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該当件数 : 1777



One lesson provided by the current global financial crisis that is gradually becoming a consensus is that financial business that generates added value by creating several layers of securities from the underlying assets, which may be called financial engineering for the sake of financial business, is not necessarily desirable. Although products thus created may play a significant role in some cases, it is not necessarily desirable for the general public. In short, the recognition is spreading around the world that the role that the financial sector is supposed to play is to properly support the real economy, ensure optimal allocation of resources from the perspective of the entire national economy and facilitate and strengthen this process. In this sense, I hope that the Japanese financial industry will make efforts to provide high-quality services that properly meet the needs of households and companies.  - 金融庁


In any case, the FSA and the SESC accept various criticisms sincerely and intend to make every possible effort to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option, including with regard to ways of collecting and using information.  - 金融庁


The bill seeks to establish exceptions to the rule of the Insurance Business Law for mutual aid enterprises that have been operating since before the amendment of the Insurance Business Law in 2005, provided that certain criteria are met, and enable them to continue operations subject to supervision according to their actual status for the time being, while ensuring the protection of policyholders and other parties. At the close of the previous ordinary session of the Diet, the decision was made at the Diet to continue the deliberation of the bill (instead of scrapping it). The FSA will strive to get the bill enacted promptly.  - 金融庁


I think that this move is part of the efforts being made at a time when it is a common task for various countries to rebuild a regulatory framework based on the recognition that it is necessary to restore the robustness of financial systems and markets so as to prevent the recurrence of the global financial turmoil that was caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage problem.  - 金融庁



I think that we need to consider future insurance premium rates not only in light of the current financial condition of Deposit Insurance Corporation but also from medium- and long-term perspectives, including Deposit insurance Corporation's long-term financial condition, the current and future stability of Japan's financial system, individual financial institutions' ability to bear the burden of premium payments, and the need to avoid imposing an excessive burden.  - 金融庁



I would like to be given the opportunity to properly fulfill my duty with this matter firmly engraved in my mind. As you are well aware, up to 10 million yen in principal plus the interest on that principal per depositor will be protected. As you know, the Incubator Bank of Japan only deals in fixed-term deposits, and the portion exceeding 10 million yen in principal plus the interest on that principal will be reimbursed depending on the Bank's asset position, according to the rehabilitation plan formulated under the civil rehabilitation proceedings. A portion of deposits is expected to be cut.  - 金融庁


I know well about Mr. Jimi's various policy techniques, which appear to be crude but which have been very carefully crafted. While looking back at the achievements of the past ministers, I will ensure that valuable funds and taxpayers' money flow to vulnerable people, and to growth sectors and industries that create new jobs in Japan, which has been thrown into a tough competitive society, where it faces the hollowing-out of its industry.  - 金融庁


The frequency of the meeting will likely be once every other month so, rather than every month in principle. I have a related question. Do you plan to create the post of chairman, for example?  - 金融庁


As you know, according to the U.S. jobs data, the number of non-farm jobs was much lower than expected by the market. Although an increase of 205,000 jobs from the previous month had been expected, the number actually increased by 120,000. I think that there may be some moves to avert risk in relation to the U.S. economy.  - 金融庁



Secondly, by conforming to the basic concepts indicated in the principles, we, the supervisors, will be better able to take regulatory action in a fair manner suited to the actual circumstances when interpreting and enforcing rules.  - 金融庁



As I said earlier, we took great care to design the regulatory framework so as not to contravene the basic spirit of international commitments, including the WTO agreement. As I mentioned several times, regarding the basic spirit of the WTO, Japan has benefited from free trade in the postwar era. Whichever political system it may adopt, Japan cannot exist without free trade, or without importing raw materials and processing them into products for exports. That is the very basic principle of the Japanese economy, so Japan must pay great respect to the spirit of the WTO.  - 金融庁


However, as I have been saying since last autumn, Japan's exposure to subprime-related securitized products is limited compared with that of the United States and Europe, so the subprime mortgage problem is unlikely to produce a serious direct impact on Japan's financial system. I expect that this (the announcement regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) may lead to a situation in which we need to change our assessment of the impact.  - 金融庁


