
「ji to」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(110ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









ji toの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 5506


In the "Teikin-orai" (Epistolary for Home Instruction) completed from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) to the Muromachi period, many names of merchants and workmen are described as 'people who should stay in the castle town' including masters of fusuma-shoji such as kami-shi, kyo-ji, paper making, craftsmen of lacquer ware and handiworks, and craftsmen of gold and silver handiworks, which shows that fusuma-shoji was widespread in the samurai class and they required specialized craftsmen. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代(日本)から室町初期に完成した『庭訓往来』には、「城下に招き居えべき輩」として多くの商人、職人の名を列挙しており、襖障子に関係するものとして唐紙師、経師、紙漉き、塗師、金銀細工師などが挙げられており、襖建具が分業化された職人を必要とするほどに、武士階級に相当普及していた事とが知れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Higashiyama in the early spring is enveloped by a fantastic atmosphere, briefly attracting people, who walk, while seeing some events and various lanterns illuminating faintly their feet on the path, starting from Jingumichi road and Shoren-in Temple in the north, via Chion-in Temple, Maruyama Park, Yasaka-jinja Shrine and Shinkomichi road, viewing Daiun-in Temple Gion-kaku (Kyoto), to Entoku-in, Kodai-ji Temple, Nene no Michi (The Path of Nene), Ichinenzaka slope, Ninenzaka slope, and Kiyomizu-dera Temple. 例文帳に追加

北は神宮道から青蓮院に始まり、知恩院、円山公園、八坂神社、神幸道などを経由し、大雲院(京都市)祇園閣を眺め圓徳院、高台寺、ねねの道、一年坂、二年坂から清水寺までの行路の足元を仄かに照らすさまざまな行灯や催し物を見ながら歩く人々の群れで、早春の東山はしばし賑わい、幻想的な色合いに包まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although 'Saga Goryu' later declined for a while, the fifty ninth Emperor, Uda (June 14, 867-September 8, 931), with the aim of reviving the traditional culture like flower arrangement, entrusted the revival work to Koho MISHOSAI, who learnt flower arrangement of the Misho-ryu school, in the period when the Emperor Uda set up a rikyu (an imperial villa) on the ground of Daikaku-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

その後、一時「嵯峨御流」は衰退したが、第59代宇多天皇(貞観(日本)9年5月5日(旧暦)(867年6月10日)-承平(日本)元年7月19日(旧暦)(931年9月3日))が大覚寺に離宮を構えるようになった時世に華道などの伝統的文化の再興を図り、未生流を学んだ未生斎広甫に再興を託した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A Buddhism priest, Kobo-daishi transmitted the production method of Yamato-cha green tea when he returned from Tang in China in 806 with seeds of tea and sowed them in an area which is currently Akahani in Harihara Town in Uda County, and the tea mortar which was also brought by him is preserved until today in Butsuryu-ji temple in Akahani, and the tea seeds are also preserved in the precincts of this temple as 'garden of moss' and, this is also said to be the origin of 'Yamato-cha'.' 例文帳に追加

「大和茶は大同元年(806年)に弘法大師が唐より帰朝の際茶の種子を持ちかえり、これを現在の宇陀郡榛原町赤埴に播種して、その製法を伝えられました。またその際持ち帰った茶臼は赤埴の仏隆寺に現在も保存されております。茶の実もまた同境内に「苔の園」として保存されており、これが「大和茶」の初めとも言われております。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On a spring evening, on the rooftop of Nanzen-ji Temple, Goemon ISHIKAWA, a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of Japan, is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom, and says his famous line: "What a superb view, what a superb view; that man, saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit), was a person of really small, small caliber; for this moment, I would spend ten thousand ryo, hundred million ryo" ('a moment of a spring evening' refers to the famous phrase of a Chinese poem "Chunye" by Su Shi; in the original, it is 'one thousand gold' 春宵一刻値千金). 例文帳に追加

南禅寺の南禅寺伽藍の屋上、天下をねらう大盗賊石川五右衛門は煙管を吹かして、「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の宵は値千両とは、小せえ、小せえ、この五右衛門の目からは、値万両、万々両」という名台詞を吐き、夕暮れ時の満開の桜を悠然と眺めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Occasionally, the government official punishing dominant temples and shrines received punishment such as banishment due to pressure from monk soldiers who were gaining power at the time, and for example in 1229, the jinin (associates of Shinto shrines) engaging in illegal activities at Hiyoshi-jinja Shrine, which was under the umbrella of Enryaku-ji Temple, ignored the restraint order by Tamekiyo MIYOSHI (), who served under Tokiuji HOJO of Tandai North, and was killed by Tamekiyo's subordinate. 例文帳に追加

時には有力寺社への処分を行った担当官吏が、当時力をつけていた僧兵の圧力により流刑などの処分を受けるという事態も起きており、例として寛喜元年(1229年)に不法を働いていた延暦寺傘下の日吉神社の神人が、探題北方北条時氏の配下三善為清の制止命令を無視し為清の部下に斬られた件がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the existence of the priest-styled Nosenkata using the Buddhist title and the Nosenkata using a popular name is suggested in a record, the doso had originally been put under the control of temples such as Enryaku-ji Temple, therefore the Buddhist title is regarded as the remains of their work style as priest belonging to the Buddhist temples. 例文帳に追加

なお、記録上において納銭方の中に法体の姿を取って「○○坊」と名乗っている者と普通に俗名を名乗っている者が存在するが、これは土倉が本来は延暦寺などの支配下にあったため、その一員である証としてそれらの寺院に属する僧侶の体裁を取った名残であると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Roughly 30 years before that, in 1976, at an All Japan Buddhist Conference, the Japan Buddhist Federation, of which approximately 75,000 temples in all areas of the country, including Enryaku-ji Temple, are members, passed a resolution calling for "exclusion of criminal gangs," and on March 13, 2006, Chairman of the Federation Ko YASUHARA had made a statement calling for members to "stop cooperating with girikake memorial services for organized criminal gangs" right before the event. 例文帳に追加

