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Against this backdrop of unrest in the provinces, having succeeded Michinaga and worked for many years as Kanpaku to the Emperor, Yorimichi's influence appeared, on the surface, as strong as ever; he built his enormous Kayain residence (mansion) in close proximity to the imperial palace and, on May 5 1052, he remodeled Michinaga's villa, "Uji Mansion," into the magnificent Hoo-do Hall (Phoenix Hall) at Byodoin Temple, which remains to the present day. 例文帳に追加

地方の世情が不安になる中、道長を受け継ぎ長年関白を務めた頼通の権勢は表面的には衰えず、御所の傍に巨大な高陽院_(邸宅)を造営し、同7年3月28日_(旧暦)(1052年)には道長の別荘であった宇治殿を現代に残る壮麗な平等院鳳凰堂に改修した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1613, in the midst of performance of Noh play (the common men were also privileged to see) at the feast to celebrate the completion of reconstruction of the Great Buddha hall of Hoko-ji Temple held by Hideyori TOYOTOMI in the Kinri (Imperial Palace), Shigekata YOSHIOKA (who was allegedly on bad terms with Yazaemon TADAMI) was assaulted by an officer Yazaemon TADAMI who admonishing him for his attitude, and killed and wounded many persons including Tadami, before finally being killed by Kaneuji OTA who was a vassal of Katsushige ITAKURA, Kyoto shoshidai (the Kyoto deputy). 例文帳に追加

慶長18年(1613年)、豊臣秀頼が方広寺大仏殿を再建し、禁裏で落成の祝宴の能(庶民の拝観が許されていた)の最中に警護に当たっていた役人の只見弥五左衛門に態度を窘められたことに逆上(只見とは普段から不仲だったという)して只見を始め多くの人々を殺傷したため、駆けつけた京都所司代・板倉勝重家臣の太田兼氏に斬られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And when considering the relationship of Daikaku-ji temple and the Southern Court, there is a great possibility that monks of the Daikaku-ji cooperated with Gonancho (Second Southern Court) and the Kitabatake clan who advocated the reconstruction of the Southern Court, raised an army without Gisho (or only using the name of Gisho), so whether the rebels really had something to do with Gisho was quite doubtful. 例文帳に追加

更に大覚寺と南朝の関係を考えた場合、義昭とは無関係に(あるいは名前だけ使って)大覚寺の僧侶が南朝再興を目指す後南朝や北畠氏などと連携して挙兵に及ぶ可能性は十分考えられることから、この挙兵が本当に義昭と関係あるかどうかはハッキリとしないのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, Yoritomo continued to rely on Yoshinobu, for example, at the time of the burial of Yoshitomo's cremains Yoshinobu and Koreyoshi were allowed to serve near them at Shochoju-in Temple on October 1185, and his precedence could be said to be the top of gokenin (an immediate vassal of the Shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) as Monyo (blood line, lineage, connected by blood) of the Minamoto clan. 例文帳に追加

また文治元年(1185年)9月の勝長寿院での義朝の遺骨埋葬の際には、義信と惟義の2人が源義隆の子源頼隆と共に遺骨に近侍することを許されるなど、義信への頼朝の信頼は最後まで変わらず、この時期の席次において源氏門葉として御家人筆頭ともいえる座を占めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in the political conflicts (such as the Decree Restricting the Expansion of Private Estates, personnel affairs of Tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect), issue of installation of Kaidan (Buddhist ordination platform) in Mii-dera Temple) between the Emperor Gosuzaku and Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, Kanpaku Yorimichi and his entourage turned violently hostile to Kurodo no to Sukefusa who served the Emperor and engaged in government affairs and it resulted in casting a deep shadow over Sukefusa's later life. 例文帳に追加

だが、後朱雀天皇と関白藤原頼通の政治的対立(荘園整理令や天台座主人事、三井寺戒壇設置問題など)の中で天皇に近侍して政務に関与する蔵人頭・資房に対して、関白頼通とその周辺は激しい敵意を抱くようになり、資房のその後の人生に深い影を投げかけることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He deployed the following busho: Katsuie SHIBATA, Toshiie MAEDA, Narimasa SASA, and others against Kagekatsu UESUGI who succeeded the head of the Uesugi family through a family feud after the death of Kenshin UESUGI; his legitimate son Nobutada, Kazumasu TAKIGAWA, Nagayoshi MORI and others against Katsuyori TAKEDA; Mitsuhide AKECHI, Yusai HOSOKAWA and others against Hideharu HATANO (the battle of Kuroi-jo Castle); Hideyoshi HASHIBA against Terumoto MORI and Nobumori SAKUMA against the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

上杉謙信の死後、お家騒動を経て上杉氏の家督を継いだ上杉景勝に対しては柴田勝家、前田利家、佐々成政らを、武田勝頼に対しては嫡男・信忠、滝川一益、森長可らを、波多野秀治に対しては明智光秀、細川幽斎らを(黒井城の戦い)、毛利輝元に対しては羽柴秀吉を、石山本願寺に対しては佐久間信盛を配備した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, judging from the policies for Ikko Ikki and the Enryaku-ji Temple, the usage of stone statue of Jizo and gravestones for the stone wall of the Azuchi-jo Castle, and descriptions by Luis FROIS, he seemed to be a materialist, criticize the autocratic manners of priests at the time, praise the Christian missionaries and doubted the existence of Shinto and Buddhist deities and the immortality of the soul. 例文帳に追加

