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in the northの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1887


In Kyoto Prefecture that covers a wide area in the north-south direction, a regional development bureau placed at each of the twelve regions of the prefecture, except Kyoto City, compiled its own development plan, but corresponding to changes in social situations, they were reorganized in May of 2004 into four wide-area development bureaus, each placed in the four core cities of Uji, Kameoka, Maizuru and Kyotango. 例文帳に追加

南北に長い京都府では従来、京都市を除く12の地域に地方振興局を設置し、地域にあった振興策を策定していたが、社会情勢の大きな変化により、2004年(平成16年)5月に地域の中核都市(宇治・亀岡・舞鶴市・京丹後)に地方振興局を集約、4の広域振興局体制に再編した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the story handed down to the Ko family, the family served Emperor Gohanazono as Hokumen no bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards for the north side), and later Masatada KO became a tsure (an associate actor) in the Konparu school of Noh under the name of 'Uji Ko dayu,' but in fact, it is said that an actor of Sarugaku (a form of theater) troupe in Uji joined the Konparu troupe as a tsure and hayashikata (people who play hayashi, or the musical accompaniment) after he lost his influence. 例文帳に追加

家伝によれば、幸家はもと北面の武士として後花園天皇に仕え、後に幸正忠が「宇治幸大夫」と名のって金春流のツレとなったと伝えるが、本来は宇治市猿楽の大夫であった者が、後に勢力を失って金春座にツレ・囃子方などとして参加したものであるらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Chosho-ji Temple had been oppressed in the same way as Hongaku-ji Temple by Gashu Sanka-ji Temples since the incident caused by Rene at Hongaku-ji Temple as mentioned before, but it was originally a historic branch temple that had existed before Rennyo and had followers all around Hokuriku, and its fame described as 'Chosho-ji Temple in the north, Hongaku-ji Temple in the south' was invariable even after the uprising of the Ikko sect followers in Kaga. 例文帳に追加

超勝寺は先の本覚寺蓮恵の一件以来、本覚寺と並んで賀州三ヶ寺から圧迫を受けていたが元々は蓮如以前からの由緒のある末寺であり、北陸全域に門徒を抱えており、「北の超勝寺・南の本覚寺」と呼ばれてきた状況は加賀一向一揆後も変わりがなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In North America and Europe, which experienced this phenomenon earlier, the concept of compact cities has been advocated from the point of view of energy efficiency and general sustainability (in the EU), and preventing downtown districts from turning into slums and raising the dynamism of cities (in the U.S.), and this is reflected in areas such as the implementation of urban planning.例文帳に追加

このような事態を早くから経験してきた欧米諸国では、1970年代頃から、エネルギー効率等のサスティナビリティの観点(EU諸国)やダウンタウンのスラム化の防止と都市の活力向上の観点(米国)等から、コンパクトな都市のあり方が主張され、都市計画の運用等に反映されてきたところである。 - 経済産業省


In terms of passenger transport too, the number of passengers traveling by ship between Europe and the United States across the North Atlantic peaked in 1957 at around one million and subsequently maintained a downward trajectory. Air passengers, on the other hand, reached around the million mark in the same year and continued to grow, doubling to two million a mere four years later in 1961 as air passenger transport made it even easier to travel cross-border.例文帳に追加

また、旅客の輸送についてみると、北大西洋を渡って米欧間を行き来する旅客数では、船舶客が1957年に100万人前後でピークに達し、以後減少の一途をたどったのに対して、その年に100万人前後に達した飛行機客がその後も伸び続け、4年後の1961年には早くも倍の200万人に達するなど、航空機での旅客輸送が国境を越える人の移動をより容易にさせることとなった。 - 経済産業省


The builders of the Daigokuden of Heian-jingu Shrine and the designers in charge of the reconstruction of the Daigokuden of Heijo-kyu referred to "Nenju Gyoji Emaki" (a picture scroll of yearly events), which was created under the order of Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa during the Heian period, and clearly depicts the Daigokuden of irimoya-zukuri style (building with a half-hipped roof) architecture that measured 20 meters from east to west in width and four ken 7.3 meters from north to south in depth, and had red painted pillars and tiled roofs with a pair of golden Shibi (ornamental ridge-end tiles). 例文帳に追加

平安時代、後白河法皇の命で作られた『年中行事絵巻』には東西11間、南北4間で、朱塗りの柱と瓦葺屋根入母屋造の屋根に金色の鴟尾を戴く大極殿が鮮やかに描かれており、平安神宮大極殿や平城宮跡の大極殿復元事業でも参考とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian Period, Todai-ji was affected by the Emperor Kanmu's Nanto Buddhism Oppression Plan, and due to the plan the Office of Todai-ji Temple Construction was abolished, and there were incidents such as the Kodo Hall and Sanmen Sobo (priests and monks dormitories constructed to the north, east and west of the Kodo Hall) being burnt from an accidental fire, the Saito (Western Tower) being hit by lightening, and the Nandai-mon Gate and the Shoro (Bell Tower) being broken in a storm; but later on, from reverence, the Imperial family and nobility donated private estates including the Kuroda-no-sho and Todai-ji Temple developed them. 例文帳に追加

