





該当件数 : 48


消費は2008 、2009 を通じて2~3%台の成長率で伸びており、純輸出は足下の2009第3 四期、第4 四期ともに1~2%台の伸びを示している(第1-2-4-48 図)。例文帳に追加

Private consumption in both 2008 and 2009 maintained a 2 to 3% level of growth, and net exports in the both third and fourth quarter of 2009 showed a 1 to 2% level of increase (see Figure 1-2-4-48). - 経済産業省


In spite of his agreement to allow for one year of discussion, he returned after only half a year away and daringly pressed the Japanese government for a decision, which made the Shogunate understandably anxious.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Usually, after a 'training' period from a half to two years, Maiko wear a sash of 'Handarari,' which is half as long as darari no obi (long draping sash) as 'an apprentice' for a month and trains herself with senior geisha at a tea house.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In January 1880, just after he married, he left Yasuko behind and went to the Old Royal Naval College in England for study, three and a half years later he finally returned in June 1883.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the wake of the ongoing crisis in Europe, the December 2011 Euro Summit decided to frontload the establishment of the ESM to July 2012, one year ahead of the originally scheduled mid-2013.発音を聞く  - 財務省

円は1 前と比べて4.0%上昇し、2 前と比べると8.4%上昇しているが、2007 の直近の円安水準と比較すると4 で実に32.5%も上昇している。例文帳に追加

Although the real effective exchange rate of the yen appreciates 4.0% from one year ago and 8.4% from two years ago, it rises as much as 32.5% over a period of four and half years from 2007 when the yen depreciated most recently. - 経済産業省

国際社会において経済開発は依然として主要な議題の一つであり、2001に取りまとめられた国連ミレニアム開発目標(Millennium Development Goals(MDGs))5の第1の目標は、1日の所得が1ドル以下の絶対的貧困層の人口を1990から2015減させることである。例文帳に追加

Economic development remains a major issue in the international market. One of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)5 formulated in 2001 was to halve the number of people in extreme povertyi.e., those whose daily income is less than US$1—between 1990 and 2015. - 経済産業省

製薬業界も例外ではなく、この 10で世界売上高ランキング20位に入る企業の分以上が合併した(図表1)。例文帳に追加

The pharmaceutical industry is no exception and half of the top 20 companies in the world sales ranking merged during this decade (Fig 1). - 厚生労働省


At that time, financial results were announced on a semi-annual basis.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


On the other hand, the terms of the lease granted surface rights to the forest land according to the following conditions: the surface rights owner was obliged to pay the land owner 50,000 yen every year for the first five years of the initial 40-year period and then 10,000 yen every year for the remaining 35 years, after which half of any profits made from the selling of any trees logged there were to be paid to the land owner.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Right for child-care leave is guaranteed until the child reaches 1 year of age (or 1 and a half years of age for certain cases). One year until the child reaches 1 year and 2 months of age if both parents take child-care leave (Mom & Dad Child Care Leave Plus*) - 厚生労働省


For the semiconductor company commentator estimate, we multiplied its initial 1,400 hour estimate by the 5,994 affected issuers, so the first year’s burden for all affected issuers would be approximately 8.4 million hours, and the 700 hour subsequent year estimate also by the 5,994 affected issuers, which resulted in approximately 4.2 million hours for each subsequent year. - 経済産業省


So, the Chinese-set poverty line for 2003 may have fallen short of $1 per day ($365 per year) set by the United Nations under its Millennium Development goal, which calls for halving the number of people who live on less than $1 per day between 1990 and 2005. - 経済産業省


The hair style of Maiko at the early stage is 'wareshinobu,' which turns to be 'Ofuku' in a few years later, and 1 - 4 weeks before erigae (promoted to a full-fledged geisha) she dresses 'sakko fashion (Maiko's hairstyle)' and puts teeth black (she does not paint eyebrows, which can be regarded as the custom of Hangempuku (attaining womanhood informally) continuing still now).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

