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該当件数 : 32268



As you know, Tokyo Electric Power issues a very large amount of corporate bonds. In the European market, the company has issued corporate bonds totaling around 180 billion yen and it also borrows a large amount of loans from private financial institutions. The written agreement adopted on May 13 refers to three important points. We must, first, take measures to ensure appropriate damage compensation, second, prevent adverse effects on business operators involved in the stabilization of the situation of Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Nuclear Power Station and the handling of the accident and, third, ensure the stable supply of electricity, which is essential to the people's lives. The agreement also refers to the need to check, after a certain period of time, whether adequate support is provided to disaster victims, whether the stable supply of electricity is maintained, and whether the stability of the financial market is maintained, as I strongly insisted on the inclusion of this in the agreement.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, I do not doubt the need for the internationalization of accounting standards, and in recent years, there have been major changes in the circumstances in the United States and other countries. Regarding the convergence with IFRS, the United States has made clear that it will allocate a transition period, citing a period of five to seven years as an example, while retaining the U.S. standards. The United States has shown such a stance, and naturally, I have no doubt about the need for the internationalization of accounting standards, so I am convinced that the announcement of my opinion will not make it difficult for Japanese companies to raise funds in the international markets.  - 金融庁


As to the methodology for the assessment of the systemic importance and the additional capital requirement, I hear that basically, there has been no change in the agreement reached at a recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), in which, from Japan, FSA (Financial Services Agency) Commissioner Mikuniya and Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa participated. The FSA has been arguing - I have been saying this for more than a year - that we should aim to adopt a comprehensive policy package, rather than focus on additional capital requirements. It may seem that the more capital banks are required to have, the safer they are. However, from my experience of Japan's financial crisis, I know of a case in which that caused a credit crunch. In my electoral district, my hometown of Kitakyushu City, two large department stores failed because of that, as I have often mentioned.  - 金融庁


As to the broad direction of inspections, the basic inspection policy for fiscal 2010 incorporated such measures as cooperating with the foreign authorities, including the authorities in Asian countries, and dispatching inspectors when necessary. One bitter lesson of the Lehman shock is that U.S. financial regulatory organizations could not necessarily keep up with the development of various financial products by banks, and that made the damage even more severe. To my mind, basically, the debate on the Basel regulation goes like this based on reflection on that lesson.  - 金融庁



The General Insurance Association of Japan provided active cooperation in this respect. As I have mentioned several times, the assessment of the extent of damage is critical to the non-life insurance business. As many houses were swept away by the tsunami, a non-life insurance company belonging to the association took the very flexible step of conducting area-by-area damage assessment based on aerial photographs. As has been reported by newspapers and other media, earthquake insurance claims totaling 1.13 trillion yen have already been paid in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture.  - 金融庁



As I have repeatedly stated, Mr. Koizumi dissolved the House of Representatives for a general election five years ago under the banner of postal reform as the symbol of his neo-conservative thinking that took the form of structural reform. In the United States, that basic thinking has broken down as a result of the Lehman shock, as greedy financial industrialists, or global financial institutions that dominated Wall Street, particularly investment banks, toppled over. That is a lingering cause of the ongoing great instability of the global financial, economic fiscal situations. The wave of deregulation continued for three decades, and over a 20-year period that followed the end of the U.S.-Soviet Cold War regime, the United States emerged as the sole global superpower.  - 金融庁


The Lehman shock occurred in a world where globalization has proceeded very much on the one hand and deregulation has gone too far on the other hand. In Europe, which I visited last week, the financial and economic markets are very unstable as a lingering consequence of the Lehman shock. In the 17-country euro zone - although there are a total of 27 EU countries - Slovakia's approval (of the plan to expand the European Financial Stability Facility) has apparently provided breathing space. Underlying that problem is the broad wave of economic globalization, and in particular, Japan's economic and financial situations are closely linked to the global economy, as shown by the yen's appreciation. Therefore, we must keep that in mind when making our arguments and at the same time, we must remember that in any country, some industries are competitive while others are not.  - 金融庁


