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該当件数 : 76



While I suppose there will be questions about that later, enacting the postal reform bills was one of the six election campaign pledges agreed upon between the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the People's New Party and the Social Democratic Party before the House of Representatives election in August 2009. Therefore, successive leaders of the DPJ and the People's New Party have concluded agreements on enacting the bills. However, unfortunately, the bills have not been enacted.  - 金融庁


There is also another example suggesting a homosexual relationship of Masamune with Shigenaga KATAKURA, the son of Kagetsuna KATAKURA; referring to "the Historical Records of KATAKURA clan," there is a description regarding the night before joining the Siege of Osaka, stating that Masamune kissed on the cheek of Shigenaga by saying, "who am I supposed to appoint a vanguard if I can not ask you for that" upon the request of Shigenaga to be the vanguard of the battle on the next day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As I have repeatedly mentioned, after the House of Councillors election was held four years ago, we formed a parliamentary group that brought together the DPJ, Shin-Ryokufukai, the People's New Party and New Party Nippon.  - 金融庁


However, the term "Tokyo period" is not used in general, except in some books that use the term to refer to modern or contemporary Japan, probably because there is a big difference in political systems between Japan under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and Japan under the present Constitution of Japan, and because it may seem unnatural to call a period that stretches beyond 100 years with the same name.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



This is a rather difficult task, and as I have said over and over again, although it might be easy to restore the postal businesses, whose foundations were shaken by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister), to their former status, that is not what we are going to do. As we are undertaking a grand project of considering how to make use of Japan Post, which we may say is the biggest in the world, for the benefit of the whole of Japan and the entire world, this is a rather challenging task. We are now seeking public opinions and advice from far and wide. We are undertaking this project in the hope of achieving it together with the people, as I have been saying. If you ask me whether our study is proceeding smoothly, I can only say that a plan like this does not take a clear shape until the very last moment. In any case, everyone is doing his part in his own position, so we will be able to set forth a direction by around the end of this month.  - 金融庁



Shylock finding himself defeated in his cruel intent, said with a disappointed look, that he would take the money; and Bassanio, rejoiced beyond measure at Anthonio's unexpected deliverance, cried out, "Here is the money!" But Portia stopped him, saying, "Softly; there is no haste; the Jew shall have nothing but the penalty: therefore prepare, Shylock, to cut off the flesh; but mind you shed no blood; nor do not cut off more nor less than just a pound; be it more or less by one poor scruple, nay if the scale turn but by the weight of a single hair, you are condemned by the laws of Venice to die, and all your wealth is forfeited to the senate.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Regarding real estate investment, or the REIT market, this market provides a new investment tool. A little more than a decade ago, when Japan was in a deepening recession, I talked with an official of a Hong Kong-based financial institution, who was a son of the family controlling a major Asian conglomerate and was a clear headed man with degrees from Stanford University and with whom I am still friends. When he came to Japan around 15 years ago, I asked him what would get Japan out of the recession, and I clearly remember his reply advising Japan to create a market for real estate securities, or J-REITs.  - 金融庁


We intend to maintain fiscal discipline. However, to prepare for what could happen, as the Prime Minister said earlier - we are now facing a once-in-a-century financial crisis and Japan has been impacted by a series of global events - we are allocating one trillion yen in this way for the first time, compared with 500 billion yen, which was the largest amount of reserves allocated in the past, as the Prime Minister pointed out. This is a special step taken on condition that we maintain fiscal discipline.  - 金融庁


Well, I remember that when I had a ministerial post in the Hashimoto administration 12 years ago, an informal ministerial gathering actually often just served as an occasion to read papers mostly written by officials, and that was it, but it is now a venue for ministers to make comments quite freely. However, as no conclusion has yet been reached, Chief Cabinet Secretary Sengoku has asked us "not to say" what individual ministers remarked. Therefore, let me just say that we are in the process of discussing the matter industriously.  - 金融庁



The General Insurance Association of Japan, for example, provided very vigorous cooperation. Usually, assessment of the extent of damage is very important for non-life insurance. This time, one of the association's member companies has undertaken the assessment of damage based on aerial photographs. As you know, the estimated amount of earthquake insurance claims paid, mainly in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region, is 1,200 billion yen, with the amount for Miyagi Prefecture alone at 520 billion to 530 billion yen, according to a recent newspaper report. The chairman of a bank with nation-wide operations recently paid me a courtesy visit after being elected at the general shareholders' meeting and told me about an increase in deposits at his bank's Sendai branch.  - 金融庁



