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(iv) If there is an accepting organization other than the business operator, an officer of the business operator who is responsible for the management of the business is required to conduct an audit at least once every 3 months with respect to the status of the training being implemented by said accepting organization, and to report the audit results to the director of the regional immigration bureau with jurisdiction over the area where the business operator is located. 例文帳に追加

四 事業主体以外の受入れ機関がある場合は、当該事業主体の役員で当該事業の運営について責任を有するものが、当該事業主体以外の受入れ機関において行われる研修の実施状況について、三月につき少なくとも一回監査を行いその結果を当該事業主体の所在地を管轄する地方入国管理局の長に報告することとされていること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In the case where any of the following violations has been committed, an officer or employee of the Designated Examining Agency, a person who has been entrusted with business by the Designated Examining Agency (in the case of a juridical person, its officer or employee) or Registered Training Agency (in the case of a juridical person, its officer or employee) which has committed the violation shall be punished by a fine of not more than 500,000 yen: 例文帳に追加

2 次に掲げる違反があつた場合においては、その違反行為をした指定試験機関の役員若しくは職員若しくは指定試験機関から業務の委託を受けた者(法人である場合にあつては、その役員又は職員)又は登録講習機関(法人である場合にあつては、その役員又は職員)は、五十万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 30 A dispatching business operator shall endeavor to promote the welfare of Dispatched Workers he/she employs or workers he/she intends to employ as Dispatched Workers, by taking necessary measures to secure employment opportunities and education and training opportunities meeting each worker's wishes and abilities, to improve their working conditions and otherwise to stabilize their employment. 例文帳に追加

第三十条 派遣元事業主は、その雇用する派遣労働者又は派遣労働者として雇用しようとする労働者について、各人の希望及び能力に応じた就業の機会及び教育訓練の機会の確保、労働条件の向上その他雇用の安定を図るために必要な措置を講ずることにより、これらの者の福祉の増進を図るように努めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 3 (1) A foreign medical practitioner or dental practitioner, or a foreign nurse, etc. may engage in advanced clinical training based on the classification of the license which corresponds to any of the licenses listed in the following items in such foreign country respectively, notwithstanding the provisions of the Acts listed in each of the following items by obtaining permission of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 例文帳に追加

第三条 外国医師若しくは外国歯科医師又は外国看護師等は、その外国において有する次の各号に掲げる資格に相当する資格の区分に応じ、それぞれ当該各号に定める法律の規定にかかわらず、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより厚生労働大臣の許可を受けて、臨床修練を行うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Upon receiving an instruction of a medical practitioner or dental practitioner, and by following such instruction, the clinical instructor (excluding the medical practitioner) shall give instruction and provide supervision for advanced clinical training pertaining to medical assistance or to the practices prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Dental Hygienists Act, the practices prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Medical Radiology Technicians or the practices prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Dental Technicians Act. 例文帳に追加

2 臨床修練指導者(医師を除く。)は、診療の補助、歯科衛生士法第二条第一項に規定する業、診療放射線技師法第二条第二項に規定する業又は歯科技工士法第二条第二項に規定する業に係る臨床修練に関して医師又は歯科医師の指示を受けたときは、これに従つて指導監督しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 25 (1) A foreign medical practitioner or dental practitioner or foreign midwife or foreign nurse under advanced clinical training, or a person who used to be engaged in such professions, who has disclosed any confidential information of any person in violation of the provision of Article 17 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 6 months or a fine of not more than 100,000 yen. 例文帳に追加

第二十五条 第十七条の規定に違反して人の秘密を漏らした臨床修練外国医師若しくは臨床修練外国歯科医師若しくは臨床修練外国助産師若しくは臨床修練外国看護師又はこれらであつた者は、六月以下の懲役又は十万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Besides, it is said that when Shaka determined that 'I won't stand up from here until I reach enlightenment' after other ascetic training for enlightenment and was seated under a lime tree, devils from all over the world poured in so as to defeat Shaka, but Shaka showed a gesture of Koma (降魔) using the fingers quietly, and by keeping a soft expression, and made the devils surrender immediately before its superior power. 例文帳に追加

