
「スト権スト」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(18ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > スト権ストに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 935



The consequent extensive use of asset-based lending in the U.S. is considered to be due to the provision of a blanket movable asset collateral system under Volume 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code,28) combined with the existence of external valuation companies specializing in assessing movables and receivables, and a secondary market in movables and similar assets. - 経済産業省


In the case that recovery is pursued by legal process, the process is as a rule binding on all creditors, and the loss of business assets is prevented, such as by a preservation order prohibiting the repayment of debts arising from grounds prior to a specified date.  - 経済産業省


On November 26, 2003, Japan made a supplemental notification to the WTO Council for Trade in Goods of items to be included on the long list and the additional tariff imposed on them based on the WTO Appellate Body report distributed to Member countries, Thus, Japan secured the right to implement re-balancing measures from December 26, 30 days after the notification date and after the adoption of the above report. - 経済産業省


In the future, Japan is expected to move to Stage V, “mature creditor nation,” through (i) a decrease in the balance of goods and services along with the decline of international competitive edge of domestically produced products due to elevated costs centering on labor costs; (ii) an increase in income surplus through the rise of external assets due to the current account surplus accumulated in the past; and (iii) a reduction in the capital balance deficit along with a decrease in the current account surplus. - 経済産業省


アルゼンティンの場合、労働者を基盤 とするペロニズム(ペロン主義)政と軍部の対立による混乱のため採用されてきた経済政策が長期に渡り持続しなかったこと、厳格な労働法と強い労働 組合の圧力の存在により競争力増大に必要な生産コストの低下がもたらされなかったことが、更なる経済成長の阻害要因になったことが挙げられよう。例文帳に追加

In the case of Argentina, one factor obstructing further economic growth was the confusion caused by the clash between the military and the worker-oriented Peronist administration, which meant that any economic policies adopted could not be sustained over the long term. In addition, strict labor laws and strong labor union pressure prevented Argentina from the reduction in production costs necessary to boost international competitiveness. - 経済産業省



As a result, various bills were submitted to Congress between 1954 and 1960 for the relief of workers and companies, and eventually a TAA program was included in the 1962 Trade Expansion Act in return for Congress granting fast-track authority to President Kennedy for the Kennedy round of GATT negotiations. - 経済産業省


From the collapse of the IT bubble in 2000 and until 2003, the German economy had been sluggish. However, backed by the "Agenda 2010"30 under the Schroder administration, by the labor market reforms based on the "Hartz laws," and by the accession of Central and Eastern European countries to the EU, progress was made in the international division of labor31 by German businesses, and through reduced labor costs and improved production efficiencies, the international competitiveness of German businesses recovered. - 経済産業省


However, business models and the industry structure in the animation production industry have been undergoing a major transformation with the emergence of companies that do not own large-scale tangible assets but have know-how necessary for animation production and make money by providing one-stop services by consolidating the management of all rights related to animation production (for instance, d-rights Inc.) (Fig. 2.1.4). - 経済産業省

この協定は、オーストラリアの居住者であるか若しくは居住者であった者、被用者であってその雇用者が当該被用者について前条1(b)に掲げる法制の適用を受けているか若しくは受けたことがあるもの、又は日本国の法令の適用を受けているか若しくは受けたことがある者、及び該当する場合には、これらの者に由来す る利を有するその他の者に適用する。例文帳に追加

This Agreement shall apply to any person who is or has been an Australian resident, whose employer is or has been subject to the law specified in subparagraph 1(b) of Article 2 in respect of that person, or who is or has been subject to the legislation of Japan and, where applicable, to other persons who derive rights from such person. - 厚生労働省


6 夫婦の一方又は双方が日本国の法令による給付を受ける利を取得している場合には、この条の規定及びオーストラリアの法令の規定の適用上、当該夫婦のそれぞれは、場合に応じ、その一方が受ける給付の 額の半分又は双方が受ける給付の合計の額の半分を受けているものとみなす。例文帳に追加

