
「Konoe」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(20ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The typical examples of 1. include Mansai who became the Yushi of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, Prince Hikohito of Fushimi no miya (Emperor Gohanazono) who became the Yushi of the retired Emperor Gokomatsu in order to add dignity for his succession to the Imperial Throne, and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI who became Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) as the Yushi of Sakihisa KONOE. 例文帳に追加

1.の代表例としては、足利義満の猶子となった満済や皇位継承の箔付けのために後小松上皇の猶子となった伏見宮彦仁王(後花園天皇)、そして近衛前久の猶子として関白に就任した豊臣秀吉などがあげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 20, 1899, Sanyo-kai (a group of the House of Peers) (Motohiro NIJO, Atsumaro KONOE and others) which was once a dominant group dissolved because of declining power, and then, it became a group of 22 member by merging with Asahi Club and being joined by Sukenori SOGA who broke from Konwa-kai (a group of the House of Peers) due to its internal conflict. 例文帳に追加

翌1899年2月20日にかつての有力会派であった三曜会(二条基弘・近衛篤麿ら)が勢力衰退により解散して朝日倶楽部と合併し、続いて懇話会の内紛で離脱した曾我祐準らも合流して22名となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Toa-Dobunshoin with a 45-year history started with the first president, Hajime NEZU and was followed by Jugo SUGIURA, 大津, Fumimaro KONOE, Chozo OUCHI, Shichitaro YADA and Kiichi HONMA, which means seven presidents for eight generations took the role. (Refer to Toa-Dobunshoin University for more information). 例文帳に追加

東亜同文書院の45年の歴史は、初代院長・根津一によって始まり、以降杉浦重剛、大津麟平、近衛文麿、大内暢三、矢田七太郎、本間喜一ら計8代7人の院長が担った(詳細は東亜同文書院大学を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, ownership was trandferred to his daughter, FUJIWARA no Kiyoko (Kokamonin), and then to his heir, Motozane KONOE, but in December, 1166, when Imperial Prince Norihito, the crown prince (and later Emperor Takakura), lived there, Higashi Sanjo-dono Residence caught fire and was destroyed, and had been in ruins thereafter without being reconstructed. 例文帳に追加

その後、忠通の娘・藤原聖子(皇嘉門院)、続いて嫡男の近衛基実に譲られたが、仁安元年(1166年)12月に当時皇太子憲仁親王(後の高倉天皇)の御所であった東三条殿は火災で焼失、以後は再建されずに荒廃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The family concurrently served Konoe Taisho general and was thus promoted to grand minister of state (however, since the requirement for taking the position of grand minister of state in the Edo period was the person who had served as regent or chief advisor to the Emperor, the highest official rank the Seiga family could attain was that of minister of the left). 例文帳に追加

近衛大将・大臣を兼任し、最高は太政大臣まで昇進できる家(ただし、江戸時代には太政大臣の就任要件として摂政・関白経験者に限られたために、清華家は左大臣が事実上の極官となる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the ranking, the Ichijo Family was inferior to the Konoe Family but was equal to the Kujo, Nijo and Takatsukasa families (the Ichijo Family was opposed to the Kujo Family over the legitimate blood of the family during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), so the Emperor Go-Kogen gave the imperial order that both family lines should be the legitimate blood of the family. For details, see the item on the Kujo Family). 例文帳に追加

序列は近衛家に次ぎ、九条家、二条家、鷹司家と同格扱いであった(なお、九条家とは南北朝時代_(日本)に嫡流を巡って相論となったが、後光厳天皇によりいずれも嫡流であるとの綸旨が下された。詳細は九条家の項目を参照のこと)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Edo period, Motohiro KONOE, who was at the time considered to be the most powerful among the sekke families, argued that the Nijo Family should not continue the dominant position in the accession to the throne out of the following two reasons: one being that the code of etiquette for accession should originally come down to all the sekke families, and the other being that the previous family head, Mitsuhira NIJO, had died young, and therefore the code of etiquette had terminated. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代、当時の摂家最大の実力者とされていた近衛基熙が本来は摂関家全てに即位灌頂の礼式が伝わっている事、先代当主の二条光平の早世で礼式が絶えたことを理由に二条家の独占を継続すべきではないと唱えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, there are descriptions that show the complicated situation around Jien as a member of the Sekkan-ke regent family (摂関家), such as that he implicitly criticized his father FUJIWARA no Tadamichi for being at odds with his own father, FUJIWARA no Tadazane (the grandfather of Jien), and blamed the Konoe clan, his half-brother's clan, as opposed to praising the Kujo clan, his brother's clan. 例文帳に追加