また、平安時代に入ると、桓武天皇の南都仏教抑圧策により「造東大寺所」が廃止されるなどの圧迫を受け、また講堂と三面僧房が失火で、西塔が落雷で焼失したり、暴風雨で南大門、鐘楼が倒壊したりといった事件が起こるが、後に皇族・貴族の崇敬を受けて黒田庄に代表される多数の荘園を寄進されたり、開発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, 200 years before Shingen, Akiie KITABATAKE, who was a young court noble and busho (Japanese military commander) as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), used the emblem of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan on a flag when he raised an army at Mutsu Taga-jo Province (present Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture) in order to defeat Takauji ASHIKAGA, who took control of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

実際は風林火山の旗印は信玄よりも200年早く、南北朝時代(日本)の若き公卿武将で鎮守府将軍であった北畠顕家が、京を制圧した足利尊氏を打倒するために陸奥多賀城(現在の宮城県多賀城市)で兵を挙げた時から使用していた陣旗であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The northern part of the region, and seemingly the center (including Tanba-gun and Tanba-go), was not included in Tanba Province but was instead separated to form Tango Province when the former was first established as one of the provinces administered by the Ryo-sei; this could be explained by the assumption that the central area of Tanba Province had been incorporated into the southern part of Tanba Province (a part of Tanba Province after the separation of Tango Province) from Tanba-gun in the north. 例文帳に追加

丹波国が令制国として成立した当初には、丹波郡・丹波郷を有して丹波国の中心であったとみられる北部の地域が丹波国として残されず、逆に丹後国として分離されてしまったのは、丹波国の中心が北部の丹波郡から、より都に近い丹波国南部(丹後分国後の丹波国の地域)へと移動していたためと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The number of towns listed in the 'Municipal Ordinance of Jurisdiction Districts of Kyoto City' (Act No. 7 of Kyoto Municipal Ordinance, April 1, 1949) which enumerates official town names that belong to each of the wards in Kyoto City, roughly matches the number mentioned above, but within the same ordinance, 'Higashi Komonoza-cho' and 'Higashi Komonoza-cho Fuzoku' which are located in the north eastern part of the Higashiyama Ward are regarded as individual town names. 例文帳に追加

京都市の各区に属する公称町名を列挙した「京都市区の所管区域条例」(昭和24年4月1日京都市条例第7号)に掲げる町数は上記とほぼ一致するが、同条例では区の北東端に位置する「東小物座町」と「東小物座町附属」を別個の町名としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, the Bunroku War is called Imjin Waeran (It is also used as the generic name of the Wars), and the Keicho War is called Chonyu Ueran or Chonyu Jeran (In the North Korea, in certain cases it is also called Imjin chogukuchonjen). 例文帳に追加

朝鮮民主主義人民共和国・大韓民国では文禄の役を壬辰倭乱(じんしんわらん、、イムジンウェラン、戦役総称として使う場合もあり)、慶長の役を丁酉倭乱(ていゆうわらん、、チョンユウェラン)または丁酉再乱(ていゆうさいらん、、チョンユヂェラン)と呼んでいる(北朝鮮では壬辰祖国戦争(じんしんそこくせんそう、、イムジンチョグクチョンジェン)と呼ばれる場合もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It seems that the castle had the following characteristics to prepare against the attacks by the enemy: The castle was constructed in the shape of cross braces with the construction methods of the Chinese-style yamajiro; several watchtowers are placed along the ridge of the mountain; facing the flat ground at the west foot of the mountain, the earth and stone mounds which were 10 meters high were stretched into 2 kilometers from south to north to strengthen the defense; and castle gates and sluice gates were built between the both ends of the mounds. 例文帳に追加

城の特徴は中国式山城の築城法でもってたすき状に築かれ、山の尾根づたいに望楼(物見やぐら)を配し、西麓の平地に面して高さ10メートル南北2キロメートルにわたる土塁・石塁をもって固め、その間に城門や水門等を造り、敵襲に備えたとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, for 11 years until 2005, except in 1999 when official games were not planned in Nishikyogoku, and during the four seasons such as 1998 and between 2002 and 2004 when the official games of Hanshin were cancelled because of rain, the consecutive six defeats continued over these cancellations and thus the sports newspaper even reported, 'Nishikyogoku is Kimon (the northeastern "unlucky" direction, person or thing to be avoided) for Hanshin' (because Nishikyogoku was located in the north-east direction from Hanshin Koshien Stadium). 例文帳に追加