That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about.  - 金融庁


Both bills should be enacted quickly. Especially, the bill to facilitate financing for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) (Bill on Extraordinary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) must be immediately enacted and put into force, as the end of the year (when SMEs may face financial difficulties) is around the corner. It is incomprehensible why the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) and New Komeito are refusing to deliberate the bill as a sort of delaying tactic.  - 金融庁


Based on the results of these activities, the FSA and the SESC, in close cooperation with relevant government ministries and agencies, will make every possible effort to clarify facts, examine the cause and take measures to prevent the recurrence of cases like this, without ruling out any option, including the revision of the regulation and supervision of investment management companies, pension fund operators and trust banks, as I mentioned earlier.  - 金融庁


As you know, there is uncertainty over whether the mandatory application of IFRS to Japanese companies will be recommended in an interim report to be issued next year.The other day, the Chairman of the Business Accounting Council observed that if the interim report is delayed too much, speculation is likely to grow over whether or not the mandatory application of IFRS will be introduced in 2015.After attending the Business Accounting Council's meetings regarding IFRS, I remember that observation well.  - 金融庁


After the Battle of Sekigahara, he was given the 180,000 koku crop yield territory of Sawayama Omi Province (Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture), a former territory of Mitsunari ISHIDA, for services including making peace with Terumoto MORI, supreme commander of the Western Camp, supporting Kazutoyo YAMAUCHI in entering Tosa Province, mediating peace negotiations between the Tokugawa clan and the Shimazu clan to heal the wounds of war (Naomasa died before the peace negotiations were completed and Masanobu HONDA took over his task), and for his efforts in laying the groundwork for the Edo Shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a substantial number of employee pension fund operators managing assets for major companies have returned the portion of pensions entrusted by the government, so the number has rapidly decreased. There used to be 1,800 to 1,900 employee pension fund operators, so I suppose that the amount of pension assets managed by such fund operators was much larger than now. In any case, I expect that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will make an announcement in due course. Pension funds are entrusted on the premise that our precious assets accumulated over a long time of period, whether they be employee pensions or private pensions, are appropriately managed so that we can live a comfortable life in old age. As I said earlier in the Diet, deregulation has proceeded since the 1990s, following the Japan-U.S. financial consultations. At that time, there was the so-called regulation concerning employee pension funds (which required more than 50% of pension funds to be invested in safe assets while limiting investments in both stocks and foreign-currency assets to 30% or less, and those in real estate to 20% or less) so as to ensure investments in safe and secure assets, and this was a low-risk, low-return system.  - 金融庁


As to the methodology for the assessment of the systemic importance and the additional capital requirement, I hear that basically, there has been no change in the agreement reached at a recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), in which, from Japan, FSA (Financial Services Agency) Commissioner Mikuniya and Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa participated. The FSA has been arguing - I have been saying this for more than a year - that we should aim to adopt a comprehensive policy package, rather than focus on additional capital requirements. It may seem that the more capital banks are required to have, the safer they are. However, from my experience of Japan's financial crisis, I know of a case in which that caused a credit crunch. In my electoral district, my hometown of Kitakyushu City, two large department stores failed because of that, as I have often mentioned.  - 金融庁


Although this may be irrelevant to your question, three banks in the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture have expressed willingness to apply for capital injection if the (amended) Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions is enacted. Directly to the presidents of these banks, I expressed my sincere appreciation for their willingness to use this law in light of the struggle of people in the disaster areas. As the injection of capital uses public funds, we need to work out a relevant ministerial ordinance and cabinet order. I also offered my words of sympathy and encouragement to the banks' presidents and pledged to support them based on this law.  - 金融庁


One of the points stressed when this act was extended for one year the previous time was that financial institutions should properly exercise their consulting function.This time, while the FSA and private financial institutions should naturally do their part, support for SMEs is generally a matter under the jurisdiction of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.Therefore, as was reported by newspapers, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry explicitly said that his ministry will submit a bill on business support for SMEs, so in cooperation with such activities, I will work to achieve the primary objective of the SME Financing Facilitation Act over the coming year.  - 金融庁


The other issue is that documents which financial institutions are required to submit to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) have been increasing over the past decade. I discussed this issue yesterday with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to reduce the documents by 20 percent. In the organization of bureaucracy, there is no one but the Minister of State elected by the people who can make such a suggestion. Financial institutions cannot say that they would like to have the burden of paperwork reduced to the FSA, a regulatory authority, even if they want to. The three representatives I asked yesterday told me that their burden of paperwork is enormous. As this issue has been in my mind for some time, I told the FSA Commissioner, on their behalf, to look into specific ways of reducing the documents to be submitted by financial institutions to the FSA. I intend to work on this issue properly.  - 金融庁