また、慈円自身の父である藤原忠通が父(慈円にとっては祖父)藤原忠実と不仲であった事を暗に批判したり、同母兄弟である九条家流を持ち上げて異母兄弟である近衛家流を非難するなど、摂関家の一員としての慈円本人の複雑な事情を垣間見る事の出来る記事も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite the fact that both the imperial court and the Toyotomi regime were strongly opposed to this, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA who seized political power after winning the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 accepted the intension of Emperor Go-Yozei on the condition to disinherit Imperial Prince Ryonin, who was strongly in favor of the Toyotomi regime, and Imperial Prince Kotohito (who later became Emperor Go-Mizuno), the third son of Sakiko KONOE who was a court lady and the emperor's lawful wife, to be the next in line for the throne instead. 例文帳に追加

この時は朝廷・豊臣政権ともに強く反対して中止されるものの、慶長5年(1600年)関ヶ原の戦いに勝利して政治の実権を握った徳川家康は豊臣政権色の強い良仁親王を廃して、天皇の正室である女御近衛前子が生んだ第三皇子の政仁親王(後の後水尾天皇)を代わりに立てることを条件に天皇の意向を受け入れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the messenger from Kamakura who brought the news that Yoriie had died of disease on September 1 arrived at the Imperial court in Kyo in the early morning of September 7, 1203, and the emperor demanded to appoint Sanetomo as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), which was recorded in Iezane KONOE's diary, "Inokuma Kanpaku-ki," "Meigetsuki" by FUJIWARA no Teika, and "Prince Narisuke's Diary" by Prince Narisuke SHIRAKAWAHAKUOKE. 例文帳に追加

しかし京の朝廷には、9月1日に頼家が病死したという鎌倉からの使者が1203年(建仁3年)9月7日早朝に到着し、実朝を征夷大将軍に任命するよう要請していることが近衛家実の『猪隅関白記』、藤原定家の『明月記』、白川伯王家業資王の『業資王記』などによって知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the use of the word 'mai' instead of 'odori' suggests in Japanese, the dance is characterized by extremely rigid movements and tension of the body, yet creating rich images with simple motions; inspired by Noh dances when she worked for the Konoe Family, Ichijo Family, and the Sento Imperial Palace, the founder of this dance, Yachiyo INOUE, created a dance that was presentable in front of distinguished persons, and its teaching has been passed down by word of mouth ever since. 例文帳に追加

「躍り」とは言わず「舞」とする点を見てもわかるように、極度に硬い描線と身体の緊張を核として簡素な動きのなかに豊富なイメージを描き出そうとする舞であり、初代井上八千代が近衛家、一条家や仙洞御所づとめの折に能に示唆を得て貴顕の前に披露しても恥ずかしくない舞踊を作ったという口伝をそのままに体現した舞踊であるといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 15, people dressed in Heian period costumes march with a gissha (cow carriage) from Kyoto Imperial Palace via Shimogamo-jinja Shrine to Kamigamo-jinja Shrine and Konoe no tsukai (Imperial Guard delegate), and as guards, officers from Kebiishicho (Office of Police and Judicial Chief) such as 'Kebiishi jo' (second officer of the imperial police bureau), 'Kebiishi shi' (third officer of the imperial police bureau), Yamashiro no tsukai (delegate of the Yamashiro Province), Maryo no tsukai (delegate of Maryo (the section taking care of imperial horses)), and Kura no tsukai (delegate of Kuraryo (the Inner Treasury Office)), and make a main march. 例文帳に追加

5月15日には平安時代の衣装を身にまとった人々が牛車とともに京都御所から下鴨神社を経て上賀茂神社まで、近衛使と、警備のための「検非違使尉」と「検非違使志」といった検非違使庁の官吏と、山城使と、馬寮使、内蔵使による本列として行進する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It contains nise-e (Kamakura-period realistic portraitures of courtiers and warriors painted in the Yamato-e style) of 57 of 66 ministers appointed between 1137 and 1252 (the nine missing ministers are said to be Ietada KAZANIN, Munetada NAKAMIKADO, Sanefusa SANJO, Kanemasa KAZANIN, Kanefusa TAKANO, Tadachika NAKAYAMA, Yoshitsune KUJO, Yorizane OINOMIKADO and Iezane KONOE.) 例文帳に追加

保延3年(1137年)から建長4年(1252年)までの期間において大臣に補任された66名のうち、57名の似絵(肖像画)が描かれている(脱落している9名は花山院家忠・中御門宗忠・三条実房・花山院兼雅・高野兼房・中山忠親・九条良経・大炊御門頼実・近衛家実と言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This unwritten rule was originally made to avoid any trouble that might occur in Imperial succession, Emperor Gomizunoo used this to stop the Tokugawa lineage from the Imperial lineage and intended not to have any Tokugawa blood in the Imperial family, thus he made his daughter, Empress Meisho to succeed the throne. (However Okiko's younger sister, Imperial Princess Akiko and Imperial Princess Yoshiko married into the Konoe family and the Nijo family, two of the five families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho and Kanpaku.) 例文帳に追加

