
「No reason」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(13ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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No reasonの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 732


For this reason, it is conceivable that more than a few SMEs that are carrying out research and development work that shows future promise are unable to secure sufficient funding for their research and development and have no option but to cut back on business investment or abandon business investment altogether.例文帳に追加

このため、将来有望と考えられる研究開発に取り組んでいる中小企業でも、必要な研究開発資金を十分確保できるとは限らず、事業への投資を縮小したり、断念せざるを得ない場合が少なからず生じていると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

There is no point of copying the product. With regard to their design know-how, it requires considerable experience. That's the reason why they won't let companies of emerging economies to copy their technology. Furthermore, their cutting-edge facility has been developed by working with Japanese machine tool makers or machine makers, which is an advantage.例文帳に追加

製品そのものをコピーしても意味はなく、設計ノウハウについては、かなりの経験を要することから、新興国企業の追随を許さず、また、最新鋭の設備を日本の工作機械メーカーや設備メーカーと一緒になって開発しており、設備の点でもアドバンテージがある。 - 経済産業省

Among adopted children and children considered as his, there are: MINAMOTO no Narinobu (son of Prince Munehira, nephew of Rinshi), whose father became an ordained monk and passed away so his relative, Michinaga, took guardianship; FUJIWARA no Nobumoto (Norimichi's son, later FUJIWARA no Michimoto) and FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (Yorimune's son), who were Michinaga's biological grandsons but Michinaga adopted them in order to facilitate their promotion; and the brothers adopted for the same reason, FUJIWARA no Kanetsune and Domyo (Betto of Shitenno-ji Temple), who were biological sons of Michitsuna, who was Michinaga's half brother by a different mother. 例文帳に追加

なお、養子・猶子となった者に実父の出家・死去によって縁戚の道長が後見を務めた源成信(致平親王の子・倫子の甥)、道長の実の孫でその昇進の便宜のために道長が養子とした藤原信基(教通の子、後の藤原通基)・藤原兼頼(頼宗の子)、同様のケースと考えられる道長の異母兄道綱の実子である藤原兼経・道命(四天王寺別当)兄弟が挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are various opinions about the actual reason of the death of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, however, according to this book, it was because he saw a ghost of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune at Yamatogahara (the present Tsujido and wide area of Chigasaki) on his way back from Buddhist ceremony for bridging Sagami-gawa River, and also saw a ghost of Emperor Antoku on the sea of Inamuragasaki, then he fainted and was struck down by a illness at Kamakura. 例文帳に追加

源頼朝の死について、建久10年(1199年)に、相模川橋供養の帰路、八的ヶ原(現在の辻堂および茅ヶ崎の広域名)で源義経らの亡霊を、稲村ヶ崎海上に安徳天皇の亡霊を見て、鎌倉で気を失い病に倒れたと記しているが、実際の死因については諸説ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Koyu SONODA claims that "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicles of Japan II) has false information for the following reason: In the year 758, it would have been extremely unusual for FUJIWARA no Yoshio as an exchange student Kentoshi to be promoted to Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) from no rank, for this would mean that he was promoted ahead of his four older brothers (The older brothers were promoted one rank from Shorokuinojo [Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade] to Jugoinoge). 例文帳に追加

薗田香融は『続日本紀』にある天平宝字2年の無位から従五位下とする記述は当時の遣唐留学生の叙位としては異例なだけではなく、当時健在であった4人の兄の位階の昇進の例(いずれも正六位上から従五位下に昇進している)を越してしまう事を指摘してこの記事には誤りが含まれているとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For this reason, the position of beneficial representatives among many local samurai who were hoping to improve their ranks as regional effective controllers was not sufficiently established and the Taira clan was overthrown by MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka and MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, who gained power through many simultaneous revolts (However, a recent theory says that germination of the organizations which were taken over to Yoritomo administration can be seen in the various systems established by Kiyomori). 例文帳に追加

そのため、地方の実効支配者としての地位の向上を望む多数の地方武士の利益代表者の位置を十分構築できず、同時多発反乱の中から台頭した源義仲や源頼朝らによって滅ぼされた(ただし、清盛が設置した諸制度の中に後の頼朝政権に引き継がれた組織の萌芽が見られるというのが近年の有力説である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the reason why the families of Chiba no suke and Kazusa no suke joined Yoritomo was not because they were followers of the generations of the Genji family as stated in "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East); rather, they supported Yoritomo to fight back against the attacks by the Fujiwara clan of Shimosa, who was aligned with the Taira family, and the Satake clan of Hitachi in an attempt to recover their lost territories, which was a revival gamble. 例文帳に追加

