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On Saturday, June 25, the GHOS held a meeting in Basel, Switzerland, to discuss additional capital requirements for G-SIFIs, which have been the subject of global debate since the Lehman shock and which are described as being too big to fail. From Japan, FSA Commissioner Mikuniya, Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa and FSA Vice Commissioner for International Affairs Kono attended this meeting.  - 金融庁


However, that has changed significantly as a result of the Lehman shock. That is a Copernican change. It is still causing very significant economic, social and political changes around the world, including Japan. Yesterday, I saw on TV a scene of tens of thousands of people gathering before the Greek parliament. That is an impact of the Lehman shock in the broad sense.  - 金融庁


Although this poses a major problem, there has not until now been guidelines for individuals, so debtors have been forced into such situations as being declared bankrupt in some cases. Therefore, consultations have been under way at a study group on the Guidelines of Workout for Restructuring Debt Owed by Individual Debtors for individual debtors that is comprised of representatives from the financial industry and associations of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), as well as the legal and academic circles, with the Japanese Bankers Association acting as the secretariat. Today, the study group is scheduled to work out the Guidelines.  - 金融庁


The double loan problem has emerged as a very serious issue since immediately after the earthquake disaster, as I repeatedly said in the Diet. The Prime Minister has instructed the Ministry of Finance, the FSA, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, which is responsible for housing-related matters, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which oversees matters related to SMEs and - as farmland has been damaged - the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, to deal with the double loan problem under the leadership of the Cabinet Secretariat. The Guidelines of Workout for Restructuring Debt Owed by Individual Debtors is being drafted as part of this effort.  - 金融庁



Four years ago, during the period of the Bush administration, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) announced that the United States would shift to IFRS, and subsequently, Japan's Keidanren, as well as the Financial Services Agency (FSA), concluded that Japan should also adopt IFRS amid the ongoing economic globalization, following suit of Europe and the United States in shifting to IFRS, given that the United States is the world's largest market and Europe as a whole is an even larger market than the United States.  - 金融庁



Mr. Sato has a long period of experience in the field of accounting, as you know.Having long worked for Mitsubishi Electric, a major Japanese electric machinery manufacturer, he has an experience as a manager as well as an accounting expert, as he served as Vice President of the company. Those are the reasons why I appointed these three people as Advisers.  - 金融庁


The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 was the biggest event during my tenure as the Minister. On that day, together with the Governor of the Bank of Japan, I requested financial institutions to take appropriate financial measures, such as flexibly paying back deposits to people who lost passbooks and seals, and quickly paying insurance claims through simplified procedures. For example, household earthquake insurance claims totaling 1.12 trillion yen had been paid as of August 17.  - 金融庁


If that happens, people who will suffer most will be the nearly 100,000 residents who cannot return to their homes due to radioactive contamination. In accordance with the principles of the Act on Contract for Indemnification of Nuclear Damage Compensation, Tokyo Electric Power should properly bear the burden, and to that end, it was necessary to keep the company operating as a free enterprise, a private company. That was the biggest reason.  - 金融庁


The last holdout was Slovakia, which is a former communist country located in East Europe and is where per-capital national income is lower than in Greece - I am speaking from second-hand knowledge, to tell the truth, as I have not visited Slovakia - and people in that country are wondering why they have to bail out Greece, where income is higher. Therefore, the ruling coalition was divided, but a compromise has been reached following the cabinet's pledge to resign en masse and move up the date of a general election. That, I think, is a big step forward.  - 金融庁



Although you may think that the progress has been very slow, these are very important, epoch-making bills. On the watch of Mr.Koizumi (former Prime Minister) and Mr.Takenaka (former minister in charge of postal reform), postal privatization was positioned as the centerpiece of Japan's structural reform. The postal privatized businesses have been severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, so we decided at a cabinet meeting to sell shares in the postal businesses and use the proceeds for recovery from the earthquake impact.  - 金融庁



The case related to LIBOR and TIBOR has emerged as a very serious problem amid the European crisis.  However, I would like to refrain from commenting on specific issues like this.  Generally speaking, the FSA has already been checking banks' internal control systems through inspection and supervisory activities, and if a problem is found regarding a bank's internal control system, we will deal with it appropriately as needed.  - 金融庁


Regarding the enforcement of the Volcker Rule, I met with Mr. Volcker, a former FRB Chairman, when I visited New York two years ago, and last year, he visited me at my office. Regarding the enforcement of the Volcker Rule, I hope that adequate coordination will be made through multilateral and bilateral consultations so as not to produce unnecessary adverse effects on foreign financial institutions or foreign financial markets.  - 金融庁


