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However, regarding matters related to local economies, the SME Financing Facilitation Act, for example, has a narrow focus. The issue here is whether individual SMEs can survive as a result of the modification of the terms of loans. Local economies are comprised of such small details. Therefore, I have mentioned the need for both a broad perspective and a narrow focus. It is important to promote the further development of the national economy and financial industry from both approaches. I hope that the working group will hold substantive discussions on such matters in particular.  - 金融庁


I presume that Japan has been able to properly deal with various incidents during the current crisis partly because institutional frameworks and the way of managing them have been fairly well developed. Nevertheless, it is true that although our mission remains unchanged compared with 10 years ago, the surrounding environment has changed considerablythis is true not only for the financial sector but for the entire economy. When economic transactions are made instantly around the world via the Internet, they always entail fund settlements and credit-debt relationships. That is how the current crisis has spread worldwide. The situation was different 10 years ago or so.  - 金融庁


As you may know, no major turmoil has arisen, and I have been told that business operations including cancellation procedures are, thankfully, being carried out smoothly. On the whole, everything is going extremely smoothly. I believe once things have settled down, we would have to verify this situation in an appropriate manner. In any case, up to 10 million yen in principal per depositor and the interest on such principal will be protected regardless of the repayment period, and any amount in excess of 10 million yen in principal and the interest on such principal will be reimbursed according to civil rehabilitation proceedings, so I would like to further request depositors to respond in a calm fashion.  - 金融庁


As for Japan's financial system, as I have repeatedly said, the exposure of Japanese banks to subprime mortgage-related products, securitization products in general and their losses, which the FSA has compiled and published, are limited compared with the situations of the LCFIs in Europe and the United States, each of which has posted losses to the tune of 3, 4 or 5 trillion yen. Also, Japanese banks' losses are small enough to be covered by their term profits, securing profits for the banking industry as a whole. In light of these factors, I remain unswayed in my belief that Japan's financial system is unlikely to receive serious damage.  - 金融庁



As world-leading disclosure practice, the FSA has compiled and disclosed data regarding subprime-related securitized products as of the end of March 2008. As for the fiscal year ended in March, the FSA expanded the scope of disclosure to include securitized products not related to subprime mortgages, namely non-subprime CLO (collateralized loan obligations) and CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), as well as non-subprime RMBS (residential mortgage-backed securities), CMBS (commercial mortgage-backed securities) and leveraged loans. The FSA then compiled and disclosed nation-wide data regarding all Japanese financial institutions' holdings of securitized products with regard to each of these categories of securities.  - 金融庁



As I did not watch that television program, I do not exactly know what he meant by the expressionkeep themselves going beyond the end of the year.” However, similar expressions are often used by business managers, including SME managers, such as when they say that they do not knowwhether we can secure sufficient funds to keep us goingbeyond the end of the year, or beyond the end of the fiscal year. The condition of Japan’s real economy - the condition of regional economies and SMEs - is very severe. Therefore, business managers apparently speak of the difficulty of keeping themselves going beyond the end of the year. However, we have taken measures to keep the financial system stable, and those measures have now been well established, as I said earlier.  - 金融庁

9.IMF は、個別国のマクロ経済政策の持続可能性や安定性を評価するプロセス全体を通じて、G20各国と緊密に協議すべきである。 これらの原則を用いて、政策シナリオ案についての IMF の報告は、調整のもたらすグローバルな影響や幅広い指標に亘るメンバー国への影響を明確に記述すべきである。 我々は世界銀行に対し、グローバルな成長のリバランスの一環として、開発と貧困削減の推進に関する進捗について我々に助言するよう求める。また、我々は、金融セクター政策に関する FSB、労働市場政策に関する ILO、貿易政策に関する WTO、適切な場合における OECD と UNCTAD から等々の、他の国際機関からの貢献に期待している。例文帳に追加

9. The Fund should closely consult with G-20 countries throughout the process when assessing the sustainability and stability of an individual country's macroeconomic policy. In adopting these principles, the Fund's report on alternative policy scenarios should clearly describe the global effects of adjustment, as well as the implications for member countries across a spectrum of indicators. We will ask the World Bank to advise us on progress in promoting development and poverty reduction as part of rebalancing of global growth. We also look forward to contributions from other international organizations, including the FSB on financial policies, the ILO on labor market policies, the WTO on trade policies, and the OECD and UNCTAD where appropriate.  - 財務省