Even so, this is a serious case that has caused a public uproar, and it is very troubling to see investors, both domestic and foreign, question the fairness and transparency of the Japanese financial markets.  We have been trying to develop various institutional systems, including through the revision of the FIEA, in order to ensure the fairness and transparency of the market.  However, if there are points that should be improved in relation to this case, we will make appropriate improvements.  As a factor behind the cover-up of losses that lasted for many years, the presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out.  As I mentioned at the beginning, outside collaborators are not subject to the administrative monetary penalty system under the current FIEA, so we will positively consider the possibility of imposing fines on offenders with a view to possible revision of the law.  - 金融庁


The presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out.  From my 27 years of experience as a lawmaker, we are reminded of legal deficiencies when an inappropriate incident occurs.  I have often witnessed cases in which loopholes of existing laws, if I may say so, have been exploited.  In this case, too, from an objective standpoint, some professionals, who were probably operating outside Japan, who live or whose addresses are registered in a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, appear to have acted as outside collaborators, from what I know from reading newspapers.  Therefore, we will consider the possibility of imposing fines. International investigation is in progress regarding LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) and TIBOR (Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate).  - 金融庁



There is also a consensus on the broad recognition that it is essential to build robust financial systems and markets that will prevent a recurrence of the recent financial turmoil and crisis. Of course, Japan shares this recognition. However, the risk profile varies somewhat from bank to bank as well as from country to country, from region to region and from market to market. I believe it is important to establish a framework of financial regulation that has as much international consistency as possible and is effective in preventing a recurrence of the recent financial turmoil while paying attention to the diversity among individual financial institutions, markets and countries.  - 金融庁



One lesson provided by the current global financial crisis that is gradually becoming a consensus is that financial business that generates added value by creating several layers of securities from the underlying assets, which may be called financial engineering for the sake of financial business, is not necessarily desirable. Although products thus created may play a significant role in some cases, it is not necessarily desirable for the general public. In short, the recognition is spreading around the world that the role that the financial sector is supposed to play is to properly support the real economy, ensure optimal allocation of resources from the perspective of the entire national economy and facilitate and strengthen this process. In this sense, I hope that the Japanese financial industry will make efforts to provide high-quality services that properly meet the needs of households and companies.  - 金融庁


The revisions and improvements of institutional frameworks always entail positive effects and negative side effects. However, Japan is facing the trends of a declining population of children and an aging of society. Japanese individuals have a vast amount of financial assets, and how Japan as a country or as individuals themselves should make use of those assets is an important issue. Of course, it is necessary to constantly check excesses like those that occurred in relation to the subprime mortgage problem. On the other hand, it is necessary for Japan to play a suitable role in the global market.  - 金融庁


It goes without saying that the Lehman crisis two years ago originated in the U.S. and then spread to Europe, causing an enormous sea change in the financial world. As a matter of course, this spread to the economy as well, leaving both the U.S. and China with no choice but to take fiscal actions to overcome it, and Europe also followed suit. I am therefore quite certain that all of you are well aware that the economy, which also encompasses the global financial world, is presently at a very sensitive but very important stage.  - 金融庁


Furthermore, as the Incubator Bank of Japan does not offer an ordinary deposit service and its deposits are all term deposits, it does not have a clearing function. It is in that sense that I said that it was a bank operating under a very singular business model. How the system to resolve a failure case in Japan works is that the full deposit protection applies in a failure involving a very significant systemic risk, as in the case of the Ashikaga Bank that I have just referred to, while the flat amount coverage, which is more like a general rule, applies to other cases. Accordingly, we have decided to apply to the case before us, of the Incubator Bank, what is called the financial assistance method. I am hoping that those points will be well understood.  - 金融庁


As for your question about the prospect for the procedure to begin after the weekend, the fact is that it was this morning that the Incubator Bank of Japan held a Board of Directors meeting, made the decision that has been described, and filed a report to the FSA. I have been informed that the bank's staff reported to work this morning and there has been no significant confusion thus far. As Japan boasts the world's most developed financial institution failure legislation, I am hoping that the operation will proceed in a tranquil fashion and that is what I mean by my request to act calmly. Just before I came here, I received a report from the field, indicating that their operation is underway in a highly tranquil fashion.  - 金融庁