また、釈迦が成道の修業の末、悟りを開くために「我、悟りを開くまではこの場を立たず」と決心して菩提樹の下に座した時、世界中の魔王が釈迦を挫折させようと押し寄せたところ、釈迦は穏やかな表情のまま降魔の印を静かに結び、魔王群をたちまちに超力で降伏したと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the Soto sect in Zen sect, cooking and the taking of meals is especially emphasized because of the anecdote that when Dogen, its founder, went to Sung (Dynasty) to study Buddhism and met with the temple chef of Mt. Aikuo, he learned of their daily activities, including cooking and taking of meals, which represent the substance of Bendo ascetic training. 例文帳に追加

禅宗のうち曹洞宗では、開祖の道元禅師が宋(王朝)に仏教を学びに渡った時、阿育王山の老典座との出会いから、料理を含めて日常の行いそれ自体がすでに仏道の実践であるという弁道修行の本質を知ったことから、料理すること、食事を取ることは特に重要視されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ein Ho (ritual) of Tozan School is also called Bujuho (practice on the mountain) School because of Rei sojo (initiation in an unseen and wondrous method) by Ryuju Bosatsu and is sometimes contrasted with Buchuho (practice on the mountains) School of Honzan School, however, it can be said that the main point common in both schools is to put the priority on practice; practitioners of austerity completely give up any meaningless discussion based on worldly words and thoughts; they only concentrate on practice in mountains or in training halls near which people live. 例文帳に追加

当山派恵印法は、龍樹菩薩による霊異相承の伝から峰受法流とも呼ばれ、本山派峰中法流と対照されることがあるが、両派に共通する肝心は、実践第一を旨とし、世間の言語/思考に依るところの一切戯論を断絶して、山岳、或いは、人里の道場においても、ひたすら修行に打ち込むところにあると言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After entering into the priesthood and finishing training until the last year of the high school at Taiseki-ji Temple of sohonzan, they work for temples in the countries (mostly for temples with the same rank as honzan and for those around large cities) for about four years, followed by working for sohonzan for one year, and he or she will be appointed as assistant instructor (allowed to teach Buddhist law), and will be sent to temples in the countries as chief priests (or assistant chief priests) if there is an order from kancho. 例文帳に追加

出家得度し高校3年生まで総本山大石寺で修業した後、地方寺院(主に本山格寺院や大都市周辺の寺院)で4年程度在勤し、最後に総本山で1年在勤したのち教師に補任され(説法を許される)、管長の辞令があれば地方寺院の住職(副住職の場合もあり)として派遣される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shinjo ITO whose monk name when he was learning was Tensei, but he seemed to be called "Apparesan" in the gyoba of Kami-Daigo (the upper part of Daigo) after he finished learning the traditional Buddhist teachings of lay believers at the Daigo training place (orthodox dharma lineage of the Tozan school) in 1939; furthermore, he tried to learn 大法 of the Honshu department, and he became 阿闍梨 金剛 in 1943 after finishing traditional system of teaching when entering into priesthood of Daigo-ji Temple, 'Sanpoin-ryu.' 例文帳に追加

伊藤真乗(修行時代の僧名「天晴(てんせい)」=上醍醐の行場では『あっぱれさん』とよばれていたらしい)は、醍醐修験部(当山派正統法脈)に伝承の在家法流の行を修めた後(昭和14年秋1939)、さらに本宗部の大法受法に臨み、醍醐寺伝承の出家法流「三宝院流」を履修し畢えて、昭和18年春(1943)、「伝燈大阿闍梨 金剛院真乗」となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho's earnest desire was to establish the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center) and those who received Mahayana precepts were admitted as the bodhisattva priest of Tendai sect and they secluded themselves at Mt. Hiei and underwent ascetic training there for twelve years, and due to this scheme he came into conflict with vested interests of Nanto Buddhism which dominated Kaidan-in of the commandment of Theravada Buddhism brought by Ganjin (Jianzhen) (688 – 763) in Ritsu sect. 例文帳に追加

最澄の悲願は大乗戒壇の設立であり、大乗戒を授けた者を天台宗の菩薩僧と認め、12年間比叡山に籠って修行させるという構想によって、律宗の鑑真(688年-763年)がもたらした小乗戒の戒壇院を独占する南都仏教の既得権益との対立を深めていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The factors for the decline of Furumachi Geigi include that ma'ams have stopped deshi tori (training apprentice geigi who will succeed the existing geigi) all together (meaning that there will be no more Furumachi Geigi after the current generation), low morale caused by being company employees and drastic decrease in the number of so-called 'danna-sama' and the extinction of danna-sama has resulted in ma'ams giving up on any hope to be succeeded by younger geigi. 例文帳に追加

