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His son isの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 643


that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us. Yes, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 例文帳に追加

わたしたちは見聞きしたことをあなた方に知らせます。それは,あなた方もわたしたちと交わりを持つようになるためです。わたしたちの交わりは父と共にあり,そのみ子イエス・キリストと共にあります。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネの第一の手紙 1:3』

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. 例文帳に追加

しかし,その方が光の中におられるように,わたしたちが光の中を歩むなら,わたしたちは互いに交わりを持ち,そのみ子イエス・キリストの血がわたしたちをあらゆる罪から清めるのです。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネの第一の手紙 1:7』

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 例文帳に追加

愛は,わたしたちが神を愛したことにあるのではなく,その方がわたしたちを愛し,ご自分のみ子をわたしたちの罪のための贖《あがな》いの犠牲として遣わしてくださったことにあるのです。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネの第一の手紙 4:10』

but Christ is faithful as a Son over his house; whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the glorying of our hope firm to the end. 例文帳に追加

しかし,キリストはその方の家を治めるみ子として忠実でした。わたしたちが確信と希望による誇りとを終わりまでしっかりと堅く保つなら,わたしたちこそその方の家なのです。 - 電網聖書『ヘブライ人への手紙 3:6』


but these are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name. 例文帳に追加

しかし,これらの事が書かれたのは,あなた方が,イエスが神の子キリストだということを信じるため,また,信じることによって彼の名において命を得るためである。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 20:31』


and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, ‘He will put his angels in charge of you.’ and, ‘On their hands they will bear you up, so that you don’t dash your foot against a stone.’” 例文帳に追加

イエスに言った。「もしあなたが神の子なら,下に身を投げなさい。こう書いてあるからだ,『神はあなたについてご自分のみ使いたちに指示をお与えになるだろう』,そして, - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 4:6』

It is prescribed in the Kushiki-ryo (law on state documentary forms) in the Taiho Code, and it says that ketsuji should be used when words such as the following appear: 'a grand shrine,' 'the Imperial tomb for a certain emperor,' 'the son of Heaven', 'an Imperial carriage,' 'shosho,' 'chokushi,' 'an Imperial edict and Imperial order,' 'an emperor's cultivating his or her virtue,' 'Emperor's blessings,' 'Emperor's grace,' 'Emperor's words,' 'Your Imperial Majesty,' 'the Emperor's residence,' 'an Empress,' 'the Imperial Court,' 'the Crown Prince,' 'His or Her Imperial Highness.' 例文帳に追加

大宝律令公式令に定めがあり、具体的には「大社」「○○陵」「乗輿」「車駕」「詔書」「勅旨」「明詔」「聖化」「天恩」「慈恩」「慈旨」「御(至尊)」「闕庭」「中宮」「朝廷」「春宮」「殿下」などの語に対して用いるべきとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Masatsura KUSUNOKI, the eldest son of Masashige KUSUNOKI, together with his families and retainers, paid a visit to the imperial tomb of Emperor Godaigo in this temple and wrote his death poem 'Since I will never come back alive, I am writing down the names of my fellows and me, who are to be numbered among the dead,' when leaving for the front in the Battle of Shijonawate in January 1348. 例文帳に追加

正平2年12月(1346年)、楠木正成の長男・楠木正行が四条畷の戦いに出陣するに際し、一族郎党とともに当寺にある後醍醐天皇陵に詣で、辞世の歌「かへらじとかねて思へば梓弓なき数に入る名をぞとどむる」を詠んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Yoshimitsu, the title "Rokuonin Daijohoo (Cloistered Emperor)" was granted from the Imperial Court, but his son Yoshimochi, who became the fourth Shogun, declined the offer partly because Yoshiyuki (Yoshimasa) SHIBA and others opposed accepting the title (on the other hand, his family temple, Shokoku-ji Temple seems to have accepted the title and therefore, Yoshimitsu's name is registered as "Rokuonin Daijo Tenno" in the temple's death register). 例文帳に追加