That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about.  - 金融庁


I believe the financial regulatory reform legislation passed by President Barack Obama in the United States is indeed a turnaround comparable to the Copernican Revolution since 1929. With the establishment of the Volcker rule, investment banks and conventional American banks, especially Western banks centering on the United States can no longer perform high-risk, high-return trades on their own accounts except when requested to perform such trades by customers. Relatively speaking, Japanese banks did not excel and engage in such trades. In that sense, the financial sector has experienced dramatic changes, and the real economy has been heavily affected since the Lehman Brothers shockwaveeven in Japan, production at Toyota Motor Corporation dropped by as much as 40 percent at one point.  - 金融庁

それから、もう皆様方ご存じのように、2年前のリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショック以来、世界の金融が非常に各国に大きな危機になる。しかしながら、1929年の世界大恐慌の後で各国の経済がブロック化しまして、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つだと今の歴史家は判断していますが、今回はそういった本当に苦しい人類の歴史の反省に立って、曲がりなりにもG8、G20をやってきまして、この前、ご存じのように中央銀行代表、また金融監督庁の長官会議が終わりまして、あとはまた11月のソウル・サミットがございますが、私がよく言いますように、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、あるいはアジアの新興国、それぞれに色々とあるわけでございますけれども、そういった中でバーゼル III が大体合意に達したということは、私は世界史的な大変意義のあることだと思っています。例文帳に追加

I would also like to point out that since the Lehman Brothers crisis two years ago, the financial world in nations around the globe was plunged into a grave situation. What is relevant here is the fact that the economy became divided by national borders in the wake of the Great Depression in 1929, which, according to present-day historians, is one of the remote causes of the Second World War. Looking back on the truly sober human history like that, we have worked painstakingly to address the situation by holding G8 and G20 meetings and the meeting of the Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision, which just wrapped up as you know, and we also have the November Seoul Summit ahead of us. As I often say, every countrybe it the U.S., in Europe or an emerging economy in Asia – has different circumstances to deal with. In that light, I find it quite significant in the context of world history that the Basel III accord has, for the most part, been reached successfully.  - 金融庁


This also affected the real economyfor instance, production in Toyota's factory in Fukuoka Prefecture, my home prefecture, dropped by 40 percent two years ago and occurrences like that explain why Japan has been in the situation that it is in now since then. It was against this background that the Dodd-Frank Act was implemented in the U.S. And, at that very time of historical significance, I met with FRB Chairman Bernanke and Mr. Volcker. Under the Volcker Rule, commercial banks may engage in a high-risk, high-return business on demand from customers, but not for their own accounts. In my view, this is the very core of the new Dodd-Frank Act. This is another case of a significant sea change. It was by luck that I had an opportunity to visit the U.S. in those days in the capacity of the Minister for Financial Services.  - 金融庁


Upon the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, two private companies came forward to build the Transcontinental Railroad. As we are talking about the United States here, they engaged in cut-throat price competition. This resulted in the bankruptcy of one of the companies. As train fares increased subsequently due to the adverse effects of monopoly, a riot broke out among farmers in Chicago, in Illinois, one of the Midwestern states where agriculture is a prominent industry. Farmers had to sell their produce in the cities, but the train fares had become higher and higher. This caused a mass riot. As you know, executive power is weaker in the United States than in Japan.  - 金融庁


In many consumer finance companies, there continue to be people with a healthy demand for funds, and in financial institutions in other industries such as banks, aggressive efforts are being made in the consumer finance sector. Leading banks are entering the consumer finance sector and, in major global financial institutions and banks, this sector has become a significant business segment. Basically, the consumer finance market is an extremely promising market, so it is hoped that consumer finance companies will play a significant role in that market.  - 金融庁

