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Who was he with?の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1127


He was incorporated in the former Edo bakufu army (the army of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), together with several Shinsengumi members, such as Toshizo HIJIKATA and Kai SHIMADA, and fought in a series of battles, from the Battle of Utsunomiya and Battle of Nikkoguchi to the Aizu War (it is said that Nakajima carried Seishin OSHIMA, a member of Shogitai (a group of former Tokugawa retainers opposed to the Meiji government who fought in the Battle of Ueno) who was seriously injured in the Aizu War, to an aid station). 例文帳に追加

土方歳三や島田魁ら数名の新選組隊士らと共に、大鳥圭介ら旧幕府軍と合流して宇都宮の戦い・日光口の戦い・会津戦争に転戦(中島は、会津戦争で重傷を負った彰義隊隊士大島清慎を救護所まで運んだと言う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Haga Kikigaki" (Haga's verbatim account) by Seidaibu HAGA, who was Sadanao MATSUDAIRA's retainer and in charge of confinement of Ako Roshi, it says that based on what he heard from Ako Roshi, it was Gengo OTAKA and Sawaemon ONODERA from the front gate party who climbed up the ladder and broke into Kira's property with Otaka announcing his name when jumping off the gate, and Sawaemon YOSHIDA and Yasoemon OKAJIMA followed after him. 例文帳に追加

赤穂浪士のお預かりを担当した松平定直の家臣波賀清大夫が赤穂浪士たちから話を聞き、それをもとにして書いた『波賀聞書』では、表門隊で最初に梯子を上って邸内に侵入したのは大高源五と小野寺幸右衛門であったといい、大高が飛び降りざま名乗りを上げ、吉田沢右衛門と岡島八十右衛門もそのあとに続いて上っていったとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1467 his father Rennyo was declared 'an enemy of Buddhism' by Enryaku-ji Temple and driven away from Kyoto; during the period Rennyo was depressed by Enryaku-ji Temple's persecution, he was forced to live in retirement, to disinherit his eldest sun Junnyo, and to transfer the family headship to Jitsunyo, who at that time was known as Mitsutanemaru (), but Rennyo regained his influence following the resurgence in Hongan-ji Temple's own power, which left the inheritance question up in the air, until eventually things went back to the way they had been, with Junnyo reinstalled as his successor. 例文帳に追加

1467年(文正2年)延暦寺から「仏敵」とされ京都を追われた父・蓮如がやむなく延暦寺に屈した時に蓮如の隠居と長男順如の廃嫡、そして当時光養丸と呼ばれていた実如への家督継承が強要されるが、本願寺の勢力回復とともに有耶無耶となり、元のように順如が法嗣とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From this time Harusue began attaining power within the Imperial Court yet, as he had his daughter to merry kanpaku Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI, who was Hideyoshi's nephhew and his adopted son of Hideyoshi, in September 4, 1595, Hidetsugu was forced to commit suicide on Mt. Koya over suspicion of his fomenting rebellion, with his relatives, wife, and mistress being killed, and through this connection Harusue was forced to step down from his appointed office and was banished to Echigo Province. 例文帳に追加

これにより晴季は朝廷内で重きをなしたが、秀吉の甥で養子の関白豊臣秀次に娘を嫁がせていたため、文禄4年(1595年)8月に秀次が謀反の疑いを懸けられ高野山で自害を強いられ、秀次の一族妻妾が殺されると、これに連座し、越後国に流罪となり失脚した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Baekje's transmission of Buddhism to Wakoku (Japan) had an aspect that he utilized it as a tool to take an advantage in diplomacy with deepening the relationship by introducing the latest culture to Japan and gaining the favor of Han Wudi of Liang, who was fascinated with Buddhism, with a result of propagation to the eastern country. 例文帳に追加

百済が倭国へ仏教を伝えたのも、倭へ先進文化を伝えることで交流を深めること、また東方伝播の実績をもって仏教に心酔していた梁武帝の歓心を買うことなど、外交を有利にするためのツールとして利用したという側面があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, Yoshimasa was stricken with paralysis, which made it difficult for him to assume administrative duties, so he made peace with his brother, Yoshimi, who had defected to the Province of Mino, and adopted Yoshimi's eldest son, Yoshiki (Yoshitane) ASHIKAGA, and assigned him as the 10th Shogun and entrusted him with the governmental affairs after his passing. 例文帳に追加

