
「older」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(69ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The longevity medicine system, a new health care system for the elderly aged 75 and older, is aimed at creating a mechanism through which elderly health care burdens are shared between the working generation and the elderly themselves and providing "health care to support people's lives." After reviewing the system's implementation status since April 2008, the government and ruling parties' council approved the document titled "Reducing Burdens for the Smooth Operation of Elderly Health Care" in June 12, 2008.例文帳に追加

新たな高齢者医療制度である長寿医療制度については、75歳以上の高齢者について、その医療を現役世代と高齢者でともに支え合う仕組みを作るとともに、「生活を支える医療」を提供するためのものであるが、2008年4月からの施行状況等を踏まえ、同年6月12日に政府・与党協議会で「高齢者医療の円滑な運営のための負担の軽減等について」が決定された。 - 厚生労働省

While non-principal household income earners, students, and elderly persons make up aconsiderable portion of the non-regular employees, the number of non-regular employees who are also theprincipal household income earners (income earners of the households with relatively low household income;excluding students and elderly persons aged 60 or older) was estimated as 1 .492 million persons (which accountedfor 2.9% of all employees excluding executives) .例文帳に追加

非正規雇用労働者の中には、世帯の主たる稼ぎ手でない者や在学中の者、高齢者も多いが、世帯所得の相対的に低い世帯に属する主たる稼ぎ手の非正規雇用労働者(在学中の者や60歳以上の高齢者を除く)を試算すると、約14 9.2万人(役員を除く雇用者全体の2.9%)と推計される。 - 厚生労働省

Backing independence of the youth so that they can demonstrate their abilities with motivation is necessary. Especially regarding older Freeters. (aged25-39), unless stable employment is realized at an early stage, they will lose opportunities to demonstrate their abilities, in addition to bringing concerns that their future independence may be much harder, causing great damage to our society.例文帳に追加

若者が意欲を持って自らの能力を発揮できるよう、自立を後押ししていく必要があるが、特に、年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)については、できる限り早期に安定雇用が実現されないと、将来の自立がますます困難となることが懸念されるだけでなく、彼らが持てる能力を発揮する機会が失われることは、我が国社会にとって大きな損失である。 - 厚生労働省

Mayors of municipalities shall, when they judge it particularly necessary for the welfare of a person aged 65 or older, be able to make a request for a judge as specified in the Civil Code,Article 7, Article 11, Article 13 Paragraph 2, Article 15 Paragraph 1, Article 17 Paragraph 1, Article 876 Section 4 Paragraph 1, or Article 876 Section 9 Paragraph 1.例文帳に追加

市町村長は、六十五歳以上の者につき、その福祉を図るため特に必要があると認めるときは、民法第七条、第十一条、第三十条第二項、第十五条第一項、第十七条第一項、第八百七十六条の四第一項又は第八百七十六条の九第一項に規定する審判の請求をすることができる。 - 厚生労働省


Consider improving legislations in order to link employment and pensions and ensure employment of all those who are interested until age 65. In addition, provide necessary support for the activities of companies, such as providing subsidies to employers who hire older people close to retirement and wish to get employment through an employment agency in other firms where their knowledge and experience can be utilized.例文帳に追加

65歳までの希望者全員の雇用が確保されるよう、雇用と年金を確実に接続させるための法整備について検討するとともに、定年を控えた高年齢者で、知識や経験を活かすことができる他の企業での雇用を希望する方を、職業紹介事業者の紹介により雇い入れる事業主への助成など、企業の取組への必要な支援を実施 - 厚生労働省


(Issues in Women's Employment)Regarding women's employment, 41.9% of those surveyed answered "Women should continueemployment even after having a child", followed by 37.0% who said "Women should leave employmentwhen they have a child and return when the child is older", 9.1% who responded "Women should remainemployed until they have a child", 5.4% who replied "Women should remain employed until they getmarried", and 1.7% who answered "Women should not be employed".例文帳に追加

しかし、実際に希望者全員を継続雇用の対象としている企業においては、これらの問題を前向きにとらえ、対処することで、問題を少しずつ解決しており、そのような企業においては、これらの問題は想像していたほど大きな問題ではなかったと感じているものと考えられる。 - 厚生労働省

