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in shrineの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 4918


Maigaku, the Japanese ancient music for dancing of Seireikai Society which preserves the tradition of Tennoji-ho, is an important intangible ethnocultural asset, and Nanto-ho hands down not only gagaku but also ancient music such as dengaku and seinoo in mainly Kasuga-taish shrine and has organized 'Nantogakuso' after 'Kasuga Ancient Music Preserving Socity' and Shinto rituals and entertainments in Kasuga Wakamiya Festival performed by 'Nantogakuso' is also designated as an important intangible ethnocultural asset. 例文帳に追加

また、天王寺方の伝統を受け継ぐ聖霊会の舞楽は重要無形民俗文化財であり、南都方は春日大社を中心として、雅楽のみならず、田楽、細男などの古楽もあわせて伝承し、「春日古楽保存会」雅楽部門を経て「南都楽所」を結成、「南都楽所」による春日若宮おん祭の神事芸能も重要無形民俗文化財に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially the daimyo jinya of small domains were built in imitation of a castle, for example Sonobe-jo Castle and Komono Jinya (Komono-cho, Mie Prefecture) were constructed towards the end of the Edo period (1868) with a turret likened to a tenshu (main keep or tower of a castle), a mizubori (water-filled moat), low stone walls, and dorui (earthworks), and also Mori Jinya (Kusu Town, Oita Prefecture) had many stone walls in the adjacent shrine and a two-storied chaya (tea house) which was likened to a tenshu. 例文帳に追加

特に小藩の大名陣屋では、園部城や菰野陣屋(三重県菰野町)のように幕末(明治元年)に至って天守に見立てた櫓や水堀、低い石垣や土塁を築いたり、森陣屋(大分県玖珠町)のように隣接する神社境内に石垣を多用したり、天守に見立てた2階建ての茶屋を建てるなど、城郭を模したものもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Suwa Taisha Shrine Shimosha Harumiya, reed tubes are put into a big pan of red bean Kayu at the Kayu boiling house on the evening of January 14th, simmered through the night, and offered to the gods on the morning of the 15th; after the festival, the tubes are broken open, and the amount of Kayu in the tubes is measured to see whether predetermined kinds of crops will have a good or bad harvest. 例文帳に追加

諏訪大社下社春宮のものについて述べれば、1月14日夜から粥炊舎にもうけられた大釜のあずきがゆのなかに、葭の筒をいれ、終夜煮たて、翌15日朝、神前にそなえ、祭典をおこなったのち葭筒を割り、筒内の粥の分量を量って農作物のうちさだめられた種の豊凶を判定する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Occasionally, the government official punishing dominant temples and shrines received punishment such as banishment due to pressure from monk soldiers who were gaining power at the time, and for example in 1229, the jinin (associates of Shinto shrines) engaging in illegal activities at Hiyoshi-jinja Shrine, which was under the umbrella of Enryaku-ji Temple, ignored the restraint order by Tamekiyo MIYOSHI (), who served under Tokiuji HOJO of Tandai North, and was killed by Tamekiyo's subordinate. 例文帳に追加

時には有力寺社への処分を行った担当官吏が、当時力をつけていた僧兵の圧力により流刑などの処分を受けるという事態も起きており、例として寛喜元年(1229年)に不法を働いていた延暦寺傘下の日吉神社の神人が、探題北方北条時氏の配下三善為清の制止命令を無視し為清の部下に斬られた件がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When she was forgotten by her husband (FUJIWARA no Yasumasa), she visited Kifune-jinja Shrine where she watched the fireflies flying around the Mitarashi-gawa River and composed a poem:'Mono omohebasawa no hotaru mowagami yoriakugare idurutama ka to zo miru(So lost in thought,even the fireflies in the valley,seem like my spirit,escaped from my body,and wandering about). 例文帳に追加

「男(夫の藤原保昌)に忘れられている頃、貴船神社に参拝し、御手洗川に蛍が飛んでいるのを見て詠んだ歌」として「物おもへば沢の蛍も我が身よりあくがれいづる魂(たま)かとぞみる」(恋しさに悩んでいたら、沢に飛ぶ蛍も私の体から抜け出した魂ではないかと見える)という歌である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The historian Hisashi HOSHINO in the Meiji period stated this theory, which was supported by descriptions between 1897 and 1906 in the family document of the Tanaka family, who were Shinto priests of Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine, that the Imperial instruction of 1046, which was dedicated to the Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin by MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, explicitly described that: 'the ancestors are Shinbochi, Tsunemoto, Imperial Prince Motohira, Emperor Yozei, and Emperor Seiwa, from newest to oldest.' 例文帳に追加

