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However, the dispute between Tokuitsu and Saicho was not limited to the dispute between sanjo and ichijo and the authenticity of Hokekyo in Kyoso Hanjaku (evaluation of sutras, the idea which is the most similar to the one of Buddha in many Buddhist scriptures is questioned) was questioned and thus some say that it should be called 'Hokke gonjitsu no ronso' (dispute of Hokke gonjitsu). 例文帳に追加

ただし、徳一と最澄の論争は三乗と一乗の争いのみに留まらず、教相判釈(数ある経典の中で釈迦の考え方に最も近いものを問う)における法華経の正統性を問うたものでもあるから「法華権実論争」と呼ぶべきとの考えもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Buddhism during this period in Japan was, under the idea of national protection, governed under the control of the nation and the system of nenbundo-sha (approved people who enter the Buddhist priesthood) was enforced, which admitted a certain number of tokudo (entering the Buddhist priesthood) each year, and in principle, shidoso (priests having entered Buddhist priesthood without permission) was not admitted. 例文帳に追加

この時代の日本における仏教は中国と同様、鎮護国家の思想の下、国家の管理下で統制されており、年ごとに一定数の得度を許可する年分度者の制度が施行され、原則として私度僧は認められていなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, an idea called 'Ichimi Wago' (unity of people's minds) led to decision making through discussions at gatherings called "shue" (gathering of priests) on the inside regulations and important rules regarding shoen management, and a kind of majority rule called 'tabun no ri' was developed (in which not gaining a majority but gaining two thirds or more of agreement will decide the case). 例文帳に追加

また、「一味和合」の観念から集会(しゅうえ)における集議によって内部の規律や荘園の支配などに関する重要な規定が定められ、「多分の理」と呼ばれる多数決(過半数ではなく、2/3などそれ以上の一定割合の賛同を得ることで決定が成立する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While in the course of spreading Buddhism the idea emerged that 'Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote fantasies of love affairs and caused many people to become misled, must have been fallen into Hell (Buddhism),' and the rite called the 'Buddhist ceremony for Murasaki Shikibu's soul' was often held in order to save her. 例文帳に追加

その一方、仏教が浸透していく中で、「色恋沙汰の絵空事を著し多くの人を惑わした紫式部は地獄(仏教)に堕ちたに違いない」という考えが生まれ、「源氏供養」と称した紫式部の霊を救済する儀式がたびたび行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on this idea, the Kanototori year, which was the first year of the former 21 cycles from the Kanototori year of 601 when a capital was placed at Ikaruga, was defined as the first year of the first period and the year of the enthronement of Emperor Jinmu on the assumption that the beginning of Japan was the first revolution. 例文帳に追加

この思想で考えると斑鳩の地に都を置いた推古天皇9年(601年)の辛酉の年より二十一元遡った辛酉の年を第一蔀のはじめの年とし、日本の紀元を第一の革命と想定して、神武の即位をこの年に当てたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, this chapter is commented as the one which 'tells the end without ending,' and it sometimes generates the arguments whether the author went on writing with the idea of ending at this point and completed as planned or stopped writing halfway through for some reason though she intended to continue writing. 例文帳に追加

このために「終わることなく終わりを告げる」等と評されており、作者が構想通りここで完結するように書き進められてきて予定通り完結させたのか、それとももっと先まで書き進める構想はあったが何らかの事情でここで中断してしまったのか議論になることがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning of this book consisting of 23 articles, Ii states the idea of 'ichigo ichie': "We should keep in mind that an encounter today can never be experienced again, so the host should pay attention to every single matter and guests should never neglect the host's care; both should communicate in earnest." 例文帳に追加