千葉介、上総介一族が、頼朝に加担したのは、『吾妻鏡』にいうような、両氏が累代の源氏の郎等であったからではなく、平家と結んだ下総の藤原氏、そして常陸の佐竹氏の侵攻に対して、頼朝を担ぐことによってそれを押し返し、奪い取られた自領を復活する為の起死回生の掛けであったといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takashi YOSHIDA's view states that the reason SOGA no Iruka strove for the concentration of authority by destroying Prince Yamashiro no Oe was to do with the coup carried out by Gaisobun EN in Goguryeo, and furthermore; Isshi Incident was easily accepted by the officials since it was similar to the enthronement of the Queen under the Royal Family based on the political structure formed after the suppression of Pidam War done by Yushin KIM in Silla. 例文帳に追加

蘇我入鹿が山背大兄王を滅ぼし権力集中を図ったのは、高句麗における淵蓋蘇文のクーデターを意識しており、乙巳の変は新羅における金ユ信らによる毗曇の内乱鎮圧後の王族中心体制の元での女王推戴と類似していたが故に諸臣に受け入れられやすかったとする吉田孝の見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the late Heian period, by reason that prominent samurai of Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan) was successively assigned to Sama no kami and Uma no kami which were substantially the highest post, the post of Meryo was regarded as one of the government posts longed for by samurai (it is said that the full number of Daijo (Senior Secretary) and Shojo (Junior Secretary) was 20 in total as regulated in the Kakushiki code (amendments and enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo)) at the end of Heian period). 例文帳に追加

平安時代後期以後は、実質上の最高職である左右馬頭に河内源氏の著名な武者が相次いで任じられた事から馬寮の職は武士の憧れの官職の一つとされた(平安時代末期格式など規定されていた実際の大允・少允の定員は計二十名であったと言う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If biological material deposited in accordance with paragraph (3) is no longer available in the National Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures Bank due to the fact that it is no longer viable or for some other reason, the applicant shall make another deposit of the material within a term and in a manner as laid down in the regulation referred to in paragraph (3). 例文帳に追加

(3)に従い寄託された生物学的材料について,国家産業用微生物及び細胞培養銀行において,それが最早生存していないという事実により又は他の理由から,最早入手可能でなくなったときは,出願人は,(3)にいう規則に規定された期間内に,かつ,方法により,当該材料について他の寄託を行わなければならない。 - 特許庁


Subsection (1) does not apply if the Commissioner is satisfied either that there has been no genuine use of the trade mark that has been removed during the 2 years immediately before its removal; or No deception or confusion would be likely to arise from the use of the trade mark that is the subject of the application by reason of any previous use of the trade mark that has been removed.例文帳に追加

(1)は,局長が次に掲げる事項の何れかを認める場合は,適用しない。削除された商標について,削除の直前の2年間においては,真正の使用がなかったこと,又は削除された商標についての従前の使用を理由とする申請の対象である商標の使用によって,誤認又は混同が生じる虞がないこと - 特許庁

Where in an action for the infringement of the design right in a registered design, it is shown that at the time of the infringement the defendant did not know and had no reason to believe that the design was registered, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to damages against the defendant and no order shall be made for an account of profits.例文帳に追加

登録意匠についての意匠権の侵害訴訟において,侵害行為時に被告が侵害対象の意匠が登録されていることを知らず,かつ,そう信じるに足る理由も存在しなかったことを証明した場合は,原告は被告に対して損害賠償の権利を有さず,かつ,利益算定についての如何なる命令も発せられない。 - 特許庁

(2) If, as a result of the investigation provided for in the preceding Article, it is determined that there are no grounds for the disposition to be made against the official, the National Personnel Authority shall rescind the disposition and take such action as may be necessary and advisable to restore employment rights to the official and rectify any injustice that may have been done to him/her by reason of such disposition. The National Personnel Authority shall instruct that the official be paid any salary lost by reason of such disposition. 例文帳に追加