東アジアだけでも世界全体の約分を占める32 億人1 の人口を擁しており、最近4 で我が国一国分を上回る1 億3千万人の人口が増加した。例文帳に追加

East Asia alone has a population of 3.2 billion,1 which accounts for more than half of the world. - 経済産業省


Anextraordinary caserefers to the case where an employer needs to have workers work temporarily and unexpectedly, and the duration of theextraordinary casewill not be longer than half a year as a whole. - 厚生労働省

「臨時的なもの」とは、一時的又は突発的に、時外労働を行わせる必要のあるものであり、全体として1 分を超えないことが見込まれるものを指します。例文帳に追加

Extraordinary casesrefer to the cases where an employer needs to have workers work temporarily and unexpectedly and the period will not be longer than half a year as a whole. - 厚生労働省

積極的に研究開発を行う中小企業等に対し、審査請求料及び特許料(第1 分から第3 (場合により6 )分)を額に軽減する措置を従前から実施していたが、平成24 4 月1 日から特許料の軽減期を第1 分から第10 分に延長するとともに、設立後10 を経過していない中小企業を軽減措置の対象に加えるなど、軽減措置の対象を拡大したうえで、特許料等の軽減措置を引き続き実施する。(継続)(p.227参照)例文帳に追加

The halving of examination request and patent fees (from the first through third years (or sixth year in certain cases)) for SMEs engaging actively in R&D will be continued and expanded by extending the period of reduction of patent fees from the first year to the tenth year dating from April 1, 2012, and by expanding eligibility to include, among others, SMEs that were established not more than 10 years previously. (Continuation) (See p. 219.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


I am expecting to receive questions about events that happened this year or how I look back at the past half year after I assumed office. I have been a doctor for 40 years. And I have been a Diet member for 25 years and, on June 11 of this year, I was appointed to the post of the Minister for Financial Services and the Minister for Postal Reform. After reassuming ministerial office after a long while, I paid a courtesy call on Mr. Nakasone, who has been my mentortogether with Mr. Michio Watanabefor the past 27 years.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In Ko 'headed by KOSHI NO KIMI' (no given name), as many as six members died in one year, because the first half of the ninth century was a rare time in ancient Japanese history when natural disasters occurred continuously.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2012 1期の民部門の資本収支は351 億ド ルの流出超となり、とりわけ銀行部門の流出が前期の 67 億ドルから160 億ドルに増加した。例文帳に追加

In the first quarter of 2012, capital balance of private sectors exhibited $35.1 billion of excess outflow and, in particular, capital outflow of the banking sector increased to $16 billion from $6.7 billion in the previous quarter. - 経済産業省


Marks registered under Republic Act No. 166 shall remain in force and effect but shall be deemed to have been granted under the IP Code and shall be renewed within the time and manner provided for renewal of registration by these Regulations; provided, that marks whose registration have a remaining duration as of January 1, 1998 of more than six and one-half years shall be required to submit the declaration and evidence of actual use prescribed in these Regulations within one year following the tenth and fifteenth anniversaries of the registration or renewal registration under Republic Act No. 166; provided, further, that marks whose registrations have a remaining duration of six and one-half years or less may no longer be subject to the requirement of declaration and evidence of use but shall be renewed within the time and in the manner provided for renewal of registration by these Regulations and, upon renewal, shall be reclassified in accordance with the Nice Classification. The renewal shall be for a duration of ten years. Trade names and marks registered in the Supplemental Register under Republic Act No. 166 whose registration, including any renewal thereof, was subsisting as of January 1, 1998 shall remain in force but shall no longer be subject to renewal. - 特許庁

加えて、印ASEAN-FTA(2009 11 月時点で発効見込み。2010 1 月に発効)は数近くの企業が利用に向けて前向きな姿勢を示しているなど、日本企業がサプライチェーンの効率化の観点から、日本のEPAのみならず、第三国のFTAにも高い関心を払っていることが分かる(第3-2-3-13 図)。例文帳に追加