色々その他、世界経済の現状について議論されましたけれども、私は金融担当の大臣でございますから、金融担当の大臣として申し上げれば、今バーゼル III 、大変世界的な大きな議題になっていますが、そういったこの金融規制については、特段議論にならなかったというふうに承知をいたしております。国際的な金融規制改革については、金融危機の再発防止、金融システム強化に向けて、G20首脳会議等の場で具体的な方向性が示され、その実施に向けて、今私もお話ししましたように、バーゼル III 、こういったことも着実に話が進んでいるところでございます。例文帳に追加

The current state of the world's economy was discussed from a variety of other angles as well, but, being a minister responsible for financial matters, I would like to point out that although Basel III currently ranks among significant global topics, it seems that the subject of such financial regulations did not come up in the discussion much. In the area of international financial regulatory reforms, specific objectives have been presented in forums like G20 summit meetings in a move to prevent another financial crisis and to strengthen financial systems and, as I have just mentioned, there has been steady progress made in this direction in the form of Basel III and other initiatives.  - 金融庁


The global financial sector had been in turmoil since the Lehman Brothers collapse sent shockwaves around the world in September 2008. You may already be well aware that on the economic front at present, the question of how to rebuild the sector and how to harmonize markets on an international scale is a major economic and political issue not just in Japan but worldwide. As just mentioned in the question, at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting to be held in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea on Friday, October 22 and Saturday, October 23, the main agendas are expected to be the global economy, the reform of international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the reform of financial regulations, in the lead up to the Seoul Summit next month.  - 金融庁


As I have already stated a number of times, this is a crucial matter. The money-lending market meets some people's demand, so it is important for the FSA to develop a sound money-lending market. Bearing this in mind, given that this is a major issue that has escalated into a social problem, interest rates in the gray zone were abolished and legislation was passed to prevent the problem of multiple debtors under the revised Money Lending Act unanimously by all political parties. As problems like this might arise, we will keep a close eye out and follow up on them.  - 金融庁


Recognizing the extreme importance of its request to have the reduced securities tax rate extended, the FSA is currently pushing strongly to achieve that goal, taking into account the severe economic and financial conditions that exist now, and the apprehension about possible downturns in the future and the issue of double taxation of dividends, among other things, and I am set to have a negotiation with Minister Noda today. Given the context of a capitalist economy, it is critical to pull together our corporate and economic conditions and to vitalize stock markets as much as possible.  - 金融庁


In the past, the Ministry of Finance and the Japanese External Trade Organization, which is an extra-governmental organization of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) or the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry, would strive to promote exports but, as Japan's trade surplus grew, it embarked on promoting imports in turn. Anyway, it is an organization that boasts knowledge of trade issues that it has garnered over time. Then there is the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, which is one example of the wholesale integration of policy-based financial institutions during the Koizumi administration that was carried out under the banner of "From public to private." I hear, however, that there is talk of separating JBIConly JBIC, which has actually played an extremely significant role in the expansion of the Japanese economy overseas after World War IIback to its original form, because it is arguably found to be somewhat different from the rest.  - 金融庁


Frankly, it is a very challenging endeavor. When three ministries are involved, things are just not simple. Although the Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the three ministries are toiling away, the fact is that they each have their own position and are therefore faced with a challenge of deciding who should regulate the exchange. There is a widespread global trend toward regulating various markets together, as is the case in both the U.S. and Europe. To be blunt, from the perspective of us politicians, it is an issue associated with interests of the respective ministries, which we are struggling hard to coordinate.  - 金融庁


DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and PNP together issued the three-party pact. This represents a common policy of the three parties issued on August 16 of last year in the run-up to the election. It was developed in the circumstances in which excessive regulatory reforms implemented by Mr. Koizumi, coupled with excessive market fundamentalism, had brought much instability to the lives of the Japanese people. That is the basic premise of this coalition government. Subsequently, after winning the election, we articulated the idea into the three-party pact. I find it a positive thing that the people are voicing various opinions in line with the cause. And we have made a decision to set up an inspection committee. I believe that it is necessary to properly inspect any significant incident on a case-by-case basis.  - 金融庁


