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At the Incident of Ejima Ikushima when Ejima, who was Otoshiyori (a lady who controled the servants in O-oku) and a trusted retainer of Gekkoin, delayed the curfew of O-oku, she is considered to have ploted the derogation of Gekkoin, sobayonin (lord chamberlain) Akifusa MANABE and Hakuseki ARAI together with roju (member of shogun's council of elders) and fudai (a daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family) class.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was the founder of the Hanayagi school, the biggest in the classical Japanese dance world, and he played a starring role in Buyo dance (classical Japanese dance) world and Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) world by choreographing for a lot of states such as "Kanjincho" (a statement to explain reasons for gathering donations for Buddhist activities) and "Funa Benkei" (Benkei Aboard Ship) from the Edo period to the early Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Omi Hachiman City Preservation District for Groups of Historic Hachiman Buildings is a name of a preservation district for groups of historic buildings located in the old urban area of Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture and it is a district with the area of 13.1 ha approx. centering on Hachiman-bori canal, precincts of Himure Hachimangu Shrine, Shinmachi-dori Street and Nagaharacho-dori Street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Omi Hakkei was selected mainly from Konan (literally, south of lake), Biwako Hakkei, which was selected on the occasion of designation of Lake Biwa and surrounding areas to Lake Biwa Quasi-National Park, were selected mainly from scenery representing vastness and wide variety of Lake Biwa based on the modern sense.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the political turmoil after the assassination of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA in the Kakitsu War, the farming population lead by bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in Omi Sakamoto in Kyoto rose up in rebellion to demand 'daihajime-no-tokusei (acts of virtuous government requested at shogun replacement)' (Tenkaichido no Tokuseirei (a debt cancellation order for all throughout the country)), which was directed by jizamurai (local samurai) and lead to an uprising by tens of thousands of people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Because such a rise in the price of silver would lead to high cost of living in Edo, Nanryo Nishu Gin was stopped to mint in May 1788 and re-refined into Chogin as a part of the Kansei Reforms carried out mainly by Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA judging the Okitsugu TANUMA's politics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Until World War II, studies focused on ancient and medieval shrine and temple architecture, but since the War, the scope of research widened to include shrines and temples of the Edo period and modern structures from and since the Meiji period (studies during and after the Meiji period included the study of structures left behind by ex-colonies that were constructed by Japanese architects).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, the Edo bakufu, which had relatively affluent resources, tried to win the favor of hatamoto, and at the same time, to raise their allegiance by changing the provision form of chigyo to hatamoto from kuramaichigyo to jigatachigyo, and applied jikata-naoshi to them in the name of the reward for their past achievements and services.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The criminal was paraded through the streets of Edo, surrounded by zoshiki (town officials), whose social status was hinin (the people who belonged to none of the four 'classes' of the Edo period and were therefore considered outcasts), who carried such articles as a wooden 'sutefuda' on which the details about the crime were written, paper banners, two-pronged weapons and spears, with a group of coroners consisting of yoriki (police sergeants) and doshin (police constables) of South or North town magistrate's office of Edo who guarded the rear part of the procession sandwiching the criminal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In Japan, because cholera pandemic repeatedly reoccurred and killed many people since the end of the Edo period, the Meiji Government knew the importance of an early countermeasure, so the Meiji Government enacted "Instruction for preventing Cholera" (by prewar Ministry of Home Affairs) and "Temporary rules of Hibyoin" (by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the late Edo period, Ariie KARAHASHI devoted himself to the study of court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette, and wrote many books, including "Kangi-senka-sho" about the ceremony of attaining manhood, "Hitsuyo-roku" about scepters, "Shutoku-shozoku-sho" about the clothes of the old, and "Hoi-gunshoku-benmo-sho" about informal clothes worn by Court nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the book’s preface, Sakie writes, “I hope this book will help more people understand the feelings of the abductees’ parents. And when the abducted children come home, this book will show them how their parents desperately appealed for their return.”  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