その原因として姐さん方の弟子取り(跡継ぎ)を全面的に中止していること(今の代で廃業)や会社員制になったことによる士気の低下、さらには若手のプロ意識の低下、いわゆる「旦那様」の激減などがあげられ、この旦那様の皆無状態により若手芸妓の跡継ぎを姐さん方が断念している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, in aikido's kata training techniques there are assumptions such as 'the defender doesn't let go of the grip even if he/she is in a somewhat disadvantaged position,' 'when the defender is attacked on his back side, he/she turns around on the front foot and follows the opponent,' or 'when balance is lost slightly, perform ukemi even if it feels as if it's tolerable (be thrown),' which are unthinkable in today's actual fights. 例文帳に追加

加えて、合気道の型稽古の技法では、「受けは、多少不利な体勢になってもつかんだ手を離さない」や「受けは背中側をとられたら前足を軸に振り向いて相手についていく」や「多少崩れたら、普通に耐えられそうでも受身を取る、(投げられる)」というように、現代の現実の格闘場面では考え難い前提が存在している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main characteristic of Geido is the idea that the heightening of one's art should be simultaneously accompanied by a heightening of one's personality because one's ethics and morality are directly revealed in one's art; this is derived from the idea that rather than regarding the performance of arts and techniques as merely a matter of skill, we should merge our everyday lives and the world of art, which is an opportunity to heighten our art and is itself a form of training. 例文帳に追加

芸能、技芸を技術的な問題としてのみ捉えることをせず、しばしば実生活と芸の世界を混同させて、常住坐臥が芸を高めるための契機であり、修行であると考え、しかのみならず当人の倫理性、道徳性がそのまま芸にあらわれるがゆえに、芸の向上は同時に人格の向上でなければならない、とするところに芸道の特徴がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there are various theories concerning Joro-otoshiyori as in the following: One theory is that the female servants who were positioned in the highest post of the female servants in O-oku, or the Joro-otoshiyori post described above, were simply called Joro, and of those in the Joro post, the persons who were also appointed to the Toshiyori post were called Joro-otoshiyori, and the other theory is that the persons in the Joro-otoshiyori post, in the Ko-joro (female servants training to become Joro servants) post, and in the Otoshiyori post were totally called Rojo. 例文帳に追加

しかし上臈御年寄に関しては諸説あり、先述した上臈御年寄の役にある大奥女中最高位の女中を単に上臈と言い、その上臈の役にある者で御年寄の役を兼ねていた者を上臈御年寄と言うという説や、上臈御年寄・小上臈(上臈の見習い役)・御年寄の総称を老女とする説も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho wrote his own ideas about Buddhism in "Sangegakushoshiki," in which he emphasized that he wanted to have those who took vows on Mt. Hiei spend 12 years in Rozan training on the mountain, and after finishing take over the guidance of junior monks on Mt. Hiei if appropriate, or go out and work as Buddhist leaders all over Japan. 例文帳に追加

最澄は自らの仏教理念を示した『山家学生式』(さんげがくしょうしき)の中で、比叡山で得度(出家)した者は12年間山を下りずに籠山修行に専念させ、修行の終わった者はその適性に応じて、比叡山で後進の指導に当たらせ、あるいは日本各地で仏教界のリーダーとして活動させたいと主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a theory stating that this declaration, seen as denying that, "Japanese people are a perfect race in position to rule the world," which was promoted to the people before and during the war through textbooks of 'Shushin' (moral training), etc., and having a 'Charter Oath of Five Articles' declared at the beginning of Shosho (Imperial edict), not necessarily denied completely the way the Emperor existed in the past. 例文帳に追加

しかしこの宣言は、戦前戦中に「修身」の教科書などで国民が意識していた“日本国民は優秀な民族であり、世界の支配者たるべき立場にある”という概念を否定する文脈にあること、詔書の冒頭において「五箇条の御誓文」を掲げていることに見られるように、かならずしも従来の天皇のありかたそのものを否定するものでは無かったとする説もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those schools of foreign languages were positioned as institutes for training of people who would conduct some activities in foreign countries such as diplomatic activities, trading or missionary work, and what characterized those schools was that they emphasized education of minor languages such as Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Malay and Indian languages other than English, French, and German, the essential academic subjects for those who intend to enter Imperial universities from senior high schools (old education system). 例文帳に追加