これは明治の歴史学者星野恒の唱えたもので、明治30年代に石清水八幡宮祠官田中家文書の中に源頼信が応神天皇陵に納めたとされる永承元年(1046年)告文に「先人新発其先経基其先元平親王其先陽成天皇其先清和天皇」と明記してある事を根拠としたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Umako's wife was a sister of MONONOBE no Yumige Omuraji (or MONONOBE no Moriya) according to the "Nihon Shoki," and in "Kishi Kacho" (Lineage of the Kishi Clan) and "Isonokamifuri Jingu Ryakusho" (A Brief History of Isonokamifuri Jingu Shrine: Lineage of the Shinto Priest FURU no Sukune), his wife was MONONOBE no Moriya's sister, 'Futohime,' while in "Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History): Lineage of the Mononobe and Soga Clans, it is written that his wife was MONONOBE no Kamatarihime Otoji (her father was MONONOBE no Moriya's half-brother, ISONOKAMI no Nieko Omuraji, and her mother MONONOBE no Moriya's sister Futohime). 例文帳に追加

妻は『日本書紀』では物部弓削大連(物部守屋)の妹、『紀氏家牒』・『石上振神宮略抄』神主布留宿禰系譜料では物部守屋妹の「太媛」、『先代旧事本紀』天孫本紀では物部鎌足姫大刀自(父は物部守屋の異母弟石上贄古大連、母は物部守屋同母妹の布都姫)とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokinobu was the jiju (a chamberlain) at that time, but did not attend Kamo no rinjisai (Kamo shrine, special festival) along with his coworker FUJIWARA no Tadanobu and FUJIWARA no Nobutaka, who was the Kurodo (Chamberlain), and received the disapproval of Emperor Kazan, and Nobutaka being the oldest among the three was dismissed from his post, while Tokinobu and Tadanobu were lectured in front of his parents in consideration of their youth according to "Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke). 例文帳に追加

永観2年(984年)に当時侍従であった時叙が同僚の藤原斉信、蔵人の藤原宣孝とともに賀茂臨時祭への出席をさぼって花山天皇の激怒を買い、年長の宣孝は処分されたものの、時叙と斉信は「年歯太若」であることを理由に両親の前で誡められたことが藤原実資の『小右記』に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also a theory that he was forced to commit seppuku, not just because of his disorderly behaviours, but because of the close relation with the sonnojoi ha (supporters of the doctrine of restoring the emperor and expelling the barbarians) such as Mito Domain, Choshu Domain and Tosa Domain, because Niimi is enshrined in Kyoto Reizan Gokoku-jinja Shrine which was built to enshrine the tobakuha (anti-Bakufu, crushing-the-Bakufu faction) sonnojoi patriots in the Maiji period, though shinsengumi was the enemy of the tobakuha and Niimi was the leader. 例文帳に追加

明治になって倒幕派尊王攘夷志士を祀るためつくられた霊山護国神社に倒幕派の敵だったはずの新選組幹部である新見が祀られていることから、切腹は単純な乱暴狼藉ではなく水戸や長州藩、土佐藩などの尊王攘夷派との親密な関係があったからではないかという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yuge-jinja Shrine in Kumamoto City is the source of a folktale which relates that 'Dokyo who had already lost his position visited this place and fell in love with a seductive, gorgeous lady called Princess Fujiko at first sight, so that he married her and enjoyed her devotion to hospitality and good copulation, which made that wild, debauchee monk Dokyo live peacefully as a good husband.' 例文帳に追加

熊本市にある弓削神社(熊本市)には「道鏡が失脚した後この地を訪れて、そこで藤子姫という妖艶華麗な女性を見初めて夫婦となり、藤子姫の献身的なもてなしと交合よろしきをもって、あの大淫蕩をもって知られる道鏡法師がよき夫として安穏な日々を過ごした」との俗話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although at base Shinto is a primitive religion, it has existed in Japanese culture for thousands of years and now has very deep roots, becoming sublimated to the point that up until the Meiji period, most professions held as sacred the principle of hard work, just as expressed in the Norito (Shinto prayer), and even apart from the official rituals of Shrine Shinto, there are many work-related ceremonies even today that originally came from Shinto rituals. 例文帳に追加

根本は原始宗教の体を成していても、数千年のなかで日本文化に根ざし、昇華してきため、明治以前からの多くの生業(職業)は、祝詞にもあるように勤しみ(いそしみ)が神聖視され、神社神道の神事とは別に、民間の中に息づく様々な職業儀式としての神事がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally, Shinto lacked any set doctrine or teaching method, which meant there was no need to differentiate Koshinto and folk beliefs in Kozukuri (baby-making) or Yorigami (god-summoning) from the rest of Shinto, including Shrine Shinto; if one constrains oneself to unearth the similarities that can be discovered in the above-mentioned actions, the only one that comes to mind is the concept that one must "purify, rectify, and beautify" one's heart. 例文帳に追加

本来は神道とは、教義・教則のないものであり、古神道や「子作り信仰」や「寄り神信仰」などの民間信仰と神社神道を含め神道をわけ隔てる必要も無く、強いてその本質の共通性を上記の行為から汲み取るとすれば、己の心に対し「清く・正しく・美しく」あれということでしかないだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the tax collection system established in the Medieval period taxes relating to public duties and labor services, which were kinds of zoyaku (odd-jobs tasks), were assessed for myoden (rice field lots) as a collection unit; on the other hand, taxes relating to public duties and labor services were collected in regions where myoden had not sufficiently established or from people who did not belong to the ruling system of shoen (manor) and koryo (mainly non-cultivators) (mostly non-farmer), such as kugonin (groups of producer-merchants) or jinin (shrine dependents) by assessing for zaike as a collection unit. 例文帳に追加