6. Where a member of a couple is, or both that person and his or her partner are, entitled to a benefit or benefits under the legislation of Japan, each of them shall be deemed, for the purpose of this Article and of the legislation of Australia, to be in receipt of one half of either the amount of that benefit or total of both of those benefits, as the case may be. - 厚生労働省



If anyone speaks, let it be as it were the very words of God. If anyone serves, let it be as of the strength which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.  - 電網聖書『ペトロの第一の手紙 4:11』


Although the Qing dynasty had allowed foreign trade only at Canton port, Britain (the British Empire) concluded the treaties of Nanjing (in 1482), Tianjin (in 1858), and Beijing (in 1860) after First Opium War and the Second Opium War in 1840 and 1857 to make Qing dynasty pay a large amount of reparations, cede Hong Kong and Kawloon island, open 11 ports including Shanghai, recognize consular jurisdiction, abandon tariff autonomy, grant one-sided most-favored-nation treatment, permit an envoy to stay in Beijing, and officially recognize and protect Christianity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

3.1.16. 「モンゴル国が加盟する国際条約」とは、工業所有の保護に関するパリ条約(1883年)、意匠の国際登録に関するヘーグ協定(1960年及び1999年)、特許協力条約(1970年)、国際特許分類に関するストラスブール協定(1971年)、意匠の国際分類を設立するためのロカルノ協定(1968年)、世界貿易機関の知的所有の貿易関連の側面に関する協定(1994年)、並びにその他モンゴル国が加盟するその他の条約及び協定をいう。例文帳に追加

3.1.16. "International Agreement to which Mongolia is party" means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883), the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Design (1960), (1999), the Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970), the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification (1971), the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Design (1968), the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994) of the World Trade Organization and other treaties and agreements to which Mongolia is party; - 特許庁

(1) 医薬特許の特許者の利は,ある者が当該特許においてクレームされた発明を実施しており,当該実施が, (a) 以下の商品,すなわち, (i) 治療用途を意図しており,かつ (ii) 1989年治療用品法に規定する医療機器又は治療機器でない商品, をオーストラリア治療用品登録簿へ登録させることに関連する目的,又は (b) 外国の又は外国の一部の法律に基づいて,類似の規制上の承認を取得することに関連する目的, のみを目的とする場合は,その者により侵害されない。例文帳に追加

(1) The rights of a patentee of a pharmaceutical patent are not infringed by a person exploiting an invention claimed in the patent if the exploitation is solely for: (a) purposes connected with obtaining the inclusion in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods of goods that: (i) are intended for therapeutic use; and (ii) are not medical devices, or therapeutic devices, as defined in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989; or (b) purposes connected with obtaining similar regulatory approval under a law of a foreign country or of a part of a foreign country.  - 特許庁


Within a term of six months after the filing date of earlier design application, which was lodged before the filing office that is not taken into consideration by the valid sector of international convention relating to the recognition of priority, the applicant shall be authorized for the right of priority of the earlier design application for the same design relating to the later design application in Austria, if any corresponding reciprocity with this filing office is determined by the announcement to be published by the Federal Minister for Traffic, Innovation and Technology.  - 特許庁


The applicant shall enjoy the right of priority of a previous trade mark application for a subsequent application in Austria for a period of six months following the date of filing the previous trade mark filed with an application office not covered by the scope of an intergovernmental agreement on recognition of priority, if the subsequent trade mark application refers to the same mark and if a respective mutuality with this application office is declared by a notice to be published by the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs in the Federal Law Gazette.  - 特許庁

(2) 最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日から12月以内に,特許庁に特許が出願され,優先が主張されたときは,次に掲げる日を基にして,優先を確立することができる。 1) 工業所有の保護に関するパリ条約(RT II 1994, 4/5, 19)の同盟国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国における最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日 (1998年6月16日。1998年7月25日施行-RT I 1998, 64/65, 1003) 2) 工業所有の保護に関するパリ条約の同盟国に該当しない国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国に該当しない国における最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日。ただし,その国がエストニア共和国においてされた最先の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願に同等の条件を保証していることを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

