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該当件数 : 15824



In this situation, it is very important for Japan's SMEs to improve their productivity by striving to overcome the various challenges they face, including quality management and the forging of partnerships with partner enterprises; the realization of high added value backed up by unique ideas and technical capabilities within the rapidly expanding global supply chain; and the winning of shares of the huge and rapidly growing markets in China and India. - 経済産業省

具体的には、地元 3 大学が各々のキャンパスに創業保育施設を設置し、大学それぞれの特徴をいかした研究開発支援、販路開拓支援を行うとともに、事業を拡大させたい企業に対しては大邱市の中心部にあるオフィス等を紹介し、生産設備を必要としている企業に対しては先端産業団地を紹介する等、地域全体をインキュベート施設にみたててベンチャー企業の育成に取り組んでいる。例文帳に追加

More specifically, they are making efforts to develop venture companies, likening the whole area to incubation facilities; for example, three local universities set up business incubation facilities on the campus and provide R&D assistance and market development assistance by making full use of the characteristics of each, and, for companies that want to expand their business, they provide offices, etc. in the central part of Daegu City, and for companies that need production facilities, they provide a high-tech industrial complex, and so forth. - 経済産業省

具体的には、 1 )世界経済は、緩やかに回復しつつも格差とインバランスが存在し、いまだ不安定であること。 2 )世界経済は、より力強くかつ自律的な回復を遂げる上でのリスク要因を抱えていること。 3 )格差とインバランスの拡大に伴い、国・地域間の摩擦が高まっており、G20、 APEC、 WTO 等において問題解決に向けた取組がなされていること。 4 )東日本大震災の発生後、各国のとった協調的な動きにより、世界経済はおおむね安定した動きを見せたこと(震災による影響に関しては、第4章、第5章にて詳述する)。等を示す。例文帳に追加

Specifically speaking: 1) The world economy has been recovering moderately, but the gaps and imbalances are found, which are still volatile. 2) The risk factors related to the world economy must be addressed in order to achieve stronger and self- sustaining recovery; 3) Accompanying the widening of gaps and imbalances, friction among countries and regions has been heightened. Efforts have been made to solve these problems by G20, APEC, WTO and other world organization. 4) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the world economy has shown largely stable upward movement through cooperative support provided by various countries. (Details of the earthquake disaster will be discussed later in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5). - 経済産業省

この点に関しては、2007 年 3月に開催された全国人民代表大会における「政府活動報告」では、2010 年の目標達成に向けた決意が改めて示されるとともに、低調な結果となった背景として、①産業構造の調整がなかなか進まず、エネルギー多消費産業の拡大が続いていること、②過剰生産能力の淘汰が進んでいないこと、③一部の地方と企業が省エネ・環境保護の法規と基準を実施していないこと、④関連施策の成果が明らかになるには一定の時間を要することが報告されている。例文帳に追加

In regard to this point, the “Report on the Work of the Governmentof the National People’s Congress, which was held in March 2007, once again indicates determination to achieve the objective for 2010, and as for factors behind the poor results, it mentions: (a) the continued expansion of energy-intensive industries without very much progress in adjustments to the industry structure, (b) the lack of progress in weeding out excess production capacity, (c) the failure of some local governments and companies to enforce regulations and standards for energy conservation and environmental protection, and (d) the need for a certain amount of time before the results of related measures are clear. - 経済産業省


また、金融・保険分野においては、①1999年1月のユーロ導入によって、各国通貨による市場の境界がなくなるとともに、制度整備が進んだことから、金融業界の競争が激化したこと、②企業合併・買収を仲介したり財務アドバイスを行うノウハウを自社に取り込むために、投資銀行を対象とするM&Aが活発化したこと、③米国における金融制度改革法などによる規制緩和を背景にEU 域内金融機関による米国金融機関の買収が増加したことなどの要因も重なり、金融業のM&Aが世界的に急拡大したものと見られる。例文帳に追加

Also, in the finance and insurance sectors, the following causes were seen to overlap, resulting in the rapid global expansion of M&A targeting the financial industry: (a) Due to the introduction of the Euro in January 1999, along with the disappearance of the market boundaries of each country’s currency, the competition intensified within the financial industry due to the progress in system developments, (b) There was active M&A targeting investment banks, to bring the know-how on intermediation or provision for financial advice for company mergers and acquisitions, (c) Acquisitions of the U.S. financial institutions by the financial institutions in the EU region had increased due to the U.S. deregulation of the Financial Services Modernization Act, etc. - 経済産業省



In this report, it was said that each Asian countries must make further efforts to realize a “Sustainable Asia based on the 3Rs” (Fig. II-54). To realize the goal, each country first makes a considerable effort in constructing a sound domestic recycling system for recyclable resources. In addition, recyclable resources that cannot be recycled in each country should be utilized efficiently between Asian countries to reduce consumption of natural resources while preventing the expansion of environmental pollution.  - 経済産業省