これらの外国語学校は外交・貿易・布教など海外活動実務者の養成機関として位置づけられ、旧制高等学校-帝国大学進学者にとって必須の教養であった英語・フランス語・ドイツ語のみならず、中国語・ロシア語・スペイン語・ポルトガル語・マレー語・印度諸言語など、よりマイナーな語学の教育を重視していたという点に特徴がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The members from the Mito clan; Kamo SERIZAWA, Nishiki NIIMI (Iori TANAKA), Jusuke HIRAMA, Goro HIRAYAMA, Shingoro KASUYA, Jusuke HIRAMA, Kenji NOGUCHI, the members from Shieikan training hall; ABIRU, Isami KONDO, Keisuke YAMANAMI, Toshizo HIJIKATA, Shinpachi NAGAKURA, Sanosuke HARADA, Soji OKITA, the members who joined in Kyoto including Genzaburo INOUE, Hajime SAITO and Matasaburo SAEKI, and NEGISHI force including Yuzan NEGISHI and Goichi SHIMIZU came together. 例文帳に追加

芹沢鴨・新見錦(田中伊織)・平山五郎・粕谷新五郎・平間重助・野口健司ら水戸藩出身者、阿比類、近藤勇・山南敬助・土方歳三・永倉新八・原田左之助・沖田総司・井上源三郎ら試衛館道場の者、斎藤一・佐伯又三郎ら京で参加したもの、根岸友山・清水吾一ら根岸派が結集する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the day he moved to Kushira Navy Base from Tokushima in advance of a suicide mission, according to Nishimura's remembrance after the war and Sen's books and talks, after flight training all five members of the corps gathered next to their airplanes for a tea party with tools that they had on hand and adzuki-bean jellies from their rations. 例文帳に追加

徳島より串良海軍航空基地に移動する、即ち特攻作戦が近日中に行われるであろう日に、飛行訓練後、自分達が乗る飛行機の機体の傍で手持ちの道具と配給の羊羹で5人の隊員全員と茶会を催した事は、戦後西村の述懐・自身の著作や講演など広く知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sakuzaemon FURUYA, who had translated "Hohei soren and zukai" (the Infantry Training Manual and Illustrations) and was trying to establish a Western-style infantry for the Edo shogunate, formed the Shohotai together with Shigeaki KUBOTA (son of Shigekatsu KUBOTA) by joining the surviving forces of the eleventh regiment under the command of Sakuma, governor of Omi Province, who had been killed in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, and the twelfth regiment under the command of Shigeaki KUBOTA, who had also been killed in war. 例文帳に追加

イギリスの「歩兵操練・図解」を翻訳し、江戸幕府の洋式歩兵部隊の編成を窪田鎮章(窪田鎮勝の子)と進めていた古屋佐久左衛門は、衝鋒隊(鳥羽伏見の戦いで戦死した佐久間近江守の第11連隊と、やはり戦死した窪田鎮章の第12連隊の残存兵力を結集)を組織した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

HIGUCHI said in tears, 'Those of you who heard this, who missed him as a lord, immediately go and settle in somewhere and pray for him to rest in peace by taking whatever hard Buddhist training you can. I will go to Kyoto and die in battle to meet my lord in the heaven, seeing my lord is my wish,' and then he went to Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

樋口は涙を流し、「これを聞きたまえ方々、主君に志を思い参らす人々は、これより早くいづこへも落ち行き、いかような仏道修行をもして、主君の菩提を弔いたまえ。兼光は都へ上り討ち死にし、冥途でも主君に面謁し、今井をももう一度みたいと思うためである」と述べて都へ上った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He made efforts to establish instititions such as Osaka Stock Exchange (present Osaka Securities Exchange) the Osaka Chamber of Commercial Law (present the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the first chairman was Tomoatsu GODAI), and Osaka Commercial Training Institute (present Osaka City University and Osaka Municipal Tennoji Business High School), and companies such as Osaka Seido (copper metallurgy company), Kansai Boeki (trading company), Kyodo Unyu (transporting company), Kobe Sanbashi (shipping company), Osaka Shosen (shipping company), and Hankai Railway (present Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.). 例文帳に追加