さらに義政自身も中風に倒れて政務を執ることが困難となったため、美濃に亡命していた弟の義視と和睦し、義視の嫡男・足利義材(義稙)を自らの養子に迎えることで第10代将軍に指名して後事を託した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A widely accepted theory is that with both Tsunefusa and his elder brother assuming the post of Governor of Izu Province, he had relations with Tokimasa HOJO, who was the foster father of Yoritomo and a local officer in the Izu Province government, and using this connection, communicated with Yoritomo secretly from around the time when Yoritomo started raisnig an army. 例文帳に追加

有力説とされているのは、経房は兄とともに2代にわたって伊豆守の地位にあったことから、頼朝の義父で伊豆国の在庁官人であった北条時政との関係があり、その縁で挙兵前後から秘かに頼朝と連絡を取り合っていたという説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Hyoe ENOKI, an excellent supporting actor who had often appeared in Nakahira's films because of his performance laying his life on the line and his unique appearance, for example, the part of a killer who did a desperate stunt to become a fireball with gasoline in "Wakakute Warukute Sugoi Koitsura" (Young, evil, and excellent gays), Nakahira, who had been a dandy as a stylist since he was an assistant director, had a long face and got really mad when he was called a 'horse face' by Yasushi SUZUKI and Hyoe ENOKI at the time of shooting of "Yaro ni Kokkyo wa nai." 例文帳に追加

『若くて悪くて凄いこいつら』の殺し屋役で、ガソリンを浴びて火だるまになる決死のスタントを自ら行う等、その体を張った演技と特異な風貌で中平にも度々起用されていた名バイプレーヤー・榎木兵衛の話によると、助監督時代からスタイリストとしてダンディーな中平であったが、面長な顔だったため、『野郎に国境はない』の時に鈴木ヤスシと榎木兵衛から「馬ヅラ」と言われて本気で怒ったそうである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Michiie was dismissed from the Kanto Moshitsugi position (taken over by Saneuji SAINJI, who was the son of Kintsune) and Sanetsune from Sessho post since Yoritsune was involved with a conspiracy hatched by Mitsutoki NAGOE which happened immediately after and Imperial Prince Masanari (he was the Imperial Prince of Emperor Gotoba and was exiled to the Tajima Province after the Jokyu Rebellion), whom Michiie was close to, tried to ascended to the throne while he being granted a temporary return to Kyoto by getting rid of Gosagain (Retired Emperor Gosaga) and Emperor Gofukakusa. 例文帳に追加

更に直後に起きた名越光時らの陰謀に頼経が関与していた事に対する連座に加えて、道家が親しくしていた雅成親王(後鳥羽天皇の皇子で承久の乱後但馬国に流されていた)が幕府によって一時帰京を許された折に、後嵯峨院と後深草天皇を排して同親王を皇位に就けようとしていたとする容疑によって、道家は関東申次の職を罷免(公経の子・西園寺実氏に交代)され、実経も摂政を罷免させられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, unlike today, it was the time when manuscripts that were valuable enough to be used for investigation and study were owned by distinguished families who were descended from daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) or court nobles, and wealthy persons, so he often met with refusals to investigate manuscripts and even if he was allowed to do it, there were various restrictions. 例文帳に追加

また、現在のように調査・研究の対象となる価値のある写本が公的な施設や大学等の研究機関よりも大名や公家の流れを汲む名家や個人の資産家に多く所蔵されていた時代であり、写本の調査を拒否されたり、許されてもさまざまな制約を付けられる場合も少なくなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, there is a view that the author was somebody who supported the Emperor Kameyama and his descendants, Daikakuji-to (Imperial lineage starting with the Emperor Kameyama), because the author did not pay much attention to the Emperor Fushimi (a son of the Emperor Gofukakusa; after the enthronement of the Crown Prince of the Emperor Kameyama, he was made a new Crown Prince by the retired Emperor Gofukakusa), although the author knew that he would be an Emperor later. 例文帳に追加

また、のちに伏見天皇となる伏見天皇の存在(後深草天皇の子、亀山天皇の皇太子(後宇多天皇)の即位後、後深草上皇の働きかけで皇太子に立てられた)を知りながら、その存在を過小に書いていることから、著者を亀山天皇とその子孫である大覚寺統を支持していたと見る向きもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said that wishes of Tetsuji TAKECHI, his master, had strong influence on this succession, but during kojo (a ceremony to announce that an actor takes a new stage name), he received a remark 'He is essentially, not the person who should succeed to the family name of Takenojo', from the leader of troupe Uzaemon ICHIZAWA XVII, which may be taken as a severe criticism, and the discord with Tachibana head family was clearly brought to light. 例文帳に追加