しかし、阪神は2005年までの11年間、この西京極では日程が組まれなかった1999年を除き、1998年と2002年~2004年の4シーズンで雨天中止に祟られた上、この中止を挟んで6連敗と負けが込んだことから、「西京極は阪神の鬼門」(甲子園から見て西京極が北東方向にあるため)などと取り上げるスポーツ紙もあった程である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the war, Keihan Electric Railway separated again as an independent entity in 1949; however, the Shinkeihan Line and its three feeder lines, the Senriyama Line (the section from Awaji Station and to the north of the current Senri Line), the Juso feeder line (the section from Awaji Station and to the west of the current Kyoto Main Line) and the Hankyu Arashiyama Line, remained as a railway of Hankyu Corporation because the trains of the Shinkeihan Line had shared the track of the Takarazuka Line since 1945, arriving at and departing from Umeda Station, etc. 例文帳に追加

戦後、京阪電気鉄道は1949年に再び分離発足することになるが、この際に新京阪線の電車は1945年から宝塚線へ乗り入れを行って梅田駅発着となっていたことなどの理由から、同線と支線の千里山線(現在の千里線の淡路以北)・十三支線(現在の京都本線の淡路以西)・阪急嵐山線は阪急の路線として存置することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to an archive "Nobumasa FUJIWARA/Sukehiro HYOGO Documentation" that remains in Odatsurugi-jinja Shrine, Nobumasa FUJIWARA and Masahiro FUJIWARA (father and son) who seemed to be descendents of FUJIWARA no Toshihito, a father-in-law of Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) (or FUJIWARA no Arihito who was a father-in-law of Toshihito and a local ruling family of Tsuruga [Inbe clan?]) who made an offering to Tsurugi-jinja Shrine on August 3, 1393, and wrote a document were associated with an ancestor of the Echizen Oda clan. 例文帳に追加

また、織田剣神社にある『藤原信昌・兵庫助弘置文』の古文書によると、明徳4年(1393年)の6月17日に剣神社宝前に奉納し、置文を記した鎮守府将軍藤原利仁(あるいは利仁の岳父で、敦賀の豪族藤原有仁(忌部氏?))の系統と思われる藤原信昌、藤原将広父子が越前織田家の先祖に関連がある人物と伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The magnetic force body is used for collecting magnetic particles, the body which includes a plurality of magnets that are arranged in contact one with another in parallel to a direction of magnetization in such a manner that south and north poles of adjacent magnets are reversed alternately, or a magnetic force body having at least one peak of a magnetic force in a magnetic pole surface, wherein the peak magnetic force is 600 gausses or more.例文帳に追加

複数の磁石が、隣接するそれぞれの磁石の磁極が南北交互になるように磁化方向に対して平行に接触して配置されていることを特徴とする磁性粒子捕集用磁力体、又は、磁極面中に少なくとも1つ以上の磁力のピークを有し、該ピークの磁力が600ガウス以上であることを特徴とする磁性粒子捕集用磁力体を用いて、磁性粒子を補集する。 - 特許庁

An inverted drawing 2a in a form with the position (feature point coordinate of each line) of road boundary line, facility line, leader line, etc., in a real drawing 1a obtained from the existing large scale map/facility database inverted in the north-south direction of the area is generated, and the map/facility application is tested based on this inverted drawing data for test.例文帳に追加

既存の大規模な地図・設備データベースから得られる実図面1aの道路境線,設備線や引出線などの位置(各線の特徴点座標)を当該エリアの南北方向に反転させた形の反転図面2aを作成し、このテスト用の反転図面データに基づいて地図・設備用アプリケーションのテストを行なう。 - 特許庁

At the Hancheng (Seoul) meeting of early September, the decision was made to reduce the battle line and secure the main roads in order to look out for reinforcements by Ming Dynasty; Nagamasa KURODA attacked Enan-jo Castle, which was guarded by Ri Teian, but he failed to conquer it, whereupon he guarded the Shirakawa-jo and Koin-jo castles along the main roads in order to respond to attacks from the north instead of conquering the vast area of Hwanghae Province. 例文帳に追加

8月初旬の漢城会議で明の援軍を警戒して戦線を縮小して主要街道を固めることとなり、黒田長政は李廷馣の守る延安城を攻撃を行ったが攻略することが出来ず、以後黄海道の広範な制圧から転換して北方からの攻勢に対応するために主要街道沿いにある白川城・江陰城を守ることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However in 1793, the United Kingdom, which tried to colonize India, introduced the Zamindari system in the north of India, admitted the lords and landowners as those who had a modern landownership, but forcibly deprived the traditional local people of landownership and the right to cultivate and made them tenant farmers who belonged to the lords and landowners and systematically collected tax as cash money through the lords and landowners permanently. 例文帳に追加