After the restoration of the monarchy (called Osei-fukko), Katamori became a key person of the Ouetsu Reppan Domei, clashing in the Battle of Toba Fushimi with soldiers of the Satsuma and Choshu-han clans which were at the center of the new Meiji government; soldiers of the Aizu-han clan fought too, but Katamori went to Edo with his brother Sadaaki on a shogunate warship when Yoshinobu who had retreated to Osaka fled from the battle line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And their method, in which even commoners practiced self government, received recognition, and indeed it became all the more striking starting in the Edo period (beginning in that period, large cities were divided into machiba (towns, under the jurisdiction of town magistrates), niwaba (jisha-bugyo, under the jurisdiction of (government-appointed) temples and shrine administrators), and nochoba (unsurveyed areas or suburbs of unfixed jurisdiction), and so commoners and townspeople cooperated to achieve self-government); the people used festivals to enshrine gods, spirits, and elements of nature itself, including such festivals as Tanabata (the Festival of the Weaver, celebrated July 7) and the Feast for Ebisu, both of which are still celebrated today, eventually becoming established as popular versions of Shinto rituals quite separate in form from Shrine Shinto rituals, but in any case, shrines continue to contribute to local development, even as they did in the past.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Edo bakufu was overthrown in the Restoration of Imperial Rule (Japan), the Meiji government, mainly established by the domains of Satsuma and Choshu, took over the control over the diplomacy from the bakufu, and when the Meiji government was accepted by foreign countries as a legitimate government of Japan after the end of the Boshin War, it announced on February 4, 1869 that the it was necessary to revise the treaties in the future, pointing out that treaties concluded by the Edo bakufu without the admission of the Emperor had some problems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Muromachi Period because of its organizational power and the ease-of-getting information the Bashaku played the central role at the riots in which the Tsuchi-ikki in Shocho era and the Tokusei-ikki in Kakitsu era were famous for, and in the latter the Bashaku in Omi Province who were taken under Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple that was attacked by the riot seceded from the riot force so that the Bashaku power itself was split.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the difference in quality with Edo Kabuki was reversed as actors of oshibai performed in lower-ranked hamashibai, decreasing the dignity of the plays, and capable Kabuki playwrights did not appear, which resulted in the rewriting of titles with same content and representation of popular plays of hamashibai, and originality was lacking as revue-style plays emphasized variety.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, while the 'sui' of Kamigata refers to the cultural pattern that crystallizes after love, decorations, and so on have been thoroughly thought through (resulting in things such as a lovers' suicide or a luxurious kimono) and is literally the 'sui' of junsui (purity), the 'iki' of Edo is said to be the result of constantly getting closer, without becoming detached or attached, in order to keep the above-described sexual tension alive.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, this incident led to a higher reputation of Soboshu such as "Bodaisen," "Yamadaru" (literally, barrel in a mountain), and "Tafunomine sake" (sake on Mt. Tafunomine) in Nara, "Hogen sake" (literally, sake of rich field) in Echizen Province, "hyakusaiji sake" (sake of Hyakusai-ji Temple) in Omi Province and "Kanshinji shu" (sake of Kanshin-ji Temple) in Kawachi Province, which were uneventfully produced with no influence from the belligerent merchants in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, those started in the late Edo period were not always practical, and considered that a school could not cope with all the different forces of water, and so in 1932, Japan Aquatic Competition Federation (forerunner of Japan Swimming Federation) selected important ones from the conventional styles, designating them to be 'standard styles of swimming' including competitive styles focused on speed, setting them as a compulsory subject at schools.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Elsewhere, in the tea ceremony passed on from Sotsu ISHIZUKA, a student of Fuhaku, masters in the Meiji period were famous for their exchanges with Tenshin OKAKURA, and again, in the tea ceremony passed on by Ihaku KAWAKAMI, another student of Fuhaku, one of the masters was Shigeru KISHIDA, the wife of Ryusei KISHIDA, who was designated as the sixth master of Ihaku KAWAKAMI and then restored the Edosenke Ihaku school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because it had contact with the fief of the Kishu Tokugawa family, one of Tokugawa gosanke (three privileged branches of Tokugawa family), disputes occurred periodically; Tadasuke OOKA, who was active as the Edo Machibugyo at the time of Shogun Yoshimune, served at the post for a time; and there is known to be a legend that Yoshimune TOKUGAWA, who was impressed by Tadasuke's work as Bugyo when he was chief of the Kishu clan, later chose him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One reason for this situation was that "robbers" in the early Edo period were mostly groups of armed robbers, and when they resisted, the town magistrate officers, being unarmed, could not control them (although provided with a sword as a samurai, doshin officers in the town magistrate used to capture criminals alive with jitte (short one hook truncheon) and ladders, without using the sword.