中世において成立した収取体制においては、雑役系の公事・夫役は名田を収取単位として租税の賦課が行われていたが、名田が十分に確立されていない地域や供御人・神人など荘園・公領の支配体系に属しない人々(主に非農業民)から公事・夫役を収取するために在家を単位として賦課したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kobe Incident was an incident that occurred on February 4, 1868, in which in front of Sannomiya-jinja Shrine of Kobe (present-day Kobe City), a troop of the domain of Bizen (present-day Okayama Prefecture) injured French sailors who had crossed the array of the troop, and shot horizontally to the Minister-Counselors from Western countries who were inspecting the place which was supposed to be the settlement site (present-day Former Foreign Settlement). 例文帳に追加

神戸事件(こうべじけん)とは慶応4年1月11日(旧暦)(1868年2月4日)、神戸(現・神戸市)三宮神社前において備前藩(現・岡山県)兵が隊列を横切ったフランス人水兵らを負傷させたうえ、居留地(現・旧居留地)予定地を検分中の欧米諸国公使らに水平射撃を加えた事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Koan War temporarily halted the trade; however, the quasi-official trade relationship came to be established since Japan promoted the trade actively by dispatching the trading vessels, Kenchojibune (the trading vessels dispatched to cover the costs of repair and construction on Kencho-ji Temple) and Tenryujibune (the trading vessels dispatched to cover the costs of repair and construction on Tenryu-ji Temple), to Yuan Dynasty in order to raise funds to build a temple or a shrine with permissions of the Japanese Imperial Court and the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) in the end of the 13th century while increasing the guard against Yuan Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

弘安の役はこれを一時的に中断させたが、13世紀終わりには日本の朝廷や鎌倉幕府の許可の下に勧進活動を名目とした寺社造営料唐船(建長寺船・天龍寺船など)が派遣されるなど、日本側は元に対する警固体制を強化しつつも貿易については積極的にこれを奨励したため、準公式な貿易関係も成立するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the same period, nosyokumin (workers engaged in special vocations), who were non-peasants including jinin (shrine associates), yoriudo (a dependent, frequently one who served a noble house or proprietor) and kugonin (purveyors to the imperial household) who served another influential family such as Emperor, In, temples, Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents) and so on were exempted from kuji that was supposed to be imposed to zaike (local cultivator household) (Menzaike), and as a compensation, they provided with service corresponding to their professional ability, which was also called 'kuji'. 例文帳に追加

同じ頃、天皇や院、寺社、摂関家などの他の権門に仕えていた神人・寄人・供御人などの非農業民である職能民に対して、本来在家として課される公事を免除される(免在家)とともにその代償としてそれぞれの職能に応じた奉仕を行い、これも「公事」と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recognition of his military service for the subjugation of the Oshu-Abe clan (the subjugation of Oshu) (the Zen Kunen no Eki [the Early Nine Years' War]) by MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie, FUJIWARA no Soen who called himself a great-grandchild of FUJIWARA no Michikane of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan was appointed to the Bettoshiki (office of head administrator) of the Utsunomiya (another name of the present Utsunomiya Futaarayama-jinja Shrine in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture), and since the era of his grandson, Tomotsuna UTSUNOMIYA, the family had taken the surname of Utsunomiya. 例文帳に追加

藤原氏一族の藤原北家の藤原道兼の曾孫を称する藤原宗円が、源頼義、源義家の奥州安倍氏(奥州)討伐(前九年の役)での功により宇都宮(現・栃木県宇都宮市宇都宮二荒山神社の別称)別当職に任じられ、宗円の孫の宇都宮朝綱から苗字(名字)として宇都宮氏を名のる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Written oracle information 1e, occurrence probability information 1g, and message information 1h are stored in the storage device 1c of a server 1, and the control device 1b of the server varyingly displays a plurality of images at a high speed when a purchaser selects a shrine or a Buddhist temple after putting the price in the money storage section of a terminal.例文帳に追加

サーバ1の記憶装置1cに、おみくじ情報1eと、発生確立情報1gと、メッセージ情報1hとを記憶すると共に、購入者が端末の金銭収納部に代金を投入後、購入したい神社・仏閣を選択することにより、サーバの制御装置1bは、複数枚の画像を個別に高速で変化表示する。 - 特許庁

Next to Honmonkaidan-no-Daigohonzon enshrined in Taiseki-ji Temple, Hoan-do, there is a kyuden (miniature shrine) enshrining a 3-sun statue of Nichiren called the First Buddha, which is made from a Japanese cinnamon and sculptured by Izumi-ko Nipposhi, when Honmonkaidan-no-Daigohonzon was established and there is a story (legend) that Nichiren saw this and commented that 'it looks similar.' 例文帳に追加