In addition, India ASEAN-FTA (forecasted be in effect as of November 2009 and to be officially effective in January 2010) has attracted a positive attitude toward its use and nearly half of companies are showing interest. From the perspective of supply chain efficiency of Japanese companies, not only Japan's EPA, but also third-country's FTA is attracting interest (see Figure 3-2-3-13). - 経済産業省


In particular:The United States commits to place its debt-to-GDP ratio on a declining path no later than the middle of the decade through a balanced deficit reduction plan that builds on the Budget Control Act of 2011, which enacted about $1 trillion in discretionary savings over the next ten years and locked in at least an additional $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction beyond that.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The reason that Hideharu, who were crushingly weaker in force size, amount of material and human resources, could fight against Nobunaga for more than one and a half years was that he was superior at hit-and-run tactics utilizing the topography of the mountains in Tanba.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On July 20, 1996, about one and half years after the earthquake, when Kobe City began to show signs of gradual restoration, another revision of the timetable was made, where train services to Kobe during the day time were extended to Suma, aiming at expanding demand, was highly welcomed by beach goers amid the sea-bathing season.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the European Commission's estimate contained in the strategy, if these are all achieved, almost a half of the EU's trade will be covered by the FTA, the rates of tariffs on exports from the EU will be halved to1.7% on average, and the rates of tariffs on imports to the EU will be 1.3% on average (lowered by approximately 1/5). And as a result, a benefit of 600 per person will be provided to consumers in the EU, and the growth rate of the EU will be raised by at least 1%. - 経済産業省


In order to extend the period to more than 1 year, a client shall listen to and give consideration to opinions of the labour union comprising a majority of the workers on the work for which the worker dispatching is to be carried out and the period and scheduled commencement of the worker dispatching after giving the union enough time to study. - 厚生労働省


Even so, this time, Prime Minister Noda and Mr. Kamei, leader of the People's New Party, agreed to work hard toward enacting the bills, and under the leadership of Chairman Akamatsu of the Special Committee on Postal Reform, the purpose of the bills were explained in the Diet for the first time in one and a half years.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Trains used to be operated every ten minutes (six trains per hour) during the day at the beginning of the inauguration throughout the line, except for trains coming from the Keishin Line which runs at a 15-minute interval; however, since March 2000 trains have been operated every 7.5 minutes (eight trains per hour) in order to synchronize the time schedule with trains operated on the Karasuma Line of Kyoto Municipal Subway, which are connected to trains operated on the Tozai Line at Karasuma Oike Station, resulting in a ratio of 2:1 per quarter hour for trains operated on the Tozai Line relative to those operated directly to the Keishin Line.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Where the provisions of clause (i) of subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 apply: (i) in respect of taxation by withholding at source, a resident of a Contracting State shall be considered to satisfy the conditions described in that clause for a taxable year in which the payment is made if such resident satisfies those conditions during the part of that taxable year which precedes the date of payment of the item of income (or, in the case of dividends, the date on which entitlement to the dividends is determined) and, unless that date is the last day of that taxable year, during the whole of the preceding taxable year; and (ii) in all other cases, a resident of a Contracting State shall be considered to satisfy the conditions described in that clause for a taxable year in which the payment is made if such resident satisfies those conditions on at least half the days of the taxable year.発音を聞く  - 財務省

第百十五条 事業度を一とする特定目的会社については、一事業度の途中において一回に限り事業度中の一定の日を定めその日における社員(当該特定目的会社を除く。)に対し取締役の決定(取締役が数人あるときは、その過数をもってする決定)により金銭の分配(以下この款において「中配当」という。)をすることができる旨を定款で定めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 115 (1) A Specific Purpose Company whose business year is one year in length may provide in its articles of incorporation to the effect that it may distribute monies to its members (excluding the Specific Purpose Company) on only one specific date per business year at the director's decision (in cases where there are two or more directors, when so decided by a majority thereof) (hereinafter such distribution of monies shall be referred to as "Payments of Interim Dividends" in this Subsection).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

