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第二十三条 内閣総理大臣は、投資信託委託会社又は受託会社が第一号又は第二号に該当することとなる場合において、当該投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に係る投資信託契約の存続が公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、当該投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に対し、内閣総理大臣があらかじめ、当該投資信託契約に係る受託会社又は投資信託委託会社及び他の投資信託委託会社又は受託会社の同意を得た上、当該投資信託契約に関する業務をその同意を得た他の投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に引き継ぐことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 23 (1) In cases where the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or a Trustee Company has come to fall under item (i) or item (ii), if the Prime Minister finds that it is necessary and appropriate for the public interest or for the protection of Investors that the Investment Trust Contract pertaining to the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust or Trustee Company continue, he/she may, by obtaining the consent of the Trustee Company or Settlor Company of the Investment Trust concerned with the Investment Trust Contract and another Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or Trustee Company in advance, order the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust or Trustee Company to have their business related to the Investment Trust Contract succeeded to by the other Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or Trustee Company wherefrom consent has been obtained:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十一条の二 主務大臣は、前条第一項第一号に掲げる事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたか否かを判断するため必要があると認めるときは、当該販売業者又は当該役務提供事業者に対し、期間を定めて、当該告げた事項の裏付けとなる合理的な根拠を示す資料の提出を求めることができる。この場合において、当該販売業者又は当該役務提供事業者が当該資料を提出しないときは、次条及び第二十三条第一項の規定の適用については、当該販売業者又は当該役務提供事業者は、同号に掲げる事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 21-2 Where the competent minister finds it necessary for determining whether or not a seller or a Service Provider has misrepresented information on the matters listed in Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the preceding article, he/she may require the seller or the Service Provider to submit materials indicating reasonable grounds that support the matters conveyed to the person within a specific time limit. Where the seller or the Service Provider fails to submit the materials in this case, it shall be deemed to have misrepresented information on the matters listed in the same item with respect to application of the provisions of the following article or Article 23 (1).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条の二 内閣総理大臣は、当分の間、第三条第一項の免許(同条第四項第二号又は第五項第二号に掲げる保険の引受けを行う事業を含む場合に限る。次項において同じ。)の申請があった場合においては、当該免許に、特定保険会社(保険会社又は外国保険会社等でその経営が同条第四項第二号又は第五項第二号に掲げる保険の引受けを行う事業に依存している程度が比較的大きいものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)の特定分野保険事業(第三条第四項第二号又は第五項第二号に掲げる保険の引受けを行う事業をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に係る経営環境に急激な変化をもたらし、特定保険会社の事業の健全性の確保に欠けるおそれが生ずることのないよう、第五条第二項の規定により必要な条件を付することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 1-2 (1) In case of an application for the license set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where the business to be licensed includes the insurance underwriting activity listed in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii) or Article 3, paragraph (5), item (ii); the same shall apply in the following paragraph), the Prime Minister may, for the time being, attach any necessary condition to such license pursuant to the provision of Article 5, paragraph (2) for ensuring that the license will neither bring a drastic change in the management environment pertaining to the specified insurance business activity (referring to the insurance underwriting activity listed in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii) or Article 3, paragraph (5), item (ii); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of a Specified Insurance Company (referring to an Insurance Company or Foreign Insurance Company, etc. the management of which depends relatively heavily on the insurance underwriting activity listed in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii) or Article 3, paragraph (5), item (ii); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), nor pose any risk to the soundness in the business of the Specified Insurance Company.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 当該破綻保険会社に係る保険契約のうち内閣府令・財務省令で定める保険契約に該当するものであって、第二百五十条、第二百五十四条又は第二百五十五条の二の規定による契約条件の変更(第二百五十条第一項に規定する契約条件の変更をいう。)又は更生手続における契約条件の変更があるものについて、平成十三年三月三十一日までに保険事故(内閣府令・財務省令で定める保険事故を除く。)が発生したときは当該契約条件の変更前の契約条件で保険金額又は給付金額を支払うものとした場合において、その変更後の契約条件とその変更前の契約条件との相違により追加的に必要となる額(補償対象保険金の支払に係る資金援助の額を除く。)として内閣府令・財務省令で定めるところにより計算した額例文帳に追加

(iii) With regard to those insurance contracts of the Bankrupt Insurance Company which meet the requirements for insurance contracts to be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance and have been subject to the Modification of Contract Conditions (referring to the modification of the contract conditions set forth in Article 250, paragraph (1)) under Article 250, 254 or 255-2, or the Modification of Contract Conditions in reorganization proceedings, the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as the additional amount required due to the difference between the modified conditions of contract and the original conditions of contract where it is stipulated that insurance claims or benefits shall be paid in amounts as prescribed under the original conditions of contract for any insured event (other than any of the insured events to be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance) that has occurred by 31 March 2001 (excluding the amount of any Financial Assistance pertaining to the payment of Covered Insurance Claims); and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四十五条 株式会社の設立に際して第百八条第一項第八号に掲げる事項についての定めがある種類の株式を発行する場合において、当該種類の株式の内容として次の各号に掲げる事項について種類株主総会の決議があることを必要とする旨の定款の定めがあるときは、当該各号に定める事項は、定款の定めに従い、第四十条第一項又は第四十三条第一項の規定による決定のほか、当該種類の設立時発行株式を引き受けた発起人の議決権(当該種類の設立時発行株式についての議決権に限る。)の過半数をもってする決定がなければ、その効力を生じない例文帳に追加

