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それから、もう皆様方ご存じのように、2年前のリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショック以来、世界の金融が非常に各国に大きな危機になる。しかしながら、1929年の世界大恐慌の後で各国の経済がブロック化しまして、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つだと今の歴史家は判断していますが、今回はそういった本当に苦しい人類の歴史の反省に立って、曲がりなりにもG8、G20をやってきまして、この前、ご存じのように中央銀行代表、また金融監督庁の長官会議が終わりまして、あとはまた11月のソウル・サミットがございますが、私がよく言いますように、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、あるいはアジアの新興国、それぞれに色々とあるわけでございますけれども、そういった中でバーゼル III が大体合意に達したということは、私は世界史的な大変意義のあることだと思っています例文帳に追加

I would also like to point out that since the Lehman Brothers crisis two years ago, the financial world in nations around the globe was plunged into a grave situation. What is relevant here is the fact that the economy became divided by national borders in the wake of the Great Depression in 1929, which, according to present-day historians, is one of the remote causes of the Second World War. Looking back on the truly sober human history like that, we have worked painstakingly to address the situation by holding G8 and G20 meetings and the meeting of the Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision, which just wrapped up as you know, and we also have the November Seoul Summit ahead of us. As I often say, every countrybe it the U.S., in Europe or an emerging economy in Asia – has different circumstances to deal with. In that light, I find it quite significant in the context of world history that the Basel III accord has, for the most part, been reached successfully.  - 金融庁


I am very grateful for the fact that nearly 90% of the retail branches are operating as usual, with some employees continuing to work despite the uncertainty over the safety of their missing family members.  - 金融庁


As for points of attention, we will need to keep a close watch on how the U.S. economic conditions will develop in relation to the macro-economic indicators that were used for the assumptions of stress case scenarios, how much confidence in the overall market will be restored, how quickly banks will raise capital and how the state of lending by banks will play out following the capital-raising.  - 金融庁


It is also important that financial institutions put themselves in the shoes of borrowers—that is, the users of financial servicessuch as small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), micro enterprises and large companies. At the same time, it is important that financial institutions are stable, so ensuring their sound management is obviously vital. Especially in the case of mega banks, given that we are already living in the world of global financial market, it is important that they properly fulfill their missions in that context as well. It is not a matter of "either/or", as both of them are extremely important to us as a financial regulator and supervisor.  - 金融庁



The rules-based approach will be applied to financial institutions that operate based on the idea that rules may be violated as long as the violation can be covered up. It is desirable that financial institutions making voluntary improvement efforts be rewarded or get higher marks in assessment by financial administrators, and it is most ideal if financial institutions recognize that such efforts enable them to gain more trust from customers, attract more business and improve earnings.  - 金融庁



There have been various newspaper and TV reports about that. Earlier, I said that this is a very serious case. Naturally, we should first clarify facts, examine the cause and prevent a recurrence. Japan is a constitutional country, and as the SESC is still conducting inspection, it is necessary to clarify facts. As I said earlier, I would like you to understand that with such matters in mind, the FSA is strongly resolved to deal with this case without ruling out any option while closely cooperating with relevant government ministries and agencies.  - 金融庁


When I took office two years ago, I expressed my resolve to do my best. One thing I feel regrettable about personally is that I was unable to communicate with FSA staff in a more cordial atmosphere. When I had to deal with one problem after another or when I was presented with irrelevant analysis or plans by the staff, I may have allowed my irritation to show on my face.  - 金融庁


When I asked Minister (for economy, trade and industry) Nikai about three weeks ago what would happen to Japanese parts manufacturers supplying parts to GM if GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedures, he replied that the amount of account receivables owed to them are not large relative to their company sizes and that although they would incur losses, they could cope with the situation on their own. Therefore, I think that although Japanese manufactures have been affected, the impact remains minor.  - 金融庁