が、一向一揆や延暦寺に対する政策や、安土城の石垣に地蔵仏や墓石を用いたこと、ルイス・フロイスの記載などから唯物論的思考法を身に付け、当時の僧侶についてはその横暴を非難し、キリスト教の宣教師を誉め、神仏の存在や霊魂の不滅を信じることはなかったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to the issue of the activities of the Shogitai (group of former Tokugawa retainers opposed to the Meiji government who fought in the Battle of Ueno) which focused on the former shogun's retainers, Senpei and Masujiro OMURA advocated the subjugation of the group and he fought as a Assistant Deputy General at the Battle of Ueno drive the Shogitai forces to the area surrounding Kanei-ji Temple in Ueno, before forcing the Shogitai to break up by using tactics such as long range gunfire from Armstrong Guns. 例文帳に追加

旧幕臣らを中心とする彰義隊が活動していた問題では大村益次郎らとともに討伐を主張し軍監として上野戦争で戦い彰義隊勢を上野寛永寺周辺に追い詰め、さらに佐賀藩のアームストロング砲を遠方射撃する戦術などにより彰義隊は瓦解する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is said that he was forced to bury the bell in the earth because the dolly to carry the bell was too heavy to be carried up a hill before the troops reached the capital of Kyoto, or that he brought the bell back to Kyoto and relied on Hokke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) believed to be the most powerful of Sutras and a Nichiren prayer and made an offering of the bell to Myoman-ji Temple for Anchin and Kiyohime to be liberated from a grudge. 例文帳に追加

しかし、行軍の途中に京洛の手前で重い鐘を乗せた台車が坂を登りきれなかったため、やむなく鐘を土中に埋めたとも、そのまま京都に持ち帰り、安珍清姫の怨念解脱のために経力第一の法華経を頼って妙満寺に鐘を納めたともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1598, his all-too-lavish lifestyle brought the slanders of a civilian party including Mitsunari ISHIDA by which Hideyoshi confiscated his mansion that was said to be too luxury for his position and rank; but Sukezaemon, knowing it in advance, donated the grand mansion and belongings to his ancestral Daian-ji Temple before escaping to Luson with a Japanese quarter. 例文帳に追加

慶長3年(1598年)、あまりに華美な生活を好んだため、石田三成ら文治派の讒言によって、秀吉から身分をわきまえずに贅を尽くしすぎるとして邸宅没収の処分を受けることになるが、事前に察知してその壮麗な邸宅や財産を菩提寺の大安寺に寄進して日本人町のあるルソンへ脱出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She was entered various poetry contests: in 1200, Shojigodohyakushu (the second poetry contest in 1200), in 1201, Ronyaku gojusshu uta-awase (poetry contest by 50 poems by young and old poets), Michichikatei eigu uta-awase (poetry contest at Michichika residence, dedicated to KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro), Sen uta-awase (poetry contest in wakasho (the Office of Waka) gathering by Gotobain in 1201), Sentokudai gojisshu (poetry contest of 50 poems by 6 poets gathering by Gotobain in 1201), and Sengohyaku ban uta-awase (One Thousand Five Hundred Sets of Poetry Match), and in 1202, Sentoeigu uta-awase (poetry contest at Toba Jonan-ji Temple dedicated to KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro) and Minase koijugoshu uta-awase (poetry contest at Minase). 例文帳に追加

正治二年(1200年)の正治後度百首、建仁元年(1201年)の老若五十首歌合、通親亭影供歌合、撰歌合、仙洞句題五十首、千五百番歌合、同二年(1202年)の仙洞影供歌合、水無瀬恋十五首歌合などに詠進・出詠している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although his shoryo (territory) at this time is unknown, a historian Yoshihiko AMINO assumes that FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu as follows was Kanemitsu IGA; the former Governor of Ise Province who took over the position of Jitoshiki (manager and lord of manor) of the Jisei-kyo Village and Hyugaura in Wakasa Province in December 1265 as the heir of Mitsumune IGA, great grandfather of Kanemitsu, and a donor and former Ise no kami (Governor of Ise Province) who appears on Monju Bosatsuzo Bokushomei (statue of Manjusri [bodhisattva], ink inscriptions) of the Hannya-ji Temple in Yamato Province dated in April 1324. 例文帳に追加

この頃の所領は不明であるが、歴史学者の網野善彦は、文永2年(1265年)11月に兼光の曾祖父伊賀光宗の跡(後継者)として、若狭国耳西郷・日向浦の地頭職を継承したことが確認されている伊勢前司、及び、元亨4年(1324年)3月の日付がある大和国般若寺の文殊菩薩像墨書銘に見える施主前伊勢守藤原兼光を、伊賀兼光と推定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is recorded in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy) that he resided in Kyoto together with his father Mitsunaga, who was the family head of the Toki clan of Mino-Genji (Minamoto clan), and assumed such titles as Kebiishi Saemon no Jo (third-ranked officer with judicial and police powers in the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards), and when his father sided with the army of the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa in the Battle of Hoju-ji Temple in 1184, he also accompanied his father and fought together in a fierce battle, but he and his father were killed in action and their heads were exposed to the public. 例文帳に追加