義満の死後には朝廷から「鹿苑院太上法皇」の称号を贈られるが、4代将軍となった子の義持は斯波義将らの反対もあり辞退している(その一方で相国寺は受け入れたらしく、過去帳に「鹿苑院太上天皇」と記されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the turmoil that followed his adoptive father's death had subsided, he became the head of the Keicho family, and he fought against Sumimoto HOSOKAWA, born into the family of the provincial constable of Awa, and the adopted son of Masamoto, in what is called the Battle of the Two HOSOKAWAS, fulfilling his role as Kanrei. 例文帳に追加

養父・政元が殺害された後の混乱を経て京兆家の家督を継ぎ、阿波国守護家出身で同じく政元の養子であった細川澄元と両細川の乱と呼ばれる抗争を長期にわたって繰り返しながらも管領として幕政を握り続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that his name appeared for the first time in an article related to the mobilization carried out in 994 in order to pursue and apprehend the robbers, and this article informed that he was called up together with TAIRA no Koremasa (TAIRA no Sadamori's son) and his nephews, MINAMOTO no Yorichika and MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, and others, in search for the robbers ("Nihongi Ryakuki" (Summary of Japanese Chronologies) and the article of the 6th day of the 3rd month of the 5th year of Shoryaku (old lunar calendar) or the article of April 24, 994) in "Honcho seiki" (Chronicle of Imperial Reigns)). 例文帳に追加

正暦5年(994年)に行われた盗賊の追捕に際して、平維将(平貞盛の子)や甥の源頼親、源頼信らと共に武者として捜索に動員されたことを伝える記事が初見とされている(『日本紀略』、『本朝世紀』同年3月6日(旧暦)条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1554, Yoshimoto arranged a marriage between his legitimate son Ujizane and the daughter of Ujiyasu HOJO (Hayakawadono), tying his family to the Takeda clan as well as the Hojo clan, and formed the Ko So Sun Sangoku Domei (alliance between three provinces; Kai, Sagami and Suruga) (this negotiation is also called the 'Tripartite alliance of Yoshimoto IMAGAWA, Ujiyasu HOJO and Shingen TAKEDA'). 例文帳に追加

天文23年(1554年)、嫡子・氏真に北条氏康の娘(早川殿)を縁組し、武田氏・北条氏と互いに婚姻関係を結んで甲相駿三国同盟を結成した(この会談は善徳寺の会盟とも呼ばれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that his father gave the family estate to Ujiyasu, who was his fifth son, instead of Ujiyasu's older brothers who had all reached adulthood, because the father thought the government would possibly not be apt to confiscate the family estate from the little child Ujisaki even if he was defeated to death in the battle. 例文帳に追加

五男である氏泰に家督を譲ったのは、当時成人していた四男までの息子より、幼少の氏泰に譲っておけば、仮に自身が敗死してもその後、幕府から咎められて取り潰される可能性は低いであろうと考えたためだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after Emperor Ninken's death, Matori Oomi, having wanted to be the King of Japan, became tyrannical to govern the nation as he wanted and was feared his power excluding even the Imperial Family, which is considered to be a cause that Kanamura OTOMO by the order of Prince Wakasazaki (later Emperor Buretsu) killed Matori and his son, HEGURI no Shibi in 498. 例文帳に追加

しかし、仁賢天皇の崩後、真鳥大臣は日本国王になろうと専横を極めて、国政をほしいままにしたため、天皇家をも凌ぐその勢力を怖れられ、稚鷦鷯太子(後の武烈天皇)の命を受けた大伴金村により、真鳥とその子の平群鮪(しび)は誅殺されたという(498年)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that the manor was developed by Shami Jumyo before being donated by his grandson Takakata KANOKOGI/KANAKOGI (鹿子) to dazai daini (senior assistant governor-general of Government Headquarters in Kyushu) FUJIWARA no Sanemasa in 1086, and after Sanemasa's downfall, was inherited by FUJIWARA no Kinzane, but his grandson FUJIWARA no Takamichi (a son of Kinzane's daughter) later donated it to Shokudoku-in Temple and subsequently Ninna-ji Temple took on the role of head family. 例文帳に追加

