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in shrineの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 4918


Construction of the main hall took 128 years to complete and the magnificent building was considered to be one of the Three Great Architectural Structures of Japan along with the mausoleum at Tosho-gu Shrine in Nikko and the Sanmon gate at Chion-in Temple, but almost the entire temple complex, including the main hall, was burned to the ground in an accidental fire in November 1902. 例文帳に追加

本堂は起工から128年の年数をかけ、日光の本廟・知恩院の三門とともに、日本三建築の一つと称せられた壮大華麗な大伽藍であったが、1902年(明治35年)11月、不慮の火災により、本堂その他ほとんどを灰燼に帰する不幸が起る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His trading activities were reported to Kofuku-ji Temple after their return and put on record in detail in such documents as "Daijoin jisha zojiki (Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine)" and the "Tosen Nikki" (lit. "Tosen Journal") by Jinson of Daijo-in, which serve as valuable historical data to describe the actual activities of trading between two countries in those days. 例文帳に追加

これらの西忍の交易活動は、帰国後興福寺に報告され、大乗院主尋尊によって「大乗院寺社雑事記」「唐船日記」などに詳細に記されており、当時の日明勘合貿易の実際を知る上での貴重な史料となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning he owned a territory of 1,000 koku crop yield, but as he showed his skill in politics while serving Hidenaga TOYOTOMI and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, he became a land survey official mainly in Kii and Yamato Provinces (which shows he was appreciated his ability, since the land survey in Kii and Yamato Provinces was not easy as the temple and shrine powers there were strong). 例文帳に追加

最初は1000石の知領だったが、秀長・豊臣秀吉のもとで政治手腕を買われて、主に紀伊国や大和国の検地代官を務めた(紀伊や大和は寺社勢力が多く、検地が容易でない事からも、その手腕を買われていた事がわかる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1457, when Norihiro OUCHI, a Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) in Suo Province, attacked the Aki-Takeda clan in terms of his relationship with the family of Itsukushima-jinja Shrine priest, Yukitsune supported the Aki-Takeda clan by the order of Katsumoto HOSOKAWA, Kanrei, shogunal deputy, together with the Mori clan and other Aki kokujins to beat back the Ouchi troops (the Yamamoto Battle). 例文帳に追加

1457年(長禄元年)、周防国の戦国大名・大内教弘が厳島神主家との関係で安芸武田氏を攻めた際には、管領・細川勝元の命を受け、毛利氏ら安芸国人とともに安芸武田氏を支援して大内軍を撃退した(山本合戦)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "Azuma Kagami "(The Mirror of the East), there is an article touching on February 20, 1219, when the third Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") MINAMOTO no Sanetomo visited Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine in order to congratulate the assumption of Udaijin (the Minister of the Right) (on this day, Sanetomo was assassinated), and in this article Koreyoshi's name appeared as 'Shuri gon no daibu Tadayoshi no Asomi' (Tadayoshi of Asomi [second highest of the eight hereditary titles], Provisional master in the Office of Palace Repairs). 例文帳に追加

建保7年(1219年、のち承久に改元)正月27日、3代征夷大将軍源実朝が、右大臣拝賀のため、鶴岡八幡宮へ御参した際(この日、実朝は暗殺される)の『吾妻鏡』の記事中に「修理権大夫惟義朝臣」の名が見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the details of the incident was unknown, in the article of the next day, there is a comment on the spread of the rumor, in which that he was said to received divine punishment due to his discourtesy related to Tsunemitsu's management in the clerical work at Takebe-taisha Shrine in Omi Province (although, it is not known the exact background nor details). 例文帳に追加

事件の詳細については不明であるが、同書翌日条には経光が近江国建部大社の社務(具体的な経緯・詳細は不明)を執行した際に非法を行ったことから神罰が下ったとの噂が流布したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, it is said that the Hikiyama festival held in April (previously in October) every year in Nagahama started when townspeople of Nagahama built a float to be drawn throughout the town in the festival of the Nagahama Hachimangu Shrine, after Hideyoshi, then-castle lord of Nagahama Castle, gave gold dust to the townspeople to celebrate the birth of his son. 例文帳に追加