第2 章第2 節2. では、今回の金融危機で、先進国をはじめとして我が国の輸出が急減したことを踏まえ、今後大いに拡大すると考えられる新興国の中間層の市場(ボリュームゾーン)の獲得を検討していく必要があること、また、ボリュームゾーンを獲得していくためには、従来型の高機能高品質の製品販売戦略だけでなく、低価格帯における相対的な品質の高さ・サービスの展開等が必要であることを述べた。例文帳に追加

Chapter 2 Section 2-2 contended that the acquisition of the middle-class market (volume zone) in emerging economies, which is expected to grow considerably in the future, needs to be considered in light of the fact that Japan's (and other developed countries) exports declined rapidly due to the latest financial crisis, and that in order to acquire the volume zone, it is necessary to develop products and services that are relatively high in quality but in a low price range, in addition to the conventional sales strategies of high function and high quality. - 経済産業省


Members, Recognizing the growing importance of trade in services for the growth and development of the world economy; Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the development of developing countries; Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national policy objectives; Recognizing the right of Members to regulate, and to introduce new regulations, on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives and, given asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of services regulations in different countries, the particular need of developing countries to exercise this right; Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness; Taking particular account of the serious difficulty of the least-developed countries in view of their special economic situation and their development, trade and financial needs; Hereby agree as follows: - 経済産業省

具体的には、① 第1章において、国際経済の動向を概観した上で、国際的な経常収支不均衡の拡大や原油価格上昇に伴う新たなオイルマネーの動向の分析等を通じて、国際資本移動の活発化を中心とした経済のグローバル化の姿を描き、② 第2章において、アジアのダイナミズムを概観した上で、日本企業による国際事業ネットワーク形成が分業面・貿易面において、いわば「水平的」なアジアを創出しつつある状況をミクロからマクロにわたる複層的な視点から分析するとともに、国際事業ネットワーク形成に際して重要な進出先となっている中国とASEANの状況を分析し、③ 第3章において、以上の調査分析を踏まえて、企業活動の場(フィールド)の自由化・調和・安定化と事業拠点間を結ぶ「ビジネスコスト距離」の短縮等を通じた国際事業環境整備の推進、生産性向上を伴う我が国への対内直接投資の拡大、人的資本の育成・活用、「複線的」構造に立脚した「投資立国」の実現、という4つの取組について論じた。例文帳に追加

Concretely, the following analyses and discussions are made in the White Paper. (1) In Chapter 1, the globalization of the economy, mainly by increased international capital movement, was described by surveying the trend in the international economy and analyzing the expansion of international current account imbalances, together with the new trend in petromoney caused by higher crude oil prices. (2) In Chapter 2, after surveying the dynamism of Asia, an analysis was made from multilayered points of view, including macro and micro perspectives on the formation of international business networks by Japanese companies, which are creating a “horizontalAsia in terms of both division of labor and trade. Conditions in China and ASEAN, which have become important business partners in the process of the formation of international business networks, were also analyzed. (3) Based upon the results of these researches and analyses, in Chapter 3, discussions were made about four issues: promoting the improvement of the international business environment through the liberalization, harmonization and stabilization of fields for corporate activities; shorteningbusiness cost distancebetween business bases; expanding inward direct investment in Japan which will be accompanied by improved productivity, and realizing aninvestment powerhouse” through fostering and utilizing human resources with a “dual-track” structure. - 経済産業省


第一条 この法律は、消費者と事業者との間の情報の質及び量並びに交渉力の格差にかんがみ、事業者の一定の行為により消費者が誤認し、又は困惑した場合について契約の申込み又はその承諾の意思表示を取り消すことができることとするとともに、事業者の損害賠償の責任を免除する条項その他の消費者の利益を不当に害することとなる条項の全部又は一部を無効とするほか、消費者の被害の発生又は拡大を防止するため適格消費者団体が事業者等に対し差止請求をすることができることとすることにより、消費者の利益の擁護を図り、もって国民生活の安定向上と国民経済の健全な発展に寄与することを目的とする例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to protect the interests of consumers, and thereby contribute to the stabilization of and the improvement in the general welfare and life of the citizens and to the sound development of the national economy, in consideration of the discrepancy in quality and quantity of information and the negotiating power between consumers and business operators, by permitting a rescission of manifestation of intentions to offer or accept contracts made by consumers when they misunderstood or are distressed by certain acts of business operators, and nullifying any clauses, in part or in whole, that exempt the business operators from their liability for damages or otherwise that unfairly harm the interests of consumers, in addition to providing a right to qualified consumer organization to demand an injunction against business operators, etc. for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of or the spreading of damage to other consumers.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Argentina should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) addressing the remaining deficiencies with regard to the criminalisation of money laundering (Recommendation 1); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering and identifying and freezing terrorist assets (Recommendation 3 and Special Recommendation III); (3) enhancing financial transparency (Recommendation 4); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit and improving suspicious transaction reporting requirements (Recommendation 13, Special Recommendation IV and Recommendation 26); (5) further enhancing the AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors (Recommendations 17, 23 and 29); (6) further improving and broadening CDD measures (Recommendation 5); and (7) establishing appropriate channels for international co-operation and ensuring effective implementation (Recommendation 36, Recommendation 40 and Special Recommendation V).  - 財務省