There was an era in which it was necessary to conduct financial administration in ways that enhance the international competitiveness of major banks.I believe that now that we have achieved the change of government, it is necessary to take financial measures from the standpoint of SMEs.I hear that in that spirit, former Minister Kamei put into force the SME Financing Facilitation Act as a member of the coalition cabinet as a provisional measure to support financing for SMEs.  - 金融庁


As you may know, no major turmoil has arisen, and I have been told that business operations including cancellation procedures are, thankfully, being carried out smoothly. On the whole, everything is going extremely smoothly. I believe once things have settled down, we would have to verify this situation in an appropriate manner. In any case, up to 10 million yen in principal per depositor and the interest on such principal will be protected regardless of the repayment period, and any amount in excess of 10 million yen in principal and the interest on such principal will be reimbursed according to civil rehabilitation proceedings, so I would like to further request depositors to respond in a calm fashion.  - 金融庁


Although the Ministry of Finance is not directly involved in this, I also think that it is necessary to seek the understanding of the ministry on our draft bill and that it will be better to seek advice from the standpoint of the ministry before I express my view at the working group. Therefore, at the cabinet meeting, I asked Minister of Finance Fujii to express the MoF's opinions on the working group's ideas when our senior vice minister consults vice minister of the MoF, so the senior vice minister is going to meet him  - 金融庁


As for your first question, I am aware of media reports that an official in charge of Japanese government bonds at U.S. rating agency Moody's commented on the outlook of the rating of Japanese government bonds on Wednesday, February 9. However, I am not aware of details. In any case, credit ratings are opinions expressed based on the expert knowledge of credit rating agencies, so I would like to refrain from commenting on the specifics of ratings and rating outlooks.  - 金融庁


In any case, at the relevant cabinet ministers' meeting two weeks ago, we held a discussion while fully taking account of the characteristics of Japanese deposits.  As Minister Furukawa raised this issue for the first time, I believe that we need to conduct deliberation by fully taking account of those characteristics. From the FSA, Parliamentary Secretary Ogushi is participating in the cabinet committee, so I asked him to lead the discussion.  - 金融庁


The greatest difference between the situation of 1929 and the Lehman shock of three years ago is that after 1929, the world divided into economic blocs and this led eventually to World War II, as I said previously. Now, the economic globalization has proceeded. Amid the economic globalization, countries are implementing coordinated policies based on the lessons of 1929, despite their differences in the historical backgrounds, economic circumstances and political situations. The G-7 meeting starting today will discuss economic, currency and financial issues.  - 金融庁


The FSA has already analyzed the vast volume of complaints received from companies that incurred losses from derivative contracts, and it revised the guidelines for supervision regarding the sale of derivatives in April 2010. The FSA will continue to take appropriate actions regarding matters necessary for the protection of customers.  - 金融庁


As the market volatility has increased very much amid the severe conditions of the real economy and the global market turmoil, I hope the managers will conduct management with a forward-looking vision as to what kind of risks their financial institutions will be exposed to and how their institutions can develop their businesses half a year, one year and two years from now.  - 金融庁


The response to the current situation in Europe that has been caused by the Greek problem has been discussed at a series of meetings of euro-zone and EU Ministers of Finance and meetings between German Chancellor Merkel and French President Sarkozy, as you know, and I strongly hope that progress will be made in the response.  - 金融庁


I expect that it will focus on the recognition of the current state of the real economy and how to prevent the bottom from falling out of the economy. First, I would like to know what kind of agreement or cooperation you will aim for. Also, what do you think of restrictions on pay for top executives of financial institutions and rules concerning the ethics of financial institutions, which will reportedly be on the agenda?  - 金融庁


Although a follow-up team for business legislation is not usually created immediately after the establishment of the legislation, I believed it was necessary to create the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-up Team. Given that there are sound borrowers, in addition to the fact that there is a relatively large number of borrowers who tend to be in tough circumstances in society and in hardship, we decided to create a team to follow up on them. We are currently making efforts to raise awareness of the amended Money Lending Act, as well as conducting various surveys on the impact of the amended Money Lending Act. We are also considering conducting various interviews in the industry. At this stage, we believe it is necessary to properly follow up on them and take necessary and swift action in response to the findings. In general terms, my understanding is that the environment is extremely tough for consumers at this time, so we are committed to having the Team follow up on them properly.  - 金融庁