二十三ヵ条にわたる本文の冒頭に「一期一会」の思想を、『本日の出会いは、再び同じ出会いではないと考え、主人は全てのことに、気を配り、客も亭主の趣向を何一つおろそかにせず、心に留めて、双方が誠意をもって交わるべきである』と主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This idea was thoroughly opposed and criticized by the Japanese language scholars of the time, and it is taken as a kind of pseudoscience or folk etymology, i.e. merely a coincidence of languages, and it is no longer taken seriously. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、当時から日本語学の研究者の手によって徹底的な反論と批判がなされており、学界からは疑似科学・民間語源の一種(単なる言葉の偶然の類似)として受け止められ、近年ではまともに相手にもされていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Butoku-kai was reorganized as an affiliate company of government, the idea to improve the shooting style was proposed again, so that in 1944 'Kyudo-Kyohan (teaching method of Kyudo)' was edited by 'Kyudo-Kyohan Seitei Iinkai (committee to establish Kyudo-Kyohan),' in which both of the shooting style of 'Kyudo-yosoku' and the existing shooting style of front and skew were admitted before the end of the World War II. 例文帳に追加

武徳会が政府の外郭団体として再出発する際に再度射型改善の声が上がり、昭和19年(1944年)に「弓道教範制定委員会」の手によって「弓道教範」が作成され、、「弓道要則」の射法と、従来の正面・斜面の射法を併せて認めるに至り終戦を迎える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shintaro Oe who landscaped Senko villa with ueji, presented the idea that methodology leads to the design of gardens, which is not a view point of other gardeners nor a way to appreciate gardens, a discussion titled "The Designs of Landscape Gardening" in Ars Complete Lectures of Architecture published in 1924. 例文帳に追加

植治とともに扇湖山荘を手がけた大江新太郎は1924年『アルス建築大講座』に掲載された「作庭意匠」と題する論考でほかの建築家の視点、庭園鑑賞に関してではない、庭園設計にいたる方法論を展開している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He wrote about the history of Nihon teiens and the method of composition, citing photographs taken by Isshin OGAWA, and made it easier to understand visually, Conder explained the idea behind Japanese landscape gardening is to pick up the characteristic part of the surrounding environment and re-present them. 例文帳に追加

日本庭園の沿革から構成方法いたるまでを小川一真の撮影による写真を多く用いて視覚的にもわかりやすくまとめたもので、コンドルは、日本の庭園造形は周囲の自然風景の特徴ある部分を選び出してレ・プレゼントしたものである、と説明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the concept of the third Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa was 'From Event To Festival', the idea of introducing a dance to symbolize the festival was discussed and a project team was formed with people from the Executive Committee of Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa and Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa Administration Office, and other key figures. 例文帳に追加

第3回京都学生祭典のコンセプト「イベントからまつりへ」のもと、まつりを象徴するおどりの導入が検討されるようになり、京都学生祭典実行委員会と京都学生祭典事務局、有識者などで構成されるプロジェクトチームが発足した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The structure and effect (flying capability) of Yumiya has been developed by trial and error in various parts of the world since the period when the idea of dynamics and parabola (differential and integral calculus) were not created, which led to the development of early machine engineering by producing the machine bow and the catapult. 例文帳に追加

弓矢の構造や効果(飛翔性)は、力学や放物線(微分・積分)という概念がない頃から世界各地おいて、それらについて試行錯誤されてきた道具であり、初期の機械工学の発展の要因(機械弓、カタパルト)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A rumor has it that the idea of 'VTEC,' a variable valve mechanism developed by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., hit the engineer when the engineer was looking at yakitori being grilled and observed that some skewered ingredients rotated and others did not (e.g., green onion pieces turned but meat did not). 例文帳に追加

本田技研工業が開発した可変バルブ機構「VTEC」は、焼き鳥を焼いているのを見ていた技術者が、串に打たれた具材が回ったり回らなかったりする(ネギは回るのに肉は回らない、など)のを見てその機構を思いついたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The relation between the winter solstice and yuzu is not necessarily clear, but the practice of yuzuyu appeared after the birth of sento and according to one theory, it is related with the play on words linking "湯治, toji" (hot spring cure) and "冬至, toji" (winter solstice) and the idea that if the body is healthy, it is "yuzu-ga-kiku" (malleable, adaptable). 例文帳に追加

