such a career, the diary has detailed entries about conflicts between the Kamo-jinja Shrines, the Great Thanksgiving Festival in 1466 that in fact became the last such festival held in the medieval period, the relationship between court aristocrats and warriors (Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)), the circumstances of the Onin War, what the frequently-occurring do-ikki (uprisings of cultivators and other commoners) were like, and the ordinary life of court nobles, etc., so it is an important historical source to know about this period. 例文帳に追加

このような経歴から、賀茂神社間の争いに関わる話や、事実上中世最後となった文正元年(1466年)の大嘗祭に関する記事、公家と武家(室町幕府)の関係、応仁の乱の経緯、頻発した土一揆の様子、さらに普段の公家の生活などが詳細に記されており、同時代を知る上での一級史料といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although most believe this work to be written by Izumi Shikibu herself, there are others who think a different author may have created this work due to the fact that this work was once called "Izumi Shikibu Monogatari" (the Story of Izumi Shikibu), and that Izumi Shikibu is treated as a third person and referred to as the 'lady' when it is herself that is the main character and she herself is the author (according to this argument, this work is a diary-style fiction under the guise of her romantic episodes). 例文帳に追加

作者は和泉式部の本人自筆の作品とされることもあるものの、かつては『和泉式部物語』とも呼ばれたこともあり、また主人公であり筆者であるはずの和泉式部本人を「女」という三人称的呼称で扱っていることから別に作者がいるのではないか、との意見もある(この説に従うなら和泉式部の恋愛に仮託した日記風歌物語、ということになる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, it is known that, after Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA assumed the position of shogun, his uncle, Katsumitsu HINO, who was Naidaijin (the Minister of the Interior) completely controlled affairs of state, but we can know from this diary that, in military administration, for matters which Katsumitsu who was a noble in his roots could not make judgment, it was instructed to get the approval of the steward of the office of administration, Sadamune ISE (Military administration was in the hand of Sadamune ISE, who was a close retainer of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA.). 例文帳に追加

例えば、足利義尚の将軍就任後、その伯父、内大臣日野勝光が政務を取り仕切っていたことが知られているが、軍政面で、公家出身の勝光に判断できないものについては、政所執事伊勢貞宗の決裁を受けるよう指示していた(=軍政面は、足利義政側近である伊勢貞宗の管轄であったこと)が、この日記で知ることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the December 6, 1506 section of "Sanetaka koki" (Sanetaka's Diary), there are descriptions that say Yasutomi NAKAHARA actually saw the pictures and that Kotobagaki was drafted by Gene Hoin and 'The writer of the first volume was Imperial Prince Sonen, the second volume was Kimitada-ko, the third volume was Rokujo Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) Arimitsu, the forth volume was Nakanao Ason (second highest of the eight hereditary titles), the fifth volume was Yasunaga (保脩) Ason, and the sixth volume was Yukitada-kyo (lord Yukitada)' ("Shiryo Taisei" [Grand collection of historical materials] edited by Zoho Shiryo Taisei Kanko-kai [publication association of Grand collection of historical materials, Enlarged] in 1965). 例文帳に追加

『実隆公記』1506年(永正3)11月12日条に、中原康富がその絵を実見したとあって、詞書は源恵(玄慧)法印が草し、詞書筆者は「第一尊円親王、第二公忠公、第三六条中納言有光、第四仲直朝臣、第五保脩朝臣、第六行忠卿」(増補史料大成刊行会編『史料大成』1965年)とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, considering the tradition of Yoshiie's hell in Kyoto and a description of "Chuyuki" (a diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada who lived in the same period as Yoshiie) as 'The late Yoshiie Ason had killed many innocent people as the head of warriors for a long time. His piling sins may affect on his descendants,' it is one of the aspects of Yoshiie told by a samurai in the imperial capital who joined the war with Yoshiie, so that it can be regarded as the truth. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、京に伝えられた義家の無限地獄の伝承や、義家の同時代人藤原宗忠が、その日記『中右記』に、「故義家朝臣は年来武者の長者として多く無罪の人を殺すと云々。積悪の余り、遂に子孫に及ぶか」と記したことも合わせ考えると、義家に従って参戦した京武者から伝え聞いた義家のひとつの側面であり実話と見なしうる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first painting work recorded as having been done by Masanobu is the screen paintings he did of the Deity of Mercy and Luohan in Unchoin, Shokoku-ji Temple Tower, which he did in Kyoto at the age of 30 in 1463. This was just before the turmoil of the Onin War (1467 - 1477) (as reported in Inryoken Nichiroku (Inryoken's Diary)), which tells us that Masanobu was already working as a painter in Kyoto by that time. 例文帳に追加