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the end of 1868, he hid with the former Shinsengumi members, Ichiro MINAMI and Mototaro TAKEUCHI in Edo, to assassinate the former Shinsengumi soldiers, HAYAKAWA and FUKUI (first names were unknown) by the order of Kuninosuke ABE of Numazu kinban gumi (Edo duty of Numazu) but ran out of money so they begged for money from Kaishu KATSU in January but were scolded instead over the disposal of HAYAKAWA and FUKUI. So they decided to end the conflict peacefully through negotiations with both parties.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is written in "Genryu Sawa" (Essays about the Tea Ceremony), published by Chikushin YABUNOUCHI during the mid-Edo period, that 'Hechikan preferred the wabi (taste for the simple and quiet) style tea ceremony, held aloof from popular tea ceremony styles, and never owned expensive tea cups, but was always contented with his life' and that 'although Hechikan was eccentric, he knew the essence of wabi, and other celebrated tea ceremony masters enjoyed having tea with him,' indicating that he was trying to develop a unique style of his own without using expensive tea cups that were popular at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later he let Ganjiro perform as a substitute at first and then taught Ganjiro's successful characters such as Jihei in the drama "Shinju-ten Amijima, Kawasho" (Kawasho of "The Love Suicide at Amijima"), Genzo TAKEBE in the drama "Sugawara Denji Tenarai Kagami, Terakoya" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy, a private school in the Edo period), Jujibei in the drama "Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki, Hikimado" (Skylight of [A Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters]), Jiroemon in the drama "Katakiuchi tsuzureno nishiki, Daianjizutsumi" (Splendid revenge by the man who wore a rag), Moritsuna in the drama "Omi-Genji Senjinyakata, Jinya Moritsuna."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Next, in the Edo period, research on ritsuryo by both scholars of Chinese classics and scholars of Japanese classical studies flourished, and Yoshichika TSUBOI (1657 - 1735), KADA no Azumamaro, Michikuni INABA (1744 - 1801), Hidekai KAWAMURA, Hidene KAWAMURA, Moriyoshi SONODA (1785 - 1840), and Yoshiki KONDO are among those who left commentaries, but the center of the research was still on hermeneutics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The 1st volume of "Kasshi Yawa" said, 'It has been said that, while Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was at the Shinpu-jo Castle, young individuals such as bakufu hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) in Edo frequently committed tsujigiri and citizens were mourning the situation. (snip) Although rumors of tsujigiri occurring were occasionally heard, there was no one to capture them and it appeared that there were less and less individuals who were skilled in martial arts. (snip) Those who were at a high official rank announced that everyone should keep in mind that they must capture those who committed tsujigiri so that tsujigiri would stop in the end.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Edo period, the lord of each domain tried to change the fief system of their vassal from a local enforcement system in which the land was provided directly for the vassal and the vassal collected tax individually into kuramaichigyo in which the lord of the domain collected rice and farm products collectively and provided them for their vassal who, in turn, changed them into money through a dealer, in order to extend their ruling power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Edo period, as the master-servant relationship was restructured, Yorioya-Yoriko ceased to exist as a system, but the vestiges of the system remained widely, and yoriki and doshin remained as the titles for low-level functionary at magistrate's office, as well as 'Yorioya' the name for an employment agency that placed various servants and 'Yoriko' which meant servants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One reason why Korea did not resist this provision was that they were indifferent to international law, as described before, but there was another reason that during the Edo period when they traded with the Tsushima clan, traditionally the criminals were given over to the Japanese in charge in the Japanese consular office, no matter whether it was a civil or criminal case.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


About that time Shinpei ETO, who was the administrator of the Ministry of Justice and supported Rinsho MITSUKURI in translating the Code Napoleon, issued an instruction for the enactment of the Civil Code as early as possible; the Civil Code included reviews of the direct import of the Code Napoleon, and some drafts of the Civil Code were made mainly by the Daijokan (Grand Council of State) and the Ministry of Justice (these included the 'Minpo Ketsugi' (Civil Law resolution) in 1870, 'Kokoku Minpo Kari Kisoku' (Tentative Rule of Imperial Civil Law) in 1872, 'Shihosho Minpo Zengi' (all Justice Department resolutions on Civil Law) in 1872, and 'Minpo Kari Kisoku' (Tentative Rule of Civil Law) in 1873).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nagasaki was the only port that had been open to international trading since the Edo period, and as such the settlement had flourished due to the large number of foreigners who had taken up unofficial residence there; beginning in the Meiji period, however, it saw comparatively little development, and indeed prospered more as a sort of health resort for foreigners living in Shanghai and other concessions in China rather than as a settlement in its own right.