冬至と柚子との関連はかならずしも明らかでないが柚子湯の習慣は銭湯の登場以後のことであり、一説に湯治(とうじ)と冬至(とうじ)との語呂合わせで、身体息災であれば融通(ゆうずう)がきくとのこじつけであるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For various problems in the modern age, this kind of Japanese sense of worship for religion may be effective, and when regarding this as a methodology, one example is that an idea of 'satoyama bunka (traditional village culture) (Chinju-no-Mori) (Sacred Shrine Forest) has a possibility of suggesting problem solving. 例文帳に追加

現代世界が抱える諸問題において、このような日本的な宗教的価値観が有効とされる場合もあり、これを方法論としてみた場合、たとえば「里山文化(鎮守の森)」の考え方は問題の解決を示唆する可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, ginjoshu was originally an idea which was studied based on the assumption of alcohol addition which had somewhat of a bad image by the distribution of sanzoshu during the period when a new shochu and synthetic seishu were actively developed as future-oriented 'scientific sake.' 例文帳に追加

したがって吟醸酒とはそもそも、新式焼酎と合成清酒などが未来志向の「科学の酒」として意欲的に開発された時代に、のちに三増酒の流通によって多分に悪いイメージを背負いこむことになるアルコール添加を前提として研究された概念であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Norimichi KUSUMI, a sake brewer at Kusumi Shuzo, a well-known brewery by its brand "Kiyo-izumi" (literally, clean fountain) in Washima Village, Santo County, together with Kiyoshi KAWAI, a master brewer, hit on the idea to restore the original Kameno-o rice when they were told about superiority of sake made from Kameno-o rice. 例文帳に追加

三島(さんとう)郡和島(わしま)村の、『清泉(きよいずみ)』で知られる久須美酒造の酒造家である久須美記廸(くすみ・のりみち)は、杜氏である河井清から、むかし亀の尾で作った日本酒が素晴らしかったとの話を聞いて、亀の尾を復活させることを考えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that in 1776, Toemon NAKAJIMA (1745-1825), a farmer in Yamagata Town, Naka County, Mito Domain, conceived a bright idea of grinding dried konnyaku corms which he had found don't go bad, and then Myojitaito (the right to bear a surname and wear a sword) was awarded for his invention. 例文帳に追加

1776年(安永(元号)5年)、水戸藩那珂郡山方町農民の、後に名字帯刀を許された中島藤右衛門(なかじまとうえもん)(1745年-1825年)が乾燥した球茎が腐らないことにヒントを得て粉状にする事を思いついたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meitei eloquently lectured on the art of soba eating and swallowed soba with a condiment of hot wasabi, tears his eyes, adhering to his idea of stylishness which seemed a bit like snobbish affectation, but compared with Meitei's being a passionate stickler about soba, the impression of udon, with the dyspeptic Kushami Sensei being the 'udon lover,' seems relatively unexciting. 例文帳に追加

蕎麦食いの講釈をとうとうと垂れ、薬味のワサビの辛さに涙しつつやせ我慢で耐えて蕎麦を呑み込む迷亭のいささか俗物的な面も否めない粋へのこだわりぶりに比べ、胃弱症の苦沙弥先生が「うどん好き」であることで、うどんの印象は相対的に冴えないものとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the abundant food supplies and aging farming population, in the early 1960's, cultivation of soba declined but, in 1984, 'Kuichi Soba no Kai' (Kuichi Soba Society) was formed by volunteers with an intent to revive Sanbe soba based on the idea of local consumption of locally produced products whereby soba farming and processing were brought back to life. 例文帳に追加

食糧が豊かになってきたことや農家の高齢化が進んできた事で昭和30年代後半にはソバ栽培が衰退していったが、1984年(昭和59年)地産地消の三瓶そば復活を目指した有志によって「九一そばの会」が結成され、ソバ栽培や加工が復活した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'Botanzukuri Kairagi Zamesaya Koshigatana' (important cultural property) housed in the Kyoto National Museum is from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), but even in the mid Edo period, Sukeroku, who is the hero in the Kabuki masterpiece "Sukeroku" featuring the Edo idea of stylishness, carried 'an inro (pill case) and samezaya' on his waist, suggesting samezaya being a part of the artistic aspect of Japanese swords. 例文帳に追加