また、長浜で毎年4月(昔は10月)に行われる曳山祭の始まりは、当時長浜城主だった秀吉に男の子が生まれ、そのことに喜んだ秀吉からお祝いの砂金を贈られた町民は、山車を作り、長浜八幡宮の祭礼に曳き回しことが始まりとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same year, he participated in the impeachment for Takemichi KOGA who was a member of the party advocating Kobu-Gattai (the union of the Imperial Court and the shogunate); in March of the following year, he and Motoosa MIBU proposed the radical reform in the government and the execution of Joi (expulsion of foreigners), then he was appointed to Kokuji-yoryudo (general official of the government) and attended Emperor Komei's visit to Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine to pray for the success of Joi. 例文帳に追加

同年、公武合体派の久我建通の弾劾に加担、翌年2月、壬生基修とともに庶政刷新と攘夷貫徹を求める建言を提出して国事寄人に任じられ、孝明天皇の攘夷祈願の為の石清水八幡宮行幸に随従した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since 2007, JR West and others have been promoting the message that vacationers should use of trains for transportation in Kyoto City in order to avoid the traffic jams caused by buses running within the city; in particular, the use of Yamashina Station on the Tozai Line of Kyoto Municipal Subway is recommended to passengers bound for sightseeing spots in the Higashiyama area, where Nanzen-ji Temple and Heian-jingu Shrine are located. 例文帳に追加

JR西日本などは、2007年から、市内のバスの渋滞を回避できるとして行楽客の京都市内移動に鉄道利用を促すPRを行っており、南禅寺や平安神宮など東山エリアへの観光地へは山科駅から地下鉄東西線利用を勧めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Unlike in other local provinces, it is considered that Jingi-kan had some influence over the designation of the first shrine (Ichinomiya) in Yamashiro Province; because of this, while the establishment of Ichinomiya in other provinces took place starting at the end of the 11th century the designation of Ichinomiya in Kinai (Kansai Region) began during the 12th century. 例文帳に追加

山城国の一宮指定には、地方の諸国と異なって神祇官が関わっていると思われ、11世紀末から諸国でそれぞれに一宮が成立していく中で、畿内ではそれに対応して12世紀になってから決められたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are prominent temples and sightseeing spots that attract many tourists from both inside and outside of Higashiyama Ward, including Tofuku-ji Temple, Senyu-ji Temple, Sanjusangendo Temple, Chishaku-in Temple, Kyoto National Museum, Myoho-in Temple, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple, Kennin-ji Temple, Kodai-ji Temple, the Gion districts, Yasaka-jinja Shrine, Maruyama Park, Chion-in Temple, and Shoren-in Temple. 例文帳に追加

区内には内外の観光客が多く集まる著名社寺や観光地が多く、東福寺、泉涌寺、三十三間堂、智積院、京都国立博物館、妙法院、清水寺、六波羅蜜寺、建仁寺、高台寺、祇園地区、八坂神社、円山公園、知恩院、青蓮院などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in "Dainihon Ichinomiya Ki (List of prominent shrines in Japan)" written by Kanetomo YOSHIDA during the Muromachi period, Kukurihimenokami was referred to as the enshrined deity of the Kamisha of Shirayamahime-jinja Shrine and in the books written in the Edo period, it is clearly stated that Shirayamahimenokami and Kukurihimenokami are the same deity. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、室町時代吉田兼倶によって書かれた『大日本一宮記』内には菊理媛が白山比咩神社の上社祭神として書かれており、江戸時代の書物において白山比咩神と菊理媛が同一神と明記されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The section on 'umi no okase' (whirlwind) in the "Wakan Sansai Zue" (an encyclopedia compiled in the Edo period) says 'Well, unexpected windstorms sometimes occur in Sei-shu (Ise Province), Bi-shu (Owari Province), No-shu (Mino Province), and Tan-shu (Hida Province), and such storms are generally called Ichimokuren and considered as a divine wind. Once this wind blows, it destroys everything: it pulls out trees, makes big rocks fall, and breaks houses. However, this occurs just along a narrow corridor and it does not damage any other places. A shrine for Ichimokuren is located on Mt. Tado, in Kuwana District, Sei-shu.' 例文帳に追加