2 前条に規定する調査の結果、その職員に処分を受けるべき事由のないことが判明したときは、人事院は、その処分を取り消し、職員としての権利を回復するために必要で、且つ、適切な処置をなし、及びその職員がその処分によつて受けた不当な処置を是正しなければならない。人事院は、職員がその処分によつて失つた俸給の弁済を受けるように指示しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The reason for above is unknown, although there are some possibilities of the following, 'since Emperor Chuai's death was not announced officially after he died, and it was temporary measure,' or 'there was no particular reason, the word Shosei was being used as a custom, since it also meant Regent after all,' or 'Shosei meant temporarily government since Emperor Ojin was officially considered as proper Emperor and he was called Emperor Taichu (Taichu means inside mother's womb).' 例文帳に追加

その理由は、「仲哀天皇がいまだ崩御していないという建前をとったためその代理だから」という意味か、または「特に理由はなく、称制も広義の摂政の中の一種という建前でただ慣習的に称制という言葉が使われなかっただけ」というわけなのか、あるいは「応神天皇は胎中天皇と称されたように胎児の頃からすでに正式な天皇であってその代理」という主旨なのか、いずれにしてもよくわからない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Basara daimyo (unconventional warriors) in general more or less downplayed conventional authority such as the Imperial Court, but for Tadayoshi, the Retired Emperor Kogon was the only authority (chiten no kimi (supreme ruler)) that guaranteed a legitimate reason for the appointment of his older brother, Takauji, to Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and the reason for Emperor Komyo's ascent to the throne, and therefore, Tadayoshi thought that forgiving his behavior would threaten his authority and would negate the legitimacy of the Muromachi bakufu. 例文帳に追加

婆娑羅大名には多かれ少なかれ朝廷などの旧来の権威を軽んじる風潮があったが、直義にとって光厳上皇は兄・尊氏の征夷大将軍任命とそれを行った光明天皇の即位に対する大義名分を保障する唯一の権威(治天の君)であり、その権威を揺るがす行為を容認することは室町幕府の正統性そのものを否定することにもつながりかねない事と考えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, when considering the 0.3 mm upper limit for the thickness, the only reason for this upper thickness limit described in the specification of the claimed invention suggests that a thickness of more than the 0.3mm limit is ineffective from the perspectives of oil or grease resistance and abrasion resistance. On the other hand, as there is no reason for an interpretation that the cited invention was assumed to have a polyethylene resin layer being “the ineffective thickness,” it is clear and obvious from the description of the specification of the claimed invention that the upper limit is only a matter of design which a person skilled in the art could appropriately select at the time of implementation. 例文帳に追加

まず、上限の0.3mmについて見ると、本願明細書に記載された限定の理由自体、耐油性、耐摩耗性の観点からは、それより厚くても無駄な厚さであるというにすぎず、他方、引用発明がポリエチレン樹脂層を「無駄な厚さ」とすることを想定していたと解する理由もないから、この上限の点が、当業者が実施に当たり適宜選択し得る設計的事項にすぎないことは、本願明細書の記載自体から明らかというほかはない。 - 特許庁

Article 265-41 (1) The Corporation shall, in the case where it has underwritten insurance contracts pertaining to a Bankrupt Insurance Company that is its membership, abolish the Special Insurance Account established for said Bankrupt Insurance Company when there is no longer a need to manage any of the insurance contracts pertaining to the Underwriting of Insurance Contracts due to termination, transfer, or any other reason. 例文帳に追加

第二百六十五条の四十一 機構は、その会員である破綻保険会社に係る保険契約の引受けをした場合において、当該保険契約の引受けに係るすべての保険契約につき、その終了、移転その他の事由により管理する必要がなくなったときは、当該破綻保険会社について設けた保険特別勘定を廃止するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When a summons for an appearance date is made by a method other than serving a writ of summons or giving a notice of the date to a person who has appeared for the case, no legal sanction nor any other disadvantage by reason of nonobservance of the date may be attributed to a party, witness or expert witness who does not appear on the date; provided, however, that this shall not apply if these persons have submitted a document stating that they have been summoned for the appearance date. 例文帳に追加

2 呼出状の送達及び当該事件について出頭した者に対する期日の告知以外の方法による期日の呼出しをしたときは、期日に出頭しない当事者、証人又は鑑定人に対し、法律上の制裁その他期日の不遵守による不利益を帰することができない。ただし、これらの者が期日の呼出しを受けた旨を記載した書面を提出したときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) When a notification is issued pursuant to the provisions of Articles 22 to 24, or Article 25 of the Basic Resident Registration Act (Act No. 81 of 1967) (limited to a case when a supplementary note is appended to the document pertaining to said notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 28-2 of the same Act), it shall be deemed as a notification pursuant to the main clause of paragraph (1) based on the same reason for said notification. 例文帳に追加