ところが、1793年にインドの植民地化を進めるイギリスは北インドにおいてザミンダーリー制を導入して領主・地主を土地の近代的な土地所有権者と認める一方で、従来現地住民が持っていた土地所有権・耕作権を強制的に剥奪して領主・地主の小作人として所属させ、領主・地主を通じて恒久的に現金を徴税する制度であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the first meeting of the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters that was held recently, the Minister of Finance, the Minister for Financial Services, the Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy, and the Chief Cabinet Secretary discussed rescue activity and daily-life support, as well as the economic situation in light of the fact that areas extending as much as 500 kilometers in three prefectures (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures) north of Ibaraki Prefecture have sustained such great damage. 例文帳に追加

(緊急)対策本部でも財務大臣、それから金融担当大臣、それから経済財政(担当)大臣ということで、特に官房長官を中心にまずは、人命救助、それから生活支援、また茨城県から(北に)500キロにわたって、あれほどの甚大な被害に遭われた地域が3県(福島県・宮城県・岩手県)にまたがってあるわけですから、経済情勢についてもこの前、1回目の会合をやらせていただきました。 - 金融庁

Jitsunyo, racking his mind for what to do amongst these circumstances, planned several responses, notably: 1) promulgating--together with his younger brother Renjun and his son Ennyo--three different punitive admonitions, the most notable of which was the one focused on Jodo Shinshu followers in the Hokuriku region (central-north Japan) that outlawed Ikki; 2) establishing Ichimon-Ikka System that split the household at Hongan-ji Temple into the Ichimonshu (the lineage of the eldest son) and the Ikkashu (the lineage of the second and other sons); and 3) selecting 80 documents from among Rennyo's writings, compiling them into five volumes, calling them the Gobun (also referred as Ofumi, literally Epistles) and using them as the fundamental doctrinal creed of the sect. 例文帳に追加

この事態に苦慮した実如は、弟蓮淳・息子円如とともに北陸門徒に対し一揆の禁止をはじめとする3か条の戒めを発布したり、本願寺の一族を一門衆(嫡男)と一家衆(次男以下)に分ける一門一家制を設けたり、蓮如の文書の中から80通を選んで5帖に編集し御文とよんで宗門信条の基本とするなどの策を講じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Finance Ministers and representatives of international financial institutions met today to carry forward the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition, which was launched last year as a long-term, global partnership to respond to the historic changes in some of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region 例文帳に追加

財務大臣及び国際金融機関の代表は、移行期にあるアラブ諸国と共に、ドーヴィル・パートナーシップを前進させるべく集まった。本パートナーシップは、中東・北アフリカ(MENA)地域の国で起きた歴史的な変革に対応するため、長期に亘るグローバルなパートナーシップとして、昨年立ち上げられたものである。 - 財務省

In Deauville on May 27, the G8 initiated, with Egypt and Tunisia, a long term Partnership to support the historical changes under way in some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, based on two pillars: a political pillar to support the democratic transition and an economic pillar to support home grown strategies for sustainable and inclusive growth. 例文帳に追加

G8 首脳は、本年 5 月 27 日にドーヴィルで、中東・北アフリカ(MENA)のいくつかの国で起きている歴史的な変革を支援するために、民主化移行を支援するための政治面の柱及び当該国により策定される持続的かつ包活的な成長を支援する経済面の柱の二つからなる長期的なパートナーシップを、エジプト及びチュニジアと共に立ち上げた。 - 財務省

In the rolling ball type gyrocompass 1 for floating a rolling ball 3 having north designation force in a container 2 filled with a support liquid 5 and positioning an upper end at a regulated position from the lower end of a center pin 4 fixed on the container 2, the center pin 4 includes a shock absorbing mechanism 8 for absorbing a shock applied in a longitudinal direction.例文帳に追加

指北力を持つ転輪球3を支持液5が充填されたコンテナ2内に浮かべ、上端を前記コンテナ2に固定されたセンターピン4の下端により規定位置に位置決めした転輪球方式のジャイロコンパス1において、前記センターピン4は、長手方向に加わる衝撃を吸収する緩衝機構8を備える。 - 特許庁

Okawara was based at Inadani, so going north would bring you, via Hase (one of the death sites mentioned later), to Suwa (home of the Suwa clan), while going south would bring you to Iinoya (home of the Ii clan); given the unfavorable situation they were in, it was an ideal place for the Southern Court, and it was common for samurai of the Southern Court, such as those in the Nitta clan, to escape to this place after losing a battle. 例文帳に追加