美濃源氏土岐氏の棟梁であった父光長と共に在京し、検非違使、左衛門尉を務めたとされる(『尊卑分脈』)が、寿永2年(1184年)の法住寺合戦で父が後白河院方に加わったため光経もこれに従い、死闘の末に父と共に討ち取られ梟首された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto) failed to properly handle the intrusion into the Imperial Palace by the monk-soldiers of Enryaku-ji Temple, Nagakage was sent to Kyoto together with Yukitada NIKAIDO as a Toshi (messenger from the Kamakura Shogunate to the Imperial Court in Kyoto) to deal with the failure, met with Kanto Moshitsugi (court-appointed liaison with the Kamakura Shogunate) and requested remission of Kamakura samurai for the reason that they were fully occupied with handling of the Yuan Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

弘安6年(1283年)の延暦寺衆徒らによる禁中乱入事件で六波羅探題が対処できなかった事で、二階堂行忠と共に東使として上洛し、関東申次に面会して鎌倉武士は元(王朝)への対処で手一杯として赦免を求め、失策の処理にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, similarly, Ieyasu thought that the Nichiren sect, which had strong influence over townspeople, was dangerous for the following reasons: In holding Senso-kuyo (a religious ritual where 1,000 priest were invited) at the Daibutsu-den hall of Hoko-ji Temple, ordered by Hideyoshi, the Nichiren-sect was divided into the Jufuseha group, which admitted receiving offerings from other religious sects, and Fu-jufuseha group led by Sogi, which did not admit receiving offerings from other religious sects; In this situation, Ieyasu decided that the latter group did not follow orders of the bakufu and had also the feeling that the Nichiren set was rather aggressive to other religious sects. 例文帳に追加

また、同様に町衆に対し強い影響力を有する日蓮宗に対しても、秀吉が命じた方広寺大仏殿の千僧供養時に他宗の布施を受ける事を容認した日蓮宗受布施派と、禁じた宗義に従った日蓮宗不受不施派の内、後者を家康は公儀に従わぬ者として日蓮宗が他宗への攻撃色が強い事も合わせて危険視した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Koreto Muhonki (a commentary on the Honnoji Incident) and the Renjoin Kiroku (journal written by priests of Kofuku-ji Temple Renjo-in), he wielded a sword himself to cut down enemy soldiers (this is rumored to be a myth, like that of Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, yet it is open to debate as he was familiar with the art of swordsmanship as it was an essential discipline of that time). 例文帳に追加

また、その奮戦の具体的な内容だが、惟任謀反記や蓮成院記録によると自ら剣をふるい敵の兵を斬ったらしい(足利義輝の最期に似ているため創作ではないかとも思われるが信忠は実際に剣術を習っており、当時はたしなみの1つであったため、あながち嘘とも言えない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hone ha kataru: Tokugawa Shogun Daimyoke no hitobito" (Bones talk: the people of Tokugawa shogun and daimyo families) by Hisashi SUZUKI, who observed the refurbishment of the Tokugawa shogun family's grave site at Zojo-ji Temple where Ienobu was also buried and who was also in charge of inspecting the remains, Ienobu was apparently a soft-looking, lean-faced handsome man with a shapely nose and he shared very little resemblance with his father Tsunashige except for the fact that he was round-shouldered. 例文帳に追加

家宣の埋葬された増上寺で徳川将軍家の墓地が改葬された際に、これに立ち会い被葬者の遺骨の調査を担当した鈴木尚の著書『骨は語る徳川将軍・大名家の人びと』によると、家宣は細面で鼻筋が通っていて穏やかな顔立ちをした美男であったといい、父・綱重とは猫背であったこと以外に似ている部分は非常に少なかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hone wa kataru tokugawa shogun daimyo-ke no hitobito" (bones tell stories; the people of the Tokugawa clan and the daimyo family), written by Hisashi SUZUKI who attended the refurbishment of the Tokugawa Shogun family's graves at Zojo-ji Temple where Ietsugu was buried to examine the cremains of the buried, when Ietsugu's coffin was opened, the rain water for many years were in the coffin and his bones were not in it; there were just his hair, nails, and articles such as his swords. 例文帳に追加

家継の埋葬された増上寺で徳川将軍家の墓地が改装された際に、これに立ち会い、被葬者の遺骨の調査を行った、鈴木尚の著書『骨は語る徳川将軍・大名家の人びと』によれば、家継の棺を開けた時、長年の雨水が棺の中に入り込み、家継の遺骨は存在せず、ただ家継のものと思われる遺髪と爪、及び刀等の遺品があったのみであったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He died in 1589 at the age of 97, (it is based on the Hojo Godai Ki [Chronicles of the Hojo family through five generations], however, current studied suggest it has many discrepancy between contemporary first class historical materials such as the Myoho-ji Ki [Chronicles of the Myoho-ji Temple] or ancient documents such as old letters, making its credibility doubtful, and Motoki KURODA dated Genan's birth during the Eisho era [1504-1521]. If it is true, his age of death was 10 years younger) one theory has it he was born in 1501. 例文帳に追加