As I said at the beginning of this press conference, we have until now made various institutional reforms, and some measures included in the reforms were forward-looking. The reform of the settlement system, the enactment of the Financial Instruments Exchange Act, and the Better Market Initiative may include world-leading measures. If such measures are found to be excessive, they will have to be reviewed. Given that the household and industrial sectors are closely related to the financial sector, we intend to debate how we should realize the development of both financing as the supporter of the household and industrial sectors and financing as an industry and achieve a positive cycle of these two functions complementing each other while taking into consideration the need to revitalize the Japanese economy and deal with the shrinking population of children and the aging of society.  - 金融庁



As we announced back then, the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-up Team takes three key institutional approaches, namely, making the system concerning the amended Money Lending Business Act widely known, identifying the actual enforcement status and impact of the Money Lending Act, and following up on and inspecting the system concerning the amended Money Lending Act. The FSA intends to follow up on the status of the amended Money Lending Act after full enforcement and examine the situation promptly as necessary.  - 金融庁



The responsibility of the parties involved in the serious problems caused by the originate-to-distribute business model is being investigated properly in the United States, where a substantial portion of - or I should say most of - the transactions concerning this business model were implemented, and this will contribute to efforts to prevent the occurrence of problems like the subprime mortgage crisis by restoring the shaken confidence of market players and imposing enhanced discipline on lenders.  - 金融庁


As for measures related to the double loan problem, which involves the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Reconstruction Agency and the FSA, I will make judgment after reviewing what role the SME Financing Facilitation Act has played, including a higher level of operations, such as the recapitalization of regional financial institutions intended to ensure that funds flow to regions.  - 金融庁


The third issue was the current and future status of the education and training of investors and auditors, and the fourth issue was the current status of the use of international accounting standards in foreign markets and existing markets for professional investors. We need to intensify debate on these issues. As I held in-depth discussions with Chairman Cox the other day, the FSA will maintain and strengthen cooperation with the United States, which is in a similar situation to Japan's in relation to international standards.  - 金融庁


That said, the absence of a certain level of control by public authorities would inevitably generate a gap between the rich and the poor, or ups and downs of the economy. As you see, it was from this sort of thought that Keynesian economics emerged. On that account, I believe that how to achieve harmonization between markets and democratic authorities elected by the people is indeed a very complex but extremely important modern-day challenge.  - 金融庁


The FSA believes that it is important to consider what measures would be appropriate to be taken from various viewpoints, such as the protection of users, the safety and efficiency of settlement systems, the improvement of convenience for users and the promotion of innovations, while taking account of the findings of the Financial System Council.  - 金融庁


As for the procedures to be taken in Japan when a foreign bank with a branch in Japan has failed, it is difficult to generalize, as the response would depend on how the failure has occurred and what legal actions are taken in the home country. In any case, if a foreign bank has failed, the FSA will strive to take appropriate action quickly in cooperation with the Bank of Japan and overseas authorities while trying to minimize the impact on domestic depositors and the Japanese financial system.  - 金融庁


For another thing, derivatives products, which are new products based on financial engineering, have been sold around the world and the implosion of derivatives deals has had a significant impact on the real economy. Recently, such a situation occurred in the United States. By all means, the government must avoid a situation in which greed leads even innocent ordinary investors, who lack adequate knowledge, to suffer financial damage. The FSA (Financial Services Agency) has already been acting from that perspective. As you know, there are various ways of trading between many counterparties in the market. The FSA is considering if it is possible to set a central body that clears off all gains and losses made in the market through these trading. If a good proposal comes up in this respect, we may enact it into law. This is another matter we are now working on.  - 金融庁


The presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out.  From my 27 years of experience as a lawmaker, we are reminded of legal deficiencies when an inappropriate incident occurs.  I have often witnessed cases in which loopholes of existing laws, if I may say so, have been exploited.  In this case, too, from an objective standpoint, some professionals, who were probably operating outside Japan, who live or whose addresses are registered in a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, appear to have acted as outside collaborators, from what I know from reading newspapers.  Therefore, we will consider the possibility of imposing fines. International investigation is in progress regarding LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) and TIBOR (Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate).  - 金融庁


