
「with ages」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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with agesの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 150


As for the average age when establishing a company, while Fig. 2-2-49 above shows a high percentage of relatively young female entrepreneurs, the Survey on Business Startups in Japan shows very little difference by gender, with average ages of 43.7 for women and 42.4 for men. 例文帳に追加

起業時の年齢については、前掲第2-2-49 図では、女性は比較的若い年代の割合が高かったものの、同調査では、女性の平均年齢が43.7 歳であるのに対し、男性が42.4 歳となっており、ほとんど男女差は見られない。 - 経済産業省

With demand for childcare, domestic, nursing and other services projected to increase as the birthrate declines, the population ages, and increasing numbers of women enter the workforce, the lifestyle support service industry is expected to grow increasingly in the future. 例文帳に追加

少子高齢化の進展や女性の社会進出に伴い、育児、家事、介護等のサービスへの需要拡大が見込めることから、今後、「生活支援サービス産業」はますます成長していくことが期待される。 - 経済産業省

Breaking down the frequency with which employees bring children to the workplace according to children’s ages, 30% of employees bring a child to the workplace every day when aged less than one year (Fig. 3-3-57).例文帳に追加

従業員が子どもを職場に連れてくる頻度を子どもの年齢時期別に見ていくと、3割の従業員は子どもが1歳未満のときは毎日子どもを職場に連れてきていた(第3-3-57図)。 - 経済産業省

Due to the advancement of aging society with falling child birthrates as explained above, the population of people in so-called production ages (aged between 15 and 64) is expected to peak out between 2015 and 2020 while the number of production-age people per one aged person is expected to decline.例文帳に追加

こうした少子高齢化の進展に伴い、中国の生産年齢人口(15歳から64歳の人口)は、2015年から2020年の間にピークを迎え、高齢者一人当たりの生産年齢人口は減少していくと見込まれている。 - 経済産業省


Ms. Omura, I think you also work with other bamboo-ware craftworkers of different ages. Could you let us know your feelings about that and other similar matters?例文帳に追加

大村さんも竹細工の人と仕事していると年齢の違う方も多いと思うんですけど、何か感じたり何か気をつけたりしていることはありますか? - 厚生労働省


For the most part, indeed, they have contented themselves with cutting off the additions which had been made to it in the middle ages, each sect supplying the place by fresh additions, adapted to its own character and tendencies. 例文帳に追加

たいていは、実際のところ、彼らは、中世にキリスト教道徳に付加されたものを切捨て、宗派ごとに、その性格と性癖に見合った新しい付加物で埋め合わせることで、満足してしまったのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the Head of a civilized nation. 例文帳に追加

それらは、野蛮な時代の残虐さや裏切りにも匹敵するほどの状況の中で始まっていて、十分に文明化した国の指導者としてはふさわしくないことである。 - United States『独立宣言』

Kokujin (village heads) and Dogo (powerful families) converted to Shinshu and joined the village people who were discontent with the system with complicated and multiple lordship in the end of the middle ages, and uprising called "Ikko-Ikki" were staged throughout the nation by united Ikko Shu followers from the whole county or province. 例文帳に追加

中世末の複雑な支配権の並存する体制に不満を持つ村々に国人・土豪が真宗に改宗することで加わり、「一向一揆」と呼ばれる一郡や一国の一向宗徒が一つに団結した一揆が各地で起こるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Various hina dolls throughout the ages are displayed, such as Kyoho-bina, which has a historical air, a tiered-display of hina dolls of plant dyeing, Mayu-bina (made by painting a cocoon to make it look like a hina doll), Tsuchi-bina (ceramic hina dolls), a five-tier display of wooden hina dolls with Japanese costumes made from cloth with the edges tucked into grooves in the wood, and a tiered-display of successive hina dolls from the Keio era until the Heisei period. 例文帳に追加

歴史を感じさせる享保雛、草木染の段飾り雛人形、まゆ雛、土雛、木目込み五段飾りのお雛様、慶応から平成までの歴代段飾りのお雛様など、時代を超えて様々なお雛様が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an extremely useful system for obtaining operations and knowledge of an information terminal fitting to broad-band ages by enabling ringer melodies to be simply and easily downloaded with pleasure without complicated operations for children and aged men, who can be more familiar in contacting with mobile phones by means of music.例文帳に追加