Article 45 (1) In cases where, at the incorporation of a Stock Company, it issues shares of a class for which the matters listed in item (viii) of Article 108(1) are provided, if there are provisions in the articles of incorporation to the effect that a resolution of the Class Meeting is required with respect to the matters listed in the following items as the features of the shares of such class, the matters provided for in each of such items shall not become effective unless, in addition to the determination pursuant to the provisions of Article 40(1) or Article 43(1), there is a determination by a majority of the votes (limited to the votes with respect to the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class) of the incorporators who subscribe for the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class in accordance with the applicable provisions of the articles of incorporation:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第六十七条の十四 内閣総理大臣は、認可協会が登録する店頭売買有価証券(株券又は第二条第一項第二十号に掲げる証券若しくは証書のうち株券に係る権利を表示するもの(以下この条及び第百二十五条において「株券等」という。)に限る。)の発行者が発行者である株券等で当該認可協会が第六十七条の十一第一項の規定による登録をしていないものを、当該認可協会が同項の規定により登録することが公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当あると認めるときは、当該認可協会に対し、その株券等を同項の規定により登録すべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 67-14 With respect to the Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer of the Over-the-Counter Traded Securities registered by an Authorized Association (limited to the share certificates, or the securities or certificates listed in Article 2(1)(xx) indicating the rights pertaining to share certificates (hereinafter referred to as the "Share Certificates, etc." in this Article and in Article 125)) which have not been registered by said Authorized Association under the provision of Article 67-11(1), if the Prime Minister finds that registration by said Authorized Association of said Share Certificates, etc. under said paragraph is necessary and appropriate for the public interests or protection of investors, he/she may order said Authorized Association to register said Share Certificates, etc. under the provision of said paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百九十四条の三 内閣総理大臣は、金融商品取引業者(第二十八条第一項に規定する第一種金融商品取引業を行う者に限る。)、登録金融機関、取引所取引許可業者、認可金融商品取引業協会、金融商品取引所、外国金融商品取引所、金融商品取引清算機関又は証券金融会社に対し次に掲げる処分をすることが有価証券の流通又は市場デリバティブ取引に重大な影響を与えるおそれがあると認めるときは、あらかじめ、有価証券の流通又は市場デリバティブ取引の円滑を図るために必要な措置に関し、財務大臣に協議しなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 194-3 When the Prime Minister finds that giving of the dispositions listed in the following to a Financial Instruments Business Operator (limited to an operator of the Type I Financial Instruments Business set forth in Article 28(1)), Registered Financial Institution, Authorized Transaction-at-Exchange Operator, Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association, Financial Instruments Exchange, Foreign Financial Instruments Exchange, Financial Instruments Clearing Organization or a Securities Finance Company is likely to give material influence on distribution of Securities or Market Transactions of Derivatives, he/she shall consult in advance with the Minister of Finance about measures necessary for achieving smooth distribution of Securities or Market Transactions of Derivatives:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六百六十二条の六 法第三十一条の三第一項に規定する特定作業に係る仕事を自ら行う発注者又は当該仕事の全部を請け負つた者で、当該場所において当該仕事の一部を請け負わせているもの(次条及び第六百六十二条の八において「特定発注者等」という。)は、当該仕事に係る作業として前条第一号の機械を用いて行う荷のつり上げに係る作業を行うときは、当該特定発注者等とその請負人であつて当該機械に係る運転、玉掛け又は誘導の作業その他当該機械に係る作業を行うものとの間及び当該請負人相互間における作業の内容、作業に係る指示の系統及び立入禁止区域について必要な連絡及び調整を行わなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 662-6 The orderer who carries out work pertaining to the specified work prescribed by paragraph (1) of Article 31-3 of the Act or the person who has contracted for all of the work from the orderer, and subcontracted part of the said work conducted in the worksite (hereinafter referred to as "the specified orderer, etc." in the following Article and Article 662-8) shall, when carrying out the work pertaining to lifting a load using machinery set forth in item (i) of the preceding Article as pertaining to the said work, carry out the necessary communication and coordination between the specified orderer, etc., and contractors of the specified orderer who engage in operation pertaining to said machines, sling work, guiding or other work pertaining to said machine, and between the contractors, with relation to the work content, a system of instructions for the work and prohibited entry areas.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When it is requested by a managing company which has recognized that disadvantageous measures are likely to be taken to hold a meeting for exchanging opinions between the senior members of the supervisory authorities (Note 1) and the senior members of such management company (Note 2) during the process of interviews concerning the request of reports, and the supervisory authorities are going to take disadvantageous measures involving the granting of an opportunity of hearings or making explanations, unless it is necessary to take emergency measures, an opportunity for an exchange of opinions concerning the facts which constitute the cause of such disadvantageous measures to be taken and their seriousness prior to giving notification of holding hearings or granting an opportunity of making explanations.  - 金融庁


第三十七条の二 港長は、核原料物質、核燃料物質及び原子炉の規制に関する法律(昭和三十二年法律第百六十六号)第三十六条の二第四項の規定による国土交通大臣の指示があつたとき、又は核燃料物質(使用済燃料を含む。以下同じ。)、核燃料物質によつて汚染された物(原子核分裂生成物を含む。)若しくは原子炉による災害を防止するため必要があると認めるときは、特定港内又は特定港の境界付近にある原子力船に対し、航路若しくは停泊し、若しくは停留する場所を指定し、航法を指示し、移動を制限し、又は特定港内若しくは特定港の境界付近から退去することを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 37-2 (1) When the Captain of the port receives an instruction of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to the provision of paragraph 4 of Article 36-2 of the Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuels Material and Reactors (Act No. 166 of 1957) or that it finds necessary to prevent a disaster caused by nuclear fuels material (including used fuels: the same shall apply hereafter), objects polluted by nuclear fuels material (including derivatives of atomic fission) or reactors, it may order nuclear power vessels in the Specified Port or in the vicinity of the boundary of the Specified Port to designate the Passage or a place to berth or stay, to instruct the navigation, to restrict leaving or go away from the inside or the vicinity of the boundary of the Specified Port.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第三十二条の十四 気象庁長官は、第九条の登録を受けた者がいないとき、登録検定機関から第三十二条の九第一項の規定による検定事務の全部又は一部の休止又は廃止の届出があつたとき、前条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により第九条の登録を取り消し、又は同項の規定により登録検定機関に対し検定事務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき、登録検定機関が天災その他の事由により検定事務の全部又は一部を実施することが困難となつたとき、その他必要があると認めるときは、検定事務の全部又は一部を自ら行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 32-14 (1) The Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency may administer all or part of the verification affairs him/herself when no person has obtained the registration set forth in Article 9, the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency has been notified by a registered verification body of the suspension or abolition of verification affairs, in whole or in part, pursuant to the provisions of Article 32-9, paragraph (1), the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency has rescinded the registration set forth in Article 9 pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency has ordered a registered verification body to suspend all or part of the verification affairs pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, it has become difficult for a registered verification body to administer all or part of verification affairs due to a natural disaster or for other reasons, or the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency otherwise finds it necessary to do so.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For the past two years and eight months since the change of government, he has been doing his part behind the scenes as senior vice minister without any grumbles, and he is a man of reputation. When I recommended him to Prime Minister Noda as my successor, the prime minister said, “I know of him well.He is a man of reputation among experts. While he may lack glamour, I place firm confidence in him. It is important to gain the people's confidence and to have a broad perspective as minister for financial services in a democratic country. Regarding the international perspective and technical matters, it is necessary to seek the support of civil servants. However, he knows well what should be looked at from a broad perspective and what should be looked at from the technical perspective. Therefore, I believe that we may rest assured about him.  - 金融庁