この襲名には、師である武智鉄二の意向が強く働いていたと言われるが、襲名披露の口上の席で座頭である市村羽左衛門(17代目)より「本来ならば、竹之丞の名跡を継ぐべき人ではない」との強烈な批判ともとれる発言をされるなど、橘屋宗家との確執が浮き彫りになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Gofukakusa in was not happy about the situation, he demonstrated his dissatisfaction by declining from his position as the retired emperor and to receive the respected name in 1275, Sanekane SAIONJI, who was the Kanto Moshitsugi in this period and favored the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa, negotiated with the regent, Tokimune HOJO, he succeeded to have Gofukakusa's Prince, Imperial Prince Hirohito (the Emperor Fushimi) to become Crown Prince in the same year. 例文帳に追加

これに不満を抱いた後深草院は、翌建治元年(1275年)、太上天皇の尊号辞退と出家の意思を表明し、時の関東申次で後深草院寄りの西園寺実兼が執権北条時宗と折衝し、後深草天皇の皇子熈仁親王(伏見天皇)を同年中に立太子させることに成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the death of Nobunaga ODA, Harusue, enjoying a close friendship with Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, in power at that time, attempted to attain the position of seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") through positioning himself as the adopted son of Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, yet was rejected by Yoshiaki, and when at the point of abandoning the shogunate it was suggested he become the kanpaku (Chief Advisor to the Emperor) and subsequently he worked in the Imperial Court in mediation and arbitration. 例文帳に追加

晴季は豊臣秀吉と親密な間柄で、織田信長亡き後、秀吉が天下人として、征夷大将軍の位を得ようとし、足利義昭の猶子となろうと工作したものの、義昭の拒否に遭い、将軍職を諦めていた所に関白任官を持ちかけ、朝廷における斡旋、調停役を務めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Above all, Mr. Hattori's death was most impressive. He lay towards his enemy with swords in his both hands, his arms and legs outstretched. He was dead, bleeding from more than twenty wounds at his head, shoulder, both arms and stomach, and his complexion still looked alive" (testimony of Masatake KOYAMA, a statesman of the Kuwana clan, who witnessed the scene after the incident). 例文帳に追加

「就中服部氏の死状は最も物美事【もののみごと】である。‥‥手に両刀を握ったままで敵に向かって大の字なりになって斃れて居られた。‥‥其頭額前後左右より肩並びに左右腕腹共に満身二十余創流血淋漓死して後の顔色尚お活けるが如し」(事件後の現場を目撃した桑名藩士・小山正武の証言) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the war, when MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Yoshitsune and Yoshisada YASUDA visited the Kamakura bakufu to report their victory, they all just said 'We won,' but in Kagetoki's report, he wrote in detail where and how Yoshinaka was killed, who the main Busho killed were and names of people that he killed, etc; Yoritomo was pleased with his ability in administrative and practical work. 例文帳に追加

戦後、源範頼、義経、安田義定らは戦勝を鎌倉へ報告したが、いずれも「勝ちました」程度の簡単なものであったところ、景時の報告書だけが義仲の討ち取られた場所、様子、おもだった敵方の武将の死者と討ち取った者の名前など詳細に戦果を記しており、頼朝はその事務能力・実務能力の高さを喜んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May, 1870, he became Gaimu gon no daisakan (a post at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the twelfth rank), and in October of the same year, he was sent to Yi Dynasty Korea in attendance on Koki YOSHIOKA, Gaimu gon no shojo (a post at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ninth rank), to seek for diplomatic relations; however, as Dong-Jun AHN, Wagaku Kundo (訓導) (Korean official who was in charge of diplomatic relations with Japan) at the Korean side, refused meeting anyone but officials from Tsushima Domain, they once returned to Japan in December, 1871. 例文帳に追加

明治3年(1870年)4月に外務権大録となり、同年10月に外務権少丞の吉岡弘毅の随行で李氏朝鮮に派遣され修交を求めたが、朝鮮側の倭学訓導安東晙に対馬藩吏以外との会見を拒否されたため、明治4年(1871年)11月に一旦帰国した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He condemned them and said that Kikugoro's performance was much better' and fought with Sadanji who intervened and Sojuro didn't like Danjuro's Katsureki-orientation, Danjuro re-creating authentically wearing a graphic outfit such as eboshi (formal headwear for court nobles) and Shinosuneate when he played Goro and on the other hand, when Sojuro played Juro, he appeared wearing kosode (short-sleeved kimono) as if he didn't wear costumes and this odd combination was even laughed at as if 'one was calling on someone to express one's sympathy after a fire and the other called on someone to express one's sympathy after water damage.', 'The older brother went to river to wash his clothes and the younger brother went to the mountain to mow grass.' 例文帳に追加