この決まりは元来、皇位継承の際の混乱を避けることが主要な意図であるが、後水尾天皇はこの不文律を利用し、天皇家から徳川の血を絶やし、後世までその累が及ばぬようにするという意図などをもって、娘の明正天皇を即位させたといわれている(ただし興子の同母妹の昭子・賀子両内親王はそれぞれ五摂家の近衛家・二条家に降嫁している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yorinaga sought Tadazane who was in Uji for help; Tadazane came out of Uji, ordered Yorinaga to send the document to Bifukumonin, the mother of Emperor Konoe, to ask for Masaruko to be enthroned, presenting the case examples to the Cloistered Emperor that the daughter of Michinaga FUJIWARA, FUJIWARA no Shoshi, and daughters either of which was not the daughter of a governor; FUJIWARA no Anshi; the daughter of FUJIWARA no Morosuke; FUJIWARA no Kenshi, the adopted daughter of FUJIWARA no Morozane were enthroned. 例文帳に追加

頼長は宇治にいる忠実に助けを求め、上洛した忠実は法皇に対して、藤原道長の娘・藤原彰子や非執政者の娘(藤原師輔の娘・藤原安子、藤原師実の養女・藤原賢子)が立后した例を示し、頼長には近衛天皇の母・美福門院に書を送って嘆願することを命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masaruko was in Emperor Nijo's favor, but she sorrowed that she didn't become a priest when Emperor Konoe died, and the reentry into the inner palace was not according to her will; she wrote a poem `I have had so many difficulties, yet came back to the palace and view the moon that used to be the moon I once viewed' ("Heike Monogatari" (The Tale of the Heike)). 例文帳に追加

多子は二条天皇の寵愛深かったが、この再入内は多子の望みではなく近衛天皇が崩御したとき出家しなかったことを嘆き、「おもひきや、うき身ながらにめぐりきて、をなじ雲井の月を見んとは(憂き身の上ながら、また再び宮中に戻ってきて昔ながらの月を眺めようとは…)」と歌を詠んだ(『平家物語』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Masaruko reentered into the inner palace just after the Heiji War was over, under abnormal situation; there is a view that it was the political marriage in order to control her father and Goshirakawa (he was the successor of Emperor Toba and Emperor Konoe) in that it is unlikely that Bifukumonin who was the guardian of Emperor Nijo and the aides of Emperor Nijo; FUJIWARA no Tsunemune, FUJIWARA no Korekata didn't interfere in this. 例文帳に追加

ただ多子が入内したのは、平治の乱が終結した直後という異常な状況下であり、二条の後見である美福門院や側近の藤原経宗・藤原惟方がこの件に関与しなかったとは考えにくいことから、父・後白河に対する牽制(自分が鳥羽・近衛両帝の後継者)を目的とした政略結婚とする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a supporter of the military system of a warrior class, it is proper that, due to the situation involving the introduction of the Goshimpei (army to form a convoy to the Emperor) Saigo continued Yamagata's plan of the conscription system after Aritomo YAMAGATA lost his position, so it is of concern that Saigo himself trusted Yamagata, who formed the Goshimpei (army to convoy the Emperor) and Konoe, then accepted the effects of the Conscription Ordinance. 例文帳に追加

御親兵導入の経緯などからすれば、士族兵制論者と見るのが妥当であるが、山縣有朋の失脚後も西郷は山縣の徴兵制構想をそのまま継続させたことから、親兵・近衛を通じて形成された山縣に対する西郷の個人的信頼から徴兵令実施を受け入れたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having worked steadily on the preparations for the framework of the new political party, Konoe, who was about to face a long-awaited comeback, held the 'Ogikubo Meeting' at Tekigaiso, his private residence in Ogikubo, on July 19, just before presenting the list of cabinet ministers, and he agreed with new cabinet members Yosuke MATSUOKA (Foreign Minister), Zengo YOSHIDA (Minister of the Navy) and Hideki TOJO (Minister of the Army) to work toward the founding of a 'new order in East Asia.' 例文帳に追加

新党構想などの準備を着々と整え、満を持しての再登板に望むことになった近衛は、閣僚名簿奉呈直前の7月19日、荻窪の私邸・荻外荘でいわゆる「荻窪会談」を行い、入閣することになっていた松岡洋右(外相)、吉田善吾(海相)、東条英機(陸相)と「東亜新秩序」の建設邁進で合意している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Yorinaga, who, in retrospect, was destined to share his fate with Tameyoshi, was certainly a well-learned, knowledgeable man that no one could have competed with (if there was one, it was FUJIWARA no Shinzei), but he was cold, unloving, inflexible and therefore he met with opposition from people around him, when he insisted on punishing the Taira clan for causing a rebellion by priests from Gionsha Shrine, and he was also hated by Emperor Konoe. 例文帳に追加