なお、同寺を含め全国にある約75,000の寺が所属する財団法人全日本仏教会は、約30年前の1976年、全日本仏教徒会議において「暴力団排除」の決議を行っており、また2006年3月13日には全日本仏教会理事長である安原晃本が「組織暴力団の義理かけ法要への協力を止めよう」との声明を発表した直後であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the extinction of Imperial Prince Morisada's family line, the temple was also the palace in which both Emperor Gosaga and Emperor Gofukakusa resided following their abdications, and it is for this reason that the family line of Emperor Gofukakusa took the name surname 'Jimyoin' (just as the name of the opposing Emperor Kameyama's family line was changed to 'Daikakuji' because he resided at Daikaku-ji Temple following his retirement). 例文帳に追加

守貞親王系が断絶後も後嵯峨天皇・後深草天皇が退位後の御所に定められたことから、後深草天皇の系統を後に持明院統と称した(対立関係にあった亀山天皇の系統を大覚寺統と呼ぶのも亀山天皇が退位後に大覚寺に住んだ事に由来している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the results of the excavation and research, the design of Saikon-do Hall included an open front (without any fittings or walls) just like the existing main hall of Toshodai-ji Temple, and Chukon-do Hall was a building of very open design with two pillars in front and one on each side, and eaves which descend over all four sides of the main building. 例文帳に追加

発掘調査の結果によれば、西金堂は現存する唐招提寺金堂と同様に正面を吹き放ち(建具や壁を入れずに開放とする)とした建築であり、中金堂は正面三間×側面二間(「間」は柱間の数を意味する)の母屋の四方に吹き放ちの庇をめぐらした開放的な建物であったことがわかっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that the name of Emperor Uda came from the place where he abdicated (Tsuigo is sometimes considered to be a type of posthumous name, but strictly speaking these are two different names); however, he spent most of the time at Ninna-ji Temple Omuro, Teijino-in and Rokujo-in (though another theory says the reason was that Emperor Uda spent his childhood at Uda-in, which was the house of his father, Emperor Koko, when he was the Imperial Prince). 例文帳に追加

通説では譲位後の在所の名称より宇多天皇と追号された(追号も諡号の一種とする場合もあるが、厳密には両者は異なる)と言われているが、実際の居宅は仁和寺御室・亭子院・六条院を主としていたという(宇多院は元は父の光孝天皇の親王時代の邸宅で、宇多天皇はここで成長したからだという異説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There being little time for restructuring his own administration, on June 13, eleven days after Honno-ji no Hen, in Oyamazaki-cho, which stretched over present Oyamazaki-cho in Kyoto Prefecture and Shimamoto-cho in Osaka Prefecture, Mitsuhide had to intercept Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's army, which had reconciled itself with the Mori clan on hearing of the incident and returned from Chugoku region (Battle of Yamazaki). 例文帳に追加

そしてみずからの新政権の統制を整備する間も無く、本能寺の変から11日後の6月13日(西暦7月2日)、変を知って急遽毛利氏と和睦し、中国地方から引き返してきた豊臣秀吉の軍を、現在の京都府大山崎町と大阪府島本町にまたがる大山崎町にて迎撃した(山崎の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shincho Koki" (biography of Nobunaga ODA), Toshimasa (Dosan) was very surprised when he met Nobunaga at Shotoku-ji Temple (present-day Tomida, Ichinomiya City (former Nishio City), Aichi Prefecture) after Kicho married Nobunaga, because even though Nobunaga was known as empty-headed he showed up formally dressed and he had his guards equipped with many rifles; Toshimasa SAITO (Dosan) anticipated a bright future for Nobunaga and said, "My sons will be tying that empty-headed man's (Nobunanga's) horse." 例文帳に追加

帰蝶を信長に嫁がせた後の聖徳寺(現在の愛知県一宮市(旧尾西市)冨田)で会見した際、「うつけ者」と評されていた信長が多数の鉄砲を護衛に装備させ正装で訪れたことに大変驚き、斎藤利政は信長を見込むと同時に、「我が子たちはあのうつけ(信長)の馬をつなぐようになる」と述べたと信長公記にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kennyo allied with the Shogun Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, who was in conflict with Nobunaga, and made alliances with anti-Oda groups such as the Takeda clan, the Asakura clan, the Asai clan and the Mori clan, joining them in laying siege to Nobunaga, although Kennyo himself remained at Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple, attacking Nobunaga by mobilizing peasants, who were closely allied with the Ikko adherents of Saiga, and local groups of followers. 例文帳に追加

顕如は信長と対立するようになっていた将軍足利義昭と結んで武田氏、朝倉氏、浅井氏、毛利氏などの反織田勢力と同盟を組み、信長包囲網の構築に加わる一方、自らは石山本願寺に篭城し、雑賀衆などの友好を結ぶ土豪勢力や地方の門徒組織を動員して信長を苦しめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nagayasu and the Miyoshi army, whose home bases were Noda Castle and Fukushima Castle, fiercely resisted in the continuous battles known as 'Genki Soran,' however, Nobunaga's attacks were so relentless that they triggered a sense of crisis in Ishiyama Hongwan-ji Temple, with their main base in Settsu, which was also opposed Nobunaga; finally they were prompted to join the anti-Nobunaga armies (outbreak of Ishiyama Gassen). 例文帳に追加

