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Who was he with?の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1127


During the Battle of Osaka in 1615, Muneyoshi KIMURA, who served Oribe as his tea ceremony master, was arrested by Katsushige ITAKURA of the Kyoto deputy on charge of having organized a conspiracy in collaboration with the Toyotomi clan to set fire to Kyoto (Some people believe that he intended to assassinate Ieyasu by taking advantage of the disturbance caused by the fire). 例文帳に追加

1615年(慶長20年)の大坂の役のおり、織部の茶頭である木村宗喜が、豊臣氏に内通して京に放火(混乱に乗じて家康暗殺を意図した説がある)を企んだとされる疑いで京都所司代の板倉勝重に捕らえられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1476, he advanced into Owari at the behest of his master Yoshisuke, fought with the allied force of Toshihiro ODA of the 'Oda Isenokami family,' who was based at Shimotsu-jo Castle in Nakajima County, and his father in law Myochin SAITO of Mino, and expelled them to the Kokufu Palace at Yamada County. 例文帳に追加

文明(日本)8年(1476年)、主君である義良に命じられ、尾張に入部して中島郡にある尾張国守護所である下津城を中心に勢力を持つ城主「織田伊勢守家」織田敏広とその岳父である美濃の斎藤妙椿ら連合軍と戦い、敗走させて山田郡の国府宮に駆逐した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this decision bought anger and discontent from the nobles of Oshu (Mutsu province), and in 1402 the rebellion of Masamune DATE (Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table)) (not related to Masamune of the Warring era) happened, who was allied with Muromachi bakufu, but he ordered Zenshu UESUGI to subdue this rebellion. 例文帳に追加

しかし、この措置は奥州の豪族達の反感を買い、1402年に室町幕府と結んでいた伊達政宗(大膳大夫)(戦国時代に活躍した政宗とは別人の先祖)の反乱(伊達政宗の乱)に起きるが、これを上杉禅秀(のちの上杉禅秀)に鎮圧させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around August 769, Kantsukasa (ritual official of Dazaifu [governmental office with jurisdiction over Kyushu, Iki, and Tsushima] under the Ritsuryo System), SUGE no Asomaro, who was also holding the position of Shinto priest at Usa-jingu Shrine, informed Empress Shotoku that he received an oracle that if the Empress would give the authority to Buddhist monk Dokyo's succession to the Imperial Throne, the universal peace would be secured. 例文帳に追加

7月頃、宇佐神宮の神官を兼ねていた大宰府の主神(かんつかさ)、習宜阿曾麻呂(すげのあそまろ)が宇佐八幡神の神託として、道鏡を皇位に就かせれば天下太平になる、と称徳天皇へ奏上する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He then aided Sadayo (Ryoshun) IMAGAWA, who was sent as a Kyushu Tandai (commissioner) by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, in stabilizing Kyushu and uprooting the Nancho forces; but gradually became afraid of Ryoshun's increasing power, and worked with Shogun Yoshimitsu, and his own stepfather, Yoshihiro, to bring Ryoshun down. 例文帳に追加

その後、足利義満の命を受けて九州探題として赴任してきた今川貞世(了俊)の九州平定に協力して南朝勢力の排除に努めたが、次第に了俊の勢力が拡大してきたことを恐れ、将軍の義満や義父の義弘と共謀して了俊の失脚に一役を買った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since Hironori's innocence was proved later, Yoshioki spared no pains to repair relations with the Naito family: for example, he took a Hironori's daughter for his lawful wife, and let Okimori NAITO, a son of Hiroharu NAITO who had succeeded as the head of the Naito family after Hironori's death, marry to another Hironori's daughter. 例文帳に追加

のちに弘矩が無実であることが判明したため、義興は弘矩の娘を正室に迎えるとともに、弘矩の死後家督を継いだ弘春の嫡子興盛に弘矩の娘をめあわさせるなど、弘矩の名誉回復と内藤氏との関係修復に腐心した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In March 1611, when Ieyasu pressured Hideyori to come to meet him at the Nijo-jo Castle, together with Kiyomasa KATO and Yoshinaga ASANO, he persuaded Yodo-dono who strongly opposed to it by saying that the Toyotomi family was the main lineage, and succeeded in making Hideyori's procession to Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

慶長16年(1611年)3月に家康が秀頼に対し二条城での会見を迫った時には、いまなお豊臣家が主筋と自負して強硬に反対した淀殿を加藤清正や浅野幸長とともに説得し、秀頼の上洛を実現させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The article describes that 'Yukimitsu, the former official of Shinano Province, left for the capital (Kyoto) at Tora no koku (from 3am to 5am), on a mission to convey the message of Zenjo Nii ke who requested that Rokujo no Miya and Reizei no Miya go to Kamakura as Kanto Shogun', which indicates that he was sent to the imperial court as an envoy of Masako and negotiated with them. 例文帳に追加