拠点となった大河原は伊那谷に属し、南に下れば井伊谷(井伊氏)、北上すると長谷(後述する終焉の地の一つ)を経由して諏訪(諏訪氏)に通じる位置にあり、劣勢が続く南朝方にとっては最重要拠点となり、各地で破れた南朝方の武士達(新田一門など)が逃げ込む事も多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Shirakawa started to use Kakuen's once-used living quarters as his Gosho (Imperial Palace) (Shirakawa Izumi-dono) around 1090 after his retirement, then in 1115, erected the Shirakawa Minami-dono (South Imperial Palace) rebuilding the Shirakawa Izumi-dono, further in 1118, at the adjoining site, erected the Shirakawa Kita-dono (North Imperial Palace), and conducted the Insei (rule by the Retired Emperor) shuttling between the two Palaces. 例文帳に追加

また、白河天皇は退位後の寛治4年(1090年)頃に旧の覚円の僧房を御所(白河泉殿)とし、続いて永久(日本)3年(1115年)に白河泉殿を改築して白河南殿を造営、更に元永元年(1118年)にはその隣接地に白河北殿を新造して2つの御所を行き来しながら院政を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the counsel, Kyoto City suggested an idea of passing the area to the north of the existing route with a mountain tunnel from Yamashina and connecting the line directly to downtown Kyoto; however, Keihan Electric Railway disagreed with the idea, insisting that the passenger transportation volume wasn't sufficient for the two lines to compete with each other, so eventually both sides agreed to discontinue the section between Keihan-yamashina and Sanjo on the Keishin Line of Keihan Electric Railway and allow Keihan Electric Railway to use the Tozai Line, Kyoto Municipal Subway. 例文帳に追加

その協議の場において京都市側は、山科から現ルートよりも北側を山岳トンネルで貫いて京都市都心部へ直行する案を提示したが、京阪電気鉄道側が両線が競合するほどの輸送量は無いとこれに反対し、京阪電気鉄道が京津線の京阪山科~三条間を廃止し、京都市営地下鉄東西線へ乗り入れることで決着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yabusame was performed at Takadanobaba (present-day location: 3-chome, Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo) in a dedication to the Anahachiman-gu Shrine North in 1728 as part of a prayer ceremony performed to cure Ieshige TOKUGAWA's heir of smallpox (yabusame was again performed there ten years later in appreciation of the complete cure that Ieshige's heir experienced, and an emaki (picture scroll) called "Yabusame Emaki" (a picture scroll depicting archery on horseback) was drawn to record the event). 例文帳に追加

享保13年(1728年)、徳川家重の世嗣ぎのために疱瘡治癒祈願として穴八幡宮北の高田馬場(現在の現在の東京都新宿区西早稲田三丁目)にて流鏑馬を執り行い、これを奉納した(この10年後、無事疱瘡祈願成就した折に報賽として再び行われ、その様子を絵巻にしたものが『流鏑馬絵巻』である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This name was used because FUJIWARA no Yukinari, in his later years, lived in seclusion Toentei (north to Heiankyo Ichijo, west to Omiya, northern suburb of Dai-dairi [place of the Imperial Palace and government offices], west to the current Omiyadori Ichijo-agaru, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City) which was a mansion belonging to Imperial Prince Yoshiakira, a member of his mother's parents family) and he established Seson-ji Temple in the mansion and his descendants called themselves Sesonji and lived there. 例文帳に追加

藤原行成が晩年、母の里方の代明親王の邸宅だった桃園第(平安京一条の北、大宮の西、大内裏の北郊で現京都市上京区大宮通一条上ルの西方)に隠棲し、邸宅内に世尊寺を建立し、またその子孫が世尊寺家を名乗り、代々そこを住居としたためこの名を名乗る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is likely because capital-intensive industries are located in the coastal regions. Also, unlike South China and North China, both of which have similarities with the industrial nations of ASEAN4 and the NIEs countries and regions, East China, especially Shanghai, has a good balance of large numbers of various industries as seen in Section 1, a characteristic not seen in other regions (Table 2.2.4).例文帳に追加

これは、沿海部には資本集約的な産業も立地しており、華南・華北はASEAN4の中の工業国やNIEs諸国・地域との類似性を有するが、特に、上海を中心とした華東地域には第1節で見たように様々な産業がバランス良く数多く進出していることから、他の地域にない特徴を示しているためと考えられる (第2-2-4図)。 - 経済産業省

In addition, Nobunaga worked together with Nobukiyo ODA from the same family, who was the Inuyama Castellan, to defeat Nobutaka ODA from 'the Oda Isenokami family' (Iwakura Oda family), the longtime foe of his former master 'the Oda Yamatonokami family,' Soke (the head family or house) of the Oda family, shugodai of the north four counties of Owari Province (Niwa, Haguri, Nakashima and Kasugai counties) and the Iwakura Castellan (the Battle of Ukino), and exiled him. 例文帳に追加