As I have been saying, financial institutions other than deposit-taking ones, such as some major insurers and securities companies, are subject to exposure to subprime-related products or other securitized products and have incurred substantial losses. One major securities company belongs to the group of a large deposit-taking financial institution. In the insurance and securities industries, such exposure and losses are limited to a small number of major companies. In light of this situation, compiling the aggregate figures for these industries should not necessarily be a matter of high priority. Of course, we will be ready to reconsider our stance if the situation changes.  - 金融庁


Assuming that the whole of the 12 trillion yen is used - although the full amount may not necessarily be used - to recapitalize half of all deposit-taking financial institutions in Japan, their ratio of Tier 1 core capital would rise by 4 percentage points. The amount of Tier 1 capital at those financial institutions will increase by 50%. Thus, the quota has been increased to an amount sufficient to deal with a fairly high level of volatility.  - 金融庁


Banning exchanges of senior personnel is not the ultimate goal. As I already said, the "no-return rule" is a means to ensure that financial administration is flexibly conducted with a high level of professionalism and in line with its objectives. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration other factors that contribute to those objectives as well. I believe that the independence, neutrality and professionalism of financial administration are important elements that should never be ignored, so I think that measures that help to maintain these elements should be actively adopted. This is what I meant when I said earlier that the "no-return rule" will remain important, and attention should continue to be paid to that point.  - 金融庁


One of them, which constitutes a major pillar of the reform, is the adoption of a macro-prudential policy, which seeks to strengthen the stability of the financial system as a whole with systemic risks in mind. On this point, Japan is in deep agreement with the United States, and Japan will need to study this matter in relation to how its own financial regulation and supervision should be conducted while carefully watching global developments from the viewpoint of realizing internationally consistent regulation and supervision. We should also strive to ensure appropriate supervision while strengthening our cooperation with foreign supervisory authorities as well as with the Bank of Japan, although there is already considerable cooperation  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the Financial System Council's consultative group on basic issues, which was established after you took office as FSA commissioner and which held its first meeting last week. According to a briefing held after last week's meeting, future meetings will be closed to the public. As this group is responsible for deciding a broad framework related to basic financial issues, it is important that its discussions be open to the public. Will the group open its meetings to the public after holding several closed meetings? A group like this loses its significance if its meetings are closed to the public. Don't you plan to enhance the transparency of the process in which decisions on important matters related to financial administration are made?  - 金融庁


All committee members agreed with the government’s intention to issue high credit ultra-long-term bonds of which global demand has been rising. In addition, they agreed that the 3government should take into consideration the accountability to taxpayers. Lively discussions were held on how to establish the model to honor suchconsiderations. Furthermore, some members indicated that it is a landmark event for an academic discipline that a gigantic government bond issuer such as Japan explicitly utilizes the methodology of financial engineering in actual practice to issue ultra-long-term bonds.  - 財務省


If the IMF continues to advise crisis countries such measures that were appropriate in resolving crises arising from current account deficit, it would not only damage the country's chances to recover from the crisis, but also the reputation of the IMF itself. Recently, means for reforming the international architecture, so that it will remain stable in this new world of free capital flows, have already been discussed intensively in various international fora. Japan has been very vocal on the seissues. Specifically, we have proposed ways to improve IMF programs and its procedures.  - 財務省

(1)雇用契約又は業務遂行契約に別段の規定がない場合は,その雇用契約の履行又はその業務の遂行によって行われた発明に関して特許を受ける権利は,使用者又は場合により業務委託者に属するとみなす。 ただし,その発明が,雇用契約又は場合により業務遂行契約が締結されたときに当事者が合理的に予想することができたものよりも遥かに大きな経済的価値を獲得した場合は,発明者は,公正な報酬を受ける権利を有するものとし,当事者間に合意が成立しない場合は,裁判所がその報酬を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) In the absence of any provisions to the contrary in any contract of employment or for the execution of work, the rights to a patent for an invention made in the performance of such contract of employment or in the execution of such work shall be deemed to accrue to the employer, or the person who commissioned the work, as the case may be: Provided that where the invention acquires an economic value much greater than the parties could reasonably have foreseen at the time of concluding the contract of employment or for the execution of work, as the case may be, the inventor shall be entitled to equitable remuneration which may be fixed by the Court in the absence of agreement between the parties. - 特許庁