尾上菊五郎(5代目)のほうがよっぽど上手い」と面罵し、仲裁に入った左團次とももめたり、團十郎の活歴志向が気に入らず、彼が勤める曾我五郎が烏帽子に鎧脛当てという時代考証にのっとった写実的な装いだったのに対して、宗十郎の曾我十郎はあえて従前同様の小袖姿で登場し、そのちぐはぐなとりあわせは「火事見舞いに水見舞い」「兄は川へ洗濯に、弟は山へ芝刈りに」と嘲笑されるほどだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Emperor was in poor health when he became the Crown Pprince and had a sensitive relationship with his father the Emperor at that time; according to "Nihon Koki," there was a rumor that the crown prince was involved in the incident of Togu-bo Tachihaki (no) Toneri being killed in 793, or that in 805 the Emperor, who was in serious medical condition, recovered temporarily and ordered the Crown Pprince to go to the Imperial Palace, but when he refused to do so, FUJIWARA no Otsugu reprimanded him and he finally went to the Imperial Palace for a while. 例文帳に追加

だが、病弱であった上に父天皇との関係も微妙であり、『日本後紀』によれば、延暦12年(793年)に春宮坊帯刀舎人が殺害された事件の背景に皇太子がいたと噂された事や、同24年(805年)に一時重態であった天皇が一時的に回復したために皇太子に対してに参内を命じたのにも関わらず参内せず、藤原緒嗣に催促されて漸く参内したことなどが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The claim referred to in paragraph (1) shall lapse upon the expiry of a period of five years from the date on which the patent was granted or, if a European patent is concerned, from the date on which the notification of the grant of the European patent was published in accordance with Article 97(4) of the European Patent Convention; however, the lapse of such a claim may not be invoked by a party who knew or should have known at the time at which he acquired the patent that he, or the person who assigned the patent to him, was not entitled to it.例文帳に追加

(1)にいう主張は,それに係る特許が付与された日から又は欧州特許が関係している場合は欧州特許の付与についての通告が欧州特許条約第97条(4)に従って公告された日から5年の期間が満了したときに消滅するものとする。ただし,その特許を獲得した者は,その獲得時に,同人又は同人にその特許を譲渡した者がその特許を受ける権原を有していなかったことを知っていたか又は知っているべきであった場合は,当該主張の消滅を援用することができない。 - 特許庁

Furthermore in 1697, he nurtured a strong relationship with Motohiro KONOE, who opposed his parents in relation to Giso (close aides to the Emperor), Motohiro NAKAMIKADO's reshuffle issue, while Motohiro had absolute trust from Konoe's mother, Muneko MATSUNOKI (Keihomonin) and was frustrated with NAKAMIKADO's attitude to previously look down upon the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

更に1697年には母・松木宗子(敬法門院)の信任の厚かった議奏中御門基熙の更迭問題を巡って両親と対立して中御門の普段からの天皇軽視の言動に不快感を抱いていた近衛基熙との関係を強めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Nagamasa KIZAWA, he succeeded the position of the Yamashiro Gundai of his elder brother, Naganobu and took part in the war against Ujitsuna HOSOKAWA and Masakuni HATAKEYAMA, who was united with Ujitsuna, on one hand, and had an audience with the Emperor Gonara following Harumoto in 1547, on the other. 例文帳に追加

木沢長政の死後、同じ頃に死去した兄・長信の後を受けて山城郡代となり、細川氏綱やこれと結ぶ畠山政国らとの戦いに参加する一方、天文15年には晴元に従って後奈良天皇に拝謁している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After transferring to Nikkatsu Studio this year, he worked with Denjiro OKOCHI, who was still new to directing period dramas such as "Chokon" (long resentment) and "Ruten" (continual change), and attracted attention with furious brawl scenes and bold camera work influenced by foreign films from the U.S., Germany, Soviet Union and so on. 例文帳に追加

同年、日活撮影所に移り、まだ新人だった大河内傳次郎とコンビを組み、『長恨』、『流転』などの時代劇作品を監督、激しい乱闘シーンやアメリカ・ドイツ・ソ連など外国映画の影響を受けた大胆なカメラワークで注目を浴びる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As soon as Tadakuni, who sought further promotions beyond sojaban, recognized that the Karatsu Domain, which was assigned to defend Nagasaki, impeded such promotions, he, against his vassals' advice, requested bakufu to change his domain from the Karatsu Domain with 253,000 koku (70,334 cubic meters) to the Hamamatsu Domain with 153,000 koku (42,534 cubic meters), and finally realized it in September, 1817. 例文帳に追加