さらに信長は、同族の犬山城主・織田信清と協力し、旧主・「織田大和守家」の宿敵で織田一門の宗家であった尾張上四郡(丹羽郡・葉栗郡・中島郡・春日井郡)の守護代・「織田伊勢守家」(岩倉織田家)の岩倉城主・織田信賢を破って(浮野の戦い)これを追放。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the address of the Kyoto City Hall 'Kyoto-shi Nakagyo-ku Teramachi-dori Miike Agaru Kami-Honnojimae-cho 488 Banchi / 488 Kami-Honnojimae-cho, Teramachi-dori Miike Agaru, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City,' for example, 'Kami-Honnojimae-cho' is the official town name (to which a ZIP code is assigned) in the land registry, 'Teramachi-dori' is the name of the street on which the building is located, and 'Teramachi-dori Miike Agaru' points to 'the place to the north of the intersection of Teramachi-dori and Miike-dori streets.' 例文帳に追加

例えば、京都市役所の所在地である「京都市中京区寺町通御池上ル上本能寺前町488番地」の場合は、「上本能寺前町」が土地登記上の正式の町名(郵便番号もこれに割り当てられる)、「寺町通」は建物が面している通りの名であり、「寺町通御池上ル」は「寺町通と御池通の交差点から北に行った位置」を表す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, they renovated the old home of TAIRA no Kiyomori which was located in Rokuhara, south of Shirakawa City, where they could instantaneously grasp movements at the Imperial Court, into a government office, and stationed Yasutoki HOJO and Tokifusa HOJO in the north and south of Rokuhara for this task, while gokenin from the west were reorganized to guard Kyoto, monitor the Imperial Court, perform military operations, etc. 例文帳に追加

そこで、朝廷の動きをいち早く掴める白河市南の六波羅にあった旧平清盛邸を改築して役所にし、北条泰時・北条時房の二人が六波羅の北と南に駐留してこの作業にあたり、西国の御家人を組織し直して京の警備・朝廷の監視・軍事行動などを行わせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Occasionally, the government official punishing dominant temples and shrines received punishment such as banishment due to pressure from monk soldiers who were gaining power at the time, and for example in 1229, the jinin (associates of Shinto shrines) engaging in illegal activities at Hiyoshi-jinja Shrine, which was under the umbrella of Enryaku-ji Temple, ignored the restraint order by Tamekiyo MIYOSHI (), who served under Tokiuji HOJO of Tandai North, and was killed by Tamekiyo's subordinate. 例文帳に追加

時には有力寺社への処分を行った担当官吏が、当時力をつけていた僧兵の圧力により流刑などの処分を受けるという事態も起きており、例として寛喜元年(1229年)に不法を働いていた延暦寺傘下の日吉神社の神人が、探題北方北条時氏の配下三善為清の制止命令を無視し為清の部下に斬られた件がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ennin built a Monju (Manjusri) statue with a piece of fragrant wood that he found when he climbed the North peak called Beitai Ding or Yedou Feng (3058m) of Mt. Wutai (China); after returning to Japan, he built a pavilion for the statue at Enryaku-ji Temple in November 861 (the original pavilion was burnt down by Nobunaga ODA's fire attack against Mt. Hiei [1571] and the current one was re-built) and next to Ennin's Monjusuri pavilion, there is a monument in honor to the memory of Bogo JANG. 例文帳に追加

円仁は五台山(中国)の一つ北台葉頭峰(3058メートル)に登頂した際に手に入れた香木で文殊像を造り、帰国実現ののち861年(貞観(日本)3年)10月、延暦寺に文殊楼を建立(織田信長の比叡山焼き討ち(1571年)で焼亡。現在の文殊楼は再建したもの)したが、この円仁の延暦寺文殊楼脇には張保皐顕彰碑が建てられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Taisho period, Zenichiro OYABE, who after having studied in the United States became a priest and migrated to Hokkaido, and while he was working for the issues concerning the Ainu, he heard about Okikirmuy, that the Ainu people believed was Yoshitsune, and then, he went over to the continent to travel to Manchuria and the Mongolian plateau to find out the truth of the Yoshitsune north refuge legend. 例文帳に追加

大正に入り、アメリカ合衆国に学び牧師となっていた小谷部全一郎は、北海道に移住してアイヌ問題に取り組んでいたが、アイヌの人々が信仰するオキクルミが義経であるという話を聞き、義経北行伝説の真相を明かすために大陸に渡って満州・モンゴル高原を旅行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI who was a proprietor of a stand-up-eating sushi restaurant in Osaka got an idea from a conveyer belt for beer production and invented 'rotating conveyer belt table' to serve a lot of orders effectively at a lower costs and in 1958 opened the first Kaitenzushi shop 'Genrokuzushi' at the north exit of Fuse Station of Kintetsu in Fuse City of Osaka Prefecture (now Higashi Osaka City). 例文帳に追加