5 住民基本台帳法(昭和四十二年法律第八十一号)第二十二条から第二十四条まで又は第二十五条の規定による届出があったとき(当該届出に係る書面に同法第二十八条の二の規定による付記がされたときに限る。)は、その届出と同一の事由に基づく第一項本文の規定による届出があったものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In a case when an Insured Person that may apply for the application as set forth in the preceding paragraph was not able to apply for said application prior to expiry of the Effective Period of Certification of Needed Support pertaining to said application due to a disaster or other compelling reason, said Insured Person may apply for a Renewal of Certification of Needed Support within one month from the date on which said reasons are no longer valid. 例文帳に追加

3 前項の申請をすることができる被保険者が、災害その他やむを得ない理由により当該申請に係る要支援認定の有効期間の満了前に当該申請をすることができなかったときは、当該被保険者は、その理由のやんだ日から一月以内に限り、要支援更新認定の申請をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare, when an Entrusting Prefectural Governor is conducting the Examination Question Preparation Affairs pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and when the reason is no longer valid for an Entrusting Prefectural Governor to conduct the Examination Question Preparation Affairs pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, shall provide notice of said fact immediately to said Entrusting Prefectural Governor. 例文帳に追加

2 厚生労働大臣は、委任都道府県知事が前項の規定により試験問題作成事務を行うこととなるとき、又は委任都道府県知事が同項の規定により試験問題作成事務を行うこととなる事由がなくなったときは、速やかにその旨を当該委任都道府県知事に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Procedure for compulsory execution, provisional seizure or provisional disposition which is based on a rehabilitation claim or auction by reason of a right of retention (excluding a right of retention under the provisions of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899) or the Companies Act) which is intended to secure a rehabilitation claim, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "compulsory execution based on a rehabilitation claim, etc." in the following Article, Article 29 and Article 39), already initiated against the rehabilitation debtor's property 例文帳に追加

二 再生債権に基づく強制執行、仮差押え若しくは仮処分又は再生債権を被担保債権とする留置権(商法(明治三十二年法律第四十八号)又は会社法の規定によるものを除く。)による競売(次条、第二十九条及び第三十九条において「再生債権に基づく強制執行等」という。)の手続で、再生債務者の財産に対して既にされているもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Where property that is the subject matter of a security interest (meaning a special statutory lien, pledge or mortgage; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) no longer belongs to the bankruptcy estate due to sale by private contract by a bankruptcy trustee or for any other reason, the person who has such security interest, if it still exists, may also have a right of separate satisfaction over the property that is the subject matter of the security interest. 例文帳に追加

2 担保権(特別の先取特権、質権又は抵当権をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の目的である財産が破産管財人による任意売却その他の事由により破産財団に属しないこととなった場合において当該担保権がなお存続するときにおける当該担保権を有する者も、その目的である財産について別除権を有する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 3 No one shall be discriminated against in employment placement, vocational guidance, or the like, by reason of race, nationality, creed, sex, social status, family origin, previous profession, membership of a labor union, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where the terms of a collective agreement entered into between an employer and a labor union in accordance with the Labor Union Act provide otherwise. 例文帳に追加

第三条 何人も、人種、国籍、信条、性別、社会的身分、門地、従前の職業、労働組合の組合員であること等を理由として、職業紹介、職業指導等について、差別的取扱を受けることがない。但し、労働組合法〔昭和二四年六月法律第一七四号〕の規定によつて、雇用主と労働組合との間に締結された労働協約に別段の定のある場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 32 The Juvenile or the legal representative or attendant of the Juvenile may lodge an appeal against a ruling imposing protective measures within two weeks only for a reason of a violation of laws and regulations that affects the ruling, a serious error of fact or substantial inappropriateness of the measures; provided, however, that the attendant may file no appeal that is contrary to the intent clearly indicated by the Custodian who appointed the attendant. 例文帳に追加