『和漢三才図会』の「颶(うみのおほかせ)」に「按勢州尾州濃州驒州有不時暴風至俗稱之一目連以爲神風其吹也抜樹仆巖壞屋爲不破裂者惟一路而不傷也處焉勢州桑名郡多度山有一目連」との記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The coming reconstruction will be totally different in that it occurs not only in this world but also in the whole world including the spirit world and the astral world, which will be literally 'the biggest hardship that the world ever has' just as Tenmei was made to write first in Makata-jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

そして、今後に起こるとされる大建替では過去にあったそれらとは全く異なり、現界はもちろんの事、神界、霊界、幽界等も含めた全ての世界に起こり、天明が最初に麻賀多神社で書記させられたように、文字通り「この世始まって二度とない苦労」になるのだとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fire spread to Kawaramachi, Kiyamachi and Yamatooji-dori Street in the east; Kamigoryo-jinja Shrine, Kuramaguchi-dori Street and Imamiya otabisho in the north; Chiekoin-dori Street, Omiya-dori Street and Senbon-dori Street in the west; and both Higashi Hongan-ji Temple and Nishi Hongan-ji Temple and Rokujo-dori Street in the south. 例文帳に追加

この火災で東は河原町・木屋町・大和大路まで、北は上御霊神社・鞍馬口通・今宮御旅所まで、西は智恵光院通・大宮通・千本通まで、南は東本願寺西本願寺両本願寺・六条通まで達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In another theory, Shimane is put forward as home city of the Kamo family based on the fact that there is a description of Kamo-no-kamube, Toneri-no-sato, O County in "Izumo-fudoki," and that there is a Kamo-jinja Shrine in Yasugi City in Tobu Izumo (Eastern Izumo and present-day Shimane Prefecture), where Kotoshiro nushi, the ancestral god Hitokoto nushi under a different name, is worshipped. 例文帳に追加

また、出雲風土記では意宇郡舎人郷賀茂神戸とあり、また現在の島根県安来市には賀茂神社があり、祖神である一言主の同一神、言代主の活躍地である東部出雲に属することから、ここを本貫とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And their method, in which even commoners practiced self government, received recognition, and indeed it became all the more striking starting in the Edo period (beginning in that period, large cities were divided into machiba (towns, under the jurisdiction of town magistrates), niwaba (jisha-bugyo, under the jurisdiction of (government-appointed) temples and shrine administrators), and nochoba (unsurveyed areas or suburbs of unfixed jurisdiction), and so commoners and townspeople cooperated to achieve self-government); the people used festivals to enshrine gods, spirits, and elements of nature itself, including such festivals as Tanabata (the Festival of the Weaver, celebrated July 7) and the Feast for Ebisu, both of which are still celebrated today, eventually becoming established as popular versions of Shinto rituals quite separate in form from Shrine Shinto rituals, but in any case, shrines continue to contribute to local development, even as they did in the past. 例文帳に追加

そして民間でも自治としての政が江戸時代から一層顕著に認められ{江戸時代以降の都心では町場(町奉行管轄)と庭場(寺社奉行管轄)と野帳場(検地がされていない管轄未定地や郊外)に区分され、庶民と町人が協力して自治を行った}、祭りとして神や御霊や自然を祀り、その社会的行為は「七夕祭り」や「恵比寿講」として現在にも行われ、神社神道の儀式とは離れた民衆の神事として定着し、昔と同様に普請としての地域振興を担っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Daigokuden is depicted as a single storey building in "Nenju Gyoji Emaki" and "Heian Tsushi" (the history of Heian-kyo) compiled by the Counselor for Kyoto City in 1895, the original building had most likely been a two-storey massive structure comparable to Todai-ji Temple Daibutsuden (the house of the Great Buddha) in Nara or Izumo-taisha Shrine, as the expression 'Unta (Izumo taisha-Shrine as first), Wani (Todai-ji Temple Daibutsuden as second), and Kyosan (Heian-kyo Daigokuden as third)' is found in "Kuchizusami" (folk poems) written in 970, because the main building of the Daigokuden was rebuilt twice following two fires, and "Nenju Gyoji Emaki" depicts the Daigokuden rebuilt in 1072. 例文帳に追加

