
「貧困」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(23ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the replenishment negotiations of the ADF, Japan has expressed an intention to contribute approximately 157.1 billion yen (approximately 1.3 billion SDR), equivalent to 35% of the total donor contributions, subject to the domestic approval process, with the belief that assistance to low-income countries in Asia and the Pacific is important, despite that Japan is in the middle of the restoration and reconstruction process following the Great East Japan Earthquake and is facing a severe economic and fiscal situation.  - 財務省

黒田総裁は、2005年2月の就任以来、ADB全般にわたる徹底した改革を実施するとともに、ADBの最重要目標として貧困削減を掲げ、長期戦略(Strategy 2020)を策定し、その使命を達成するためにADBの資本を3倍とする15年ぶりの一般増資を2009年4月に成功裡に取りまとめられた。例文帳に追加

Since he assumed the presidency in February 2005, Mr. Kuroda, while undertaking thorough reforms on various aspects of operations and management of the ADB, has placed poverty reduction as the ADB's overarching mission and formulated the Bank's long-term strategy (The Strategy 2020) to accomplish the mission. With a view to enabling the ADB to proceed further toward the goal, Mr. Kuroda led the Bank successfully to gain support of the member countries for the 200 percent General Capital Increase, a capital increase for the first time in 15 years, which was agreed upon in April 2009.  - 財務省


Building on the way forward on development we agreed in London, we made progress in preparation for the Gleneagles Summit, including on a case-by-case analysis of HIPC countries, based on our willingness to provide as much as 100% reduction of HIPC countries' IDA and African Fund debt without reducing the resources available to the poorest countries through these institutions.  - 財務省


We look forward to working with him to: reinforce the Bank's implementation of country-led poverty reduction programs, including building public financial management and anti-corruption capacity; mobilize increased resources for development; increase the focus on growth strategies; and enhance accountability and incentives through results management, reform of the budget process to control costs, and greater transparency.  - 財務省


我々は,開発課題が G20 の優先事項の中核であり続けること,及び,強固で均衡ある持続可能な成長を促進し,繁栄の格差を是正し,共有された包摂的な成長を進め,貧困を一層削減し,ジェンダー平等を促進し,雇用の創出に貢献するために我々の作業を続けていくことを再確認した。例文帳に追加

We reaffirm that the Development agenda will remain at the core of G20 priorities and that the G20 will continue its work to promote a strong, balanced and sustainable growth, to narrow gaps in levels of prosperity, to foster a shared and inclusive growth, to further reduce poverty, promote gender equality and contribute to job creation.  - 財務省



We emphasized the necessity to pursue well coordinated economic policies that are consistent with sound public finances; price stability; stable, efficient and resilient financial systems; employment creation; and poverty reduction. Countries who have the capacity should expand domestic sources of growth. This would help cushion a decline in demand from countries that should boost savings and reduce fiscal deficits.  - 財務省


To solve the problem that a conventional power generator is actually expensive property that poor people cannot easily obtain since natural gas will be used up and natural gas charge and hydrogen supply charge need to be paid because of a hydrogen supply type and a gas supply type of fuel cells and since the patent of the fuel cells still remains for future 15 years. - 特許庁


We note that as we continue efforts to expand energy access for poor and rural populations, the reduction of subsidies will encourage more energy efficient consumption, leading to a positive impact on international energy prices and energy security, and will make renewable energy and technologies more competitive. - 経済産業省


With the awareness that the sustainable growth of developing countries is essential in order to reduce poverty and make the fruits of development sustainable, Japan is actively supporting the efforts of developing countries to achieve sustainable growth, and “sustainable growth” was included as one of the priority issues in Japan’s Official Development Assistance Charter approved in a Cabinet decision on 29 August 2003. - 経済産業省



As discussed above, consumers are conservative in purchases. But when a rival enterprise launched energy-efficient diesel cars with the fuel price lower than gasoline, sales of new model gasoline-fueled cars of the Japanese manufacturer declined significantly and in response, the Japanese manufacturer replaced the new-model gasoline cars with diesel cars and marketed them (In India, the diesel oil price is set lower than the gasoline price for poor people). - 経済産業省