Bangladesh should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) implementing adequate procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering (Recommendation 3); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (5) improving suspicious transaction reporting requirements (Recommendation 13 and Special Recommendation IV); (6) improving international cooperation (Recommendation 36, Recommendation 39 and Special Recommendation V); and (7) issuing guidance to capital markets intermediaries to effectively extend the AML/CFT obligations, including with regard to the VTC program (Recommendation 5).  - 財務省


Argentina should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) addressing the remaining deficiencies with regard to the criminalisation of money laundering; (2) further improving procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering and freezing terrorist assets; (3) enhancing financial transparency; (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit and improving suspicious transaction reporting requirements; (5) further enhancing the AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors; (6) further improving and broadening customer due diligence measures; and (7) establishing appropriate channels for international co-operation and ensuring effective implementation.  - 財務省


Kenya should continue to work on addressing these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately implementing the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act and adequately criminalising terrorist financing; (2) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit; (3) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering, and the identification and freezing of terrorist assets; (4) implementing effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions in order to deal with natural or legal persons that do not comply with the national AML/CFT requirements; (5) implementing an adequate and effective AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors; (6) enhancing financial transparency; (7) further improving and broadening CDD measures; and (8) establishing adequate record-keeping requirements.  - 財務省


Alteration of register After the actual date of registration of a trade mark, the Commissioner may, at the request of the owner or licensee of the trade mark, as the case may be, allow the owner's or licensee's name or address to be altered on the register: at the request of the owner, strike out any goods or services, or classes of goods or services, from those in respect of which the trade mark is registered: at the request of the owner, enter a memorandum that relates to the trade mark that does not in any way extend the rights given by the existing registration of the trade mark. - 特許庁


In this personal digital assistant and a method for it, the vicinity of the recognition object area or a recognition object letter column/row is enlarged in comparison with the whole of the image and displayed as a separate window in the display part according to the image acquired from the image input part during selection of a recognition object. - 特許庁

2 原子力防災専門官は、その担当すべき原子力事業所として文部科学大臣又は経済産業大臣が指定した原子力事業所について、第七条第一項に規定する原子力事業者防災業務計画の作成及び第八条第一項に規定する原子力防災組織の設置その他原子力事業者が実施する原子力災害予防対策に関する指導及び助言を行うほか、第十条第一項前段の規定による通報があった場合には、その状況の把握のため必要な情報の収集、地方公共団体が行う情報の収集及び応急措置に関する助言その他原子力災害の発生又は拡大の防止の円滑な実施に必要な業務を行うものとする例文帳に追加

(2) A senior specialist for nuclear emergency preparedness shall, in addition to giving guidance and advice concerning the preparation of a nuclear operator emergency action plan under Article 7, paragraph 1, establishment of an on-site organization for nuclear emergency preparedness under Article 8, paragraph 1 or other measures to prevent nuclear emergency implemented by a nuclear operator with regard to a nuclear site that has been designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as a nuclear site of which said senior specialist for nuclear emergency preparedness should take charge, collect information necessary for understanding the situation, give advice concerning the collection of information and emergency responses implemented by a local government and perform any other duties necessary to smoothly implement the prevention of the occurrence or progression (expansion) of a nuclear disaster in the case where there has been a notification under the provisions of the first sentence of Article 10, paragraph 1.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Argentina will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering and identifying and freezing terrorist assets (Recommendation 3 and Special Recommendation III); (3) enhancing financial transparency (Recommendation 4); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit and improving suspicious transaction reporting requirements (Recommendation 13, Special Recommendation IV, and Recommendation 26); (5) implementing an adequate AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors (Recommendations 17, 23 and 29); (6) improving and broadening CDD measures (Recommendation 5); and (7) establishing appropriate channels for international cooperation and ensuring effective implementation (Recommendation 36, Recommendation 40 and Special Recommendation V).  - 財務省