1589年に死去、享年97となるが、(これは北条五代記の記述によるもので、現在の研究では妙法寺記などの同時代の一級史料や手紙などの古文書などと多くの矛盾が見られることから、その信頼性に疑問が持たれており、黒田基樹は幻庵の生年を永正年間と推定している。これが事実とすれば享年は10年以上若くなる)一説に1501年生まれという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kazumasu TAKIGAWA and Toshiie MAEDA, later mentioned, are not appropriate for comparison with Nobumori since they produced adequate results (Toshiie is greatly different from Nobumori in position and authority), but it looks as if Nobumori could not damage the army of Hongan-ji Temple and let the situation drag on since he was stingy about the military costs, and as if he spent that money on pleasure. 例文帳に追加

なお、後述の滝川一益や前田利家、この2人は確かな結果を出しているため比較対象には適切ではなく(利家は信盛とは地位・権限や態度にも大きな違いがある)、信盛が軍費をケチった為に本願寺勢に打撃をあたえられず、数年間もの間持たせ、またその費用を道楽につぎ込んだようにも見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ennin built a Monju (Manjusri) statue with a piece of fragrant wood that he found when he climbed the North peak called Beitai Ding or Yedou Feng (3058m) of Mt. Wutai (China); after returning to Japan, he built a pavilion for the statue at Enryaku-ji Temple in November 861 (the original pavilion was burnt down by Nobunaga ODA's fire attack against Mt. Hiei [1571] and the current one was re-built) and next to Ennin's Monjusuri pavilion, there is a monument in honor to the memory of Bogo JANG. 例文帳に追加

円仁は五台山(中国)の一つ北台葉頭峰(3058メートル)に登頂した際に手に入れた香木で文殊像を造り、帰国実現ののち861年(貞観(日本)3年)10月、延暦寺に文殊楼を建立(織田信長の比叡山焼き討ち(1571年)で焼亡。現在の文殊楼は再建したもの)したが、この円仁の延暦寺文殊楼脇には張保皐顕彰碑が建てられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, Naganori's body was taken by vassals of the Asano family informed by the Tamura family such as Gengoro KATAOKA, Kanzaemon KASUYA (250 koku crop yields yojin[lord chamberlain] and 20 koku crop yields yakuryo[executive allowance]), Kiroku TAKEBE (250 koku crop yields Edo rusuiyaku [a person representing the master during his absence]), Sadashiro TANAKA (150 koku crop yields kinju [attendant]), Masahisa ISOGAI (150 koku crop yields kinju [attendant]) and Seiemon NAKAMURA (100 koku crop yields kinju [attendant]), and buried in Takanawa Sengaku-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

その後、田村家から知らせを受けた浅野家家臣の片岡源五右衛門、糟谷勘左衛門(用人250石役料20石)、建部喜六(江戸留守居役250石)、田中貞四郎(近習150石)、礒貝正久(近習150石)、中村清右衛門(近習100石)らが長矩の遺体を引き取り、彼らによって高輪泉岳寺に埋葬された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Onin War broke out Yoshizane sided with the Eastern Camp due to the fact that the cousin of his wife was Katsumoto HOSOKAWA of the Eastern Camp, putting himself against Yoshifuji KIRA sided with the Western Camp; when Yoshifuji left Kyoto to Mikawa Province, Yoshizane appointed his son Yoshinobu KIRA in charge of protecting Kyoto, and departed to Mikawa on May 18, 1467 for tracking down Yoshifuji ("Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine"). 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱が起こると、義真は妻の従兄弟が細川勝元という関係から東軍に属し、西軍についた吉良義藤と対立、義藤が三河国に下向すると、これに対応するため京都を息子の吉良義信に任せ、応仁元年(1467年)5月18日に三河に向けて出立した(『大乗院寺社雑事記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Edo period in 1774, a stone burial lid made from two pieces of tuff with 140 cm length, 86 cm wide, and 47 cm thickness, and a cist made from anvil stone were found on the hillside at the back of the Muryoko-ji Temple in Miyashita Village, Inabago, Homi County, Inaba Province (present-day Miyanoshita, Kokufu Town, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture), and there was a cinerary urn buried in the center hole of the stone burial lid. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代の安永(元号)3年(1774年)、因幡国法美郡稲葉郷宮下村(現鳥取県鳥取市国府町(鳥取県)宮ノ下)にある無量光寺(鳥取市)の裏山(宇部野山。現稲葉山)中腹から、長さ140cm、幅86cm、厚さ47cmの2枚の凝灰岩で作られた蓋石と台石から成る石櫃が発見され、蓋石の中央には穴を穿って骨壺が納められていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to 'Kinrin-ji Temple's Genealogies of TOSHIMA' and 'Yasumitsu's Genealogies of TOSHIMA' created by Yasumitsu TOSHIMA who was a hatamoto (direct retainer) in the Edo period, Asatsune was the oldest son of Kiyomoto and his lineage became the main branch of the Toshima family, but his name was not described in 'Genealogies of Toshima Miyagi' by the Miyagi family who was the clan's hatamoto (the lineage of Kiyoshige KASAI was to be the main branch of the family in this genealogy). 例文帳に追加