この中で「寅の刻、信濃の前司行光上洛す。これ六條宮・冷泉宮両所の間、関東将軍として下向せしめ御うべきの由、禅定二位家申せしめ給うの使節なり。」とあり、政子の使者として朝廷に赴き、その交渉を行っていることである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In summary, Isotakeru descended to Soshimori in Silla with Susanoo, who was banished from heaven (which is called Takaamahara in the "Kojiki"), and then they together moved to the place called Torikaminotake located at the upper reaches of Hii-kawa River in Izumo Province by a hani-bune (clay boat) because Susanoo said he did not want to stay in Soshimori. 例文帳に追加

とあり天(『古事記』では高天原)を追放された素戔嗚尊とともに新羅曽尸茂梨に天降り、スサノオがこの地吾居ること欲さず(「乃興言曰此地吾不欲居」)と言ったので、一緒に埴土船で渡って出雲国斐伊川上の鳥上峯に至ったとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Sozen, having contributed to the pacification of Kakitsu Incident, was against the reinstatement of the Akamatsu family who had masterminded the incident, he and his son-in-law Katsumoto came to an outright confrontation as Katsumoto appointed Masanori AKAMATSU shugo of Kaga Province in 1458 with a view to weakening Sozen's influence. 例文帳に追加

嘉吉の乱鎮圧に功労のあった宗全は主謀者赤松氏の再興に反対していたが、1458年、娘婿の勝元が宗全の勢力削減を図って赤松政則を加賀国守護職に取立てたことから両者は激しく対立するようになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Morosada (Emperor Kazan)'s maternal grandfather Koretada had already died and Yoritada who had no maternal relative relations was Kanpaku (chancellor), he actively ruled without delegation to the Kanpaku with Koretada's first son, FUJIWARA no Yoshichika and son of his nurse, FUJIWARA no Korenari. 例文帳に追加

即位した師貞(花山天皇)は、外祖父伊尹がすでに死去し、外戚関係にない頼忠が関白の地位にあることを踏まえ、伊尹の長男藤原義懐と乳母子の藤原惟成を相談役として、関白に政務を委任することなく積極的に親政を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shogun Yoshiteru observed these events and resolved, even as he accepted the support of Sengoku daimyo families closely allied with the Shogun, especially Kenshin UESUGI (the Kanrei of the Kanto region), to try to wrest back the power and prestige of the office of Shogun, only to be assassinated during a coup d'etat (known as the Eiroku Incident) by the faction led by Matsunaga, who was the primary target of Yoshiteru's efforts. 例文帳に追加

この状況を見た将軍・義輝は上杉謙信(関東管領)をはじめとする親将軍家の戦国大名の支援を受けながら、将軍権威の再建に努めるが、その矢先松永一派のクーデター(永禄の変)によって暗殺された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the rebellions, the conflict between the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa and Emperor Nijo seemed to subside slightly but then flared up again, with Kiyomori, who was the most powerful bushi at that time, gaining the position of Emperor's regent by becoming godfather to Nijo while his wife, TAIRA no Tokiko, became godmother, and he also became Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police) and Chunagon (vice-councilor of state). 例文帳に追加

乱後、後白河上皇と二条天皇の対立はしばらくの小康状態を経て再燃するが、武士で最大の実力者となっていた清盛は二条の乳父となり、室の平時子も乳母となったことで、天皇の後見役の地位を得て検非違使別当・中納言となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also OE no Hiromoto who became an adopted son of Nakahara clan to study Myohodo, was likely to have something to do with the establishment of Myohodo and Bukeho (the low system of samurai society) because he participated deeply in the establishment of the Kamakura bakufu and influenced "Goseibaishikimoku (the law of samurai regime)" of the legal book "Saiban Shiyosho. " 例文帳に追加

また、当初中原氏の養子に入り明法道を学んだ大江広元が鎌倉幕府創設に深く関与し、また『裁判至要抄』の『御成敗式目』への影響が指摘されるなど、明法道と武家法の成立にも少なからず関係があったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1518, Rene of Hongaku-ji Temple, who had been banished from Echizen by the Asakura clan and sheltered in Kaga appealed to Rengo of Honsen-ji Temple that he would have difficulty in coming back to Echizen due to the prohibition of wars stipulated in 'Sanhourei' and disputed with him, as a result of which Rengo reported it to hoshu and Rene was excommunicated. 例文帳に追加

永正15年、朝倉氏によって越前を追放されて加賀に逃れていた本覚寺蓮恵が「三法令」の戦争の禁止によって越前への帰還が困難になると本泉寺蓮悟に苦情を申し立てて相論となったところ、蓮悟の上申で破門処分となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judging from the conversations I have had with him since he was vice minister of finance for international affairs, Mr. Watanabe understands the market very well, is well versed in the mechanism of the flow of money and is a man who understands the global background of monetary and financial affairs well. 例文帳に追加

私が従来から、財務官の時代からいろいろお話をする中では、渡辺博史さんはマーケットのことを非常によくわかっておられまして、また、世界のお金の流れについても深い造詣をお持ちの方でありますし、そういう世界のバックグラウンドをよくわかっている人です。 - 金融庁