Argentina should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) addressing the remaining deficiencies with regard to the criminalisation of money laundering, confiscation of funds related to money laundering, and freezing terrorist-related assets; (2) continuing to enhance financial transparency; (3) addressing the remaining issues for the Financial Intelligence Unit and suspicious transaction reporting requirements; (4) further enhancing the AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors; (5) further improving and broadening customer due diligence measures; and (6) enhancing the appropriate channels for international co-operation and ensuring effective implementation.  - 財務省

その結果、1995年7月21日にはGATS と不可分一体を成すものとして第4モードの適用範囲及び加盟国に出入国管理に関第1条では、「サービスの貿易」の4つの取引の態様(モード)の1つとして、「いずれかの加盟国のサービス提供者によるサービスの提供であって他の加盟国の領域内の加盟国の自然人の存在を通じて行われるもの」(人の移動)が規定されている。「人の移動に関する附属書」では、「加盟国がその領域への自然人の入国又は当該領域内における自然人の一時的な滞在を規制するための措置」、すなわち出入国管理措置を加盟国の権利として認める一方、「加盟国の雇用市場への進出を求める自然する措置をとる権利を認めた「サービスを提供する自然人の移動に関する附属書(人の移動に関する附属書)」が採択されるに至り(1996年1月31日発効)、また、1995年7月28日にはオーストラリア、カナダ、インド等が第4モードにおける約束範囲の拡大及び滞在期間等の延長を含んだ約束表の改訂を行った。例文帳に追加

As a result of these negotiations, the “Annex on Movement of Natural Persons,” an annex on the movement of individuals that recognizes the authority of Membersimmigration controls and the applicable range of Mode 4, was adopted as an inseparable part of the GATS on July 21, 1995 and went into effect January 31, 1996. On July 28, 1995, a group of Member countries including Australia, Canada, and India revised their schedules of commitments to include such elements as additional categories of commitments and an extension of the permitted duration of stay under Mode 4. - 経済産業省

第三十六条 主務大臣は、前条第一項の規定による報告を受けた場合その他重大製品事故が生じたことを知つた場合において、当該重大製品事故に係る消費生活用製品による一般消費者の生命又は身体に対する重大な危害の発生及び拡大を防止するため必要があると認めるときは、同条第三項の規定による通知をした場合を除き、当該重大製品事故に係る消費生活用製品の名称及び型式、事故の内容その他当該消費生活用製品の使用に伴う危険の回避に資する事項を公表するものとする例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) In cases where the competent minister has received a report in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or otherwise comes to know of the occurrence of serious product accidents, if he/she finds it necessary for preventing the occurrence and increase of serious danger to the lives or bodies of general consumers by the consumer products pertaining to said serious product accidents, he/she shall make public the name and type of the consumer products pertaining to said serious product accidents, the details of the accidents and any other matters that contribute to avoiding the dangers associated with the use of said consumer products, except in cases where he/she has given notice in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4. 我々は、国際通貨システムを強化するため、短期的には我々の作業の焦点を以下の点に当てることに合意した:世界的な流動性の状況の評価、外貨準備の蓄積の原因に関する各国固有の分析、為替レートの無秩序な動きや継続したファンダメンタルズからの乖離を回避するための協調の強化、SDRの構成通貨を拡大するための基準に則った道筋、グローバルな資金セーフティ・ネットを強化するための諸制度の改善、IMF と地域金融取極の間の協力の強化、地域資本市場や自国通貨での借入れの発展、各国の経験を踏まえた資本移動への対処のための一貫した結論。例文帳に追加

4. To strengthen the international monetary system, we agreed to focus our work, in the short term, on assessing developments in global liquidity, a country specific analysis regarding drivers of reserve accumulation, a \\ strengthened coordination to avoid disorderly movements and persistent exchange rates misalignments, a criteria-based path to broaden the composition of the SDR, an improved toolkit to strengthen the global financial safety nets, enhanced cooperation between the IMF and regional financial arrangements, the development of local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing, coherent conclusions for the management of capital flows drawing on country experiences.  - 財務省


Pakistan should work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by (1) demonstrating adequate criminalisation of terrorist financing and addressing the remaining deficiencies with regard to the criminalisation of money laundering (Special Recommendation II and Recommendation 1); (2) demonstrating adequate procedures to identify, freeze and confiscate terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (4) demonstrating effective regulation of money service providers, including an appropriate sanctions regime, and increasing the range of ML/FT preventive measures for these services (Special Recommendation VI); and (5) improving and implementing effective controls for cross-border cash transactions (Special Recommendation IX).  - 財務省


The FATF will assess this legislation, and, in any case, Algeria should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing (Special Recommendations I and II); (2) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for identifying, tracing and freezing terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III), (3) improving and broadening CDD measures and ensuring that they apply to all financial institutions (Recommendation 5); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), in particular addressing the operational autonomy of the FIU and the authority of the FIU to request and access information (Recommendation 26); and (5) enacting and implementing appropriate mutual legal assistance legislation (Special Recommendation V).  - 財務省