また、インド政府としても、2007 1月に発表した自動車産業の長期ビジョン(Automotive Mission Plan2006-2016)において特別自動車部品工業団地・経済特区(SEZ)の設立促進や、より柔軟な雇用形態の実現に向けた労働法改正に言及するほか、同3月には導体製造のプロジェクトに対して総コストの25%(SEZ立地の場合は20%)を当初10 にわたって負担するなどの特別優遇措置の実施を正式通達するなど、製造業の強化に向けた産業振興策を実施している。例文帳に追加

In addition, the Indian government is implementing industry promotion policies aimed at strengthening the manufacturing sector. It has made reference to promoting the establishment of a special automobile parts industrial park and special economic zones (SEZ) in the Automotive Mission Plan 2006-2016 announced in January 2007. It also mentioned an amendment to the Labor Act aimed at realizing flexible employment schemes. Moreover, in March 2007, the government officially announced special preferential treatment measures such as the undertaking of 25% of the total cost of a semiconductor manufacturing project (20% if sited in SEZ) initially over a period of 10 years. - 経済産業省

(g)「保険期」とは、日本国については、日本国の法令のうち次条1(a)(i) から(v)までに掲げる日本国の金制度に関するものによる保険料納付期及び日本国の法令において給付を受ける権利の確立に際して考慮されるその他の期をいい、合衆国については、合衆国の法令により加入四期として付与される期又は合衆国の法令による給付を受ける権利を確立するために用いることができる同等の期をいう。例文帳に追加

(g) "period of coverage" means, as regards Japan, a period of contributions under the laws of Japan concerning the Japanese pension systems specified in paragraph 1(a)(i) to (v) of Article 2, and any other period taken into account under those laws for establishing entitlement to benefits, as regards the United States, a period credited as a quarter of coverage under the laws of the United States, or any equivalent period that may be used to establish the right to a benefit under the laws of the United States; - 厚生労働省

第二十四条の五 第二十四条第一項の規定による有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社(第二十三条の三第四項の規定により有価証券報告書を提出した会社を含む。第四項において同じ。)のうち、第二十四条の四の七第一項の規定により四期報告書を提出しなければならない会社(同条第二項の規定により四期報告書を提出した会社を含む。第三項において同じ。)以外の会社は、その事業度が六月を超える場合には、内閣府令で定めるところにより、事業度ごとに、当該事業度が開始した日以後六月の当該会社の属する企業集団及び当該会社の経理の状況その他事業の内容に関する重要な事項その他の公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして内閣府令で定める事項を記載した報告書(以下「期報告書」という。)を、当該期経過後三月以内に、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24-5 (1) A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24(1) (including a company which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3(4); the same shall apply in paragraph (4)) and which is a company other than that required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7(1) (including a company which submits Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7(2); the same shall apply in paragraph (3)) shall, if its business year is longer than six months, submit, for each business year, a report stating financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors pertaining to the first six months of the business year (such a report is hereinafter referred to as a "Semiannual Securities Report") pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance to the Prime Minister within three months after the end of the first six months.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十四条の四の七 第二十四条第一項の規定による有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社(第二十三条の三第四項の規定により当該有価証券報告書を提出した会社を含む。次項において同じ。)のうち、第二十四条第一項第一号に掲げる有価証券の発行者である会社その他の政令で定めるもの(以下この項及び次項において「上場会社等」という。)は、その事業度が三月を超える場合は、当該事業度の期を三月ごとに区分した各期(政令で定める期を除く。以下同じ。)ごとに、当該会社の属する企業集団の経理の状況その他の公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして内閣府令で定める事項(以下この項において「四期報告書記載事項」という。)を記載した報告書(以下「四期報告書」という。)を、当該各期経過後四十五日以内の政令で定める期内に、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。この場合において、上場会社等のうち内閣府令で定める事業を行う会社は、四期報告書記載事項のほか、当該会社の経理の状況その他の公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして内閣府令で定める事項を記載した四期報告書を、当該各期経過後六十日以内の政令で定める期内に、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24-4-7 (1) A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24(1) (including a company which submits Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3(4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph) and which has issued Securities falling under the category specified in Article 24(1)(i) or otherwise specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter, such a company is referred to as a "Listed Company, etc." in this paragraph and the following paragraph) shall, if its business year is longer than three months, submit, for each three-month period of its business years (excluding periods specified by a Cabinet Order; the same shall apply hereinafter), a report stating financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (hereinafter referred to as the "Matters to Be Stated in a Quarterly Securities Report" in this paragraph) (such a report is hereinafter referred to as a "Quarterly Securities Report") to the Prime Minister within the period designated by a Cabinet Order but not exceeding 45 days after the three-month period. In this case, a Listed Company, etc. which conducts a business specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance shall submit a Quarterly Securities Report stating, in addition to the Matters to Be Stated in a Quarterly Securities Report, financial conditions of the company and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors to the Prime Minister within the period specified by a Cabinet Order but not exceeding 60 days after the three-month period.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