In this chapter, based on the above problem consciousness, issues such as climate change,resources, food, water, and poverty will be discussed. For each issue, the current situations and responses of each country, as well as the possibilities for Japan to contribute to solving the challenges by applying its comprehensive capabilities including technologies and social systems will be examined. Appropriate future structures of the market in achieving sustainable development will also be considered. - 経済産業省

途上国に対する支援として、最貧国や最も気候変動に対し脆弱な国々を対象に、①適応、②森林減少、③CDM19への参加促進、④災害リスクの低減、⑤貧困削減努力への気候変動の統合の5分野について、開発戦略と気候変動政策を統合するためのEUとの対話フォーラムである「グローバル気候変動協力(Global Climate Change Alliance)」を2007年11月から開始している。例文帳に追加

With the aim of supporting developing countries, the EU began the Global Climate Change Alliance in November 2007, a communication forum between the EU and the most seriously affected countries as well as those most vulnerable to climate change. The alliance aims to coordinate development strategies and climate change countermeasures in the following five areas: (1) adaptation, (2) deforestation, (3) promotion of participation in the CDM19, (4) decrease of disaster risk, and (5) incorporation of climate change adaptation in the efforts to decrease poverty. - 経済産業省


As to the per capita GDP of each region (NUTS level 2),5by setting the average per capita GDP of the 15 EU member states as 100, some of the poorest areas appear to have improved, because there is a reduction in the number of areas where per capita GDP is below 50. However, the coefficient of variation that shows the differences in per capita GDP among various regions has gone up slightly in 2000. It means that the disparities among regions cannot be considered to be shrinking from the viewpoint of per capita GDP (Fig. 2.2.2). - 経済産業省


Issues created with the rapidly progressing urbanization of Asia such as the shortage of utility services including electricity and water supply and sewage services and insufficient housing supply are forecasted to offset part of the benefit from the high productivity improved by urbanization. Furthermore, as well as the contamination of air and water, it will likely worsen the housing environment for poverty-ridden citizens in cities. - 経済産業省

一村一品運動は、もともとは、1979 年に当時の平松守彦大分県知事が提唱したもので、各市町村における地域産品に付加価値をつけて競争力を強化し、国内外市場に通用する産品に育て、都市と農村との格差是正、貧困からの脱出をはかり、地域の自立と振興を目的として始まったものである。例文帳に追加

One Village One Product movement began in ?ita Prefecture in 1979 when the then-governor Morihiko Hiramatsu advocated the program, which began by adding an extra value to the chosen product of each city, township and village, increasing competitiveness and raising the products which are acceptable to the international market, the disparity of urban and rural areas and escaping from the poverty scale in order to promote region's self-reliance and development. - 経済産業省

多くの既存の化石燃料補助金が輸送燃料の無駄な消費を促していることから、我々はエネルギー作業部会が、国際エネルギー機関と協働して、APEC における化石燃料補助金に関連する経済経費を分析し、貧困層を守りつつそのような補助金を撤廃するベストプラクティスを検討していることを認識している。例文帳に追加

Since many existing fossil fuel subsidies encourage wasteful consumption of fuel for transport, we acknowledge the Energy Working Group’s cooperation with the International Energy Agency to analyze the economic costs associated with fossil fuel subsidies in APEC and to consider best practices for eliminating such subsidies while protecting the poor.  - 経済産業省


3. There is a risk that the suspension of the round would jeopardize the multilateral free trade system and undermine sustainable growth of the world economy. The business community around the world is strongly expressing a keen interest in an early conclusion of the round. Moreover, suspension of the round would be a serious hindrance for the sound development of the developing countries as well as in finding a solution to the issue of poverty in the world.  - 経済産業省

インド国立応用経済研究所(NCAER)の調査結果によれば、インドの所得層は貧困層(年間所得9 万ルピー以下)から富裕層(同1,000万ルピー超)までの各階層に分けられるが、新中間層(9~20 万ルピー)と中間層(同20~100 万ルピー)とを合わせた割合は、2001 年度の27.6%から、2009年度には46.7%にまで拡大している(第1-2-4-13表)。例文帳に追加

According to a research by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), while the income levels of Indian people are divided into several classes from the poor (annual income: 90,000 rupee or less) to the rich (10,000,000 rupee or more), the ratio that adds up the new middle class (90,000 to 200,000 rupee) and the middle class (200,000 to 1,000,000 rupee) increased from 27.6% of 2001 to 46.7% of 2009 (see Table 1-2-4-13). - 経済産業省