If a person, in good faith, manufactures a product, utilizes an industrialprocess, manufactures an integrated circuit incorporating a layout designor a commodity including such a circuit, exploits a plant variety or makesserious arrangements, before the date of filing the patent application,or the priority application relating to that product or the process,design, plant variety, or the date of first commercial exploitation ofthe design anywhere in the world, such a party shall be entitled - despitethe issuance of the protection document - to continue to perform theseacts without expanding them.This right shall not be assigned ortransferred to others except with all parts of the firm or one of themincluding goodwill. - 特許庁

(5) 発明の実施を普遍化する必要なく,又は特許権者以外の者にその実施を委託させることなく,十分に公益を満たすことができる場合は,国王令は,特許権者に1年を越えない期間に公益を充足させるため必要な範囲まで当該発明の実施を開始し,拡大し又は改善させる権限を産業・エネルギー大臣に付与し,条件付きで当該特許を強制ライセンスの対象とすることができる。かかる場合,産業・エネルギー大臣は特許権者を聴聞し,適切とみなす期間を与えるか又は直ちに当該特許をライセンス付与の対象とすることができる。定められた当該期間が満了した後は,適切であれば産業・エネルギー大臣は,公益が充足されたか否かを決定し,充足されていない場合は当該特許に強制ライセンスを付与するものとする例文帳に追加

(5) Where public interest can be met without the need to generalize working of the invention or entrusting its working to a person other than the owner of the patent, the Royal Decree may conditionally make the patent subject to the granting of compulsory licenses, authorizing the Minister of Industry and Energy to allow the owner a period not exceeding one year to initiate, increase or improve working of the invention to the extent necessary to meet the public interest. In such cases, the Minister of Industry and Energy, having heard the owner of the patent, may allow the period he deems appropriate or may immediately make the patent subject to the granting of licenses. Following expiration of the period which has been fixed, where appropriate, the Minister of Industry and Energy shall decide whether the public interest has been met and, if such is not the case, shall make the patent subject to the granting of compulsory licenses. - 特許庁


Instead of installing application software for supporting presentation in personal computer for presentation, a storage device in which the application software is stored is built in an enlargement projector such as a liquid crystal projector, and the application software is manually or automatically driven from the personal computer for presentation, so that the presentation system and the presentation method performing presentation without exclusively preparing a personal computer only for presentation are provided. - 特許庁


In cases where the competent minister has received a report in accordance with the provision of Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act or otherwise comes to know of the occurrence of serious product accidents, if he/she finds it necessary for preventing the occurrence and increase of serious danger to the lives or bodies of general consumers by the consumer products pertaining to said serious product accidents, he/she shall make public the name and type of the consumer products pertaining to said serious product accidents, the details of the accidents and any other matters that contribute to avoiding the dangers associated with the use of said consumer products, except in cases where he/she has given notice in accordance with the provision of Article 35, paragraph (3) of the Act (Article 36, paragraph (1)).  - 経済産業省

7. 我々は、国際基準の遵守状況を改善し、非協力的な国・地域を特定するプロセスを強化する要求を改めて表明する。我々は、戦略上の欠陥を有する国・地域の公表リストの FATF による次回の更新と、FSB により次回の G20 サミットの前に評価される、全ての国・地域の公表リストを期待している。我々は、透明性及び情報交換についてのグローバル・フォーラムにより発出された 18 のピア・レビューを歓迎し、これまでのところ、実効的な情報交換を実現するための要素が未導入であるとされた全ての国・地域に対し、直ちにその脆弱性に対処するよう強く促す。我々は、完了すると見込まれる約 60 のフェーズ 1 のレビューに基づく、特に国・地域のフォーラムへの協力の質、遵守の水準及び未解決の欠陥に対処するための 2011年 11月までの進捗の報告を期待している。我々は、より多くの国・地域に対し、グローバル・フォーラムに参加し、その基準を実施することをコミットするよう求める。我々は、全ての国・地域に対し、租税情報交換協定のネットワークを更に拡大することを強く促し、国・地域に対し、税務行政執行共助条約に署名することを考慮するよう奨励する例文帳に追加

7. We reiterated our call to improve compliance with international standards and strengthen the process of identifying non-cooperative jurisdictions. We look forward to the forthcoming update by FATF of the public list of jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies and to a public list of all jurisdictions evaluated by the FSB ahead of the next G20 Leaders Summit. We welcome the 18 peer reviews issued by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information and urge all jurisdictions so far identified as not having the elements in place to achieve an effective exchange of information to promptly address the weaknesses. We look forward to the progress report by November 2011, based on the expected completion of around 60 phase 1 reviews, to address in particular the jurisdictions' quality of cooperation with the Forum, level of compliance and unsolved deficiencies. We call upon more jurisdictions to join the Global Forum and to commit to implementing the standards. We urge all jurisdictions to extend further their networks of Tax Information Exchange Agreements and encourage jurisdictions to consider signing the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.  - 財務省