「元亀争乱」と呼ばれる一連の動乱において、野田城及び福島城を根拠地とする長逸ら三好軍の抵抗は激しかったが、これに対する信長の攻撃は苛烈なものであり、同じく信長と不仲な摂津に本拠をもつ石山本願寺の危機感を煽ることになり、ついには本願寺の反信長陣営への参加を促すことになる(石山合戦の勃発)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fires of the Onin War burned down his house, so he evacuated to Kaju-ji Temple, Kurama-dera Temple, or somewhere else in 1470, but he was burned out of even those places by the fires, and his family collection of documents and diaries was also lost in the fire (incidentally, the Kajuji line, whose direct descendant is the KANROJI family, was a line that many family members assumed practical work, and they put the documents and diaries on record in detail out of necessity, so people called them 'Family of the Diary.') 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱による戦火で自邸が焼失したため、文明(日本)2年(1470年)に勧修寺・鞍馬寺等へ避難するが、それらも焼け出され、家蔵の文書・日記類も焼失した(甘露寺家を嫡流とする勧修寺流は実務の家柄であり、必要上から記録を克明につけており「日記の家」とも称された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, judging from the policies for Ikko Ikki and the Enryaku-ji Temple, the usage of stone statue of Jizo and gravestones for the stone wall of the Azuchi-jo Castle, and descriptions by Luis FROIS, he seemed to be a materialist, criticize the autocratic manners of priests at the time, praise the Christian missionaries and doubted the existence of Shinto and Buddhist deities and the immortality of the soul. 例文帳に追加

が、一向一揆や延暦寺に対する政策や、安土城の石垣に地蔵仏や墓石を用いたこと、ルイス・フロイスの記載などから唯物論的思考法を身に付け、当時の僧侶についてはその横暴を非難し、キリスト教の宣教師を誉め、神仏の存在や霊魂の不滅を信じることはなかったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is recorded in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy) that he resided in Kyoto together with his father Mitsunaga, who was the family head of the Toki clan of Mino-Genji (Minamoto clan), and assumed such titles as Kebiishi Saemon no Jo (third-ranked officer with judicial and police powers in the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards), and when his father sided with the army of the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa in the Battle of Hoju-ji Temple in 1184, he also accompanied his father and fought together in a fierce battle, but he and his father were killed in action and their heads were exposed to the public. 例文帳に追加

美濃源氏土岐氏の棟梁であった父光長と共に在京し、検非違使、左衛門尉を務めたとされる(『尊卑分脈』)が、寿永2年(1184年)の法住寺合戦で父が後白河院方に加わったため光経もこれに従い、死闘の末に父と共に討ち取られ梟首された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, similarly, Ieyasu thought that the Nichiren sect, which had strong influence over townspeople, was dangerous for the following reasons: In holding Senso-kuyo (a religious ritual where 1,000 priest were invited) at the Daibutsu-den hall of Hoko-ji Temple, ordered by Hideyoshi, the Nichiren-sect was divided into the Jufuseha group, which admitted receiving offerings from other religious sects, and Fu-jufuseha group led by Sogi, which did not admit receiving offerings from other religious sects; In this situation, Ieyasu decided that the latter group did not follow orders of the bakufu and had also the feeling that the Nichiren set was rather aggressive to other religious sects. 例文帳に追加

また、同様に町衆に対し強い影響力を有する日蓮宗に対しても、秀吉が命じた方広寺大仏殿の千僧供養時に他宗の布施を受ける事を容認した日蓮宗受布施派と、禁じた宗義に従った日蓮宗不受不施派の内、後者を家康は公儀に従わぬ者として日蓮宗が他宗への攻撃色が強い事も合わせて危険視した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hone ha kataru: Tokugawa Shogun Daimyoke no hitobito" (Bones talk: the people of Tokugawa shogun and daimyo families) by Hisashi SUZUKI, who observed the refurbishment of the Tokugawa shogun family's grave site at Zojo-ji Temple where Ienobu was also buried and who was also in charge of inspecting the remains, Ienobu was apparently a soft-looking, lean-faced handsome man with a shapely nose and he shared very little resemblance with his father Tsunashige except for the fact that he was round-shouldered. 例文帳に追加

家宣の埋葬された増上寺で徳川将軍家の墓地が改葬された際に、これに立ち会い被葬者の遺骨の調査を担当した鈴木尚の著書『骨は語る徳川将軍・大名家の人びと』によると、家宣は細面で鼻筋が通っていて穏やかな顔立ちをした美男であったといい、父・綱重とは猫背であったこと以外に似ている部分は非常に少なかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Previously, there were problems in that Onjo-ji Temple and Shirahige-jinja Shrine demanded compensation for passing the precincts of the shrine (although it was a tunnel); the local people opposed the construction; and the determination of tracks took time due to the relationship with Kojak (Kojaku) railway (鉄道) (described later); however, the minimum curve radius is basically set at 1,400 meters and the alignment (track) slope is set at no more than 19 per mill, which are high standards compared with existing railways. 例文帳に追加

園城寺や白鬚神社などでは境内通過(トンネルだが)を巡って補償騒動が起きたほか、地元からの反対、江若鉄道(後述)との関係で路線決定に難航した部分もあるが、最小曲線半径は1,400mを基本とし、線形(路線)勾配も19パーミル以下と在来線としては高規格で建設されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theory, proposed by Tsuneo TSUKAMOTO in 1932, holds that: the lower Kamogawa River up to the junction with the Takano River and the waterway between the junction and that of the Kamogawa and Shira-kawa Rivers are artificial waterways; originally, the Kamogawa River ran due south and merged with the Hori-kawa River; the Takano River flowed south-west from the current junction and merged with the Hori-kawa River at around the Choho-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

1932年(昭和7年)に塚本常雄が提唱した学説で、賀茂川の下流部分と高野川との合流地点から白川との合流地点までは人工河川であり、本来賀茂川はまっすぐ南下して堀川に合流、高野川は現在の合流地点から南西方向に流れ頂法寺付近で堀川に合流していたという説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the contrary, as the place of extraordinary scenic beauty, the landscape of its east coast, consisting of Sensuishima and Bentenshima islands which had attracted a number of imperial families visits since the Meiji period, had been as highly esteemed as the Kannon-do of Bandai-ji Temple (Abuto Kannon [Buddhist goddess of Mercy]) located adjacent to the western Numakuma peninsula, thereby being chosen uppermost as a national park. 例文帳に追加