As of today, Microfinance developed and started offering services of “micro-credit”, small loans, and “microfinancewhich means saving, insurance, pension and money transfer services. As a new financing scheme, microfinance is increasing its importance for small businesses, individuals and entrepreneurs who belong to the poor and low-income group to start businesses and for financial organizations that provide services. - 経済産業省


An enhancement in logistics efficiency, owing to the construction project of national highway No. 5, linking Hanoi and the port of Hai Phong, contributed to the creation of job opportunities at the neighboring industrial complexes.In addition, revitalized product shipping routes encouraged production of high-value-added products in rural agricultural villages. Thanks to the positive effects as mentioned above, the income of residents of such districts rose by 30%, and the poverty rate decreased by 35% for the period from 1998 to 2000. - 経済産業省


As discussed in Chapter 1, Section 1, such global food price rise has a direct inflationary impact on developing and emerging countries. In such countries, the proportion of food expenditure in household consumption is high; the impact is particularly significant in the case of “the absolute poorliving on less than $1 a day. Such situations are lead to food-related riots and protests. - 経済産業省


The relative poverty of farmers compared with citizens who have family registers in urban areas stems from 1) the lack of sufficient public services being provided to the farm sector, including an insufficient infusion of fiscal funds to farm districts, 2) the existence of a family-register system and 3)various financial burden in farm business, including farming-related expenses (purchases of production material and equipment), and agricultural tax in addition to income tax. - 経済産業省

国際版一村一品運動17 は、いわゆる後発開発途上国(LDC)及び開発途上国(以下「途上国」)が、右運動を通じたコミュニティの活性化を、貧困削減に結びつけるとの観点とともに、ドーハ開発ラウンドの合意により強化される自由貿易から利益を享受することができるように、これらの国が有する商品の開発・販売支援を通じ、輸出拡大を促すことをその目的としている。例文帳に追加

The internal version of the "One Village, One Product" campaign16 aims to expand exports from Least-Developed countries (LDCs) and developing countries (hereinafter collectively referred to as developing countries) through development of and sales assistance for products that originate in these countries in view of connecting community empowerment with poverty reduction, so that developing countries will be able to benefit from free trade being enhanced by the agreements of the Doha Development Round. - 経済産業省


A press release by the UN World Food Program, for example, reports an estimated expansion in world food aid and a decline in the number of calories consumed by individuals in poverty-stricken rural areas, citing many African nations (e.g., Zimbabwe, Eritrea, Djibouti, Gambia, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, and Senegal) that are likely to be seriously affected. - 経済産業省

現在、TDC では無処理(自然沈殿のみ)の水を市民に給水しているが、水質状況(濁度が高い、大腸菌が検出されるなど)や水利用状況(貧困層は煮沸して飲用している)から判断すると、衛生上、問題があり、安全な水の供給のためには浄水場の建設が不可欠である。例文帳に追加

Now, TDC supplies water to citizens without treatment except only natural sedimentation treatment. However, judging from the water quality conditions (quality of raw water from the river indicates apparently high turbidity and E. coli is detected etc...) and water use situation (the urban poor are drinking by boiling), in terms of human health, there is a problem with the actual water supply system in Mawlamyine. Therefore, construction of a water treatment plant is essential in order to supply safe water. - 厚生労働省


In order to achieve the main goal of the MDGs ? the reduction of poverty in developing countries ? it will be necessary to improve and enhance areas including water supply, healthcare and education ? all of which are set in the MDGs. It will also be necessary to implement effective and efficient international cooperation efforts through multi-sector collaboration.These concerns are taken up in various reports and outcome documents. - 厚生労働省


Developing countries vary on many fronts, such as natural endowment and administrative capacity.Thus, it is essential for each country to set practical goals under it s ownership toward achieving the MDGs in its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and to steadily implement the measures in it.In formulating a PRSP, it is also necessary to ensure its consistency with a mid-term fiscal framework, paying attention to the macroeconomic balance and public debt sustainability.The key to poverty reduction is sustainable economic growth.Improving investment climate and strengthening infrastructure is crucial for sustainable growth.  - 財務省