正信の画業として記録に残る最初の事例は、応仁の乱(1467-1477)の直前の寛正4年(1463年)、30歳の時に京都の雲頂院(相国寺塔頭)に観音と羅漢図の壁画を制作したというもので(『蔭涼軒日録』所載)、この時点で正信がすでに京都において画家として活動していたことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Shoyuki (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)" in the Heian period, there was a case where the major opinion in the conference of the Imperial court was denied by the opposition of FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, a chief adviser to the Emperor, and another minor opinion supported by Yorimichi was implemented, and in another case more recently, amnesty for Nichiren, which was opposed by all hyojoshu (chamber of government affairs and justice) in the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), was implemented by Tokimune HOJO, a regent to the shogunate, who was the odd man. 例文帳に追加

平安時代の『小右記』によれば、朝廷の会議での多数意見が関白藤原頼通の反対によって否認されて頼通が支持した少数意見による方策が実施されたケースがあり、時代が下って鎌倉幕府でも評定衆が全員一致で反対した日蓮に対する恩赦が決裁者である執権北条時宗によって実施されたケースがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Heihanki" (Diary of TAIRA no Nobunori) which was written in the late Heian period, FUJIWARA no Motozane held 'Otodo no daikyo' in 1156, following the example of Otodo no daikyo held by FUJIWARA no Tadamichi in 1116; he began making preparations nine days before the banquet, ordering small dining tables varnished with red lacquer, spreading white silk cloth over them like a tablecloth, and foods were arranged on lacquered tableware, which were specially ordered for the banquet as well as oshiki (a wooden placemat with raised edges). 例文帳に追加

平安末期の『兵範記』に書かれた藤原基実の保元元年(1156年)「大臣大饗」は、永久(元号)4年(1116年)の藤原忠通のそれを参考とし、事前の準備は宴会予定日の9日前から始められ、赤漆塗の膳を特別にあつらえ、その膳の上には白絹を現在のテーブルクロスの如く敷き、これまた特別にあつらえた折敷や漆塗の食器に料理を盛りつけたとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Hanazonoin Shinki" (The Diary of the Emperor Hanazono), the emperor made ironical remarks on January 13, 1325 about the incident that both Jimyoin party that the emperor belonged to and Daikakujito party, the rival of Jimyointo, sent emissaries to Kamakura in order to obtain the favorable judgment over the validity of the succession to the Imperial Throne between the Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi and the Emperor Godaigo from the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) one after another, saying "It looks like a horse racing." 例文帳に追加

花園院の日記である『花園院宸記』には、正中2年正月13日条の記事として花園院が属する持明院統のライバルである大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇と皇太子邦良親王が皇位継承の正当性を巡って鎌倉幕府からの有利な裁定を求めて互いに鎌倉に使者を相次いで派遣した有様を「世に競馬と号す」と皮肉っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His important works are Tokubei in 'Sonezaki shinju,' Jihei in 'Shinju ten no amishima' (Lovers' suicide in Amijima), Chubei in 'Fuinkiri (breaking the seal), Koibikyaku Yamato orai' (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway), Jubei in "Iga-goe dochu sugoroku (Japanese backgammon); Numazu" (Through Iga Pass with the Tokaido Board Game, Numazu post), Jujibei MINAMIGATA in "Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki; Hikimado"(Skylight of "A Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters"), Igami no Gonta of "Yoshitsune senbon zakura; sushiya" (Sushi restaurant of "Yoshitsune and the 1000 cherry trees") and Lord Tsuchiya in "Tsuchiya Chikara" (Chikara TSUCHIYA, hatamoto (a direct vassal of the shogun)). 例文帳に追加

「曾根崎心中」の徳兵衛、「心中天網島」の治兵衛、「恋飛脚大和往来・封印切」の忠兵衛、『伊賀越道中双六・沼津』の重兵衛、『双蝶々曲輪日記・引窓』の南方十次兵衛、『義経千本櫻・すし屋』のいがみの権太、『土屋主税』の土屋侯などが代表作。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many successive Saiin Priestesses were well known for literary works: the first Saio Priestess, Imperial Princess Uchiko, who was a distinguished composer of Chinese style poetry; the Great Saiin Priestess, Imperial Princess Senshi, whose name appeared in "The Pillow Book" and "The Murasaki Shikibu Diary"; the Rokujo Saiin, Imperial Princess Baishi, who held many tanka poetry contests; and Imperial Princess Shikishi, who became an accomplished poet of the Shin Kokinwakashu (the New Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry). 例文帳に追加

女流漢詩人として著名な初代有智子内親王に始まり、『枕草子』『紫式部日記』にもその名が登場する大斎院選子内親王、数多い歌合を主催した六条斎院ばい子内親王、新古今和歌集を代表する歌人式子内親王など、歴代の斎院は文雅で名を馳せた人物が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An exceptional case was when FUJIWARA no Michinaga, who served as Sadaijin and Ichinokami, resigned from the post of Ichinokami by taking the position of Sessho (regent), and he decided that the person who came in to work the earliest on the day would serve as ichinokami for the day among the seven kugyo, who were in the position between Udaijin (FUJIWARA no Akimitsu) and Dainagon (article of March 16, 1016, "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)). 例文帳に追加