As I made yesterday's speech in English, my explanations may have been insufficient in some respects. We are now making final adjustments in preparation for the submission of our requests regarding the tax system related to securities investment at the end of August. Probably, our requests will include several items, such as the enhancement of the defined contribution pension scheme and the 401K plan. One major pillar will be the preferential treatment for elderly people that you mentioned -- a reduced tax rate applicable to investments made by elderly people or the introduction of a tax-free bracket -- and another pillar will be a special measure intended to foster small-lot investors through a preferential treatment, which may be called the Japanese version of the ISA (Individual Savings Account).I think that it is very important to not only provide preferential treatment for elderly people but also foster a broad base of ordinary investors.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask the management of banks to make identifying customer needs and properly meeting the needs the focus of their business, rather than trying to find excuses for defending themselves against the authorities. I believe it is much more productive for banks to make efforts to increase their profits and corporate value by earning the trust of customers by way of this approach.  - 金融庁


This business model involves a series of processes in which the underlying asset created through a deal between the lender and the borrower is securitized by the arranger and sold to investors. We have recognized the risk that the problem of moral hazards could occur during various stages of the securitization process.  - 金融庁


According to a newspaper article that I read today, a senior official of the Bank of Japan who chairs the Markets Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has been appointed to this post upon France’s request, and Finance Minister Noda also mentioned this at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers. It was agreed at the G20 meeting that international debates will be conducted in order to identify the cause of the price upsurge. A global consensus has not yet been formed. Therefore, we must clarify the cause.  - 金融庁


We examined the governance system and the risk management system of the Incubator Bank of Japan through voluntary interviews, reporting orders, on-site inspections and other activities in relation to its business of purchasing debts from money lenders which had increased rapidly since 2008 and large loans which soared sharply since 2009. As the results of the on-site inspection launched in June 2009 identified serious problems including those in the credit risk management system relating to large loans and debt factoring operations, we issued a business suspension order and a business improvement order on May 27 and took action accordingly. That is what happened, and I do understand what have asked. As the Minister for Financial Services, I truly feel sorry for honest depositors for having had the “pay-offscheme implemented.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, the financial industry has experienced the Lehman Shock and the European debt crisis, which have triggered extreme volatility in the government bond prices of various countries.  Therefore, we would like to conduct intensive deliberations on a broad range of points of debate, including the flexibilization of regulation to suit the trend of international rules and changes in social and economic circumstances and on the assurance of the supply of appropriate products that takes account of ordinary investors.  - 金融庁


We are aware that the FSA itself must make strenuous efforts in order to bring about the benefits I have mentioned. It is essential to make sure that all FSA staff properly understand the purpose for which these principles have been established and how to apply them.  - 金融庁


We must take such criticism seriously. As the guidelines are managed under an agreement reached among private-sector parties about debt workout for people facing difficulty repaying debts due to the earthquake damage, it is necessary to explain the guidelines in plain terms to disaster victims, hear from them about their circumstances carefully from their standpoint, and conscientiously deal with their cases when managing the guidelines. The government will keep watching how the parties concerned will act so that debt workout based on the guidelines will proceed smoothly.  - 金融庁


That said, according to the staff in charge, the Incubator Bank of Japan was cooperative in the first inspection but extremely uncooperative in the second inspection. Mr. Kimura is in a sense truly a specialist, having worked at the Bank of Japan. I have been told that the staff in charge had an extremely tough time in the inspection. The third inspection was conducted with the same lineup after extensive consideration with a strong sense of commitment, where it would normally take three to six months. In the end, the Bank was deemed to have been evading inspections. Being an executive branch of government, our operations must be based on laws and facts, as you are well aware. Basically, it is necessary to ensure fairness, abide by laws and issue business improvement orders or business suspension orders based on facts, so I hope you understand that difficulties were involved in the process. However, what you said is indeed understandable in the context of public sentiment, so I intend to properly fulfill my duty as Minister with that in mind.  - 金融庁