If examples of 24 degrees and 25 degrees are stated, this cannot be a direct basis for permitting an amendment of the numerical limitation of "24 to 25 degrees."However, it may be found that a specific scope of 24 to 25 degrees was referred to in light of the whole statement of the originally attached description, etc. (in cases where, for example, 24 degrees and 25 degrees are found to be stated as border values of upper limit and lower limit, etc. of ascertain consecutive numerical scope in light of the statement of the problem, effect, etc.). In this case, unlike cases of absence of an example, it can be evaluated that the numerical limitation was stated originally, and new technical matter is not introduced. The amendment is, therefore, permitted.  - 特許庁

(4)(5)に従うことを条件として,2004年7月1日又はその以降に提出された登録出願において,商標の全体又はその重要な部分が先の商標と同一又は類似する場合は,後の商標は,次の場合において登録されない。 (a)先の商標がシンガポールにおいて周知であり,かつ (b)後の商標が使用する商品若しくはびサービスは, (i)先の商標の所有者とこれらの商品,サービス間の関係を示すことができ,且つ先の商標の所有者の利益を損害する虞がある場合,又は (ii)先の商標がシンガポールで公衆にとって周知である場合は,(A)不正な方法で先の商標の識別的な特徴を希釈させる,又は, (B)不正に先の商標の識別的な特徴を利用する。例文帳に追加

(4) Subject to subsection (5), where an application for registration of a trade mark is made on or after 1st July 2004, if the whole or an essential part of the trade mark is identical with or similar to an earlier trademark, the later trade mark shall not be registered if — (a) the earlier trade mark is well known in Singapore; and (b) use of the later trade mark in relation to the goods or services for which the later trade mark is sought to be registered(i) would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the proprietor of the earlier trade mark, and is likely to damage the interests of the proprietor of the earlier trade mark; or (ii) if the earlier trade mark is well known to the public at large in Singapore — (A) would cause dilution in an unfair manner of the distinctive character of the earlier trade mark; or (B) would take unfair advantage of the distinctive character of the earlier trade mark. - 特許庁



Drawings should be made with the fewest lines possible consistent with clearness. By the observance of this rule the effectiveness of the work after reduction will be much increased. Shading (except on sectional views) should be used sparingly, and may even be dispensed with if the drawing be otherwise well executed. The plane upon which a sectional view is taken should be indicated on the general view by a broken or dotted line, which should be designated by numerals corresponding to the number of the sectional view. Heavy lines on the shade sides of objects should be used, except where they tend to thicken the work and obscure letter of reference. The light is always supposed to come from the upper left hand corner of an angle of 45 degrees. - 特許庁


(8) 国際出願が発明の単一性の要件を遵守していないこと,及び出願人が追加の国際調査又は国際予備審査について特許協力条約によって規定されている手数料を納付していないことを理由として,国際出願の一部に関し,国際予備審査又は国際調査が行われていない場合は,特許庁は,国際出願の当該部分について,国際調査又は予備審査を行わないとする国際調査機関又は国際予備審査機関の決定が正しいか否かを検証しなければならない。決定が正しい場合は,国際出願の内,発明の単一性の要件を遵守していない部分は,取り下げられたとみなす。それに該当しない場合は,特許庁は,国際出願の全体について処理を継続しなければならない。特許庁は,その決定を出願人に書面で通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(8) If international preliminary examination or international search is not performed with respect to a part of an international application on the grounds that the application is not in compliance with the requirement of unity of invention and the applicant has not paid the fee prescribed by the Patent Cooperation Treaty for additional international search or international preliminary examination, the Patent Office shall verify the correctness of the decision of the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority not to perform international search or preliminary examination with respect to the part of the patent application. If the decision is correct, such parts of the international application which are not in compliance with the requirement of unity of invention are deemed to be withdrawn. Otherwise, the Patent Office shall continue the processing of the international application in full. The Patent Office shall notify the applicant of its decision in writing.  - 特許庁