More than observing laws, principles such as never cheating other people or telling lies have formed the philosophical basis of the remarkable development of modern capitalism, so we should act in an appropriate manner in that respect, although the idea that earning money is everything was evident in various incidents that took place around the time of the Lehman shock in the United States in particular. That's how I personally feel about this issue.  - 金融庁


All the same, let me mention that at yesterday's meeting of postmasters sponsored by the Study Group on Postal Policy, Japan Post President Saito said that at a time when a certain American life insurance company has a market share of around 75% and the largest Japanese life insurance company is struggling in the market, it would be difficult for Japan Post Insurance to provide cancer insurance at the low price offered to the Japanese people by the American company. That is a managerial judgment, and our position is that we respect managers' discretion.  - 金融庁


Basically, our broad objective is to ensure that certified public accountants play their role effectively. While I expect that various opinions will be expressed, our broad objective is to ensure that certified public accountants play their role effectively in dealing with accounting fraud, as I mentioned now. I do not think it would be appropriate for me to make comments with prejudgment before the Audit Committee's meeting next Wednesday.  - 金融庁


Even so, the multiple debt problem has repeatedly been debated in the Diet, and it has also become a major social issue. In order to take fundamental and comprehensive measures to resolve the multiple debt problem, the current Money Lending Act was unanimously enacted in the Diet in December 2006. Since this act has been put into force, the number of people with five or more unsecured, nonguaranteed loans outstanding has decreased compared with fiscal 2006.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, I believe that from their experience of the current turmoil in the global financial markets, banks and bank managers have well learned of the risk that shareholdings may have a significant impact on their own financial soundness. Individual banks will first of all need to voluntarily implement specific measures to conduct more appropriate risk management concerning their shareholdings in particular, based on this experience and lesson.  - 金融庁


I understand that the recent turmoil in the global financial markets has served as a reminder of the fact that banks' shareholdings involve the risk that rapid stock price changes could have a significant impact on their financial soundness. I believe it is important that individual banks take specific measures to ensure more appropriate management of the risk involved in securities holdings based on the experiences and lessons of the financial crisis.  - 金融庁


The FSA has been implementing the Better Regulation initiative as a major task for financial administration since I took office as FSA Commissioner in the summer of 2007. We are implementing a variety of measures. One typical such measure, taken in April last year, was sharing the recognition of the 14 major principles that form the basis of the principles-based supervisory approach through discussions between the FSA and financial services business operators, and we publicly announced these principles.  - 金融庁


The rules-based approach will be applied to financial institutions that operate based on the idea that rules may be violated as long as the violation can be covered up. It is desirable that financial institutions making voluntary improvement efforts be rewarded or get higher marks in assessment by financial administrators, and it is most ideal if financial institutions recognize that such efforts enable them to gain more trust from customers, attract more business and improve earnings.  - 金融庁


In any case, progress to be made in relation to the Better Regulation initiative as a whole will probably be uneven, rather than uniform. I expect that sooner or later, there will be a wide gap in business performance and corporate value between financial institutions that are willing to proactively take advantage of the FSA's regulatory initiative and those that sit on their hands and concentrate on protecting themselves.  - 金融庁


Administration should be primarily conducted for the interests of the people and for the development of the national economy, and in this sense, there has not been any change since when the Ministry of Finance was responsible for financial administration. I expect that there will not be any change in this basic principle and that there will not be any significant change in the FSA's stance of maintaining the stability of the financial system while keeping that in mind as an objective.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, the development of an appropriate framework of administration roughly coincided with the establishment of the Financial Supervisory Agency. I believe that significant progress has been made in that the framework has been well developed, that it has become possible to make clearer judgment based on more objective criteria and that a mechanism for communicating the judgment thus made to the public with as much transparency as possible.  - 金融庁


First, I would like to ask you about the Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ's) election manifesto, which I believe is being announced at around this time. Its details aside, the manifesto reportedly features a drastic shift from bureaucracy-led administration to politician-led administration. If a shift to politician-led administration occurs with regard to financial administration, what impact or benefits do you expect to see, including a possible impact on an exit strategy from the financial crisis?  - 金融庁


Another example is General Motors, now dubbed "Governmental Motors," which cannot survive without the government purchasing its shares for support. General Motors was the richest company in the 20th century, which we all thought was essentially a century of America. Anyone who was born in Asia after the Second World War would dream about its highways and Cadillacs. In that sense, the capitalism that has developed after the war in various respects is currently facing a very major turning point, as far as I see it. To overcome it, it is critical to use human wisdom and experience and also to maintain vitality all along in doing so. It is not just a simple matter, indeed.  - 金融庁