朝経は江戸時代に旗本豊島泰盈が作成した「金輪寺本豊島家系図」「泰盈本豊島家系図」では清元の長子とされ彼の系統が豊島氏の嫡流となるが、一族の旗本宮城氏の「豊島宮城系図」ではその名が現れない(こちらは葛西清重の系統が嫡流になっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Previously, there were problems in that Onjo-ji Temple and Shirahige-jinja Shrine demanded compensation for passing the precincts of the shrine (although it was a tunnel); the local people opposed the construction; and the determination of tracks took time due to the relationship with Kojak (Kojaku) railway (鉄道) (described later); however, the minimum curve radius is basically set at 1,400 meters and the alignment (track) slope is set at no more than 19 per mill, which are high standards compared with existing railways. 例文帳に追加

園城寺や白鬚神社などでは境内通過(トンネルだが)を巡って補償騒動が起きたほか、地元からの反対、江若鉄道(後述)との関係で路線決定に難航した部分もあるが、最小曲線半径は1,400mを基本とし、線形(路線)勾配も19パーミル以下と在来線としては高規格で建設されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theory, proposed by Tsuneo TSUKAMOTO in 1932, holds that: the lower Kamogawa River up to the junction with the Takano River and the waterway between the junction and that of the Kamogawa and Shira-kawa Rivers are artificial waterways; originally, the Kamogawa River ran due south and merged with the Hori-kawa River; the Takano River flowed south-west from the current junction and merged with the Hori-kawa River at around the Choho-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

1932年(昭和7年)に塚本常雄が提唱した学説で、賀茂川の下流部分と高野川との合流地点から白川との合流地点までは人工河川であり、本来賀茂川はまっすぐ南下して堀川に合流、高野川は現在の合流地点から南西方向に流れ頂法寺付近で堀川に合流していたという説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The total distance of the junrei-do (pilgrimage route) from the first fudasho temple to the thirty-third one is approximately 1000 kilometers, which is shorter than the henro michi (pilgrimage route) of the Shikoku Hachijuhakkasho (Eighty-eight Holy Places in the Shikoku region); because the distance between two fudasho temples of the Saigoku Sanjusankasho are long except in Kyoto City, however, a few people nowadays walk the entire pilgrimage route and instead most use their own cars or public transportation. 例文帳に追加

第一番から第三十三番までの巡礼道は約1000kmであり四国八十八箇所の遍路道約1400kmと比較すれば短いが、京都市内をのぞいて札所間の距離が長いため、現在では全行程を歩き巡礼する人はとても少なく、自家用車や公共交通機関を利用する人がほとんどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The point where the Yodo-gawa River flows into Kyoto Basin is at the lowest altitude in that basin and the Uji-gawa River, the only river originating from Lake Biwa, formed an enormous drainage basin covering the area from the vicinity of Byodoin Temple, where that river runs into Kyoto Basin and upstreams of the points where the Uji-gawa River meets Kizu-gawa River (Kyoto Prefecture) in the western part of Kyoto Basin and the Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system). 例文帳に追加

淀川が京都盆地に流れ込むところは、京都盆地の中でも最も低いところに位置しており、琵琶湖から流れ出る唯一の河川である宇治川は、京都盆地へ流入する平等院付近から、京都盆地の西端にあった木津川(京都府)、桂川(淀川水系)との合流点の上流側にかけて広大な遊水池を形成していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the contrary, as the place of extraordinary scenic beauty, the landscape of its east coast, consisting of Sensuishima and Bentenshima islands which had attracted a number of imperial families visits since the Meiji period, had been as highly esteemed as the Kannon-do of Bandai-ji Temple (Abuto Kannon [Buddhist goddess of Mercy]) located adjacent to the western Numakuma peninsula, thereby being chosen uppermost as a national park. 例文帳に追加

その一方で景勝地としては、明治時代より天皇・皇后を始めとする皇族が好んで訪問してきた仙酔島や弁天島を含む東岸の景観が、沼隈半島の西部に隣接する磐台寺観音堂(阿伏兎観音)と並んで高い評価を受け、いち早く国立公園に指定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shito Jimukyoku, which had decided to enshrine in its temple four gods and Zokasanshin (the three gods of creation)-Ameno minakanushi no kami, Takamimusubi no kami and Kamimusubi no kami-and Amaterasu Omikami met with opposition from the Izumo group, which stressed the idea of Yuken ichinyo (the unity of this world and the world after death) and insisted on worshipping five gods, including Okuni nushi no okami, the ruling god of Yukai (the world after death). 例文帳に追加

神道事務局は、事務局の神殿における祭神として造化三神(天之御中主神、高御産巣日神、神産巣日神)と天照大神の四柱を祀ることとしたが、これに対して「出雲派」は、「幽顕一如」(あの世とこの世との一体性)を掲げ、祭神を「幽界」(あの世)を支配する大国主大神を加えた五柱にすべきだと主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kotai jingu gishikisho (Book of Rituals and Ceremonies of Kotai Jinja Shrine)," Tsukuyomi no mikoto was worshipped at 'Tsukiyominomiya ichiin' (the main temple of Tsukiyominomiya Shrine) and described as 'Tsukuyomi. He was a figure of a man riding a horse and was clothed in purple, wearing a golden sword. He was clothed in purple, wearing a golden sword,' and Tsukuyomi, whose gender is never mentioned in "Kojiki" nor "Nihon Shoki," is depicted here as a man riding a horse and carrying a sword. 例文帳に追加

