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Pray Forの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 721


First of all, in fact, the temples called kanji had been erected and maintained by so called Chingokokka, and Buddhist services had been held to pray for peace and security of the country and the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

まず、鎮護国家とされる国家によって官寺と呼ばれる寺院の建立・維持が行われて国家と皇室の安泰を祈るための法会が行われたという事実は存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is true that Buddhism was protected and that the kanji had been erected and systematically maintained by Chingokokka to pray for peace and security of the country and Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

鎮護国家において仏教が保護されて官寺が建立されてその監督体制が整備されて国家と皇室の安泰が祈願されていたのは事実である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regardless of the side, Takauji ASHIKAGA, the seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of the Northern Court decided to erect Tenryu-ji Temple in order to pray to Buddha for the happiness of the deceased emperor at Muso Soseki's suggestion (it is said that Takauji might be afflicted by the Emperor Godaigo's vindictive spirit). 例文帳に追加

北朝の征夷大将軍足利尊氏は敵味方の立場を超え、菩提を弔うために、夢窓疎石の勧めに従って天龍寺創建を決定した(尊氏が後醍醐天皇の怨霊に悩まされていたともいう)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is the Amida-do Hall which Tokuama (the younger sister of FUJIWARA no Hidehira), the wife of Norimichi IWAKI who was from a gozoku (local ruling family), had built in 1160 to pray to Buddha for happiness of her late husband, and it is a one-storied, hogyo-zukuri style (conical roof with no horizontal ridge beam) squared hall whose side is sangen in length. 例文帳に追加

土地の豪族岩城則道の夫人徳尼(藤原秀衡の妹)が夫の菩提を弔うため、永暦元年(1160年)に建立した阿弥陀堂で、単層、三間四方の宝形造である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is the Amida-do Hall whereby Shinnyobo-ni, the wife of Takamatsu Chunagon FUJIWARA no Sanehira had built in Ohara (Kyoto City) during 1148 to pray for the happiness of her dead husband. 例文帳に追加

高松中納言藤原実衡の妻である真如房尼が亡き夫の菩提のために大原(京都市)に建立した阿弥陀堂で、久安4年(1148年)の建立である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In July, 642, when Emishi offered a statue of Bosatsu as well as Shitenno (the Four Devas) statues to Hyakusai-ji Temple and gathered a group of monks to read a sutra and burn incense to pray for rain due to a long drought, it rained a little bit the next day but did not the following day. 例文帳に追加

642年7月、日照りが続いたため蝦夷は百済寺に菩薩像と四天王像をまつり衆僧に読経させ焼香して雨を祈ったところ、翌日、僅かに降ったが、その翌日には降らなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court donated heihaku (paper or silk cuttings or red and white cloth are presented to the gods) to Ise Jingu Shrine and ordered all provinces to build Kanzeon Bosatsu (the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy) and copy 10 volumes of Kanzeon-kyo sutra to pray for victory. 例文帳に追加

朝廷からは伊勢神宮へ幣帛が奉納され、また、諸国に観世音菩薩像をつくり、観世音経10巻を写経して戦勝を祈願するよう命じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In yudate, with reverence toward the holiness and magical power of water and fire, after purification by abstaining from eating meat, the conductor of the ritual boils water, presents it to the gods, and at the same time sprinkles it over the attending people to pray for rebirth and purification of life and good health. 例文帳に追加

湯立ちの風習は、水と火の神聖・呪性を重視し、精進潔斎を行って湯を沸かして神に献じて参列した人々も浴びることで生命の再生・浄化と息災を願うというものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An immediate order was given to temples and shrines to pray for the subjugation of the rebellion and, on January 9, 940, MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto, who had been the one to secretly inform the Imperial Court of Masakado's rebellion, was bestowed the rank of Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade). 例文帳に追加

直ちに諸社諸寺に調伏の祈祷が命じられ、翌天慶3年(940年)1月9日には先に将門謀反の密告をした源経基が賞されて従五位下に叙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Heian period, many "kyo-zos" (mirror images), which were made as the object for religious pray by engraving lines of Buddha on the mirror, were produced, and later they developed into Kakebotoke (hanging plaque Buddha) which were bronze plates with an image made by hannikubori engraving method. 例文帳に追加

平安時代以降、鏡面に仏像を線彫りにして信仰礼拝の対象とした「鏡像」(きょうぞう)が盛んに製作され、これは後に銅板に半肉彫りの彫像を取り付けた「懸仏」(かけぼとけ)に発展した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