児童や老人でもわずらわしい操作なしで、楽しみながら簡単で気軽に着信メロディをダウンロードすることができ、また携帯電話に楽曲でさらに親しみやすく接することで、ブロードバンド時代に向けた情報端末の操作や知識の習得にきわめて役に立つシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁


The Kaminoura Street accumulated store area(Kumamoto City) neighbors a shopping district in the city center with a large number of long established stores. Kaminoura Street features a number of youth-oriented stylish establishments, primarily in the eating and drinking and retail industries, standing side by side, and the area is bustling with customers from a wide range of ages.例文帳に追加

上乃裏通りの店舗集積地(熊本市)は、老舗の多い中心市街地商店街に隣接しており、飲食業と小売業を中心に若者向けのおしゃれな店舗が軒を並べ、幅広い年齢層の顧客を集めて賑わっている。 - 経済産業省

in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week, so `secunda feria' meant Monday, but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names, Dominicus and Sabbatum, and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday 例文帳に追加

中世では、feria(平日)は一週間の指定された日の接頭序数と共に使われて、そのため、『secunda feria』は月曜日を意味したが、日曜日、土曜日はいつもドミニクスおよびサッバトゥムの名前で呼ばれ、そのためferiaは通常の平日を意味するようになった - 日本語WordNet

This collection is a useful supplement to incomplete extant stories such as "Yoru no nezame" and "Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari (The Tale of Hamamatsu Chunagon)," not to mention stories such as "Mikakigahara," "Asakura," and "Amabito no moshiobi" that had been scattered and ultimately lost, and this fact makes Fuyo Wakashu a valuable document for the study of fictional stories in the Middle Ages (the times around the Heian period) together with "Mumyo Zoshi (Story Without a Name)." 例文帳に追加

『みかきが原』『あさくら』『海人の藻塩火』のごとき散逸物語はいうまでもなく、『夜の寝覚』『浜松中納言物語』のように不完全な姿で伝来する物語の欠巻を補うのに役立ち、『無名草子』と共に中古作り物語の研究資料として貴重。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is partly claimed that roku-shaku fundoshi (a long rectangular loincloth of about 2.4 meter length) is now largely worn on the festive occasions in Japan because the roku-shaku fundoshi imported from the south had been incorporated into the basic culture of Japan, and then the Continental culture began fusing into the Japanese culture, while fundoshi itself became simplified through the ages to the present form of Etchu fundoshi (a simple rectangular loincloth with strings). 例文帳に追加

日本の祭事に六尺褌が多いのは、南方伝来の六尺褌が根底文化にあり、大陸文化との折衷が始まり、時代を経て簡略化された越中褌が生まれたとの説が一部で唱えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Middle and early modern ages, the term onmyoji consequently no longer meant bureaucrats in Onmyoryo, but came to mean non-government civilian worker onmyoji performing kaji kito (removing bad spirits by offering prayers) or divinations personally requested by common people in the private sectors and their onmyodo went through unique transitions being blended in with popular faith and ethnic rituals in various regions. 例文帳に追加

このため、中世・近世においては陰陽師という呼称は、もはや陰陽寮の官僚ではなく、もっぱら民間で私的依頼を受けて加持祈祷や占いなどを行う非官人の民間陰陽師を指すようになり、各地の民衆信仰や民俗儀礼と融合してそれぞれ独自の変遷を遂げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamayorihime no mikoto and the Emperor Jinmu were enshrined at the shrine when new buildings were constructed at Hono Ikazuchi-jinja Shrine in the year 718 but it fell into decline by the middle ages and merged with Muko-jinja Shrine in 1275; the name becoming written using alternative characters which remain in use today. 例文帳に追加

火雷神社は養老2年(718年)の社殿新築にあたり玉依姫命と神武天皇を合祀したが、中世に至ると衰微、建治元年(1275年)には向神社が併祭することとなり、向日神社と社名を改めて今日に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the reigns of Emperors Junna and Ninmyo in the Tencho and Showa periods, a royal court culture was in full bloom with academics flourishing as well as court ceremonies that would be practiced in later ages, all supported by the income from Chokushiden. 例文帳に追加

天長・承和期の淳和天皇と仁明天皇の治世は、学問が興隆し、後世の故実ともなった宮廷儀式が確立するなど、王朝文化が花開いた時期であるが、これらは勅旨田収入に支えられたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides, the system of shiki (the right of property, title, etc.) underlying Shoen koryo sei; the land governance system in the middle ages, started becoming unstable with the `transfer of shiki;' shiki was transferred using money or was not always succeeded by heredity while the succession of shiki (the right of property, title, etc.) had been based on hereditary transfer in most cases until then. 例文帳に追加