沙弥寿妙が開発し、孫の鹿子木高方が応徳3年に大宰大弐藤原実政に寄進、実政失脚後は藤原公実が伝領し、外孫藤原隆通が勝功徳院に寄進、次いで仁和寺が本家とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His daughter and the company director, Kakinoki Michiko, said, “I used to see myself as Taro’s daughter, but now I’m old enough to be his mother. He is a very helpful son. I want to thank him for helping us for so long. 例文帳に追加

彼の娘で同社の取締役でもある柿木(かきのき)道(みち)子(こ)さんは,「昔は自分のことを太郎の娘だと思っていたけれど,今では太郎のお母さんといえるほど年を取ってしまった。とてもよくできた息子。長年私たちを手伝ってくれたことに感謝したい。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

It is said the reason why Ieyasu gave important posts to Naomasa, whose family had not been serving the Tokugawa clan, was not only because of Naomasa's great ability in tactical maneuvers and politics, his military prowess, nor his relation by his daughter's marriage to Tadayoshi MATSUDAIRA, the fourth son of Ieyasu, but was chiefly because Naomasa was such a beautiful man that Ieyasu fell for him seriously, despite his general dislike of homosexuality. 例文帳に追加

先祖代々、徳川氏の家臣ではない直政を家康が重用した理由は、直政が武勇だけではなく、知略や政治にも長けていたことや家康の四男・松平忠吉との姻戚関係のことももちろんだが、最大の理由は、直政があまり衆道を好まなかった家康に本気で惚れ込まれるほどの美男子だったからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The murder episode depicted in this novel is a fiction created by the author Kikuchi; according to the novel, the main character killed his master, a direct retainer of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Saburobei NAKAGAWA, ran away with his master's concubine, became a robber while running a rest house at Torii Pass (Nagano Prefecture), but when he felt his sin, he went into priesthood, started excavation of a tunnel in expiation for his sin, and ended up working together with a son of Saburobei, who followed him seeking revenge, to complete the excavation. 例文帳に追加

作中では主である旗本中川三郎兵衛を殺害してその妾と出奔、鳥居峠(長野県)で茶屋経営の裏で強盗を働いていたが、己の罪業を感じて出家、主殺しの罪滅ぼしのために青の洞門の開削を始め、後に仇とつけ狙った三郎兵衛の息子と共に鑿ったものとされるが、主殺しなどのエピソードは菊池の創作である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The way he is depicted in stories varies according to the era and people's sense of values; from a political point of view, he is regarded as a person with a fine character and distinguished in both literary and military arts, devoted himself to peace; from a view point of genuine swordsmanship, he is regarded as a skillful swordsman but a little inferior to other contemporary great swordsmen, his father, his son Jubei, or his nephew Toshiyoshi YAGYU (Hyogonosuke); and he is also described as an evil individual who distorted swordsmanship by politics. 例文帳に追加

また時代や価値観によって描かれ方が異なり、政治的な視点を通して見ると文武両道の太平を望み尽力した人格者として描かれることがあるが、純粋に剣術的な視点からの描き方だと達人ではあるが同時代の剣豪や父、息子・十兵衛、甥の柳生利厳(兵庫助)には一手及ばず、政を以って剣を歪めた悪役として描かれる事もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are several theories why Masayuki and Nobushige dared to side with the Western Camp while the daimyo in Shinano Province all sided with the Eastern Camp, and it is said that the matrimonial relation Masayuki and his son Nobushige had (Masayuki's fifth daughter married into the Uda clan, which is the family home of the wife of Mitsunari ISHIDA, Masayuki's second son Nobushige, being associated with Mitsunari, married with a daughter of Yoshitsugu OTANI who sided with the Western Camp) had a significant influence on their choices. 例文帳に追加