God of the stars and God of the sea are also worshipped in Korean Peninsula to pray for happiness and wealth respectively, which shows syncretization in their beliefs. 例文帳に追加

星神と山神については朝鮮半島においても同様に信仰されており、それぞれ現世での幸福と金銭を祈祷する習合性を現している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sainokami-jo is a place where the belief in material benefits like Shamanism is carried on, and miko (shrine maiden or male attendant) holds a ceremony dedicated to gods or Buddha to pray for devotees' benefits of this world. 例文帳に追加

賽神場は、朝鮮においてクッ(賽神)と称されるシャーマニズム的現世信仰が行われる場所であり、諸神および諸仏に巫女(男も存在する)が信者の現世における利益をかなえさせる儀式が行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The himuro hut is filled with snow (readying the himuro) on the last Sunday of January, taken out on June 30 (himuro-opening) and then in Kanazawa City and surrounding areas, people eat himuro manju (a bun with a bean paste filling), which is said to imitate ice, as they pray for good health on July 1. 例文帳に追加

1月の最終日曜日に氷室小屋に雪がつめられ(氷室の仕込み)6月30日に雪を取り出す(氷室開き)そして、金沢市とその周辺では、7月1日に氷を模したと言われる氷室饅頭を食べ健康を祈る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Rokumei-kan Pavilion began to be used, not only to receive international guests of honor, but also to convene many domestic events including a celebration of Tencho Setsu (a day to pray for the emperor's long life on November 3, which was also the birthday of the Emperor Meiji). 例文帳に追加

鹿鳴館では外国からの賓客接待ばかりでなく、天長節(11月3日、明治天皇誕生日)の祝賀会行事をはじめ数々の国内行事も行われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From these facts, although whether the Oshu Fujiwara clan was in fact related to the Fujiwara clan is still not clear, at least it was validated that the Sekke family (a lineage of regents and advisers, namely the Fujiwara clan at that time) recognized Tsunekiyo as someone who had a relation to the Fujiwara clan (Kofuku-ji Temple was an uji-dera temple [a temple built to pray for a clan's glory] of the Sekke family). 例文帳に追加

そのことから実際に藤原氏の一族であったかはともかく、少なくとも当時の摂家から一族の係累に連なる者と認められていたことは確認されている(興福寺は摂家の氏寺である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a kamidana having a key holder, which is used by inserting and removing a key to pray safety in driving by a method wherein the kamidana is miniaturized or made compact, and an insertion hole for a key of an automobile or the like is provided on the base.例文帳に追加

神棚を小型化又はコンパクト化し基台に車のキー等の挿入孔を設け、安全運転を祈願してキーを挿脱入し使用するキーホルダ付神棚を提供するものである。 - 特許庁

To provide an incense stick having a shape of a character or a letter formed monolithically thereto as a symbol corresponding to characteristics of a ceremonial occasion using the incense stick or a reason for a person to pray in each ceremonial occasion.例文帳に追加

線香が使われる祭典の特性または各祭典で祈願する各自の理由に応じて、それぞれ象徴されるキャラクタまたは文字の形状が一体に成形されてなる線香の提供。 - 特許庁

Paul said, “I pray to God, that whether with little or with much, not only you, but also all that hear me this day, might become such as I am, except for these bonds.” 例文帳に追加

パウロは言った,「わずかであろうと,多くであろうと,わたしが神に祈るのは,あなただけでなく,今日わたしの言葉を聞いているすべての方にも,このような鎖は別として,わたしのようになっていただきたいということなのです」。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 26:29』

Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, 例文帳に追加

あなた方の中に病気の人がいますか。その人は集会の長老たちを呼び,主の名において油を塗ってもらい,自分のために祈ってもらいなさい。 - 電網聖書『ヤコブからの手紙 5:14』

He served as the priest who prayed for Emperor Tsuchimikado and Emperor Juntoku, studied the Godan-ho (the five wise men placing method) for Schumeimonin FUJUWARA no Shigeko in 1204 and 1211, and studied the Hokuto-ho (the method based on the stares called the Big Dipper) to pray for Emperor Tsuchimikado's recovery from disease in 1207. 例文帳に追加