また南北朝期の頃から、荘園公領制を支えていた職の体系が動揺し始めており、それまで職(しき)の継承は世襲による場合が多かったのに対し、職が金銭で売買されたり、必ずしも世襲によらなくなるなど、職の遷代と呼ばれる現象が起きつつあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his son FUJIWARA no Teika's "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu" (Ogura's Sequence of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), Toshinari is engaged as Kotaigo gu no daibu, but with him there was an intensification of political/economic contradictions in society, a shift to the middle ages where the warrior families took back political control; the period was marked by upheaval and the Mikohidari family cemented its name as poets. 例文帳に追加

息子藤原定家の『小倉百人一首』には皇太后宮大夫俊成として採られるが、彼とともに社会が政治・経済的矛盾が深まる中、武家が政権を奪取する中世へ移行する、時代の激動期を生き抜き、歌の家としての御子左家の名を確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an open letter titled "Yasegaman no setsu," Yukichi relentlessly criticizes Kaishu KATSU and Takeaki ENOMOTO (both of whom had been vassals of the shogun but served the Meiji government) with a well-reasoned argument by quoting sentences of all ages and stressing his fairness by stating that Yukichi was understanding the difficult positions of KATSU and ENOMOTO. 例文帳に追加

『瘠我慢の説』という公開書簡によって、海舟と榎本武揚(共に旧幕臣でありながら明治政府に仕えた)を理路整然と、古今の引用を引きながら、相手の立場を理解していると公平な立場を強調しながら、容赦なく批判している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A magnificent procession of all who walked before and after the coffin were, Kamon (family), Shukuro (chief vassal), Samurai taisho (in charge of guard and departure for the front in a war), Bugyo (magistrate), Tonin (the director), Kinju (attendant) and tozama (outside feudal lord), brave troops followed, people suppressed the sound of crying with their sleeves, and men and women of all ages could not suppress tears.' 例文帳に追加

「家門・宿老・侍隊将・奉行・頭人・近習・外様、出棺の前後を打囲て行列の姿堂々たれ共、獅竜の部伍に事替り、衆皆哭慟の声を呑み、喪服の袂を絞りければ、街に蹲る男女老若共に泪止め兼ねたり。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the status also had the aspect of serving as a career stepping stone such as when capable individuals who were appointed from among ordinary citizens were temporarily be enrolled with the domain as ashigaru before their subsequent promotion, and what were once gangs of villains during the middle ages took on the identity of low-level public servants. 例文帳に追加

加えて、有能な人材を民間から登用する際、一時的に足軽として藩に在籍させ、その後昇進させる等の、ステップとしての一面もあり、中世の無頼の輩は、近世では下級公務員的性格へと変化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Along with the progress of the study of the Paleolithic period, many of the stone spears of the Jomon period have classified as 'point' (sentoki), and specifically the lanceolate stone tools of the ages between upper Paleolithic period and the Jomon period are called 'point' (the 2nd and 3rd examples mentioned above). 例文帳に追加

旧石器時代の研究が進展するにともない、縄文時代の石槍もポイント(尖頭器)と呼ばれるケースが増えており、その場合は後期旧石器時代から縄文時代にかけての槍先形の石器(上記の2.と3.)を呼称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Debts, honsengaeshi (a trade of real estate with the agreement of buying back in the Middle Ages), nenkiuri (land sold for a predetermined period, usually ten years, after which it would revert to its owner), etc. shall be settled right now, and in the case where payment for interest and payment in harvest exceed half of the principal amount after the settlement, fields and goods in pledge and payment in excess of half of the principal shall immediately be returned to honshu (original owner). 例文帳に追加

借銭・本銭返・年季売などは現時点で決済を行い、決算後に利息や収穫物などによる返済が元金の半額を越えていれば、質物となった田畠や物品、及び半額を超過した支払分を直ちに本主(元の所有者)に返還すること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the old days these were often built in the form of window rooms in the upper storey of large roofs in which it was difficult to make a window opening (hafu room) and through the ages these have mostly simply become decorative features with no room behind in the roof. 例文帳に追加