信濃国の大名がこぞって東軍に与するなか、あえて昌幸と信繁が西軍に与した理由は諸説あるが、昌幸の五女が石田三成の妻の実家である宇田氏に嫁いでおり、しかも昌幸二男信繁も三成と親交があり西軍に与した大谷吉継の娘を妻にしているという姻戚関係が、昌幸・信繁父子の選択に重要な影響を及ぼしたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Chuyuki" (a diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada), however, the letter written by FUJIWARA no Motoie (Mutsu no kami), an officer of local government in Mutsu Province, said the fact that Tsunekiyo's son FUJIWARA no Kiyohira was under suspicion for attempting to launch a battle in June 1092, the previous year of TAIRA no Mototae's attack, and consequently, there is a view that they were related and Morotae and his son might be the child and grandchild of TAIRA no Kunitae, who was the great uncle of Kiyohira. 例文帳に追加

だが、『中右記』によると、前年の寛治6年(1092年)6月には陸奥国国司藤原基家(陸奥守)の解文により、経清の子藤原清衡に合戦の企ての嫌疑がかけられていることから、両者を関連づけ、この師妙親子を清衡の大伯叔父である国妙の子及び孫ではないかとする見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first Dazai Gonnosochi was the Imperial Prince Abo shinno who was demoted to the position in 810 for his implication in the Kusuko Incident, the second Dazai Gonnosochi was FUJIWARA no Tsunetsugu who was appointed in 837 in recognition of his services as an ambassador to the Tang Dynasty, and the third Dazai Gonnosochi was a son of the Imperial Prince Abo shinno, ARIWARA no Yukihira who was appointed in 873; therefore, ARIWARA no Yukihira is considered virtually the first Dazai Gonnosochi because he was appointed the position for no special reason unlike his predecessors. 例文帳に追加

初代は弘仁元年(810年)の阿保親王、2代目は承和(日本)4年(837年)の藤原常嗣であるが、前者は薬子の変による連座、後者は遣唐大使としての功労による特殊事情による任命であるため、貞観_(日本)15年(873年)に任じられた3代目の在原行平(阿保親王の子)が事実上の初代とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the late 660s, Emperor Tenchi who transferred the capital to Omi no miya had originally designated his younger maternal half-brother Prince Oama as Crown Prince (according to the Nihonshoki [Chronicles of Japan], the younger brother of an Emperor. And also there is a theory that the story of Prince Oama was designated as heir was itself a fiction in the Nihonshoki) but on November 26, 671, he designated his own son Prince Otomo as Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state) beginning to show his will to let Prince Otomo succeed to the throne. 例文帳に追加

660年代後半、都を近江宮へ移していた天智天皇は同母弟の大海人皇子を皇太子(日本書紀には「皇太弟」とある。また、大海人皇子の立太子そのものを日本書紀の創作とする説もある)に立てていたが天智天皇10年10月17日(旧暦)(671年11月26日)、自身の皇子である大友皇子を太政大臣につけて後継とする意思をみせ始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yamato Takeru is also worshiped as the main deity of the Takebe-taisha Shrine (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture) which is said to have been built by his son, and the Otori-taisha Shrine (Nishi Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture), which is said to have been built at the place where Yamato Takeru landed in the end after turning into a white bird. 例文帳に追加

また、ヤマトタケルの息子が創始したといわれる建部大社(滋賀県大津市)や、白鳥と化したヤマトタケルが最後に降り立ったところに建てられたとされる大鳥大社(大阪府堺市西区(堺市))の主祭神として祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is well known that Tadatsugu was harshly criticized by Ieyasu saying, 'You favor your son after all,' and thus blamed implicitly for his failure in the Nobuyasu incident (but, since there is a different view on the Nobuyasu incident as described above, some say that this anecdote is a fiction, too). 例文帳に追加