第二十三条の八 発行登録者、有価証券の売出しをする者、引受人、金融商品取引業者又は登録金融機関は、発行登録によりあらかじめその募集又は売出しが登録されている有価証券については、当該発行登録がその効力を生じており、かつ、当該有価証券の募集又は売出しごとにその発行価額又は売出価額の総額、発行条件又は売出条件その他の事項で公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当なものとして内閣府令で定めるものを記載した書類(以下「発行登録追補書類」という。)が内閣府令で定めるところにより内閣総理大臣に提出されていなければ、これを募集又は売出しにより取得させ、又は売り付けてはならない。ただし、有価証券の募集又は売出しごとの発行価額又は売出価額の総額が一億円未満の有価証券の募集又は売出しで内閣府令で定めるものについては、この限りでない例文帳に追加

Article 23-8 (1) The Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator or a Registered Financial Institution shall not have another person acquire Securities for which the Shelf Registration has been made for their Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions, or sell such Securities to another person, through Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions, unless the Shelf Registration has already come into effect and, for each Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, a document which states the total issue price or total distribution amount, conditions of issuance or distribution of the Securities or other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (hereinafter referred to as "Shelf Registration Supplements") has been submitted to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided however, that this shall not apply to Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance if the total issue price or total distribution amount of each Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is less than 100 million.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) 注文内容を電話により営業所に連絡する場合、コンピューターの稼働終了後に翌日の注文を受託する場合、災害等によりコンピューターが使用不能となる場合等受託と同時にコンピューターに直接入力して作成することが不可能な場合は、受託時に手書きで注文伝票を作成すること。ただし、受託時に作成した手書きの注文伝票とその注文内容を後で入力して作成した約定結果等が記載されたコンピューターへの直接入力により作成した注文伝票を併せて保存する場合は、手書きの注文伝票に追記する必要はない例文帳に追加

(5) When it is impossible to input directly into a computer and generate an order form at the time of the undertaking of brokerage, such as: when details of an order are given to a branch office via telephone; when an order for the next day is undertaken after the computer operation; when a computer becomes out-of-service due to a disaster, etc.; the order form shall be generated manually at the time of the undertaking of brokerage; provided, however, that when the order form is both generated manually at the time of the undertaking of brokerage and the order form is generated by inputting directly into a computer, and when the order result, etc. is recorded by subsequently inputting details of the order and is maintained, it is not necessary for an additional copy to be recorded on a manual order form.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As long as persons other than those contracting with the company operating a website are able to visit the appropriate website to apply for prize offers, any prize offers made on the internet by internet service providers, telephone companies, or similar companies offering connectivity services required to gain internet access are not regarded as associated with transactions, provided that the actual eligibility for such offers is not restricted to current users of the connectivity service offered by the same entity. Thus, any offer complying with the foregoing is not subject to the Premiums and Representations Act (instead they are regarded as an "open kensho").  - 経済産業省