農業分野に関しては、⒜米国が農産物価格支持政策による穀物増産と輸出を拡大してきたこと、⒝ EU が共通農業政策(CAP)による農産物価格支持政策、輸入課徴金、及び輸出補助金により大口輸入国から大口輸出国に転じたこと、⒞穀物に関して、70代前までの不足基調から過剰基調へと国際的需給が変化し、穀物輸出競争が激化してきたこと等を背景として、ウルグアイ・ラウンドにおける交渉が難航したものの、各国が市場アクセス(関税化等)、国内助成(補助金削減等)、輸出競争の3分野における具体的かつ拘束力のある約束を作成して、1995から2000までの6の実施期においてこれを実施することで合意された。例文帳に追加

The Agreement on Agriculture created substantial, binding commitments in three areas: market access (tariffication), domestic support (reduction in subsidies) and export competition. These commitments were to be implemented over a six-year period beginning in 1995. This was accomplished despite the following difficulties: (1) the U.S. use of price-support policies to boost grain production and exports to portray itself as "the world's breadbasket"; (2) the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that used price supports, variable import levies, and export subsidies, and consequently transformed the European Union from one of the world's largest importers of agricultural products to one of the largest exporters; and (3) increased competition for grain exports as the shortages that existed through the mid-1970s turned into surpluses because of changes in the international supply-and-demand balance. - 経済産業省

6 使用者は、第一項から第三項までの規定による有給休暇の期については、就業規則その他これに準ずるもので定めるところにより、平均賃金又は所定労働時労働した場合に支払われる通常の賃金を支払わなければならない。ただし、当該事業場に、労働者の過数で組織する労働組合がある場合においてはその労働組合、労働者の過数で組織する労働組合がない場合においては労働者の過数を代表する者との書面による協定により、その期について、健康保険法 (大正十一法律第七十号)第九十九条第一項に定める標準報酬日額に相当する金額を支払う旨を定めたときは、これによらなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) For the period of paid leave under the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (3) inclusive, the employer shall, in accordance with the rules of employment or the equivalent thereto, pay either the average wage or the amount of wages that would normally be paid for working the prescribed working hours; provided, however, that when there is a written agreement either with a labor union organized by a majority of the workers at the workplace concerned (in the case that where such labor union is organized) or with a person representing a majority of the workers in the case that such labor union is not organized), which provides for the payment for the period of a sum equivalent to the daily amount of standard remuneration provided for under paragraph (1) of Article 99 of the Health Insurance Law (Act No. 70 of 1922), such agreement shall be complied with.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 前二項の規定は、第二十四条第五項において準用する同条第一項の規定による有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社(第二十三条の三第四項の規定により当該有価証券報告書を提出した会社を含む。次項及び第十五項において同じ。)のうち、第二十四条の四の七第三項において準用する同条第一項の規定により四期報告書を提出しなければならない会社以外の会社について準用する。この場合において、第一項中「以外の会社」とあるのは「以外の会社(特定有価証券(第五条第一項に規定する特定有価証券をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の発行者に限る。)」と、「その事業度」とあるのは「当該特定有価証券に係る特定期(第二十四条第五項において準用する同条第一項に規定する特定期をいう。以下この項において同じ。)」と、「事業度ごと」とあるのは「特定期ごと」と、「当該事業度」とあるのは「当該特定期」と、「当該会社の属する企業集団及び当該会社の経理の状況その他事業」とあるのは「当該会社が行う資産の運用その他これに類似する事業に係る資産の経理の状況その他資産」と、前項中「有価証券の」とあるのは「特定有価証券の」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24(5) (including a company which submits Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3(4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (15)) and is not required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7(3). In this case, the term "a company other than" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a company (limited to the Issuer of Regulated Securities (meaning Regulated Securities as defined in Article 5(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph)) other than"; the term "its business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Specified Period (meaning Specified Period as defined in Article 24(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24(5); the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) designated for the Securities"; the term "for each business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "for each Specified Period"; the part "financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "financial conditions of asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company, other important matters concerning the company's assets"; the term "the business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Specified Period"; and the term "of Securities" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "of Regulated Securities."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