Pakistan will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by (1) demonstrating adequate criminalisation of money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) demonstrating adequate procedures to identify, freeze and confiscate terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (4) demonstrating effective regulation of money service providers, including an appropriate sanctions regime, and increasing the range of ML/FT preventive measures for these services (Special Recommendation VI); and (5) improving and implementing effective controls for cross-border cash transactions (Special Recommendation IX).  - 財務省


Pakistan should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by (1) demonstrating adequate criminalisation of money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) demonstrating adequate procedures to identify, freeze and confiscate terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (4) demonstrating effective regulation of money service providers, including an appropriate sanctions regime, and increasing the range of ML/FT preventive measures for these services (Special Recommendation VI); and (5) improving and implementing effective controls for cross-border cash transactions (Special Recommendation IX).  - 財務省


Pakistan should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by (1) demonstrating adequate criminalisation of money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) demonstrating adequate procedures to identify, freeze and confiscate terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (4) demonstrating effective regulation of money service providers, including an appropriate sanctions regime, and increasing the range of ML/FT preventive measures for these services (Special Recommendation VI); and (5) improving and implementing effective controls for cross-border cash transactions (Special Recommendation IX).  - 財務省


Algeria will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing (Special Recommendations I and II); (2) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for identifying, tracing and freezing terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III), (3) improving and broadening CDD measures and ensuring that they apply to all financial institutions (Recommendation 5); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit, in particular addressing the operational autonomy of the FIU and the authority of the FIU to request and access information (Recommendation 26); and (5) enacting and implementing appropriate mutual legal assistance legislation (Special Recommendation V).  - 財務省


The FATF has not yet assessed these laws due to their very recent nature, and therefore the FATF could not determine the extent to which they address any of the following issues: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing; (2) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit; (3) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering, and the identification and freezing of terrorist assets; (4) implementing effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions in order to deal with natural or legal persons that do not comply with the national AML/CFT requirements; (5) implementing an adequate and effective AML/CFT supervisory programme for all financial sectors; (6) enhancing financial transparency; (7) further improving and broadening customer due diligence measures; and (8) establishing adequate record-keeping requirements.  - 財務省


As part of the efforts of the government, a “promotion councilconsisting of the government, industries, academia, and workers has been established to accelerate the acceptance of skilled workers from around the world, which determines numerical goals and necessary measures. The activities of this council include the development and implementation of action programs of relevant ministries and departments in 2008, an increase in the acceptance of highly skilled foreign researchers, engineers, business managers, etc. , facilitation of the use of foreign human resources in the companies in Japan, creation and announcement ofinternationalization indicatorsto measure the level of internationalization of companies to attract superior workers, and other discussions concerning human resource management. - 経済産業省

第七条 原子力事業者は、その原子力事業所ごとに、主務省令で定めるところにより、当該原子力事業所における原子力災害予防対策、緊急事態応急対策及び原子力災害事後対策その他の原子力災害の発生及び拡大を防止し、並びに原子力災害の復旧を図るために必要な業務に関し、原子力事業者防災業務計画を作成し、及び毎年原子力事業者防災業務計画に検討を加え、必要があると認めるときは、これを修正しなければならない。この場合において、当該原子力事業者防災業務計画は、災害対策基本法第二条第十号に規定する地域防災計画及び石油コンビナート等災害防止法第三十一条第一項に規定する石油コンビナート等防災計画(次項において「地域防災計画等」という。)に抵触するものであってはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 7 (1) A nuclear operator shall, pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry, prepare a nuclear operator emergency action plan with regard to its measures to prevent nuclear emergency, emergency response measures, and measures for restoration from nuclear emergency and other duties that are necessary for preventing the occurrence and progression (expansion) of a nuclear disaster and for promoting nuclear disaster recovery efforts, with respect to each of its nuclear sites, and review its nuclear operator emergency action plan every year and revise it if revision is found to be necessary. In this case, said nuclear operator emergency action plan shall not conflict with either any regional disaster prevention plan prescribed in Article 2, item (x) of the Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures or any disaster prevention plan for petroleum industrial complexes and other petroleum facilities prescribed in Article 31, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Prevention of Disasters in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and Other Petroleum Facilities (referred to as a "regional disaster prevention plan, etc." in the next paragraph).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 第三十九条第一項又は第四十条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により著作物を放送し、又は有線放送することができる場合には、その著作物の放送若しくは有線放送について、これを受信して有線放送し、若しくは影像を拡大する特別の装置を用いて公に伝達し、又はその著作物の放送について、これを受信して同時に専ら当該放送に係る放送対象地域において受信されることを目的として送信可能化(公衆の用に供されている電気通信回線に接続している自動公衆送信装置に情報を入力することによるものに限る。)を行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(6) Where it is permissible to broadcast or wire-broadcast works pursuant to the provisions of Article 39, paragraph (1) or Article 40, paragraph (1) or (2), it shall be permissible to wire-broadcast the broadcasts or wire-broadcasts of such works, or to transmit such broadcasts or wire-broadcasts to the public by use of special equipment to enlarge images, with reception of such broadcasts or wire-broadcasts, or to make the broadcasts of such works transmittable (limited to making a work transmittable by means of inputting information into an automatic public transmission server already connected to a telecommunications line which is provided for use by the public) for the purpose of being received exclusively in a Broadcasting Service Area pertaining to these broadcasts simultaneously with reception of such broadcasts .  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