『皇太神宮儀式帳』では、「月讀宮一院」の祭神に、月讀命。御形ハ馬ニ乘ル男ノ形。紫ノ御衣ヲ着、金作ノ太刀ヲ佩キタマフ。紫ノ御衣ヲ着、金作ノ太刀ヲ佩キタマフ。と記しており、記紀神話では性別に関する記述の一切無い月読命が、太刀を佩いた騎馬の男の姿とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The current Imamiya-jinja Shrine is said to have originated in May 1001 when the temple was built in the current location and the three gods were enshrined after Goryo-e (ritual ceremony to repose of spirits of a deceased person) was performed in Mt. Funaoka in 994, but the year of establishment at the current location is unknown, although it has long been a shrine enshrining Susanoo (currently, sessha (auxiliary shrine - dedicated to a deity close-related to that of a main shrine) Eki-jinja Shrine), the god of epidemics. 例文帳に追加

現在の今宮神社は、994年(正暦5年)船岡山で御霊会が行われた後、1001年(長保3年)5月に現在の場所に神殿が造営されて3柱の神が祀られたのに始まるとされるが、現在の場所には創建年代については不明であるが、古くから疫病の神とされるスサノオを祀る社(現在摂社疫神社)があったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The facts that 'sanshokusuininmondai' occurred immediately before Honnoji Incident and from its nature, it was not a matter for which Nobunaga could answer instantly and it seems that the purpose of making stopover at Kyoto was to give his answer raise a doubt with respect to the above-described grounds (It is possible to interpret that Mitsuhide attacked the Honno-ji Temple in order to prevent Nobunaga from giving an answer). 例文帳に追加

「三職推任問題」は、本能寺の変の直前の出来事であり、その性質上、信長が即答可能な問題ではないこと、京への立ち寄りの理由の1つは、それへの返答にあったと考えられることは、上記根拠への疑問を投げかける(信長が返答することを阻止するためにこの日程で本能寺を襲ったと解する事は可能ではある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As descriptions in historical books that support this view, it is well-known that a section of 'Historia de Iapan' by Frois continued as, when Mitsuhide reversed the course to Kyoto, 'Soldiers began to wonder about the purpose of such action (to attack the Honno-ji Temple and thought that Mitsuhide intended to kill the lord of Mikawa Province (Ieyasu), who was a younger brother-in-law of Nobunaga, according to Nobunaga's order, and a section of 'Rojinzatsuwa' by Munetomo EMURA.' 例文帳に追加

裏づけとする史書の記述として、フロイスの「日本史」が続いて、光秀の京都への反転に際して「兵士たちはかような(本能寺を攻める)動きがいったい何のためであるか訝り始めおそらく明智は信長の命に基づいて、その義弟である三河の国主(家康)を殺すつもりであろうと考えた。」という部分がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Gonancho forces gradually lost their power, and during the Onin War were labeled in historical records as descendants of Oguranomiya (in the "Daijoin temple and shrine records of miscellaneous matters" they are listed as offspring of Oguranomiya), while the son of Zenmonshu (Gatekeeper) OKAZAKI being welcomed in the capital's western district (this son was called "The Southern Emperor of the western district") by Sozen YAMANA is the last historical mention of them; after this point, they no longer appear in historical records. 例文帳に追加

後南朝は次第に勢力を失い、応仁の乱において小倉宮の末裔(『大乗院寺社雑事記』には小倉宮の子孫との記述あり)と称し、岡崎前門主という人物の息子が山名宗全により洛中の西陣に迎えられた(これを「西陣の南帝」と呼ぶ)との記録を最後に、歴史上にあらわれなくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyuki acted as advisor and regent to Yoshiakira's son Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who was still a child, and carried out policies like experimenting with a new hansei (half-tax) law, which was designed to protect existing land holdings, and he attempted to negotiate with the Southern Court, but he also became embroiled in a religious conflict between Mt. Hiei, the powerful old Buddhist sect, and Nanzen-ji temple, a center of the rising new Zen sect; he opposed the Mt. Hiei faction because he was supporting the Nanzen-ji faction, yet he also clashed with Nanzen-ji's own powerful religious leaders, for example, when he opposed chief priest Myoha Shunnoku's seclusion from public life. 例文帳に追加