ところが家康からは「お前も我が子が可愛いか」と手厳しく返され、信康事件の不手際を言外に難詰された話がよく知られている(しかし、上述の通り信康切腹事件に異説が存在する事から、このエピソードも創作であるという説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Motoharu KIKKAWA and his son Motonaga KIKKAWA, who received the news of Nobunaga's death, insisted on searching out and destroying Hideyoshi, Takakage insisted that 'it is immoral to pursue someone while the blood on the written oath is still wet, and it is a misconduct to take advantage of Nobunaga's death,' and the Mori army reserved the pursuit of the Hashiba army. 例文帳に追加

信長の死を知り、秀吉を追撃するべきとする吉川元春・吉川元長父子に対し、隆景は「誓紙の血が乾かぬうちに追撃するのは不義であり、信長の死に乗ずるのは不祥である」と主張したため、毛利軍が羽柴軍を追撃しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is certain that Kutarano Miko was reported in "Shinsen Shojiroku" (Newly Compiled Register of Clan Names and Titles of Nobility) as a grandson of the Emperor Bidatsu on Sakyo Kobetsu (clans branched out from the Imperial Family) was a son of Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko, but since his name was not mentioned in the genealogy in "Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters), there is a theory that Kutara no Miko was the same person as Tara no Miko (Ku from Kutara was dropped) and Chinu no Okimi. 例文帳に追加

なお、『新撰姓氏録』左京皇別に敏達天皇の孫として見える「百済王(皇族)(くたらのみこ)」も彦人大兄皇子の子であることは確実だが、『古事記』に掲げられた系譜には見えないため、多良王(久多良王の久が脱落)や茅渟王と同一人に考える説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for other examples of Ichikawa's staffs, there are the father and the son of Naozumi YAMAMOTO and Junnosuke YAMAMOTO who are both composers and Toshio YASUMI and Yoshio SHIRASAKA who are both playwrights, and Shuntaro TANIKAWA who is a poet and wrote many scripts and Kensaku TANIKAWA who is a jazz pianist serving as a musical director in almost all of Ichikawa's works in his late life. 例文帳に追加

その他には作曲家の山本直純と山本純ノ介、脚本家の八住利雄と白坂依志夫らが親子、詩人で多くの脚本を書いた谷川俊太郎、その子で晩年作品のほとんどで音楽監督をつとめたジャズピアニストの谷川賢作らでスタッフとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, some warlords called Tada, such as Yorisada TADA, Sadatsuna TADA and Yoshimoto TADA, fought on the side of the Southern Court, but the details of their family is unlear; incidentally, in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" there is the depiction that Takayori NOSE (the third son of Yorimori TADA) had Yorisada and Sadatsuna as his descendants. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代(日本)には、多田頼貞、多田貞綱、多田義基などが南朝(日本)方の武将として活動しているが、その明確な系譜は未詳である(『尊卑分脈』には多田頼盛の三男能瀬高頼の後裔に頼貞、貞綱の名が見える)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the kamijima-ke bunsho (documents of the Kamijima family; it was the manuscript from the end of Edo Period) found in 1962 from an old house in Ueno city (present day Iga city) in Mie Prefecture, the third son of Gensei UESHIMA is Kanami, the master of sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries) or Noh and his mother is a sister of Masashige. 例文帳に追加

なお、昭和37年(1962年)、三重県上野市(現・伊賀市)の旧家から発見された上嶋家文書(江戸時代末期の写本)によると、伊賀、服部氏族の上嶋元成の三男が猿楽(能)の大成者である観阿弥で、その母は楠木正成の姉妹であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend written in "Tomomitsu Ko Ki" (biography of Tomomitsu Ko [Ko means His Serene Highness]), he was born, during Yoritomo's exile in Izu Province, to Yoritomo and the daughter of Samukawa no Ama who had been performing his mother's roll; after birth he was sent to the Hatta family, Samukawa no Ama's parents home, to be taken care of, then raised as the third son (some say the fourth son) of Masamitsu OYAMA and Samukawa no Ama; but there can be found utterly no mentioning to this story in the first rated history books of that timesuch as the "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) which was the official record of bakufutherefore it is widely believed that this story is nothing but a mere supposition. 例文帳に追加