平成21年における新規入国者全体に占める,就労を目的とする在留資格による新規入国者数の割合は0.9%である。 なお,就労を目的とする在留資格には含まれないが,「日本人の配偶者等」や「定住者」など身分又は地位により在留資格を付与されている者は在留活動に制限が設けられておらず,また,旅行を目的としつつその資金に充当するための就労が可能なワーキング・ホリデー制度の利用者,大学教育の一環として我が国の企業に受け入れられて就業体験をする,いわゆるインターンシップ制度を利用する外国の大学生及び資格外活動の許可を受けた留学生等も同許可の範囲内で就労が認められているので,実際に働くことのできる外国人の割合は更に大きなものとなる.例文帳に追加

The statuses of residence ofSpouse or Child of Japanese National” and “Long-term Resident”, which are not included in the status of residence for employment purposes, have no restrictions on activities during the stay in Japan. Foreign nationals who fall under any of the following are also allowed to work within the limit permitted: those whose status of residence is basically for travel but permits work to cover travel expenses under the working holiday system, foreign college students in internship programs which enable them to gain work experience in a Japanese company as part of their college education, and foreign students who are permitted to conduct an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted. Therefore, it is assumed that the proportion of foreign nationals permitted to work in Japan could be larger.  - 特許庁


A voltage larger than an output voltage when the motor is not overmodulated is impressed to the motor when overmodulated in that the output voltage command value exceeds the bus voltage. - 特許庁


CORE terminates in the first single bond which is connected to a ring carbon atom of an (hetero)aryl group to which more than one at least partly conjugated dentritic chain is bonded, the ring carbon atom forms a part of DENDRITE, and CORE and/or DENDRITE are luminescent, that is, have cold light radioactivity. - 特許庁


Radially outward parts in a front surface and a back surface of the turbine vane have smaller radius of curvature than radially inward parts of the front surface and the back surface. - 特許庁


When one of the traction control and the posture holding control is in an ON state in time of the stall start, a target engine speed Ne* is set by use of a target engine speed-setting map in normal time wherein an engine speed is adjusted to be small (S130). - 特許庁


This dispersion method of millbase uses a dispersing machine having multiple rotors 2 disposed axially in a cylindrical vessel 1, rotatable around an axis and having multiple grooves 4 parallel with the axis at the outer circumferential part; and rollers 5 disposed in the grooves 4, and composed rotatable while abutting on the inner wall of the cylindrical vessel 1, and revolvable in the vessel 1. - 特許庁


Not only deposits of relatively large fine powder of several μm to tens of μm but also deposits of relatively small fine powder of ≤ 1 μm can be removed, and the die hole 131 is hardly clogged with deposits, enabling consistent and durable wire drawing. - 特許庁


In Japan as well, then-Deputy Governor Yutaka Yamaguchi of the Bank of Japan pointed out regarding the current financial system wherein globalization and diffusion of IT are progressing, that the depth and ample liquidity of markets created by technological innovation and globalization in normal times could be immediately lost in times of a financial crisis accompanied by enormous stress, and there is an inherent risk that it would further amplify the crisis.He also added, “Under such circumstances, we should not suppress, by regulation, the development of technology and innovation in the market. Rather, we should strive to provide a supportive market infrastructure, including regulation and supervision, market practices, disclosure, and accounting methods, in a broad context and to make it more robust. The systematic improvement of market infrastructure will contribute to reducing the risk of financial crises, which is the most serious uncertainty.” 13 - 経済産業省


On the other hand, as pointed out by the People’s Bank of China, under the country’s current economic growth pattern, investment is greatly outstripping consumption. As this imbalance expands,46 inflationary pressure will increase over the short term if the above-mentioned blind investment and substandard redundant construction in some industries continue to expand, while the medium- to long-term problems expected to become major restrictive factors to the sustainable growth of the Chinese economy are the emergence of excess supply capacity (through expansion of production capacity) that exceeds demand,47 the expansion of deflationary pressures, the worsening of corporate management and shakeout along with the intensification of competition, and the accompanying growth of non-performing bank loans and worsening unemployment.48 - 経済産業省