第三十二条 保護処分の決定に対しては、決定に影響を及ぼす法令の違反、重大な事実の誤認又は処分の著しい不当を理由とするときに限り、少年、その法定代理人又は付添人から、二週間以内に、抗告をすることができる。ただし、付添人は、選任者である保護者の明示した意思に反して、抗告をすることができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 56-2 (1) No party shall be allowed to dump or leave unattended ships or other objects specified by the prefectural governor without good reason in the water area pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (limited to the area specified by the prefectural governor and found especially necessary for the utilization and preservation of the port in view of such factors as the utilization and location of the Port Facilities (excluding the area of Waterways to be Developed and Preserved)). 例文帳に追加

第五十六条の二 何人も、前条第一項の規定により公告されている水域(港湾の施設の利用、配置その他の状況により、港湾の利用又は保全上特に必要があると認めて都道府県知事が指定した区域(開発保全航路の区域を除く。)に限る。)内において、みだりに、船舶その他の物件で都道府県知事が指定したものを捨て、又は放置してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 114-7 (1) The person who petitioned for a protective order and any person against whom such protective order was issued may each petition the court with whom the case record resides (or if there is no court with whom the case record resides, then the court which issued the protective order) to rescind the protective order for reason that any of the requirements provided for in the preceding Article, paragraph (1) is lacking or has become lacking. 例文帳に追加

第百十四条の七 秘密保持命令の申立てをした者又は秘密保持命令を受けた者は、訴訟記録の存する裁判所(訴訟記録の存する裁判所がない場合にあつては、秘密保持命令を発した裁判所)に対し、前条第一項に規定する要件を欠くこと又はこれを欠くに至つたことを理由として、秘密保持命令の取消しの申立てをすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Great faith is the way to attain longevity and immortality, the awesome way to awake aspirations for the pure and to reject the corrupt, the honest mind taught to us through this chosen Vow, the faith that realizes Amida's benefiting of others, the true mind shining like a diamond jewel that is indestructible, the pure faith whereby a person can easily find the Pure Land where no one goes, a single mind, understood by those who are embraced and protected by the compassionate light, the great faith, rare and unsurpassed, the quickest path that is difficult for people to accept, the true reason for attaining nirvana, the white path by which all virtues are instantly fulfilled and the vast sea of faith that is the true reality. 例文帳に追加

大信心はすなはちこれ長生不死の神方、欣浄厭穢の妙術、選択回向の直心、利他深広の信楽、金剛不壊の真心、易往無人の浄信、心光摂護の一心、希有最勝の大信、世間難信の捷径、証大涅槃の真因、極速円融の白道、真如一実の信海なり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another reason is the bitter situation in which they are no longer able to stick with a distinction between schools inside the brewers' society because the whole sake industry has been suffering from a long-term depression and a lack of successors, and many small schools are losing their toji groups, or already lost their toji groups. 例文帳に追加

またもう一つには、日本酒業界全体が日本酒の歴史消費低迷期に陥っており、後継者もおらず、小さな流派では杜氏集団そのものが絶滅しかかっている、あるいはすでに絶滅してしまったところも多く、酒造関係者内部で流派にこだわっているだけの余裕がなくなった、という苦々しい事情もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Nobunaga ODA in fact received an imperial recommendation for 'appointment to Seii Taishogun,' so realistically there was no basis for the idea that one could not be Shogun if he was not from the Minamoto clan (it seems that the reason Ieyasu claimed Minamoto heritage was not only to become Shogun, but that by becoming the Minamoto clan chief and entering the post of Shogun, he would oppose Hideyoshi's warrior Kampaku system and aimed to gain authority to rule over both the warriors and the nobles). 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、実際に織田信長に「征夷大将軍拝命」の勧めの勅使が来ていることもあり、現実的には源氏でなければ将軍になれないというのは根拠がない(おそらく家康が源氏を称した理由はただ将軍になるのではなく、源氏長者となり、さらに将軍職へ就くことにより、秀吉の武家関白制に対抗し、武家と公家の双方を支配する権利を得るのが目的だったのであろう)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shrine's name of 'Kurumazaki' (lit. carriage splitting) was given after the ox-drawn carriages in which people were riding would suddenly split as they passed the shrine, and when Retired Emperor Gosaga was visiting Oi-gawa River his carriage suddenly stopped, which surprised him and when he enquired with people at the shrine as to the reason why, he was told that it was because the shrine enshrined KIYOHARA no Yorinari - leading the emperor to grant the shrine the name of 'Kurumazaki-Daimyojin Shrine' and the rank of Shoichii (Senior First Rank). 例文帳に追加