しかし、為義らと運命共同体を成す事となった頼長は確かに学識高く、比類する者(いたとしたら、藤原信西ぐらいであったろう)なきほどであったが、酷薄で融通をつける事を知らず、園社神人と騒動を起こした平氏に厳重な処罰を主張する等周囲から反発を買い、時の近衛天皇にも嫌われていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) Iezane KONOE tried to press charges on Sadamichi, who was Shonii (Senior Second Rank) Dainagon (chief councilor of state) at that time, Sadamichi made a rebuttal, saying that it was not fair that the monks accused himself, a court noble, when the present Rokuhara tandai Yasutoki HOJO (Sadamichi's brother-in-law) had fished at the same place without knowing about the prohibition and the monks did not complain about the bushi Yasutoki, and demanded punishment of the monks in stead by saying "I am a bushi as well." 例文帳に追加

関白近衛家実が当時正二位大納言であった定通の責任を追及しようとしたところ、定通は当時の六波羅探題北条泰時(定通の義兄)が事情を知らずに同じ場所で釣りをした際には、神人達は武士である泰時を責めなかったのに、公卿である自分が責められるのは納得がいかないと反論し、『我もまた武士なり』と言って、逆に神人達の処断を迫ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Konoe Family inherited important documents, diaries such as the diary of FUJIWARA no Michinaga called "Mido Kanpakuki," and records of the imperial court ceremonies, and Masaie transferred many of these ancient documents to Iwakura located at the northern edge of Kyoto to avoid damage from the battle fires arising from the Onin-Bunmei Wars. 例文帳に追加

近衛家は藤原氏嫡流として、藤原道長の日記『御堂関白記』をはじめとして、先祖代々の日記や朝廷儀式の記録など、重要な文書を相伝してきたが、政家は応仁・文明の乱に際し、これら大量の古文書を戦火の災いから避けるため、京都の北郊の岩倉に運び出しておいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About the juyo (wedding of higher class nobles and other higher social stature personals) process of Tenshoin (An adopted daughter of Nariakira SHIMAZU, Atsuko; and later, she became an adopted daughter of Tadahiro KONOE and changed her name to, Sumiko), historians and other experts determined that Iesada and the O-oku (Edo Bakufu Shogun's inner palace residence and where successive shoguns' wives, ladies, and children were living) residents hoped to have his third lawful wife would be a Satsuma born woman to share in the good luck of his grand father, Ienari, who lived longer and had many children (Kodaiin; she was midaidokoro [a wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman] of Ienari and was a daughter of Shigehide SHIMAZU).例文帳に追加

天璋院(島津斉彬の養女・篤子、のち近衛忠煕の養女・敬子)の入輿について、家定や大奥が長命で子沢山だった祖父・家斉にあやかって薩摩出身の夫人を望んだことが明らかになっている(家斉の御台所広大院は島津重豪の娘)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1561, although Kagetora NAGAO's attempt to fully conquer Odawara-jo Castle in order to rescue Fujiuji and put down the Hojo clan by sending a large force of over hundred thousand soldiers including Kanto Kanrei Norimasa UESUGI and Kanpaku (chief advisor to the Emperor) Sakihisa KONOE to Kanto region was unsuccessful, he brought most of Kanto region under his control by completely conquering Koga Imperial Palace and banishing a puppet of the Hojo clan Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA who barricaded himself in the Imperial Palace (Fujiuji entered Koga instead). 例文帳に追加

藤氏救援と北条討伐のため、永禄4年(1561年)、関東管領上杉憲政・関白近衛前久を擁して10万余の大軍で関東に出兵した長尾景虎は小田原城の完全攻略には失敗したものの、古河御所は完全に制圧し、御所に籠る北条氏傀儡の足利義氏を追放する(代って藤氏が古河に入った)など、関東の大半を制した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1559, while in Kyoto an acquaintance, Sakihisa KONOE, expressed his impression in a letter, 'shohitsu (assistant director of danjodai., Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office under the ritsuryo system) (referring to Kenshin) seemed to prefer young people as he often gathered many frail wakashu (younger members of soson village system), and often drank a lot of sake through the night,' some historians related this letter to the fact that Kenshin had no relationship with women throughout his lifetime, and concluded that he preferred men. 例文帳に追加