平成21年における新規入国者全体に占める,就労を目的とする在留資格による新規入国者数の割合は0.9%である。 なお,就労を目的とする在留資格には含まれないが,「日本人の配偶者等」や「定住者」など身分又は地位により在留資格を付与されている者は在留活動に制限が設けられておらず,また,旅行を目的としつつその資金に充当するための就労が可能なワーキング・ホリデー制度の利用者,大学教育の一環として我が国の企業に受け入れられて就業体験をする,いわゆるインターンシップ制度を利用する外国の大学生及び資格外活動の許可を受けた留学生等も同許可の範囲内で就労が認められているので,実際に働くことのできる外国人の割合は更に大きなものとなる.例文帳に追加

The statuses of residence ofSpouse or Child of Japanese National” and “Long-term Resident”, which are not included in the status of residence for employment purposes, have no restrictions on activities during the stay in Japan. Foreign nationals who fall under any of the following are also allowed to work within the limit permitted: those whose status of residence is basically for travel but permits work to cover travel expenses under the working holiday system, foreign college students in internship programs which enable them to gain work experience in a Japanese company as part of their college education, and foreign students who are permitted to conduct an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted. Therefore, it is assumed that the proportion of foreign nationals permitted to work in Japan could be larger.  - 特許庁


The reception signal processing part copes with two or more kinds of reception signal processing systems, and the control part allocates one of the plurality of reception signal processing systems as a reception processing system of the signals received from an opposite radio signal device, corresponding to the situation of the radio communication device opposing through a transmission line and a reception signal processing situation. - 特許庁


The barrier layer and the wiring layer are connected to each other via a through hole formed in the silicon nitride film and the interlayer dielectric, a part of the planarized insulating film is removed and bonding is made in the metal wiring layer. - 特許庁


The market share of state-owned enterprises, which were dominant in the period of the planned economy,has dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and open has dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and openhas dwindled dramatically in terms of total industrial production through the process of reform and open involves the issue of a main body seeking corporate governance, the other issue concerns accounting systems that are adjusted to harmonize with recent trends in the capital market. - 経済産業省

昨年11 月以外の月についても確認すると、①工業団地への浸水が始まった昨年10 月になって急速に特定電子部品の生産水準が悪化し、直近でも生産水準の回復が遅れている(今年3 月でも未だに前年同月比▲50%台)こと、②輸送用機械の方がHDD や電気製品よりも昨年10 月に突然急速に悪化し、直近では急速に生産を回復している*61(今年3 月の生産が、HDDは前年同月比▲ 9.9%・電気製品▲ 7.9%に対し、輸送用機械全体では同+14.7%まで回復)こと、③テレビや繊維製品等幾つかの品目(以下、生産調整品目という。)では、生産循環など洪水とは直接関係のない要因で既に洪水前から生産水準が低く、前年同月比のマイナス幅が大きかったことが特徴として確認できる。例文帳に追加

The following characteristics are made evident through the study of other months, in addition to November: (A) The production level of specific electronic parts rapidly deteriorated in October 2011,when the inundation of industrial estates started and the recovery of the production is still slow ( 50%compared with the same month a year ago, even as of March 2012); (B) The production of transportation machinery deteriorated more rapidly in October 2011 than the production of HDDs or electric products, but its production rapidly recovered recently*61 (as of March 2012, the production of the overall transportation machinery recovered to +14.7% compared with the same month a year ago, while that of HDDs and electric products showed 9.9% and 7.9%, respectively). (C) The level of production of some items, such as televisions and textile products (hereinafter referred to as "items subject to product adjustment"), was originally low due to the product cycles and other factors that are not directly associated with the floods. The magnitude of decline of these items was large compared with the same month a year ago. - 経済産業省

付録図表5-1では、「1 日につき多数の内部統制の運用が行われている母集団の内部統制の有効性を評価する場合、25 件のサンプルを無作為抽出し、そのサンプルの中に1 件の逸脱もない場合に内部統制は有効と判断する」ということを示している。なお、1 日につき多数及び日次の場合のサンプル件数は、統計的方法により求められたものである。この場合、無限大の母集団から25 件のサンプルをランダムに抽出した結果、1 件の逸脱も発見されなかった場合、全体としては、9%以上の逸脱がないことを信頼水準90%で説明することができる⇒(実施基準 Ⅲ.4(2)①ロa)。なお、付録図表5-1のサンプル件数と許容逸脱件数の組合せについては、1 日につき多数及び日次の場合以外は、統計的方法によるものではない。例文帳に追加