第四十三条 第十三条の命令により裁判国から受入受刑者の引渡しを受けた場合において、当該受入受刑者を裁判国から日本国に護送するために要した費用のうち、日本国が支出した受入受刑者に係る交通費は、受入受刑者の負担とする。ただし、法務大臣は、受入受刑者が貧困のためこれを完納することができないことが明らかであるときは、政令で定めるところにより、その全部又は一部を免除することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 43 An incoming sentenced person surrendered by a sentencing state pursuant to an order provided for under Article 13 shall bear the costs of his or her transportation among the costs incurred in escorting the sentenced person to Japan. When it is evident that the incoming sentenced person is indigent and therefore unable to pay the full amount, the Minister of Justice may remit the whole or part of the costs pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の裁判官は、第三十七条の二第一項に規定する事件について勾留を請求された被疑者に被疑事件を告げる際に、被疑者に対し、弁護人を選任することができる旨及び貧困その他の事由により自ら弁護人を選任することができないときは弁護人の選任を請求することができる旨を告げなければならない。ただし、被疑者に弁護人があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) When informing the suspect of the alleged facts of the crime in a case provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 37-2, the judge set forth in the preceding paragraph shall inform the suspect that the suspect may appoint defense counsel and that, when the suspect is unable to appoint defense counsel him/herself because of indigence or other reasons, he/she may request that defense counsel be appointed for him/her; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the suspect already has defense counsel.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三百五十条の三 前条第三項の確認を求められた被疑者が即決裁判手続によることについて同意をするかどうかを明らかにしようとする場合において、被疑者が貧困その他の事由により弁護人を選任することができないときは、裁判官は、その請求により、被疑者のため弁護人を付さなければならない。ただし、被疑者以外の者が選任した弁護人がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 350-3 (1) When a suspect, who is asked for the confirmation prescribed in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, is going to declare whether he/she will consent to be tried by a speedy trial procedure and when the accused is unable to appoint defense counsel because of indigence or other reasons, the judge shall appoint counsel for the accused upon his/her request; provided, however, that this shall not apply when defense counsel has been appointed by a person other than the accused.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百七十七条 裁判所は、公訴の提起があつたときは、遅滞なく、被告人に対し、弁護人を選任することができる旨及び貧困その他の事由により弁護人を選任することができないときは弁護人の選任を請求することができる旨の外、死刑又は無期若しくは長期三年を超える懲役若しくは禁錮にあたる事件については、弁護人がなければ開廷することができない旨をも知らせなければならない。但し、被告人に弁護人があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 177 When prosecution is instituted, the court shall, without delay, inform the accused to the effect that he/she may appoint defense counsel, and that he/she may file a request for the appointment of a defense counsel if he/she is unable to appoint defense counsel due to indigence or on any other grounds, and, for a case that is punishable by the death penalty, life imprisonment, or imprisonment with or without work for more than three years, the court shall also inform the accused to the effect that the trial may not begin in absence of defense counsel; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the accused has secured defense counsel.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十二条の二 特許庁長官は、第三十一条第一項の規定による第一年から第三年までの各年分の登録料を納付すべき者がその実用新案登録出願に係る考案の考案者又はその相続人である場合において貧困により登録料を納付する資力がないと認めるときは、政令で定めるところにより、登録料を軽減し若しくは免除し、又はその納付を猶予することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 32-2 Where the person to pay the registration fees for each year from the first to the third year under Article 31(1) is the creator of the device claimed in the application for a utility model registration or his/her heir, if the Commissioner of the Patent Office recognizes that the person has difficulties paying the registration fees due to insufficient funds, the Commissioner of the Patent Office may, pursuant to the provisions of the Cabinet Order, grant the person a reduction of, exemption from or deferment of the payment of the registration fees.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

8 特許庁長官は、自己の実用新案登録出願に係る考案又は登録実用新案について実用新案技術評価の請求をする者がその実用新案登録出願に係る考案若しくは登録実用新案の考案者又はその相続人である場合において、貧困により第二項の規定により納付すべき実用新案技術評価の請求の手数料を納付する資力がないと認めるときは、政令で定めるところにより、その手数料を軽減し、又は免除することができる。例文帳に追加