大阪株式取引所(現・大阪証券取引所)、大阪商法会議所(現・大阪商工会議所、初代会頭は五代友厚)、大阪商業講習所(現・大阪市立大学、大阪市立天王寺商業高等学校)、大阪製銅、関西貿易社、共同運輸会社、神戸桟橋、大阪商船、阪堺鉄道(現・南海電気鉄道)などの設立に関わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The breakdown of the above is 48 large buses for route bus service (47 buses of Hino Motor, one bus of Nissan Diesel), seven medium-size buses (the 9.5m version of a large bus) (Isuzu) for specific use (Hanase Yama-no-ie), one S'elega R (FD), three large buses of Nissan Diesel, two microbuses (Hino), two buses of Hino and one bus of Mitsubishi for exclusive use in shuttle bus service for Kyoto Sangyo University, and one large bus of Hino and another large bus of Nissan Diesel for exclusive use in training. 例文帳に追加

所属車両は大型路線車が48両(日野47両、日産ディーゼル1両)、特定(花背山の家)の中型車(大型の9.5m尺)が7両(いすゞ)、貸切がセレガR(9.5m車)1両、セレガR(FD)1両、日産ディーゼル大型車3両、マイクロバスが2両(日野)、京都産業大学シャトルバス専用車が日野2両、三菱車1両、教習車が日野、日産ディーゼル大型車、各1両ずつである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Private companies originally profit-oriented organizations, have been unable to make profit from single business and have been 'digging up' personnel necessary to continue operations from limited available staff including retired workers (however, Oigawa Railway Company or JR East is training their personnel), so it is feared that steam locomotives will disappear in near future from Japanese rails. 例文帳に追加

本来営利団体であるはずの民間企業が単独での収益を上げられず、また、運転に必要な要員についてもOBの登用など限られた人材の中から「発掘」している状態であり(ただし、大井川鐵道やJR東日本などでは要員の育成を行っている)、蒸気機関車は、近い将来に日本のレールの上から姿を消してしまうことが危惧されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is considered that goryu-shinto was established from the end of Heian period to Kamakura period, and goryu-shinto was handed down with various kancho ceremonies (a type of Buddhism ceremony) and, in Muromachi period, goryu-shinto kagyohosoku (training rules) based on esoteric Buddhism courtesy was established and, at the start of Edo period, the format of inshin (a certificate certifying handing down of the secrets in esoteric Buddhism) was completed for 80 inshin and koketsu (the secrets orally handed down) called goryu-shinto-koketsu was also established. 例文帳に追加

平安時代末期から鎌倉時代にかけて成立したと考えられ、様々な灌頂儀式とともに伝承され、室町時代には密教的儀礼に基づいた御流神道加行法則が成立し、江戸時代初期には八十通印信の印信形式を整え、御流神道口決と呼ばれる口決も成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soon after, imperial loyalist (anti-bakufu) troops recruited by Kinmochi SAIONJI, the general placed in charge of pacifying the Sanindo highway and the surrounding area, appeared in Tanba Province, and in Yamaguni, whose inhabitants had been training to serve the imperial cause, for example by standing guard at the imperial palace in Kyoto, since the end of the previous year (1867), they were also hoping for a restoration of their own hamlet along with a resumption of the ties with the imperial house they had held since the Heian period, desires which quickly prompted them to form, at their own expense, a fighting force of farmers. 例文帳に追加

間もなく山陰道鎮撫総督西園寺公望から丹波に王政復古(日本)の募兵があり、前年末頃から御所警備などの勤王奉仕策を練っていた山国では、平安時代以来の皇室との関係と郷中復古(禁裏御料回復)の願いから、直ちにこれに応じて自弁による農兵隊が結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The initial exemption conditions of conscription were gradually reduced or abolished and,in 1889, a major revision was made for universal conscription (however, there were special cases, for example, those who volunteered after graduating from secondary school or higher education served for one year and those who became teacher after graduating from school for teacher training served for six weeks.) 例文帳に追加

創設当初にあった徴兵免除の規定も徐々に縮小・廃止され、1889年に大改正が行われ、ほぼ国民皆兵制となった(ただし、中等学校以上の卒業後に志願したものは現役期間を1年としたり、師範学校を出て教員になったものは現役6週間とするなどの特例があった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I sincerely wish that those who come here with the same aspirations (faith in Buddhism) will abandon one's own desires (focus on learning and training) without wasting themselves on trivial matters of various thoughts, and those who are to follow will transcend worldly matters and open the path toward revelation. 例文帳に追加