なお、『年中行事絵巻』や、1895年(明治28年)京都市参事会によって編纂された『平安通志』には、単層の大極殿が描かれているが、大極殿殿舎は火災により2度も建て替えられており、970年(天禄元年)成立の『口遊(くちずさみ)』に「雲太、和二、京三」と見えるように、当初は出雲大社や奈良の東大寺大仏殿に匹敵する大建築であり、『年中行事絵巻』所載のものは1072年(延久4年)に建て替えられた姿で、本来は重層(2階建て)であったとも推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 975, at 27 years old, Imperial Princess Kishi was the imperial princess chosen to serve as high priestess of Ise for Emperor Enyu, so the following year in 976, Queen Kishi traveled with her daughter for the ceremonial first entry of the new high priestess; it was in the winter of that same year that Queen Kishi composed her famous Shofu nyu yakin (Into the Night of Koto Music Comes the Wind of the Pines) poem, during the poetry contest held at the temporary shrine of Ise. 例文帳に追加

天延3年(975年)、規子内親王が27歳で円融天皇の斎宮に選ばれると、翌貞元_(日本)元年(976年)の初斎院入りに徽子女王も同行、同年冬の野宮歌合では有名な「松風入夜琴」の歌を詠む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His works as a poet were as follows: one poem was collected in "Senzai Wakashu" (Collection of a Thousand Years) (poem number 328); 20 poems were collected in the anthologies of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command after "Shin Kokin Wakashu" (New Collection of Ancient and Modern Poetry), he joined poetry contests such as Wakamiya-sha shrine waka competition, six hundred verses waka competition, one thousand and five hundred verses waka competition, the Tsunefusa family waka competition in 1191. 例文帳に追加

歌人としては『千載和歌集』(歌番号328)に1首入る他、『新古今和歌集』以後の勅撰和歌集に20首入集し、建久2年の若宮社歌合、六百番歌合、千五百番歌合、経房家歌合などにも出詠している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jihei OGAWA (Ueji), who constructed Murin-an hut, later built many famous gardens such as Nomura Hekiun-so (Nomura Hekiun country house), the garden of the Heian-jingu Shrine, the garden of the Sumitomo family (Keitaku-en garden), the main garden of Keiun-kan in Nagahama, the Fukasawa residence garden in Tokyo of Mrs. Yone and Mr. Kinya NAGAO, and their second residence in Kamakura, Senko villa. 例文帳に追加

施工にあたった小川治兵衛(植治)は、その後、南禅寺近辺に野村碧雲荘、平安神宮神苑、大阪の住友家庭園(慶沢園)、長浜の慶雲館本庭、長尾欽也(欣也)よね夫妻の東京深沢邸宅の庭園と鎌倉別邸扇湖山荘庭園など、数々の名園をつくった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the old days, the festival began around 12 midnight, however, these days it starts around 8 p.m. when boys (shrine parishioners) get together, and after that, they purify themselves at a river, hold small jacklights in their hands around at 10 p.m. and throw them at and kindle a large jacklight about 16m in length while shouting. 例文帳に追加

古くは深夜0時頃から始められていたが、近年は、20時頃に少年たち(氏子)が集まり川で身を清めた後、22時ごろにはそれぞれが小松明を持ち5丈3尺(約16m)以上の大松明にむかって叫びながら投げ、点火するもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shrine maidens clad in suikan (everyday garments worn by commoners in ancient Japan), hibakama (scarlet Japanese pants for men) and shirotabi (white Japanese socks), and grasping various torimono (hand-held divine items) such as suzu (bells), oogi (folding fans), sasa (dwarf bamboos), sakaki (branches of a kind of divine wood) and nusa (symbols of divinity made of cloth or paper and hung on a stick) that are regarded as yorishiro (objects representative of a divine spirit), perform mikomai dances in harmony with a hayashi (an orchestra of Japanese instruments) that includes drums, flutes, dobyoshi (two circular cymbals made of copper or iron) and other instruments. 例文帳に追加

水干・緋袴・白足袋の装いに身を包んだ巫女が太鼓や笛、銅拍子などの囃子にあわせて鈴・扇・笹・榊・幣など依り代となる採物を手にした巫女が舞い踊る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the Miyako oji (main street of the capital), where yama and hoko floats, the moving museums, traveled in the morning, the portable shrines perform the transferral of the sacred object from its place of enshrinement, bravely rampaging about to perform the last splendid procession in the Shinkosai known as the otabisho miyairi (ending event of a festival by portable shrines to be carried into the shrine) in Shijoteramachi. 例文帳に追加