大石寺奉安堂に安置の本門戒壇之大御本尊の横には宮殿(厨子)があり、最初仏と呼ばれるわずか三寸の日蓮の像が安置されているが、これは本門戒壇之大御本尊を建立されたときの楠樹で和泉公日法師が彫刻し、日蓮がこれを見た時に「よく似ている」と仰ったという逸話(伝説)が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, he was given the Three Sacred Items (Yasakani no magatama [comma-shaped jewel], Yata no Kagami [the eight-span mirror], Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi [the sword Ame no Murakumo, literally "Heavenly Sword of Assembled Clouds"]) and Omoikane, Tajikarao and Amenoiwatowake from the eternal world to accompany him, and Amaterasu said, 'Think of this mirror as my spirit, enshrine it and worship me. Omoikane, you should be in charge of rituals and take care of the administration of the shrine' (the "Kojiki"). 例文帳に追加

さらに、三種の神器(八尺瓊勾玉、八咫鏡、天叢雲剣)と常世のオモイカネ、タヂカラオ、アメノイワトワケを副え、「この鏡を私(アマテラス)の御魂と思って、私を拝むように敬い祀りなさい。オモイカネは、祭祀を取り扱い神宮の政務を行いなさい」(「邇邇藝命者此鏡者同我御魂欲祭此者當如拜吾前尊崇而祭之次思金神者取持前事輔其為政」『古事記』)と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although some traces of ancient style dancing still remain, where shrine maidens whirl back and forth in accordance with traditional ritual rules to cleanse their bodies before being possessed to receive oracles from the gods, modern-style dances (such as the Yaotomemai) that emphasize the elegance of the dancing with graceful chanting of Kagurauta songs are dominant today. 例文帳に追加

前者(「神がかり系」)においては古来の神がかりや託宣の儀式の形式に則って回っては回り返すという動作を繰り返しながら舞うことなどでその身を清めてからその身に神を降すという、その古態を残すところもあるが、現在では優雅な神楽歌にあわせた舞の優美さを重んじた後者(「八乙女系」)がほとんどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Performers of Nohgaku include Nohgakushi (Noh actor), Kuroto (expert), who are professional actors belonging to the Nohgaku Performers' Association, people who perform native Noh play, Kyogen, and Shiki Sanban that have been passed on in specific regions or specific groups of Ujiko (shrine parishioners) of shrines, and amateur Noh performers who pay a monthly fee to a member of the Nohgaku Performers' Association to learn the techniques. 例文帳に追加

能楽を演ずる者には能楽協会に所属する職業人としての能楽師(玄人)の他、特定の地域や特定の神社の氏子集団において保持されている土着の能・狂言・式三番を演じる人々、能楽協会会員に月謝を払って技術を学ぶ素人の愛好家が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About the origin of the name fukujinzuke, the following theories are held, that because it contains various kinds of vegetables, that because the shop was near the shrine deifying Benzaiten (the Goddess of Eloquence, Music, and Art) at the Shinobazu-no-Ike Pond in Ueno, or that a writer Kinga BAITEI named it because no other subsidiary for rice are needed so long as fukujinzuke is an accompaniment to, then food cost would be saved and it is happy as if the Shichifukujin (Seven Deities of Good Luck) had come to home. 例文帳に追加

いろいろな野菜が入っていること、また店が上野不忍池の弁才天近くにあったこと、更には「ご飯のお供にこれさえあれば他におかずは要らず、食費が抑えられ金がたまる(=家に七福神がやってきたかのような幸福感)」という解釈で、作家の梅亭金鵞が名付けたという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, the following families received the title of Baron: the Oshikoji family and the Mibu family, whose social standings were particularly high among the Jige-ke (family status of non-noble retainers who are not allowed into the Emperor's living quarters in the imperial palace); the Tamamasu family (Kanin-ryu, one of the Fujiwara faction); the descendants of Misao TAMAMATSU, who was from court nobility and made a great contribution to the Meiji Restoration; and the Nishitakatsuji family, who served as Guji (chief of those who serve shrines, control festivals and general affairs) of Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine and who were a branch family of the Takatsuji family. 例文帳に追加

さらにいわゆる地下家の中でも殊に家格が高かった押小路家、壬生家の2家、及び公家出身で明治維新に功績のあった玉松操の子孫である玉松家(閑院流出身)、太宰府天満宮宮司で高辻家傍流とされる西高辻家にも特に男爵が与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a legend that prayer organized in various shrines such as the Ise-jingu Shrine, used to beat the opposition worked well, and also the fact, that Samurai who struggled to fight back against the former dynasty's group tactics and asked for protection from god, further spread the idea within Japan that Japan was Shinkoku. 例文帳に追加

この嵐が伊勢神宮をはじめとする諸神社によって盛んに行われた異敵調伏の祈祷と成果とする喧伝と実際に戦闘を行った武士達が元王朝の集団戦法に苦戦して神への加護を求めていたという事実が、日本を神国とする認識を国内各層に浸透させる事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend handed down at Inaba-jinja Shrine in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Inishikiiribiko no mikoto, once dominated Oshu Province on the Imperial edict, however, as Governor of Mutsu Province, Toyomasu, who accompanied him to Oshu, became jealous of Inishikiiribiko no mikoto's success and informed the Imperial court of a false charge that Inishikiiribiko no mikoto was plotting a treason, and thus, Inishikiiribiko no mikoto was accused as an Imperial enemy and attacked to death there. 例文帳に追加