古くは、大きな屋根などで、窓の開口が難しくなった階層などに出窓のように突起して屋根を被せたもの(破風部屋)で、時代が下がるにつれて単に飾りというだけのものとなり、小屋裏に部屋さえも持たなくなることが多くなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a foot-part balance evaluation device, and a training unit and a training method that are useful for health maintenance and care including balancing ability of a subject and fall prevention by evaluating foot-part balance correcting ability and performing training with subjects of all the ages from young people to aged people as a target.例文帳に追加

若年者から,高齢者まですべての年代の被検者を対象とし,足部バランス修正能力を評価し,訓練することで,被検者のバランス能力,及び転倒予防を含めた健康維持,管理に役立つことが出来るものとする。 - 特許庁

To provide sweat-soaking underwear easily put off or on while wearing clothing without need of detailed operations with hands, broadly usable by any persons regardless of their ages as well as able-bodied persons, and applicable to miscellaneous use through changing its material to another one.例文帳に追加

衣類を着用したまま容易に脱衣でき、指先の細かい作業の必要性がなく、健常者のみならず老若男女を問わず多方面に幅広く使用ができ、素材を変えることによって他の用途を加味することも可能な汗取り用下着を提供する。 - 特許庁

Actually, several comments about advantages such as 'improvement in sensitivity to cold', 'falling into a deep sleep', and 'getting vitality', have been given to us from the elderly persons with ages ranging from 60 to 86 who have been involved in this research, at the trial production and research stage.例文帳に追加

現に、1年半の試作、研究段階において、この研究に関与頂いた60代から86歳までの、高齢者の方々から、冷え性が改善された様に思えるとか、熟睡出来る様になったとか、精がつくようだ、とのコメントを頂いた。 - 特許庁

The fact that a provision record is good may mean, for example, that content has been provided to more users in a unit time, or that content has been provided to users with ages, sexes, addresses, or tastes as promotion targets.例文帳に追加

提供実績が高いとは、例えば、単位時間内により多くのユーザにコンテンツを提供したことを意味するものとしてもよいし、プロモーションのターゲットとなる年齢、性別、住所、趣向のユーザにコンテンツを提供したことを意味するものとしてもよい。 - 特許庁

With regard to policies related to the promotion of employment of the elderly, the FINPAW was succeeded by two new programs called the VETO (national program designed to develop the work skills of each individual) and Nosto (vocational training program for people between ages 30 and 54 who have low educational backgrounds).例文帳に追加

FINPAW終了後、高齢者の就業促進に関連する施策は、「VETO」(仕事に関する個人の能力を開発するための全国プログラム)と「Nosto」(30歳から54歳の低学歴者に対する職業訓練プログラム)という新しい2つのプログラムに引き継がれている。 - 経済産業省

According to a survey in 2007 by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, countries with a higher GDP per capita than Japan generally have a higher level of Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA: ratio of people involved in setting up a new business among those between the ages of 18 and 64 (those who are preparing a new business and who started one within the past 42 months)). 例文帳に追加

また、2007年のGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor調査によれば、日本より一人当たりGDPの高い国は、総じて、日本よりもTotal Entrepreneurial Activity(TEA(起業活動率):18歳から64歳までの人口に占める起業活動を行っている者(起業準備中の者および起業後3年半以内の者)の割合)の水準が高い。 - 経済産業省

While the retail environment is growing increasingly difficult, rising concerns about the functional decline of local communities as the birthrate falls and the population ages are fueling growing hopes among local residents that shopping districts will play a significant role in maintaining and developing their local communities due to their close local ties with them. 例文帳に追加

小売業を巡る事業環境が厳しさを増している中、少子高齢化が進み地域コミュニティの機能低下も懸念されており、地域住民からは、商店街が地域に根ざした存在として、地域コミュニティを維持・発展させる役割を担うことへの期待が高まっている。 - 経済産業省

A breakdown by prefecture of the ages of enterprises additionally reveals a marked difference between prefectures with many older SMEs, and prefectures producing large numbers of new enterprises, indicating that there is a strong correlation between the age of enterprises and the entry rate (Fig. 2-3-2).例文帳に追加

また、企業年齢を都道府県別に見ると、歴史のある中小企業が多い都道府県と新しい企業が多く興っている都道府県との間に顕著な違いが生じており、企業年齢と開業率との間に高い相関のあることが分かる(第2-3-2図)。 - 経済産業省