(8) Where the creator of a device claimed in an application for a utility model registration or of a registered utility model, or his/her heir, files a petition requesting Utility Model Technical Opinion on that device claimed in that application for a utility model registration or that registered utility model, if the Commissioner of the Patent Office recognizes that the person has difficulties paying the fees for the petition for Utility Model Technical Opinion to be paid under paragraph (2) due to insufficient financial means, the Commissioner of the Patent Office may, pursuant to the provisions of the Cabinet Order, grant the person a reduction of or exemption from the payment of the fees.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However, to put Asian economies on a track of robust and sustainable growth, there remain some issues to be addressed; structural reform of the financial as well as corporate sectors is only halfway through. Particularly, financial institutions still need to address their non-performing loans. Other issues include unemployment which remains at high levels, the "new poverty" produced by the crisis and the establishment of a safety net for the poor and vulnerable groups. All of these issues will require further efforts.  - 財務省


Because dialogue helps strengthen the ownership of developing countries, increase the poverty reduction impact, and improve the efficiency of aid provision by avoiding unnecessary overlap in development aid. Thus, we believe it is essential for the Bank to strengthen partnerships, through dialogue, with donor countries, the governments in developing countries, civil society, the local communities, the private sector, and other development institutions. Strengthened partnerships with these stakeholders will then prove their worth in promoting structural reforms and governance in the countries of operations.  - 財務省


Some non-oil producing countries in the North Africa have been experiencing a stagnant inflow of funds through tourism and investments since the beginning of this year due to the growing risk caused by political instability. On the other hand, the countries in the Sub-Saharan region, driven by the growth in low-income countries, have achieved growth at the world's second highest rate only behind the developing Asia, and they are expected to further accelerate their speed of growth. Such economic situation provides a favorable environment for promoting development and poverty reduction.  - 財務省

より具体的には、首脳会合では、世界経済の現状の評価に加え、21世紀に向け、経済社会全体に活力をもたらす鍵であるIT(Information Technology)のもたらす影響-デジタル・オポチュニティ-とデジタル・ディバイド、遺伝子組み替え作物を中心とした食品安全、エイズ、結核、マラリアといった感染症への対策、及び、重債務貧困国(HIPCs)(Highly Indebted Poor Countries)の債務削減の進捗などの開発問題、が主要議題となる予定です。例文帳に追加

More specifically, the Heads of State and Government will take up the following four agenda items among others, in addition to their evaluation of the current condition of the world economy: The G8 leaders will discuss the impact of IT in terms of both digital opportunity and the digital divide. The first item on the agenda is Information Technology (IT), which is key to greater dynamism in the socio-economy as a whole in the 21st century. The second item on the agenda is food safety, with the focus on genetically modified crops. The fourth is development issues, including the progress of debt reduction for the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs).  - 財務省


However, soaring food and fuel prices together with the global financial market turmoil triggered by subprime mortgage crises have made it difficult for developing countries to steer their economies both in terms of fiscal and financial policies.They also inflict damage to the lives of the poor who are the most vulnerable to such exogenous shocks, and threaten to destroy the achievements of years of development efforts.  - 財務省


Developing countries with relatively high returns on investments might want to improve productivity by making substantial investments, in line with their fiscal capacity, to relieve the shortages of infrastructure and human resources, which are the bottlenecks in future economic growth.Other developing countries which already have excess investment but a low share of personal consumption in GDP, might consider expanding consumption by transferring funds to the poor, who tend to have higher propensity for consumption, through strengthening the social security system.  - 財務省


We reaffirmed the support expressed in our September 14statement for exploring ways to reinforce the existing economic programs of economies facing financial crises with accelerated efforts to promote comprehensive programs for corporate and financial sector restructuring and measures to alleviate the effects of the crises on the poorest segments of society, including if necessary through the provision of augmented financial assistance centered in the multilateral development banks.  - 財務省


The Committee urged the Bank to mainstream trade in its country assistance programs by providing greater financial and technical support to improve trade-related infrastructure and institutions, including building domestic capacity for trade policy and negotiations, and by undertaking a strengthened research program on, inter alia, trade barriers to developing country exports, the issues developing countries face in implementing the Uruguay Round Agreement and the complex links between trade and poverty.  - 財務省


They recognized that implementation is still at an early stage and many country-specific challenges remain, but noted that a wider application of the framework is already taking place in the preparation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers which are based on the framework's principles, particularly that of achieving strong country ownership. They looked forward to reports of further progress in implementing the comprehensive development framework.  - 財務省