土御門天皇・順徳天皇両天皇の護持僧をつとめ、1204年(元久元年)と1211年(建暦元年)には修明門院藤原重子のために五檀法を修し、1207年(承元元年)には土御門天皇の病気平癒を祈願して北斗法を修している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are theories that hishi mochi was originally the hishi-hanabira mochi (lozenged-shaped flower petal mochi) eaten in the imperial court at New Year's, and that the original triangle shape was changed to a lozenge shape to pray for fertility and family prosperity because the seeds of the water caltrop (which is written in Japanese with the same character as lozenge) are highly fertile and for longevity based on the story of a hermit who lived for a thousand years by eating the seeds. 例文帳に追加

宮中で正月に食べられる菱葩餅が起源である説や、元は三角形であったが菱の繁殖力の高さから子孫繁栄と菱の実を食べて千年長生きをした仙人にちなんで長寿の願いを込め菱形にした説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Empress Shotoku, who had brought an end to the Rebellion of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro in 764, printed one million scrolls of Dharanis based on the "Pure Light Great Dharani Sutras" in 770, which took six years, for the purpose of mourning for the souls of departed warriors who were killed in action as well to pray for the protection of the nation. 例文帳に追加

天平宝字8年(764年)に藤原仲麻呂の乱を平定した称徳天皇は、戦死した将兵の菩提を弔うと共に、鎮護国家を祈念するために、6年の歳月を掛けて宝亀元年(770年)に『無垢浄光大陀羅尼経』に基づいて、陀羅尼を100万巻印刷した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For this reason, in order to hold out against the flourishing of Hinduism in India, there appeared Funnuson (憤怒) and Gohoson (護法) to pray for the protection of the training of Buddhism and the surrender of the enemy, such as Gozanze Myoo, who defeated Shiva, and Mahakala, who subdued Ganesha and Gundari Myoo. 例文帳に追加

そのため、インドでのヒンドゥー教の隆盛に対抗するため、シヴァを倒す降三世明王やガネーシャを踏むマハーカーラ(大黒天)・軍荼利明王をはじめとして仏道修行の保護と怨敵降伏を祈願する憤怒尊や護法尊が登場した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Buddhist memorial services were customarily held seven times every seven days, because the bereaved family could pray to the Juo for seeking commutation for the dead person at every trial, while additional memorial services held in line with the additional three trials supposedly functioned to save all dead persons. 例文帳に追加

なお、仏事の法要は大抵七日ごとに七回あるのは、審理のたびに十王に対し死者への減罪の嘆願を行うためであり、追加の審理の三回についての追善法要は救い損ないを無くすための受け皿として機能していたようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also an idea that kudoku (merit) of nenbutsu of other people can be interchanged among several people when they pray nenbutsu simultaneously in the same words (for example, if ten people repeat nenbutsu for a hundred thousands times it will have the equal effect as a million times of nenbutsu by one person (10 x 100,000 =1,000,000)). 例文帳に追加

ただし、複数の人間が同時同音で念仏を唱えることによって互いの念仏の功徳を融通することが出来るとする考え方もある(例えば、10人が10万回の念仏を同時に唱えることが出来れば、10×10万=100万となり100万回念仏を唱えたのと同じ効果があるとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The events are mainly Buddhist memorial services where the practitioners, who went through purifying themselves (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat and are called rengyoshu (the eleven priests participate in Shuni-e held at Nigatsudo hall of Todaiji Temple), confess their sins by themselves and through their kudoku (pious act), pray to Eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) in Nigatsu-do Hall for the prosperity of Buddhism, the peaceful world, the affluent life for the national, huge harvest (of cereals) and so on. 例文帳に追加

二月堂の本尊十一面観音に、練行衆と呼ばれる精進潔斎した行者がみずからの過去の罪障を懺悔し、その功徳により興隆仏法、天下泰安、万民豊楽、五穀豊穣などを祈る法要行事が主体である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In seeing the traditional perfuming arts from a religious point of view, Yoshuku Geino refers to various performing arts for celebrating the New Year such as Manzai (a traditional celebratory chant-like song) or Harukoma (a dance in which a performer carries a wooden horse's head), and Ta asobi or Onda, a performance mimicking the processes of rice production to pray for a good harvest before farm work starts. 例文帳に追加

予祝芸能(よしゅくげいのう)とは、伝統芸能を信仰の面からとらえたときの、萬歳や春駒など新春をことほぐ芸能や、農作業のあらましをあらかじめ一通り演じて順調に稲が実るように祈願する田遊び・御田などを指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as the influence of Buddhism became stronger, bon was combined with urabon, which is a Buddhist event, and became an event to hold a memorial service for one's ancestors while shogatsu was positioned to be a 'kami matsuri' (god festival) to pray for rich harvest of the year welcoming toshitoku-shin god (a god who controls the happiness of the year). 例文帳に追加