(2) If a patent application is filed with the Patent Office within twelve months after the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model and priority is claimed, priority may be established: 1) on the basis of the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model in any State party to the Paris Convention of the Protection of Industrial Property (RT II 1994, 4/5, 19) or member of the World Trade Organisation; 2) on the basis of the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model in a state which is not a State party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or in a state which is not member of the World Trade Organisation if such state guarantees equivalent conditions for first patent applications and registration applications of utility models filed in the Republic of Estonia.  - 特許庁


Whoever performs acts in trade which infringe Art 8 or 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 may be sued by parties entitled to the use of the protected geographical indications or designations of origin or by associations for the promotion of economic interests of entrepreneurs, in as far as these associations represent interests affected by the acts performed, by the Federal Chamber of Labour (Bundesarbeitskammer), the Austrian Chamber for Trade and Industry (Bundeskammer der gewerblichen Wirtschaft), the Standing Conference of the Presidents of the Agricultural Chambers in Austria (Prasidentenkonferenz der Landwirtschaftskammern Osterreichs) and the Austrian Trade Union (Osterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund), for an injunction and, as far as the person concerned is vested with the respective right of disposal, for the elimination of the conditions infringing the relevant provisions. Section 52 pars 2 to 6 shall be applied mutatis mutandis.  - 特許庁


In particular, we intend to ensure full discussions including on the issue of blacklisting. Ultimately, that is a matter to be decided based on consultations among private-sector parties. For my part, I hope that this matter will be dealt with from the standpoint of disaster victims with the issue of blacklisting in mind and with due consideration given to the rights of the victims, as this is a natural disaster, a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, and there is no fault with the victims themselves.  - 金融庁

(1) エストニア共和国において特許発明を実施することに関心を有しており,かつ,その実施の能力を有する者は,特許所有者がライセンスを許諾しなかった場合は,強制ライセンスを取得するために訴訟を提起することができる。ただし,次に掲げる事情が存在していることを条件とする。 1) 特許所有者が,特許証発行に関する通知の公告から3年以内又は特許出願から4年以内のうち何れか遅く終了する期間内に,エストニア共和国において特許発明を実施していないこと (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 2) 特許所有者が,エストニア共和国の国内市場の需要に見合う程度に特許発明を実施していないこと 3) エストニア共和国の経済にとって重要であって技術的に進歩した他の発明の実施をその特許が妨げていること 4) 国防,環境保護,公衆衛生及びその他エストニア共和国の重要な国益が,その発明の実施(自然災害又は他の緊急事態に関連する発明の実施を含む)を必要としていること 5) その特許が,植物品種法(RT I 1998, 36/37, 553; 2000, 10, 56; 2001, 93, 565; 2002, 53, 336; 61, 375; 63, 387)による植物品種の付与,又は法的保護が付与されている植物品種の実施を妨げていること (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

(1) A person who is interested in using a patented invention and is capable of doing so in the Republic of Estonia, may, upon refusal of the proprietor of the patent to grant a licence, file an action in court for acquiring a compulsory licence if: 1) the proprietor of the patent has not used the invention in the Republic of Estonia within three years after publication of the notice concerning the issue of the patent or within four years after filing a patent application, and in such case the term which ends later shall apply; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 2) the proprietor of the patent does not use the invention in the extent which would correspond to the needs of the domestic market of the Republic of Estonia; 3) the patent hinders the use of another, technically advanced invention significant for the economy of the Republic of Estonia; 4) national defence, environmental protection, public health and othersignificant national interests of the Republic of Estonia require the use of the invention, including the need to use the invention in connection with a natural disaster or other emergency. 5) the patent hinders the grant of plant variety rights pursuant to the Plant Variety Rights Act (RT I 1998, 36/37, 553; 2000, 10, 56; 2001, 93, 565; 2002, 53, 336; 61, 375; 63, 387) or the use of a plant variety which is granted legal protection. (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764)  - 特許庁