京都国立博物館収蔵の「」(重要文化財)は南北朝時代(日本)のものだが、江戸時代中頃になっても「江戸の粋」を凝縮した歌舞伎の傑作『助六』で助六の腰にあるのは「一つ印籠と鮫鞘」となっており、その存在は日本刀の芸術性とは不可分のものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For your information, in the United States, the situation that a half-eaten food comes out of the mouth is considered to be very bad manners, therefore, according to an extension of the idea that people should bring food to their mouths mouthful by mouthful, they cut them into small pieces on the plate and scoop by spoon. 例文帳に追加

ちなみにアメリカ合衆国では、口から食べかけの料理がはみ出している状態が大変な無作法と考えられており、料理は一口ずつ口に運ぶものだという考えの延長で、皿の上でどんな料理でも細かく切り刻みスプーンですくう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the idea that Ushiemon appears as a masseur called Ushichi and opens his eyes to reveal his true character is based on Motoemon in "Katakiuchi Tengajayamura" (The Revenge at Tengajaya; also known as "Tengachaya"), and Tomoemon OTANI (the fourth) who gained a reputation for the role was casted as Ushiemon. 例文帳に追加

さらに丑右衛門が丑市という按摩で登場し、目を開けて本性を現すのは『敵討天下茶屋聚』(天下茶屋)の元右衛門を下敷きにしており、その役を当たり役とした丑右衛門役の大谷友右衛門(4代目)に充てはめたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This story is reviewed as 'childlike' both for the eccentric idea to 'rinse Soshi with water' and for Komachi's childish poem itself during the play, and also the plot is seen as 'unrealistic and having many historical errors,' because master poets from different times are portrayed as if they lived in the same period. 例文帳に追加

活躍した時代の異なる歌人たちを同時代の人物として一同に会するなど、史的考証の面では明らかな誤りが多く、また「草紙を洗う」という突飛な展開や、小町が作中で詠む歌など「稚気あふれる作品」と評され、「荒唐無稽」な筋立ての能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note that '大向う' (o-muko) originally means the other side seen from the stage ('向う' (muko) means 'the other side'), and '' represents the respect from actors toward audiences based on the idea 'the visitors are the gods' (often used in service industry as 'the customer is always right'), therefore, it is a wrong usage when audience says 'I'll do o-muko.' 例文帳に追加

なお、本来「大向う」とは舞台から見た「向う」側であり、「お客様は神様」という発想から偉いという意味の「大」をつけた役者側から見た尊敬語なので、掛け声を掛ける者が「私、大向うをやります」などと言うのは誤った用法である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The restoration of Hasshinden, which had been lost since the middle ages was a concrete movement towards achieving the unity of religion and state, and the movement was based on the idea that it was necessary not only to preach, but to do something concrete as well in the area of religious promotion activities that had been sluggish. 例文帳に追加

中世以来本来の姿を失っていた八神殿の復興は祭政一致の具体的な実現への動きであり、滞っていた宣教の分野においても教説をただ説くだけでなく、実際に行うことが必要であるとの考えであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the latter part of the Heian period, belief in the future Buddha Miroku increased with the spread of Mappo-shiso (the "end of the world" belief that the idea of an age 2,000 years since Shakyamuni Buddha's passing in which Buddhism declines and the world is plunged into chaos), causing many including members of the imperial family and nobility to visit the Miroku image at Kasagi-dera Temple. 例文帳に追加

平安時代後期には末法思想(釈迦の没後2,000年目を境に仏法が滅び、世が乱れるとする思想)の広がりとともに、未来仏である弥勒への信仰も高まり、皇族、貴族をはじめ当寺の弥勒仏へ参詣する者が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, she refused his offer saying that she would not like to climb up to a higher floor (elevated bridge) because she was just a woman; then he had no idea other than appointing MONONOBE no Tochine, who was in the position of Omuraji (one of the important official ranks of Yamato Imperial Court, representing the local ruling lords called Muraji) (the religious service referred to here might have included the task of getting in and out the sacred treasures). 例文帳に追加