Until recently there has been something of a consensus among those who have written on early culture, to the effect that man, as he first emerged upon the properly human plane, was of a contentious disposition, inclined to isolate his own interest and purposes from those of his fellows, and with a penchant for feuds and brawls. 例文帳に追加

近年に至るまで、初期文化について著述する人たちの間には、人間は、はじめて本来の人間らしい水準に達したとき、争い好きな性質であり、自分自身の利害と目的を他人のそれから引き離し、反目と口論にあけくれていたという内容の一致した見解があった。 - Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』

An officer of the Federal force, who, in a spirit of adventure or in quest of knowledge, had left the hidden bivouac in the valley, and, with aimless feet, had made his way to the lower edge of a small open space near the foot of the cliff, was considering what he had to gain by pushing his exploration further. 例文帳に追加

北軍の士官が1人、冒険心にか探求心にか駆りたてられて、谷の露営地をはなれ、あてもなく、崖のたもとの草地の下端へと足を進めながら、この探険を続けることで何かを得なれるんじゃないかと考えていた。 - Ambrose Bierce『空飛ぶ騎兵』

Article 948 A person who has made an application for separation of property or a person who has applied for entry into distribution proceedings may exercise his/her rights against an heir's own property only in the case where he/she was not able to receive performance in full from the inherited property. In this case, this person may receive performance with priority over the obligees of an heir. 例文帳に追加

第九百四十八条 財産分離の請求をした者及び配当加入の申出をした者は、相続財産をもって全部の弁済を受けることができなかった場合に限り、相続人の固有財産についてその権利を行使することができる。この場合においては、相続人の債権者は、その者に先立って弁済を受けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Famous scenes are that a beautiful man dressed as a woman, Bentenkozo Kikugoro, made a speech (declaring that he was a man and showing a tattoo) in Scene One (Yukinoshita Hamamatsuya) of Act Two, and that Goninotoko (five men) who put up their bangasa (coarse oilpaper umbrella) with the letters of 'Shi-ra-na-mi' (らなみ in Japanese) left undyed, and pretended to be otokodate (ones who seek to right wrongs) made a speech in Scene Three (Inasegawa seizoroi) of Act Two. 例文帳に追加

二幕目第一場(雪の下浜松屋の場)での女装の美男子、弁天小僧菊之助の名乗り(男であることを明かして彫り物を見せつける)、二幕目第三場「稲瀬川勢揃いの場」では「志らなみ」の字を染め抜いた番傘を差して男伊達の扮装に身を包んだ五人男の名乗りが名高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, in 1272, in order to consolidate the power of the Tokuso family, he killed his older brother Tokisuke HOJO (who held the office of Rokuhara Tandai Minamikata (Southern Chief of Administrative and Judicial Agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto), and was unhappy with his younger brother Tokimune's having becoming regent and increasing influence in the Imperial Court) as well as brothers from the clan Tokiaki HOJO and Noritoki HOJO who were hyojoshu (members of the Council of State) in the Nigatsu Sodo (the Disturbance of February). 例文帳に追加

また、得宗家の権力を磐石なものとするため、文永9年(1272年)には弟時宗が執権になった事に不満を持って朝廷に接近していた六波羅探題南方の兄北条時輔や、一族の評定衆北条時章・北条教時兄弟を誅殺している(二月騒動)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 33 (1) A dispatching business operator shall not conclude, with a Dispatched Worker he/she employs or a worker he/she intends to employ as a Dispatched Worker, any contract which prohibits the worker, without any justifiable reason, from being employed, after the termination of the employment relationship with him/her, by the client to whom the worker is dispatched (including a person who was the client; the same shall apply in the following paragraph) or to whom the worker will be dispatched. 例文帳に追加

第三十三条 派遣元事業主は、その雇用する派遣労働者又は派遣労働者として雇用しようとする労働者との間で、正当な理由がなく、その者に係る派遣先である者(派遣先であつた者を含む。次項において同じ。)又は派遣先となることとなる者に当該派遣元事業主との雇用関係の終了後雇用されることを禁ずる旨の契約を締結してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In 1117, he received the manifestation of Amida-Buddha and created Yuzu Nenbutsu based on the thought that Nenbutsu recited by oneself and others can be united with each other or 'Nenbutsu recited by a person can be nenbutsu for everybody,' and thereafter he advocated rebirth in Jodo (pure land) by means of Shomyo Nenbutsu (Invocation of the Buddha's Name) and made propagation at various places while carrying a meicho (name list) that was to be used for recording the names of people who made a connection with Buddha. 例文帳に追加