頼之は義詮の子で幼少の足利義満を補佐し、半済令の試行や南朝との交渉などの政策を実施するが、旧仏教勢力の比叡山と新興禅宗の南禅寺との対立においては南禅寺派を支持していたため叡山派と対立し、南禅寺の住職春屋妙葩が隠棲して抗議するなど宗教勢力とも対立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With Godaigo's accession, Gouda's cloistered government was reinstated, but Gouda himself became further devout in esoteric Buddhism and became the chief priest himself by establishing Daikakuji Temple Monseki and he started to let the reins go with government affairs as his health declined along the years, relinquishing the duties as Chiten to Godaigo in 1321 and he died at the age of 58 in 1324. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐の践祚とともに後宇多の院政が再開されたが、後宇多は大覚寺門跡を創設して自ら門主となるなど密教への傾倒をさらに深め、また年齢とともに体調を崩してしだいに政務に倦み、元亨元年(1321年)には治天の政務を後醍醐に譲り、元亨4年(1324年)には58歳で死去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Southern Court is also called the Yoshino Court and was the court belonging to Emperor Godaigo of the Daikaku-ji Temple line established in the period of Northern and Southern Courts and based in the Yoshino (present day Yoshino Town, Yoshino County, Nara Prefecture), Ano (present day Nishiyoshino Town, Gojo City, Nara Prefecture) in the province of Yamato, south of Kyoto, Sumiyoshi-angu (Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) in the province of Settsu. 例文帳に追加

南朝(なんちょう)は、吉野朝廷(よしのちょうてい)とも称され、南北朝時代(日本)に京都以南の大和国の吉野(奈良県吉野郡吉野町)、賀名生(同県五條市西吉野町)、摂津国の住吉行宮(大阪府大阪市住吉区)を本拠とした大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇に属する朝廷。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the second Shogun, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, died, the Kanrei (regent) Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA gave his support and advice to Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the third Shogun, and helped usher in a new administration, and engineered Masanori KUSUNOKI's defection and other anti-Southern Court efforts as well as dispatching Sadayo IMAGAWA to Kyushu as part of a push to eliminate the Southern Court's forces there, while in domestic, nonmilitary affairs, he crafted a response to the problematic conflict between Nanzen-ji Temple, which represented the new Zen sect, and Mt. Hiei, representing the old guard of influential Buddhist temples, and also implemented the hanzei (half-tax). 例文帳に追加

2代将軍足利義詮が死去すると、管領細川頼之は3代将軍足利義満を補佐して執政をはじめ、楠木正儀を寝返らせるなど対南朝工作や九州の南朝勢力排除のための今川貞世派遣、内政においては新興の禅宗である南禅寺と旧仏教勢力の比叡山との対立問題の対応や半済の実施などを行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But the new Shogun, Yoshihisa, died of illness while still young, and his retired father Yoshimasa devoted his remaining years to construction projects at Jisho-ji Temple, notably the building known as Ginkaku (the Silver Pavilion), focusing his attention entirely on the world of artistic endeavor (and indeed, Yoshimasa's patronage of the arts became the foundation of the flourishing artistic culture of the Higashiyama area, and no one can deny he had a profound influence on later developments in Japanese culture.) 例文帳に追加

だが、新将軍・義尚は若くして病死し、引退した父・義政も銀閣をはじめとする慈照寺の造営に余生を費やして、芸術の世界にのみ生きた(とはいえ、義政の芸術保護が後の東山文化発展の基礎となり、後々の日本文化に大きな影響を与えた事は否定できない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The religious establishment at Hongan-ji Temple, which had been revived by Rennyo, of the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land sect), began to form large groups of laymen followers, called (Buddhist) "lecture meetings," and after the Onin War, these groups rivaled the Sengoku daimyo, who had supplanted the shugo daimyo, in strength; they began to be referred to as the Ikko sect, and united by faith, fell into opposition with the power and influence of the shugo daimyo. 例文帳に追加

浄土真宗の蓮如が再興した本願寺教団は、講と呼ばれる信徒集団を形成し、応仁の乱の後には守護大名に取って代わった戦国大名に匹敵する勢力になり、一向宗とも呼ばれるようになり、信仰の下に団結して守護大名の勢力と対抗する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the incident of Ashikaga-sandai mokuzo kyoshu, heads of the wooden images and the mortuary tablets of the first Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) Takauji ASHIKAGA, the second Seii taishogun Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, and the third Seii taishogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA were taken away from Kyoto Jito-in Temple on April 9, 1863 in the late Edo period, and were cast to the riverbed of Kamo-gawa river. 例文帳に追加

足利三代木像梟首事件(あしかがさんだいもくぞうきょうしゅじけん)は、江戸時代後期、幕末の文久3年2月22日(旧暦)(1863年4月9日)に、京都等持院にあった室町幕府初代征夷大将軍足利尊氏、2代足利義詮、3代足利義満の木像の首と位牌が持ち出され、賀茂川の河原に晒された事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as Tofukumonin died in that year followed by the successive deaths of Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo and Shogun Ietsuna from illness three years later, the Emperor sent imperial messengers to Cloistered Imperial Prince Shoshin, a younger brother of the Cloistered Emperor who was at the Daikaku-ji Temple then and to the new Shogun Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA to obtain the former's acceptance of Ichinomiya as a disciple and the latter's consent to Gonomiya's proposed inheritance of the throne. 例文帳に追加