Table 5-1 shows that when making an assessment of the effectiveness of a population in which many internal controls are carried out daily, 25 cases should be sampled in a random manner, and internal controls should be considered to be working effectively if there is no one deviation in these 25 cases sampled. The number of cases to be sampled and the allowable number of deviations shown to the right ofMany samples in one day” and “Daily” were calculated by using a statistical method. If 25 cases are sampled from an infinitely large population and if no one deviation is found in these 25 cases, the number of deviations accounts for 9% or less of the total number of samples collected can be expressed as 90% confidence level. (⇒ III 4 (2) 1 B a, Practice Standards) In Table 5-1, the number of cases to be sampled and the allowable number of deviations shown to the right ofWeekly,” “Monthly,”“Quarterly,” and “Yearly” are calculated using a means other than a statistical method.  - 経済産業省


Over the past decade, systems and institutions for ventures have been greatly developed. For instance, emerging equity exchanges were opened, minimum capital requirements for joint-stock companies were abolished, and systems for financing without the need for collateral or a guarantor were introduced. During the global IT boom around 2000, many IT service-related start-ups also came into the spotlight in Japan. In the country as a whole, however, the opening rate of establishments (the proportion of start-ups among existing businesses) stood at 5.1% (2004 - 2006), smaller than the closing rate (the proportion of discontinued companies among existing businesses) of 6.2%. This has also stayed at a lower level than that in the United States (10.2%), the United Kingdom (10.0%), and France (12.1%). (The year of reference is 2004 for all three countries).  - 経済産業省


In Japan records of return on investment in the venture capital industry should also play an important role to encourage institutional investors, especially pension funds, to increase investment in the sector. Databases of such records would help venture capitals use their limited resources in an efficient way to make decisions on investment and achieve high performance in their investment. In addition, venture capital data bases would be needed for the industry as a whole to train excellent venture capitalists. To obtain promising venture capitalists, it is essential to prepare environments that help them set up their own venture capital in future.  - 経済産業省


As conditions are thus getting tougher in a variety of aspects for start-ups that intend to go public on a emerging equity exchange, there are concerns emerging not only that start-ups might have more difficulty in raising money from an emerging equity exchange, but also that the impact might extend to venture capitals and angels, which at present make profits from capital gains they earn mainly by taking start-ups public on a emerging equity exchange. In particular, when venture capitals commit themselves to earning a certain percentage of profits on their investments, a depressed offering price leads to a diminution of the money venture capitals can afford to invest. Greater impacts of such shrinking investments are felt, it is said, especially by start-ups in the biotechnology sector. With such difficulties left unsolved, the impact on direct facing may become severe.  - 経済産業省


It is necessary to pay due attention to the protection of environment and the promotion of sustainable development, as is provided in Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration. From this viewpoint, Japan, in collaboration with other Members, is prepared to work out a list of environmental goods for their improved market access, in accordance with Paragraph 31 of the Doha Declaration. Concessions to be made out of the list are to be evaluated as part of the overall results of the negotiations. From the same viewpoint as above, special consideration should be given, in the course of market access negotiation, to the goods which have to be appropriately addressed in terms of global environment issues and the sustainable use of exhaustible natural resources. In this regard, Japan intends to make a proposal specifically on this point.  - 経済産業省


Members, Recognizing the growing importance of trade in services for the growth and development of the world economy; Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the development of developing countries; Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national policy objectives; Recognizing the right of Members to regulate, and to introduce new regulations, on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives and, given asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of services regulations in different countries, the particular need of developing countries to exercise this right; Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness; Taking particular account of the serious difficulty of the least-developed countries in view of their special economic situation and their development, trade and financial needs; Hereby agree as follows: - 経済産業省


From this viewpoint, it is appropriate for the deposit insurance system to return to a partial coverage system to protect small depositors, i.e. lift the current blanket deposit protection system.  - 金融庁