Several factors helped this theory to be established. First, because social and economic stability reduced the percentage of patients compared to the Medieval Ages, onset of this disease within families -those who grew up in the same environment and those in close contact with patients from an early age- were noticed more.例文帳に追加

この血脈説が成立した背景として、1 点目には社会的・経済的安定によって中世よりも患者の発症率が下がった中、同じ生活環境にあり、幼児から患者との濃厚接触のあった人々の家族性発病が目立ったということがあげられよう。 - 厚生労働省

To provide a method for speedily and readily evaluating drugs having preventive or remedial effects on disorders caused by advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) produced by the Maillard reaction progressing, in a living body by an in vivo evaluation system, including pharmacological evaluations of safety or the like, and to provide a screening method capable of finding drugs having superior inhibiting effects of the production of AGEs, high safety with respect to living bodies, and satisfactory dispositions using such a method.例文帳に追加

生体内で進行するメイラード反応によって生成した糖化最終産物(AGEs)を起因とする障害を予防又は改善する効果を有する薬剤をin vivoの評価系で安全性等の薬理的な評価も含めて迅速、簡便に評価する方法を提供し、かかる方法を利用することによって、優れたAGEs生成抑制効果と高い生体に対する安全性、良好な体内動態を有する薬剤を見出し得るスクリーニング方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

The day-care services provided in Sweden are classified into four types: (1) Preschool for children between ages one and six and before reaching the age to attend school. It is equivalent to nursery schools in Japan, with full-day service available. (2) Preschool class for six-year old children. They are established inside elementary school buildings so that these children learn how to live in a group before starting to attend schools, and half-day services are available. (3) After-school center or leisure-time center for children between ages six and twelve. They are established next to elementary schools and may be used before and after school hours, as well as on holidays. (4) Family daycare for both age groups (children between ages one and twelve). An individual certified as a day-care personnel looks after a small number of children at his or her own home.例文帳に追加

スウェーデンの保育サービスは、①保育所(preschool:1~6歳の就学前児童を対象としており、日本の保育所に相当する。全日利用可。)、②就学前学級(preschool class:6歳児を対象としており、小学校の中に置かれ就学前に集団生活を学ぶことを目的にしている。半日利用可。)、③学童保育所(after-school center又はleisure-time center:6~12歳の学童を対象としており、始業前、放課後、休日に利用でき、小学校に併設されている。)、④家庭保育所(family daycare:両者(1~12歳児)を対象としており、一定の資格を有する保育担当者が自分の家で数人の児童を保育するもの。)の4種類に分類されている。 - 経済産業省

Unlike in Continental Asai, walled towns did not develop in Japan with only a few exceptions partly because different races seldom invaded Japan and partly because most of the land is covered with mountains; 'Josaku' (official defense sites) constructed as military defense facilities and 'Yakata', or worriers' residences armed with moats and wooden framed stages, developed into mountain castles during the Middle Ages. 例文帳に追加

日本では異民族の侵入が少なかったことや山地が国土の大半を占めることなどから、大陸に見られるような城壁都市は一部を除いて発展せず、野戦用の防御施設として作られた「城柵」や武士の居館を堀や櫓で防備した「館(やかた、たて、たち)」が、中世には山城へと発展した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, the characteristics that have generally been passed on till today--a long nose and red face, wearing the attire of a Yamabushi monk, and wearing wooden clogs with single support, flying freely in the sky with a leaf fan and having evil design--have been interpreted since the middle ages, and it is considered to be the superstitious blending of originally quite different characteristics. 例文帳に追加

したがって、今日、一般的に伝えられる、鼻が高く(長く)赤ら顔、山伏の装束に身を包み、一本歯の高下駄を履き、葉団扇を持って自在に空を飛び悪巧みをするといった性質は、中世以降に解釈されるようになったもので、本来まったく性質の異なったものが習合された俗信であるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has easygoing yet rich tones, and there are big differences from many types of biwa in later ages, namely it is played with other instruments, it has different tuning system for each tune, it has no mechanism for a string instrument, it has no playing system to press strings with the left-hand fingers between frets to control the tension to make different tunes, or it is played using even the pinky finger. 例文帳に追加