I would also like to announce that Japan has decided to contribute an additional one billion US dollars to the Poverty Reduction Growth Facility so that the IMF can respond in a timely and adequate manner to short-term difficulties that the poorest countries may have to overcome.  - 財務省


We reaffirm our view that in order to make progress on social and economic development, it is essential that developing countries put in place the policies for economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction: sound, accountable and transparent institutions and policies; macroeconomic stability; the increased fiscal transparency essential to tackle corruption, boost private sector development, and attract investment; a credible legal framework; and the elimination of impediments to private investment, both domestic and foreign.  - 財務省


MDBs can also make an important contribution to poverty reduction in emerging market and/or middle-income countries. MDB activities in countries with access to private capital should be more selective in order not to supplant private capital. At the same time, in case of temporary closure of emerging market countries' access to capital markets, MDBs should stand ready to respond quickly by helping to cushion the effects of exceptional shocks on the poorest and most vulnerable groups.  - 財務省

主として、途上国の低所得者層(年収3,000ドル以下、全世界の人口の約7 割、40 億人)を対象とした持続可能な、現地での様々な社会課題(水、生活必需品・サービスの提供、貧困削減等)の解決に資することが期される「BOPビジネス」を推進するため、BOPビジネス支援センターの機能拡充(ポータルサイト英語化等)や関係機関との連携強化(支援施策紹介のワークショップの開催等)を実施した。例文帳に追加

In order to promote the development of inclusive business, which it is hoped will help provide sustainable solutions to various social issues faced mainly by individuals on low incomes in developing countries (i.e., those on annual incomes of not more than US$3,000, who account for around 70% of the world’s total population and number four billion), such as the provision of water supply, daily necessities, and services and the reduction of poverty, the functions of Japan Inclusive Business Support Center were expanded (by, for example, creating an English-language portal site) and collaboration with other related agencies was strengthened (e.g., by organizing workshops to introduce support measures).  - 経済産業省


One report by the European Commission evaluating the economic measures of each European country comments that, for the short term, countries should give priority to maintaining employment and supporting the poor, but that this support should be provided only to targeted groups and for a limited time, and should not interfere with efforts to realize the long-term goal of renovating the labor market. The report also states that the working-hour reduction compensation system may conflict with the principle that competition in the region should be fair, and that coordination at the EU-level is necessary. - 経済産業省

このため、社会的協力はいかなる関心事項も扱うことが できるとし(同第2項)、優先すべき措置として貧 困の削減や差別との戦いを促進すること、経済的 社会的発展過程における女性の地位を向上させる こと、労使関係、労働条件、社会保障及び職務保証 を発展・近代化させること、職能訓練・人材育成を 促進すること、中小・零細企業における雇用創出機 会を生み出すためのプロジェクトを促進すること 等を列記している(同第4項)。例文帳に追加

This agreement also provides that cooperation may cover any area of interest of the parties (Article 44, Item 2); and lists priority measures aimed at: reduction of poverty and the fight against social exclusion; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; developing and modernizing labor relations, working conditions, social welfare and employment security; promoting vocational training and development of human resources; and promoting projects and programmes which generate opportunities for the creation of employment within micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Item 4). - 経済産業省


Japan presented a cooperation initiative consisting of: i) promotion of energy conservation efforts (acceptance of 1,000 trainees from abroad in the next five years, the establishment of theAsian Energy Conservation Cooperation Center” and other means); ii) promotion of biomass energy (acceptance of 500 trainees from abroad in the next five years, etc.), iii) clean utilization of coal (construction of the Coal Liquefaction Support Center, etc.); and iv) eradication of energy poverty (extension of US$2 billion -scale energy-related ODA to improve energy access and carry out energy efficiency and measures in the next three years). This initiative program gained acclaim from the participating leaders at the Summit. - 経済産業省



In the north eastern area, the residents who connect to the piping system have to pay the water charge. Since only the main pipes and the limited length of sub-main pipes are installed and secondly and tertiary pipes are not installed in the area, the high house connection cost is the obstacle for realizing house connection particularly for the poor citizens. According to TDC, however, many residents desire for the house connection and the collection rate of the water charge is high. - 厚生労働省


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