どうか私と同じ志(仏教への信仰)をもってここに来た人達には、(様々な考え方の)空か有か(といった瑣末な事)を論じて(志を)滞らせることなく、自分の欲望を忘れて(学問や修行に励み)、後進の人達には世俗の苦労などを超越して悟りの境地を開いて欲しいと願うものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, the Tokyo Stock Exchange today issued a document titled "Request for Trading Participants in Relation to Thorough Prevention of Insider Trading," asking the top management of securities companies to ensure the prevention of insider trading by reviewing information management systems and providing training and education to officers and employees. 例文帳に追加

また、東京証券取引所におかれては、本日、取引参加者代表者に向けて「インサイダー取引の未然防止の徹底にかかる取引参加者への要請について」という文書を発出し、証券会社における情報管理態勢の再点検や役職員に対する教育・啓発等によりインサイダー取引の未然防止の徹底を図ることを要請されています。 - 金融庁

Therefore, the respective inspection departments/bureaus of the FSA and the Local Finance Bureaus shall work together to: prepare a system to collect information on the latest financial transactions and the financial institution's business; strive to recruit and train inspectors who take on crucial duties and to develop a support system for their recruitment and training; and continue making efforts to conduct "evolutionary inspections" at all times. 例文帳に追加

このため、金融庁及び財務局の検査部局は、一体となって、最新の金融取引・金融機関の経営に関する情報把握体制の整備を図り、重要な任務を担う検査官の採用・育成やそのサポート体制の整備に取り組み、常に「進化する検査」の実施に取り組み続けなければならない。 - 金融庁

For investors and administrators to secure a level of understanding of IFRS adequate for satisfactory financial analysis, etc., in making investment decisions, it is necessary to make preparations in a broad range of channels, from advanced academic education and education for working adults to training materials and programs designed for accounting specialists and experts. 例文帳に追加

投資者・運用者にとって、投資判断を行うに当たって必要十分な財務分析等を行い得る程度のIFRSの理解を確保するため、高等教育から社会人教育、さらには実務家・専門家向けの教材、研修・教育プログラムの充実など、幅広いチャネルでの準備が必要である。 - 金融庁

Preparers of financial reports have been expected to respond actively to new developments,by taking such actions as gaining an accurate understanding of the revisions in standards implemented alongside convergence, training to ensure appropriate financial reporting, conducting a review of the direction of application of new standards vis-à-vis conditions in each business enterprise, and providing feedback on the standards-setting process based on their experiences. 例文帳に追加

これまでもコンバージェンスに伴う基準改訂を的確に理解し、適切な財務報告を確保するため研修・教育、新基準の各企業の実情に応じた適用のあり方の検討、実務を踏まえた基準設定のプロセスのフィードバックなど、積極的な対応が求められてきたものと考えられる。 - 金融庁

Although understanding of IFRS is necessary even at the present time, greater understanding of the auditing approach, methodologies and techniques, etc., is believed necessary in addressing these reporting standards.It may become necessary, for instance, to require the development of an inspection system for auditing firms involved in IFRS-based auditing, and the implementation of a specific measure of training or education, and furthermore to review guidance on auditing practices. 例文帳に追加

監査人にとっては、現状でも、IFRSに対する理解が必要であると考えられるが、対応する監査における考え方、手法・技能など一層の理解が必要になるものと考えられ、例えば、IFRS監査に関与する監査人は、一定の教育、研修等を受けていること、監査事務所における審査体制の整備を要件とすること、さらには、監査の実務指針の見直しも必要になるものと考えられる。 - 金融庁

(ii)Policies concerning quality control and measures taken to enforce such policies(including (a) Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm, (b) Professional ethics and independence, (c) Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements, (d) Employment, education, training, evaluation and assignment, (e) Engagement performance (including performance of engagement quality control review) and (f) Monitoring of quality control system) 例文帳に追加

②業務の品質の管理の方針の策定及びその実施に関する措置(品質管理に関する責任、職業倫理及び独立性、監査契約の新規の締結及び更新、監査実施者の採用、教育・訓練、評価及び選任、業務の実施(審査の状況を含む。)、品質管理のシステムの監視を含む。) - 金融庁