People employed by enterprises have thus generally grown more risk averse in recent years. Regarding the relationship between the decline in the prospective entry rate and recent changes in the labor market such as those described in Chapter 2, attention may be drawn to the following: (1) the seniority-based pay systems found primarily at large enterprises up to the 1990s were recognized as having become entrenched as "Japanesestyle employment practices," and the future wages expected by people rose; (2) the negative effects of the deflationary economy in the 1990s first manifested themselves in the form of an increase in bankruptcies and exits among small enterprises such as the selfemployed, and there was a conspicuous decrease in the incomes and a conspicuous increase in the risks of selfemployment expected by people; (3) as full-fledged employment adjustment did not really impact on employees of large enterprises until the latter half of the 1990s, it took considerable time for future expected wages to fall; and (4) the instability of income after mandatory retirement even with "Japanese-style employment practices" has long been recognized, enterprises restructured their middle-aged and older workers in the 1990s, conditions in the elderly reemployment market remained severe, and wages of employees in their fifties underwent adjustment from a comparatively early stage, creating the possibility that for the middle-aged and elderly, the opportunity cost of entry compared with changing jobs has fallen, in addition to which people in this age group were comparatively less affected by the effects of the collapse of the bubble, such as the decline in home prices. - 経済産業省


Naturally, from the perspective of a local foreign financial institution, the proper involvement of a semi-public JBIC or JETRO would be sufficient reason for it to do business with Japanese companies as it would provide peace of mind. I believe that it is the lowest level of support that the government should provide. Amid the high yen situation, we have just made a decision to have the SME Financing Facilitation Act extended for one year. It is vital to have the bill passedfor the purpose of making it easier for SMEs to enter overseas markets, specifically, Asian markets, with peace of mind. As I pointed out the importance of the best public-private balance, our decision to launch this policy reflects our wish to elevate the Japanese economy by having the public and private sectors help each other to bring out the best of each other's strengths. Our administrative staff made a huge effort to put this policy measure together.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