岐阜県岐阜市にある「伊奈波神社」に伝わる伝承によると、五十瓊敷入彦命は朝廷の詔を承けて奥州を平定したが、一緒に同行した陸奥守豊益が五十瓊敷入彦命の成功を妬んで、命に謀反の心ありと讒奏したため、朝敵として攻められてこの地で討たれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, along with the memorial events of Kigen 2600 held from 1938, excavation and research of the outer garden of Kashihara-Jingu Shrine was carried out under supervision of Masao SUENAGA to find remains of large settlements of the end to last stage of Jomon period and a big oak tree buried standing with its roots spreading to a width of 16 square meters. 例文帳に追加

なお、1938年(昭和13年)から挙行された紀元二千六百年記念行事に伴い、末永雅雄の指揮による橿原神宮外苑の発掘調査が行われ、その地下から縄文時代後期~晩期の大集落跡と橿の巨木が立ち木のまま十六平方メートルにも根を広げて埋まっていたのを発見した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Emperor Takakura was evacuated to the Hojuji-dono palace and Goshirakawa attempted to eliminate the armed priests by force, Goshirakawa faced an opposition saying that Kyoto may become a war zone, and also, the Taira clan, those that would actually fight the battle, were quite hesitant to be in a conflict with Enryaku-ji Temple; therefore, Goshirakawa abandoned his attempt, accepted the request and deported Morotaka, and imprisoned Shigemori's family member who had shot the portable shrine. 例文帳に追加

高倉天皇は法住寺殿に避難し、後白河は大衆を実力で排除しようとするが、京都が戦場になる可能性があると反対の声が上がり、実際に出動する平氏一門も、延暦寺との衝突には極めて消極的な態度をとったために断念、大衆の要求を受諾して師高の配流・神輿を射た重盛の家人の投獄を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Yorinaga, who, in retrospect, was destined to share his fate with Tameyoshi, was certainly a well-learned, knowledgeable man that no one could have competed with (if there was one, it was FUJIWARA no Shinzei), but he was cold, unloving, inflexible and therefore he met with opposition from people around him, when he insisted on punishing the Taira clan for causing a rebellion by priests from Gionsha Shrine, and he was also hated by Emperor Konoe. 例文帳に追加

しかし、為義らと運命共同体を成す事となった頼長は確かに学識高く、比類する者(いたとしたら、藤原信西ぐらいであったろう)なきほどであったが、酷薄で融通をつける事を知らず、園社神人と騒動を起こした平氏に厳重な処罰を主張する等周囲から反発を買い、時の近衛天皇にも嫌われていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Amago clan led this large force to besiege and attack Yoshida-Koriyama Castle several times but failed to make it fall, and in the following year, the reinforcements of the Ouchi clan led by Harukata SUE and 10,000 other soldiers arrived at the battle field to raid the headquarters of the Amago army, after praying at Itsukushima-jinja Shrine for victory, which produced casualties on the Amago side (the Battle of Yoshida Koriyama Castle). 例文帳に追加

この大軍を率い吉田郡山城を包囲、これを落城させるべく攻撃を仕掛けるも悉く失敗し、そして翌年には厳島神社にて戦勝祈願を終えた陶晴賢率いる大内援兵10000騎が到着し、その後尼子氏は本陣奇襲を受け人的損害を被った(吉田郡山城の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Onin War broke out Yoshizane sided with the Eastern Camp due to the fact that the cousin of his wife was Katsumoto HOSOKAWA of the Eastern Camp, putting himself against Yoshifuji KIRA sided with the Western Camp; when Yoshifuji left Kyoto to Mikawa Province, Yoshizane appointed his son Yoshinobu KIRA in charge of protecting Kyoto, and departed to Mikawa on May 18, 1467 for tracking down Yoshifuji ("Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine"). 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱が起こると、義真は妻の従兄弟が細川勝元という関係から東軍に属し、西軍についた吉良義藤と対立、義藤が三河国に下向すると、これに対応するため京都を息子の吉良義信に任せ、応仁元年(1467年)5月18日に三河に向けて出立した(『大乗院寺社雑事記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is presumed that at that time Shimotsuke Province had a strong relationship with Yamato Dynasty; the letters of 'Sasakibe somebody,' who seemed an inhabitant there, was engraved on a piece of a tile excavated from the remain of Kamikounushi Mobara Kanga iseki; Suzumenomiya-jinja Shrine (present day, in Utsunomiya City) was established near that site and Mimorowake no Mikoto, who was considered Emperor Sujin, was enshrined there. 例文帳に追加

上神主・茂原官衙遺跡から出土した瓦片に刻まれた人名のひとつに近隣住民と思しき「雀部某」の文字が見られることや、この後間もなく、この遺跡の近隣に崇神天皇とされる御諸別命を祭祀する雀宮神社(現・宇都宮市)が建立されるなど、当時の下野国が大和朝廷と近しい関係にあったことを推定させるひとつの事象となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is unclear why Mitsunaka who searched and captured the family of FUJIWARA no Hidesato accepted Nakamitsu who was a direct descendant of Hidesato as roto (retainer), however, after 'Incident of Bijomaru and Kojumaru' which had happened between MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka and FUJIWARA no Nakamitsu, Nakamitsu apparently contributed to the early development of Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan originated from Emperor Seiwa), for example, having been 殿 of Tada-in Shrine after Mitsunaka had retired. 例文帳に追加