第七条 農林水産大臣は基本計画(第三条第二項第六号及び第十号に掲げる事項を除く。)の達成を図るため、都道府県の知事は都道府県計画の達成を図るため、この法律の規定による措置のほか、漁業法第三十四条第一項(同法第六十三条第一項において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。)、第三項若しくは第四項、第三十九条第一項(同法第六十三条第一項において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。)若しくは第五項、第六十五条第一項若しくは第二項若しくは第六十六条第一項又は水産資源保護法第四条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による水産動植物の採捕の制限等の措置その他の必要な措置を講じなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 7 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the governor of each prefecture shall take measures pursuant to the provisions of this Act, and shall other necessary measures, such as restricting the gathering or catching of aquatic animals and plants pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 34 of the Fishery Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis to paragraph (1) of Article 63 of the same Act), or paragraph (3) or (4) of Article 34, paragraph (1) of Article 39 of the same Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis to paragraph (1) of Article 63 of the same Act), or paragraph (5) of Article 39, paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 65, or paragraph (1) of Article 66 of the same Act, or paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 4 of the Aquatic Resource Protection Act, for achieving the Basic Plan (excluding the matters listed in items (vi) and (v) of paragraph (2) of Article 3) or for achieving the relevant Prefectural Plan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 第十八条第一項の規定は、重要な事項について虚偽の表示があり、又は表示すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の表示が欠けている第四項において準用する第二十七条の八第八項の規定による公告又は公表を行つた会社について準用する。この場合において、第十八条第一項中「当該有価証券を当該募集又は売出しに応じて取得した者」とあり、及び「当該有価証券を取得した者」とあるのは「当該公開買付けに応じて当該上場株券等の売付け等をした者」と、「その取得の申込みの際」とあるのは「その売付け等の際」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(6) Article 18(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company which gives public notice or public announcement under Article 27-8(8) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) that contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks an indication on any important matters that should be indicated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, both of the terms "a person who acquires the Securities through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" and "the person who acquired the Securities" in Article 18(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person who makes Sales, etc. of the Listed Share Certificates, etc. in response to the Tender Offer"; and the term "at the time of making an offer to acquire the Securities" in said provision shall be deemed to be replaced with "at the time of the Sales, etc."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四条 農林水産大臣又は都道府県知事は、水産資源の保護培養のために必要があると認めるときは、特定の種類の水産動植物であつて農林水産省令若しくは規則で定めるものの採捕を目的として営む漁業若しくは特定の漁業の方法であつて農林水産省令若しくは規則で定めるものにより営む漁業(水産動植物の採捕に係るものに限る。)を禁止し、又はこれらの漁業について、農林水産省令若しくは規則で定めるところにより、農林水産大臣若しくは都道府県知事の許可を受けなければならないこととすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 4 (1) In the event that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the prefectural governor deems it necessary for the protection and culture of fishery resources, the Minister or the prefectural governor may prohibit the fishery (which is limited to that pertaining to the harvest of aquatic animals or plants) undertaken by fishing or a specific method for fishing provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Rules in an attempt to harvest specific kinds of aquatic animals or plants provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Rules, or require such fishery to obtain the permission of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or of the prefectural governor as provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Rules.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十一条の三 経済産業大臣は、加工施設の性能が第十六条の五第二項の技術上の基準に適合していないと認めるとき、又は加工施設の保全若しくは加工設備の操作若しくは核燃料物質若しくは核燃料物質によつて汚染された物の運搬、貯蔵若しくは廃棄に関する措置が前条第一項の規定に基づく経済産業省令の規定に違反していると認めるときは、加工事業者に対し、加工施設の使用の停止、改造、修理又は移転、加工設備の操作の方法の指定その他保安のために必要な措置を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 21-3 (1) When the Minister of METI finds that the performance of the fuel facilities does not conform with the technical standards set forth in Article 16-5 (2), or that the measures pertaining to the maintenance etc. of the fuel facilities, the operation of fabricating or enrichment equipment, or the shipment, storage or disposal of nuclear fuel material or material contaminated by nuclear fuel material are in violation of the provision of the Ordinance of METI pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, he/she may order the licensee of fabricating or enrichment activity to suspend, remodel, repair or change the location of the fuel facilities, designate a method for operation fabrication or enrichment equipment or order any other necessary operational safety measures to be taken.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十三条 行政庁は、この法律の施行のため必要があると認めるときは、当該職員に、保険関係が成立し、若しくは成立していた事業の事業主又は労働保険事務組合若しくは労働保険事務組合であつた団体の事務所に立ち入り、関係者に対して質問させ、又は帳簿書類(その作成、備付け又は保存に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。)の作成、備付け又は保存がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。)の検査をさせることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 43 (1) When the administrative agency finds it necessary for the enforcement of this Act, it may cause its official to enter the office of the business operator, or the labor insurance administration association or the association which had been a labor insurance administration association, of a business in respect of which the insurance relation has been or had been established, to make questions to the persons concerned, or to inspect the accounting books (including the electromagnetic records (meaning the records made in an electronic format, a magnetic format or any other format not recognizable to human perception and made available for use for the information processing by electronic computers) in the case where such electromagnetic records are prepared, maintained and stored in lieu of the preparation, maintenance or storage of such accounting books).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十二条の二 主務大臣は、前条第一項第一号又は第四号に掲げる事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたか否かを判断するため必要があると認めるときは、当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者に対し、期間を定めて、当該告げた事項の裏付けとなる合理的な根拠を示す資料の提出を求めることができる。この場合において、当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者が当該資料を提出しないときは、第五十六条及び第五十七条第一項の規定の適用については、当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者は、前条第一項第一号又は第四号に掲げる事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 52-2 Where the competent minister finds it necessary for determining whether or not a person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales has misrepresented information on the matters listed in Article 52 (1) (i) or (iv), he/she may require said person to submit materials indicating reasonable grounds that support the matters conveyed to such other person within a specific time limit. Where the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales fails to submit the materials in this case, he/she shall be deemed to have misrepresented information on the matters listed in Article 52 (1) (i) or (iv) with respect to application of the provisions of Articles 56 and 57 (1).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十四条の三 警察庁長官又は警察本部長は、貸金業者、貸金業務取扱主任者又は第二十六条第二項の認可を受けようとする貸金業協会の役員について、意見陳述事由又は意見陳述事実があると疑うに足りる相当な理由があるため、内閣総理大臣又は都道府県知事が当該貸金業者、当該貸金業務取扱主任者又は同項の認可を受けようとする者に対して適当な措置をとることが必要であると認める場合には、警察庁長官にあつては内閣総理大臣、警察本部長にあつては都道府県知事に対し、その旨の意見を述べることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 44-3 Where the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police has reasonable grounds to suspect the existence of any Grounds Requiring the Statement of Opinions or Facts Requiring the Statement of Opinions with regard to a Money Lender, a Chief of Money Lending Operations, or an officer of a Money Lenders' Association who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), and therefor finds it necessary for the Prime Minister or prefectural governor to take appropriate measures against the Money Lender, the Chief of Money Lending Operations, or such person who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police may state his/her opinion to that effect to the Prime Minister or prefectural governor, respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This case is very regrettable, as I mentioned earlier. Although it is highly likely that some of the customers' assets managed by AIJ Investment Advisors have been lost, the facts have not yet been clarified at the moment. First of all, it is necessary to clarify facts. In any case, while it is very regrettable that a situation like this has arisen, the FSA, as well as the SESC, will take every possible effort to prevent a recurrence, although it is unclear how much of what has been reported is true.  - 金融庁

(2) 出願に基づいて特許を求めている旨の記載を含む書類及びこれに関する書類又は通信であって所定の手数料の納付を必要としないものは,次の規定に従うことを条件として,ファクシミリにより送信することができる。 (a) 発信人が書類をファクシミリで送信しようと試みたが,登録局が受信した書類の一部若しくは全部が判読不能であるか又は登録局が当該書類の一部を受信しなかった場合は,当該書類は提出されなかったものとして取り扱われる。 (b) 送信した書類が判読可能であったこと及び完全な書類であったことの挙証責任は,発信人にあるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) A document containing an indication that a patent is sought in pursuance of an application, and any document or correspondence relating thereto and not requiring the payment of any prescribed fee, may be transmitted by facsimile subject to the following provisions: (a) where the sender has attempted to transmit a document by facsimile, but part or all of the document received by the Registry is illegible or part of the document is not received by the Registry, the document shall be treated as not having been submitted; and (b) the burden of proving legibility and completeness of transmission lies with the sender. - 特許庁

(1) 登録商標に関する権利は,他人が次に掲げるものを取引上使用することを禁止する権限をその所有者に与えるものではない。 (a) 自己の名称及び住所 (b) 商品若しくはサービスの種類,品質,数量,用途,価格,原産地,商品の製造の若しくはサービスの提供の時期又はその他の特徴への言及 (c) 商品若しくはサービスの用途,特に,付属品若しくは交換部品として商標を表示するために必要である場合には,その商標 ただし,その使用が公正な取引の原則に従っているものであり,かつ,商標としてではなく記述的なものとしてのみ使用される場合に限る。例文帳に追加

1. The rights in a registered trademark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit another person from using in the course of trade: (a) his own name and address; (b) references to the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time of production of the goods or rendering of the service or other characteristics of the goods or services; (c) the trademark, where it is necessary to specify the intended purpose of a product or service, in particular as accessories or spare parts; provided that the use is in accordance with the principles of honest trading and therefore does not have a trademark function, but only a descriptive function. - 特許庁


171.6. “Public performance,” in the case of a work other than an audiovisual work, is the recitation, playing, dancing, acting or otherwise performing the work, either directly or by means of any device or process; in the case of an audiovisual work, the showing of its images in sequence and the making of the sounds accompanying it audible; and, in the case of a sound recording, making the recorded sounds audible at a place or at places where persons outside the normal circle of a family and that family’s closest social acquaintances are or can be present, irrespective of whether they are or can be present at the same place and at the same time, or at different places and/or at different times, and where the performance can be perceived without the need for communication within the meaning of Subsection 171.3; - 特許庁