永禄2年(1559年)、上洛した謙信と交流した近衛前久は「この間は度々おいで候て、華奢なる若衆を多く集め候て、大酒までにて、たびたび夜をあかし申し候、少弼(謙信)は若いのが好みとの由承り候」と謙信を観察しており、この書状と謙信が生涯にわたって女犯を一切断ったことを結びつけて、謙信は専ら男色のみを愛好したと見る歴史家もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His children included Kinmune TOIN, Kino OGURA (originator of Ogura family), Kinmori TOIN, Sadakatsu (head of Daigo-ji Temple), Morie (To-ji choja), Jijun (the head priest of Hossho-ji Temple), Kyogokuin Kitsuhi Toin (empress of Emperor Kameyama), Genkimonin Toin Inshi (wife of Emperor Gofukakusa), Emperor Gofukakusa Kishi TOIN (wife of Emperor Fushimi), wife of Motohira KONOE, wife of Mototada TAKATSUKASA, wife of Kinchika SANJO. 例文帳に追加

子に洞院公宗・小倉公雄(小倉家の祖)・洞院公守・定勝(醍醐寺座主)・守恵(東寺長者)・慈順(法性寺座主)・京極院洞院佶子(亀山天皇皇后)・玄輝門院洞院愔子(後深草天皇妃)・顕親門院洞院季子(伏見天皇妃)・近衛基平室・鷹司基忠室・三条公親室らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1-chome (three locations), Imadegawa-cho, Ebisu-cho, Ogi-cho, Oinokuma-cho, Omiya-cho, Kashira-cho, Kameya-cho (four locations), Kikuya-cho, Kita-machi, Kojin-cho, Kodo-cho, Konoe-cho, Komeya-cho, Sakae-cho, 3-chome, Shinmei-cho, Daikobu-cho, Takatsukasa-cho, Tamaya-cho, Tsukinuke-cho (three locations), Nakano-cho, Nakano-cho (four locations), Nishioji-cho, Nishikitakoji-cho, Nishi-cho (three locations), 2-chome, Higashihashizume-cho, Higashi-cho (three locations), Hishiya-cho, Bishamon-cho (three locations), Masuya-cho (three locations), 4-chome (three locations) 例文帳に追加

一町目(3か所)、今出川町、蛭子町、扇町、大猪熊町、大宮町、頭町、亀屋町(4か所)、菊屋町、北町、荒神町、革堂町、近衛町、米屋町、栄町、三町目、神明町、大黒町、鷹司町、玉屋町、突抜町(3か所)、中之町、仲之町(4か所)、西大路町、西北小路町、西町(3か所)、二町目、東橋詰町、東町(3か所)、菱屋町、毘沙門町(3か所)、桝屋町(3か所)、四町目(3か所) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the experimental test of Fuchi, in the summer of 1945 just before the end of the war, some young military officers visited Tenmei to tell about the former Prime Minister 'Fumimaro KONOE' who had formed his government three times and been maneuvering for termination of war with his latent power, which was the exact opposite of the military's intention. 例文帳に追加

この扶乩実験の後、終戦直前の昭和20年の夏のある日に軍関係者(青年将校達数名)が天明のもとを訪れたのは、それまでに都合3度の内閣を組閣しその後も隠然とした力と、軍部の考えとは正反対に独自の終戦工作を画策していたらしい元内閣総理大臣経験者である「近衛文麿」に関してであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other grounds that support the views that the mastermind of the plot was the Imperial Court are that, after the Battle of Yamazaki, Nobutaka ODA tenaciously searched for Sakihisa KONOE by issuing an order to track down and dispose of him, that Kanemi YOSHIDA was interrogated for information, and that the original contents of "Kanemikyo-ki" (diary of Kanemi), which is the first class historical material for that time, were missing for approximately one month around Honnoji Incident and the section for 1582 was rewritten. 例文帳に追加

また、山崎の戦いの後、織田信孝が近衛前久に対し追討令を出して執拗に行方を捜したこと、吉田兼見が事情の聴取を受けていること、更に当時の一級史料である『兼見卿記』(兼見の日記)の原本内容が本能寺の変の前後1か月について欠けており、天正10年の項目は新たに書き直していた、という点も、朝廷黒幕説を支える根拠とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This development made Motohiro KONOE and the Bakufu in Edo realize that the true motive underlying Emperor Reigen's insistence on succession by Shinomiya had not only been love of his own son but part of his long-cherished scheme to assume the virtual reins of the court as retired emperor and exercising ruling authority without allowing interference by the Sekkanke or the Bakufu, to whom handing over the imperial throne to the older Ichinomiya, who would soon become of age, would have been a disadvantage. 例文帳に追加

ここに至って近衛基熙や江戸幕府は、霊元天皇による四宮擁立の真意が皇子可愛さだけではなく、院政を開始して摂家や幕府の干渉を排して思いのままの政治を行うための長期計画の一環であり、すぐに成人を迎えてしまう年長の一宮に皇位を譲る事が不都合であったからであった事に気付くのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobusuke insisted that no one in the Konoe family assumed the position of Kanpaku as former minister, and he presented a petition to Emperor Ogimachi, requesting he be appointed to Kanpaku as an incumbent minister before yielding the position of Sadaijin to Hideyoshi; on the other hand, Akizane maintained that no one in the Nijo family resigned from the position of Kanpaku within a year when he assumed the position for the first time, and he made a request to Emperor Ogimachi for rejecting Nobusuke's unreasonable demands. 例文帳に追加