1117年(永久(元号)5年)阿弥陀仏の示現を受け、「1人の念仏が万人の念仏に通じる」という自他の念仏が相即融合しあうという立場から融通念仏を創始し、称名念仏で浄土に生まれると説き、結縁した人々の名を記入する名帳を携えて各地で勧進を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since he and his father were to be searched and caputured on the order of Kanpu, the official document issued by the Imperial court according to Kadomasa's complaint, they seem to have had a fight with Masakado frequently, however, when the father died in June 939, he became neutral by keeping his distance from TAIRA no Sadamori, who was in conflict with Masakado. 例文帳に追加

承平7年(937年)に将門の訴状により朝廷から下された追捕の官符で父らと共に対象になっている為、この頃は父と共に将門と争っていたと見られるが、天慶2年(939年)6月に父が病死すると、将門と対立する平貞盛らとは距離を置いて中立的立場になったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bassanio was so overpowered with gratitude and wonder at the gracious manner in which the rich and noble Portia accepted of a man of his humble fortunes, that he could not express his joy and reverence to the dear lady who so honoured him by any thing but broken words of love and thankfulness: and taking the ring, he vowed never to part with it. 例文帳に追加

バサーニオは驚きと感謝のあまり感極まった。そんなに優雅な態度で、金持ちにして気品あるポーシャが、自分のようなほとんど財産を持たない男を受け入れてくれたのだから、当然であろう。そして、バサーニオをとても尊敬してくれた女性に対して、喜びと尊敬の言葉を言えなくなり、ただ愛と感謝とをとぎれとぎれにつぶやくばかりだった。バサーニオは指輪を受け取り、二度と手放さないことを誓った - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

According to some books, the reason why TAKECHI treated Izo coldly in his later years was, for example, from the discriminative feeling for Izo who had low social standing and no education compared with the other comrades, a sense of danger that exposure of many of the assassinations that Izo took part in may have unfavorable effects to his fellow comrades, and resentment and anxiety toward Izo for not taking his own life although those exposures could be prevented if he had committed suicide; furthermore, even if he had been a member of the Tosa kinnoto that aimed for "Sonno Joi (19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and overthrowing the Shogunate", he became a bodyguard to Kaishu KATSU (to be explained later) who was "a member of the open country wing and a vassal of the shogun"; Izo was disdained, for "although skillful in swordplay, he was a man with no resolute ideas and beliefs." 例文帳に追加

以蔵が晩年、武市らから冷遇されていた理由について諸書の記述によれば、他の同志より身分が低く教養が無いことによる差別的感情、彼が手がけた数々の暗殺が露見することにより他の同志に累が及ぶ危機感、彼が自刃してしまえばその露見が防げるにも拘らず彼自身がそれを行わなかったことに対する焦燥感や怒り、さらに“尊王攘夷・倒幕”を旨とする土佐勤王党に属しながら“開国派・幕臣”の勝海舟らの護衛を行うなどした(後述)ことにより“剣術こそ強いが確固たる思想・信念を持たぬ者”として軽蔑されたこと、などが原因ではないかと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1489, after Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA, the ninth Shogun of the Muromachi Government, died during his war to conquer Takayori ROKKAKU, Yoshiki left the domain of Shigeyori TOKI, where he was hiding, in order to visit the Imperial Court in Kyoto with his father, who had signed a truce with his uncle, Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, was adopted by Yoshimasa and appointed by the Emperor as the tenth Shogun of the Muromachi Government in 1490. 例文帳に追加

延徳元年(1489年)、室町幕府第9代将軍の足利義尚が近江国の六角高頼征伐の在陣中に死去した後、伯父の義政と和睦した父・義視と共に逼塞先の美濃国の土岐成頼のもとから上洛し、足利義政の養子となって延徳2年(1490年)に第10代将軍に就任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was known as a 'stubborn' director and it is said that when shooting "Koroshita no wa dareda" working with Akira IFUKUBE, who was a 'stubborn' composer like him, people in the studio were afraid that they would conflict with one another and that the film might not be completed ("Akira IFUKUBE's unpublished collected works of film music of Nikkatsu" VPCD-81189 published by Vap Inc.). 例文帳に追加

妥協を許さぬ「うるさ型」の監督として知られ、『殺したのは誰だ』の時は同じうるさ型の作曲家・伊福部昭と組むことになり、両者の衝突は避けられぬと撮影所内には作品の完成を危ぶむ声まであったと伝えられる((株)バップ『伊福部昭未発表映画音楽全集日活編』VPCD-81189)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, he was called the 'chief officer of the whole country' and formed the Okubo party within the bakufu along with Tadachika OKUBO, battled with Masanobu HONDA, who was favored by Ieyasu, over the power of the early bakufu government, and won against the Honda party, temporarily winning control of the bakufu government. 例文帳に追加