(a)最終拒絶又は処分の後,補正は,クレームを取り消すことにより,又は定められた方式要件を遵守することにより行うことができ,また,不服申立での検討対象として,拒絶されたクレームをより良好な形で提示する補正も認められる。ただし,これらに関する手続は,当該出願を不服申立の対象となっている状態から救済することにはならず,取り下げられたとみなされたことから回避させることにもならない。 (b)出願の実体的事項に係わる補正は,最終拒絶又は不服申立がなされた後に,又は通常そのような補正が不適とされるときに提示する場合は,これが必要であること,及びこれを以前に提示しなかったことの適切かつ十分な理由を示せば,認められることがある。例文帳に追加

(a) After final rejection or action, amendments may be made canceling claims or complying with any requirement of form which has been made, and amendments presenting rejected claims in better form for consideration on appeal may be admitted; but any proceedings relative thereto, shall not operate to relieve the application from its condition as subject to appeal or to save it from being considered withdrawn. (b) Should amendments touching the merits of the application be presented after final rejection, or after appeal has been taken, or when such amendment might not otherwise be proper, they may be admitted upon a showing of good and sufficient reasons why they are necessary and were not earlier presented. - 特許庁


-No word which is the commonly used and accepted name of any single chemical element or single chemical compound shall be registered as a trademark in respect of a chemical substance or preparation and any such registration shall, notwishtanding anything contained in section 29, be deemed, for the purposes of section 51, to be an entry made in the Register without sufficient cause or wrongly remaining on the register, as the circumstances may require : Provided that nothing in this section shall 14 apply to a word which is used to denote only a brand or make of the element or compound as made by the proprietor or a registered user of the trademark, as distinguished from the element or compound as made by others, and in association with a suitable name or description open to the public use.  - 特許庁

2 内閣総理大臣は、当分の間、保険会社が第百六条第四項又は第百四十二条若しくは第百六十七条第一項の認可を受けて他の保険会社をその子会社とする場合(生命保険会社が損害保険会社をその子会社とする場合又は損害保険会社が生命保険会社をその子会社とする場合に限る。)においては、当該他の保険会社が受けている第三条第一項の免許に、特定保険会社の特定分野保険事業に係る経営環境に急激な変化をもたらし、特定保険会社の事業の健全性の確保に欠けるおそれが生ずることのないよう、必要な条件を付することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) Where an Insurance Company makes another Insurance Company its Subsidiary Company with the authorization set forth in Article 106, paragraph (4), or Article 142 or Article 167, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where a Life Insurance Company makes a Non-Life Insurance Company its Subsidiary Company or where a Non-Life Insurance Company makes a Life Insurance Company its Subsidiary Company), the Prime Minister may, for the time being, attach any necessary condition to the license granted to that other Insurance Company under Article 3, paragraph (1) for ensuring that the license will neither bring any drastic change in the management environment pertaining to the specified insurance business activity of the Specified Insurance Company nor pose any risk to the soundness in the business of the Specified Insurance Company.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 当該破綻保険会社に係る保険契約のうち内閣府令・財務省令で定める保険契約に該当するものであって、第二百七十条の四第九項において準用する第二百五十条の規定による契約条件の変更(同条第一項に規定する契約条件の変更をいう。)又は更生手続における契約条件の変更があるものについて、平成十三年三月三十一日までに保険事故(内閣府令・財務省令で定める保険事故を除く。)が発生したときは当該契約条件の変更前の契約条件で保険金額又は給付金額を支払うものとした場合において、その変更後の契約条件とその変更前の契約条件との相違により追加的に必要となる額(補償対象保険金の支払に係る資金援助の額を除く。)として内閣府令・財務省令で定めるところにより計算した額例文帳に追加

(iii) With regard to those insurance contracts of the Bankrupt Insurance Company which meet the requirements for insurance contracts to be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance and have been subject to the Modification of Contract Conditions (referring to the modification of the contract conditions set forth in Article 250, paragraph (1)) under Article 250 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 270-4, paragraph (9) or the Modification of Contract Conditions in reorganization proceedings, the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as the additional amount required due to the difference between the modified conditions of contract and the original conditions of contract where it is stipulated that insurance claims or benefits shall be paid in amounts as prescribed under the original conditions of contract for any insured event (other than any of the insured events to be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance) that has occurred by 31 March 2001 (excluding the amount of any Financial Assistance pertaining to the payment of Covered Insurance Claims).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 公開買付者は、当該公開買付届出書を提出した後、直ちに当該公開買付届出書の写しを当該公開買付けに係る株券等の発行者(当該公開買付届出書を提出した日において、既に当該発行者の株券等に係る公開買付届出書の提出をしている者がある場合には、当該提出をしている者を含む。)に送付するとともに、当該公開買付けに係る株券等が次の各号に掲げる株券等に該当する場合には、当該各号に掲げる株券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者に送付しなければならない。この場合において、当該写しの送付に関し必要な事項は、内閣府令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The Tender Offeror shall, immediately after the submission of the Tender Offer Notification, send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. to which the Tender Offer is made (and the person who has already submitted a Tender Offer Notification with regard to any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer as of the day on which the Tender Offer Notification is submitted, if any), and, if the Share Certificates, etc. for which the Tender Offer is made falls under any of the categories listed in the following items, also send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the exchange or association specified in the following items for each kind of Share Certificates, etc. set forth in the respective items. In this case, matters necessary for sending of the copies shall be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六百六十二条の七 特定発注者等は、当該仕事に係る作業として第六百六十二条の五第二号の機械に係る作業を行うときは、当該特定発注者等とその請負人であつて当該機械に係る運転、作業装置の操作(車体上の運転者席における操作を除く。)、玉掛け、くいの建て込み、くい若しくはオーガーの接続又は誘導の作業その他当該機械に係る作業を行うものとの間及び当該請負人相互間における作業の内容、作業に係る指示の系統及び立入禁止区域について必要な連絡及び調整を行わなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 662-7 The specified orderer, etc., shall, when carrying out the work as pertaining to machines set forth in item (ii) of Article 662-5 pertaining the said work, carry out the necessary communication and coordination between the specified orderer, etc., and contractors of the specified orderer who engage in operation of the machines, operation of working devices of the machines (excluding operations in the operator's seat on the body), sling work, piling, connection of piles or augers, guiding or other work pertaining to the said machines, and between the contractors, with relation to the work content, a system of instructions for the work and prohibited entry areas.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十四条 捕虜収容所長は、防衛省令で定めるところにより、被収容者が発する信書の作成要領及び通数並びに被収容者の信書の発受の方法について、抑留業務の円滑な実施のため必要な制限をすることができる。ただし、捕虜代表又は捕虜代表補助者が国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、利益保護国、指定赤十字国際機関又は指定援助団体に対して発する信書であって、第三条約第八十条その他の規定による捕虜代表又は捕虜代表補助者の権限に属する事項を含むものについては、この限りでない例文帳に追加