信輔は「近衛家では前官(前職大臣)の関白の例はない」と主張して左大臣を秀吉に譲る前に現職の大臣として関白に就任したい旨を正親町天皇に奏上し、これに対して昭実は「二条家では初めて任命された関白が1年以内に辞めた例はない」と主張して信輔の理不尽な要求を退けるように訴えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Two years later, Hideyori was elevated to the position of Udaijin, and yet, Ieyasu yielded the position of Shogun to his son, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, showing his determination to pass down the position by hereditary succession; in the same year, in place of Kanetaka KUJO, Nobutada KONOE (whose name had changed from Nobusuke and who had been reinstated to Sadaijin in 1601) was appointed to Kanpaku for the first time in twenty-one years since he had started the soron, having caused a series of troubles thereafter; here, the tradition of rotating the position of Kanpaku among the five sekke was restored. 例文帳に追加

そして2年後、秀頼は右大臣に昇ったものの、この年に家康は将軍職も2年後に息子徳川秀忠に譲って将軍職の世襲の意思を表し、同じ年に九条兼孝に代わって一連の問題の発端となった近衛信尹(信輔改め、慶長6年(1601年)左大臣還任)が相論発生以来21年目にして関白に任命されて五摂家による持ち回りが復活した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the court nobles' society, there were various members ranging from one like the Konoe family who had a marital relationship with the Ashikaga shogun's family and maintained a social status to a certain extent by coordinating between local daimyo/samurai and the royal court to those who were ruined after being robbed of territory by samurai and becoming poor and having no personal connection to evacuate the province. 例文帳に追加

ただし、公家社会でも近衛家のように足利将軍家と婚姻を結び、地方の大名・武士と朝廷との間を取り持つことで社会的な地位をある程度まで保った層から家領を武士に奪われて生活に困窮し地方に疎開するだけの人脈も持てずに没落した層まで様々であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, as the Sekkan-ke were divided, the aforementioned keryo were transferred as watariryo (land transferred from lord to lord) (also known as denka watariryo), with the rank of sekkan and the chieftain of the Fujiwara clan; the shoryo and shoen which were added to the estate of the Sekkan-ke after the insei (period of rule by a cloistered emperor) was divided among the Konoe family, the Kujo family, and the like; and later, they were established as the keryo inherent to respective five branched Sekkan-ke. 例文帳に追加

その後、摂関家の分立に伴ってこうした家領は渡領(殿下渡領)として摂関・藤氏長者の地位とともに移動し、院政期以後に摂関家の財産となった所領・荘園は近衛家・九条家などに分割され、後に5つに分立したそれぞれの摂関家固有の家領として確立されることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the same day, some students of Kyoto University had been protesting against the authorities who hadn't permitted the use of the campus till the end; after the protest finished, a group of about 100 students started marching to join the parade of Ritsumeikan University students and to participate in the Gakuen Fukko Kaigi (that day it was held at Ritsumeikan University); through Konoe-dori Street they were about to go across Kojin-bashi Bridge above the Kamo-gawa River (Yodogawa River system) toward the campus of Ritsumeikan University which was located right across the bridge. 例文帳に追加

同じ日、京大の学生たちは会場使用を拒否した大学への抗議行動を終えたのち、わだつみ像歓迎のデモ、および立命大で開催中の復興会議に参加するため、約100名がデモ隊列を組んで近衛通を経由して鴨川(淀川水系)にかかる荒神橋を渡ろうとした(当時鴨川の対岸には立命大キャンパスが存在した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sakihisa KONOE, who took refuge with Hongan-ji Temple after he was repelled from Kyoto by Yoshiaki, advised Kennyo to help the Miyoshi clan (However, then Sakihisa's anti-Nobunaga attitude came from his intention to defeat Yoshiaki, who was still officially protected by Nobunaga, and later he returned to Kyoto soon after Yoshiaki was expelled by Nobunaga, turning himself into a key figure among Nobunaga's allies.) 例文帳に追加

また、当時義昭によって京都を追われていた石山本願寺を頼っていた近衛前久も顕如に三好氏支援を進言した(ただし、前久の「反信長」は表向きは未だ信長が擁立した形となっている義昭の排除が目的であり、義昭が信長によって追放されると京都に帰還して一転して信長派の中心人物となる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the people who followed the nationalism and took this movement as a crisis, united the group following the People's Alliance (dissolved in 1902) set up by Atsumaro KONOE in 1900, and they advocated that it was necessary for people to pursue independence with united the nation by strengthening of the nationalism and reinforcement of control over the people. 例文帳に追加