特殊なケースとして左大臣(一上)であった藤原道長が摂政就任によって一上を退く際には右大臣藤原顕光以下大納言以上の7人の公卿のうち、その日最も早く出勤した者がその日の一上職務を行うこととした例(『小右記』長和5年3月16日条)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In part because the glow of the flames on Mt. Hiei was visible from Kyoto, this event is clearly recorded in the diaries of merchants, court nobles such as Tokitsugu YAMASHINA, and also in reports by the Jesuits (actually, according to Tokitsugu YAMASHINA's diary, soldiers thought to be the Asai army set fire to Enryaku-ji Temple's Saito on October 15 (old calendar) of the previous year, so Enryaku-ji Temple was stuck between a rock and a hard place, getting hit by both Oda and Asai). 例文帳に追加

この事件については、京から比叡山の炎上の光景がよく見えたこともあり、山科言継など公家や商人の日記や、イエズス会の報告などにはっきりと記されている(ただし、山科言継の日記によれば、この前年の10月15日(旧暦)に浅井軍と見られる兵が延暦寺西塔に放火したとあり、延暦寺は織田・浅井双方の圧迫を受けて進退窮まっていたとも言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to temple legend, it was built by Eshin Sozu Genshin's (priest) (942-1017) younger sister Anyoni in the year 985, but in actual fact was built slightly later during the end of the 12th century by Takamatsu Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) FUJIWARA no Sanehira's wife Shinnyobo-ni to pray for the soul of her late husband (this fact is known from the description in the diary, 'Kikki', kept by her nephew, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA). 例文帳に追加

寺伝では恵心僧都源信_(僧侶)(942年-1017年)の妹、安養尼が985年(寛和元年)に建てたものと伝えられてきたが、実際はもう少し時代が下った12世紀末に、高松中納言藤原実衡の妻である真如房尼が、亡き夫の菩提のために建立したものである(この史実は、彼女の甥にあたる吉田経房の日記「吉記」の記述により明らかとなっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As is known from the song 'Kono yo wo ba Wagayo tozo omo Mochizuki no Kaketaru koto no nashi to omoeba' (The full moon is so perfectly round, it is as though this world is my world) ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)), FUJIWARA no Michinaga lived a life of luxury but as he neared the end of his life, concerns about what would happen after his death led him to enter the Buddhist priesthood in 1019 and in the following year begin work on the Muryojuin (Nine Amida Statue hall) that would be the basis of Hojo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

「この世をばわが世とぞ思ふ望月の欠けたることのなしと思へば」(『小右記』)の歌でも知られるように、道長はこの世の栄華を極めたが、死に臨んでは自らの死後を案じ、1019年に出家、翌年には法成寺の礎となる無量寿院の造営に着手した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Prince was supported by a staff officer, Takamori SAIGO and as the government army was advancing down the Tokaido, it was recorded in Imperial Taruhito's diary that it was a quiet country road to the east, the Prince was on the palanquin, he went on horseback, riding to far places along the way, ate many nice foods which were popular in various places, and enjoyed looking at Cherry blossoms and writing poetry. 例文帳に追加

参謀の西郷隆盛に補佐され官軍は東海道を下って行くが、この東征の旅路も実はのどかなものであり、親王は常に輿に乗って移動し、途中の宿場で馬の遠乗りをしたり、各地の名産品に舌鼓を打ったり、花見や和歌に興じたりする様子が親王自身の日記に書き残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Emperor Komei suffered from a malignant hemorrhoids for a long time, as it was previously mentioned, apart from this the Emperor was quite healthy and it was written in Tadayasu NAKAYAMA's diary, as mentioned before, he said, 'I was very shocked to know the Emperor suffered from unusual diseases like smallpox, since he had been very healthy and did not even get the flu recently.' 例文帳に追加

孝明天皇は前述の通り長年のあいだ悪性の痔に悩まされていたが、それ以外では至って壮健であり、前出の中山忠能日記にも「近年御風邪抔一向御用心モ不被為遊御壮健ニ被任趣存外之儀恐驚」(近年御風邪の心配など一向にないほどご壮健であらせられたので、痘瘡などと存外の病名を聞いて大変驚いた)との感想が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Murasaki Shikibu assaulted women who worked as Saiin in "The Murasaki Shikibu Diary," but she admitted the polite personality of the Imperial Princess and artistic and mysterious elegance of the imperial palace of Saiin, so from the evidence presented by these two top-level Heian female authors, there was no doubt that it was a cultural salon second to the imperial court during the period of the Imperial Princess. 例文帳に追加

紫式部も『紫式部日記』で斎院に仕える女房を非難しつつ、内親王その人の人柄のゆかしさや斎院御所の風雅で神さびた趣深さは認めており、平安女流文学の最高峰であるこの二人の証言から見ても、内親王の時代の斎院が宮中に次ぐ文化サロンであったことは疑いないであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Tsuneaki AKASAKA) It assumed that MINAMOTO no Tsunetada, whose name appeared in Oujinojaku fusei jiken (the case of unauthorized use of the family name 'O') of 953 cited in "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary) and was charged in representing himself as the descendant of Emperor Yozei (he was actually the descendant of Emperor Seiwa), was Tsunemoto or his brother, and interpreted that Yorinobu attempted to retrieve his honor by insisting in a petition that he was in fact the descendant of Emperor Yozei. 例文帳に追加