『朝光公記』によれば、伊豆配流中の頼朝の世話をしていた寒河尼の娘との間に生まれ、寒河尼の実家・八田氏へ預けられた後、小山政光と寒河尼の三男(四男説もある)として育てられたというのが、その伝説の筋であるが、幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』をはじめとする当時の一級資料には、一切、このことには触れられていないことから、推測の域を出ないというのが大方の見方である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is generally accepted that he was born in Shoden Sanso in Kohata, Kyoto, to Michichika and FUJIWARA no Ishi, the daughter of Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister of State) Motofusa MATSUDONO (FUJIWARA no Motofusa), recent research suggests that he may have been the son of Michitomo HORIKAWA, who was presumed to be his adoptive father. 例文帳に追加

定説では京都木幡の松殿山荘で通親と太政大臣松殿基房(藤原基房)の娘藤原伊子の子として生まれたとされているが、近年の研究では定説では養父とされている堀川通具の実子とする説が有力になりつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Emperor Reizei's birth was a secret, and Onna San no Miya's child was officially recognized as his second son, Kaoru (because of the prediction, Genji doesn't believe Onna San no Miya is pregnant at first, but it makes sense later when he learns of her affair with Kashiwagi). 例文帳に追加

ただし冷泉帝の出生は秘事であり、また公的には女三宮の生んだ薫が源氏の子(次男)とされている(なおこの占いのためもあってか、源氏は始め女三宮が身篭ったと聞いてもすぐには信じず、後に柏木(源氏物語)との密通を知り納得した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, judging from the fact that the post of Junnain betto was created in 881 and Shogakuin itself was founded in the same year, it is presumed that either MINAMOTO no Toru, who was then the highest-ranking court noble among the people of Saga-Genji as well as the whole of Minamoto clan, or his son MINAMOTO no Noboru was the first person who concurrently assumed the betto of both schools and Genji choja. 例文帳に追加

ただ、淳和院への別当設置と奨学院そのものの設置はともに元慶5年(881年)のことであり、当時の嵯峨源氏及び源氏全体の筆頭公卿であった源融またはその子の源昇が両院別当と源氏長者を兼ねた最初の人物であったと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this government, the Emperor ruled the politics directly without regents or chancellors [chief advisers to the Emperor] as a matter of form, and his time, which was admired as 'Engi no chi (the peaceful era of Engi),' continued for 34 years; however, it is said that the Shotai no Hen (the Shotai Incident), which occurred in 901 when SUGAWARA no Michizane's position was lowered to Dazai no Gon no Sochi after Tokihira made a false charge against him, was the biggest mistake of the government ruled by a son of Heaven. 例文帳に追加

その治世は34年の長きにわたり、摂関を置かず形式上の親政を行っていたため、後世「延喜の治」と崇められたが、昌泰4年(901年)、時平の讒言を聞き菅原道真を大宰権帥に貶めた昌泰の変は、聖代の瑕と評されることであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His son, Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi became an adopted child of Nobunaga ODA, and Imperial Prince Toshihito became the adopted child of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.. (There is a theory that Imperial Prince Sanehito became an adopted child of Nobunaga, however this was inaccurate information caused by the fact both Imperial Prince Sanehito and Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi were called ''.) 例文帳に追加

なお、子である邦慶親王は織田信長の、智仁親王は豊臣秀吉の猶子となっている(なお、誠仁親王が信長の猶子となったという説があるが、これは誠仁親王も邦慶親王もいずれも「五宮」と呼ばれていたことから来た誤伝である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the year of her death was unknown, according to Nagaya-o gankyo (the transliterated text of handwritten sutra of Nagaya-o [also known as the Jinki sutra]) that was believed her son, Nagaya-o dedicated in 728 (to hold a memorial service of his parents), it is considered that she died before 728. 例文帳に追加