だが、逆に国粋主義の流れを汲みこの動きを国内における危機と見た人々は既に1900年に近衛篤麿が結成していた国民同盟会(1902年解散)の流れを汲む諸派に結集して、国家主義の強化と国民への統制強化によって国民が一致団結して自主・独立を追求すべきであると唱えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, Taiseki-ji Temple was allowed to have dokureiseki (privilege to meet shogun face to face) at Edo-jo Castle, and Hiyori the twenty fifth, a grandchild of Emperor Gomizunoo, was adopted as the son of Hiroko KONOE, the lawful wife of the sixth Shogun Ienobu TOKUGAWA, and he was respected by the Imperial family, court nobles, the shogunate families and daimyo family (feudal lord family); however, there was strict control over missionary work by Edo bakufu, the same as for other religious schools, and there was continuous religious persecution in many places such as Kaga clan, Sendai clan, Ii and Owari clan, and Hachinohe clan, and so on. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代、大石寺は江戸城では独礼席を許され、また第25世の日宥は後水尾天皇の皇孫であり第6代将軍徳川家宣正室の近衛熙子の猶子(養子)に迎えられている他、皇室や公家・将軍家や大名家などの崇敬を得たが、他の宗派と同様に布教活動は江戸幕府の厳しい統制を受け続け、加賀藩・仙台藩・伊那・尾張藩・八戸藩などの各地では法難が続発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Emperor Konoe was in power, Chancellor FUJIWARA no Tadamichi incurred the anger of his father, FUJIWARA no Tadazane, and Tadamichi's position as leader of the Fujiwara clan was passed to his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Yorinaga; at this time, Tadazane asked the Emperor to strip Tadamichi of his position as Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), but Emperor Toba, who was ruling as a cloistered emperor at the time, helped resolve the situation by issuing an Imperial decree for Yorinaga to become Nairan in exchange for Tadamichi being allowed to retain his position as Kanpaku. (Until this time, it had not been possible for the positions of Kanpaku and Nairan to be filled at the same time.) 例文帳に追加

近衛天皇の時に摂政藤原忠通が父藤原忠実の怒りを買って、藤氏長者の座を弟の藤原頼長に奪われた折、忠実から天皇に対して忠通の関白解任を求められたが、院政を行っていた鳥羽天皇の介入で忠通の関白留任と引き換えに頼長にも内覧の宣旨が下った(関白と内覧が並存する事はこれまでありえなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 28, 1926, Emperor Showa, who had just been enthroned, issued an ordinance to Saionji in particular ('Ordinance given to the Supreme Order Prince Kinmochi SAIONJI'), and by this, it became institutionally certain for Saionji to be 'the last Genro' and to continue serving as an advisor regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister, and he continued in one way or another to be involved in the recommendations of the Cabinet Chiefs until the Yonai Cabinet was formed in January, 1940 (he declined to give recommendations to the Second Konoe cabinet). 例文帳に追加

昭和元年(1926年)12月28日、践祚直後の昭和天皇は西園寺に対し特に勅語を与え(「大勲位公爵西園寺公望ニ賜ヒタル勅語」)、これにより、西園寺は「最後の元老」として引き続き内閣総理大臣奏薦の任に当たることが制度上確定、昭和15年(1940年)1月の米内内閣までは何らかの形で首班推奏に関与し続けることになる(第二次近衛内閣については奏薦を謝絶している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Motohiro was known as the Kugyo who promoted the shogunate marital union with the imperial family, he strongly opposed the Koka (marriage of an imperial princess to a subject) of Yasonomiya (Imperial Princess Yoshiko), the daughter of the Retired Emperor Reigen, to Shogun Ietsugu TOKUGAWA after the death of Ienobu under recommendation from Hakuseki ARAI (this was probably due to an attempt by Ietsugu's biological mother, Gekkoin, to get rid of Retired Emperor Reigen, who tried to improve the relation with the bakufu, and Hiroko KONOE (who became a monk called Teneiin)), and did not forget to distance himself from the bakufu as Choshin (Imperial retainer). 例文帳に追加

とかく親幕派・公武合体を進めた公卿として知られるが、一方で家宣の死後に新井白石の斡旋で行われた霊元上皇皇女の八十宮(吉子内親王)の将軍徳川家継への降嫁(これは一転して幕府との関係改善に乗り出した霊元上皇と近衛熈子(出家して天英院)の排除を策する家継生母月光院との思惑の一致による側面もあった)には朝廷の尊厳を損なうとして強く反対するなど朝臣として幕府とは距離をとることも忘れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the military epic "The Tale of Hogen", Bifukumon-in was reported to have encouraged the Cloistered Emperor Toba to have Imperial Prince Masahito assume the throne, and this story is quite popular; however, other records of that date as well as history books, including "Gukansho" and "Imakagami," indicate that succession to the imperial throne of Emperor Konoe was decided mainly by the Cloistered Emperor Toba and FUJIWARA no Tadamichi; therefore, although such records suggest that the imperial succession was pursued in consideration of her grief, there is no evidence that supports the idea that she was directly involved in the decision of the imperial succession. 例文帳に追加