社名の「車折」については、ある人が牛車に乗ったまま社前を通った所、突然車が裂けてしまったためとも、後嵯峨天皇の大堰川遊幸の際、社前で突然車が前に進まなくなったので、不思議に思って社の者に問うた所、頼業公を祀ると答えがあったので、還御の後に「車折大明神」の神号と正一位の神階を贈ったためともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To the criticism that says Yoshitsune won the battle by employing mean tactics, there are those who oppose to this criticism advocating that in the first place there were no established battle rules at that time (strictly speaking, "Konjaku Monogatari" (The Tale of Times Now Past) and other documents confirm that some rules including the place of battle for one-on-one fight and collective battle was established in several cases, such as when warriors (samurai) had a private reason or a problem concerning their territories or honor and both parties whished to solve the problems by themselves by way of a duel. 例文帳に追加

そもそも当時の合戦にルールは存在せず(厳密に言うならば、武士が私的な理由、所領問題や名誉に関わる問題で、自力・当事者間で解決しようとして合戦に及ぶ場合には一騎打ちや合戦を行う場所の指定などがあったことが『今昔物語集』などで確認できる)、義経の勝因を当時としては卑怯な戦法にある、と非難することに対する反論もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nevertheless, the LDP members approved the budget proposed by the governor Ninagawa throughout his terms and they frequently showed their admiration for the governor Ninagawa with their words and behaviors in the prefectural assembly hall, and the LDP left most of the conservative supporters to support Ninagawa for the reason that 'they preferred Kyoto distinct from other prefectures, even if Kyoto had no expressway' and 'they only need their leader to enrich their life both officially and personally whether the leader is reformist or conservative.' 例文帳に追加

ただし、自民党などもその蜷川知事の出した予算に任期中ずっと賛成していたり、議会内では蜷川知事を褒め称える言動を数々していた事実や、保守支持層の大部分も「高速道路がなくても他と違う京都が良い」「赤くても白くても日々の仕事と生活を豊かにしてくれるトップであれば良い」という理由で蜷川支持にまわっていたこともある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason why Chiba and Kazusa no Suke clans supported Yoritomo was not only because they both were the servants of Minamoto clan as beautified by "Azuma Kagami," but to repel the invasion of the Fujiwara clan of Shimousa Province and the Satake clan of Hitachi Province by supporting Yoritomo and to recover their stolen estate as a gamble to turn things around from facing a complete defeat. 例文帳に追加

千葉介、上総介一族が、頼朝に加担したのは、『吾妻鏡』が美化して伝えるような、両氏が代々源氏の家人であったからではなく、平家と結んだ下総国の藤原氏、そして常陸国の佐竹氏の侵攻に対して、頼朝を担ぐことによってそれを押し返し、奪い取られた自領を復活する為の起死回生の掛けであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the reason, Sukemasa IRIE, who served Emperor Showa as Grand Chamberlain, described in his book that "Okami (Emperor Showa), after the Greater East Asia War, put a stop to reconstruction of Kyuden and so on burned-out in the war with the view of giving top priority to improvement of people's living standards, saying 'A new Kyuden should not be constructed when people have no houses to live in and are in poverty.'" 例文帳に追加

この理由について、昭和天皇の侍従長を務めた入江相政は、自らの著書で『お上(昭和天皇)は大東亜戦争終了後、「国民が戦災の為に住む家も無く、暮らしもままならぬ時に、新しい宮殿を造ることは出来ぬ」と、国民の生活向上を最優先とすべしという考えから、戦災で消失した宮殿などの再建に待ったをかけていた』旨のことを記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It should also be noted that when receiving a notification for discontinuation of business based on Article 66-19(1) of the FIEA from a financial instruments intermediary service provider, supervisors shall make sure, through a hearing with the service provider, for example, that no reason exists for the rescission of registration as specified under Article 66-20(1) of the FIEA. 例文帳に追加

廃業等の届出については金融商品仲介業者から金商法第66条の19第1項の規定に基づく届出書を受理する際、当該金融商品仲介業者に対して必要に応じてヒアリングを行うなどにより、金商法第66条の20第1項の規定による登録取消しの事由の存しないことについて確認を行うことに留意するものとする。 - 金融庁

With regard to notifications of discontinuance of business by a credit rating agency, when receiving a notification from a credit rating agency based on Article 66-40(1) and (4) of the FIEA, supervisory departments shall make sure that no reason exists for the rescission of registration pursuant to Article 66-42(1) of the FIEA, such as by conducting hearings with the said credit rating agency as necessary. 例文帳に追加