没年は未詳であるが、息子・長屋王が神亀5年(728年)に奉納したと言われる長屋王願経(神亀経)の釈文(写経の目的は父母の菩提を弔う、とする)から、神亀5年以前には亡くなっていたものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an anecdote which now seems fictional; Hideyoshi, who succeeded in ruling over the whole country, hoped to be Yoshiaki's adopted son instead of making Yoshiaki a feudal lord in order to build a new Shogunate, but Yoshiaki rejected this proposal because of his pride as an ASHIKAGA noble. 例文帳に追加

天下統一を実現した秀吉が幕府の創立を目論み、義昭を大名にする代わりに自分を養子としてくれるようにと望んだが、名族・足利氏としての意地があったのかこれを拒絶した、という逸話が伝わるがこれは後世の作り話とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the family tree of the Abe clan, ABE no Seimei was born in Abeno, Settsu Province (present day Abeno Ward, Osaka City), as a son of ABE no Masuki, a low-ranking aristocrat who had the rank of Daizenshiki (there is also a lore that places Abe, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture as his birth place). 例文帳に追加

安倍晴明は、阿倍氏の伝える系図によると、大膳職の官にある下級貴族安倍益材(あべのますき)の子として摂津国阿倍野(現・大阪市阿倍野区)に生まれた(奈良県桜井市安倍を生誕の地とする伝承もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aisuke KABAYAMA who is son of Sukenori KABAYMA was helping and made effort for his father who was the chairman of construction of statue, he wrote about Koun that he had difficulty expressing Saigo's characteristic lips (lips was very attractive and week of love were staying together) until the ending although the face of statue was made very good. 例文帳に追加

銅像の建設委員長をしていた樺山資紀を助けて奔走していた子息の樺山愛輔は、銅像の顔は極めてよくできているが、光雲は西郷の特徴ある唇(何とも言えない魅力と情愛に弱いところが同居している唇)を最後まで表現しきれないことに苦しんだと書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While members of the family, such as the little Emperor Antoku, TAIRA no Tokiko and TAIRA no Tokuko threw themselves into the swift flow of Danno-ura strait one after another, Munemori, the leader of the family, also tried to drown himself, but while he was swimming about, he was taken up with his son, TAIRA no Kiyomune (There is speculation that it was a voluntary surrender). 例文帳に追加

幼い安徳天皇、平時子、平徳子ら一門の者達が次々と壇ノ浦の急流に身を投げる中、棟梁である宗盛も入水するが、死にきれずに泳ぎ回っていたところを、息子の平清宗とともに引き上げられる(自発的な降伏という説もあり)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his son FUJIWARA no Teika's "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu" (Ogura's Sequence of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), Toshinari is engaged as Kotaigo gu no daibu, but with him there was an intensification of political/economic contradictions in society, a shift to the middle ages where the warrior families took back political control; the period was marked by upheaval and the Mikohidari family cemented its name as poets. 例文帳に追加

息子藤原定家の『小倉百人一首』には皇太后宮大夫俊成として採られるが、彼とともに社会が政治・経済的矛盾が深まる中、武家が政権を奪取する中世へ移行する、時代の激動期を生き抜き、歌の家としての御子左家の名を確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Motozane KONOE and Motomichi KONOE, a father and a son, were on extremely bad terms with Kanezane KUJYO, and they are depicted as being "incompetent" by Jien, Kanezane's younger brother, who ascended to Tendaizasu (the head of Tendai sect) (and was close to Kanezane), in his history book, "Gukansho." 例文帳に追加

近衛基実・基通親子と基実の弟である九条兼実の関係は大変悪かったらしく、兼実の同母弟である天台座主慈円(兼実と親しかった)が著した歴史書『愚管抄』では基実親子を「無能な人物」であるとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Motomasa actually found his way into a provincial tour during the dark days; however, it was after Motomasa's death that a troupe of touring actors became an independent group, 'Ochi-Kanze,' and it is believed now that the founder of Ochi-Kanze, 'Juro dayu KANZE,' was not Motomasa but the son with the same name. 例文帳に追加