However, there are limits to what can be done by the FSA alone, as I mentioned earlier. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for fiscal expenditure, while the three ministries that I mentioned handle policy-based finance schemes. The provision of loans with a five-year grace period of principal and interest payment is an example of policy-based finance, as I know. The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry included such a scheme in the first supplementary budget. Thus, the government as a whole will deal with this matter.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting on specific matters, such as what the planned organization, which would be similar to RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation), will be like or what the schedule for the implementation of the plan will be. The U.S. authorities have already taken a variety of measures in order to bail out GSEs (government-sponsored enterprises) and contain the crisis. We welcome the U.S. authorities' decision to take an additional step toward stabilizing the markets, and we intend to keep a close watch on future developments while maintaining close cooperation with the authorities of the United States and other countries.  - 金融庁


As for the European situation, long-term interest rates have been fluctuating recently. While the Greek problem is said to have been brought under control for the moment, a general election was held in Spain. Yesterday, I happened to see a TV program pointing out that support for established parties has been declining sharply, and it occurred to me that in Japan, a similar phenomenon may arise.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting on this matter as it is up to individual financial institutions. Generally speaking, however, the main business areas of the two banks are in their respective prefectures, so in the sense that they do not overlap, the merger of the banks based on their own judgments at a time like this is welcome news not only to users, but also in consideration of the stability of management in this day and age.  - 金融庁


According to the bank’s announcement, the bankjudged, based on the concept of forward-looking management, that it is necessary to strengthen the capital base in order to deal with the prolonged financial and economic slump and the deterioration of the real economy and make genuine contributions to regional invigoration.” I welcome this kind of thinking and approach.  - 金融庁


The management of pension funds is a very important operation. In particular, Japan faces an aging of society, and even corporate pensions and private pensions include portions entrusted by the government to employee pension fund operators, so those pensions are a source of reassurance for the people. However, as the inspection on the cause is still ongoing, we must identify the cause through careful examination and conduct an appropriate review without being constrained by conventional fixed ideas and without ruling out any option.  - 金融庁


I think that what became clear this time is that while Citibank made some improvement efforts following the punishment, drawing up an improvement plan and establishing a necessary institutional framework, the problem was that the plan and the framework were quite ineffective. I hope that Citibank will now take effective measures and make serious efforts to continue those measures by building a check-and-balance system, for example.  - 金融庁


In fact, we plan to announce the interim draft of the Action Plan today. Senior Vice Minister Shozo Azuma will be providing you with an explanation this afternoon, so please ask him about the details on that occasion. Please note that the announcement today will be limited to the interim draft. After the presentation of the interim draft, we plan to gather more feedback from interested parties in various fields as necessary and compile the final version by the end of the year.  - 金融庁


As the Minister for Financial Services, I think that when Tokyo Electric Power borrows loans from financial institutions on its own initiative, that will be an arrangement between private institutions. That the government should not comment on arrangements between private institutions is a very basic premise in a liberal society. As Tokyo Electric Power is a private company, the arrangement of such loans should in principle be left to negotiations between the company and private financial institutions.  - 金融庁


It is true that the Financial Services Agency has directly received various complaints from small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) that have incurred significant losses following volatile movements in foreign exchange rates. The FSA revised the guideline for supervision regarding the sale of derivatives in 2010. The FSA is analyzing requests for consultation and complaints from companies that have incurred losses from derivative contracts and it will continue to take appropriate actions when necessary to protect customers.  - 金融庁

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They are all busy people. However, now that we have made an announcement, the sooner, the better. As for the committee members who are university professors, I hear that they will have more time to spare in March. In April, they will be busy as freshmen arrive on the campus. While it is up to the committee members to fix the date, I am hoping that such circumstances will be taken into consideration.  - 金融庁


I should not make a definitive statement about the level of expert investment decisions involved in these cases, because the level probably varies on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking, business operators that sell investment products with high risks should, as a matter of course, take care to offer products that match investorsvarious needs and provide necessary and sufficient information in light of each investors level of understanding, so as to enable rational investment decisions.  - 金融庁