藤原秀郷の一族を追捕している満仲が、なぜ秀郷の嫡流である仲光を郎等にしたのかは不明だが、源満仲と藤原仲光との間に起きた「美女丸・幸寿丸の事件」を機に、満仲が隠居した後、仲光は多田院の主代殿となるなど、初期清和源氏の発展に貢献したとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the station is located at the top of the stone steps from the prefectural route, and since gentle stairs are the only way to get to the platform level from the track level, the accessibility to the station is seemingly limited for persons in wheelchairs; however, the station can also be reached from the prefectural route via an approach to the shrine called 'Daijingusha' located on the Demachiyanagi Station side close to the station, via the level crossing (Class 4) and a slope up to the platform. 例文帳に追加

駅前と言うべき所からは、レール面からホーム面までのゆるい階段のみであるが、駅自体が府道から石段を上がったところに立地しているので、車椅子等での利用は一見困難に見えるが、府道から駅の少し出町柳駅側にある「大神宮社」という神社の参道を経由し、上記の第4種踏切を渡るとスロープのみで駅ホームに到達できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They are Hassho-goryo (eight departed spirits) enshrined in Kami goryojinja Shrine: Emperor Sudu (Price Sawara and imperial price of Emperor Konin), Empress Inoe (Imperial Princess Inoue and the empress of Emperor Konin), Prince Tato (the imperial prince of Emperor Konin), Fujiwara no Maetsukimi (Hirotsugu Fujiwara), Tachibana no Maetsukimi (Tachibana no Hayanari), Fumi no Maetsukimi (Funya no Miyatamaro), Honoikazuchi no kami (Sugawara no Michizane), and Kibi Daijin (Kibi no Makibi). 例文帳に追加

すなわち、「八所御霊」とされる上御霊神社の、崇道天皇(早良親王。光仁天皇の皇子)、井上皇后(井上内親王、光仁天皇の皇后)、他戸親王(光仁天皇の皇子)、藤原大夫神(藤原広嗣)、橘大夫(橘逸勢)、文大夫(文屋宮田麻呂)、火雷神(菅原道真)、吉備大臣(吉備真備)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The history of its establishment is unknown, but the 'Yamashiro oi jin' to which Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) was granted according to the July 21, 876 section of Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku (the sixth of six classical Japanese history texts), is thought to be this shrine, and this may be related to the fact that the Hata clan built a large dam in early the 8th century to fix the Kazuno-gawa River (Oi-gawa River, Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River System)). 例文帳に追加

創建の由諸は不詳であるが、日本三代実録の貞観(日本)18年(876年)7月21日条に従五位下が授けられたと記述のある「山代大堰神」が当社のこととされ、8世紀初頭、秦氏が大堰を作って葛野川(大堰川、桂川(淀川水系))を改修したことと関係があるものと見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Book I introduces the following episodes: the so-called 'sankan-seibatsu' (the conquest of three countries in old Korea) by Empress Jingu; the achievements of Emperor Ojin, the son of Empress Jingu, who was regarded as Hachiman Daibosatsu (Great Bodhisattva Hachiman); and the attacks of Mongol army, invasions into Tsushima and Iki Provinces, Mongol army's landing on Kushyu island, battle between Mongol army and Kyushu warriors, and the burning of Hakozaki Hachiman-gu Shrine during the Bunei War. 例文帳に追加

上巻においては神功皇后のいわゆる「三韓征伐」、皇后の皇子であり八幡大菩薩とされる応神天皇の事蹟、元寇文永の役における蒙古軍の襲来、対馬・壱岐への侵攻、九州上陸と九州御家人勢との戦闘の状況、箱崎八幡宮(筥崎八幡宮)の焼亡などが記される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Two years later, when Tenmei moved near Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine, he looked for her house to see the old woman, but she wasn't there (according to Tenmei, there was even no trace of the house) and nobody knew about her there and he felt unsatisfied like Urashima Taro (a Japanese legend) (in Tenmei's word, he felt like Ima Urashima [someone who is surprised by the change when he/she comes back to home after a long time just like Urashima Taro]). 例文帳に追加

この2年後に天之日津久神社近くに天明は住むことになるが、この老婆にまず、挨拶しようと老婆の家を探したが家もなく老婆もおらず(天明の後の述懐によれば、そこに家があったと思われる痕跡すら無かったという)、近所の人に聞いても分からず、浦島太郎になったような釈然としない不思議な気持ち(天明の言葉によれば、今浦島のような気持ち)だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this period, the management of shrine estates by Shinto priests was destabilized by arbitrary appointment of priests and approval of betsusoden (fragmentation of shrines' estates to be separately possessed by Sekkanke (families qualified for appointment as Prince Regent or Chief Advisor to the Emperor) or other persons having particular relations, who were honsho (nominal landowners)) by not only jito (estate stewards) and higokenin (lower-ranking samurai not under official control of the Bakufu) but also by honsho, and the consequent lack of funds prevented shrines from duly performing various rituals. 例文帳に追加