しかし、仏教の影響が強くなるにつれ、盆は仏教行事の盂蘭盆と習合して先祖供養の行事とし、対する正月は歳徳神を迎えてその年の豊作を祈る「神祭り」として位置付けられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shugendo (mountaineering asceticism), the Way of Yin and Yang and others have developed to go beyond Buddhism and Shinto under the influence of Esoteric Buddhism, and these religions were used to to pray for repose of vengeful spirits in sacred spirit service (goryoe) and other occasions from the expectation for the manifestation of mantra dharani (commandment of true words) or the power of Buddhism attained by accumulated virtues. 例文帳に追加

密教などの影響を受け仏教や神道の枠に収まりがたい発展を遂げた宗教には修験道、陰陽道などがあり、真言陀羅尼や功徳を積んだ法力への期待から御霊会など怨霊の鎮魂を担っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many people come from all parts of Japan to pray for good luck, victory, business success and a safe year for the family, including in recent years, Konosuke MATSUSHITA, founder of Panasonic corporation and referred to as "the God of Business," who respected this Shrine deeply. 例文帳に追加

また現代では、松下電器産業の創業者でもあり「経営の神様」とも称された松下幸之助が深く信仰したほか、厄除開運、必勝、商売繁盛、家内安全などの御利益を願って全国から参拝者が足を運ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A hall for holding ceremonies such as Denpo Kanjo (the ceremony in which esoteric secrets are transmitted from master to disciple) and Goshichinichi Mishiho (a ceremony from the 8th to 14th of the new year, to pray for the peace and safety of the Emperor), there are no statues of Buddhas inside. 例文帳に追加

伝法灌頂(密教の奥義を師匠から弟子へ伝える儀式)、後七日御修法(ごしちにちのみしほ:正月の8日から14日までの間に、天皇の安泰を祈願する儀式)などの儀式を執り行うための堂で、内部には仏像は安置されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said to have been erected in the Asuka Period by Prince Shotoku, and some say that the remains of Kumagori Shoja Temple, the temple previously built at the current location of Daian-ji Temple, are of it, but actually, it is accepted that it was erected to be the Uji-dera temple (temple built to pray for the glory of a clan) for the local ruling family, the Nukatabe clan, who were based in this area. 例文帳に追加

飛鳥時代に聖徳太子の建立と伝えられ、大安寺の前身である熊凝精舎(くまごりしょうじゃ)跡ともいわれるが、実際にはこの地を本拠としていた豪族額田部(ぬかたべ)氏の氏寺として建立されたものと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is another legend that when practicing archery at Nasu-dake (Mt. Nasudake) in 1180, they met MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, who was visiting Nasu Onsen-jinja Shrine to pray for certain victory, and Yoichi's father Suketaka exchanged a promise that he would let Yoichi and his older brother Tametaka SENBON fight for the Genji clan. 例文帳に追加

また、治承4年(1180年)、那須岳で弓の稽古をしていた時、那須温泉神社に必勝祈願に来た源義経に出会い、父・資隆が兄の千本為隆と与一を源氏方に従軍させる約束を交わしたという伝説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His resources as an official for practical work was outstanding and this is clear from the fact that he was dispatched to the Ise-jingu Shrine as an Imperial envoy to pray for 'surrender of the enemy country' in 1281 during a life-or-death situation that encompassed the nation just before Koan no Eki (the ware against the Mongolian invaders). 例文帳に追加

彼が実務官僚としての才覚は抜群のものがあり、それは弘安4年(1281年)の弘安の役直前という国家存亡の機に際して「敵国降伏」を祈念する勅使として伊勢神宮に派遣されている事でも明らかである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He lived long until 91 years old and it is said that when he was dying he continued to pray for Amitabha to surely lead him to gokuraku jodo (the Pure Land (of Amida Buddha)) by kudoku (merit) of Buddhist invocation for a long time and became Ojo-nin (a person who achieved gokuraku ojo (peaceful death)) ("Honcho shinshu Ojo-den" (New collection of hagiographies of those born in the Pure Land)). 例文帳に追加

91歳の長寿を保ち、亡くなる際には阿弥陀如来に向かって多年の念仏の功徳によって必ず引接を垂れ給わんことを祈請しながら没し、往生人(極楽往生した人)となったとされている(『本朝新修往生伝』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same year, he participated in the impeachment for Takemichi KOGA who was a member of the party advocating Kobu-Gattai (the union of the Imperial Court and the shogunate); in March of the following year, he and Motoosa MIBU proposed the radical reform in the government and the execution of Joi (expulsion of foreigners), then he was appointed to Kokuji-yoryudo (general official of the government) and attended Emperor Komei's visit to Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine to pray for the success of Joi. 例文帳に追加