その一方で景勝地としては、明治時代より天皇・皇后を始めとする皇族が好んで訪問してきた仙酔島や弁天島を含む東岸の景観が、沼隈半島の西部に隣接する磐台寺観音堂(阿伏兎観音)と並んで高い評価を受け、いち早く国立公園に指定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Historia de Iapan" by Luis Frois whose church was only 200 meter away from the Honno-ji Temple, '(Around three o'clock in the morning), (a small number of) warriors of the Akechi clan invaded the temple without being suspected (It seems that Oda's gatekeepers lost their sharpness because they knew that umazoroe (a troop review) in front of the Imperial Palace was planned for the next day.), and shot Nobunaga, who came out from the toilet and was washing his hands and face, in the back using bows and arrows. 例文帳に追加

一方、本能寺から200mの近辺に教会のあったルイス・フロイスの『日本史』(HistoriadeIapan)では、「(午前3時頃と言われる)明智の(少数の)兵たちは怪しまれること無く難なく寺に侵入して(6月2日に御所前で馬揃えをする予定であったのを織田の門番たちは知っていたので油断したと思われる)、信長が便所から出て手と顔を清めていたところを背後から弓矢を放って背中に命中させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Southern Court is also called the Yoshino Court and was the court belonging to Emperor Godaigo of the Daikaku-ji Temple line established in the period of Northern and Southern Courts and based in the Yoshino (present day Yoshino Town, Yoshino County, Nara Prefecture), Ano (present day Nishiyoshino Town, Gojo City, Nara Prefecture) in the province of Yamato, south of Kyoto, Sumiyoshi-angu (Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) in the province of Settsu. 例文帳に追加

南朝(なんちょう)は、吉野朝廷(よしのちょうてい)とも称され、南北朝時代(日本)に京都以南の大和国の吉野(奈良県吉野郡吉野町)、賀名生(同県五條市西吉野町)、摂津国の住吉行宮(大阪府大阪市住吉区)を本拠とした大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇に属する朝廷。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But the new Shogun, Yoshihisa, died of illness while still young, and his retired father Yoshimasa devoted his remaining years to construction projects at Jisho-ji Temple, notably the building known as Ginkaku (the Silver Pavilion), focusing his attention entirely on the world of artistic endeavor (and indeed, Yoshimasa's patronage of the arts became the foundation of the flourishing artistic culture of the Higashiyama area, and no one can deny he had a profound influence on later developments in Japanese culture.) 例文帳に追加

だが、新将軍・義尚は若くして病死し、引退した父・義政も銀閣をはじめとする慈照寺の造営に余生を費やして、芸術の世界にのみ生きた(とはいえ、義政の芸術保護が後の東山文化発展の基礎となり、後々の日本文化に大きな影響を与えた事は否定できない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That is, including Christians in the addition of 'eight schools and nine schools,' it was probably intended to place the Society of Jesus under Hideyoshi's political dominance in exchange for protection of faith and grant of a domain as in the case of Hongan-ji Temple and Kongobuji Temple, and Historian Masaki ANNO said that the cause could be 'a conflict between the Christian ideology and the unification concept of the Hideyoshi regime.' 例文帳に追加

すなわち「八宗九宗」の中にキリシタンを加えているのも含め、イエズス会を本願寺や金剛峯寺と同様に、信仰の保護と所領の給付と引換に秀吉による政治的支配に服属させる意図があったと考えられており、歴史学者の安野眞幸は「キリスト教のイデオロギーと秀吉政権の統一思想との衝突」が原因ではなかったかと述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Historians and scholars of architectural history were in dispute about the year of construction of Horyu-ji Temple (and whether or not the temple had been rebuilt), which led to a more in-depth study of Japan's architectural history using methods such as archaeological excavation and surveying remnants of ancient structures, examining the styles of existing buildings and studying literature such as Rikkokushi (Japan's six national histories). 例文帳に追加

また、建築史学者と歴史家の間に法隆寺の建設年代に関する論争(法隆寺再建・非再建論争)が起こったが、現存する建物の様式論や、六国史などの文献研究はもとより、遺構調査など考古学の発掘成果も取り入れられるようになって、学問の深化が見られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, once the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa and Regent Motofusa MATSUDONO, who might be regarded as the symbol of the Imperial family and Sekkan-ke (line of regents and advisers) were both punished by the order of Kiyomori, the sense of danger also spread among them, who cooperated with Onjo-ji Temple and the Minamoto clan in various districts to start anti-Taira clan activities after Rising of Prince Mochihito on May 26, 1180. 例文帳に追加

だが、治承3年(1179年)11月に発生した治承三年の政変で皇室と摂関家の象徴ともいえる治天の君後白河法皇と摂政松殿基房が清盛の命令によって揃って処罰を受けると、彼らの間にも危機感が広がり、治承4年(1180年)5月26日の以仁王の挙兵を契機に園城寺や諸国の源氏とも連携して反平氏活動に動き始めたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On August 12, 1437 when the shogunate was trying to subdue the surviving retainers of the Southern Court, Yoshiaki, who was at odds with his older brother Yoshinori ran away, so the leaders of the shogunate suspected the involvement of not only Yoshiaki of Gonancho (Second Southern Court) but also Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, Kamakura Kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region) who was in conflict with Norizane UESUGI, Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region), because Daikaku-ji Temple (from where Yoshiaki ran away) was associated with the Southern Court and also imperial princes of the Southern Court, Tamagawa no miya and Goshoin no miya ran away, too. 例文帳に追加

