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該当件数 : 30458



To provide a power supply for an engine electronic controller which prevents a voltage drop at a switching time to a DC power source for backing-up at a generator power supply failure time, and which supplies a stable power without change after switching as a power source for an aircraft engine electronic controller. - 特許庁


To provide a protective cover for an uninterruptible terminal in which a short-circuit accident can be surely prevented when a load side electric wire is fixed to the single-phase three-wire type uninterruptible terminal or the load side electric wire is removed from the uninterruptible terminal, and of which a terminal screw is protected over a long period after work is finished. - 特許庁


Selectors S2-S4 are provided to connect directly the inputs of the flip-flops F1-F4 constituting the scan path circuit 23 to an scan input D0, all the flip-flops F1-F4 are set once to the same value (1 or 0 in all), and are shift-output thereafter to specify a failure portion. - 特許庁


A control part 240, which receives this crash signal, judges whether it is necessary to report the accident or not on the basis of a detected impulse value and when the necessity is confirmed, the telephone number of the destination to report is read from a data managing part 210 and transmitted to a portable telephone terminal 230. - 特許庁



To provide a device for controlling electric power of a vehicle, supplying electric power to a specific on-vehicle device corresponding to at least an important load even if a failure of a power source means of a vehicle occurs, so as to secure safety for driving the vehicle. - 特許庁



To provide a paper peeling device which reduces a possibility of an unexpected accident, such as an injury, even if an operator accidentally touches the tip of a separating pawl while the separating pawl exists in a retracting position, and also to provide a fixing device with the device. - 特許庁


To provide a check valve which reduces pressure loss in normal operation, shuts down the valve when a contrary wind blows by occurrence of an explosion accident or the like, maintains the closed state so that a back flow of fire and so forth can be blocked, reduces an installation space by reducing the whole size, and cuts costs. - 特許庁


To achieve traffic safety and accident prevention at night and fashion decoration in the daytime by reflecting light or the like of a car by mounting on a basket installed on the front or rear side of a bicycle or motorbike, the front or rear side surfaces of a bicycle chair for children and clothes, a bag, or the like (Fig.2). - 特許庁


To prevent an ON failure due to welding of a stop lamp switch by making sufficient current flow for a stop lamp switch even when the stop lamp having the type requiring a reduced current consumption is employed. - 特許庁



Thus, even if an actuator is operated to the unlock side, the door is prevented from being disabled from being unlocked due to mechanical engagement of the door lock mechanism, and it is possible to overcome the disadvantage that an occupant conducts the keyless entry operation from the start over again. - 特許庁



The semiconductor integrated circuit is provided with an inverter circuit 330 that analyzes timing on a net list, extracts a delay failure undetectable path, and inverts an input signal input into a normal signal input terminal D of the scan FF 320 at a starting point of the path. - 特許庁


To prevent engine trouble or the like by recognizing the abnormality of fuel pressure in a fuel passage between a selector valve and the fuel injection nozzle of each cylinder, whose the selector valve for changing fuel injection rate is installed to correspond to the fuel injection nozzle. - 特許庁


The power supply system includes a failure detection part which is connected to a line to which output lines of a plurality of voltage conversion stabilization parts are commonly connected, individually controls output voltages of the plurality of voltage conversion stabilization parts, and detects a voltage fed to the line. - 特許庁


Monitoring of actions of an oxygen sensor of an internal combustion engine of an automobile to detect low response of the oxygen sensor as indicating failure of the oxygen sensor is temporarily stopped according to a brake action change of a brake system of the automobile to avoid a risk of wrong results. - 特許庁


With this structure, when a fault is generated in the steering system for the front wheels WFL and WFR, the electronic control unit U holds the front wheels WFL and WFR at the neutral position, and steers the only rear wheels WRL and WRR for travelling through the second steering actuator 12. - 特許庁


To perform a stable vehicle collection, to grasp the stock of secondhand parts, to establish the market price of parts and in addition, to perform demand prediction of the secondhand parts and rebuilt parts by appropriately evaluating the prices of scrapped cars and accident cars that occur at each place. - 特許庁