が、神宝を納める庫の高い階(高橋)に、女だてらに上るのはいやだと拒否され、仕方なく物部十千根 大連に任せたといわれている(この祭祀とは、神宝の出し入れもしていた可能性がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are many people, particularly among the so-called conservatives, who think that the name of 'Heisei Tenno' (the Emperor Heisei) is not used on television or in the newspaper because it arises from the idea that 'it is irreverent to use "Heisei Tenno" (the Emperor Heisei) which should be a posthumous title of the present Emperor during his lifetime' as described above. 例文帳に追加

テレビや新聞で「平成天皇」という呼称が用いられないのは、前述したように「追号になるはずの“平成天皇”を存命中に用いるのは不敬」という考えに起因するからだと考える人が、いわゆる保守派を中心にして多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, asked to give his comments on the closing of the private academy, Prince Saionji mentioned 'It seemed that they misunderstood that letting the students of Ritsumeikan speak freely was a revolutionary idea, but they asked that it be stopped, and while it was a shame, since the academy was quite active, I closed it.' 例文帳に追加

後に私塾の閉鎖について感想を求められた西園寺公は、「立命館の諸生が高談放論するのを、革命思想とでも勘ちがいして、ぬきうちに止めよと云ってきたらしく、塾はよほど盛んになっていて惜しかったけれど、廃校にした」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, KAWAKAMI and Terumasa MAEZAWA (described later) said they could not get over the idea that the stamp may be genuine because Seisai KONDO described in his "Yubun Koji (writings about bibliography in the Edo period)" in 1817 that the stamp had been unearthed from an area around present-day Ise-cho, Ashikaga City 例文帳に追加

これに対しては、川上と後述する前澤輝政は、この印は現在の足利市伊勢町付近から出土した、という記述を近藤正斎が『右文故事』(1817年)中に残しており、本物である可能性も捨てきれない、と主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Educators who believed in the most advanced educational philosophy at the time as well international businessmen who were committed to the British public schools jumped on the idea of the seven-year higher schools, and many seven-year higher schools aimed to nurture students to have sophisticated disposition. 例文帳に追加

七年制高等学校構想には当時の先端的な教育思想を信奉する教育家や英国流のパブリックスクールに傾倒していた国際派経済人がとびつき、おおくの七年制高等学校はスマートな気質の学生をそだてることをめざした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because Tengu-to Party collected funds not only from within the domain of Mito Clan but also from land directly governed by the Tokugawa shogunate, and also because of rampant blackmailing on the pretext of Joi under the name of Tengu-to Party the Tokugawa Shogunate instructed Mito Clan in February of 1861 to restrain the activities of men who carried the idea of Joi; Mito Clan changed its policy [accordingly]. 例文帳に追加

しかし、文久元年(1861年)2月、水戸藩領だけでなく天領でも資金集めをしたことや天狗党を詐称して攘夷を口実とする恐喝が横行したことなどから、幕府から水戸藩に攘夷論者の活動の抑圧が指示され、水戸藩の方針は転換した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on strategy, since Hideyoshi had Tottori-jo Castle completely surrounded and cut its food supply after buying up all the rice in the area, people in Tottori-jo Castle were devastated by starvation that left them with no other options but to surrender in three months; it is said that it was Yoshitaka who suggested this idea to Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

策略により周辺の米を買い占めた上で完全に包囲して兵糧の補給を絶ったため、鳥取城内は飢餓で凄惨極まりない状況に追い込まれて3ヶ月で降伏を余儀なくされたが、この作戦を秀吉に献策したのは孝高だったと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is known that he rejected Masashige's strategic proposal of abandonment of Kyoto City saying "it is not a good idea for the Emperor to leave the imperial city so often" when he made Masashige KUSUNOKI counter Takauji's army which escaped to the western part of Japan (esp. Kyushu, but ranging as far east as Kinki) after the rebellion, and then proceeded east again. 例文帳に追加

また尊氏が謀叛の後、西国へ逃れ、再び東上して来た軍を楠木正成に迎え撃たせようとした際には、正成が戦略上有利として進言した京都放棄策を「帝がたびたび京を離れるのは良くない」との理由から退けたことで知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the climax of this drama was that a mother losing her child was visited by an apparition of her dead child for a moment, Motomasa insisted on in fact having a child actor play the apparition on stage, but Zeami opposed this idea. 例文帳に追加