しかし同時にそのことが、日本国でも当時、貸し渋り貸しはがしということで信用収縮に繋がって、非常に経済が縮まってきたということ、あるいは、きちんと資金さえ供給されれば生き延びていた企業がたくさんある時代に(金融機関が)破綻したわけでございまして、私などは特に1997年から1998年に閣僚をしておりましたので、北海道拓殖銀行の破綻、それから山一證券の破綻を経験した閣僚でもございましたから、そういったことで、やはりバーゼル III というのは、非常に世界史的なことだと思っております例文帳に追加

It is also true, though, that a higher ratio does provide peace of mind. At the same time, however, going in that direction resulted in a credit crunch and oppressive debt collection practices in Japan in the past, leading to tight credit conditions and hence an extreme economic contraction. Back in those days, we witnessed failures of financial institutions when there were a large number of companies that could have survived if only they had had a good supply of funds. I felt the impact particularly keenly because I was in a ministerial post from 1997 to 1998 when the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank failed and Yamaichi Securities followed suit. All those things considered, Basel III strikes me as a very significant feat in the context of world history.  - 金融庁


Forgive me for citing a general principle that I always mention, but accounting standards serve as an important universal yardstick for measuring the financial conditions of companies. In the case of listed companies in particular, it is important to give consideration to the perspective of users, including investors investing in the companies. In this sense, it is very important to ensure the transparency, reliability and consistency of accounting standards, and doing so will contribute to securing trust in financial statements published by the companies.  - 金融庁


One-hundredth (of the yen-dollar exchange rate) is equivalent to one yen and one five-hundredth is 0.2 yen. If such small fluctuations led to margin calls or caused people to lose all their money it would be inappropriate, and ordinary investors are not professionals. If non-professional investors are to participate in foreign exchange margin transactions, the incidence of margin calls should be reduced as much as possible for the benefit of non-professionals.  - 金融庁


That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about.  - 金融庁


I assume you are asking what FSA’s economic policies would consist of. The FSA will continue to closely monitor the developments in markets including foreign exchange and stock markets, and respond properly according to the economic and financial climate from the viewpoint of sufficiently demonstrating financial intermediation functions. In fact, at today’s informal gathering with Cabinet ministers, financial measures for SMEs were brought up by the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, if I am not mistaken. As you may already know, the Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc. was established based on the agreement among the three ruling parties when Shizuka Kamei served as Minister for Financial Services. I am paying very close attention to the Act, which covers a period of two years including two year ends and two fiscal year ends; I believe this is groundbreaking legislation in Japan. The perspectives of megabanks seems to have somewhat changed, as I have been told by a staff member at one of the local financial bureaus that a megabank started participating in conventions of shinkin banks and credit unions since the establishment of the Act for the first time ever. It may be common knowledge, but 99.7% of companies in Japan are SMEs, and 42 million people work for SMEs. SMEs are rather agile, flexible and extremely precious. As I may have mentioned previously, in my hometown Kitakyushu City, which is a city dominated by SMEs, I have been told by businesspeople that their companies have actually managed to survive due to the establishment of the Act. Then again, I have also heard cries from them that what they want now is work, so we intend to execute appropriate policies in a timely manner by taking these matters into consideration as well.  - 金融庁


In particular, we intend to ensure full discussions including on the issue of blacklisting. Ultimately, that is a matter to be decided based on consultations among private-sector parties. For my part, I hope that this matter will be dealt with from the standpoint of disaster victims with the issue of blacklisting in mind and with due consideration given to the rights of the victims, as this is a natural disaster, a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, and there is no fault with the victims themselves.  - 金融庁


As for the two committee members (who were absent at the press conference to announce the report), one is Mr. Osamu Kamoike, who was a central figure at Tohoku University's Faculty of Economics. He is an Honorary Professor of Tohoku University and a Director of the Japan Society of Monetary Economics. The other (Koetsu Aizawa) member is a Director of the Society of the Economic Studies of Securities, with which I have had some involvement. However, I think that this committee has been very fair and impartial.  - 金融庁