長引く南朝遺臣の討伐に加え同年7月11日(旧暦)(8月12日)、義教と不仲であった弟の義昭の出奔をみた幕府首脳は、大覚寺が南朝ゆかりであること、玉川宮、護聖院宮らの南朝皇族も共に逃亡したことなどから、後南朝・義昭に加え、当時幕府派の関東管領上杉憲実と対立していた鎌倉公方足利持氏の連携を疑った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The outside diameter surface of the eccentric ring 20 formed by the offsetting of cylindrical inner and outer surfaces from each other fits over the cylindrical inside diameter surface 23i of the inner ring 23 of the outer bearing JO and the inside diameter surface of the eccentric ring 20 fits over the cylindrical outside diameter surface 22o of the outer ring 22 of the inner bearing JI to constitute an intermediate ring unit 25.例文帳に追加

円筒状内外面の中心を偏心させてなる偏心リング20の外径面は外側軸受JOの内輪23の円筒状の内径面23iに嵌合し、且つ 偏心リング20の内径面は内側軸受JIの外輪22の円筒状の外径面22oに嵌合して中間輪ユニット25を構成する。 - 特許庁

After there were three agreements settled such as passing the three sacred treasures from the Southern Court to the Northern Court, a governorship that was to belong to the Daikakuji Imperial line and the Chokodo possessions were to belong to the Jimyoin Imperial line, and Imperial succession would be shared by both Courts, (Emperor Gokameyama's son, Oguranomiya Imperial Prince Sanehito was going to become Crown Prince) in 1392 Emperor Gokameyama went to Kyoto to see Emperor Gokomatsu at the Daikaku-ji Temple, and to pass the three sacred treasures, there was the unity of the Southern and Northern Courts, although Imperial succession was succeeded by the Northern Court this time, not by the Southern Court. 例文帳に追加

南朝から北朝への神器の引渡し、国衙領を大覚寺統、長講堂領を持明院統の領地とする事、皇位は両統迭立とする(後亀山天皇の子である小倉宮実仁親王の立太子)事など3か条を条件に和睦が成立し、1392年(明徳3年/元中9年)に後亀山天皇は京都へ赴いて、大覚寺にて後小松天皇と会見して神器を譲渡し、南朝が解消される形で南北朝合一は成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Norizane consistently made an effort to mediate between Kamakura Government and Bakufu; when Mochiuji ignored changing the name of an era by Bakufu, Norizane worried about Mochiie's relationship with Bakufu and dispatched envoy in order to apologize about Mochiuji's behavior to Bakufu in 1431, and in the next year, 1432, he returned shoryo (territory) to Bakufu that was dispossessed by Kamakura Government, and also in the same year, Shogun Yoshinori's geko (go down to the province) to Fuji was discussed in Bakufu, Norizane urged them to postpone his geko on the lookout for disturbing situation in Kanto region, and he sent gifts to Mansai who was Monzeki (successor of a temple) of Sanbo-in of Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

持氏が幕府の改元を無視すると、1431年には謝罪の使節を派遣するなど幕府との関係を憂慮し、翌1432年には鎌倉府が横領していた所領を幕府に返還し、同年に幕府で将軍義教の富士下向が協議されると、憲実は警戒して関東情勢の不穏を理由に下向の延期を促し、幕府の醍醐寺三宝院門跡満済らに進物するなど、憲実は一貫して鎌倉府と幕府との調停に努めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd. has the Keifuku Kitano Line, which runs northeast from Katabiranotsuji Station--close to UR Uzumasa Station--to Kitano Hakubaicho Station in Kita ward (Nishioji Imadegawa), and the Arashiyama Main Line, which runs west from Katabiranotsuji Station to Arashiyama Station (Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd.) (Saga Tenryu-ji Temple) and southeast to Shijo-Omiya Station (connected to Omiya Station (Kyoto Prefecture) of the Hankyu Kyoto Main Line) in Shimogyo Ward via Uzumasa Koryuji Station (previously named Uzumasa Station) within Uzumasa area, Kaikonoyashiro Station, and Randen Tenjingawa Station. 例文帳に追加

京福電気鉄道はJR太秦駅に近接する帷子ノ辻駅から、京福北野線が北東に北区の北野白梅町駅(西大路今出川)まで、京福電気鉄道嵐山本線が西に嵐山駅(京福電気鉄道)(嵯峨天龍寺)まで、南東に太秦地区内の太秦広隆寺駅(旧称:太秦駅)、蚕ノ社駅、嵐電天神川駅を経て、下京区の四条大宮駅(阪急京都本線大宮駅(京都府)と連絡)までを結んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For Sakihisa, who had a poor relationship with Hideyoshi due to the false accusation that Sakihisa had been involved in the Honno-ji Incident in which Mitsuhide AKECHI was rumored to occupy the Hideyoshi's former residence confiscated and given to Sakihisa by Nobunaga and, based in the residence, to attack Nijo Gosho (Nijo Imperial Palace), it was humiliating to let anybody outside the Fujiwara clan assume the position of Kanpaku; from the viewpoint of the Konoe family, however, 例文帳に追加

前久からすれば、元から秀吉との関係は良好でなかった(かつて信長によって秀吉の旧邸が没収されて前久に与えられ、本能寺の変で明智光秀の軍がその屋敷を占拠して二条御所攻撃の拠点にしたと言う風説のために、前久自身が事件に関与したという濡れ衣を着せられた)事に加えて藤原氏以外に関白の地位が移ることは屈辱的であったが、近衛家の立場からすれば、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When combining this with the description of "When the chasers, Munenobu, Mutsu no Kami, and Sadatsuna, Shimotsuke no Kami, were going to attack, Munekata heard disturbing noise at Denchu (Morotoki's residence where Sadatoki, zenko (one of the three principal ministers with priesthood) stayed) and on his way to the residence from his lodging--" in "Kamkura-Nendaiki-uragaki," the following situation can be considered: Munenobu OSARAGI, who, together with Tokimura, was a representative of branch Hojo families, and his followers were getting closer to Sadatoki in Denchu (Mototoki HOJO's residence) near to Hokai-ji Temple, and detecting the disturbing noise, Munekata and his followers rushed to the site, and he was killed by Munenobu OSARAGI, Morisada UTSUNOMIYA, and Tokikiyo SASAKI in the fighting. 例文帳に追加