In a case the hard disk 3 fails, the operation control program of the air conditioner 12 and the operation control program of the audio apparatus 13 are loaded from the flash memory 4 and executed to make the operation of the air conditioner 12 and the audio apparatus 13 continuable. - 特許庁


By this, the equipment to be actuated by the 200 V power supply can carry out the demonstration by the 100 V power supply also, and can be used without mistaking as the failure because the demonstration setting is carried out intentionally even in the case the equipment is installed mistakenly. - 特許庁


When a car mechanic inputs an item concerning to a new failure or malfunction detected at the time of inspection/maintenance of a vehicle on a personal computer 5,..., the inputted item is transmitted through the Internet N to a host computer 9 on the side of a server providing a diagnostic item table of the vehicle. - 特許庁


When differential current relays 40 for main protection circuits 20 and 22 and backup protection circuits 24 and 26 work, the output of AND gates 28-34 become "1", and trip signals are outputted from OR gates 36 and 38, and a breaker 14 is tripped. - 特許庁


An I/O part 4 receives a control signal 23 from a monitor console 6, receives and outputs a monitor signal 20 and a control signal 22 from and to peripheral equipment 7, and sends a fault detection signal 21 to the switching device 1 when receiving the monitor signal 20. - 特許庁


To provide a monitoring system for an elevator which can widely inform a user that a failure of the elevator is registered at a service company and a service personnel is in motion by displaying it with a landing indicator in the elevator and a car indicator in a car of the elevator. - 特許庁


To provide a print job identification apparatus, printer with identification functions, printer management server and program, method, and system for carrying out printing by using an individual identification function in other printer even when a printer provided with individual identification equipment can not be used because of failures or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a data transmission device and an input/output interface circuit with a jitter transmission circuit, capable of testing for jitter tolerance in data transmission/reception at the time of a mass production test and of improving a fault detection rate. - 特許庁


To enable to regulate use of an exhaust valve in a frozen state at low-temperature startup, improve power generation performance by inhibiting failure of the exhaust valve as much as possible, and perform efficient startup through reduction of wasteful consumption of fuel gas. - 特許庁


To accurately measure a failure current flowing through a DC power supply line derived from an AC/DC conversion device and an insulation resistor between a voltage application part of a DC device or a loading device and an insulation resistor, and a leak current flowing through a ground static capacitance. - 特許庁


To provide a network monitoring device allowing a single screen of a display device to display portions with abnormality or failure in all communication devices to be monitored, even if the communication devices to be monitored are devices manufactured by multivarious manufacturers. - 特許庁


To provide a negative pressure supply device supplying negative pressure of ample magnitude quickly and more positively, and a control device for the negative pressure supply device supplying negative pressure of ample magnitude quickly and more positively when a control system of a throttle valve driven by electronic control fails. - 特許庁


When a recording part 3 breaks down and printout processing cannot be performed, image data stored in an image memory 8 are transferred to a flash memory 21 according to a transfer instruction made by a user so that the other equipment can be made to print out the image data. - 特許庁


To provide an applied voltage terminal adapter which can prevent itself or a fuse cylinder from falling off by maintaining holding force by a fuse cylinder holder as well as can reduce time of harm occurrence accompanied by power supply stoppage to consumers by shortening hazard inquiry time. - 特許庁


To continue double-sided document reading without forcing complicated work on a user even if any fault occurs in one reading means of an image reading apparatus which simultaneously reads both sides of a document by individual reading means. - 特許庁


To provide a falling prevention structure capable of using a conventional screw type eyepiece accessory as it is, and also, capable of surely preventing the unprepared falling accident of the accessory in the case of using an eyepiece accessory having a structure following this invention system. - 特許庁


The computer of the database management part and supervisory facilities which are installed at the maintenance management company compare the data information with a set threshold, decision results are sent and displayed by moving bodies to give instructions for maintenance management and fault countermeasures, and maintenance components are extracted when necessary. - 特許庁


To develop an osteopathic treatment device sufficiently exerting various types of effects (a racing result, a product and the like) to animals by easily and surely relieving tiredness of the animals, preventing a loss caused by an accident of an animal and contributing to the industry. - 特許庁