そのため、その権勢や諸大名との人脈から、「天下の総代官」と称され、大久保忠隣と共に大久保派を幕府内に形成し、家康に寵愛されて本多派を形成していた本多正信と、初期幕政の権勢をめぐって争い、岡本大八事件で本多派に勝利し、一時は幕政を牛耳ったとまで言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The picture was supposedly taken by Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek in 1866 or 1867, but the notion that Saigo and others who had made achievements serving the country in the Meiji Restoration got together around that time is historically impossible, and Saigo himself was already obese by this point, but in the picture his cheek bones show and he had a normal sized body, so there are many problems with it; moreover, the picture was distorted by Taneomi SOEJIMA and Guido Herman Fridolin Verbeek, so it is likely to be nothing more than unnamed men of the warrior class in Saga, instead those who had achievements serving their country. 例文帳に追加

グイド・フルベッキの写真は撮影されたのが慶応2、3年と特定されているが(明治初年の説もある)、比定された西郷ら明治維新の元勲がこの時期に一堂に会したことは史料的にも有り得ぬし、西郷本人に限っても、既に肥満体になっていたのに、頬骨が出、普通の身躯をしているなど疑問点だらけで、副島種臣とフルベッキ、さらに無名の佐賀士族の若者たちを写した写真を元勲たちの写真とこじつけたにすぎない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Responding to this, Jo SUGIURA who was a former retainer of shogun and in charge of revision at Minbusho modified "Koseki hensei rei moku" and made a proposal in which he placed the equality of all people to the front, but OKI, accepting Taku OE's suggestion, reached the conclusion that, although he agreed to the keynote of emancipation of Eta and Hinin, the emancipation had to be progressed gradually along with service of life bettering and was not to be connected with the family register formation this time, hence the Family Registration Law was enacted on April 4, 1871 putting off the issue of Eta and Hinin. 例文帳に追加

これを受けて改革掛にいた旧幕臣の杉浦譲が「戸籍編成例目」を手直しして四民平等を前面に出した戸籍法案を建議するものの、大木は大江卓の献言を受けて穢多非人の解放の基本方針には賛成するが、生活改善事業と並行して漸進的に行うべきであり、今回の戸籍制定には関連づけないとして、明治4年(1871年)4月4日に穢多非人を先送りにしたままの戸籍法が制定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While he performed Renjishi (a string of lions) called 'Shakkyo' (Stone Bridge, Noh Play) for contributing money at Japanese-Russo War in 1904, Einen no mai (dance of longevity) called 'Ataka' (the Ataka Barrier, Noh play) at retirement Noh by Kuro HOSHO in 1906, Noh play (performed) with the Emperor Meiji in attendance in 1910 and Noh play for enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Taisho in 1905, he was actively engaged in the Hayashikata (people who play hayashi, or the musical accompaniment) educating activity at the Nohgakukai of Kimoiri IKEUCHI, and nurtured his best pupils, such as Yoshiki YOSHIMI and Toshio KAMEI. 例文帳に追加

以後、1904年、日露戦争献金能で「石橋(能)」連獅子、1906年、宝生九郎引退能で「安宅」延年之舞、1910年、明治天皇天覧能、1915年、大正天皇即位式能などの舞台を勤める一方で、池内肝煎の能楽会において囃子方育成事業に積極的にかかわり、吉見嘉樹、亀井俊雄らの高弟を育てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, he firmly rejected the Retired Emperor's jito (land steward) dismissal request (Ota no sho manor in the Bingo Province) on the ground that it would crush the basis of bakufu if he allowed it, saying 'I have no reason to dismiss jito who the late MINAMOTO no Yoritomo assigned as far as they're not problematic,' and when Kintsune SAIONJI was dismissed from Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), Sanetomo pointed out the Retired Emperor's mistake and remonstrated with him. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、上皇が要求した地頭解任要求(備後国太田荘)を「故源頼朝が決めた地頭は問題がない限り解任する理由はない」と幕府の根幹を揺るがしかねないとして固辞しており、西園寺公経が右近衛大将を解任された折には上皇の非を指摘してこれを諌めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Legend says that both he and Hideyoshi were given swords by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Yamasaki; that he frightened the kugeshu (court nobles) by carrying out the investigation of the Akechi party inside the capital; that, at the battle against Hideyoshi, Nagatsugu IINUMA (one of Hideyoshi's vassals) was killed on suspicion of collaborating with Nobutaka, and that after the battle Hideyoshi never employed samurai who had served Nobutaka. 例文帳に追加

山崎の合戦後に秀吉と並んで朝廷から太刀を授かり、洛中で明智与党の詮議を行い公家衆を震え上がらせていること、秀吉との戦いに際しては飯沼長継など、信孝に内通したとして斬られている秀吉家臣がおり、戦後に秀吉が信孝に仕えた武士を嫌って登用しなかったという事跡も伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was an incorrect judgment based upon the idea of predominance of men over women and, as he did not have many children with a number of ladies other than Kodaiin (if we count a child during the age of Nagahama-jo Castle as really existing, there must have been two boys and a girl who died very young before Hideyori.), we should consider that Hideyoshi's physical conditions were the causes why he did not have many children. 例文帳に追加