If seniority of a trade mark valid in Estonia is claimed for a registered Community trade mark or a Community trade mark which has been filed for registration on the basis of an earlier registered trade mark or the Madrid Protocol pursuant to Articles 34 and 35 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation, an action may be filed for the exclusive right of the proprietor of the trade mark to be declared invalid pursuant to § 52 of this Act or action against the proprietor of a trade mark for the exclusive right of the proprietor of the trade mark to be declared extinguished pursuant to § 53 of this Act even if the earlier trade mark has been deleted from the register due to refusal to renew the term or is surrendered by the proprietor.  - 特許庁

(1) 登録官は,次に掲げる標章若しくはそれらの標章のいずれかにほぼ類似しており,その標章と取られる可能性のある標章を含む又はそれらから構成される商標登録出願を拒絶することができる。 (a) 「特許」,「特許取得済」,「王室特許状による」,「登録済」,「登録意匠」,「著作」,「これを改ざんすることは偽造です」という言葉又は同じ効果を有する記号 (b) 国王若しくは王室の一員の表示 (c) 次に掲げるものの表示 (i) 王室紋章,クレスト,紋章,記章若しくは意匠 (ii) 王冠のすべて,又は (iii) 女王陛下の領土の一部の国旗,又は (d) 出願人が王室若しくは政府の任命若しくは限を有する若しくは有していたと人に思わせる可能性のある「ロイヤル」又はその他の言葉若しくは文字若しくは意匠 (e) 国旗,国章,国の標語若しくは国の印章の表示,又は地方の旗,章,標語若しくは印章の表示 (f) 市町村等の地方自治体の旗若しくは章の表示,又は国家機関若しくはパプアニューギニア国内の下部機関の旗若しくは章の表示 (g) 本条の適用上,禁止標章として規定された標章例文帳に追加

(1) The Registrar may refuse to accept an application for the registration of a trade mark which contains or consists of any of the following marks or a mark so nearly resembling any of those marks as to be likely to be taken for that mark: - (a) the word or wordsPatent”, “Patented”, “By Royal Letters Patent”, “Registered”, “Registered Design”, “Copyright”, “To counterfeit this is a forgery”, or a word or words or symbol or symbols to the like effect; (b) a representation of the Sovereign or of a member of the Royal Family; (c) a representation of (i) the Royal Arms, crests, armorial bearings, insignia or devices; or (ii) any of the Royal crowns; or (iii) the national flag of a part of the Queen’s dominions; or (d) the wordRoyalor any other word, or any letters or device, likely to lead persons to think that the applicant has or has had Royal or Government patronage or authority; (e) a representation of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Motto or National Seal or of the flag, emblem, motto or seal of a province; (f) a representation of the flag or emblem of a city or town or Local-level Government or of a statutory body or instrumentality in Papua New Guinea; (g) a mark prescribed as being, for the purposes of this section, a prohibited mark. - 特許庁


Besides, some of those employees are dispatched workers, we think that this employment arrangement should If they are employed merely as providers of labor, as a tool, as cheap labor, as promoted by the previous LDP-Komeito government and the Koizumi politics, we must change that situation. We have asked (Japan Post) President Saito to find out and report to me the actual employment conditions and what kind of jobs they are actually doing.  - 金融庁


As to the utilization of dormant deposits, relevant cabinet ministers recently held a meeting to discuss such points of debate as how to ensure depositors' trust and assure convenience for them, how to share the cost of managing dormant accounts and the legal treatment of property rights to dormant deposits, and later, Minister Furukawa apparently spoke in a door-step interview.  I believe that it is necessary to consider this matter from a broad perspective.  - 金融庁