朝に山鉾が動く美術館の名をほしいままに巡行した都大路を今度は神輿が勇壮に練り暴れながらの渡御を行い、四条寺町の御旅所宮入りにて神幸祭での最後の豪快な練りを披露する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the taikodai serves no function in festivals as mikoshi (portable shrine), the taikodai is also believed to be a kind of yorishiro (an object where the gods reside) because divine spirits are thought to dwell at the roof part of the futonyane (roof part of a taikodai is called 'futon') on the taikodai, or at a giboshi (a decoration in the shape of the onion-bulb jewel) of the mikoshiyane (a roof of a mikoshi) on the taikodai in some areas. 例文帳に追加

太鼓台には神輿(神の輿)としての役割はないが、布団屋根の太鼓台の布団部分、また神輿屋根の太鼓台の擬宝珠部分には神霊が宿ると考える地域があることから、ある種の依り代とも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a legend, the founder was said to be HATA no Kawakatsu, who was a retainer of Prince Shotoku, but in actual fact, the origin of the school is considered to have been from the Enmani troupe, one of the four Sarugaku groups from Yamato (Yamato Sarugaku yoza) that served the Kasuga Taisha Shrine and the Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara in the early Muromachi period. 例文帳に追加

伝説の上では聖徳太子に近侍した秦河勝を初世としているが、実質的には室町時代前期に奈良春日大社・興福寺に奉仕した猿楽大和四座の一、円満井座に端を発すると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At night on every October 19 (the day before Ebisu ko [a fete in honor of Ebisu for the purpose of asking for good fortune]), "Bettara Market" is held to sell bettarazuke mainly in the Takarada-jinja Shrine in Tokyo (Nihonbashi Hon-cho, Chuo Ward, Tokyo), and on streets around Nihonbashi Bridge (Chuo Ward, Tokyo), Nihonbashi Odenma-cho, Nihonbashi Horidome-cho and Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho. 例文帳に追加

毎年10月19日の夜(えびす講の前夜)には、東京都の宝田神社(中央区(東京都)日本橋本町)を中心とした日本橋(東京都中央区)、日本橋大伝馬町、日本橋堀留町、日本橋人形町近辺の通りで「べったら市」が開かれ、べったら漬が売り出される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those with transparent dough wrapped around red bean paste are called "manju" (dumpling) as manju Japanese cakes, which are popular summer desserts because of their cool appearance, and specialties of Hirama-ji Temple in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Ikegami-honmon-ji Temple in Ota Ward, Tokyo, and Kameidoten-jinja Shrine in Koto Ward, Tokyo. 例文帳に追加

透明な生地に餡を包んだものは饅頭和菓子としての饅頭と呼ばれ、涼しげな見た目から夏の菓子として人気があり、神奈川県川崎市平間寺と東京都大田区池上本門寺と東京都江東区亀戸天神社の名物でもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the presently performed act, the known acts include the third act 'Ichiwaka Migawari' (Ichiwaka becoming a stand-in) in which Hangaku who has learned that Heita's son, Kugyo, is a Sanetomo's illegitimate child makes her child, Ichiwaka, a scapegoat, and the fourth act which has caused a fancy scene to be called 'Chari-Ba' (comical scene) due to the comical performance by Ajari, the Betto (Administrator) of Tsurugaoka Shrine. 例文帳に追加

現行の段のほか、平太の子公暁が実朝の隠し子であることを知った板額が、わが子市若を身代わりに立てる三段目「市若身替り」と、鶴が岡別当阿闍利のコミカルな演技で、滑稽な場を「チャリ場」と呼ぶきっかけとなった四段目などが知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hojuji-dono Palace came to symbolize the glory of the Retired Emperor and the Taira family, but Nan-den was set ablaze in 1183 by Yoshinaka KISO's forces (Siege of Hojuji-dono Palace), the Retired Emperor escaped to Ima Hie-jinja Shrine in a palanquin and later moved to Rokujo Nishinoto-in Temple's Choko-do Hall where he lived out the remainder of his life. 例文帳に追加