おおらかで豊かな音色を持ち、後世の諸琵琶との大きな違いは、他の楽器との合奏に用いられること、調ごとに調弦法が変わること、「弦楽器」の機構がないこと、左手の押弦が、柱(フレット)の間で絃を押さえる張力を変化させて音程を変える奏法がないこと、また小指まで使用すること、などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As to the background of the spread of his legend during the middle ages and in the modern era under the title "Hinomoto Shogun TAIRA no Shinno" as opposed to the title he had assumed himself, "New Emperor," Yukihiko SEKI points out that the legend was passed down with the new title as a means of eliminating the possibility of interpreting the name as representing the potentially divisive and dangerous notion of a separate, independent Bando, thereby facilitating respect for the law, and that it reflects the administrative philospphy of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo who chose to become the head of a separate military administration that could peacefully coexist with the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

「新皇」と名乗った史実に反し「日本将軍平親王」としての伝説が中世近世を通じて流布した背景に、板東の分与・独立という危険な思想を意味する前者を排除し、遵法的存在としての名称に換え伝えたもので、軍事権門として朝廷と併存する道を選択した源頼朝を投影したものだとする関幸彦の指摘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were also built in the Middle Ages together with tradesmen's houses (merchant's houses), and in modern times, with the arrival of firearms, lime plaster stud wall techniques were also used on castles for fire-proofing and bullet-proofing, and mud walls over 30 centimeters thick as Dozo-zukuri style were extensively used on defensive structures such as guard towers and turrets keep from the late Azuchi-Momoyama period to around the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

中世にも町屋(商家)などと共に建てられており、近世、鉄砲の伝来の影響により城郭にも防火・防弾のために漆喰大壁の技術が用いられ、30cm以上の分厚い壁を多用したことで安土桃山時代後期から江戸期前後の櫓や天守などの防御施設は土蔵造りとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, 'Comments on Tengu' in "A Study on Shrines," by Razan HAYASHI, and "A Study on Monsters of All Ages," by Atsutane HIRATA, describe the souls that appeared in "Taiheiki," including Sanuki-in (the Retired Emperor Sutoku) having turned into a gold kite as the god enshrined in 'Shiramine jingu Shrine' in Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City, the Retired Emperor Gotoba having turned into a shamon with long wings, and Emperor Go-Daigo driving Ryusha (an Emperor's car), as Tengu. 例文帳に追加

また、林羅山の『神社考』「天狗論」、また平田篤胤の『古今妖魅考』に、京都市上京区に存在する「白峯神宮」の祭神である金色の鳶と化した讃岐院(崇徳上皇)、長い翼を持つ沙門となった後鳥羽上皇、龍車を駆る後醍醐天皇ら、『太平記』に登場する御霊が天狗として紹介される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many people of all ages in the city enjoy a wide variety of fishing, with many visitors from other prefectures due to the following reasons: first, farm ponds are scattered around the city due to the many rice fields; second, the city boasts the Nakayama-ike Pond, one of the best fishing spots from old times; and third, large dams such as Hitokura Dam (Hyogo Prefecture), Hiyoshi Dam, Ono Dam and Wachi Dam (Kyoto Prefecture) as well as rivers such as the Yura-gawa and Hozu-gawa Rivers, also being some of the best fishing spots, are situated nearby, 例文帳に追加

水田が多いことから溜池が至る所に点在していること、市内に古くから有数の釣りスポットである中山池があること、また近隣に一庫ダム(兵庫県)、日吉ダム、大野ダム、和知ダム(京都府)といった大規模ダムと由良川、保津川といった有数の鮎釣りスポットがあることから年齢問わず広いジャンルの「釣り」を趣味に持つ人が多く、他府県からの来訪者も多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the exception of certain castles constructed around the end of the Sengoku Period or in the Edo period, such as Himeji-jo castle and Matsumoto-jo castle (both of which still exist and have been designated as world heritage sites and national treasures), as well as Osaka-jo castle, Edo-jo castle, or Nagoya-jo castle (which are well known symbols of the history of the city by people of a wide range of ages), the majority of the castles that were constructed or used in the Sengoku Period are not well known. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代に築城あるいは使用された大部分の城は、戦国時代末期から江戸時代にかけて築城された、現存の姫路城や松本城のように世界遺産や国宝に指定されたり、あるいは大坂城、江戸城、名古屋城のように、都市の歴史の象徴として、広い年齢層の人々があまねく一般知識として認知するまで敷衍されてはいない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ozuki family administered the records of Imperial Japanese Council of State from the Middle Ages, and was, due to its inherited position of fifth rank (sadaishi joshu), known as the family of administrative service; when OZUKI no Hirofusa, the son of , and OZUKI no Takamoto, Hirofusa's younger brother, fought over the position, the family was divided into two streams with the position of fifth rank going Takamoto and his descendents (the Mibu family) and the post of sanhakase (a position teaching mathematics and looking after mathematicians) going to Hirofusa and his descendants (the Omiya family). 例文帳に追加