これを『鎌倉年代記裏書』にある「討手陸奥の守宗宣、下野の守貞綱既に攻め寄せんと欲するの処に、宗方は殿中(師時の舘、禅閤同宿)の騒擾を聞き、宿所より参らるるの間...」と組合わせると、時村と共に北条庶流を代表していた大仏宗宣らが手勢を率いて宝戒寺近辺の殿中・北条師時の館の貞時に詰め寄り、その騒擾を察知した宗方が、これも手勢を率いて駆けつけようとしたところで大仏宗宣、宇都宮守貞、佐々木時清らに討たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Putting this theory aside for the moment, perhas they had become vassals of Toyotomi only after have first resisted him with arms, unlike the other daimyo, the fact that there were a number of excessive demands made upon the Shimazu clan, such as the construction of Daibutsu-den (the Great Buddha hall) of Hoko-ji Temple, that they were ordered to immediately dispatch troops to Korea, and that there was an incident in which Yoshihisa was ordred to execute Toshihisa by Hideyoshi because of the Umekita Uprising (an uprising by a retainer of the Shimazu family, Kunikane UMEKITA), leaving him no choice but to comply, show that Yoshihisa and other members of the Shimazu clan were at odds with the Hideyoshi administration. 例文帳に追加

この説はともかく、他大名と異なり豊臣秀吉に抗戦した後の降伏・臣従という経緯であったためか、島津家には方広寺の大仏殿建立など過大な負担が要求されることが多かった上に、矢継ぎ早に朝鮮出兵への命令、更にその時に起こった梅北一揆で歳久が一方的に秀吉に処罰を申し渡され処刑せざるを得なかった事件など、義久はじめ島津家臣団と秀吉政権の間に確執があったのは事実のようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the position of the chief abbot became in rotation from Hachihonzan in the period as Nichiren Honmon Sect, it broke away from the sect under the official allowance of the branch temples of Taiseki-ji Temple to be independent, and called themselves Fuji School of Nichiren Sect in 1900, then renamed Nichiren Shoshu Sect in 1912 up to the present, however, it was apparent that they called themselves Shoshu Sect, which supposably meant shoshubun (the main part) of Hoke-kyo (Lotus Sutra), until at least the middle of the Edo period, according to the book of Kanazawa local history (it has 'Shoshu no Daimoku' (Chant of Shoshu)). 例文帳に追加

日蓮本門宗時代は管長は八本山からの輪番制となったが、大石寺本末・中末の独立が公許されこれより独立し、1900年(明治33年)に日蓮宗富士派と公称し、1912年(明治45年)に日蓮正宗と改称し現在に至るが、法華経正宗分の意味合いからであろうか少なくとも江戸時代中期には自宗派を正宗と呼ぶことがあったことが、金沢郷土史の文献(「正宗の題目」とある)から分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, Taiseki-ji Temple was allowed to have dokureiseki (privilege to meet shogun face to face) at Edo-jo Castle, and Hiyori the twenty fifth, a grandchild of Emperor Gomizunoo, was adopted as the son of Hiroko KONOE, the lawful wife of the sixth Shogun Ienobu TOKUGAWA, and he was respected by the Imperial family, court nobles, the shogunate families and daimyo family (feudal lord family); however, there was strict control over missionary work by Edo bakufu, the same as for other religious schools, and there was continuous religious persecution in many places such as Kaga clan, Sendai clan, Ii and Owari clan, and Hachinohe clan, and so on. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代、大石寺は江戸城では独礼席を許され、また第25世の日宥は後水尾天皇の皇孫であり第6代将軍徳川家宣正室の近衛熙子の猶子(養子)に迎えられている他、皇室や公家・将軍家や大名家などの崇敬を得たが、他の宗派と同様に布教活動は江戸幕府の厳しい統制を受け続け、加賀藩・仙台藩・伊那・尾張藩・八戸藩などの各地では法難が続発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is same man (Suketomo Kyo), who was once taking shelter from the rain in the gate of To-ji Temple, where there were gathered together many cripples with twisted arms and distorted legs bent backwards. Noting their various peculiar deformities he thought, 'These are all very strange freaks, and are certainly well worth preserving.' But, when he looked at them more closely, he soon lost all pleasure in them and, regarding them as ugly and vile, thought, 'Surely there can be nothing better than the unusual upright form.' So on his return home, his well-loved little trees, which he had collected and carefully trained into queer shapes to make his eyes glad, from that time forth no longer gave him any pleasure; for he felt that to love them was like loving those cripples. Accordingly, he dug up and threw away all his dwarf trees that he had cultivated in little pots. 例文帳に追加

この人、東寺の門に雨宿りせられたりけるに、かたは者どもの集まりゐたるが、手も足もねぢゆがみ、うちかへりて、いづくも不具に異様なるを見て、とりどりにたぐひなき曲者なり、もつとも愛するに足れりと思ひて、まもり給ひけるほどに、やがてその興つきて、見にくく、いぶせく覚えければ、ただすなほに珍しからぬ物にはしかずと思ひて、帰りて後、この間、植木を好みて、異様に曲折あるを求めて目を喜ばしめつるは、かのかたはを愛するなりけりと、興なく覚えければ、鉢に植ゑられける木ども、皆掘り捨てられにけり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The passage in the epitaph of the grave of Tsukasa SHIBA in the graveyard for Aizu clan in Kinkaikomyo-ji Temple in Kurotani in Kyoto, regrets his death as saying, together with the record of his family and the details of the incidents as above, that 'according to a tradition, it is not difficult for one to die but it is difficult to face his/her own death with a resolute attitude. It should be said that each person including Tsukasa SHIBA faced his/her own death and died with a really resolute attitude' and that 'if Tsukasa SHIBA did not die on July 15 and participated in Kinmon Coup, what an important role he would play in it! This is very regrettable.' 例文帳に追加