上皇と平家の栄華を象徴する法住寺殿ではあったが、1183年(寿永2年)木曾義仲の軍勢によって南殿に火がかけられ(法住寺合戦)、上皇は北の門から新日吉神社へむけ輿にのって逃亡、以後上皇は六条西洞院の長講堂に移りそこで生涯をおえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February 2004, dendrochronological studies conducted by the Nara Research Institute for Cultural Properties and Uji City dated the main sanctuary to around 1060, making it the oldest surviving piece of Shinto shrine architecture, and leading to the belief that it has a deep connection to Byodo-in Temple which was founded in 1052. 例文帳に追加

2004年2月、奈良文化財研究所・宇治市などの年輪年代測定調査によれば、本殿は1060年ごろのものとされ、現存最古の神社建築であることが裏付けられるとともに、1052年創建の平等院との深い関連性が考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1602, the restoration of the Buddhist temple was begun by Hideyori TOYOTOMI, and temple buildings of Okunobo, Yamanobo, Myoo-in Temple, Kaishaku-in Temple, Inanobo, Nakanobo, Shimonobo, Toho-ji Temple, Kaminobo, Myojin-sha Shrine, Kannon-do hall, Bishamon-do hall and Goma-do hall were founded. 例文帳に追加

その後慶長7年(1602年)、豊臣秀頼によって伽藍の再興が始められ、奥之坊・山之坊・明王院・戒躰院・稲之坊・中之坊・下之坊・東方寺・上之坊・明神社・観音堂・毘沙門堂・護摩堂の堂宇が建立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a (stone) monument where the Imperial Prince's mountain villa used to be, in the precincts of Moroha Shrine in Yanagiyama-cho Town, Shinomiya, Yamashina Ward, there is also a Shinomiya Jizo (the Guardian Deity of Travelers and Children) in Sensui-cho Town, Shinomiya and a (stone) monument written as, 'Imperial Prince Saneyasu Semimaru (the name as famous poet) Kuyoto (a tower erected for the repose of a dead person's spirit).' 例文帳に追加

山科区四ノ宮柳山町の諸羽神社の境内には、親王の山荘跡とされる場所があり石碑が設けられている外、同四ノ宮泉水町には四宮地蔵があり、「人康親王 蝉丸 供養塔」と書かれた石碑が建っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May 1939, Tada-jinja Shrine, located in Tadain, Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture and enshrining MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka, established 'Seiwa-Genji Dozokukai' (Seiwa-Genji family council) to worship the deity and ancestors as the family of Seiwa-Genji, and for the development of industries and cultures in Japan, and mutual friendship among the family. 例文帳に追加

源満仲を祭神とする兵庫県川西市多田院にある多田神社では1939年5月、清和源氏一門として崇神崇祖、日本の産業と文化発展、一門の相互親和を図る目的で「清和源氏同族会」を設立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In kugegijo (a meeting to form decisions by nobles), opinions against dispatch of troops were in the majority, because there was a risk of destroying the portable shrine, and Shigemori, who should take command of governmental troops, expressed disapproval of sending out the troops in the night, and, therefore, the next day, the nobles decided on the exile of Narichika and confinement of Masatomo. 例文帳に追加

公卿議定では神輿が破壊される危険性から派兵に消極的な意見が大勢を占め、官兵を率いる平重盛も夜間の出動に難色を示したため、翌日の議定で成親配流・政友拘禁が決定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The gardens Mirei performedlandscape architecture on was the Karesansui Garden (dry landscape garden) with strong stone foundation and modern-style allotment of land by moss, and his representative works include the Garden of the Hojo (Hall of an Abbot) in Tofuku-ji Temple, the garden of Komyo-in Temple, the garden of Zuiho-in Temple within the grounds of Daitoku-ji Temple, and the garden of the Matsuo-taisha Shrine. 例文帳に追加

三玲が作庭した庭は、力強い石組みとモダンな苔の地割りで構成される枯山水庭園が特徴的であるとされ、代表作に、東福寺方丈庭園、光明院庭園、大徳寺山内瑞奉院庭園、松尾大社庭園などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1599, she retreated from Nishi no maru in Osaka Castle (Ieyasu TOKUGAWA moved in Nishi no maru), and moved to Kyoto shinjo (present-day Sento Imperial Palace) with Kozosu who had served her for long time. Then she served to carry out negotiations with the imperial court and to manage and hold memorial services of Toyokuni-jinja Shrine and Hoko-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