There is not any predetermined goal for the Better Regulation initiative, which sets a broad direction of how financial administration should be improved. While keeping in mind the direction of improvement, we deal with problems, take administrative measures to achieve administrative objectives and improve the way of administration as necessary. This is thus a continuous initiative, a ceaseless effort toward improvement, so it is difficult to say how close we have come to the goal.  - 金融庁


In this sense, although the FSA has three separate functions - namely planning institutional frameworks, inspection (which in this context includes the monitoring of market developments and market transactions in the broad sense), and supervision of business sectors under its jurisdiction, exchanges, certified public accountants and other relevant parties - there is a common logic to all these functions. Nonetheless, planning institutional frameworks, inspection and supervision are different in nature. Thus, it is also important to ensure that common knowledge and standards are shared with regard to each business sector, and that a consistent logic is maintained when individual cases of institutional and supervisory matters are handled.  - 金融庁


In order to examine the actual state of financing in various regions without any prejudice, including whether or not there is such a move, we are conducting a questionnaire survey by dispatching senior FSA officials to regions, as I already said -- at my press conference before last, I said the survey would be completed in the first half of this year. According to the survey, the balance of outstanding loans provided to small- and medium-size enterprises have been declining since September last year. However, the main reason for this is a problem related to borrower companies' sales, rather than financial institutions' restrictive lending stance, as I told you. We intend to grasp how the situation has changed, including with regard to matters like this.  - 金融庁


In any case, as I have said over and over again, loan repayment in the disaster areas is a matter that cannot be dealt with within the scope of private financial institutions' activities alone. The day before yesterday, the House of Councillors unanimously passed the bill to amend the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions. I am grateful for the passage, as this will strengthen the financial functions in a comprehensive manner and reassure depositors in the disaster areas. Although the Diet has undergone an upheaval, as the minister in charge, I am very grateful to the political parties and parliamentary groups in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors for passing this bill based on common sense for the sake of people in the disaster areas. Strengthening the financial functions and reassuring depositors is important in times like these.  - 金融庁


More than 10 years have passed since the major legal amendment, so regarding recent investment trusts, I think that it is necessary to revise regulation in ways that suit the present practices, in light of the spread of investment trusts and advance of financial techniques that have occurred over the period, and to consider how to regulate investment trusts, which have diversified in recent years, as entry-level investment products for ordinary investors.  - 金融庁


Both bills should be enacted quickly. Especially, the bill to facilitate financing for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) (Bill on Extraordinary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) must be immediately enacted and put into force, as the end of the year (when SMEs may face financial difficulties) is around the corner. It is incomprehensible why the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) and New Komeito are refusing to deliberate the bill as a sort of delaying tactic.  - 金融庁


You see, we are examining the matter in various administrative respects now, which actually led to a little incident the other day where I have told off my staff for the first time since I took office. In the light of the oversight and inspection authority that we have, I said, "As the government is paying, which means using taxpayers' money, you, in the position of the staff, must assume a stricter attitude in what you do."  - 金融庁


While my predecessor was in office, a law called the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) was established. In Japan, 99.7% of all companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs, which employ 28 million people. Now, faced with growing economic globalization, especially since the Lehman crisis two years ago, SMEs have been suffering considerably from hardships. At the same time, though, SMEs have the advantage of being flexible and resilient and, from the viewpoint, the FSA considers SMEs to be extremely important. My hometown is the city of Kitakyushu, where Yahata Steel Works, initially a government-owned company, was founded 100 years ago, and served as the base for the creation of a large number of SMEs there. Fukuoka Prefecture, also home to factories of Toyota and Nissan, is the second-largest car-producing prefecture after Aichi, which explains the large number of modest-size companies and SMEs there.  - 金融庁