京都黒谷金戒光明寺の会津墓地にある柴司の墓碑銘には、上記の続柄や事件の経緯とともに「言い伝えによれば、死ぬことが難しいのではなく、立派な態度で死に臨むことが難しいという。柴司などは、本当に立派な態度で死を迎えた者だというべきだろう」、「もし柴司が6月12日に死ぬことなく、禁門の変に参戦していたなら、どれだけ活躍したであろうか。これはとても残念なことである」とその死を惜しまれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When word of the July 8 Ikedaya Incident, in which the Shinsengumi forces had assassinated domainal samurai warriors, reached Choshu, the prudence faction, which included Masanosuke SUFU, Shinsaku TAKASUGI, and Samanosuke SHISHIDO, tried to calm the raging debate in the clan, but members of the activist faction, like the elders of the three clans, Echigo (Mototake) FUKUHARA, Uemonnosuke (Kanenobu) MASUDA, and Shinano (Chikasuke) KUNISHI, cunningly created a group designed to destroy Satsuma, against whom there was considerable enmity, and to that end they prepared for battle; Masuda and Gensui KUSAKA began gathering troops at Mt. Tenno and Mt. Takara in the town of Oyamazaki, while Kunishi and Matabe KIJIMA gathered troops at Saga Tenryu-ji temple, and Echigo FUKUHARA at the Choshu estate at Fushimi. 例文帳に追加

6月5日(旧暦)の池田屋事件で新選組に藩士を殺された変報が長州にもたらされると、慎重派の周布政之助、高杉晋作や宍戸左馬之助らは藩論の沈静化に努めるが、福原越後や益田右衛門介、国司信濃の三家老等の積極派は、討薩賊会奸を掲げて挙兵し、益田、久坂玄瑞らは大山崎町天王山、宝山に、国司、来島又兵衛らは嵯峨天龍寺に、福原越後は伏見長州屋敷に兵を集めて陣営を構える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Nagano City, the establishment of a hub facility adjoining public facilities and a food supermarket at the initiative of the local government and a TMO generated new visitors and encouraged the construction of condominiums in the surrounding area, setting in motion a virtuous cycle that brought in more and more privatesector investment: attracted by the creation of a new market i.e., the new visitors to the hub and condominium residents and also existing tourists visiting the Zenko-ji temple, a town development company established a shopping complex in the town center, and this in turn led to the opening of several local brand-name retailers in anticipation of the expected extra influx of shoppers to the area.例文帳に追加

長野市においては、行政とTMOの主導により、公共施設や食品スーパー等が併設された拠点施設を整備したところ、新たな来街者の創出と周囲のマンション建設を誘発した。 そこで更に、その来街者・居住者という新たな客層と、従来の善光寺への観光客とを見込んだ複合商業施設をまちづくり会社が整備したところ、そこで生まれた新たな人の流れを見込んで、更に地域のブランド店が幾つも進出するなど民間投資が誘発される、という好循環が生まれている。 - 経済産業省

The styles of placement are as follows: a triad style in which Bishamonten is placed at the center with Kyoji (attendant figures) of Kisshoten (Kichijoten, Sri-mahadevi, who is said to a wife of the sister of Bishamonten) and Zennishi-doji (who is said to be a son of Bishamonten) (Kurama Temple in Kyoto, Sekkei-ji Temple in Kochi, and so on); a style that places a pair of Bishamonten with Kisshoten (the statue of Horyuji Temple Kondo (法隆寺金堂) in Nara); and a style that places a pair of Bishamonten with Fudo Myoo (the statue of Koyasan Kongobuji Temple and so on). 例文帳に追加

安置形態としては、毘沙門天を中尊とし、吉祥天(毘沙門天の妃または妹とされる)と善膩師童子(ぜんにしどうじ。毘沙門天の息子の一人とされる)を脇侍とする三尊形式の像(京都・鞍馬寺、高知・雪蹊寺など)、毘沙門天と吉祥天を一対で安置するもの(奈良・法隆寺金堂像など)、毘沙門天と不動明王を一対として安置するもの(高野山金剛峯寺像など)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Reportedly, 'seeing a magnificent carriage sent by Hongan-ji Temple, Inoue rushed to the temple, saying "how dare those who ask for the deposition of the debts allow themselves such luxuries," heard financial status from concerned people from nine in the morning to six in the evening, and, with dinner served, he suddenly exploded with anger, abusively saying "how can we eat the dinner if we consider that the dinner is made from offering of good men and good women saving every single grain."' 例文帳に追加

「京都の停車場に本願寺より出迎えられた馬車の立派なのを見て、『人に財政の整理を頼まんとする者が、何の余裕あってかかる贅沢を、敢えてするとや』とて、辻馬車に乗って同寺におしかけ、朝の9時より夕の6時まで当事者より財政の情況を聞き、やがて出された食膳をみるや、癇癪球がたちまち破裂し、『是れ皆善男善女が寄進したる粒粒辛苦の物ならずや、これを思えばかかる膳部が喉に通るか』と罵倒した」と伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa had supreme power, but it was said he mented that, he has no control over the following three things: 1. Waters of the Kamo River (tributary of the Yodo River)(due to its flow and frequent flooding); 2. Dice used in sugoroku (different from current sugoroku, close to western backgammon), which was popular way of gambling at that time, with spots on the dice selecting winners/losers; and 3. Yamaboshi (monk soldiers from Mt. Hie Enryaku-ji Temple), which show that SHIRAKAWA had absolute control apart from these three things. 例文帳に追加