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The quantity and the extent of the regions bringing in the earthenware found in Makimuku Remains throughout the 3rd century is not comparable to that of the other regions; 15% of the excavated earthenware is brought from wide variety of regions in Japan from Suruga, Owari, Ohmi, Hokuriku, Sanin to Kibi regions; thus, this particular village would have been the center of the physical distribution and the cultural exchange among communities during that period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At today's cabinet meeting, the bill of the Act to Establish Nuclear Damage Compensation Facilitation Corporation was adopted upon a cabinet decision. This bill, which provides for a support scheme decided at a meeting of relevant ministers on May 13, was written under the leadership of Minister Kaieda, who is in charge of dealing with economic damage inflicted by the nuclear accident.  - 金融庁


One area of contention regarded the fact that some members from certain branches of the family received a higher salary such as Sadayoshi OKUNO who received 1,000 koku as kumigashira (group leader), and Genshiro SHINDO who received 400 koku as ashigarugashira (head of the ashigaru) who retained warriors controlling the ashigaru, Yoshikazu KOYAMA who received 300 koku as ashigarugashira, and Shigeyuki OKAMOTO who received 400 koku as Osaka rusuiyaku (a regent) amongst others, as opposed to the Adauchi faction, which prioritized avenging Kozukenosuke KIRA, primarily powerful vassals such as Taketsune HORIBE who received 200 koku as Edo rusuiyaku, Gunbei TAKADA who received 200 koku as Umamawariyaku (body guard), and Shigemori OKUDA who received 150 koku as arms bugyo (magistrate) amongst others who were supported by a smaller stipend.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Today, the history after the Meiji restoration is generally periodized with the use of gengo (name for an emperor's period of reign), such as the Meiji period, Taisho period, Showa period and Heisei period, but the history before the Meiji restoration is normally periodized with the use of names of political centers, such as the Kamakura period and Edo period (except for the periods for which the political center cannot be ascertained, such as the Yayoi period and Sengoku period); thus there comes up a view that calling the periods after the Meiji restoration with their gengo is inappropriate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name "Kendo" seems to have been established in or around the end of Meiji period to the early Taisho period, as it recorded that Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, which was established in 1899 to restore Bujutsu, using examples from Jujutsu versus Judo of the Kodokan Judo Institute, established the Kendo name in around 1919 so that Kenjutsu and Gekken, which were handed down from the Edo period, would be introduced into physical education in the school system by changing the training methods and making it a form of mental training such as Yamato-gokoro (Japanese spirit) (Yamato-damashii [Japanese spirit]) (a poem of Sasaburo TAKANO describes, "Kendo is a God-instructed way; this technique refines Yamato-gokoro") (the term "Kendo" was used by some schools as early as the Edo period; for instance, Abe-tate densho (book) in 1667 described that since Kenjutsu was for daily use the name of Kendo would be used).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The party of TAIRA no Masakado, who called himself 'Shinno' (new emperor) in the Kanto region in the Heian period, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who broke away from the Kenmu Restoration, which was initiated by Emperor Gotoba after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), at the end of the Edo period, Choshu clan, which was brought down by the Coup of August 18 in 1864 (became choteki by firing at the Kyoto Imperial Palace in the Kin-mon Gate Incident, and was attacked by the bakufu in the conquest of Choshu, which led to two Bakucho Wars (wars between bakufu and Choshu)), Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, the 15th Shogun, in the oseifukko (restoration of imperial power) (Japan) (Yoshinobu confined himself at the Ueno Kanei-ji Temple when he was deemed choteki), and the Edo bakufu side in the Boshin War (Aizu Clan, which was seen as the central force received concentrated attacks by the new government troops, and Yonezawa Clan, which strongly supported the Aizu Clan, faced serious charges despite their relatively early surrender) were considered choteki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His writings included six volumes of "Treasury of Tathagata," three volumes of "Small Writings about Meditation," three volumes of "Commentary on the Legend of Ryuge Tree under which Bodhisattva Attains Nirvana," three volumes of "Commentary on Japanese Nichiren Sect," three volumes of "Writings about Japanese Hermits," two volumes of "Poetries exchanged between Nissei and Chen Yuan-Ping, " Hoju sho," "Twenty-four Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Writings about Dutiful Children among Buddhists," "Traditions of Generations of Teachings from Teachers to Disciples about Attaining Nirvana," "The Record of Shichimen, Mt. Minobu," "Travelogue of Mt. Minobu," "Onsen Yuso," "Sickly Life at Shoshin," "Important Teachings at Sozan," "Sozan Poetry," "Important Collections on Food and Medicine," "Annotations about Hojo ki by St. Iku," "Incantation in Unison by Priest and Believers," "Souvenir from Kyoto," "Teachings of Kakoku," "Teachings by Kosa," "得意 Incantation of the Name of the Lotus Sutra," and "Small Writings about Poetries sung as Teachings of the Nichiren Sect."