本対策においては、第一に、生活者の暮らしの安心を確保するため、総額二兆円を限度とした生活支援定額給付金の実施等の施策を講ずることとしております。 また、金融・経済の安定強化を図るため、先ほど申し上げた株式市場安定化策等に加え、中小・小規模企業等資金繰り対策として、セーフティネット貸付・保証枠を三〇兆円規模に拡大する等の施策を講ずることとしております。さらには、地域の活性化のため、高速道路料金の大幅引下げ等の施策を講ずることとしております。政府といたしましては、本対策を実効あるものとするよう努めてまいりたいと考えております。例文帳に追加

In order to protect the Japanese economy and the lives of our citizens, the new policy package will place emphasis on three areas, namely, "people's living," "financial measures and reinvigoration of small business enterprises" and "local economies." Dependence on deficit-covering government bonds will be avoided to the extent possible in funding the package. Basic views on fiscal policy and financial administration in the period ahead  - 金融庁


Today, the Prime Minister instructed us to consider expanding the scope of the government’s capital participation under this act. As this act is intended to secure the stability of the financial foundation of financial institutions, even as volatile market movements occur, and to enable financial institutions to actively take risks and act as financial intermediaries so that they can smoothly exercise their financial functions for regional economies. Therefore, I believe that we should consider this matter with a view to ensuring a sufficient amount of funds.  - 金融庁


Vietnam should continue to work with the FATF and APG on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) making legal persons subject to criminal liability in line with FATF Recommendation 2 or demonstrating that there is a constitutional prohibition to prevent this (4) improving the overall supervisory framework (Recommendation 23); (5) improving and broadening customer due diligence measures and reporting requirements (Recommendation 5, 13, and Special Recommendation IV); and (6) strengthening international cooperation (Recommendations 36, 40).  - 財務省

(ⅱ)ベンチャーへの資金供給を大幅に拡大する。このため、現行のエンジェル税制を使い勝手の良いものに改善し、民間企業等の資金を活用したベンチャー企業への投資を促す方策を検討し、必要な措置を講ずる。大企業からの独立(スピンオフ)や地域のリソースを活用した起業・創業も強力に推進する。【本年8月末までに結論】 また、ベンチャーなど新規・成長企業と投資家をインターネットサイト上で結び付け、多数の投資家から少額ずつ資金を集める仕組み(クラウド・ファンディング)について検討し、本年中に制度改正が必要となる事項を整理する。【本年中に策定】例文帳に追加

(ii) Significantly increase fund supplies for venture businesses. Make the existing angel tax system more user-friendly and review measures that promote investment in venture companies utilizing private company funds, etc, and take necessary measures. Push for the establishment of spinoffs from major companies and start-up businesses utilizing local resources. (Reach conclusion by end of August) Conduct a study on and identify institutional reforms which need to be made with regard to a mechanism that will connect new and growing companies, including venture businesses, and investors on an Internet website, and raise small amounts of funds from many investors (crowdfunding) by the end of this year. (Formulate by end of the year)  - 経済産業省


While improving market access through negotiations on the non-agricultural market access is beneficial to all WTO Members, several studies in the past have clearly indicated that, in the course of world economic growth enhanced by the expansion of world trade, developing countries, especially the LDCs, are also able to enjoy benefits according to their development needs. The World Bank Study also suggests that if about 33% tariff reductions were to be implemented, 95% of the economic merits of the reductions would be brought to the benefit of developing countries. Accordingly, WTO Members should make efforts to further stabilize the multilateral trading system and promote negotiations to enable all WTO Members to benefit.  - 経済産業省