忠邦は奏者番以上の昇格を望んだが、唐津藩が長崎警備の任務を負うことから昇格に障害が生じると知るや、家臣の諫言を押しきって文化14年(1817年)9月、実封25万3000石の唐津から実封15万3000石の浜松藩への転封を自ら願い出て実現させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the relation between Masanori, who was a military expert, and the Bunchi faction (civilian party), which included Mitsunari ISHIDA, rapidly worsened with Japan's Invasion of Korea, and when Toshiie MAEDA died in 1599, he caused incidents with his close friend Kiyomasa KATO, such as, an attack of Mitsunari. 例文帳に追加

しかし、武勇に優れた正則は文治派の石田三成らと朝鮮出兵を契機としてその仲が一気に険悪になり、慶長4年(1599年)の前田利家の死後、朋友の加藤清正と共に三成を襲撃するなどの事件も起こしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February, 1872, he had negotiations with Korea again with a letter under the name of Yoshiakira SO, who had been governor of Tsushima Domain and became Gaimu taijo (a post of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the fourth rank) after Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures), which stated that the diplomatic right had been transferred from Tsushima Domain to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; however, the negotiation was unsuccessful. 例文帳に追加

翌明治5年(1872年)1月、廃藩置県により対馬藩主から外務大丞となった宗義達名で、外交権限が対馬藩から外務省に移管された旨の文書を携えて再び朝鮮国と交渉したが、不調に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Kyogoku force of 1000 men, who had joined the attack against the Ouchi, retraced their steps and neared Moriyama, Hidemitsu, trying to join up with Akinau TOKI, headed for Mino Province, but on the way he became caught in the middle of a farmers' uprising and was routed; Hidemitsu slipped away with just one close retainer and disappeared. 例文帳に追加

大内攻めに加わっていた京極勢1000余騎が引き返して森山へ迫ると、秀満は土岐詮直と合流すべく美濃国へ向かうが途中で土一揆の蜂起に遭って潰走、秀満は主従2騎で落ちて行方知れずになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1582 with Murashige ARAKI killed by Nobunaga ODA due to the rebellion he rose, Shigekata surrendered Sanda-jo Castle to the Oda side; subsequently, Kataie YAMAZAKI, a vassal of Nobunaga who was from Yamazaki-jo Castle in Omi Province, entered Sanda to be the feudal lord with 23,000 koku. 例文帳に追加

1582年(天正10年)荒木村重が謀反を起こし織田信長に討たれたことで重堅は三田城を開城、代わって信長の家臣であった山崎片家(堅家)が近江国山崎城より三田に入封、2万3千石の領主となり三田に藩が成立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kaoru INOUE, who had left the government to start a business in Osaka at the time, was concerned about this situation, and with the recognition of the necessity of cooperation between Okubo, Kido and Itagaki to break the political chaos, he attempted to mediate between them with his sworn friend, Hirobumi ITO. 例文帳に追加

当時官界を去り、大阪で実業界に入っていた井上馨は、この情勢を憂い、混迷する政局を打開するには大久保・木戸・板垣による連携が必要であるとの認識を抱き、盟友の伊藤博文とともに仲介役を試みる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after this frustrating incident, the Emperor, who formed a plot to overthrow the Shogunate, closely associated with monks such as Monkan of Godai-ji Temple and Enkan of Hossho-ji Temple. In 1329 he offered a prayer in private wishing for control over the Kanto district, with the excuse that the prayer was for his wife's easy delivery. With this excuse he made use of visits to temples in the northern part of Kyoto, such as Kofuku-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple, to make contact with influential religious persons. 例文帳に追加

天皇はその後も密かに倒幕を志し、醍醐寺の文観や法勝寺の円観などの僧を近習に近づけ、元徳2年(1329年)には中宮の御産祈祷と称して密かに関東調伏の祈祷を行い、興福寺や延暦寺など南都の寺社に赴いて寺社勢力と接近する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Genko War, he is considered to have followed the head family of Ashikaga along with other Kira family members, at Kenmu Restoration, he went down to Kanto region, following Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, younger brother of Takauji ASHIKAGA, and he was appointed as the third tonin (the director) of the six banshu (guards) of Kanto Hisashi ban (people who keep the night watch staying under the eaves of building) in February 1334, getting the assignment to guard Imperial Prince Nariyoshi. 例文帳に追加