Having observed the recent developments in financial and capital markets, I am fully aware of the large fluctuations in foreign exchange markets and stock markets. The FSA will continue to closely monitor the developments in the markets including foreign exchange and stock markets, and will make efforts including fact-finding of corporate finance from the viewpoint of determining whether financial institutionscrucial financial intermediation functions are being demonstrated sufficiently.  - 金融庁


Then, in Hong Kong, which you must recognize is Asia's second largest financial market and is also home to the world's sixth largest stock market, I met with Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang, the number two figure there (in Hong Kong), and Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan. I also visited Hong Kong's stock market, which is a Hong Kong company, and met and talked with its Chairman.  - 金融庁


With new capital adequacy requirements for banks slated to be finalized at a meeting of the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervisors (Basel meeting) to be held on the weekend, it appears to me that there are two significant issues: the core capital adequacy level and the length of the transition period leading up to the implementation of the new requirements. What kind of reports have you received as to the progress of those debates?  - 金融庁


Now let me move on to the second question, as to how Japanese banks will be affected. It is difficult to make a blanket statement on the impact of Basel III on Japanese banks. Nevertheless, Basel III is well-balanced in that it gives consideration to both the need to enhance capital in the medium and long run and the impact on the real economy, so I believe Japanese banks will be able to fulfill the requirements within the scope of management efforts without having a major impact on the real economy.  - 金融庁


That is a very good question. He is overseas at the moment, is he? I did read in the newspaper that he has not responded to any interviews. I believe that after all, he cannot evade moral responsibility as a person who held a public position, was a member of the Diet and served as Minister for Financial Services in charge of financial regulation and supervision for nearly two years in Japan, given that (former Prime Minister) Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Takenaka were extremely high-profile political figures at the time.  - 金融庁


Aside from that turn of events unfolding in the U.S., China and Japan have come to collectively make up 17 percent of the world's GDP. China is a country that carried out macroeconomic policies relatively well in the wake of the Lehman shock and is currently achieving remarkable economic growth. Given that situation, I also consider it to have been very meaningful for me to have had the chance to meet with Premier Wen Jiabao and People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan on the occasion of the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and to visit, among other places, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the second largest market in Asia.  - 金融庁


As the multiple debtor problems had become a massive social problem at one time, the amended Money Lending Act was passed unanimously by the Diet. The amended Money Lending Act seeks to take drastic and comprehensive measures to resolve the multiple debtor problems by lowering the maximum interest rate and introducing restrictions on the total amount of credit that can be provided to a borrower by all moneylenders in aggregate. The FSA established the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-up Team in June in order to facilitate the enforcement of the amended Money Lending Act and promptly examine appropriate responses as necessary.  - 金融庁


I would like to talk about the issue of Takefuji, which just failed. On the day of the failure, I believe that you presented a view to the effect of saying that "it will likely entail no significant impact on the financial system" but, now that about five days have passed since then, I would like to know how you are finding that impact to have turned out to be. Additionally, I think that you also said that you would like to ask government-affiliated and other financial institutions to take attentive actions so as not to affect financing for individual borrowers or small and medium-size enterprise (SME) borrowers – could you please explain specifically what kind of request you subsequently made on that note?  - 金融庁


Until 2007, there were concerns over banks abusing their dominant position as money lenders. At the time, there were debates as to whether banks would persuade borrowers to buy insurance products in return for providing loans. That was the major issue at the time, when I was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the ban was completely removed in 2007, and the outcome was to review the ban in three years time.  - 金融庁


Therefore, what is necessary is a structure for supporting the entry of mid-to-large companies and SMEs into overseas markets on the financial front as well. This means that if a certain SME that has long been a good customer of a certain regional bank becomes interested in going overseas, that regional bank can partner with JETRO, whose network pretty much covers the entire world, or, in the area of financing, with JBIC, which has excellent credit by virtue of its policy-based finance track record, by sending its personnel to those organizations – the grand purpose behind it is to support Japanese companies, especially mid-to-large companies and SMEs, in their entry overseas, particularly into Asia, an enormous market.  - 金融庁


After all, considering that the reason behind the recent change of administration was a desire for politician-led government, I feel that this is precisely the issue to be dealt with under a politician-led initiative. We have been having a very hard time so far. This endeavor would never have come up in the mind of any Cabinet member of a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) administration in the past and would therefore have likely been crushed a long time ago. However, the current administration's approach is to work patiently. Given the widespread global trend in favor of a comprehensive exchange as well, we are quite determined to have the respective ministries have a good understanding of that point and proceed beyond any interest specific to their own ministry.  - 金融庁