Angels, however, are not limited to those who have a tremendous amount of income or wealth, for instance successful business owners. Surveys in the United States and the United Kingdom reveal that average angels had an annual income of 10 million yen or so and net asset of 100 million yen or less, belonging to the upper middle-class. There are also data that indicate that in the United States 230,000 angel investors supplied 3 trillion yen to 50,000 ventures, and that in the United Kingdom 20,000 angels provided 100 billion yen for 3,500 start-ups. That suggests in those countries angels in a range of income bands play a great role in creating and developing ventures.  - 経済産業省


As conditions are thus getting tougher in a variety of aspects for start-ups that intend to go public on a emerging equity exchange, there are concerns emerging not only that start-ups might have more difficulty in raising money from an emerging equity exchange, but also that the impact might extend to venture capitals and angels, which at present make profits from capital gains they earn mainly by taking start-ups public on a emerging equity exchange. In particular, when venture capitals commit themselves to earning a certain percentage of profits on their investments, a depressed offering price leads to a diminution of the money venture capitals can afford to invest. Greater impacts of such shrinking investments are felt, it is said, especially by start-ups in the biotechnology sector. With such difficulties left unsolved, the impact on direct facing may become severe.  - 経済産業省


The recent loss of confidence in emerging equity exchanges, and depressed trading volumes and prices have resulted mainly from window-dressing, misstatements and links to antisocial organizations by start-ups listed there. They should, keeping these lessons in mind, work to secure the sound functioning of emerging equity exchanges, which represent their most important tool for gaining capital and achieving credibility. For instance, start-ups and their management should develop their own awareness of compliance issues, disclose information of the company from the viewpoint of investors about anything at any time, and have independent directors appointed who should monitor management as outsiders. They should recognize that it is critical for them to develop adequate management control systems.  - 経済産業省

さらに、東日本大震災からの復興を進める方針を提示した「政策推進指針」(平成 23 年 5 月 17 日閣議決定)では、「国と国との絆の強化による開かれた経済再生」が明記され、EPA/FTA については、「「FTAAP・EPA のための閣僚会合」において、「包括的経済連携に関する基本方針」に基づく高いレベルの経済連携推進や経済安全保障の確立等、国と国との絆の強化に関する基本的考え方を、震災や原子力災害によって大きな被害を受けている農業者・漁業者の心情、国際交渉の進捗、産業空洞化の懸念等に配慮しつつ、検討する」こととされた。例文帳に追加

Under the Guideline on Policy Promotion For the Revitalization of Japan (Cabinet decision adopted on May 17, 2011), which presented the policy toward reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the “Strategy for Strengthening Bonds between Countries” was clearly indicated; the Guideline stated as regards EPA/FTA that “the Minister-level Meeting on FTAAP (Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific)/EPA (Economic Partnership Agreements) will consider the basic policy for strengthening “kizuna” (the bonds of friendship) with other countries, such as promoting high-level economic partnerships based onBasic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (Cabinet decision adopted in November 2010) and establishing economic security, taking into consideration factors such as the sentiments of the farmers and fishermen who have suffered enormous damage from the earthquake and the nuclear incident, progress in the international negotiations, and concerns of de-industrialization.” - 経済産業省



Firstly, it is a population dynamics matter. There is generally a great difference in the population dynamics between high-income countries (for example, Japan, where the workforce is decreasing) and Asian developing countries (where the population has increased by an average of 1.6% a year in the period from 1995 to 2005).In addition, the aging of citizens in developed countries has created a demand for foreign workers in the field of health care as well the difference in age structures67 such as the disparity among the birth rates of individual countries. Finally, it is thought that the wage differentials between sending countries and receiving countries is the decisive factor, given that the gap between the GDP per capita of OECD countries and Asia is18%68, and the GDP per capita of Thailand and Malaysia is nearly 10 times higher than that of their neighboring countries. - 経済産業省


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