Article 84 (1) The prisoner of war camp commander may, pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Defense, impose restrictions necessary for the adequate pursuance of the internment upon the manner in preparing and the number of letters, and the procedures for sending or receiving letters of detainees,; provided, however, that this shall not apply to letters that the prisoners' representatives or the assistants to the prisoners' representatives send to national or local government agency, protecting powers, designated Red Cross International Organization, or designated assisting organizations and that contain matters under the authority of the prisoners' representatives or the assistants to the prisoners' representatives pursuant to the provision of Article 80 and other provisions of the Third Convention.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九百五十七条 法務大臣は、登録を受ける者がないとき、第九百五十条の規定による電子公告調査の業務の全部又は一部の休止又は廃止の届出があったとき、第九百五十四条の規定により登録を取り消し、又は調査機関に対し電子公告調査の業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき、調査機関が天災その他の事由によって電子公告調査の業務の全部又は一部を実施することが困難となったとき、その他必要があると認めるときは、当該電子公告調査の業務の全部又は一部を自ら行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 957 (1) When no person obtains a Registration, when a notification to suspend or discontinue all or part of the business of Electronic Public Notice Investigation under the provisions of Article 950 is given, when rescinding a Registration or ordering an Investigation Body to suspend all or part of the business of Electronic Public Notice Investigation pursuant to the provisions of Article 954, when it becomes difficult for an Investigation Body to implement all or part of the business of Electronic Public Notice Investigation due to a natural disaster or on any other grounds, or in any other cases where it is found necessary, the Minister of Justice may himself/herself carry out all or part of the business of Electronic Public Notice Investigation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 会社法第三百四十九条第四項及び第五項、第三百五十五条並びに第三百六十条第一項の規定は執行役員について、同法第三百五十条の規定は投資法人について、同法第三百五十二条、第八百六十八条第一項、第八百六十九条、第八百七十一条、第八百七十四条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十五条及び第八百七十六条の規定は執行役員の職務を代行する者について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第三百六十条第一項中「著しい損害」とあるのは「回復することができない損害」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(5) The provisions of Article 349, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 355, and Article 360, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to corporate officers, Article 350 of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to Investment Corporations, and the provisions of Article 352, Article 868, paragraph (1), Article 869, Article 871, Article 874 (limited to the part pertaining to item (iv)), Article 875, and Article 876 of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the person who performs his/her duties on behalf of a corporate officer. In this case, the phrase "substantial detriment" in Article 360, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "irreparable detriment," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十七条 経済産業大臣は、第三十六条の二の二第一項の登録を受ける者がいないとき、第三十六条の二十三の規定による検査の業務の全部又は一部の休止又は廃止の届出があつたとき、第三十六条の二十六の規定により同項の登録を取り消し、又は登録ガス工作物検査機関に対し検査の業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき、登録ガス工作物検査機関が天災その他の事由により検査の業務の全部又は一部を実施することが困難となつたときその他必要があると認めるときは、当該検査の業務の全部又は一部を自ら行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 37 (1) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may him/herself perform the whole or a part of the services for Inspections of a Registered Gas Facilities Inspection Body in the cases where: there is no person registered pursuant to Article 36-2-2, paragraph 1; notification of the suspension or abolition of the whole or a part of the services for Inspections has been given pursuant to Article 36-23; the registration made under Article 36-26 has been rescinded or an order has been issued to the Registered Gas Facilities Inspection Body to suspend or abolish the whole or a part of the services for Inspections pursuant to Article 36-26; it has become difficult for the Registered Gas Facilities Inspection Body to perform the whole or a part of the services for Inspections due to a disaster or otherwise; or it is necessary for any other reasons.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十八条 法第百六十六条(非居住者に対する準用)において読み替えて準用する法第百二十条第三項第三号(確定申告書への添附書類)に規定する財務省令で定める明細書は、同号に規定する非居住者のその国内及び国外の双方にわたつて行なう事業に係る収入金額又は費用若しくは損失の額を、同項に規定する申告書に係る年分の法第百六十五条(総合課税に係る所得税の課税標準、税額等の計算)に規定する国内源泉所得に係る不動産所得の金額、事業所得の金額、山林所得の金額又は雑所得の金額の計算上総収入金額又は必要経費の額に算入すべき金額として配分している場合における当該収入金額又は費用若しくは損失の額及びその配分に関する計算の基礎その他参考となるべき事項を記載した明細書とする。例文帳に追加

Article 68 The detailed statement specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance prescribed in Article 120, paragraph (3), item (iii) (Documents to Be Attached to Final Return Forms) of the Act applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the terms pursuant to Article 166 (Mutatis Mutandis Application to Nonresidents) of the Act shall be a detailed statement, in which, in the case where the amount of revenue and expenses, or the amount of loss related to a business conducted both in and outside Japan by a nonresident prescribed in said item is allocated as the amount to be included in the amount of gross revenue and the amount of necessary expenses, in the calculation of the amount of real estate income, business income, timber income or miscellaneous income related to income from domestic sources prescribed in Article 165 (Calculation of Tax Base, Tax Amount, etc. of Income Tax in the Case of Comprehensive Taxation) of the Act for the year related to a return form prescribed in said paragraph, said amount of revenue and expenses, or the amount of loss, the basis of the calculation concerning the allocation, and any other matters for reference are entered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十三条の二 都道府県労働局長は、登録を受ける者がいないとき、第四十九条の規定による製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部の休止又は廃止の届出があつたとき、前条の規定により登録を取り消し、又は登録製造時等検査機関に対し製造時等検査の業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき、登録製造時等検査機関が天災その他の事由により製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部を実施することが困難となつたときその他必要があると認めるときは、当該製造時等検査の業務の全部又は一部を自ら行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 53-2 (1) The Director of Prefectural Labor Bureau may conduct all or a part of manufacturing inspection, etc. services, in the following cases: when there is no agency registered; when there was a notification to suspend or discontinue a part of or the whole service pursuant to Article 49; when there was revocation of registration or an order to suspend the whole or a part of the service of manufacturing inspection, etc., based on the previous Article; when it became difficult for the registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency to carry out the whole or a part of the service of inspection by the natural disaster or other causes; when it is deemed to be necessary  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Elements or ideas mentioned below must be examined for reaching agreement on modality, and Japan believes that many WTO Members, including Japan, have a strong interest in discussing these elements and ideas. Understandably, some elements or ideas might be advantageous for some Members, whilst being disadvantageous for others. What matters most, however, is an overall balance in the outcome of the negotiations and the negotiations should aim at a comprehensive package without a priori exclusion of products, as agreed upon in the Doha Declaration. Needless to say negotiations should proceed, giving due consideration to the situation surrounding individual products.  - 経済産業省