For the exploitation of overseas markets, mainly in Asia where interest in Japanese food is increasing based on the prosperity of the wealthy class in particular, it is important (1) as internal activities, to overcome bottlenecks such as human resources, information, etc. in order to appropriately identify overseas market needs and construct a network necessary for sales channel development as well as to let a type oflocal trading companies” that have “new trade company capabilitiesto provide information on the unique value of local products and sell them in a more appropriate size and adaptable manner than major trading companies to make production and distribution connected as entities responsible for the management of the entire food value chain; (2) as cross-boundary activities, to adopt strategic measures, including the acceleration of intergovernmental discussions on quarantine in order to increase the export of agricultural fishery, and food products from Japan; and (3) as activities in overseas markets, to secure loyal non-transient customers of Japanese agricultural products through the expansion of markets for Japanese food and food materials and the prevention of the leakage of intellectual properties such as local brands, making good use of Japanese restaurants that are the point of contact with customers. - 経済産業省


I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-offscheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-offscheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if thepay-offscheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business.  - 金融庁


Another matter I would like to mention is the stability of the financial system. This is a global issue, with currencies around the world in a very unstable condition due to the Greek shock and the Irish crisis. In that respect, a certain degree of agreement was recently reached at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and at wider forums, such as the G20 summit in Seoul and G-8. However, there are still some issues over which differences remain. In light of the increasingly important role of the financial sector, I feel the growing importance of international initiatives concerning financial regulation. In the future, in order to prevent the recurrence of a financial crisis and to strengthen the financial system, Japan will continue to actively participate in international debates on a broad range of tasks agreed on at the G20 summit. Although Japan slipped to No. 3 in terms of the size of GDP, it is still among the top three as an economic power. Since the Lehman shock in particular, Japan’s position in the global economy has become increasingly important at a time when Asia is achieving remarkable economic development. Therefore, Japan will actively participate in such debates.  - 金融庁


(a)発明の単一性の要件は,複数の発明が,1以上の同一の又は対応する特別な技術的特徴を伴った技術的関係を有する場合にのみ満たされるものとする。「特別な技術的特徴」という表現は,クレームされている各発明が全体として先行技術を改良する貢献度を定義する技術的特徴をいう。 (b)1群の発明が単一の包括的発明概念を形成するように結び付いているか否かの判定は,発明が別々のクレームにおいて主張されているか又は単一のクレーム内で択一的に主張されているかを考慮することなくされる。 (c)カテゴリーが異なる複数の独立クレームは,単一の発明概念を形成するように結び付いて1群の発明を構成することができる。結び付きとは,例えば,製品とその製法との間の結び付き,又は製法とその製法を実施するための装置との間の結び付きをいう。 (d)1の出願では,異なるカテゴリーのクレームからなる特徴を有する組み合わせは次の3通りが許される。 (1)ある製品に係る独立クレームに加えて,当該製品の製造のために特に採用された製法に係る独立クレーム,及び製品の使用に係る独立クレーム (2)ある製法に係る独立クレームに加えて,当該製法を実施するために特に設計された装置又は手段に係る独立クレーム,又は (3)ある製品に係る独立クレームに加えて,当該製品の製造のために特に適合させた製法に係る独立クレーム,及び当該製法を実施するために特に設計された装置又は手段に係る独立クレーム例文帳に追加

(a) The requirement of unity of invention shall be fulfilled only when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features. The expressionspecial technical features” shall mean those technical features that define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions, considered as a whole makes over the prior art. (b) The determination whether a group of inventions is so linked as to form a single general inventive concept shall be made without regard to whether the inventions are claimed in separate claims or as alternative within a single claim. (c) A plurality of independent claims in different categories may constitute a group of inventions linked to form a single general inventive concept, the link being e.g. that between a product and the process which produces it; or between a process and an apparatus for carrying out the process. (d) Three different specific combinations of claims in different categories which are permissible in any one application are the following: (1) In addition to an independent claim for a given product, an independent claim for a process specially adopted for the manufacture of the product, and an independent claim for a use of the product; or (2) In addition to an independent claim for a given process, an independent claim for an apparatus or means specifically designed for carrying out the process; or (3) In addition to an independent claim for a given product, an independent claim for a process specially adapted for the manufacture of the product, and an independent claim for apparatus or means specifically designed for carrying out the process. - 特許庁


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