In order to promote understanding by officers and employees, it may be effective to use as a training material the “List of Referred Cases of Suspicious Transactions” (Refer to the FSA web site), which includes examples that may constitute cases requiring the “reporting of suspicious transactions” and examples of past cases in which Financial Instruments Business Operators actually reported to the authorities. 例文帳に追加

当該研修等の機会を捉えて、「疑わしい取引の届出」に該当する可能性がある事例や金融商品取引業者が過去に届出を行った事例等について、「疑わしい取引の参考事例」(金融庁ホームページ参照)も参考にし、研修資料等として活用することも、役職員の理解の促進のために有用と考えられる。 - 金融庁

C. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator makes sure to maintain the effectiveness of measures to ban any relations with anti-social forces by, for example, having the anti-social forces response division develop a manual for dealing with anti-social forces, provide on-going training, foster cooperative relationships with external expert organizations such as the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan and lawyers on an ongoing basis. 例文帳に追加

ハ.反社会的勢力対応部署において対応マニュアルの整備や継続的な研修活動、警察・暴力追放運動推進センター・弁護士等の外部専門機関と平素から緊密な連携体制の構築が行われるなど、反社会的勢力との関係を遮断するための取組みの実効性を確保する体制となっているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Whether the operational procedures based on the conflict of interest management policy are clarified in writing; whether matters concerning conflict of interest management are communicated to officers and employees of the securities company, etc. and its subsidiary financial institution, etc., through training programs regarding the conflict of interest management policy and the said procedures. 例文帳に追加

② 利益相反管理方針を踏まえた業務運営の手続が書面等において明確化されているか。また、当該証券会社等及びその子金融機関等の役職員に対し、利益相反管理方針及び当該手続きに関する研修の実施等により、利益相反管理についての周知徹底が図られているか。 - 金融庁

The Kinzai Institute had previously been commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with work worth one million yen, related to Chinese language training courses for tax systems and fiscal legislation. However, in light of the results of the recent check, the institute decided not to undertake work from either the government or incorporated administrative agencies through non-competitive contracts in principle. 例文帳に追加

社団法人金融財政事情研究会は中国国別研修「税制・財政関連立法研修」事業として100万円の委託を受けておったのでございますが、今般の点検結果を踏まえ、金融財政事情研究会においては、今後、競争性のない契約による委託事業については、国・独立行政法人の事業、いずれについても原則受託しないことといたしました。 - 金融庁

If so, we must consider which organization would be best suited to take over the re-training function - although the function of fostering new instructors should be abolished - after Polytechnic University is abolished. So we will probably need to debate which organization should take over that function. 例文帳に追加

そうなりますと、この総合大学校を廃止した後で、新しい先生の養成業務、これは無くす、廃止をするのですけれど、もう一方の今いる先生方、これに対する再訓練であったり、この機能をどこが担うかと、これはこれから最も相応しい機関であったり、そういうことを考えていかなければならない、そんなふうに思っておりまして、おそらくそういった新しい受け皿をどうするか、とこういう議論も出てまいります。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors have the Manager formulate, in accordance with the Legal Compliance Policy and the Legal Compliance Rules, a program for implementing specific measures to ensure compliance (including the development of internal rules and planning of employee training. Hereinafter referred to as the “Compliance Program”) at least once a year and disseminate it throughout the institution upon approval by the Board of Directors? 例文帳に追加

取締役会は、管理者に、法令等遵守方針及び法令等遵守規程に沿って、コンプライアンスを実現させるための具体的な実践計画(内部規程の整備、職員等の研修計画など。以下「コンプライアンス・プログラム」という。)を最長でも年度毎に策定させ、承認した上で組織全体に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

For example, is there an effective system to prevent violation of Laws as part of the daily operational process through measures such as using multi-person monitoring system and obtaining written confirmation as necessary according to the nature of the operations concerned, in addition to developing the Customer Explanation Manual and conducting training? 例文帳に追加

例えば、業務の特性に応じ、顧客説明マニュアルの整備及び研修等の方策に留まらず、複数人によるチェック態勢や、顧客からの確認書面の取得等、日常の業務プロセスとして法令等違反行為を未然に防止する方策が実施され、実効的な機能を有する態勢となっているか。 - 金融庁

For example, in coordination with the insurance company which outsourced the work, does the Customer Explanation Manual have stipulations needed to ensure accurate explanations for insurance products and contracts, and explanations in accordance with Laws such as the Insurance Business Law (including the Insurance Solicitation Guidelines)? Are staff thoroughly informed of its content, such as by providing periodic training? 例文帳に追加