As I said previously, regarding the use of dormant deposits, I believe it is necessary to hold debate from the perspective of a wide range of points of debate, such as how to secure the confidence of and convenience for depositors, the legal treatment of property rights relating to dormant deposits, who should manage dormant deposit accounts, how accounts should be managed, and how to finance and share the costs of paying back and managing dormant deposits, in light of the unique circumstances in Japan and on the premise of depositors' and other relevant parties' understanding. And then we should consider how to create an effective and sustainable system.  - 金融庁


In the policy pledges, which I call the “Super Manifesto,” our commitment to properly implement SME financing including dealing with the credit crunch and credit withdrawal-the gist of the SME Financing Facilitation Act-had already been written in the form of a common pledge before the election, based on which the three parties reached an agreement after the change of government on September 9, 2009. The content, as it was, was then passed on to and implemented by former Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei.  - 金融庁

③ 担当取締役としての役割及び責任について、いわゆる執行役員(非取締役)が担っている場合には、当該執行役員が取締役会により担当取締役と実質的に同等の限を付与されているか、責任の所在が明確になっているか、担当する業務執行について取締役会による十分な監視が行われているか、等を総合的に検証した上、各チェックリスト上担当取締役に求められる役割及び責任を十分果たしているか検証するものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case where an executive director (non-director) assumes the roles and responsibilities that would normally be assumed by a director in charge of a specific business operation, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive review as to whether the Board of Directors has assigned the officer authority similar in effect to that which would be granted to a director in charge, whether the focus of the responsibility is made clear and whether the Board of Directors sufficiently monitors the execution of the relevant business operation. Based on the findings thereof, the inspector should determine whether the executive officer is performing the roles and responsibilities required for a director in charge as specified in the checklists of this manual.  - 金融庁


This Convention shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes that are imposed by Japan or under the federal law of Australia after the date of signature of the Convention in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes referred to in paragraph 1. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of any significant changes that have been made in the law of their respective Contracting States relating to the taxes to which the Convention applies within a reasonable period of time after such changes.  - 財務省


The Philippines will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets and confiscate funds related to money laundering (Special Recommendation III and Recommendation 3); (3) enhancing financial transparency (Recommendation 4); (4) ensuring capacity and financial resources for competent authorities (Recommendation 30); and (5) establishing effective CDD measures (Recommendation 5).  - 財務省


The Philippines should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets and confiscate funds related to money laundering (Special Recommendation III and Recommendation 3); (3) enhancing financial transparency (Recommendation 4); (4) ensuring capacity and financial resources for competent authorities (Recommendation 30); and (5) establishing effective CDD measures (Recommendation 5).  - 財務省


The FATF will assess these regulations and, in any case, Trinidad and Tobago should continue to work on addressing its deficiencies, including by: (1) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets without delay (Special Recommendation III); (2) implementing adequate procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering (Recommendation 3); and (3) establishing a fully operational and effectively functioning FIU, including supervisory powers (Recommendation 26).  - 財務省


Namibia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; (3) implementing an adequate AML/CFT supervisory programme with sufficient powers; (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), in particular addressing the operational autonomy of the FIU; and (5) implementing effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions in order to deal with non-compliance with the national AML/CFT requirements.  - 財務省


Namibia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; (3) implementing an adequate AML/CFT supervisory programme with sufficient powers; (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), in particular addressing the operational autonomy of the FIU; and (5) implementing effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions in order to deal with non-compliance with the national AML/CFT requirements.  - 財務省


Where, pursuant to Rule 5 of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty, samples of biological material are transferred to a substitute international depositary authority for the reason that the original international depositary authority has discontinued the performance of functions, the applicant or the patentee must inform the Commissioner of the name of the substitute international depositary authority and of the new accession number given to the deposit by the substitute international depositary authority before the expiry of the three-month period after the date of issuance of a receipt by the substitute international depositary authority.  - 特許庁