(赤坂恒明氏) 『権記』に引用されている天暦七年の王氏爵不正事件に現れる、清和天皇の子孫でありながら陽成天皇子孫を詐称したとして罰せられた源経忠を経基あるいはその兄弟と推定し、頼信が願文で陽成天皇の子孫であることは真実であると主張して名誉回復を図ったと解釈する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Kanmon Nikki" (Diary of Imperial Prince Fushimi no miya Sadafusa) suggests that although this event appears as a result of dire poverty, due to the fact that the bakufu at that time attempted to have Imperial Prince Mihito (later Emperor Shoko), the prince of Emperor Gokomatsu, take over the throne, contrary to the conditions of peace (ryoto tetsuritsu (alternate accedence from two ancestries of imperial families), it may have been an act of protest by the Cloistered Emperor Gokameyama, who was unhappy with such developments. 例文帳に追加

この事件について、『看聞日記』には生活上の困窮によるものと見えるが、当時の幕府が講和条件(両統迭立)に反して後小松天皇皇子の躬仁親王(後の称光天皇)の即位を目論んでいることから、そのような動きに不満を抱く後亀山法皇の抗議行動であったとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, Emperor Daigo and FUJIWARA no Tokihira who intended to have FUJIWARA no Onshi, younger sister of FUJIWARA no Tokihira, enter into the court as the next empress of Tameko, this conflicted with Retired Emperor Uda who objected against it ("Kyureki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Morosue)), and it is said that this conflict developed to a later problem when Retired Emperor Uda designated Imperial Prince Tokiyo as the heir to the Imperial Throne, and to an incident of demotion of SUGAWARA no Michizane, Dazai gon no sochi (Provisional Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices) (so-called the Shotai Incident). 例文帳に追加

このため、為子の次の后として藤原時平の妹藤原穏子を入内させようとした醍醐天皇・藤原時平とこれに反対する宇多上皇との対立が発生(『九暦』)し、後の宇多上皇による斉世親王の皇位継承者指名問題及び菅原道真の大宰権帥左遷事件(いわゆる昌泰の変)に発生したとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, there is an account in "Gonki," a diary of FUJIWARA no Yukinari which is a record from the same period, that notes that Emperor Ichijo, just prior to his death, consulted with Yukinari about supporting Prince Atsuyasu, whom Teishi/Sadako bore, as the next Crown Prince, but Yukinari, who was already deeply connected with Michinaga, instead urged the Emperor and made him agree to support Michinaga's grandson, Prince Atsuhira, whom Shoshi/Akiko bore, as the next Crown Prince. 例文帳に追加

一方、同時代の記録である藤原行成の日記『権記』には、一条天皇が死の直前に側近の行成に定子が生んだ敦康親王の次期東宮擁立の相談を行ったが、既に道長と深く結んでいた行成は却って天皇に迫って、道長の外孫である彰子が生んだ敦成親王の次期東宮擁立を認めさせという経緯が記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, based on his war history and the little historic information currently available, such as the "Maeda Keiji Dochu Nikki (Diary of the Travels of Keiji Maeda)", the stories of his actions at the Battle of Hasedo and the image of him as both a good warrior and a respected scholar of old and new literature who enjoyed the company of writers, is probably not be too far from the truth. 例文帳に追加

だが、戦場にあっては長谷堂の戦いの様な逸話を残し、一方で古今典籍に通じ文人との交流を好んだ文武両道の人物というイメージは、その戦歴や『前田慶次道中日記』などの数少ない資料から得られる人物像と照らし合わせて見る限りでは、極端に外れてはいない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The way he danced the Seigaiha play was described in detail in diaries including "Gyokuyo" (Kanezane KUJO's diary) and "Angen Onga no Nikki" (the record of the ceremony celebrating Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa's 50th birthday), where FUJIWARA no Takafusa, who attended the ceremony, describes the scene as 'Koremori comes out and dances a Rakuson dragon dance in the Iriaya style, wearing a blue Uenokinu coat and an Uenohakama kilt that matched his complexion, his expression, and his aura, which filled the atmosphere and fascinated the audience; the beauty and magnificence of his dance was no less than those of the cherry blossoms he was wearing.' 例文帳に追加

青海波の様子は『玉葉』や『安元御賀日記』などにも詳細に記されており、臨席した藤原隆房はその様子を「維盛少将出でて落蹲(らくそん)入綾をまふ、青色のうえのきぬ、すほうのうへの袴にはへたる顔の色、おももち、けしき、あたり匂いみち、みる人ただならず、心にくくなつかしきさまは、かざしの桜にぞことならぬ」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because a record dated March 13, 1583 in 'UWAI, Kakuken Nikki' (Diary of Kakuken UWAI) refers to Goryo-sama and the territorial distribution of the Shimazu clan around 1599, printed in the "Sappan Kyuki-zatsuroku" (Miscellaneaous Records of old Satsuma) and to Yoshihisa's Naigi (wife), it is confirmed that he again remarried after the death of his second legal wife, but she is considered not to have been a legal wife. 例文帳に追加