これは男尊女卑に基づく陋習であり、高台院以外の多くの女性との間にも子ができにくかった(長浜城時代の子を事実として含めれば、夭折した男児二人、女児一人が秀頼の前にいたことになる)ことから、やはり秀吉自身が子ができない(できにくい)体質であったと考えるべきだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After returning to the capital, Godaigo entered the throne room on Tomikoji hill and repudiated Kogon's imperial rank, ushering in a new era of direct Imperial rule (and of his own second ascension, he insisted that he was not "returning to the throne" but rather had continuously been ruling since 1318); in Kyoto, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who with Imperial Prince Morinaga had directed the attack on Rokuhara, requested more troops from all the various provinces, and by paying and supplying the samurai that came to the capital, Takauji assumed military command over the government of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

帰京した後醍醐は富小路坂の里内裏に入り、光厳天皇の皇位を否定し親政を開始(自らの重祚<復位>は否定し、文保2年から継続しての在位を主張)するが、京都では護良親王とともに六波羅攻撃を主導した足利高氏が諸国へ軍勢を催促し、上洛した武士を収めて京都支配を指揮していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bassanio was very unhappy to have so offended his dear lady, and he said with great earnestness, "No, by my honour, no woman had it, but a civil doctor, who refused three thousand ducats of me, and begged the ring, which when I denied him, he went displeased away. 例文帳に追加

バサーニオは愛する妻をそんなふうに怒らせてしまったことをとても悲しみ、非常に熱心にこう言った。「違うよ。私の名誉に賭けて言うが、受け取ったのは女じゃない、法律博士なんだ。その人は、私が差し出した3000ドュカートを断って、指輪を望んだんだ。それを断ったら、その人は機嫌を損ねて出ていってしまったんだ。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

It has been pointed out that Michiie himself was positively involved in the 'anti-Tokuso family' conspiracy as Mitsumura MIURA, who was also involved in the conspiracy of NAGOE, said, 'I should have assassinated Tokiyori by following Michiie's commands (during the conspiracy of NAGOE)' when he fell along with his older brother, Mitsumura MIURA, in the Hojo War. 例文帳に追加

なお、名越の陰謀にも関与していた三浦光村が後の宝治合戦で兄の三浦泰村とともに討たれた際に「(名越の陰謀の時に)道家の指示に従って時頼を討っておくべきだった」と悔やんだとされていることから、一連の「反得宗家」の陰謀に道家自身が積極的に関与していた可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the way, the following story is described in "Kanmongyoki" (1416 - 1448, The Diary of Zuiko-in) but it is not known whether the descriptions were true or not: The Kazainin family line became extinct, because Tadasada KAZANIN had no heir, and therefore, he secretly took custody of 'a son of Konoe in the Southern Court' (a descendant of Tsunetada KONOE, kanpaku in the Southern Court - in Japan), who later celebrated his coming of age, with a crown put on his head by Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, seii taishogun (literally, the great general whose mission was to subdue the barbarians) and was granted a portion of Tadasada's name. 例文帳に追加

なお、『看聞御記』には、花山院忠定に相続人がおらず家門が断絶しかかったため、「南方近衛息」(南朝(日本)関白近衛経忠の末裔)を秘かに迎えて、征夷大将軍足利義持の加冠によって元服して偏諱を受けたとする記述が記されているが、真相は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Mitsuo's older brother Masahiro MAKINO was as young as twenty to overcome adverse situations such as the loss of his family's house in a fire in 1928 and the loss of many actors and actresses who quit Makino Productions, he produced a masterpiece of period drama "Roningai" with Itaro YAMAGAMI, but upon Shozo's death on July 25, 1929 the next year, it became difficult to continue the operation of Makino Productions and there was a conflict about the non-payment of salaries at the end of 1930. 例文帳に追加

1928年(昭和3年)の本宅の焼失、スターの大量退社に揺れるマキノプロで逆境に燃えた光雄の兄・弱冠20歳のマキノ雅弘は、山上伊太郎と時代劇の傑作『浪人街』を生むが、翌年の1929年(昭和4年)7月25日、省三が亡くなるとマキノプロの経営は困難になり1930年(昭和5年)に年末給料不払で争議が起こる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was one of leading candidates as the fifth shogun along with Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, Tsunashige's younger brother and the lord of the Tatebayashi Domain in Kozuke Province, when Ietsuna became critically ill in 1680 because Ietsuna had no male child, but because Masatoshi HOTTA strongly recommended Tsunayoshi, who was more closely related to Iemitsu by blood, for the shogun, Tsunatoyo did not take office as shogun. 例文帳に追加

延宝8年(1680年)、家綱が重態となった際には、家綱に男子がなかったことから綱重の弟に当たる上野国館林藩主・徳川綱吉とともに第5代将軍の有力候補であったが、堀田正俊が家光に血が近い綱吉を強力に将軍に推したため、綱豊の将軍就任はならなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In other words, the clash between them was inevitable for the following reasons, according to this view: For Shingen with the tripartite alliance among Kai Province, Sagami Province and Suruga Province as a major premise, it was inevitable to confront Kenshin who was an enemy of the Gohojo clan (later, Shingen stormed Suruga Province, breaking the tripartite alliance, but was isolated and was placed in a serious military situation), and even for Kenshin, not only the Takanashi family but also the Echigo Province constituting his base might have been placed in a dangerous state if he allowed Shingen to take the northern Shinano area easily. 例文帳に追加