元弘の乱では他の吉良一族とともに足利宗家に従ったと考えられ、建武の新政期に足利尊氏の弟・足利直義に従い関東に下向、建武(日本)元年正月(1334年2月)に関東廂番(かんとうひさしばん)六番衆の第三番の頭人に任ぜられ、成良親王警護の任を負った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1333, after winning against the bakufu army at Mt. Senjo, Emperor Godaigo assembled pro-Imperialist warlords who were in the Chugoku region such as Nagatoshi NAWA, and before the Emperor's return to Kyoto, he sent an advanced army with Tono Chujo (the first secretary's captain) Tadaaki CHIGUSA as the supreme commander to join with Norimura AKAMATSU of the Harima Domain who was surrounding the capital and attacking the Rokuhara Tandai (the office of shogunal deputy in Kyoto placed by the Kamakura bakufu). 例文帳に追加

元弘3年(1333年)、先の船上山の戦いにおいて幕府軍に対し勝利を収めた後醍醐天皇は、名和長年ら中国地方周辺の勤皇派諸将を結集、京都への還幸の為の露払いとして頭中将・千種忠顕を総大将とした先発隊を送り込み、先に京を囲み六波羅探題を攻撃していた播磨国の赤松則村と合流させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shibuya in Tokyo, where Konno Hachiman-jinja Shrine is located, coincides with Yamori no sho Manor of Toshima-gun in Musashi Province that was awarded in 1051 to KAWASAKi no Kaja Motoie of Chichibu Party, who was a grandfather of Shoshin TOSANOBO and insisted that he was a descendant of Prince Takamochi, a grandson of Emperor Kanmu, for his military exploits in Zen Kunen no Eki (Former Nine Years' Campaign). 例文帳に追加

金王八幡神社(こんのうはちまんじんじゃ)が鎮座する東京都の渋谷は、土佐坊昌俊の祖父、桓武天皇の孫高望王の子孫と名乗る秩父党の河崎冠者基家(かわさきの・かじゃ・もといえ)が、1051年(永承6年)に、前九年の役での武功により与えられた武蔵国豊島郡谷盛庄(としまぐん・やもりのしょう)にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About his relation with NARUSE, he said that 'when I was serving as the executive secretary at Ministry of Education, at my house I was often visited by a person called Jinzo NARUSE, who scrambled to establish a women's university at today's Mejiro, and a person called Shozo ASO' which was representative of the fact that NARUSE and another person visited NAKAGAWA to discuss an idea to establish a school ('Nakagawa Socho Kowa (II)' (Nakagawa Headmaster's talk), "Nakagawa-ke Bunsho" (Document of the Nakagawa Family). 例文帳に追加

成瀬との関係について中川は、「吾輩が文部省で秘書官をしていた時分、現在の目白にある女子大学を創立しやうとして色々奔走していた成瀬仁蔵といふ人と麻生正蔵といふ人とが吾輩の家に寄寓していた」と述べており、成瀬らが中川を訪れ学校設立について具体的に協議を行っていたことを窺わせる(「中川総長講話(二)」『中川家文書』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If the bakufu had had absolute political power as it used to, the situation that "Saburo (the third son) SHIMAZU", who was a tozama daimyo (non hereditary feudal lord) having no special rank or title even though he was the father of the lord, went to Kyoto with his troop and approached the court nobles without the bakufu's permission would have been deemed as unforgivably reckless, but the bakufu which was losing its authority since the Sakuradamongai Incident did not have the power to stop it. 例文帳に追加

藩主の父ではあるが、外様大名でしかも無位無官である「島津三郎」が兵を率いて京へ入り、幕府に無断で公家と接触するなどという事態は、幕府健在の頃であれば許されざる暴挙であったが、桜田門外の変以来権威の失墜しつつあった幕府体制にそれを阻止する力はなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Motohiro was known as the Kugyo who promoted the shogunate marital union with the imperial family, he strongly opposed the Koka (marriage of an imperial princess to a subject) of Yasonomiya (Imperial Princess Yoshiko), the daughter of the Retired Emperor Reigen, to Shogun Ietsugu TOKUGAWA after the death of Ienobu under recommendation from Hakuseki ARAI (this was probably due to an attempt by Ietsugu's biological mother, Gekkoin, to get rid of Retired Emperor Reigen, who tried to improve the relation with the bakufu, and Hiroko KONOE (who became a monk called Teneiin)), and did not forget to distance himself from the bakufu as Choshin (Imperial retainer). 例文帳に追加