大阪の立ち喰い寿司店経営者・白石義明が、ビール製造のベルトコンベアをヒントに、多数の客の注文を低コストで効率的にさばくことを目的として「コンベヤ旋廻食事台」を考案し、1958年、大阪府布施市(現・東大阪市)の近畿日本鉄道布施駅北口に最初の回転寿司店である「元禄寿司」を開いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the service, a Butsu Nehan-zu (painting of Buddha nirvana), depicting Shakamuni entering Nirvana under a sal tree, lying with his head pointing to the north, and his face facing to the west, surronded by ten great disciples, a group of Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), Tenbu (deities who reside in a heavenly realm, one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another), animals and insects all lamenting his death, is hung, and "Butsuyuikyogyo" (Mahayana Buddhist scripture) is chanted. 例文帳に追加

法要中は、釈迦が娑羅双樹の下で涅槃に入った際の、頭を北にして西を向き右脇を下にした姿で臥し、周囲に十大弟子を始め諸菩薩、天部や獣畜、虫類などまでが嘆き悲しむさまを描いた仏涅槃図(涅槃図)を掲げ、『仏遺教経』を読誦することとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By driving nail-shaped magnetic devices or electromagnetic devices 2 into a few locations in fresh fish and stock farm products 1 to be specified, magnetism moves 4 from the north poles to the south poles via magnetic bodies 3, such as Fe and Mg that the fresh fish and stock farm products have inside their bodies, magnetized components in the blood, natural magnets (magnetite), etc.例文帳に追加

特定を必要とする鮮魚・畜産物1に対し釘状の磁石器具又は電磁石器2を数カ所に打ち込むことにより鮮魚・畜産物が体内に有するFeやMg、血液中の帯磁成分、天然磁石(マグネタイト)等の磁性体3を介して磁気がN極からS極へと移動4する。 - 特許庁

Power systems in a number of countries and regions having the features and differences of the respective energy and power systems in countries of the Pacific Rim (North America, Russia, China, South East Asia, Australia, South America) and Antarctica are connected through DC linkage equipment or AC transmission equipment to ensure good balance between power supply and demand for overall or partial operation of the total system.例文帳に追加

環大平洋諸国(北米,ロシア,中国,東南アジア,豪州,南米)と南極大陸の夫々のエネルギー・電力システムの特長と相違を有する多くの国と地域の電力系統を、直流連系設備或いは交流送電設備で接続し、電力需給バランスを確保し、全体システムを総合的もしくは部分的に運用する。 - 特許庁

Japan’s manufacturing SMEs are considered to play a major role in the production and trade of intermediate goods. Looking at trends in exports by SMEs, therefore, we find that while the proportion of exports of typical SMEs goods5) to North America and Europe is falling by the year, the proportion of exports to Asia is steadily rising (Fig. 2-1- 9). 例文帳に追加

また、こうした中間財の生産面や貿易面において、大きな役割を果たしていると考えられる日本の中小製造業であるが、中小企業の輸出動向を見ると、中小企業性製品5の輸出先別シェアの推移は、北米や欧州向けの比率が年々低下する一方、アジア向け輸出のシェアは確実に上昇している(第2-1-9図)。 - 経済産業省

On November 12, 1871, Sanjo and Saigo were entrusted with the duty of Rusu-naikaku (the acting cabinet while the heads of government are away), because a group of ambassadors, namely the ambassador who is the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary Tomomi IWAKURA, vice ambassadors Takayoshi KIDO, Toshimichi OKUBO, Hirobumi ITO and Naoyoshi YAMAGUCHI went to Europe and the North America for revision of a treaty (Kunai-taijo (a post in the Imperial Household Ministry), and Shinpachi MURATA was one of the attendant). 例文帳に追加

明治4年(1871年)11月12日、三条・西郷らに留守内閣(留守政府)をまかせ、特命全権大使岩倉具視、副使木戸孝允・大久保利通・伊藤博文・山口尚芳ら外交使節団が条約改正のために横浜から欧米各国へ出発した(随員中に宮内大丞村田新八もいた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The policy was carried forth in the North Court (Japan), which was established after the fall of Kemmu Restoration; when a family head, a legitimate son or an adopted child inherited the family estate, or when a new chiten no kimi (the retired Emperor who organized politics) appeared, the family reign and estate were approved as a whole; consequently, the 'family' itself, including the headman's estate, was stabilized. 例文帳に追加

この方針は建武政権崩壊後に成立した北朝(日本)においても継承され、当主もしくは嫡男・猶子が家督の継承時や新たな治天の君の登場時などに家門と家領の一括安堵を受けることになり、結果的には当主の家督を含めた「家」そのものの安堵の役割を果たすことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Egypt, which belongs to Middle East region/North African region (MENA), has already established the middle-income population as the mainstream of the total population. It is anticipated that the population will grow by nearly 20% during the period between 2009 and 2020, and the middle-income population will grow to 89% (80million) by 2020. Of the said middle-income population the upper middle-income population will increase to 30% or more in 2020.例文帳に追加