小槻氏は中世より太政官の諸記録を司り、五位の官務(左大史上首)を世襲したため官務家と呼ばれたが、平安時代末に小槻長業の子の小槻広房と弟の隆職がその職を争い、五位の官務は隆職の子孫(壬生家)、算博士は広房の子孫(大宮家)が世襲することとなり、二流に分裂した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When a determination is made as to whether or not the user being logged in can be authenticated, the face image data extracted at that time is compared with the newest face image data stored in the face image data storage means J so as to increase the accuracy of authenticating the user, while reducing identification errors due to changes in the user's hairstyle or face across the ages.例文帳に追加

ログイン中の利用者の適否判定に際して、その時点で抽出された顔画像データと顔画像データ記憶手段Jに記憶されている最新の顔画像データとを比較することで、利用者の真贋判定の確度を向上させ髪型の変化や顔の経年変化による判定ミスを軽減する。 - 特許庁

To provide an automatic image forming condition adjusting method and an image forming condition stabilizing method for forming a stable image without causing an abnormal image such as the image with white spots and black spots, irrespective of fluctuation of a gap distance, a variance by product and various kinds of characteristic fluctuation due to environment and the using ages, as for a non-contact developing system.例文帳に追加

非接触現像方式において間隙距離Dsの変動や製品毎のバラツキ、環境や使用年数による種々の特性変動のもとでも、白斑点や黒斑点等の異常な画像を発生させることなく安定した画像を形成するための画像形成条件の自動調整法、安定化法を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

This skin care preparation for external use has a keratin decomposition action and a foreign body removal action useful for treating the wart, particularly the wart (the acrochordon or the skin tag) grown mainly on the neck which increases with increased ages, and can be used as a cosmetic in the field of cosmetics, and additionally can be utilized in the fields of medicines, quasi drugs, and the like.例文帳に追加

本発明によれば、いぼ特に年齢に伴い増加する主として首にできるいぼ(アクロコルト゛ン、スキンタック゛)の治療において有用な角質分解、異物排出作用を有し、化粧品分野において化粧料として用いることができ、その他医薬品、医薬部外品等の分野においても利用することができる。 - 特許庁

To provide an automatic image forming condition adjusting method and an image forming condition stabilizing method in order to form a stable image without occurrence of an abnormal image such as the image with white spots and black spots irrespective of a fluctuation of a gap distance, a variance by product and various kinds of characteristic fluctuation due to environment and using ages, as for a non-contact developing system.例文帳に追加

非接触現像方式において間隙距離Dsの変動や製品毎のバラツキ、環境や使用年数による種々の特性変動のもとでも、白斑点や黒斑点等の異常な画像を発生させることなく安定した画像を形成するための画像形成条件の自動調整法、安定化法を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁


One of the objectives pursued was described as "We contribute to 'the safety and security of the community,'" which, more specifically, enumerated the enhancement of the percentage of participation in crime prevention drills to 50 percent or higher in Fiscal Year 2011 (37 percent in Fiscal Year 2008) to further strengthen their crime prevention systems, the reorganization of the industry regulations for confirming ages at the time of sales of cigarettes and liquor by asking for identifications, and promotion of cooperation with municipal governments such as agreement on support for people having difficulty in going home on disastrous occasions as part of the efforts in their safety station project, "Living Base of Safety and Security of the Community," described in Column No. 24. 例文帳に追加

取組目標の一つとして、「わたしたちは、『まちの安全・安心』に貢献します」と掲げており、具体的には、コラム No.22に記載の「まちの安全・安心の生活拠点」セーフティステーション活動への取組の一環として防犯体制を一層強化するための防犯訓練の参加率2011年度 50%(2008年度 37%)以上に引き上げや、たばこ・お酒販売時の身分証提示による年齢確認のための業界ルールの整備、災害時帰宅困難者支援協定等の自治体との協力の推進を挙げている。 - 経済産業省


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原題:”On Liberty”

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原題:”The Declaration of Independence”

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