この時期、諸国の神社領は、地頭、非御家人のみならず、本所による恣意的な神官任命や別相伝(神社領が細分化され本所である摂関家等の縁故者に占有されること)承認により、神官による神社領管理が不安定となっており、このため財源に事欠くことから神社における諸儀式が滞るようになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, Omi explains that 'Ara' is an ancient word for iron and Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts), which was actually involved in iron production using mountain iron sand and collecting other minerals, incorporated Arahabaki beliefs, and 'Habaki' is related to the 'Habaki' (shin guard) which Yamabushi (a mountain priest) considers holy and therefore Arahabaki eventually transformed into a 'god of feet,' considering 'your legs get better if you worship at the shrine.' 例文帳に追加

また近江は、「アラ」は鉄の古語であるということと、山砂鉄による製鉄や、その他の鉱物採取を実態としていた修験道はアラハバキ信仰を取り入れ、「ハバキ」は山伏が神聖視する「脛巾」に通じ、アラハバキはやがて「お参りすると足が良くなる」という「足神」様に変容していったと述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'Akaito Odoshi Yoroi' (odoshi armor with red strings) that is said to be dedicated by MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, 'Murasakiaya Odoshi Yoroi' (Violet-twilled-threaded Armor) that is said to be dedicated by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, and 'Fusube Murasakigawa Odoshi Domaru Armor' that is said to be dedicated by MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, all of which are possessed by Oyamazumi-jinja Shrine in Omishima Island, Iyo Province (present day Imari city), are regarded to be the creations of the 12th century. 例文帳に追加

伊予国大三島(現今治市)の大山祇神社所蔵の源義経奉納と伝わる「赤糸威鎧」(あかいとおどしよろい)、源頼朝奉納と伝わる「紫綾威鎧」、源義仲奉納と伝わる「熏紫韋威胴丸」(ふすべむらさきがわおどしどうまる)はいずれも12世紀の作とみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the view points out that the Oracle Incident can be seen as an extension of the attempt by the Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine to regain power by approaching Dokyo side, from the fact that FUJIWARA no Nakamaro who had given a significant influence in establishing this course of event fell from power, and instead, Dokyo who was a Buddhist priest but at the same time had a characteristic of a spiritual medium such as actively conducting prayers, took over the center of the politics. 例文帳に追加

だが、この路線確立に大きな影響力を与えてきた藤原仲麻呂が失脚して、仏教僧でありながら積極的に祈祷を行うなどの前代の巫的要素を併せ持った道鏡が政権の中枢に立ったことによって、宇佐八幡宮側が失地回復を目指して道鏡側に対して接触を試みた延長線上に同事件を位置づけられるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to a view, the starting point of the rice field tax of the ritsuryo system was the first crop of the season offered to the head of a province (powerful local clan) for doing a shrine ritual; the Imperial court which was based on the ritsuryo system took away the political and religious power from the powerful local clan and ordered the first crop of the season to be offered to the court and it is said that the system of fudokoku was to separate the rice field tax from the heads of local provinces. 例文帳に追加

なお、一説によれば、律令制における田租の原点は、神事の遂行のために在地首長(豪族)へ献上されていた初穂であったとされ、在地首長から政治的・宗教的権限を剥奪した朝廷(律令政府)がその初穂を自己に納めさせたものであり、不動穀化はそれを囲い込むことによって在地首長と田租を切り離す目的があったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the descriptions of the residence of the Kamakura shogun in Azuma Kagami (The Mirror of the East), the residence consisted of a shrine, Kogosho (the residence of the shogun's heir), Tsune no gosho (a room for the Shogun), Nitogosho (the main place consisting of two halls), a tsuridono (fishing pavilion) and Samurai-dokoro, which shows that it inherited the characteristics shinden-zukuri style architecture while adding distinctive samurai aspects and the existence of a tsuridono suggests that there was Chisen garden (Japanese style garden with a central pond and spring). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉将軍邸について吾妻鏡に記録がありそれによると神殿・小御所・常御所・二棟御所・釣殿・侍所などでの構成がわかっていて、寝殿造の構成を引き継ぎながらも武家独自の空間構成がとられていることが伺えるし、釣殿の存在は、池泉庭園が造られていたのではないかと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The region from Tsunetomi and Atago to the east of Inoue-jo Castle remains to Idekita is a plain which developed as a backmarsh or alluvial lowland of the Gokase-gawa River and the Ose-gawa River and cadastral maps from the Meiji period show the paddies developed along the meandering course of the old rivers in the vicinity of the Kasuga-jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

井上城跡の東側に展開する恒富・愛宕から出北(いできた)にかけての地域は、五ヶ瀬川・大瀬川の後背湿地・沖積低地として発達してきた平野部であり、春日神社付近では、蛇行する旧河川の跡に沿って開発された湿田の様子が明治期の地籍図からも見てとれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The year 1940 was the one in which the celebration of the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Japanese nation was held, but this year was also the 250th anniversary of the opening of the Besshidozan copper mine; and to enshrine the souls of the deceased successive Sumitomo family heads and the deceased executive officers of the old Sumitomo Honsha this shrine was designed by Eikichi HASEBE and built as a refined space where the tablets of the above-mentioned deceased people are enshrined. 例文帳に追加