As reviewed in Section 2, Chapter III, arrangement of the following environment is required in Japan as a part of the measures to expand the scale of internal direct investments: (i) utilization of location advantages including local areas and the dissemination of investment information abroad; (ii) further improvement of Japan’s investment environment by, for example, reviewing regulations; and (iii) development of legal system for M&A. As for measures to address (i), establishing a location advantage is important by making the use of superior human resources and well-developed information infrastructure rather than simply reducing business activity costs. As for (ii) regulations that hinder market entry in the service business still remain, therefore, reexamination of such regulations are expected to help foreign companies newly enter into particular fields, such as medicine and welfare, education, and human resources business,. Lastly, for (iii), cross-border M&As are expected to accelerate by overcoming hindering factors. - 経済産業省


By highlighting serious issues facing the country, such as slowdown in national economic growth following the Asian Currency Crisis, sluggish growth in domestic capital spending and consumption, deterioration in the global economic outlook, concerns over rising resource prices, etc., the Plan proposed the following 3 pillars of actions: (1) economic recovery through expansion of investment and consumption, (2) sustainable growth through improvement of corporate environment through, for example, deregulation and financial globalization, etc., and (3) long-term growth by enhancing the economic foundation that would lead new growth by, for example, increasing R&D investment, enhancing competitiveness in the service industry, and enhancing human resources. - 経済産業省


Through the initiative, Japan should promote the development and exchange of high-quality Asian human resources by expanding employment opportunities in Japan. Japan should also establish a "promotion panel" comprising people from the industrial, governmental, academic, and labor sectors to accelerate the acceptance of high-quality human resources from across the world. The panel should study numerical targets and necessary policies. The relevant government ministries should develop an action program by the end of 2008 to increase the acceptance of high-quality foreign human resources such as researchers, engineers, and corporate managers and to promote employment of foreign human resources in Japanese companies. In order to create an environment where it is easy to utilize highly skilled foreign human resources, we will promote global human resource management in Japanese companies by formulating and publicizing the internationalization indicators to measure the degree of responsiveness to global human resource management. We also aim to enhance English-language education in Japan. - 経済産業省


In particular, we will review all administrative operations and aim to provide easy-to-understand and reliable administrative services that reflect the viewpoints of the people, with due consideration of the fact that distrust in and concern about social security have arisen because of various issues related to our health and labor policies.  - 金融庁


That is because if the use of US GAAP is to be prohibited, it will become necessary to automatically shift to IFRS, and that would be contradictory to our stance that we should spend a substantial amount of time on discussing this matter. In this respect, there is a significant misunderstanding in the industrial sector. As I am going to convene an expanded Business Accounting Council by the end of June to conduct debate on IFRS, I summed up my opinion in this report, expressing my intention to remove the termination date of the treatment to allow the use of US GAAP for disclosure purposes, namely up to the business years ending on or before March 31, 2016, so that the use of US GAAP can continue.  - 金融庁


It is regrettable that, before this Annual Meetings, we could not agree on a concrete package for the second round quota reform, but it is important to overcome our existing differences to advance the discussions in a constructive manner. Based on last year’s Resolution of the Board of Governors, Japan continues to participate pro-actively in the ongoing discussions to complete the quota and voice reform by the Spring Meetings of 2008, and no later than the next Annual Meetings.New ways of thinking give rise to the redefinition of core competencies and priorities.The income of the IMF, which relies on interest generated by lending, is decreasing against the background of the stabilization of the global financial markets and the reduction in the number of countries borrowing from the IMF.As a consequence, the IMF has been in the red since FY 2007, and its deficits are forecast to expand rapidly.In this critical situation, the Fund’s measures to increase income are currently being examined, based on the recommendations by the Crockett committee.  - 財務省


It is necessary to proceed the discussion, paying due attention to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development, as is provided in Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration. From this viewpoint, Japan proposes a list of environmental goods for improved market access, in accordance with Paragraph 31 of the Doha Declaration. In this context, suggested thought on coverage and the list is attached (Annex II). Concessions to be made out of the list are to be evaluated as part of the overall results of the negotiations. From this same viewpoint, special consideration should be given, in the course of market access negotiations, to goods which have to be appropriately addressed in terms of global environment issues and the sustainable use of exhaustible natural resources. In this regard, Japan intends to make a specific proposal on this point as part of this proposal.  - 経済産業省



It is necessary to pay due attention to the protection of environment and the promotion of sustainable development, as is provided in Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration. From this viewpoint, Japan, in collaboration with other Members, is prepared to work out a list of environmental goods for their improved market access, in accordance with Paragraph 31 of the Doha Declaration. Concessions to be made out of the list are to be evaluated as part of the overall results of the negotiations. From the same viewpoint as above, special consideration should be given, in the course of market access negotiation, to the goods which have to be appropriately addressed in terms of global environment issues and the sustainable use of exhaustible natural resources. In this regard, Japan intends to make a proposal specifically on this point.  - 経済産業省


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