軍記物語である『保元物語』においては、美福門院は鳥羽法皇に働きかけて雅仁親王即位に至ったと書かれており、この話が広く知られているが、当時の記録類や『愚管抄』・『今鏡』などの歴史書では、近衛天皇の次の皇位継承は専ら鳥羽法皇と藤原忠通が主導して決定したと記述されており、彼女の悲嘆を配慮に入れた皇位継承が行われた事が想像されるものの、彼女が直接皇位継承に関与したとする史料的裏付けは存在しない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For Sakihisa, who had a poor relationship with Hideyoshi due to the false accusation that Sakihisa had been involved in the Honno-ji Incident in which Mitsuhide AKECHI was rumored to occupy the Hideyoshi's former residence confiscated and given to Sakihisa by Nobunaga and, based in the residence, to attack Nijo Gosho (Nijo Imperial Palace), it was humiliating to let anybody outside the Fujiwara clan assume the position of Kanpaku; from the viewpoint of the Konoe family, however, 例文帳に追加

前久からすれば、元から秀吉との関係は良好でなかった(かつて信長によって秀吉の旧邸が没収されて前久に与えられ、本能寺の変で明智光秀の軍がその屋敷を占拠して二条御所攻撃の拠点にしたと言う風説のために、前久自身が事件に関与したという濡れ衣を着せられた)事に加えて藤原氏以外に関白の地位が移ることは屈辱的であったが、近衛家の立場からすれば、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But grand banquets ceased to be held due to the decline of court functions, and in addition, Shuki-daiban seem to have been scattered and lost due to successive conflicts and changes of Toshi choja within a short period of time caused by the formation of Gosekke (five top Fujiwara families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho [regent] and Kanpaku), and when Michitsugu KONOE assumed the post of Toshi choja in 1361, 'Shuki watari no gi' no longer took place, which suggests that Shuki-daiban had already been lost before that time. 例文帳に追加

ところが、宮中行事などの衰退によって大饗が開かれることがなくなった上、相次ぐ戦乱や五摂家の成立による短期間での藤氏長者の交替などによって朱器台盤は散逸してしまったらしく、延文6年(康安元年/1361年)に近衛道嗣が藤氏長者に就任した際には「朱器渡りの儀」が行われていないために、その以前の段階で朱器台盤は既に存在していなかったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine). 例文帳に追加

翌建久7年(1196年)の11月23日に中宮九条任子が後宮から退去させられ、同月25日関白九条兼実が罷免され、近衛基通が関白に、頼朝の妹・坊門姫を母とする一条高能が参議に、坊門姫の娘を妻とする西園寺公経が蔵人頭にそれぞれ任じられ、同月26日に天台座主慈円が籠居を命じられ、太政大臣藤原兼房(太政大臣)も更迭された(慈円・兼房はともに兼実の同母弟)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He thinks that the informal decision of appointing Nobunaga as Daijo daijin had been already made after confirming his informal consent when Haretoyo talked about Sanshoku suinin mondai based on the following facts: Sakihisa KONOE, who assumed Daijo daijin in March (February in old lunar calendar), abruptly resigned in June (May in old lunar calendar); Hideyoshi called Nobunaga 'Daishokoku' (the Grand Minister) in his letter to Terumoto MORI on August 15 (July 17 in old lunar calendar) after the Honnoji Incident, while the formal discussion at court on granting a posthumous title of Daijo daijin to Nobunaga was in October; and the subsequently issued Emperor's order of the posthumous title for Nobunaga contained a word 'choji Dajodaijin' (太政大臣) (the Grand Minister again), which Hashimoto believed meant the second appointment of Nobunaga as Daijo daijin. 例文帳に追加

これは、2月に太政大臣に就任したばかりである近衛前久が5月に突如辞任していること、本能寺の変後の7月17日_(旧暦)に羽柴秀吉から毛利輝元に宛てられた手紙において、秀吉が信長のことを「大相国」と呼んでいるが、信長に対する太政大臣贈官が宮中で論じられたのは同年10月の事であること、加えてその結果出された贈官の宣命には「重而太政大臣」の語句があり、これを太政大臣の辞令が出されたのが2度目であると解釈して、1度目の辞令を三職推任問題の時に既に太政大臣就任の内諾を信長から得たことにより、非公式な内定が出されていたと解している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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