とかく親幕派・公武合体を進めた公卿として知られるが、一方で家宣の死後に新井白石の斡旋で行われた霊元上皇皇女の八十宮(吉子内親王)の将軍徳川家継への降嫁(これは一転して幕府との関係改善に乗り出した霊元上皇と近衛熈子(出家して天英院)の排除を策する家継生母月光院との思惑の一致による側面もあった)には朝廷の尊厳を損なうとして強く反対するなど朝臣として幕府とは距離をとることも忘れなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Shinto and Buddhist deities progressed to commingle and the position of the Emperor was transformed, with the entry of Emperor Shomu into priesthood (God to Buddha) and the re-enthronement of the Retired Empress Koken (Buddha to God), Dokyo, who entered the imperial court as a nursing-dhyana-priest for Empress Koken (Empress Shotoku) and had been favored by her, was enthroned as the Priest Emperor, acting correspondingly with the Emperor, and he became the de-facto co-governor with the Empress, in charge of the management Buddhism business and religious ceremonies for gods of heaven and earth. 例文帳に追加

聖武天皇の出家(神⇒仏)、孝謙太上天皇の再即位(仏⇒神)など神仏混交が進み天皇の地位が変質するなか、孝謙天皇(称徳天皇)の看病禅師として宮中に入り、寵愛されるようになっていた道鏡は、天皇に準ずる法王に即位し、家政機関も設置されるなど事実上の女帝との共同統治者となり仏教事業や神祇を司った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 58 When a person who is or was engaged in the business of fundamental statistics divulged or misappropriated the fundamental statistics prior to the date of publication specified pursuant to the provision of Article 8, paragraph (2), he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of not more than 1,000,000 yen. 例文帳に追加

第五十八条 基幹統計の業務に従事する者又は従事していた者が、当該基幹統計を、第八条第二項の規定により定められた公表期日以前に、他に漏らし、又は盗用したときは、一年以下の懲役又は百万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 67 (1) In cases where a person who is or was a registered foreign lawyer divulges, without justifiable grounds, another person's secrecy which has come to his/her knowledge in the course of his/her practice, he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than six months or a fine not more than 100,000 yen. 例文帳に追加

第六十七条 外国法事務弁護士又は外国法事務弁護士であつた者が、正当な理由がないのに、その業務に関して知ることができた人の秘密を漏らしたときは、六月以下の懲役又は十万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Although the painters of the Kanoha group in the late Edo period are not well appreciated generally, there is a move to reappraise SEISENIN as the progress of the study after the late twentieth century recognizes that he was a painter with good technique who eagerly studied art from ancient paintings and on to the new painting movement at the end of the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

一般に、江戸時代後期の狩野派絵師に対する評価はあまり高くないが、20世紀後半以降の研究の進展により、晴川院は古典絵画から幕末の新しい絵画の動きまで熱心に研究した、高い技術をもった絵師であったことが認識されるようになり、再評価の動きがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The new Emperor went to the Main Hall of Matsu of the Imperial Palace accompanying other Imperial Family members, guided by the Grand Steward of the Imperial Household Agency, he then sat down in the front seat facing the audience who attended the ceremony, there was a short ceremony with the chamberlain placing a sword and Ju and the seal of state and the Imperial Seal on the desk in front of the new Emperor. 例文帳に追加

新天皇は宮内庁長官らに先導され皇族を従え松の間に臨場し、参列者に向合う形で正面の席に着き、剣・璽及び国璽・御璽を侍従が新天皇の前にある机に置く短い儀式が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On October 12, just before the deadline for foreign diplomacy, Konoe, who was being pressed for a decision on the war, invited Foreign Minister Teijiro TOYODA, Minister of the Navy Koshiro OIKAWA, Minister of the Army Hideki TOJO and the Director of the Planning Board, Teiichi SUZUKI to Tekigaiso, and he conferred on how to deal with war against the United States. 例文帳に追加

外交期限の迫った10月12日、戦争の決断を迫られた近衛は豊田貞次郎外相、及川古志郎海相、東條英機陸相、鈴木貞一企画院総裁を荻外荘に呼び、対米戦争への対応を協議した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The rumor that Koremori committed suicide by drowning himself spread to Kyo and reached Kenreimonin Ukyo no daibu (the administrator of eastern Kyoto), who had been on friendly terms with him, felt saddened, and made the waka poems of condolence: 'His beautiful look, which was likened to cherry blossoms in spring, vainly ended up dead under the sea' and 'What a sad thing that he had such a bitter experience of downing himself in Kumano inlet.' 例文帳に追加