Where, pursuant to Rule 5 of the Regulations under the Budapest Treaty, samples of biological material are transferred to a substitute international depositary authority for the reason that the original international depositary authority has discontinued the performance of functions, the applicant or the patentee must inform the Commissioner of the name of the substitute international depositary authority and of the new accession number given to the deposit by the substitute international depositary authority on or before the later of January 1, 1998 and the expiry of the three-month period after the date of issuance of a receipt by the substitute international depositary authority. 162.  - 特許庁

本法は,工業意匠(以下「意匠」という)の分野において創作された意匠に関するエストニア共和国における法的保護並びに,本法に規定する場合においては,共同体意匠に関する2002年12月12日の理事会規則(EC)第6/2000号(2002年1月5日公報L 003, P. 0001-0024)(以下「共同体意匠規則」という)に基づいて欧州共同体商標意匠庁(Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market)により未登録又は登録済の意匠(以下「共同体意匠」という)に関する利及び義務を規制する。例文帳に追加

This Act regulates the legal protection in the Republic of Estonia of industrial designs created in the field of industrial design and, in the cases provided for in this Act, the rights and obligations related to industrial designs unregistered or registered by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (hereinafter Community designs) on the basis of Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2000 of 12 December 2002 on Community designs (Official Journal L 003, 05/01/2002 P. 0001 - 0024) (hereinafter Community Design Regulation).  - 特許庁


A person who, prior to the filing of a registration application for an industrial design by another person, has, in good faith and independently of the applicant for registration of the industrial design (hereinafter applicant), used an identical or confusingly similar industrial design or has made serious preparations for the use of such industrial design in the Republic of Estonia may continue to use the industrial design in the same manner or commence use of the industrial design as planned (hereinafter right of prior use).  - 特許庁


After hearing the application, the court may make such an order if it is satisfied that: products embodying the design have not been made in Australia, to the extent that is reasonable in the circumstances of the case; and the registered owner of the design has given no satisfactory reason for failing to exercise the exclusive rights in the design; and the applicant has tried for a reasonable period, but without success, to obtain from the registered owner of the design an authorisation to do, on reasonable terms and conditions, any of the things mentioned in paragraphs 10(1)to in relation to the design.  - 特許庁


The proprietor of a registered trade mark shall also be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in the course of trade any sign identical with, or similar to, the trade mark in relation to goods or services (Section 10a) which are not similar to those for which the trade mark is registered, where the latter has a reputation in Austria and where use of that sign without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the trade mark.  - 特許庁


Where the proprietor of an earlier registered trade mark has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of a later sign in Austria while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the previous right to oppose the use in respect of the goods or services for which the later sign was used, unless the user of the later sign commenced the use in bad faith or, if the later sign refers to a registered trade mark, its application was made in bad faith.  - 特許庁

(3) 複数の者が特許庁又は審判委員会において特許保護に関する手続を共同して行うときは,これらの者は,その代表として特許代理人を選任するか又はこれらの者の中から居所又は所在地をエストニア共和国に有している代表者(以下「共通の代表者」という)を選出することができる。共通の代表者は,特許出願の移転を除き,特許出願の処理に関するすべての手続を共同出願人の名義で行う利を有する。 (2003年1月29日。2003年4月1日施行-RT I 2003, 18, 106)例文帳に追加

(3) If procedures related to patent protection are performed in the Patent Office or in the Board of Appeal by several persons together, they may authorise a patent agent as their representative or choose a representative from among themselves (hereinafter joint representative) whose residence or seat is in the Republic of Estonia. A joint representative has the right to perform all procedures related to the processing of a patent application in the name of the applicants, except transfer of the patent application. (29.01.2003 entered into force 01.04.2003 - RT I 2003, 18, 106)  - 特許庁


A printer 1 having an identification means for identifying a user includes a decision means for deciding whether or not a print job is treated as a guest job having a limited right concerning printing a document and/or storing the document based on predetermined information, and an execution means for printing the document and/or storing the document based on the decided result with the determination means. - 特許庁