しかし元雅が不遇の中で地方巡業に活路を見出したのは事実であったが、それが独立したグループ「越智観世」となったのは元雅の死後のことであり、越智観世初代「観世十郎大夫」は、元雅ではなく、同名の息子であると現在では考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, some people guess that this family tree itself was 'created by later descendants who felt unnatural to emphasize the maternal line, although it is no problem to identify itself as descendants of the Kojima family because Hisaie was a real son of Muneie and his mother was an origin of the Kojima family.' 例文帳に追加

さらに、この系図自体が「これは久家は宗家の実子であって、一応は母親が児島の人間ではあるので児島の後裔を称する事に問題は無いのだが、やはり女系の系図の方を強調する事に不自然さを感じた人間が後付けで作り出した系図では無いか?」との意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, it is known that Michinao KONO of Iyo Province requested Sadayori ROKKAKU, Joko ODACH of naidanshu (another name of hikitsukeshu, coadjustor of the high court), and his son Harumitsu ODACHI, to put in a good word for him to become a member of Gohobanshu (officials who accompany shogun) via the 'Omandokoro (Mother of the chief Adviser to the Emperor) of the Konoe family' ("Odachi Joko Nikki" (The Diary of Joko ODACHI), the articles dated January 22 and 23, 1540). 例文帳に追加

また、伊予国の河野通直から「近衛家大政所」を通して御相伴衆推挙の依頼が六角定頼及び内談衆大舘常興・大舘晴光父子に対してなされた事が知られている(『大舘常興日記』天文8年12月4・5日条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also said that Nobutora punished many of his senior vassals, including Torasuke NAITO, Torasada BABA, Torakiyo YAMAGATA and Toratoyo KUDO, on the impulse of a moment (Nobutora's son Shingen revived many of these family names once extinguished by Nobutora; Masatoyo NAITO for the Naito clan, Nobuharu BABA for the Baba clan, and Masakage YAMAGATA for the Yamagata clan). 例文帳に追加

内藤虎資、馬場虎貞、山県虎清、工藤虎豊ら、重臣の数々を一時の感情に任せて成敗したと言われる(信虎に殺されて絶えた名跡の多くを、子の信玄が復活させている。内藤氏→内藤昌豊、馬場氏→馬場信春、山県氏→山県昌景)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Earlier, he had looked after Senmatsumaru SOGO, the legitimate son of Masayasu SOGO, who had been the former lord of Sanuki and killed in the battle of Hetsugigawa, but he is said to have ordered his nephew Uneme OTSUKA to kill Senmatsumaru with poison in order to plow with 20 thousand koku crop yields which was the property inheritance left to Senmatsumaru. 例文帳に追加

これに先立ち、讃岐の前国主であり戸次川の戦いで討ち死にした十河存保の嫡男十河千松丸を預かっていたが、その遺領二万石を横領するため甥の大塚采女に命じて毒殺させたと伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Nobushige himself had been underestimated until then because he had been overshadowed by his father Masayuki and older brother Nobuyuki as a second son of the Sanada clan, so it is said that Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was relieved knowing that it was the uncelebrated Nobushige, not Masayuki, who had entered Osaka-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

しかし信繁自身については、それまで真田氏の次男坊として父・昌幸や兄・信之の名声に隠れていたために評価は低く、徳川家康も昌幸ではなく、その息子で無名の信繁が大坂に入ったと知り安堵の表情を浮かべたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On July 1, while he was preparing to cross the sea, the Honnoji Incident broke out in Sakai City, but he only managed to kill Nobusumi TSUDA, his cousin and Mitsuhide AKECHI's son-in-law, hampered by a series of escaping soldiers (however, there is no evidence that Nobusumi participated in the Honnoji Incident). 例文帳に追加

堺市にて渡海の準備中である6月2日に本能寺の変が勃発したが、逃亡兵が相次いだため積極的な行動はできず、明智光秀の娘婿である従兄弟の津田信澄を殺害した程度であった(しかし信澄が本能寺の変に加担した証拠は存在しない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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