第四十一条の二十三 指定信用情報機関は、加入貸金業者が指定信用情報機関から提供を受けた信用情報をその顧客である資金需要者等の返済能力の調査(指定信用情報機関が第四十一条の十八第一項ただし書の承認を受けて加入貸金業者の顧客の金銭債務の弁済能力の調査(当該返済能力の調査を除く。)のために信用情報の提供を行つている場合には、当該弁済能力の調査を含む。)以外の目的で使用しないよう加入貸金業者に対する必要かつ適切な監督を行わなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 41-23 A Designated Credit Bureau shall conduct the necessary and proper supervision of Member Money Lenders so that the Member Money Lenders do not use the Credit Information provided by said Designated Credit Bureau for any purpose other than investigation of the capacity of a Person Seeking Funds, etc. who is its customer to perform a monetary debt (in cases where the Designated Credit Bureau is providing Credit Information to the Member Money Lender for their investigation of a customer's capacity for performance (excluding the above-mentioned investigation of capacity for performance) with approval under the proviso to Article 41-18, paragraph (1), such investigation of capacity for performance shall be included).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For example, in cases where a claimed invention includes the gene actually obtained and many of genes whose identity is extremely low to the said gene obtained and is specified by their function and that as a result, many of genes which do not have the same function as the said gene obtained are included in the genes whose identity is extremely low, a large amount of trials and errors or complicated experimentation are generally needed to select the genes with the same function as the said gene obtained among the genes whose identity is extremely low beyond the reasonable extent that can be expected from a person skilled in the art, and therefore, the detailed description of the invention is not described in such a manner that enables a person skilled in the art to make the product.  - 特許庁

第五十六条の二 内閣総理大臣は、公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、金融商品取引業者等、これと取引をする者、当該金融商品取引業者等(登録金融機関を除く。)がその総株主等の議決権の過半数を保有する銀行等(以下この項において「子特定法人」という。)、当該金融商品取引業者等を子会社(第二十九条の四第三項に規定する子会社をいう。以下この条において同じ。)とする持株会社(私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律第九条第五項第一号に規定する持株会社をいう。以下この条において同じ。)若しくは当該金融商品取引業者等から業務の委託を受けた者に対し当該金融商品取引業者等の業務若しくは財産に関し参考となるべき報告若しくは資料(当該子特定法人にあつては、当該金融商品取引業者等(登録金融機関を除く。)の財産に関し参考となるべき報告又は資料に限る。)の提出を命じ、又は当該職員に当該金融商品取引業者等、当該子特定法人、当該金融商品取引業者等を子会社とする持株会社若しくは当該金融商品取引業者等から業務の委託を受けた者の業務若しくは財産の状況若しくは帳簿書類その他の物件の検査(当該子特定法人にあつては当該金融商品取引業者等(登録金融機関を除く。)の財産に関し必要な検査に、当該金融商品取引業者等を子会社とする持株会社又は当該金融商品取引業者等から業務の委託を受けた者にあつては当該金融商品取引業者等の業務又は財産に関し必要な検査に限る。)をさせることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 56-2 (1) When the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, he/she may order a Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc., a person who conducts transactions with the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc., a Bank, etc., the majority of whose Voting Rights Held by All the Shareholders, etc. are held by the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. (excluding Registered Financial Institutions) (hereinafter such a Bank, etc. shall be referred to as a "Subsidiary Specified Juridical Person" in this paragraph), a Holding Company (meaning holding companies prescribed in Article 9(5)(i) of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) which holds the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. as its Subsidiary Company (meaning subsidiary companies prescribed in Article 29-4(3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), or a person who received entrustment of business from the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. to submit reports or materials that will be helpful for understanding the business or property of the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. (with regard to said Subsidiary Specified Juridical Person, limited to reports or materials that will be helpful for understanding the property of the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. (excluding Registered Financial Institutions)), or have the officials inspect the status of the business or property, or the books and documents or other articles of the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc., the Subsidiary Specified Juridical Person, the Holding Company which holds the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. as its Subsidiary Company, or the person who received entrustment of business from the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. (with regard to the Subsidiary Specified Juridical Persons, the inspection shall be limited to what is necessary to understand the property of the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. (excluding Registered Financial Institutions), and with regard to the Holding Company which holds the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. as its Subsidiary Company, or the person who received entrustment of business from the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc., the inspection shall be limited to what is necessary to understand the business or property of the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc.).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十六条 市町村は、障害者又は障害児の保護者から申請があった場合において、当該申請に係る障害者等の障害の状態からみて、当該障害者等が補装具の購入又は修理を必要とする者であると認めるときは、当該障害者又は障害児の保護者(以下この条において「補装具費支給対象障害者等」という。)に対し、当該補装具の購入又は修理に要した費用について、補装具費を支給する。ただし、当該申請に係る障害者等又はその属する世帯の他の世帯員のうち政令で定める者の所得が政令で定める基準以上であるときは、この限りでない例文帳に追加

Article 76 (1) In the event that a person with disabilities or a guardian of children with disabilities file application, if a municipality acknowledges that such person with disabilities, etc. needs purchase or repair of prosthetic devices, according to the conditions of disability with persons with disabilities or others concerning such application, it shall grant prosthetic devices expenses to such persons with disabilities or guardians of children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as "object persons with disabilities for prosthetic devices, etc.") for the expenses which were required to purchase or repair such prosthetic devices. Provided, however, it is not applied if income status of such persons with disabilities, or others or persons prescribed in the Cabinet Order within other family members of households to which the persons with disabilities belong, are more than the standard prescribed in the Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十五条 機構は、第二項一般拠出金の徴収に関し必要があると認めるときは、船舶所有者に対し、報告若しくは文書の提出を命じ、又は当該職員に、船舶所有者の事務所に立ち入り、関係者に質問させ、若しくは帳簿書類(その作成又は保存に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。)の作成又は保存がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。以下同じ。)を検査させることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 45 (1) The Agency may order any of the ship owners to report or submit a document or to let its official enter the office of the ship owner and ask relevant persons questions or inspect books and documents (including electromagnetic records [records prepared by an electronic method, magnetic method or any other method a person cannot recognize with the senses for information processing by electronic computer] in the event that the said electromagnetic records are prepared or stored instead of prepared or stored books and documents); hereinafter the same shall apply if the Agency finds it necessary for the collection of the Paragraph 2 general contributions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八条の四 独占的状態があるときは、公正取引委員会は、第八章第二節に規定する手続に従い、事業者に対し、営業の一部の譲渡その他当該商品又は役務について競争を回復させるために必要な措置を命ずることができる。ただし、当該措置により、当該事業者につき、その供給する商品若しくは役務の供給に要する費用の著しい上昇をもたらす程度に事業の規模が縮小し、経理が不健全になり、又は国際競争力の維持が困難になると認められる場合及び当該商品又は役務について競争を回復するに足りると認められる他の措置が講ぜられる場合は、この限りでない例文帳に追加