この作品のクライマックスでは、子を喪った母の前に一瞬その亡霊が現れるが、元雅が実際に子方(子役)を舞台に上げてその亡霊を演じさせることを主張したのに対し、世阿弥は子方を出さない演出を提案した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, in kidendo, SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi and then his son SUGAWARA no Koreyoshi served as Monjo hakase and privately established master and apprentice relationships with monjosho (called Kanke Roka), and there was an academic faction conflict with MIYAKO no Yoshika and KOSE no Fumio who opposed the idea of Kanke Roka. 例文帳に追加

この頃、紀伝道においては、菅原清公・菅原是善父子が相次いで文章博士を務めて私に文章生と師弟関係を結び(「菅家廊下」)、これに反発する都良香・巨勢文雄らとの間で一種の学閥争いが生じていた - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said that Masanobu KOSAKA was angered at this and proposed to Katsuyori that he should have Nobukimi commit seppuku (suicide by disembowelment), but Katsuyori dismissed the idea, fearing that the family might become divided if he punished Nobukimi, a leading figure among the kindred (according to "Koyo Gunkan" --record of the military exploits of the Takeda family). 例文帳に追加

『甲陽軍鑑』によると、これに怒った高坂昌信が勝頼に信君を切腹させるべきだと意見したが、親族衆の重鎮である信君を処断することで家中が分裂することを恐れ、勝頼はその意見を退けたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadamasa said "the deceased vassal was the main retainer who served the lord Tadazane since the lord was young and rendered distinguished services; however, it is not a good idea to give 500 koku for each of the vassal's legitimate son and the nephew, even if the legitimate son is incapable while the nephew is able to help the clan. 例文帳に追加

忠昌が申すには、故人は藩主の忠真が幼い折より使えた大功の老臣であるが、故人の嫡子不出来である故、甥であれば藩のお役に立つとのことで、それぞれ500石ずつ与えるというのは尤もとは言い難い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She was repeatedly advised by her husband Hisanobu to abandon Christianity, but she resisted by calling for the palanquin to return home, saying 'I would rather go home than abandon Christianity' (= cancelation of alliance); the Matsura clan side, who faced difficult circumstances at the time, had to give up the idea of having her abandon Christianity. 例文帳に追加

夫・久信にも都度都度棄教を進められたが、彼女は「棄教するぐらいなら実家にかえる」(=同盟破棄)と、駕籠を呼び実家に帰ろうとして応じなかったため、当時情勢の厳しかった松浦氏側は彼女の棄教をあきらめざるを得なかったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theory of the Dark and the Light and the idea of unworldly men's world, which Atsutane taught based on Kodo, were, in fact, Chinese ancient philosophies that had been introduced in centuries past, especially Gengaku ('xuanxue', philosophy fused by Confucianism and Taoism during the period from the third century until the fifth century) and Shinsendo ('shenxiandao', method for becoming unworldly man); Gengaku was regarded as the scholar to analyze the essence beneath the surface of the phenomenon. 例文帳に追加

篤胤の提唱する古道に於ける幽顕の弁や神仙思想とは、実は皇国に古来から伝播した玄学(神仙道)の事であり、玄学とは現象を動かす物の奥にある本質を解明する学問の事である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If this objection against him is reasonable, it is also reasonable to point out the fact that just to say '"" can be read as Yamato, "" can be read as Toyo' based on the contents of Chinese-Japanese character dictionaries is nothing but a mere synonymous repetition depending on the popular idea as the ground; but to discuss the pronunciation of '' based on Chinese phonetics has nothing to do with this argument. 例文帳に追加

もしこの意見が妥当なら、漢和辞典の記載を根拠に「『邪馬臺』はヤマトと読める、『臺與』はトヨと読める」と言ったところで、大元にある通説の同義反復に過ぎないことになるが、「臺」の発音に関する中国語音韻論による議論はこの意見とは無関係である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanagawa oki nami ura' had a great impact on Western artists such as Vincent VAN GOGH, who saw it and later praised it in a letter to a fellow painter; and Claude Debussy, who got an idea and composed the symphonic poem "La Mer (The Sea)." 例文帳に追加