しかし、「上井覚兼日記」天正11年3月13日(旧暦)の記載に御料様の記載があることや、『薩藩旧記雑録』に所収された慶長4年頃の島津家の領地の配分について義久内儀義弘内儀分という記載があることから、2人の正室没後に後妻の存在が確認されているが、正室ではないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was written in the kugyo diary that Yoshitsuna was the outrider for FUJIWARA no Morozane's procession visit to the Imperial Palace to participate at a banquet in January 1091; in February 1092 he guarded FUJIWARA no Tadazane on the way to Nara as the Kasugasai-shi (Kasugasai festival ambassador) and led the procession of MINAMOTO no Toshifusa during his imperial visit in December 1093, but no such activities were recorded for Yoshiie until 1104. 例文帳に追加

弟義綱はその年1091年(寛治5)の正月に、藤原師実が節会に参内する際の行列の前駆を努めた他、翌1092年(寛治6)2月には藤原忠実が春日祭使となって奈良に赴く際の警衛、1093年(寛治7)12月には、源俊房の慶賀の参内の際に前駆を努めるなどが公卿の日記に見えるが、義家の方は1104年まで、そうした活動は記録にない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A document often quoted as 'Shiki' in "Hokuzansho" (a representative book of ceremonies for the Heian period) written by Kinto is believed to be a collection of phrases in "Seishinkoki" (when Saneyori added comments to his father Tadahira's diary "Teishinkoki," he called his own writing 'Shiki,' but since Tadahira was depicted as a third person in 'Shiki' quoted in "Hokuzansho," it is believed that Saneyori himself called "Seishinkoki "as 'Shiki'). 例文帳に追加

また、同じく公任の『北山抄』に度々引用されている「私記」も『清慎公記』のことと考えられている(なお、実頼は父・忠平の『貞信公記』に注釈を加えた際に自己の記述も「私記」と記しているが、『北山抄』引用の「私記」には忠平が第三者として登場することから、実頼自身は『清慎公記』の事も「私記」と称していたと考えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The so-called Chotoku Incident was provoked by an event: Korechika mistakenly believed that Emperor Kazan had trysts with Korechika's beloved third daughter of the late Daijo-daijin (grand minister of state) Kotokuko FUJIWARA no Tamemitsu, whereas in fact the emperor had trysts with the fourth daughter, plotted with his brother Takaie to hide along the emperor's way, and their attendants shot arrows, one of which pierced the emperor's sleeve (according to "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), two attendants of the retired emperor (Kazan) died). 例文帳に追加

いわゆる長徳の変は、故太政大臣恒徳公藤原為光の四女に通う花山天皇を、わが思い人為光三女目当てと誤解した伊周が弟隆家と謀って道すがら待ち伏せ、彼らの従者が放った矢が法皇の袖を突き通した一件に発端する(『小右記』によれば、法皇の従者の中に2名の死者が出たとも言う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was very likely for Nyoin -- who favored the youngest brother so much that she treated the elder brother's family harshly -- to make such a request at her last moment, and she might have gathered that Michinaga had become indifferent to Korechika who was no more competent ("Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary) recorded that Michinaga requested the Emperor to restore Korechika his original title on July 5, 1000, the year before, only to infuriate the Emperor and gave up the request). 例文帳に追加

これはいかにも、末弟を偏愛するあまり兄一家に過酷な措置を取った女院の最期の望みらしく、これ以上は無力な存在でしかない伊周を見限っての道長の意も汲んでいる(『権記』によれば、この前年の長保2年5月25日に道長が天皇に伊周復位の奏上を行ったものの、天皇が激しく激怒して断念したと記録されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 11, 982, the Emperor Enyu carried out jimoku (to appoint ranks and positions) and joi (conferment of a Court rank) and, on that occasion, he only made FUJIWARA no Nobutaka, a kurodo (the emperor's secretary), report to Yoritada the decision but Yoritada was not allowed to join the decision making and, therefore, Yoritada did not join the jimoku and joi to protest; but, the Emperor ordered to carry out the jimoku and joi as the top court noble ignoring Yoritada's protest ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)). 例文帳に追加

天元5年1月10日に円融天皇は除目と叙位を行ったが、その際に関白の頼忠には決定のみを蔵人藤原宣孝に報告させたのみで実際の決定に参加させなかったために頼忠は抗議して欠席したが、天皇はこれに対して雅信に上卿としてその実施を命じて頼忠の抗議を無視している(『小右記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 12, 1174, he was appointed as Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) Jiju (chamberlain), which drew criticism from Motofusa's younger brother Kanezane KUJO because it was tradition at that time to give Shogoinoge only to the legitimate heir upon his initial appointment and all other children receive Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) even if they are the children of the Kanpaku ("Gyokuyo" (A Diary by Kanezane KUJO)). 例文帳に追加