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Onmyoji around country were also active and with the Akaboshi family of the Katsuragisan shinzoku linage going back before the Nara Period, the Kuga family, the samurai onmyoji Ogasawara ryu of the Seiwa-Minamoto family lineage, the regional Saga family, Hachiman ryu, Heki family (日直), the Onitsura family, Inasa-Nagura family (引佐), the Takashi family of the Enshu yamazumi lineage, the Nakao family of Shikoku and various families of the Azumi lineage taking the lead, they transformed Onmyodo by repeatedly blending regional folk customs of various locations with Onmyodo and it stayed in fashion as a popular faith among common people throughout the Edo Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As ordinance and convention had been established in the towns in Kyoto before the Edo period, which ranged too wide for police sergeants and constables to comprehend, it became also an important duty for Machidai to answer the questions from the police sergeants and constables based on the precedents--As such, Machidai became authorized to act as a proxy in execution of secretarial works necessary for facilitating the duties and operations of the Kyoto city magistrates' office, thereby contributed to keep organization of the city magistrates' office.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Muneyoshi YANAGI, who was the founder and key figure of the Mingei (National Art) Movement worked hard to discover beauty of folkish art craftworks by unknown craftsman of ceramic ware, dyeing and weaving, lacquer ware, and woodwork such as daily use ware in various places in Japan and art crafts in Korean Dynasties period and Buddha statues of traveling monk or mokujiki in the Edo period which had not been fairly evaluated and not fine arts or expensive antiquities in the western sense and introduced them to public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Edo bakufu improved three currency system (Koban, Chogin [collective term of silver]and coin) to unify the currency of the whole country: it consited of the existing currency circulation; hallmark silver which was a silver-by-weight standard used by mainly merchants in Osaka and Torai-sen (imported currency from China) used among commers, and the currency unit, 'Ryo' 'Bu' and 'Shu', based on quarternary system of Koshu gold which was cast by the order of Shingen TAKEDA whom Ieyasu looked up to.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Major collections include the following: stock of the old Han schools (schools of the feudal domains) and the Tokugawa Shogunate Succession Documents that were inherited from the former Imperial Library; the Ito Bunko (Ito collection) and the Shirai Bunko (Shirai collection), consisting of old books on herbalism; the Modern Political and Constitutional History, comprising materials on the modern political history, which were collected as a high priority considering the nature of a post-war national library as a facility for the Diet; the collection of official gazettes and statutes of Japan and foreign countries; the Ashihara Eiryo Collection, a collection of materials related to ballet and chanson inherited from the Ueno Branch Library; and the Nunokawa Bunko (Nunokawa collection) (the collection formerly possessed by Kakuzaemon NUNOKAWA), which concentrated on materials related to the history of publications and culture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Various ministers worked together on the bill under the leadership of the Chief Cabinet Secretary. Mr. Yosano (Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy) and I joined the work on the bill halfway through it as Mr. Yosano strongly insisted on our participation at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers, to which Mr. Kaieda agreed and the Prime Minister gave his approval.  - 金融庁


The redevelopment project was headed by “BilbaoRia 2000,” a public corporation in which half was funded by the central government of Spain and the other by the Basque Country and other regional governments. - 経済産業省


While in Osaka, a center of the traditional Japanese commerce and economy as well as a commercial center ever since the Edo era, I met with managers of financial institutions and four different SME business groups, including the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to exchange frank views about the current state of Osaka and the Kinki region. During our talks, it was pointed out that business appears to be picking up in some segments of the manufacturing industry, but the circumstances surrounding SMEs still remain harsh, particularly in exporting companies, given the apprehension about their future, partly due to the appreciation of the yen. I had expected that this grave reality would be emphasized and did indeed hear the four SME business groups, or presidents and chairmen of regional banks, or shinkin banks and credit associations whose main customers are SMEs, also speak about the extremely strong impact of the high yen.  - 金融庁



As for Hong Kong, I have had a long relationship with Hong Kong since I visited there two decades ago as Parliamentary Vice-Minister for International Trade and Industry. As you may be aware, Asia’s financial center is either Tokyo, Hong Kong or Singapore. Following my trip to the United States the other day, I will visit Hong Kong, one of the financial hubs in Asia, where I hope to exchange various opinions with the people there and gain a wide range of knowledge.  - 金融庁


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