「神奈川沖浪裏」は、後世、それを見たフィンセント・ファン・ゴッホが画家仲間宛ての手紙の中で賞賛する、発想を得たクロード・ドビュッシーが交響詩『海(ドビュッシー)』を作曲するなど、西欧の芸術家に多大な影響を与えることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In autumn of the same year, he had patrolled Kyoto almost every day in a small group, and on September 30, when he encountered Kosaburo AKAMATSU, who was a scholar of military sciences supporting the idea of uniting the court and the shogunate, and engaged in military training for the army in the Satsuma clan, he assassinated him in the daytime as a spy of the shogunate. 例文帳に追加

同年秋、ほぼ毎日のように数人で京都見回りをしていたが、9月3日、薩摩藩で陸軍教練をしていた公武合体派の軍学者赤松小三郎と京都市中で遭遇し、幕府の密偵として白昼暗殺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Ministry of Education said, "we would not accept anyone without sufficient academic background as a professor even he were Oshakasama (Buddha) or Confucius"; Kano pushed his idea, saying "I will resign if Ministry of Education does not accept Naito." (There are various theories as to this and there are some differences in their statements.) 例文帳に追加

このとき、「お釈迦様でも孔子でも学歴のない人間は(教授として)認めない」とさえ文部省側は言ったといわれているが、狩野が遂に「内藤をとらぬならおれもやめる」と押し通してしまったという(この辺りの双方のやり取りは諸説あるところで発言内容には異同がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Shinsengumi's promotion to Shogun's retainer was determined in July 1867, he decided to break away from the Shinsengumi with other members including Shimenosuke SANO, Tsukasa IBARAKI and Juro TOMIKAWA who had strongly believed the idea of Sonno Joi (reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners), and asked them to join Goryo-eji (guards of Imperial mausoleums) formed by Ito who also separated from the Shinsengumi, however his request was turned down. 例文帳に追加

慶応3年6月に新選組の幕臣取り立てが決定すると、尊皇攘夷思想の強かった佐野七五三之助・茨木司・富川十郎らと共に脱退を決意して、伊東らが新選組と分離して結成していた御陵衛士への入隊を希望するが拒否されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hoso Yawa" (a night talk about the legal circle) written by Nobushige HOZUMI, Kenjiro UME had a clear head and he drew up the draft of the code very quickly, and in addition, he was ready to listen to the other two members of the drafting committee, Nobushige HOZUMI and Masaakira TOMII, and accepted their criticisms with open mind, even willing to change his own idea. 例文帳に追加

穂積陳重の『法窓夜話』によると、梅謙次郎は、鋭敏な頭脳を持ち、法文の起草をするのが非常に迅速で、起草委員会では、他の委員である穂積陳重、富井政章の二人の批評を虚心に聞き容れ、自説を改めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he paid a homage to Rakan-ji Temple, Bungo Province (today's Nakatsu City) during his pilgrimage, he learned that Aono-watari, a pier built on a cliff along a river, was so fragile and shaky that people and horses often fell down into the river and felt so sorry that he made a vow of building a path and came up with the idea of excavating for the path. 例文帳に追加

回国の途中、豊後国羅漢寺(中津市)を参詣した時、川沿いの断崖にかけられた桟橋、青野渡が危険で、人馬のしばしば覆没することを知り、これを哀れみ、鑿道の誓願を発し、陸道の掘削を思いついた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subsequently among people in the political and business world, an idea of having Karigane to play games was arranged, and on March, 1920, as the auspices of Moritatsu HOSOKAWA, he played a match with 13 uchikake (intermissions) against Shuya, who had been ranked as a meijin (Go) in 1914, and the match was finished on January 30, the following year, resulting in Karigane's win (sente or initiative move) by 6 moku (points). 例文帳に追加

その後政財界有力者の間で雁金に打たせようという相談がまとまり、1920年3月、細川護立の催しで、1914年に名人(囲碁)就位していた秀哉と対戦、13回打掛けで翌年1月30日終局、雁金(先)6目勝。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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