慶長4年(1599年)、大坂城西の丸を退去し(西の丸には徳川家康が入っている)古くから仕えてきた孝蔵主らとともに京都新城(現在仙洞御所がある場所)へ移り、朝廷との交渉や豊国神社や方広寺の運営・供養などの任にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Nakasendai War broke out in 1335 and Takatoki's orphaned son Tokiyuki HOJO raised an army in Shinano Province and headed for the Kanto region where he intercepted the rebellion forces at the Battle of Sugawara-jinja Shrine in Machida Village, Musashi Province (modern-day Machida, Machida City, Kyoto Prefecture) but was defeated. 例文帳に追加

1335年(建武(日本)2年)、中先代の乱が起こり、高時の遺児北条時行が信濃国に挙兵し関東へ向かうと、武蔵国町田村菅原神社(町田市)(現東京都町田市本町田)の合戦にて反乱軍を迎撃するが敗れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Takauji ASHIKAGA led a rebellion against the Kamakura bakufu in Shinomura Hachiman-gu Shrine, Tanba Province (Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture) and sent the reminder of troops to some provinces in April 1333, Sukekage promptly hastened to join as a member of the Ashikaga army to capture Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto). 例文帳に追加

元弘3年(1333年)4月、足利尊氏(後の尊氏)が丹波国篠村八幡宮(京都府亀岡市)で鎌倉幕府へ反旗を翻し、諸国に軍勢催促状を発すると、祐景はこれにいち早く馳せ参じ、足利軍の一員として六波羅探題を攻め落とす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The person who succeeded to the hereditary name 'Danzaemon' was given the authority to supervise the hisabetsumin living in the discriminated communities located in the eight provinces of the Kanto region (excluding Mito Domain, Kitsuregawa Domain, Nikko Toshogu shrine, etc.), the entire area of Izu Province, a well as in a part of the Gunnai area of Kai Province, Sunto District of Suruga Province, Shirakawa District of Mutsu Province and Shirata District of Mikawa Province. 例文帳に追加

幕府から関八州(水戸藩、喜連川藩、日光東照宮等を除く)・伊豆国全域、及び甲斐国郡内地方・駿河国駿東郡・陸奥国白川郡・三河国設楽郡の一部の被差別民を統轄する権限を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, it supports the description of the "Nihonshoki" that tateanajukyo (a pit dwelling house) including the structural remnants of the smoke path of rocks arrangement like a Korean floor heater was excavated from the ruins of Nodamichi (the late seventh century) in 1994 in Oazaterajiri, Hino-cho (Shiga Prefecture), the same town as Kishitsu-Jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

なお、1994年には、同じ日野町(滋賀県)の大字寺尻にある野田道遺跡(7世紀後半)から、オンドルとよく似た石組み煙道の遺構を伴う竪穴住居跡が出土しており、『日本書紀』の記述を裏付けるものと見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aratama and Nikitama showcase strong (and different) dispositions of the same god so as to trick people into assuming that they are two different gods, when in reality, there are cases in which different names are given to the same god, or where the god's two natures are enshrined separately, such as Shogu and Aramatsurinomiya in Kotai-jingu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

荒魂と和魂は、同一の神であっても別の神に見えるほどの強い個性の表れであり、実際別の神名が与えられたり、皇大神宮の正宮と荒祭宮といったように、別に祀られていたりすることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in "Kojikiden" (Commentaries on the Kojiki), Ogotooshio-no-kami refers to Kotosakanoo-no-kami enshrined in Kumano-hongu-taisha Shrine, and interprets that the god who was supposed to appear in the misogiharae (form of Shinto purification) of Izanagi who returned from Yomi (world after death) was placed at the beginning of kamiumi by mistake. 例文帳に追加

ただし、『古事記伝』においては、大事忍男神は熊野本宮大社に祭られる事解之男神のことであり、本来は黄泉から帰還したイザナギの禊祓に現れるべき神を誤って神産みの最初に入れてしまったのであろうと解釈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), after the death of his son Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, Emperor Keiko made a tour of various places in connection with his son's Eastern Expedition; when he visited the Ukishima no miya Shrine in the Awa Province, his courtier Iwakamutsukari no mikoto caught tuna and white clam to cook them for Namasu (a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar) and presented it to the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