To provide a license data providing device capable of protecting user's right for content reproduction, which restores license even if the license data is lost during transmission due to accident such as interruption of power supply or the license data is lost as a process for a transmitted license data is not completed on a receiver side when writing from a license presenting device to a storage device. - 特許庁


A printer 1 having an authentication means authenticating a user is provided with: a determination means determining whether or not the printing jobs are handled as a guest job restricting authority relative to document printing and/or document storage based on given information; and an implementation means implementing the document printing and/or the document storage based on a determination result determined by the determination means. - 特許庁


To realize a function of preparing and embedding character data by judging the right of the character data used for a document, a function of holding original character information regardless of an editing environment, and a function of effectively using the character data installed in a server on a network in a common system for connecting a plurality of information processors to the network, and preserving the document in the server on the network. - 特許庁


Among measures for the management of key persons, there were many enterprises that responded the following measures are important: "striving to achieve compensation the employee finds satisfactory," "the evaluation system reflects results," "adequate discretionary powers are provided for assigned projects and duties," "the employee is filling an important position," and "opportunities to speak directly with management are being created along with opportunities for management to directly experience the employee at work." Key persons also have the awareness that these measures are important. - 経済産業省


When we look at the state of measures (Fig. 3-3-65),we find that there is a relatively higher state of implementation of measures for items with a high degree of importance; items such as the following: "employee is filling an important position," "the evaluation system reflects results," "opportunities to speak directly with management are being created along with opportunities for management to directly experience the employee at work," "adequate discretionary powers are provided for assigned projects and duties," and "striving to achieve compensation the employee finds satisfactory." - 経済産業省


The characteristics of credit scoring include (1) loan applications being screened based on, among other things, the probability of bankruptcy calculated statistically from population data,21) (2) risk management of loans in a portfolio as a whole following numerous principles, rather than management of risks on a per-loan basis, (3) rapid processing of loans, (4) capping of the maximum value of loans, and (5) reduction of screening costs through automation of much of the screening process,22) and there is interest on the side of financial institutions as well in these characteristics (Fig. 2-2-25). - 経済産業省


As observed in the 2005 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan, the characteristics of quick loans include the following: 5) 1) Screening of loan applications based on, among other things, the probability of bankruptcy calculated statistically from data on the parent population. 2) Risk management of loans in a portfolio as a whole based on the law of large numbers, rather than management of risks on a per-loan basis. 3) Rapid processing of loans. 4) Capping of the maximum value of loans. 5) Reduction of screening costs through automation of much of the screening process.  - 経済産業省


①については更に、申立国が一方的に対抗措置 を実施できると規定するもの(NAFTA(2019条 1項)、韓国-シンガポール(20.14条2項)及び タイ-ニュージーランド(17.11条1項)等※被申 立国は対抗措置の程度に関する仲裁申請可能)と、 パネル又は締約国の代表者から構成される機関か ら対抗措置を執る限を付与されるまでは対抗措 置を実施できないとするもの(SAARC(20条11 項)、Bangkok Agreement(16条)、オーストラリ ア-シンガポール(16章10条2項))がある。例文帳に追加

With respect to option (1) above, some agreements permit the complainant to take unilateral retaliatory measures against the respondent (See, for example, NAFTA, Article 2019, Paragraph 1;Korea - Singapore FTA, Article 20.14, Paragraph 2; and Thailand - New Zealand FTA, Article 17.11, Paragraph 1, (wherein the respondent party has the right to dispute the level of such unilateral retaliatory measures in arbitration)) and others permit the complainant to take retaliatory measures only after the panel or council body consisting of representatives of the contracting parties' governments, as the case may be, so authorizes (see, for example, SAARC, Article 20, Paragraph 11;Bangkok Agreement, Article 16; and Australia - Singapore FTA, Chapter 16, Article 10, Paragraph 2). - 経済産業省


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