また、中東・北アフリカ地域(MENA)に属し、既に中間層が人口の主流となっているエジプトについては、2009 年から2020 年にかけて20%近い人口の伸びが想定され、2020 年には、中間層人口の割合が89%(0.8 億人)となり、うち上位中間層の割合が2020 年には30%以上にまで増加することが予想されている。 - 経済産業省

Because the Iljinhoe group were receiving strong criticism not only from the general public but also from intellectuals at that time and the group was back Japan's invasion of Korea together with another Chinilpa Prime Minister Lee Wan-Yong, in North and South Korea, people were fiercely critical toward this statement as 'a view opposing the protection of national sovereignty, the effort of the Righteous Army (Korean army) and the patriotic enlightenment movement. 例文帳に追加

南北朝鮮では当時一進会が民衆のみならず知識人からも強い批判を受けていたこと、それまで一進会が同じくチンイルパの李完用首相と共に日本の朝鮮侵出を援護してきたことなどから、この声明書に対して「国権防衛運動、義兵闘争、愛国啓蒙運動などに反するもの」であると非常に批判的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For Hongan-ji Temple, Echizen Province, the territory of the Asakura clan, was not only located to the direct south of Kaga, but there were many temples and followers including Yoshizaki Gobo which was once Rennyo's foothold, and Noto Province and Ecchu Province, the territory of the Hatakeyama clan was not only located to the direct north of Kaga, but Gashu Sanka-ji Temples virtually ruled Tonami County in Ecchu where the Hatakeyama clan was always trying to recapture. 例文帳に追加

本願寺にとって朝倉氏の領国である越前国は加賀の南隣であるだけでなく蓮如のかつての拠点吉崎御坊をはじめとして多くの寺院・門徒がおり、畠山氏の領国である能登国・越中国も加賀の北隣であるだけでなく越中の砺波郡は賀州三ヶ寺の事実上支配下にあり、かねてから畠山氏はその奪還を狙っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The magnetic deviation at the present position is thus found by using the deviation distribution formula of the earth magnetism model, and the true north azimuth is computed by compensating the magnetic azimuth in accordance with the magnetic deviation.例文帳に追加

計算部13において、記憶部14に記憶された地磁気モデルの偏差分布式にGPS受信機11によって得られる位置情報を代入して当該位置における磁気偏差を求め、地磁気センサ12によって得られる磁方位角から上記偏差分布式によって得られた磁気偏差を差し引くことで真北方位角を算出する。 - 特許庁

Japan is expected to capture the demand of new and expansion EPC and equipment steadily in North America's market making use of Japan's high technology, at the same time, enhance the fuel supply chain or strategic conclusion of the agreement. Also Japan is expected to maintain the all-Japan system led by electric companies, and cope with an order, which covers the operation and management from countries, which wish to introduce nuclear for the first time.例文帳に追加

今後は、高い技術力を活かして北米市場の新規増設EPC、機器売り需要を着実に獲得するとともに、燃料サプライチェーンの強化や原子力協定の戦略的な締結を行いつつ、電力会社を中心とするオールジャパン体制を整備し、新規導入国からの運営・管理まで含めた形での発注に対応していくことが期待される。 - 経済産業省

Amid such circumstances, during the recent financial crisis, in Europe and in North America, where the majority of transactions take place (94.6% (as of June 30, 2009, based on BIS statistics)), concerns of financial institutions intensified over the risk that a counterparty to a transaction would be unable to settle due to bankruptcy (counterparty risk), especially for credit default swaps (CDSs) whose market infrastructure relating to settlement and clearing was inadequate. 例文帳に追加

このような中、今次の金融危機時に、取引の大半(94.6%(平成 21年6月末、BIS統計ベース))が行われている欧米において、特に CDS取引については、決済・清算に係る市場インフラの整備が不十分であったこともあり、金融機関において、取引相手方の破綻等により、決済を履行できないリスク(カウンターパーティー・リスク)への懸念が深刻化した。 - 金融庁


In an artificial satellite having solar cell paddles 20, 30 on both of south and north surfaces, the solar cell paddles 20, 30 are formed as slanting end parts of solar cell surface 22, 32 in a same direction α, a position information β of the artificial satellite, thereby, detected from difference of generated electric power between the solar cell surface 22, 32.例文帳に追加

南北両面に太陽電池パドル20,30を有する人工衛星において、太陽電池パドル20,30の形状として、それぞれの先端部分(太陽電池面22,32)を同一方向(α)に傾けることにより、人工衛星の姿勢情報(β)を太陽電池面22,32の発生電力差により検出する。 - 特許庁


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