ところが、この年に東福門院が死去し、3年後に後水尾法皇と将軍家綱が相次いで病死すると、天皇は大覚寺にいた法皇の弟・性真法親王に一宮の弟子入りを新将軍徳川綱吉には一宮の出家と五宮への皇位継承を承諾を求める勅使を出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ikko ikki initiated dozens of large-scale assaults (including the Battle of Kuzuryu-gawa River) in an attempt to restore their control over Yoshizaki-gobo Temple in Echizen Province, which had been usurped by the Asakura clan, and later, they fought with such powerful men as Nobunaga ODA and Harumoto HOSOKAWA, who had begun to fear that the sheer size of the Ikko riots (ikki) threatened to shake the very foundations of warrior rule; in the end, the Ikko ikki itself became somewhat analogous to Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period), and fought for hegemony over Japan. 例文帳に追加

朝倉氏に奪われた越前国吉崎御坊を取り戻すため何十回となく大規模な戦を起こしたり(九頭竜川の戦い)、一揆の拡大によって武家政権の基盤を脅かされることを恐れた織田信長や細川晴元ら権力者との争いを展開するなど戦国大名化して覇権を争ってもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They derived from boilerplates (shosoku-shu) which were a collection of correspondence from the late Heian period written by those who were engaged in literary work, such as nobles (A similar item called "Tokarissei," reportedly from China, is preserved in Todai-ji Temple Shoso-in Treasure Repository, but even this had been arranged from the Chinese original, showing that oraimono developed independently with an influence from China). 例文帳に追加

平安時代後期より公家などの文筆に携わる人々が往復書簡(往来)の形式を採った文例集(消息集)に由来している(同じ様な形式のものは、中国伝来とされる『杜家立成』が東大寺正倉院に収められているが、当時の中国の書式を元により整理された形式となっており、往来物が中国のものの影響を受けながらも日本独自に発展していったことが分かる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were several letters discussing nengu (land tax) exchanged between Intonosho manor owned by the father of Hirotsune of Kazusa no suke (vice minister of Kazusa Province), Tsunezumi, SUGAWARA no Sadataka, who was the 'azukaridokoro' (a deputy of "Shoen" manor lord), in shihai monjo (an old document which was written on the other side of a piece of used paper) of "Daigo-zojiki" (records of the history of Daigo-ji temple) that clarified that 'villages' that formed Intonosho manor had Goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and Sonshi () with surnames of 'Fujiwara', 'Nakatomi,' 'Funya,' 'Taira,' and 'Katta.' 例文帳に追加

上総介広常の父・常澄の所領である印東庄において、「預所」菅原定隆との、年貢をめぐった相論に関する文書数通が、『醍醐雑事記』の紙背文書(しはいもんじょ)に見つかり、それによって、印東庄を構成する「村郷」には、「藤原」「中臣」「文屋」「平」「刈田」などの本姓をもつ郷司、村司が居たことが知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, the Takashina clan and the powerful Murakami clan, which was active in Hanishina County, were on the Northern Court side, and Tsuneyori TAKANASHI (along with Tametsune OGASAWARA and Mitsumune OGASAWARA) fought Munesada NETSU, the local governor for Naoyori SUWA, on the side of Naoyoshi ASHIKAGA, at Nobehara (Nobe, Suzaka City) in July of 1351 at Tobe Gawara, Zenko-ji Temple, Yonago-jo Castle (Yonago, Suzaka City) in September. 例文帳に追加

続く南北朝時代(日本)には埴科郡に割拠する有力豪族村上氏と共に北朝(日本)方に属し、正平(日本)6年/観応2年(1351年)6月に高梨経頼は小笠原為経・小笠原光宗らと足利直義の諏訪直頼の代官祢津宗貞と野辺原(須坂市野辺)で戦い、8月には富部河原、善光寺、米子城(須坂市米子)で戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Takanashi clan resisted the governor Yoshitane SHIBA, rose in arms at Zenko-ji Temple along with Yorikuni MURAKAMI, Seijun OGASAWARA and Taro NAGANUMA in 1387, attacked the prefectural office in Hirashiba (Amori, Nagano City) in May, fought at Urushidahara (Nakagosho, Nagano City), captured Yokoyama-jo Castle (in which Ujiyasu NINOMIYA, Shugodai [deputy of Shugo, provincial constable] had taken refuge) in September, and attacked Namani-jo Castle (Amamiya, Chikuma City). 例文帳に追加

また守護の斯波義種に反抗して元中4年/嘉慶(日本)元年(1387年)善光寺に村上頼国、小笠原清順、長沼太郎らと挙兵し5月に平柴(長野市安茂里)の守護所を攻めて漆田原(長野市中御所)で戦い、8月には守護代の二宮氏泰が篭城する横山城を攻め落とし、続いて生仁城(千曲市雨宮)も攻めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are a variety of views about the origin of the word 'Yamato': the area is a region surrounded by mountains; the Yamato Dynasty located in this region originated in an area called 'Yamato'; 'Yamato' means 'Sanmon' (temple gate) and the name of a place of belief in nature that gods exist in mountains was changed to a country name; or it was developed in the area centered around Mt. Miwa and Yamato. 例文帳に追加

「やまと」の語源は山に囲まれた地域であるからと言う説、この地域を拠点としたヤマト王権が元々「やまと」と言う地域に発祥したためとする説、「やまと」は元は「山門」であり山に神が宿ると見なす自然信仰の拠点であった地名が国名に転じたとする説、三輪山から山東(やまとう)を中心に発展したためとする説など諸説ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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