例えば、委託元である保険会社と連携して、保険商品及び契約に関する正確な説明や保険業法等の法令等(保険募集指針を含む)に則った説明等が確保されるために必要な内容を顧客説明マニュアルに規定するとともに、その内容について、定期的に研修を実施する等、職員に対し周知徹底を図っているか。 - 金融庁

On receiving the award, Takakura released a statement saying, "I've worked as a movie actor for 58 years and performed in 205 movies. When I started my career at an actor training school, I was a hopeless dropout. My mother told me to have patience and I've never forgotten her words. Through acting the lives of many different characters, I've learned about the world."例文帳に追加

受章について,高倉さんは「映画俳優として58年間働いてきて,205本の映画に出演させていただきました。俳優養成所で俳優の仕事を始めたとき,私はどうしようもない落ちこぼれでした。母は私に辛(しん)抱(ぼう)するように言い,私は母の言葉を一度も忘れたことはありません。さまざまな役の人生を演じることを通して,私は世界について学びました。」というコメントを発表した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In particular, the FAPA has provided technical support for building institutions to promote investment in the private sector. In projects such as the African Training and Management Service (ATMS) Project, the FAPA has proved to be effective in creating job opportunities and increasing female workers in the supported companies, and has also contributed to strengthening SMEs. 例文帳に追加

特にFAPAは、民間セクター投資を促進するための制度整備に向けた技術支援を実施しており、アフリカにおける職業訓練及びマネージメントサービスに関するプロジェクト(ATMS)等の案件では、雇用機会の創設、被支援企業の女性職員の増加といった効果が確認され、中小企業の強化にも繋がっています。 - 財務省

We gratefully noted Korea's support for the working visit by ASEAN senior officials to Seoul in October last year and welcomed the initiative to organize a training program on financial and corporate restructuring later this year for the ASEAN Finance and Central Bank officials. 例文帳に追加

また、昨年10月のASEAN諸国の高級実務者達によるソウルへの視察旅行における韓国の協力に感謝するとともに、今年の後半にASEAN諸国の財務省及び中央銀行の職員を対象とした金融・企業再編に関するトレーニング・プログラムを開催するという韓国の提案を歓迎した。 - 財務省

For instance, in Indonesia, efforts have been directed towards helping mothers and children, who lost their husbands and fathers, in the Aceh conflict, lift themselves out of the spiral of poverty.We have been providing them with microcredit, literacy education, and training for running small businesses. We are also supporting the activities of an NGO that encourage widows to participate in the decision-making processes of their local communities with regard to the implementation of projects there. 例文帳に追加

例えばインドネシアでは、アチェ紛争で夫を亡くした母子家庭が貧困のスパイラルから抜け出すために、マイクロクレジット、識字や小規模事業経営手法の教育を提供すると共に、プロジェクトの実施に係るコミュニティ内の意思決定プロセスへの参加を促すNGOのプロジェクトを支援しています。 - 財務省

In fragile and conflict-affected situations as well, when thinking about securing the post-conflict employment for people mainly in the younger segments of the population, including discharged soldiers, short-term measures centering on infrastructure development will not be enough; measures for creating jobs in the long term will also be required, such as developing vocational training and a favorable investment environment.Such long-term measures are also essential for maintaining social stability. 例文帳に追加

紛争・脆弱地域においても、紛争終了後の除隊兵士を含む若年層を中心とする人々の雇用について、インフラ整備を中心とした短期的な対策のみならず、長期的な雇用を生み出す職業訓練や投資環境の整備等が社会の安定を維持するためにも不可欠です。 - 財務省


Japan is actively supporting developing countries in trade related areas such as a) facilitation of accession negotiation of LDC countries such as Cambodia and Nepal to the WTO, b) provision of assistance in training of trade officers in Cambodia, and c) contributions to the GTF (Global Trust Fund) at the WTO. 例文帳に追加

わが国としても、途上国における貿易分野に関する支援に積極的に取り組んでおり、カンボジア・ネパール等、後発開発途上国(LDC)のWTO加盟交渉の促進、カンボジア貿易行政官の育成等の協力を実施するとともに、WTOに設置されたグローバル・トラスト・ファンド(GTF)への拠出等を行ってきたところです。 - 財務省


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