承安(日本)4年11月10日_(旧暦)(1174年)、正五位下侍従に叙せられるが、当時の慣例では関白の子であっても初任官の時には嫡男のみに正五位下が授けられてその他の子は従五位上が授けられる慣例であったために、基房の弟・九条兼実がこれを激しく非難している(『玉葉』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kinkata didn't just lead the government by the Imperial Court as a dignitary, but he was also familiar with traditional customs and had a rich academic background, thus he was frequently asked for advice by Emperor, Empress and court nobles and "Entairyaku" (Diary of Kinkata TOIN) is a valuable historical data to know the movement of various persons of the Imperial Court at that time. 例文帳に追加

公賢は朝廷で高位高官の地位にあって朝政を主導しただけでなく、有職故実にも明るく学識経験も豊富だったため、天皇・院・公家らから相談を受けることも多く、その日記『園太暦』はこの時代の朝廷の様々な人物の動きを知る上での貴重な基本史料となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fires of the Onin War burned down his house, so he evacuated to Kaju-ji Temple, Kurama-dera Temple, or somewhere else in 1470, but he was burned out of even those places by the fires, and his family collection of documents and diaries was also lost in the fire (incidentally, the Kajuji line, whose direct descendant is the KANROJI family, was a line that many family members assumed practical work, and they put the documents and diaries on record in detail out of necessity, so people called them 'Family of the Diary.') 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱による戦火で自邸が焼失したため、文明(日本)2年(1470年)に勧修寺・鞍馬寺等へ避難するが、それらも焼け出され、家蔵の文書・日記類も焼失した(甘露寺家を嫡流とする勧修寺流は実務の家柄であり、必要上から記録を克明につけており「日記の家」とも称された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Konoe Family inherited important documents, diaries such as the diary of FUJIWARA no Michinaga called "Mido Kanpakuki," and records of the imperial court ceremonies, and Masaie transferred many of these ancient documents to Iwakura located at the northern edge of Kyoto to avoid damage from the battle fires arising from the Onin-Bunmei Wars. 例文帳に追加

近衛家は藤原氏嫡流として、藤原道長の日記『御堂関白記』をはじめとして、先祖代々の日記や朝廷儀式の記録など、重要な文書を相伝してきたが、政家は応仁・文明の乱に際し、これら大量の古文書を戦火の災いから避けるため、京都の北郊の岩倉に運び出しておいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, according to the April 22, 1863 entry of his Matsugoro INOUE's diary, Hijikata, Matsugoro, Genzaburo INOUE and Okita paid for prostitutes at the Yoshidaya in the Kuken-cho area of the Shinmachi courtesan's district, so it cannot be said that he never played around with women, although when talk turned to a woman he was fond of, he became very serious. 例文帳に追加

ただ、井上松五郎の文久3年(1863年)4月22日付の日記によると、土方、松五郎、井上源三郎と共に沖田が新町の廓九軒町吉田屋にて天神(遊女)を買うという記述が見られる為、必ずしも女遊びをしなかったというわけではないようだが自分が好意を持っている女性の話になるととても真面目だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The word "kokushi kasei" might present an image of one-sided deprivation by kokushi tormenting weak farmers, but in fact, not only farmers sometimes appealed to the court, but also there was even a case where more than a dozen mounted horsemen of the Tanba indigenous people attacked and burned the residence of Governor of Tanba Province FUJIWARA no Sukenari at Nakagomon, Kyoto in December 1023 (Shoyuki (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)). 例文帳に追加

国司苛政と言うと国司側の一方的収奪で、弱い農民が苦しめられたとのイメージが抱かれやすいが、ときには上訴のどころか、治安3年(1023年)12月には丹波国守藤原資業(すけなり)の京都中御門の屋敷を丹波国人騎兵十数人が焼討ち(小右記)にしたことまである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he was such a posey and perverse fellow as he lived in a unique house which had a back door inside of the front gate and an entrance to the backyard although a common house had the entrance inside of the front gate ("Legends of Masters, Diary of a Film Reviewer in the Fields" written by Shozo ISHIZAKA, published by Sanichi Shobo). 例文帳に追加

目立ちたがり屋で、ヘソ曲がりの中平は、住んでいる家も常識破りの家で、普通、家は門を入ると玄関があるが、中平の家は門を入ると裏口があり、裏に回ると玄関がある、という不思議な一風変わった家であったと伝えられる(石坂昌三著『巨匠たちの伝説映画記者現場日記』三一書房)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the book also reported that he was well informed about Yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette), and when FUJIWARA no Sanesuke, who later became a master of ancient practices, was serving under Naritoki as Chugu daibu (Master of the Consort's Household) of Chugu (Empress) FUJIWARA no Junshi at that moment, Sanesuke highly described Moritoki as a 'well qualified person for the duty' (the article of April 12, 982 in "Shoyuki" - diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), and frequently asked for Naritoki's instruction (the articles of April 27 and June 1, 993). 例文帳に追加