すなわち、甲相駿三国同盟が戦略の大前提であった信玄にとって、後北条氏の敵対者であった謙信との対決は必然であり(後に三国同盟を破棄して駿河国へ乱入した信玄は孤立して厳しい戦略状況に陥っている)、謙信にとっても信玄の北信濃領有を易々と許せば、高梨家のみならず本国の越後国自体が危機に陥りかねないことから、両者の衝突は必然であったとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1494 when the 'Oda Isenokami family' sided with Myojun SAITO, the successor to Myochin SAITO, in the succession dispute of the shugo of Mino Toki clan, he sided with the koshugodai (junior deputy shugo) of Mino Toshimitsu ISHIMARU since Toshimitsu's daughter was the wife of his oldest son Hirosada and fought with Hirohiro ODA, who succeeded Toshihiro and sided with Saito side (the Battle of Funada). 例文帳に追加

明応3年(1494年)、美濃守護土岐氏の家督争いから発展して争乱が起こると、斎藤妙椿の跡を継いだ斎藤妙純に「織田伊勢守家」が味方すると、斎藤氏には宿怨があったため、美濃小守護代石丸利光の娘を嫡子・寛定の妻に迎えていたため、石丸方に付き、敏広の後を継いだ斎藤方に組した織田寛広と戦う(船田合戦)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Saigo also hated Okuma as a 'snobbish public servant,' and in 'The Written Opinions of Kuranosuke SAIGO,' which he wrote before coming to Tokyo in 1871, although he did not directly mention him by name, he criticized Okuma's policy as one which was 'not the policy of warriors,' and then Yasukazu YASUBA, who entered the Ministry of Finance the same year with the recommendation of Saigo, submitted a written proposal for the impeachment of Okuma (which was rejected because both Saigo and Okubo opposed it.), making Okuma's antipathy towards Saigo much stronger. 例文帳に追加

一方、西郷も大隈を「俗吏」とみなして嫌っていたとされ、特に明治4年(1871年)の西郷上京の際に書かれた「西郷吉之助意見書」では名指しこそ避けたものの大隈の政策を「武士のやること」ではないと切捨て、更に同年に西郷の推挙で大蔵省入りした安場保和が大隈への弾劾意見書を提出したこと(西郷も大久保もこれには反対したために却下された)によって、大隈の西郷への反感は抜きがたいものになったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Norizane consistently made an effort to mediate between Kamakura Government and Bakufu; when Mochiuji ignored changing the name of an era by Bakufu, Norizane worried about Mochiie's relationship with Bakufu and dispatched envoy in order to apologize about Mochiuji's behavior to Bakufu in 1431, and in the next year, 1432, he returned shoryo (territory) to Bakufu that was dispossessed by Kamakura Government, and also in the same year, Shogun Yoshinori's geko (go down to the province) to Fuji was discussed in Bakufu, Norizane urged them to postpone his geko on the lookout for disturbing situation in Kanto region, and he sent gifts to Mansai who was Monzeki (successor of a temple) of Sanbo-in of Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

持氏が幕府の改元を無視すると、1431年には謝罪の使節を派遣するなど幕府との関係を憂慮し、翌1432年には鎌倉府が横領していた所領を幕府に返還し、同年に幕府で将軍義教の富士下向が協議されると、憲実は警戒して関東情勢の不穏を理由に下向の延期を促し、幕府の醍醐寺三宝院門跡満済らに進物するなど、憲実は一貫して鎌倉府と幕府との調停に努めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 203 (1) When a judicial police officer has arrested a suspect upon an arrest warrant or has received a suspect who was arrested upon an arrest warrant, he/she shall immediately inform the suspect of the essential facts of the suspected crime and the fact that the suspect may appoint defense counsel and then, giving the suspect an opportunity for explanation, he/she shall immediately release the suspect when he/she believes that it is not necessary to detain the suspect, or shall carry out the procedure of referring the suspect together with the documents and articles of evidence to a public prosecutor within 48 hours of the suspect being placed under physical restraint when he/she believes that it is necessary to detain the suspect. 例文帳に追加

第二百三条 司法警察員は、逮捕状により被疑者を逮捕したとき、又は逮捕状により逮捕された被疑者を受け取つたときは、直ちに犯罪事実の要旨及び弁護人を選任することができる旨を告げた上、弁解の機会を与え、留置の必要がないと思料するときは直ちにこれを釈放し、留置の必要があると思料するときは被疑者が身体を拘束された時から四十八時間以内に書類及び証拠物とともにこれを検察官に送致する手続をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