信用格付業者の廃業等の届出については、信用格付業者から金商法第66条の40第1項及び第4項に基づく届出書を受理する際、当該信用格付業者に対して必要に応じてヒアリングを行うなどにより、金商法第66条の42第1項の規定による登録取消しの事由の存しないことについて確認するものとする。 - 金融庁

An application may be made under this section in respect of a patent notwithstanding that the applicant is already the holder of a licence under the patent; and no person shall be stopped from relying on any of the matters specified in subsection (2) because of any admission made by him, whether in such licence or otherwise or by reason of his having accepted such licence. 例文帳に追加

特許に係る本条に基づく申請は,申請人が既に特許に基づく実施権者であるにも拘らず行うことができ,何人も,当該ライセンスにおいてかその他においてかを問わず,当該人が承認したという理由で,又は当該ライセンスを受けたという理由で,(2)の規定事項に依拠することを妨げられない。 - 特許庁

Where three years have elapsed from the grant of the patent and four years from the filing of the patent application without the invention being worked in this country to a reasonable extent, anyone who wishes to work the invention in this country may obtain a compulsory licence for that purpose, provided there is no legitimate reason for the failure to work the invention.例文帳に追加

発明がノルウェーにおいて適切な程度に実施されずに,特許付与後3年,かつ,出願後4年が経過している場合は,当該発明不実施についての正当な理由がない限り,ノルウェーにおいて当該発明の実施を希望する何人も,その目的での強制ライセンスを取得することができる。 - 特許庁

However, the description does not explain an invention by covering all technology for the invention, but is ordinarily prepared on the assumption of common general knowledge of a person skilled in the art at the filing date. Therefore, even if the description is especially precise, there is no reason for finding common general knowledge inherent in a person skilled in the art when looking at the invention based on evidence and considering it are prohibited. 例文帳に追加

しかし、明細書は当該発明に関するすべての技術を網羅してこれを説明しているものではなく、出願当時の当業者の技術常識を前提としたうえで作成されているのが通常であるから、特に明細書に記載がなくても、当該発明を理解するに当って当業者に有する技術常識を証拠により認定し、これを参酌することを禁ずべき理由はない。 - 特許庁

Where an examination on the requirements for patentability in terms of novelty, inventive step, etc. was not made in the first notice of reasons for refusal even though there is no reasonable reason not to perform the examination on the requirements (see, 4.2 (4) ① to ⑦), and reasons for refusal related to the requirements are notified in the second notice of reasons for refusal. 例文帳に追加

新規性・進歩性等の特許要件についての審査を行わないことに合理的な理由(4.2 (4) ①から⑥参照)がないにもかかわらず、一回目の拒絶理由通知のときにこれを行わなかった場合において、二回目の拒絶理由通知で、新規性・進歩性等の特許要件に関する拒絶理由を通知する場合 - 特許庁

(3) The examination and investigations required by the foregoing provisions of this Act shall not be deemed to warrant the validity of any patent, and no liability shall be incurred by the Patent Office or any officer thereof by reason of or in connection with any such examination or investigation or any report or other proceedings consequent thereon.例文帳に追加

(3) 本法の前記規定により必要とされる審査及び調査は,何れの特許の有効性も保証するものとみなされず,また,特許庁又はその職員は,当該審査若しくは調査又はその結果としての何らかの報告その他の手続を理由にして又はこれらに関連して,責任を一切負わないものとする。 - 特許庁

(2) For the purposes of this section the actual deviser of an invention or a part of an invention shall be deemed to be the inventor, notwithstanding that any other person is for any of the other purposes of this Act treated as the true and first inventor; and no person shall be deemed to be the inventor of an invention or a part of an invention by reason only that it was imported by him into New Zealand.例文帳に追加

(2) 本条の適用上,ある発明又はその一部の現実の発明者は,何れかの他人が本法の他の何れかの規定の適用上,真実かつ最先の発明者として取り扱われることがあるにも拘らず,発明者であるものとみなす。また,何人も,その者がある発明をニュージーランドに輸入したという理由のみによっては,その発明又はその一部の発明者であるものとはみなさない。 - 特許庁

In the above circumstances, if the examiner has a reason to suspect that the claimed product would be prima facie similar to the product of the cited invention and that the claimed invention would prima facie involve no inventive step without making a strict comparison of the claimed product with the product of the cited invention, the examiner may send the notice of reasons for refusal under Article 29(2). 例文帳に追加