維盛入水の噂は都にも届き、親交のあった建礼門院右京大夫はその死を悼み、「春の花色によそへし面影のむなしき波のしたにくちぬる」「悲しくもかゝるうきめをみ熊野の浦わの波に身を沈めける」と詠んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, 4 months before he passed away, political power was grasped and shifted to the Taira clan; the Genji clan, who had built the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and the previous Shogun MINAMOTO no Yoriie lost their lives in power struggles with gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogun in the Kamakura and Muromachi periods) and, seeing this, the autocratic monarch Retired Emperor Gotoba took back the reigns of government from the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

なお、薨去の4ヶ月前には平氏に代わって政権を握り、鎌倉幕府を建てた源氏も前将軍源頼家が御家人の勢力争いの中命を落とし、それを見ていた専制的君主後鳥羽上皇が政治の主導権を朝廷に取り戻そうとしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he sided with the West force as a favor to Toyotomi and guarded the Unagidani Town Bridge, Osaka in July, and later led a force of 15,000, a combined force of Tajima and Tanba troops, and attacked Tanabe-jo Castle (also called Maizuru-jo Castle) in Tango Province, and Yusai HOSOKAWA, who was on guard, surrendered the castle. 例文帳に追加

慶長5年(1600年)の関ヶ原の戦いにおいては豊臣恩顧の大名として西軍に与し、7月には大坂鰻谷町橋を守備し、のちに但馬国や丹波の諸大名・1万5000の軍勢を率いて細川幽斎が守る田辺城(丹後国)(舞鶴城)を攻撃し、これを開城するに至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunemune showed a signal of allegiance to the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa saying 'There should be no difference between the retired emperor and the emperor' (Article for December 15, 1169 in "Heihanki"(diary of TAIRA no Nobuyori)) and, with the Taira clan, he established a close connection, for example, by adopting TAIRA no Munezane, who was the son of TAIRA no Shigemori and his wife, FUJIWARA no Keishi. 例文帳に追加

経宗は後白河上皇に対して「太上天皇与正帝無差別」(『兵範記』嘉応元年(1169年)12月15日条)と表明して恭順の姿勢を示し、平氏に対しても平重盛の妻・藤原経子と重盛の子・平宗実を猶子とするなど親密な関係を築いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1858, when the Imperial court and the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) had an disagreement over an imperial sanction for the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan, he was persuaded by statesman of the Mito clan and the Fukui clan to disagree on the Emperor's sanction for the treaty and to agree with the Hitotsubashi group on the successor matter of Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"). 例文帳に追加

安政5年(1858年)、日米修好通商条約締結への勅許をめぐり、朝廷と江戸幕府が対立するにおよび、水戸藩や福井藩の藩士に説得され、条約勅許不同意および征夷大将軍継嗣問題における一橋派の意見に同意する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He did not discuss in detail with the special effects team of special effects films and director Sadamasa ARIKAWA, who worked on "Kaijuto no kessen Godzilla no musuko" (The Battle at Monster Island, The Son of Godzilla), said, 'compared to the director Ishiro HONDA, it was hard to put together the screen.' 例文帳に追加

特撮映画では、それほど特撮班と綿密に打ち合わせをするタイプではなく、『怪獣島の決戦ゴジラの息子』で組んだ有川貞昌特技監督は、「本多猪四郎監督と比べて画面を合わせるのに苦労した」と語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Emperor Sanjo was at that time estranged from FUJIWARA no Michinaga, who presided over the imperial court, he tended to count on Sanesuke as an adviser, and at the occasion of Sukehira's promotion to Kurodo no to, the Emperor forced through his decision after having a vigorous argument with Michinaga. 例文帳に追加

当時の三条天皇は、廟堂の首班である藤原道長とは疎遠であり、その関係から天皇は実資を相談相手とすることが多く、資平の蔵人頭も道長との押し問答のようなやり取りの挙句に、天皇が強行したものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But it has been told that his resolution for inevitable death was so firm that after the visit to the Imperial Palace, he visited the Mausoleum of Emperor Godaigo, likening the board wall of Nyoirin-do (main hall) to kakocho (a family register of deaths), wrote on the board 143 names of the family members and retainers who had resolutions for inevitable death, with his farewell poem written in the inner part of the board wall, and dedicated his own hair. 例文帳に追加

しかし決死の覚悟は強く、参内後に後醍醐天皇の御廟に参り、その時決死の覚悟の一族・郎党143名の名前を如意輪堂の壁板を過去帳に見立てその名を記して、その奥に辞世を書き付け自らの遺髪を奉納したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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