日本書紀によれば、景行天皇は皇子・日本武尊の歿後、その東征の縁の地を歴訪したが、安房国の浮島宮に行幸したとき、侍臣の磐鹿六雁命が堅魚と白蛤を漁り、膾に調理して天皇に献上した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One day in 1945, less than one year after Tenmei received Hitsuki Shinji for the first time (Tenmei was looking after Hachiman-jinja Shrine in Sendagaya, Tokyo, as a temporary Shinto priest as mentioned above), when he was sitting down in front of the altar, he heard the notice of the holy spirit 'Tenmei, leave here' everyday over a three-day period. 例文帳に追加

天明に日月神示が降り始めてから、まだ1年も経たない昭和20年のある日に(天明はこの頃は上記した東京、千駄ヶ谷の八幡神社で留守神主をしていた)、神前に座ると神霊の「天明、此所をやめい」と言うお告げが有り、これはそれから3日間にわたって連日続いたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About that time, a new system was introduced: Shrines were conferred Ikai (Court rank) and Ifu (fuko which were given according to ikai) like government officials (especially one of low to medium rank); the number of ifu for a shrine was the same as that for a government official of the same ikai (however, according to the records in "Shoku Nihongi" [Continuation of Chronicles of Japan] and so on, there were cases in which ifu were not paid in full). 例文帳に追加

また、この頃より神社に対しても官人と同様に位階を授けて位封を支給する制度が行われるようになり、官人の位階と同様の位封が授けられた(ただし、『続日本紀』などの記録によれば、全額が支給されていない例もあったことが判明する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theory proposed by Wataru IKEBA that shrines in Ancient Shintoism traditionally built as places of incantation or festival in large communities were modified by the influence of Buddhist concept and that the 'idea of permanent presence of deity' as presented by the enshrined deity always dwells in the main building of the shrine was born also agrees with the explanation that shrines were built at places of Ancient Shintoism. 例文帳に追加

古来から大規模集落にみられた祈祷や祭礼の場所としての古神道の神殿が、仏教思想の影響により、神社の本殿に神が鎮座するとする「神常在思想」が発生したと、池辺弥はしていることなども、古神道の場所に神社が建立された、とする説明に合致する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With support from Ujinori MUNAKATA, based in Munakata, Chikuzen Province (the present-day area around Munakata City in Fukuoka Prefecture), the Ashikaga side prayed for victory at the Munakata-taisha Shrine, and with only 2,000 cavalry, fought the Imperial forces led by the Kikuchi clan who set up camp in Tatarahama, Chikuzen Province (Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City). 例文帳に追加

足利勢は、筑前国宗像(現在の福岡県宗像市周辺)を本拠とする宗像氏範らの支援を受けて宗像大社に戦勝を祈願し、筑前国の多々良浜(福岡市東区(福岡市))に布陣した菊池氏率いる宮方と戦うが、足利軍は約2千騎に過ぎなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Much like Shuten Doji (known in his boyhood as "Gedomaru," meaning "Apostate Boy"), who was famous for his good looks and received huge numbers of love-letters from the girls in the neighborhood, Ibaraki Doji was also said to be a very handsome youth, wooed by many young ladies in his area, leading his mother, anxious over his spiritual future, to send him off to Yahiko-jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

美男子で知られ娘たちから山ほど恋文を送られていた外道丸こと酒呑童子同様、茨木童子も美少年として多くの女性に言い寄られ、将来を案じた母親に弥彦神社に送られることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ingubunkokusei was a system of granting the right to recommend a provincial governor to a specific province to retired emperors, nyoin (women bestowed with the title "in" (usually the empress, imperial princesses, etc.)), second consorts to the emperor, and imperial princesses serving at the Ise Shrine at the time of their appointment, and in return they would receive the financial profits of the provinces in place of a salary. 例文帳に追加

院宮分国制(いんぐうぶんこくせい)とは、太上天皇や女院、中宮、斎宮などに除目の際に特定の令制国の受領を推挙する権利を与え、そこから経済的利益の配分を受けることで俸禄の代わりとする制度。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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