白河法皇が「天下の三不如意―鴨川(淀川水系)(鴨川)の水(鴨川の流れとそれによる水害)・双六の賽(サイコロ、当時の双六(ただし、現在のものと違い西洋のバックギャモンに近い)は賭博の手段として盛んに用いられて、さいころの目の動きが勝敗を分けた)・山法師(比叡山延暦寺の僧衆〔僧兵〕)」だけはどうしようもないと嘆いたという故事は、裏を返せば彼がそれ以外のものであれば思い通りにならない事はないという絶大な権力を誇っていたことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are various candidates for its presumed locations: Hibara-jinja Shrine (Miwa, Sakurai City), O-jinja Shrine (O, Tawaramoto-cho, Shiki-gun), Kasanui-jinja Shrine (Hananosho, Tawaramoto-cho, Shiki-gun, the southeast corner of the grounds of Jinraku-ji Temple), Kasayamako-jinja Shrine (Kasa, Sakurai City), Himemiko-jinja Shrine which is a sessha (an auxiliary shrine dedicated to a deity closely related to that of a main shrine) of O-jinja Shrine, Shiki no miagata niimasu-jinja Shrine (Kanaya, Sakurai City), Obuten-jinja Shrine (Obu, Sakurai City), Anashi niimasuhyozu-jinja Shrine (Anashi, Sakurai City), Asuka niimasu-jinja Shrine (Asuka, Asuka-mura, Takaichi-gun), the foot of the Itsukashi in Shiki (noted in March of the fifth year of Emperor Suinin's reign: the address is unknown), and others. 例文帳に追加

比定地については、檜原神社(桜井市三輪)、多神社(磯城郡田原本町多)、笠縫神社(磯城郡田原本町秦荘、秦楽寺境内南東隅)、笠山荒神社(桜井市笠)、多神社摂社の姫皇子神社、志貴御県坐神社(桜井市金屋)、小夫天神社(桜井市小夫)、穴師坐兵主神社(桜井市穴師)、飛鳥坐神社(高市郡明日香村飛鳥)、磯城の厳橿の本(垂仁天皇紀5年3月条:所在地不詳)、等々。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Michiie gave Tadaie KUJO, Norizane's son and Michiie's grandchild, to be the legitimate heir, a shobunjo (a kind of will) to give instructions that documents such as diaries (which were the most important heritage for a court noble at the time) should be inherited by the Ichijo Family, but that the head of a family who controls the family temples such as Tofuku-ji Temple should first be inherited by Sanetsune ICHIJO, the third son of Michiie, then by Tadaie KUJO, a child of the eldest son of Michiie, and later by either descendant of the Kujo Family or the Ichijo Family who took the highest-ranking official position (head of a clan). 例文帳に追加

そこで道家は嫡孫にあたる教実の子・九条忠家に対して処分状(遺言状みたいなもの)を渡し、当時の公家にとってもっとも重要な遺産であった日記などの文書類は一条家の相伝とするが、東福寺などの一族寺院の管理権を司る家長者は、まず最初は3男である一条実経が継ぎ、その次には長男の子九条忠家が継承して、以後は2人の子孫のうちでもっとも官職の高い人物(一門上首)が継ぐように指示を出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the naming of mandala, both Taizokai-mandala and Garbha-mandala are used in Japan but Motohiro YORITOMI, a researcher of Esoteric Buddhism, wrote in his book titled "Architectures of mandala-centering on mandala at To-ji Temple" as 'the name of mandala were created in consideration of both Dainichi-kyo Sutra and Kongocho-kyo Sutra, collectively called Ryobu Sutra and both are the source of mandala, and Kukai used only this name (note: Ryobu-mandala),' 'because Kongocho-kyo Sutra clearly uses Vajradhatumandala, Dainichi-kyo Sutra does not use the name of Taizokai-mandala though it uses Daihitaizosho mandala or Garbha-mandala.' 例文帳に追加

なお、通常日本に取り入れられた曼荼羅の呼称について胎蔵界曼荼羅・胎蔵曼荼羅の2つが併用されているが、密教学者・頼富本宏は『曼荼羅の美術東寺の曼荼羅を中心として』において「曼荼羅の典拠となった大日経と金剛頂経のいわゆる両部の大経を意識したものであり、空海もこの用語(注両部曼荼羅)のみを用いている」「即ち金剛頂経には、明確に金剛界曼荼羅を説くのに対して、大日経では大悲胎蔵曼荼羅もしくは胎蔵生曼荼羅を説くのにかかわらず、胎蔵界曼荼羅と言う表現は見られないからである」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The major surviving texts are as follows: the Umezawa manuscriptformerly the Sanjonishi manuscript, old text, first subgroup, a National Treasure), the Yomei Archives manuscriptold text, second subgroup), the Nishi Hongan-ji Temple manuscriptvulgate text, first subgroup, an Important Cultural Property), old movable type manuscriptsprinted in the Genna (Japan) and Kan'ei eras (1615-44)), woodblock-printed manuscripts of the Meireki era (1655-58) (vulgate text, second subgroup), a nine-volume illustrated abridgementvulgate text, third subgroup), and the Tomioka manuscripttwo texts-A and B, variant texts, with A, an Important Cultural Property, and both A and B up to chapter 30), etc. 例文帳に追加

主な伝本としては、梅沢本(三条西家旧蔵、古本系第一類、国宝)、陽明文庫本(古本系第二類)、西本願寺本(流布本系第一類、重要文化財)、古活字本(元和(日本)・寛永年間の版本)・明暦刊本(以上、流布本系第二類)、絵入九巻抄出本(流布本系第三類)、富岡家旧蔵本(甲・乙二種類あり、異本系、甲本は重要文化財、甲乙とも巻三十まで)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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