Let me use this occasion to talk about my meeting today with the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association (ZENGINKYO). Regarding loans to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), the relationship between lenders and borrowers is essentially a matter that should be dealt with by themselves. However, as I have been telling you, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) unfortunately guided financial institutions in the wrong direction under the wrong financial policy of Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister) and Mr. Takenaka (former Minister for Financial Services).  - 金融庁


Although I say this, after detecting problems through inspection, I quickly took every possible action within my power, including issuing a business improvement order within the same day, as this case has a significant impact, and I expect you to understand that. From the political perspective, it is very regrettable that cases like this cause strong worries among people who have entrusted pension assets, so we are proactively taking measures so that facts related to the case of AIJ Investment Advisors will be clarified as soon as possible.  - 金融庁


We will properly look into the possibility of the postponement of its expiration considering the role fulfilled by the SME Financing Facilitation Act in the recession, especially the recession amid the strong yen, as financing is indispensable for sound and sustainable companies. As I have stated some time ago, I have been told by proprietors of SMEs in my hometown of Kitakyushu that they were glad that the Act was established. I have heard on various occasions that proprietors of SMEs, who used to be in a weak position as borrowers relative to banks, can now say things to banks on an equal footing as a result of the establishment of the Act. We will give positive consideration to the possibility of postponement of its expiration in an appropriate manner by taking such matters into account, while at the same time, heeding financial discipline, which is extremely important in a liberal society and free economy as a matter of course.  - 金融庁


As I repeatedly say, it is true that a higher capital adequacy figure may appear to imply security at a glance, but it can also lead to a credit crunch or oppressive debt collection practices, as we experienced 10 years ago. Back then, even healthy companies went under. As a Diet member of the ruling party in a ministerial post, I was faced firsthand with the confusion that prevailed in the Japanese economy at that time. It was in 1997 that the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went under and Yamaichi Securities failed, soon ushering in what would be called the "Financial Diet Session." The Basel meeting is attended by 27 countries and, for all of them, a higher ratio figure, which does provide peace of mind and security, is at the same time not necessarily better in that light. As making a capital adequacy ratio too high can lead to a credit crunch and oppressive debt collection and hence a shrinking economy, we are hoping to maintain a good balance in view of all those factors. We are determined to make our point in the new requirement debate, keeping in mind where we stand as a country that actually experienced a financial crisis 10 years ago.  - 金融庁


Simultaneously, how should insurance be regulated and supervised from now on? I believe insurance in China is not as advanced as in Japan yet. But then again, Japan’s insurance industry has experienced falling stock prices and interest rates over the past decade and suffered a long period of winter-like hardship: the insurance sector, where they have something calledexpense profits”, “interest gain” and “mortality profits”, the interest gain was so squeezed that at one point, negative carry was more than 1 trillion yen. In the United States, the federal government will be establishing a division in charge of insurance for the first time within the federal government organization under the financial reform legislation. As you know, basic supervision of insurance in the United States is conducted on a state-by-state basis. Despite the fact that AIU—the world’s biggest private insurance company—was effectively nationalized in the United States, the insurance industry has been a bit of a blind spot in that any attempts in the past to negotiate with the central government often resulted in being told that it was a matter for the state government. The United States is a federal republic comprised of states, so in that sense, insurance varies from state to state in tax and other aspects.  - 金融庁



The situations and circumstances of financial institutions differ from country to country, so we need to give due consideration to the potential impact on the real economy, for example by providing a sufficient transition period. In particular, Japan has strongly made such an argument at international conferences. As Japan experienced a financial crisis a little more than a decade ago, we should bear its lessons in mind. For example, the higher a bank's capital adequacy ratio, the sounder it is. However, if banks are forced to raise their capital adequacy ratios in a short period of time, they will excessively tighten their lending stance, leading to severe contraction of the real economy. That is what we experienced. We must keep the right balance between the soundness of banks and the impact on the real economy, although that is rather difficult in a liberal, democratic society. However, Japan has endured the bitter experience of the financial crisis that started in 1997, so we will participate in international debates with that in mind. After various financial institutions failed, a legal framework was developed in the Diet session of 1998 that focused on the financial crisis.  - 金融庁


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