6 組合員(協同組合連合会にあつては、会員たる組合の組合員)の総数が政令で定める基準を超える組合(信用協同組合及び第九条の九第一項第一号の事業を行う協同組合連合会を除く。)は、監事のうち一人以上は、当該組合の組合員又は当該組合の組合員たる法人の役員若しくは使用人以外の者であつて、その就任の前五当該組合の理事若しくは使用人又はその子会社(組合が総株主(総社員を含む。)の議決権(株主総会において決議することができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない株式についての議決権を除き、会社法第八百七十九条第三項の規定により議決権を有するものとみなされる株式についての議決権を含む。)の過数を有する会社をいう。以下同じ。)の取締役、会計参与(会計参与が法人であるときは、その職務を行うべき社員)、執行役若しくは使用人でなかつたものでなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) A cooperative (excluding a credit cooperative and a federation of cooperatives engaged in the activities set forth in Article 9-9, paragraph (1)) whose total number of members (members of the member cooperatives in the case of a federation of cooperatives) exceeds the standard specified by a Cabinet Order shall have at least one auditor who is not a member of said cooperative nor an officer or employee of a member juridical person of said cooperative, and who has not served as a director or employee of said cooperative nor a director, accounting advisor (when the accounting advisor is a juridical person, a member of the company who is in the position of performing such duties), executive officer or employee of a subsidiary company of the cooperative (which means a company for which the cooperative owns a majority of voting rights [excluding the voting rights pertaining to the shares whose voting rights may not be exercised for all the matters that are subject to resolution at the shareholders meeting, and including the voting rights pertaining to the shares which shall be deemed to have the voting rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 879, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act] of all shareholders [including all members of the company]; hereinafter the same shall apply) during the five years preceding the assumption of his/her office.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十四条の七 第二十四条第一項の規定により有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社(同項第一号又は第二号に掲げる有価証券の発行者であるものに限る。第四項、次条第五項及び第二十七条の三十の十において「提出子会社」という。)の議決権の過数を所有している会社その他の当該有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社と密接な関係を有するものとして政令で定めるもの(第二十四条第一項(同条第五項において準用する場合を含む。第四項各号において同じ。)の規定により有価証券報告書を提出しなければならない会社(第二十三条の三第四項の規定により有価証券報告書を提出した会社その他内閣府令で定めるものを含む。)を除く。以下この条並びに次条第二項、第四項及び第五項において「親会社等」という。)は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該親会社等の事業度(当該親会社等が特定有価証券の発行者である場合には、内閣府令で定める期。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)ごとに、当該親会社等の株式を所有する者に関する事項その他の公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして内閣府令で定める事項を記載した報告書(以下「親会社等状況報告書」という。)を、当該事業度経過後三月以内(当該親会社等が外国会社である場合には、公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして政令で定める期内)に、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。ただし、親会社等状況報告書を提出しなくても公益又は投資者保護に欠けることがないものとして政令で定めるところにより内閣総理大臣の承認を受けたときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 24-7 (1) A company which holds the majority of voting rights of another company being required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24(1) (limited to those which have issued Securities listed in Article 24(1)(i) or (ii); such a company is referred to as "Subsidiary Company Submitting Annual Securities Reports" in paragraph (4) of this Article, paragraph (5) of the following Article and Article 27-30-10) or otherwise has a close relationship as specified by a Cabinet Order with another company being required to submit Annual Securities Reports (excluding companies which are required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24(1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24(5); the same shall apply in the items of paragraph (4) of this Article) (including those which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3(4) or specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); hereinafter referred to as a "Parent Company, etc." in this Article and paragraph (2) of the following Article, (4) and (5)) shall submit a report which, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, specifies matters pertaining to persons who hold shares of the Parent Company, etc. and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors for each business year of the Parent Company, etc. (or the period specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in cases where the Parent Company, etc. is the Issuer of Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) (hereinafter referred to as the "Status Report of Parent Company, etc.") to the Prime Minister within three months after the end of each business year (or, in cases where the Parent Company, etc. is a foreign company, within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the Prime Minister approves pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order that even if the company does not submit Status Report of Parent Company, etc., the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