その一方で有職故実に通じており、後に故実の大家となる藤原実資が当時中宮藤原遵子の中宮大夫を務めていた済時の部下となった際に「可堪任者」と高く評価(『小右記』天元(日本)5年3月11日条)して、しばしば故実の教えを乞うた(同正暦4年3月28日・5月4日条)ことを記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokinobu was the jiju (a chamberlain) at that time, but did not attend Kamo no rinjisai (Kamo shrine, special festival) along with his coworker FUJIWARA no Tadanobu and FUJIWARA no Nobutaka, who was the Kurodo (Chamberlain), and received the disapproval of Emperor Kazan, and Nobutaka being the oldest among the three was dismissed from his post, while Tokinobu and Tadanobu were lectured in front of his parents in consideration of their youth according to "Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke). 例文帳に追加

永観2年(984年)に当時侍従であった時叙が同僚の藤原斉信、蔵人の藤原宣孝とともに賀茂臨時祭への出席をさぼって花山天皇の激怒を買い、年長の宣孝は処分されたものの、時叙と斉信は「年歯太若」であることを理由に両親の前で誡められたことが藤原実資の『小右記』に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, the following story is described in "Kanmongyoki" (1416 - 1448, The Diary of Zuiko-in) but it is not known whether the descriptions were true or not: The Kazainin family line became extinct, because Tadasada KAZANIN had no heir, and therefore, he secretly took custody of 'a son of Konoe in the Southern Court' (a descendant of Tsunetada KONOE, kanpaku in the Southern Court - in Japan), who later celebrated his coming of age, with a crown put on his head by Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, seii taishogun (literally, the great general whose mission was to subdue the barbarians) and was granted a portion of Tadasada's name. 例文帳に追加

なお、『看聞御記』には、花山院忠定に相続人がおらず家門が断絶しかかったため、「南方近衛息」(南朝(日本)関白近衛経忠の末裔)を秘かに迎えて、征夷大将軍足利義持の加冠によって元服して偏諱を受けたとする記述が記されているが、真相は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Above are how MIYOSHI no Yasunobu is depicted in "Azuma Kagami," but "Azuma Kagami" must be read with a grain of salt since it contains a number of articles which honored MIYOSHI no Yasunobu publicly, including observations plagiarized from FUJIWARA no Teika's diary, "Meigetsu-ki," as recommendations made by MIYOSHI no Yasunobu. 例文帳に追加

上記は『吾妻鏡』に伝える三善康信像であるが、『吾妻鏡』には三善康信の顕彰記事が相当に多く、その中には藤原定家がその日記『明月記』に書いた感想等が、あたかも三善康信の進言であるように盗作されている部分まであり、『吾妻鏡』を読むうえで相当に警戒しなければならない部分とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Photographs of valuable material collections, especially 'Description of an encounter in the dream' with Norinaga and 'treasured figure of the god of the lofty peak', and 'Shichishomai no Ki' (The Dance of Seven Lifetimes), 'Senkyo-zu' (Enchanted Land) and 'Reiho Gogaku Shinkei-zu' (sacred treasure of the genuine map of five sacred mountains) that describe details of Senkyo in painting by ascertaining the truth of the different world's scenery by asking Torakichi in Senkyo Ibun, as well as 'Ino Heitaro Monogatari' (The Story of Heitaro INO), 'Onokoro-jima no zu' (the picture of Onokoro Island) and 'Ibukinoya Nikki' (Diary of Ibukinoya) were revealed. 例文帳に追加

中でも宣長との「夢中対面図」をはじめ、「高根神の尊図」仙境異聞の中で寅吉から異界の模様を聞き糺し、仙境の模様を精密に筆写描写して絵図に描いた「七生舞の記」や「仙境図」・「霊宝五嶽真形図」などの他「稲生平太郎物語」や「おのころ島の図」「氣吹舎日記」などの貴重な資料集を写真公開している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the documents cited as evidence, the "Roshi (masterless samurai) Bunkyu Era Patriotism Articles" (a diary written before the "Tenmatsuki") by Shinpachi NAGAKURA which was discovered later does not describe 'the Uchiyama assassination' and the "Tenmatsuki" seems to have been dramatized by Nagakura himself and an editor of 'Otaru Shimbun' in which the "Tenmatsuki" was serialized, while Kanefumi NISHIMURA who wrote the "Shimatsuki" bore ill will toward Shinsengumi and therefore both documents lack credibility. 例文帳に追加

根拠とされる書物も、後に発見された永倉新八『浪士文久報国記事』(『顛末記』以前に書かれた日記)では「内山暗殺事件」について触れておらず、また『顛末記』には永倉自身ないしはそれが連載されていた「小樽新聞」編集者によると見られる脚色のあとがあり、一方『始末記』の西村兼文は新選組に悪意を持っていたため、共に信憑性を欠くというわけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Chuyuki" (a diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada), however, the letter written by FUJIWARA no Motoie (Mutsu no kami), an officer of local government in Mutsu Province, said the fact that Tsunekiyo's son FUJIWARA no Kiyohira was under suspicion for attempting to launch a battle in June 1092, the previous year of TAIRA no Mototae's attack, and consequently, there is a view that they were related and Morotae and his son might be the child and grandchild of TAIRA no Kunitae, who was the great uncle of Kiyohira. 例文帳に追加