同年、公武合体派の久我建通の弾劾に加担、翌年2月、壬生基修とともに庶政刷新と攘夷貫徹を求める建言を提出して国事寄人に任じられ、孝明天皇の攘夷祈願の為の石清水八幡宮行幸に随従した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among events of Yoshuku Geino (Preliminary Celebration), Taasobi (ritual Shinto performance to pray for a good rice-crop for the year) handed down in Itabashi Ward, Tokyo and Hanazono no Ondamai (the rice field dance in Hanazono) performed in Hanazono, Katsuragi-cho, Wakayama Prefecture (both being designated as Important Intangible Property of Folk Culture) retain the old forms as an event held at New Year or Lunar New Year. 例文帳に追加

予祝芸能行事としては、東京都板橋区にのこる板橋の田遊びや和歌山県かつらぎ町花園の花園の御田舞(ともに重要無形民俗文化財)が、年頭や小正月におこなわれるものとしては古い形態をよくとどめている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The content shows that the descendants of the ruling family of the Miyake (Imperial-controlled territory) in Takada no sato, Shimosanu-go (also known as Shimosano-go), Gunma County, Kozuke Province would build the monument to pray to Buddha for the salvation of their ancestors and safety of their parents by pledging to the heaven and earth, for the parents of the seventh generation, those of the time, and so on. 例文帳に追加

その内容は、上野国群馬郡下賛(下佐野)郷高田里の三家(ミヤケ、屯倉)の子孫が、七世父母、現在の父母等のために天地に誓願して作る旨が記され、祖先の菩提と父母の安穏を仏に祈願している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Toba Futoshi, the city's mayor, said, "This pine tree represents hope for those who survived but grieve for their lost loved ones. I pray the tree will watch over us as we recover from the disaster."例文帳に追加

同市の戸(と)羽(ば)太(ふとし)市長は「この松の木は,最愛の人を亡くし深い悲しみに打ちひしがれている被災者にとって,希望を象徴しています。私たちが震災から復興するのを,この木が見守ってくれることを祈っています。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

To provide a tool for conveniently and frequently showing a feeling of recollecting the decedent, and respecting soul on a daily basis just like ancient people naturally offer a light every day, and pray for family safety with a feeling of respecting the decedent.例文帳に追加

昔の人々が毎日当たり前のようにお灯明をあげ、故人を敬う気持ちで家内安全を祈ったように、故人を偲び霊を弔う気持ちを日常的により手軽で頻繁に実感をこめて表せるツールを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

Then, Shaka said to him, 'Your mother is highly guilty. She has not done any favors to others and has been so selfish that she fell into Gaki-do.' and 'Prepare something special and recite sutra on July 15 after many priests finish the 90 days ascetic trainings of rainy season, and pray for her from the heart.' 例文帳に追加

すると釈迦は『お前の母の罪はとても重い。生前は人に施さず自分勝手だったので餓鬼道に落ちた』として、『多くの僧が九十日間の雨季の修行を終える七月十五日に、ご馳走を用意して経を読誦し、心から供養しなさい。』と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts) in Tozan School, which Shobo was founded, is thought to demonstrate profound preaching by Dainichi Nyorai with Funi Ichijo (most important of the Shingon principles which states to climb the mountain of Ichijo (truth), Mt. Omine, and pray for obtaining the body of funi (a thought that Ri (the innate reason) and Chi (knowledge) are non-two)), which was expressed through "Shugen Ein So Mandala" (literally, mandala of Shugendo under the teaching of Ein (Dainichi Nyorai's most secret teachings)). 例文帳に追加

聖宝を祖とする当山派修験道においては、一方で『修験恵印総漫拏羅』を通じて表現された不二一乗の世界観をもって大日如来による秘奥の説法を示すものとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jusan-mairi is a ritual that takes place on March 13 of the lunar calendar date (today, it is held one month later on April 13) where 13 year old boys and girls visit Kokuzo Bosatsu (Akasagarbha Bodhisattva) to give thanks that they have come of age and pray for future knowledge, happiness, and health. 例文帳に追加