これは、昭和15年、日本紀元2600年の祝典が行われた年であったが、また住友では、別子銅山の開抗250年にあたる年で、歴代の住友家当主や旧住友本社幹部物故者の霊を祭るため、長谷部鋭吉の設計によって典雅な持仏堂として建立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At a press conference on August 5, you said, when replying to a question, that you had no intention of visiting the Yasukuni Shrine on August 15, the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War. Today is that anniversary, and am I correct -- I am asking this to make sure -- in understanding that you have not changed your mind? 例文帳に追加

不良債権の処理費用が増加しているということが一つの要因としてあると思っておりまして、経済状況が金融機関に与える影響につきましても、8月5日の会見でも質問が出ていましたが、念のためですが、今日一応終戦記念日なのですけれども、靖国神社の方への参拝の予定はないというお話でしたが、それに変更はないというご理解でよろしかったでしょうか。 - 金融庁

This paper strip can be used for a Shinto purifying spit, a sacred straw festoon, pendant paper strips of cut paper in a Shinto shrine, etc. and is structured so that width of steps of this paper strip is gradually widened from an upper step to a lower step.例文帳に追加

紙垂を構成する各段の紙幅を上段から下段にかけて拡げて末広型として招福感を醸成するとともに、さまざまな色彩、模様を施すことにより祓え串、注連縄、御幣などを神事に制限されることなく仏教祭具として家庭の仏壇にも供えられるようにしたり、装飾的に優れたインテリアとしたりして使用できるようにする。 - 特許庁

During that time, in 1163, he was in political peril, such as his banishment from the clan (as a part of the direct petition by Kofuku-ji Temple, Kofuku-ji betto (the head priest of Kofuku-ji Temple) notified the uji no choja (the head of the clan) of the banishing of the clan member who disadvantaged the Uji-dera Temple (temple built for praying clan's glory) and Uji-sha Shrine (shrine built for praying clan's glory), and unless the banishment was rescinded the banished clan member was not allowed to serve in the Imperial Court and the execution of his youger step brother, FUJIWARA no Narichika (his mother was a daughter of FUJIWARA no Tsunetada), for participating in Emperor Goshirakawa's scheme to bring down the Taira clan (the Shikagatani Plot), because he angered Kofuku-ji Temple for supporting the pro-Taira clan Enryaku-ji Temple at gijo no ba (the site where an agreement was to take place) during Kofuku-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple Feuding Incident, but Takasue, who maintained an amicable relationship with the Taira clan, stood firmly on his ground. 例文帳に追加

その間の長寛3年(1163年)、興福寺・延暦寺の抗争事件に際して、議定の場で親平氏の延暦寺を支持したことで興福寺の怒りを買い、放氏される(興福寺の強訴の一環として、氏寺・氏社に不利益をもたらした氏人の追放を興福寺別当から氏長者に通告する、追放が解除されない限り朝廷に出仕できない)、異母弟の藤原成親(母は藤原経忠の女)が後白河の平氏打倒計画に参加して処刑される(鹿ケ谷の陰謀)などの政治的危機もあったが、平氏との友好関係を維持した隆季の立場が揺らぐことはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Harima no Kuni Fudoki" (considered to have been completed between 713 and 717) has the description of 'Holy stone shrine' (Ishi hoden) in the Oushiko-jinja Shrine in Innami County, Okuni no sato no jo '南にあり。如し長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ五尺(さか、または)、高さもかくの如し名號大石といふ。へていへらく、聖徳王の弓削大連れるなり,' in which '弓削大連' is considered to indicate MONONOBE no Moriya and '聖徳' (聖徳)is considered to indicate Umayado no Miko "Nihonkotenbungaku Taikei Fudoki" (Iwanami shoten 1977), "Ishi Hoden - Kodaishi no Nazo wo Toku" by Tadahiko MAKABE and Yoshiko MAKABE (Kobeshinbunsogoshuppan center 1996); accordingly, someone insisted that Umayado no Miko was called '聖徳 (Shotokuo)' before "Nihonshoki" was completed (720). 例文帳に追加

『播磨国風土記』(713年-717年頃の成立とされる)印南郡大國里条にある生石神社(おうしこじんじゃ)の「石の宝殿(石宝殿)」についての記述に、「原の南に作石あり。形、屋の如し。長さ二丈(つえ)、廣さ一丈五尺(さか、尺または咫)、高さもかくの如し。名號を大石といふ。傳へていへらく、聖徳の王の御世、弓削の大連の造れる石なり」とあり、「弓削の大連」は物部守屋、「聖徳の王(聖徳王)」は厩戸皇子『日本古典文学大系 風土記』(岩波書店 1977年)、間壁忠彦間壁葭子『石宝殿―古代史の謎を解く』(神戸新聞総合出版センター 1996年)と考えられることから、『日本書紀』(養老4年、720年)が成立する以前に厩戸皇子が「聖徳王」と呼称されていたとする論がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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