だが、『中右記』によると、前年の寛治6年(1092年)6月には陸奥国国司藤原基家(陸奥守)の解文により、経清の子藤原清衡に合戦の企ての嫌疑がかけられていることから、両者を関連づけ、この師妙親子を清衡の大伯叔父である国妙の子及び孫ではないかとする見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later he let Ganjiro perform as a substitute at first and then taught Ganjiro's successful characters such as Jihei in the drama "Shinju-ten Amijima, Kawasho" (Kawasho of "The Love Suicide at Amijima"), Genzo TAKEBE in the drama "Sugawara Denji Tenarai Kagami, Terakoya" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy, a private school in the Edo period), Jujibei in the drama "Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki, Hikimado" (Skylight of [A Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters]), Jiroemon in the drama "Katakiuchi tsuzureno nishiki, Daianjizutsumi" (Splendid revenge by the man who wore a rag), Moritsuna in the drama "Omi-Genji Senjinyakata, Jinya Moritsuna." 例文帳に追加

のちにこれを鴈治郎に代演させたのをはじめ、『心中天網島・河庄』の治兵衛、『菅原伝授手習鑑・寺子屋』の武部源蔵、『双蝶々曲輪日記・引窓』の十次兵衛、『敵討襤褸錦・大晏寺堤』の治郎右衛門、『近江源氏先陣館・盛綱陣屋』の盛綱などの、その後の鴈治郎の当たり役を教えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other grounds that support the views that the mastermind of the plot was the Imperial Court are that, after the Battle of Yamazaki, Nobutaka ODA tenaciously searched for Sakihisa KONOE by issuing an order to track down and dispose of him, that Kanemi YOSHIDA was interrogated for information, and that the original contents of "Kanemikyo-ki" (diary of Kanemi), which is the first class historical material for that time, were missing for approximately one month around Honnoji Incident and the section for 1582 was rewritten. 例文帳に追加

また、山崎の戦いの後、織田信孝が近衛前久に対し追討令を出して執拗に行方を捜したこと、吉田兼見が事情の聴取を受けていること、更に当時の一級史料である『兼見卿記』(兼見の日記)の原本内容が本能寺の変の前後1か月について欠けており、天正10年の項目は新たに書き直していた、という点も、朝廷黒幕説を支える根拠とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to diaries written at that time such as the "Kanomon Nikki (Diary)" written by Emperor Hanazono's biological father, Gosukoin, the incident occurred on September 24 and the main people behind the incident were the Kinzosu and Tsuzosu brothers who were thought to be descendants of the Southern Court Emperor Gokameyama or his brother, MINAMOTO no Takahide, who claimed to be a descendant of the Retired Emperor Gotoba (Kamakura period) and Arimitsu HINO and Sukemitsu HINO, who came from a branch line of the Hino clan. 例文帳に追加

後花園天皇の実父である後崇光院が著した『看聞日記』をはじめとする同時代の日記類によれば、事件は9月24日に起こり、首謀者は南朝の後亀山天皇あるいはその弟の子孫とされる金蔵主、通蔵主の兄弟、鎌倉時代の後鳥羽上皇の後胤を称する源尊秀、日野氏傍流の日野有光、日野資光ら。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, due to excessive workload, Kyoto Gundai was reorganized into Kyoto Daikan, responsible for the economic and finance division, and Masasada KOIDE took over judicial power in Kyoto and the neighboring areas (Yamashiro Province, Tanba Province, Omi Province and Yamato Province) as well as administrative power in the shogunate demesne from Kyoto Gundai on December 24, 1660 ("Manji Nikki (Manji Diary)"). 例文帳に追加

その職務が過重となってきたために、京都郡代を経済・財政部門を扱う京都代官に改め、今まで京都郡代が担当していた京都とその周辺(山城国・丹波国・近江国・大和国)の裁判及び天領に関する行政の権限については、万治3年11月22日(旧暦)(1660年12月24日)に小出尹貞が執り行う事になった(『万治日記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Kyoko TACHIBANA, a researcher of history, studied usages of ''in other passages across Haretoyo's diary and concluded it was what Sadakatsu MURAI said, arguing that Sadakatsu would never say such a thing without Nobunaga's permission because Nobunaga disliked his followers' arbitrary decisions or executions, and that he represented Nobunaga's wish to gain the post, which led to controversies of pros and cons among historians. 例文帳に追加

ところが、歴史研究家の立花京子が晴豊の日記全体の「被申候」使用例を分析した結果、村井貞勝の言葉と解釈し、独断専行を嫌う信長に無断で貞勝が発言するはずがないとし、信長の将軍任官の意向を踏まえたものであったと主張したことにより、歴史学者の間で賛否両論の論争となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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