A trouble diagnostic valve energized remotely controllable to be normally opened is arranged in an air inlet of a storage canister of vaporized gas in a fuel tank for a vehicle, a thermistor for detecting a temperature of vaporized gas in the upward of a liquid level in the fuel tank is arranged. - 特許庁


To avoide fighting with a fish, while avoiding unforeseen accidents even when trouble occurs on a boat in an emergency causing an electric shock; to improve dangers and hard labor environments for persons engaged in fishery, simultaneously avoiding failure in catching; and to shorten the time from hooking of the fish to catching of the fish. - 特許庁


To provide a seat belt device capable of detecting trouble of each means whether or not a tension varying means provides predetermined tension to a seat belt, or whether or not a tension detection means of the seat belt correctly detects the tension in the seat belt. - 特許庁


To provide a mast type crane capable of avoiding failure of a supporting part of a mast even when the excess load is applied when being horizontally pushed while abutting a loading tool attached to the lower end of the mast to a side surface of an object to be conveyed such as a steel material. - 特許庁


To make the stroke and touch sense of a keyboard closer to that at the time of normal performance and to reduce failure with respect to a keyboard musical instrument equipped with a mechanism for quickening the escaping period of a jack or a mechanism for quickening the rotating speed of the jack after escape. - 特許庁


The normal operation management center 2A and operation management center 2C switches the operation management information and performs operation management so that a substitute operation management center acts as the faulty operation management center 2B by using predetermined condition data. - 特許庁


To improve efficiency in maintenance operations against abnormality or a sign of a failure occurring on each machine incorporated in a fuel feeder, to prevent a maintenance operation with low priority from being deferred and left undone, and to improve services for customers of the maintenance. - 特許庁


To provide an electronic device integrity monitoring apparatus which can monitor integrity of an electronic device which outputs a control signal to operational equipment, monitor a generic failure by providing a control part and a monitoring part, and also detect degradation degrees of the control part and the monitoring part. - 特許庁


To display the service life of a fluorescent lamp, while reducing as much as possible the number of lead wires to connect a fluorescent lamp lighting circuit with a main control part, and to detect and display the generation of the failure of the inverter of a power source. - 特許庁


Therefore, the combination meter 1 can be provided, in which even when the micro-computer 2 for the meter is failed, when a driver operates a transmission to a reverse gear, the rear side image of the automobile photographed by an image sensor 7 can be displayed on a TFT liquid crystal display unit 4. - 特許庁


To provide electronic equipment in which damage to the inner circuit or the like caused by an unexpected accident such as the liquid leakage of a battery can be prevented simply and surely, and a method of using a power supply jack, in the electronic equipment in which the outer power supply from the power supply jack or a battery are used as the power supply. - 特許庁


To provide an optical scanner which contributes to the reduction in the number of components by reducing the number of light sources, the reduction in cost, and the reduction in the trouble rate of the whole unit, and realizes a high speed out put of an image and an excellent image output by reducing the returning light to the light sources. - 特許庁


Thereby, the safe induction heating cooker can be provided which is structured such that, when the arc discharge occurs between the contacts of the changeover means 6, the arc discharge detection means 9 detects it, and the control means 8 controls the switching means 7 to stop heating to prevent a burnout accident or the like of the changeover means 6. - 特許庁


To provide a ground power supply system of a battery-driven type vehicle in a railroad vehicle capable of supplying the power to an auxiliary machine even when the vehicle stops at any station or signal house due to natural disaster for a long time, preventing occurrence of a problem of any unbalanced load and reducing the cost. - 特許庁


Therefor, when the output voltage of the power generator 2 abnormally increases by failure of the power generator 2, for example, the clutch 15 is disengaged in a state that the motor 4 is driven, so that the motor 4 idles, and output of the power generator 2 is consumed in the motor 4. - 特許庁



After the purge valve 24 is closed in the predetermined time, if a determination is made that the purge valve 24 fails, then a drain valve 25 is opened, or if a determination is made that a stack voltage exceeds the predetermined voltage, then a direction for power generation permission is output. - 特許庁


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