We believe that the change of government was achieved because the people agreed with that spirit. Whoever may become the leader of the DPJ, a written agreement was signed between Mr. Watanuki (former leader of the New People’s Party) and Mr. Ozawa (former leader of the DPJ), between Mr. Hatoyama (former leader of the DPJ) and Mr. Kamei (leader of the New People’s Party), and between Mr. Kamei and Mr. Kan (leader of the DPJ), so the written agreement should be honored.  - 金融庁


As I have stated earlier, obviously there is demand for consumer finance from sound borrowers but, on the other hand, moneylenders obviously have to make their business financially viable. Taking this into account, the amended Money Lending Act was unanimously adopted. As far as I know, various moneylenders have collaborated with banks by taking a medium- and long-term perspective. With this in mind, it is extremely important to improve the soundness of the management of moneylenders, so we firmly acknowledge this as a problem.  - 金融庁


The other issue is to facilitate SMEs and regional companies. This has been addressed in the SME Financing Facilitation Act based on an unconventional financing approach. As I have been reappointed to Minister, I intend to work on the facilitation task in consideration of the social and public nature of the financial sector and the public interest it should fulfill. I am sure you are well aware that the Japanese economy is in an extremely tough situation at the moment. The first, second and third shots were taken by the Kan Cabinet in such circumstances, and especially given that SMEs in regional communities account for 99.7 percent of corporations in Japan, I intend to fulfill my duties properly by taking those factors into account.  - 金融庁


That is a very good question. He is overseas at the moment, is he? I did read in the newspaper that he has not responded to any interviews. I believe that after all, he cannot evade moral responsibility as a person who held a public position, was a member of the Diet and served as Minister for Financial Services in charge of financial regulation and supervision for nearly two years in Japan, given that (former Prime Minister) Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Takenaka were extremely high-profile political figures at the time.  - 金融庁


From this viewpoint, the FSA is striving to ensure that financial institutions strengthen and maintain their efforts regarding the so-called relationship banking, including making contributions to regional economies, by requiring them to disclose the contents and results of their efforts, thus subjecting them to public pressure. We intend to continue encouraging them to make efforts in this respect.  - 金融庁


Although I say this, after detecting problems through inspection, I quickly took every possible action within my power, including issuing a business improvement order within the same day, as this case has a significant impact, and I expect you to understand that. From the political perspective, it is very regrettable that cases like this cause strong worries among people who have entrusted pension assets, so we are proactively taking measures so that facts related to the case of AIJ Investment Advisors will be clarified as soon as possible.  - 金融庁


Commodities are not under my jurisdiction. However, generally speaking, around 2008, when Mr. Koji Omi, who became a Diet member in the same year as I, was Finance Minister, speculative trading was discussed at a summit as a factor behind the rising prices of commodities. The discussion focused mainly on speculative traders operating across borders-at that time, before the Lehman shock, such speculative traders were very active-, and France and Germany proposed the introduction of regulation for speculative trading. In response, the United States and the United Kingdom argued against regulation on the ground that speculative trading is part of commercial activity. This grew into a major issue at the summit, and Japan eventually sided with the United Kingdom and the United States, as I remember it.  - 金融庁



In that sense and others, striking a balance between all those factors is criticalwhile peace of mind and security do matter in financial services, adhering excessively to such qualities could, as I have just pointed out, result in a credit crunch or oppressive debt collection and thus create impediments to the growth of truly healthy companies or the growth of a healthy economy, which is why the financial sector is so vital. This time around, I reaffirmed in talks with people like Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan that harmony or a balance between those factors is extremely important. Having spoken with financial regulators in both the U.S. and China, I am now even more convinced of this idea. In any case, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) is aware of the importance of paying proper attention to any impact of the new requirements on the current situation and corporate reform efforts in Japan – a point that applies to not only Japan but also the G20 nations that each have their own lay of the landwhile they will, put simply, contribute to a higher level of soundness of Japan's financial system over the medium to long term. From this viewpoint, I do see that Japan's argument has increasingly received global approval to a considerable extent, while I am committed to continuing to advocate Japan's position in a proactive and resolute fashion.  - 金融庁


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