Given this timing, I think that it is a very significant opportunity for SME organizations to be offered robust support from us in the areas of information and financing from a combination of entities like the Regional Banks Association of Japan, or shinkin banks and credit cooperatives, and JBIC and JETRO. As all of you here are very influential and versed in economic matters, I am willing to listen sincerely to any criticism that you may have. If the system does not work well, we will try to improve itso, I would like you to report on this.  - 金融庁


As you know well, since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago, there have been the so-called Greek shock and various problems related to Ireland. Particularly, I am going to visit the City of London, and Brussels, which is the base of the EU (European Union) and the European Commission, and France is also a major EU country. Therefore, I am planning to meet with the governor of the Bank of England and various other officials.  - 金融庁


Now, I will talk about our achievements in the past year and the challenges for the coming year. Over the past year, we have handled three broad themes, namely, strengthening the competitiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets, better regulation, which may be regarded as part of the strengthening of the market competitiveness, and response to the global market turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage problem.  - 金融庁


Furthermore, its excess of debts over assets has declined substantially, from 679 billion yen at the end of March 2004 to 263.7 billion yen at the end of March 2008, indicating that the measures I mentioned have produced results steadily. Thus, I believe that Ashikaga Bank has met the major goal of exercising the financial intermediary function on a sustained basis and minimizing the public financial burden.  - 金融庁


Personally, various things have come to mind following the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Financial Supervisory Agency. My personal thoughts aside, however, I recognize the significant progress made over those 10 years in the three primary objectives of financial regulation - "stability of the financial system," "protection of users and enhancement of their convenience" and "establishment of a fair and transparent market" - in terms of both practice and institution.  - 金融庁


The responsibility of the parties involved in the serious problems caused by the originate-to-distribute business model is being investigated properly in the United States, where a substantial portion of - or I should say most of - the transactions concerning this business model were implemented, and this will contribute to efforts to prevent the occurrence of problems like the subprime mortgage crisis by restoring the shaken confidence of market players and imposing enhanced discipline on lenders.  - 金融庁


With regard to your first question, the FSA is charged with accomplishing three administrative objectives: namely, stabilizing the financial system, improving the protection of users and user convenience, and establishing a fair and transparent market. Although I believe that these objectives will remain unchanged, I expect that the specific actions we need to take will vary according to the time and situation.  - 金融庁


The partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation, regarding which the Prime Minister gave an instruction to us today, reflects concern that because valuation losses on securities holdings must be deducted from bankscapital in the calculation of their capital adequacy ratio, as you know, an expansion of valuation losses due to the current market condition would be a significant variable factor for their capital adequacy ratio, thereby prompting them to curb loans excessively.  - 金融庁


The forward-looking approach means quickly identifying major risk factors and destabilizing factors hidden in various business models and in the management methods of financial institutions, including structural elements, while paying attention to global market developments. In short, it means identifying risk factors that could affect the management of financial institutions, as precisely and quickly as possible and taking preemptive actions.  - 金融庁


I was questioned about that in the Diet yesterday. Because the size of the postal insurance business is large although it has been reduced, we will handle matters relating to the insurance sector cautiously in relation to economic cooperation while collecting information concerning developments in the United States and Europe, and in the Asia-Pacific region. If there is some problem that obstructs overall economic cooperation, we must rack our brains to deal with it. That is the issue of interest for me now.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, strengthening cooperation with foreign authorities, carefully monitoring market developments and using the results of the monitoring in daily supervisory activities were included among the five specific measures taken under the initiative. The initiative also included strengthening the authorities' overall analytical and supervisory capabilities. The implementation of the better regulation initiative provides an important broad direction when we consider how Japan's future financial regulation should be conducted  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA's broad administrative purposes include protecting users and investors. Until now, the mainstream approach of the supervisory authorities, including the FSA, to financial administration has been to regulate and supervise business operators that have engaged in inappropriate transactions with customers and take necessary actions if problems are found as a result of investigation  - 金融庁


In addition, it was decided that JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) should provide emergency support to Japanese companies operating abroad. This loan program does not represent an enhancement of competitiveness as interpreted under WTO rules but rather it is aimed at supporting struggling companies. Although JBIC’s loans should basically be provided to companies operating in developing countries, some companies in automobile-related sectors are very large companies, so it was decided that JBIC should provide emergency support to such companies, including those operating in developed countries  - 金融庁



Despite Thailand’s high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to address its strategic AML/CFT deficiencies, Thailand has not made sufficient progress in implementing its action plan, and certain strategic AML/CFT deficiencies remain, although Thailand has faced external difficulties from 2009 to 2011 which significantly impacted the legislative process for the necessary laws and regulations.  - 財務省


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