As to the purchase of loans, regarding which questions have been frequently asked in the Diet, I understand that the DPJ's plan includes, as well as the purchase of loans, investment from an SME turnaround fund in which SME Support, Japan invests, as a measure to support SMEs that are saddled with excessive debts but have the chance for business recovery. Relevant ministries should appropriately consider policy options while taking account of the DPJ's plan.  - 金融庁


Excessive leveraging may result in a rapid market contraction if some problem occurs, as when the Lehman shock occurred.As such a phenomenon has actually happened, there are international debates at G-7 and G-20 on issues related to G-SIFIs (global systemically important financial institutions) with that in mind from the perspectives of the protection of consumers and users and, more broadly, the protection of the economy, and I think that the strengthening of the margin regulation is part of this broad trend.  - 金融庁


Mr. Kamei resigned after he was infuriated by Mr. Kan's failure to keep his promise, and he made me succeed him. As I am a conservative politician, I made a difficult decision and took over as leader of the People's New Party. I had privately resolved to resign gracefully as a mark of my pride as a conservative politician regardless of whether or not the bill was enacted.  - 金融庁


From the viewpoint of the FSA as a market watchdog, it is a welcome development in that the participation of a diverse range of investors adds depth to the market and reinvigorates trading, although the underlying premise is that the transparency and fairness of the market should be maintained so as to protect investors and that market rules should be properly followed.  - 金融庁


This matter has been thoroughly discussed in a recent meeting in Tottori between Minister of Environment and Nuclear Power Policy and Administration Hosono and the governors of the Kansai region. I accept that statement as appropriate.  - 金融庁


I am worried that the economic problem and fiscal and debt crises in Europe may not be moving toward stability. However, I am hoping that Europe will take appropriate measures and strive to eliminate concern over these problems. I am strongly hoping that such efforts will resolve the problems.  - 金融庁


Next let me quote briefly from the paper distributed to you. “While the ‘Interim Reportindicated a certain direction, I would like to call before the end of June a joint meeting of the plenary and the Planning and Coordination Committee of the Business Accounting Council, after adding new members to represent diverse views, and seek a discussion taking into account the changes since the release of theInterim Report,’ the fact that the voluntary application has been made possible for the business years ending on or after 31 March, 2010, the progress in the equivalence assessment by the European Union and the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.”  - 金融庁


While postal affairs are not a subject of discussion for the immediate future, finance is very closely related to the people's lives in a broad range of fields, as you know, so the Chief Cabinet Secretary said I should participate in the debate on TPP when I talked with him today. As Minister for Financial Affairs and as a state minister, I would like to express my opinions in a responsible manner.  - 金融庁


I was just told by the administrative staff that the Law has been fairly effective. The agreement reached among the three ruling parties last September clearly states their commitment to properly rectify credit withdrawal and credit crunch especially with respect to SMEs in times of recession like this. As the bill for facilitating SME finance was put together with this in mind, we will properly give positive consideration to this matter.  - 金融庁


As this is a matter concerning the management of an individual financial institution, basically, I would like to refrain from making comments. In any case, the FSA will keep a close watch on future developments amid the continued tensions in the global financial markets, including the impact of the latest failure on the Japanese financial market, while maintaining a high level of alertness and cooperating with relevant authorities.  - 金融庁


Regarding financial affairs, the turmoil in the global financial markets has not yet subsided completely, so it is necessary to keep watching developments in the global financial markets and the U.S. markets. At the same time, it is necessary to work harder to facilitate financing for SMEs amid the weakening of Japan’s real economy. In the field of administrative reform, we have set a broad policy on the reform of the Employment and Human Resources Development Organization.  - 金融庁


In this respect, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) is considering a radical revision of the financial inspection manual. If we implement the amended Money Lending Act without properly addressing the issue of whether Japanese financial institutions should perform their function, a variety of problems will occur, so I believe that it is important to address that issue.  - 金融庁


I believe that in order to regain the people's trust in finance, it is very important that I, as the person responsible for financial administration, will do my part without ruling out any option while sincerely accepting criticism, although the investigation results are still unknown.  - 金融庁



Now, Diet deliberations will start in earnest on these bills, which will help to energize struggling small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and small shops as well as salaried workers. We will quickly enact these bills and revise the financial inspection manual, and we will do our best to improve the situation of struggling SMEs and salaried workers toward the end of the year and beyond.  - 金融庁


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