法第百六十八条第二項の主務省令で定める書類は、次に掲げるもの(官公署が証明す る書類の場合には、許可の申請の日前三月以内に作成されたものに限る。)とする。一登記事項証明書 二直前事業度の計算書類等及びその附属証明書 三業務開始後三における収支の見込みを記載した書面 四主要株主(総株主の議決権(法第八十六条第一項に規定する議決権をいう。以下 この号において同じ。)の百分の十以上の議決権を保有している株主をいう。以下同 じ。)の氏名又は商号若しくは名称、住所又は所在地及びその保有する議決権の数を 記載した書面 五 親法人等(商品取引清算機関の総株主の議決権(前号に規定する議決権をいう。) の過数を保有している法人その他の団体をいう。)及び子法人等(商品取引清算機 - 139 - 関が総株主等(令第七条第一項第三号 に規定する総株主等をいう。)の議決権(令 第七条第一項第三号 に規定する議決権をいう。)の過数を保有している法人その 他の団体をいう。)の概要を記載した書面 六法第十五条第二項第一号ハからホまで又はリのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約 する書面 七次に掲げる場合に応じ、それぞれ次に定める書面 イ役員が外国人である場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書及びその者が法第 十五条第二項第一号イからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 ロ役員が法人である場合当該役員の登記事項証明書、沿革を記載した書面及び法 第十五条第二項第一号ヲに該当しないことを誓約する書面 ハ役員が外国人又は法人でない場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書、その者 が法第十五条第二項第一号イ及びロに該当しない旨の官公署の証明書並びにその 者が同号ハからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 九創立総会を開催した場合には、創立総会の議事録 十清算参加者の氏名又は商号若しくは名称及び主たる事務所又は本店の所在地を記載 した書面 十一清算参加者が許可の申請の日前三十日以内に様式第一号により作成したその者の 純資産額に関する調書 十二商品取引債務引受業において電子情報処理組織を使用する場合には、当該電子情 報処理組織の概要、設置場所、容量及び保守の方法並びに当該電子情報処理組織に 異常が発生した場合の対処方法を記載した書類 十三その他法第百六十九条第一項に掲げる基準に適合しているかどうかについての 認定の参考となるべき事項を記載した書面例文帳に追加

The documents specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 168, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be as follows (in the case of a certification issued by a public agency, limited to documents prepared within three months prior to the date of filing the application): (i) a certificate of the registered matters of the company; (ii) the accounting documents, etc. for the most recent business year and related detailed certifications; (iii) a document stating the estimated income for the three years after the commencement of the business; (iv) a document stating the name or trade name of the major shareholder (which means a shareholder holding 10 percent or more of the voting rights [which means a voting right prescribed in Article 86, paragraph 1 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item] of total shareholders; hereinafter the same shall apply), the address or location and the number of voting rights that the major shareholder holds;(v) a document giving a description of a parent juridical person, etc. (which means a juridical person or other organization that holds the majority of voting rights [which is a voting right as prescribed in the preceding item] of the total shareholders of a Commodity Clearing Organization) and subsidiary juridical person(s), etc. (which means a juridical person or other organization that holds the majority of the voting rights [which means the voting rights prescribed in Article 7, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Ordinance] of the total shareholders, etc. [which means the total shareholders, etc. prescribed in Article 7, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Ordinance] of a Commodity Clearing Organization); (vi) a sworn, written document stating that the Commodity Clearing Organization is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) through (e) or (i) of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 of the Act;(vii) a document specified as follows corresponding to each case: (a) in the case where an officer is a foreign national: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., and the curriculum vitae of said officer, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) through (k) of the Act;(b) in the case where an officer is a juridical person: a certificate of the registered matters of said officer, a document stating the corporate development, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (l) of the Act;(c) in the case where an officer is neither a foreign national nor a juridical person: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., and the curriculum vitae of said officer; a certification issued by a public agency that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) and (b); and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) through (k) of the same item; (viii) a document stating the status of securing employees who have the knowledge and experience pertaining to the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts and the status of the assignment of such employees; (ix) in the case where an organizational general meeting is held, the minutes of the organizational general meeting; (x) a document stating the names or trade names of Clearing Participants, and the addresses of the principal offices or head offices; (xi) records prepared by Clearing Participants according to Form No. 1 within 30 days prior to the filing of the application and pertaining to such personsnet assets; (xii) in the case where an electronic data processing system is used for the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts, a document giving a description, installation location, capacity, and maintenance system of said electronic data processing system, and the process for responding in the event of the failure of said electronic data processing system; (xiii) other documents stating the matters to be referenced for approval as to whether the organization conforms to the standards set forth in Article 169, paragraph 1 of the Act.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省






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