Article 8-4 (1) When a monopolistic situation exists, the Fair Trade Commission may order the relevant entrepreneur, pursuant to the procedures provided for in Section II of Chapter VIII, to transfer a part of its business or to take any other measures necessary to restore competition with respect to the relevant goods or services; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where it is found that such measures may, in relation to the said entrepreneur, reduce the scale of business to such an extent that the expenses required for the supply of goods or services which the said entrepreneur supplies will rise sharply, undermine its financial position, or make it difficult to maintain its international competitiveness, or where such alternative measures may be taken that is found sufficient to restore competition with respect to the relevant goods or services.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項第一号及び第二号並びに前項第一号の規定は、第十三条第一項の目論見書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けている場合について準用する。この場合において、第一項中「募集又は売出しに応じて」とあるのは「募集又は売出しに応じ当該目論見書の交付を受けて」と、「当該有価証券届出書を提出した会社」とあるのは「当該目論見書を作成した会社」と、「その提出」とあるのは「その作成」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The provisions of items (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1) and item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Prospectus referred to in Article 13(1) contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, the terms "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution," "the company having submitted the Securities Registration Statement," "at the time of submission" and "was submitted" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution after receiving the Prospectus," "the company having submitted the Prospectus," "at the time of preparation" and "was prepared," respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 前条第一項、次条第一項、第八条第三項若しくは第四項、第八条の二第三項、第八条の二の五第三項又は第十七条の四第一項若しくは第二項の規定により必要な措置が命ぜられたにもかかわらず、その措置が履行されず、履行されても十分でなく、又はその措置の履行について期限が付されている場合にあつては履行されても当該期限までに完了する見込みがないため、引き続き、火災の予防に危険であると認める場合、消火、避難その他の消防の活動に支障になると認める場合又は火災が発生したならば人命に危険であると認める場合例文帳に追加

(i) where the necessary measures ordered under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, paragraph (1) of the following Article, Article 8, paragraph (3) or paragraph (4), Article 8-2, paragraph (3), Article 8-2-5, paragraph (3) or Article 17-4, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) have not been implemented at all or have not been fully implemented, or such measures should be implemented by a certain time limit but the implementation thereof is not expected to be completed by said time limit, and for these reasons, the fire chief or fire station chief still finds the position, structure, equipment or the status of the management of the property under fire prevention measures to be dangerous from a fire prevention perspective, finds them to be likely to hinder fire extinguishing activities, evacuation and other fire defense activities, or finds that they will endanger human life once a fire occurs; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 第百九条第三項並びに会社法第三百四十九条第四項及び第五項、第三百五十五条、第三百六十条第一項並びに第四百八十四条の規定は清算執行人について、同法第三百五十二条、第八百六十八条第一項、第八百六十九条、第八百七十一条、第八百七十四条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十五条及び第八百七十六条の規定は清算執行人の職務を代行する者について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第三百六十条第一項中「著しい損害」とあるのは「回復することができない損害」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(2) Article 109, paragraph (3) of this Act and the provisions of Article 349, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 355, Article 360, paragraph (1), and Article 484 of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an executive liquidator and the provisions of Article 352, Article 868, paragraph (1), Article 869, Article 871, Article 874 (limited to the part pertaining to item (iv)), Article 875, and Article 876 of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the person who performs duties on behalf of an executive liquidator. In this case, the phrase "substantial detriment" in Article 360, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "irreparable harm," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十三条の十九 経済産業大臣は、使用済燃料貯蔵施設の性能が第四十三条の十一第二項の技術上の基準に適合していないと認めるとき、又は使用済燃料貯蔵施設の保全、使用済燃料貯蔵設備の操作若しくは使用済燃料の運搬若しくは使用済燃料によつて汚染された物の運搬、貯蔵若しくは廃棄に関する措置が前条第一項の規定に基づく経済産業省令の規定に違反していると認めるときは、使用済燃料貯蔵事業者に対し、使用済燃料貯蔵施設の使用の停止、改造、修理又は移転、使用済燃料貯蔵設備の操作の方法の指定その他保安のために必要な措置を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 43-19 (1) When the Minister of METI finds that the performance of the spent fuel interim storage facilities does not conform with the technical standards set forth in Article 43-11 (2), or that the measures pertaining to the maintenance etc. of the spent fuel interim storage facilities, the operation of the spent fuel interim storage equipment, the shipment of the spent fuel, or the shipment, storage or disposal of material contaminated by the spent fuel are in violation of the provision of the Ordinance of METI pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, he/she may order any licensee of spent fuel interim storage activity to suspend use, remodel, repair or change the location of the spent fuel interim storage facilities, designate a method for operating the spent fuel interim storage equipment or order the necessary safety measures to be taken.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四十九条 経済産業大臣は、再処理施設の性能が第四十六条の二の二第二項の技術上の基準に適合していないと認めるとき、又は再処理施設の保全、再処理設備の操作若しくは使用済燃料、使用済燃料から分離された物若しくはこれらによつて汚染された物の運搬、貯蔵若しくは廃棄に関する措置が前条第一項の規定に基づく経済産業省令の規定に違反していると認めるときは、再処理事業者に対し、再処理施設の使用の停止、改造、修理又は移転、再処理設備の操作の方法の指定その他保安のために必要な措置を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 49 (1) When the Minister of METI finds that the performance of the reprocessing facilities does not conform with the technical standards set forth in Article 46-2-2 (2), or that the measures pertaining to the maintenance etc. of reprocessing facilities, the operation of the reprocessing equipment, or the shipment, storage or disposal of spent fuel, material separated from spent fuel, or material contaminated by such material or spent fuel are in violation of the provision of the Ordinance of METI pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, he/she may order any licensee of reprocessing activity to suspend use, remodel, repair or change the location of the reprocessing facilities, designate a method for operating the reprocessing equipment or order the necessary operational safety measures to be taken.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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