十三参り(じゅうさんまいり)は、旧暦の3月13日(現在では月遅れで新暦の4月13日)の間、数え年13歳に成った少年少女が元服を迎え大人と成った事に感謝して、これから先の万物の福徳と英知を授かるために、虚空蔵菩薩に参詣する行事。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is so wide a variety of Engimono, including those to pray for huge harvest (of cereals), good catch and memorial service, prosperous business, safety of the family, a state of perfect health, peace and longevity, a harmonious marriage, fertility and family prosperity, ancestor worship, good luck and protection from evil, as well as those concerning 'hare to ke' (which means 'appare' [splendid] or a good mood, not fine weather). 例文帳に追加

五穀豊穣、大漁追福、商売繁盛、家内安全、無病息災、安寧長寿、夫婦円満、子孫繁栄、祖先崇拝や招福祈願、厄除祈念や「ハレとケ{天気ではなく天晴れ(あっぱれ)や晴れ晴れとした気持ちの「晴れ」をさす}」に纏わる物など多岐に渡る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later they became shinsaigu (equipment used in rituals) which were dedicated in koyagumi (roof truss or framework) at the time of Jotoshiki (the roof-laying ceremony) as an amulet against Devils, just like heigoshi used to pray for safety of the family, and these days, along with hamaya and hamayumi, they are known as lucky charm against evils offered in shrines. 例文帳に追加

後に、家内安全を祈願する幣串と同じように、家の鬼を祓う魔除けとして上棟式に小屋組に奉納される神祭具の事で、近年では破魔矢・破魔弓ともに神社などの厄除けの縁起物として知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Pilgrims would sightsee along the way, pray for all other members in Ise, and buy talismans, seeds of new varieties of crops, specialties and the latest products (light, compact, and strong products were commonly purchased) found in the neighboring areas of Ise as well as along the way, such as textile fabrics of Matsuzaka City and Kyoto, as souvenirs. 例文帳に追加

参拝者は道中観光しつつ、伊勢では代参者として皆の事を祈り、土産として神札や新品種の農作物の種子、松阪市や京都の織物などの伊勢近隣や道中の名産品や最新の物産(軽くてかさばらず、壊れないものがよく買われた)を購入する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Emperor Shirakawa promised that, if efficacious, he would be given as rewards whatever he wanted, Raigo who was an ajari (a master of esoteric Buddhism) of Onjo-ji Temple (Mii-dera Temple) continued to pray for the birth of a prince and accomplished it honorably on December 16, 1074. 例文帳に追加

園城寺(三井寺)の阿闍梨(あじゃり)・頼豪は、効験があれば思いのままに褒美を取らせるという白河天皇との約束のもと、切望される皇子の誕生を祈祷し続け、承保元年(1074年)12月16日、見事これを成就させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While staying in Wakasa, ABE no Arinobu performed various religious services such as Taizan fukunsai (a religious service to pray for a long life) which forced the perplexed Imperial Court to summon Aritomi KADENOKOJI who was a member of a branch family of the Kamo clan, to have him perform various kanjin () and the performance of Onmyoryo started to become extremely artificial. 例文帳に追加

若狭にとどまって泰山府祭などの諸祭祀を行ったため、困惑した朝廷はやむなく賀茂氏傍流の勘解由小路在富を召しだして諸々の勘申を行わせるなど、陰陽寮の運用は極めて不自然なものとなっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shunko-in Temple's original name was Shungen-in founded in 1590 by Yoshiharu HORIO, who was a vassal of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and later founder of Matsue City, in order to pray for the soul of his first son, Kanesuke HORIO, who was killed in the Battle of Odawara. 例文帳に追加

春光院のもとの寺号は俊厳院(しゅんげんいん)で、天正18年(1590年)に、豊臣秀吉の家来で、後、松江市開府の祖堀尾吉晴(ほりおよしはる)が、長子堀尾金助を小田原の戦いで失ったので、その菩提を弔うために建立した寺である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to temple legend, Meigetsu-in Temple began as a hut named 'Meigetsu-an' that was built in 1160 by Tsunetoshi SHUDO to pray for the soul of his father, Toshimichi, who died in the Heiji War and that this was later restored by Norikata UESUGI but the prevailing theory claims that he was the actual founding patron. 例文帳に追加

なお、寺伝では、平治の乱で没した首藤俊通(しゅどうとしみち)の菩提の為、永暦元年(1160年)、その子の経俊が「明月庵」を建立したのが草創とされ、上杉憲方は中興者とされているが、実際の開基は上杉憲方とみるのが通説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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