そのような場合において、引用発明の対応する生産物との厳密な対比を行わずに、審査官が、両者が一応類似の物であり、本願発明の進歩性が一応否定されるとの合理的な疑いを抱いた場合には、審査官は、第29条第2項に基づいて、進歩性が否定される旨の拒絶理由を通知することができる。 - 特許庁

In such circumstances, if the examiner has a reason to suspect that the claimed product would be prima facie identical with the product of the cited invention and that the claimed invention would prima facie involve no inventive step without making a strict comparison of the claimed product with the product of the cited invention, the examiner may send the notice of reasons for refusal under Article 29(2). 例文帳に追加

そのような場合において、当該生産物と引用発明の対応する物との厳密な一致点及び相違点の対比を行わずに、審査官が、両者が類似の物であり本願発明の進歩性が否定されるとの一応の合理的な疑いを抱いた場合には、第29条第2項の拒絶理由を通知する。 - 特許庁

(1) A court may refuse to award damages, or to make an order for an account of profits, in respect of an infringement of a patent if the defendant satisfies the court that, at the date of the infringement, the defendant was not aware, and had no reason to believe, that a patent for the invention existed. 例文帳に追加

(1) 特許侵害に関し,被告が裁判所に対し,侵害の日には該当する発明について特許が存在していたことを知っておらず,かつ,それが存在していると信じるべき理由がなかったことを認めさせたときは,裁判所は,損害賠償を認定すること又は利益返還の命令を出すことを拒絶することができる。 - 特許庁

(a) both: (i) the reasonable requirements of the public with respect to the patented invention have not been satisfied; and (ii) the patentee has given no satisfactory reason for failing to exploit the patent; or (b) the patentee is contravening Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or an application law (as defined in section 150A of that Act) in connection with the patent. 例文帳に追加

(a) 次の両方,すなわち, (i) 当該特許発明に関する公衆の合理的要求が満たされていないこと,及び (ii) 特許権者が当該特許を実施しないことについて満足できる理由を示していないこと,又は (b) 特許権者が当該特許に関連して2010年競争及び消費者法第IV部又は出願法(同法第150A条に定義する)に違反していること - 特許庁

Article 40 If no reason for rejection is discerned after preliminary examination of a utility model or design patent application, the patent administration department under the State Council shall make a decision on granting of the utility model or design patent right, issue a corresponding patent certificate, and meanwhile register and announce the same. The utility model patent right and the design patent right shall become effective as of the date of announcement. 例文帳に追加

第四十条 実用新案及び意匠の特許出願に対して予備審査を行い、これを却下する理由が存在しない場合、国務院専利行政部門が実用新案特許権又は意匠特許権を付与する決定を下し、相応する特許証書を交付する。同時に登記して公告し、実用新案特許権及び意匠特許権は公告日から有効となる。 - 特許庁

A link establish request message is transmitted from a PS 6 via an incoming LCCH to a CS 3 captured for assigning the communication channel, and when any communication channel cannot be assigned, the CS 3, which receives this message, reports a link channel assignment refusal message via an outgoing LCCH to the PS 3, while adding the reason for no CS idle channel.例文帳に追加

同一一斉呼出しエリア5内の基地局2,3,4のうち1台(親基地局)3に制御チャネルを常に持たせ、親基地局3から着呼メッセージを受信した移動局6、通信チャネルを割り当て可能な同一一斉呼出しエリア5内の任意の基地局に応答メッセージを返せば、通信チャネルを割り当てる。 - 特許庁


To obtain a polyester blended multifilament yarn capable of giving fabrics unconventionally excellent in soft touch with puffiness for such a reason that, because of the presence of loops in a highly minute condition, not only no trouble is caused in after-processes including weaving and knitting but also a greatly uneven filament length difference among the multifilaments constituting the yarn is manifested by conducting an ordinary dyeing and finishing operation.例文帳に追加

混繊糸の段階ではループが非常に微細な状態で存在する形態のため、製織、編立て等の後工程でトラブルを引き起こさないばかりか、通常の染色加工を実施することによって混繊糸を構成するマルチフィラメント間に不均一でかつ多大な糸長差を発現することで、従来にないソフト感に優れ、かつふくらみを有する布帛を提供できるポリエステル混繊糸を提供する。 - 特許庁


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