About 1806, in Edo City, a young Tengu (one of Japanese ghost) Torakichi (called 'Sendo') appeared, who claimed that he could come and go to the underworld; Atsutane was introduced to him and directly asked him about the other world and secrets of mysterious things, then Atsutane realized that the underworld really existed and exerted great or little influence on this world; and he thought that the boy's story surprisingly corresponded to the idea of the Dark and the Light which he had been considering for years; after that, with conviction of the idea and deeper worship, he continued his studies and practice of Kodo. 例文帳に追加

文化3年頃に江戸市中に冥府と往き来できると言う天狗少年仙童寅吉が出現し、奇しくも後に知人を介して邂逅する事により、本人から直接異境の有様や幽事の秘め事などを聞き質し、幽界冥府が厳然と実在し、大なり小なり深く現界に影響を及ぼしている有様に気づき、篤胤自らが常日頃考えていた幽顕の理念と奇しくも符節融合する事を悟り、幽顕一如を再確信すると共に敬神の念を更に深めて古道を敷衍し実践して行く事となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During that time, in 1163, he was in political peril, such as his banishment from the clan (as a part of the direct petition by Kofuku-ji Temple, Kofuku-ji betto (the head priest of Kofuku-ji Temple) notified the uji no choja (the head of the clan) of the banishing of the clan member who disadvantaged the Uji-dera Temple (temple built for praying clan's glory) and Uji-sha Shrine (shrine built for praying clan's glory), and unless the banishment was rescinded the banished clan member was not allowed to serve in the Imperial Court and the execution of his youger step brother, FUJIWARA no Narichika (his mother was a daughter of FUJIWARA no Tsunetada), for participating in Emperor Goshirakawa's scheme to bring down the Taira clan (the Shikagatani Plot), because he angered Kofuku-ji Temple for supporting the pro-Taira clan Enryaku-ji Temple at gijo no ba (the site where an agreement was to take place) during Kofuku-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple Feuding Incident, but Takasue, who maintained an amicable relationship with the Taira clan, stood firmly on his ground. 例文帳に追加

その間の長寛3年(1163年)、興福寺・延暦寺の抗争事件に際して、議定の場で親平氏の延暦寺を支持したことで興福寺の怒りを買い、放氏される(興福寺の強訴の一環として、氏寺・氏社に不利益をもたらした氏人の追放を興福寺別当から氏長者に通告する、追放が解除されない限り朝廷に出仕できない)、異母弟の藤原成親(母は藤原経忠の女)が後白河の平氏打倒計画に参加して処刑される(鹿ケ谷の陰謀)などの政治的危機もあったが、平氏との友好関係を維持した隆季の立場が揺らぐことはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1882, Shuzo AOKI, who had accompanied Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Taruhito visiting Europe, sent a letter to ITO to tell him that he felt resentful about the cold shoulder the Imperial Prince received at the place where they stayed in, different from the treatment of a member of other European royal family, and on the other hand, in 1886, Yoshitane SANNOMIYA, who had traveled with Imperial Prince Komatsunomiya Akihito spending time in Europe, also sent a letter to ITO to let him know that he was moved by the kind treatment same as a member of the other European royal family where they stopped by. 例文帳に追加

1882年に有栖川宮熾仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した青木周蔵が、伊藤に対して親王が訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と違った冷遇を受けた事への憤慨を記した手紙を送っているが、1886年に小松宮彰仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した三宮義胤が、伊藤に対して訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と同様の礼遇を受けた事への感慨を記した手紙を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because he betrayed Katsuyori at the last minute despite being a Takeda family member, Nobukimi ANAYAMA had a negative reputation alongside Yoshimasa KISO, who was also the son-in-law of Shingen but switched sides to the Oda family, and Nobushige OYAMADA, who committed betrayal just before the fall; however, Hachiro SATO gives him a favorable appraisal, justifying his daring decision to turn away in order to sustain the family name, while Toshifumi YANO believes that the relationship between the Takeda clan and local samurai lords such as Anayama and Oyamada was a coalition government, and that with the fall of Takeda family, Nobukimi broke away from the perspective of an individual feudal lord. 例文帳に追加

武田一族にも関わらず土壇場で勝頼を裏切ったことから、同じく信玄の娘婿でありながら織田家に寝返った木曽義昌や滅亡寸前に裏切った小山田信茂らと共に否定的評価がある一方で、佐藤八郎など家名存続のため敢えて背いた情勢判断を正当視する好意的評価や、矢野俊文による武田氏と国人領主の穴山や小山田の関係が連合政権であるとする立場から、滅亡に際して個別領主の立場から離反に至ったとする見解もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の集積したものであり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
原題:”The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

本翻訳は、この版権表示を残す限りにおいて、訳者および著者にたいして許可をとっ たり使用料を支払ったりすることいっさいなしに、商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自 由に利用・複製が認められます。
原題:”A Horseman in the Sky”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright (C) Ambrose Bierce 1889, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2000-2001, waived.
This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2001 by SOGO_e-text_library
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