When making comparisons between two widely separated points in time, attention needs to be paid to changes in demographic structure and the number of persons in work by size of employer. Nevertheless, it is worth noting a number of points in relation to factors such as the ratio of employer to employee incomes35) and the risk aversion analyzed below. These are that the increase in the proportion of people becoming self-employed proprietors is lower at relatively larger enterprises, that the difference between younger and middle-aged workers and older workers at enterprises with 100 or more workers was not as pronounced in 1987 as the difference between younger and middle-aged workers and older workers at enterprises with 99 or fewer workers, and that the proportion of young and middle-aged workers at enterprises with 10~99 workers was lower in 2002 and had come to resemble the trend regarding former employees of enterprises with 100 or more workers.例文帳に追加

間隔が長期に開いた二時点間の比較を行う上では人口構成や規模別就業者数の変化に注意を払う必要が有るが、企業規模が相対的に大きいほど自営業主へ転職する者に占める割合は低いことや、1987年では従業者100人以上の企業規模における若・中年者と高齢者との差は、99人以下の企業規模における若・中年者と高齢者ほどの顕著なものではなかったこと、2002年には10人以上99人以下規模企業の若・中年転職者の占める割合が低下し100人以上の企業規模出身者と傾向が似たことは、事業者対被雇用者の収入比率35や次に分析するリスク回避志向等との関係で注目に値するのである。 - 経済産業省

In order to promote regular employment among older Freeters, establishment of a grant (Special Grant to Promote Regular Employment among the Youth, etc. was newly financed in the FY 2008 second supplementary budget for employers who will proactively hire older Freeters (aged 25-39) as regular employees (a) direct employment, b) utilizing the “youth trail employmentor c) employing those who have finished the fixed-term on-the-job training program of theJob Card System’s” employment-based training as regular employees) or hire graduates whose place of employment remain unsettled, due to withdrawal of their job offers, and 1 million yen for person for small and medium sized enterprises and 500 thousand yen for person for large companies will be provided (over 3 years in 3 separate payment periods).例文帳に追加

年長フリーター等の正規雇用化を推進するため、① 年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)を積極的に正規雇用(ア直接雇用、イ「若年者トライアル雇用」を活用、ウ「ジョブ・カード制度」の雇用型訓練のうち「有期実習型訓練」修了者を正規雇用、の場合がある)する事業主又は② 採用内定を取り消されて就職先が未決定の学生等を正規雇用する事業主に対する奨励金(「若年者等正規雇用化特別奨励金」)を平成20年度第2次補正予算において新たに創設したところであり、対象者1人につき中小企業には100万円、大企業には50万円を支給(3年間にわたり3回に分けて支給)することとしている。 - 厚生労働省

Efforts are being made to encourage business operators to offer elderly persons some form of work such as subsidy for raising the retirement age (to subsidize small and medium-size business operators who have raised the retirement age to 65, introduced the continued employment system for people aged 70 or older who are willing to work, or abolished the retirement age system), subsidy for trial employment of middle and old aged people (by supporting business operators that hire middle-aged persons aged 45 or older on a trial basis (monthly payment of 40,000 yen per person with 3 months of benefit term at maximum )), subsidy to develop the employment of specific job seekers (to subsidize some part of their wages to business operators who hire elderly persons introduced by the job placement officeHello Workas continued hired workers).例文帳に追加

定年引上げ等奨励金(65歳以上への定年引上げ、希望者全員を対象とする70歳以上までの継続雇用制度の導入又は定年の定めの廃止等を実施した中小企業事業主等に対して助成する)、中高年トライアル雇用奨励金(中高年齢者(45歳以上)を試行的に受け入れて雇用する事業主に対して、試行雇用奨励金を支給(1人当たり月額4万円・支給期間最長3か月)する)、特定求職者雇用開発助成金(高齢者等をハローワーク等の紹介により、継続して雇用する労働者として雇い入れる事業主に対して賃金相当額の一部を助成する)等を積極的に活用することにより、事業主による高年齢者の雇用の場の確保を進めている。 - 厚生労働省


(6) The term "amount of the collected insurance premiums" as used in the preceding paragraph shall mean the aggregate of the total of the stamp insurance premiums and the amount calculated by reducing, from the aggregate of the total of the portion corresponding to the employment insurance rate, among the amount of the general insurance premiums pertaining to the businesses set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) (or, in case of acknowledging the amount prescribed in the preceding Article as the amount of the general insurance premiums for the businesses employing older workers pursuant to the provision of the same Article, the amount calculated by reducing, from the portion corresponding to the employment insurance rate, among the aggregate of the amount of such general insurance premiums and the amount of the older worker exemptions (meaning the amount to be reduced, pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, from the amount prescribed by Article 11, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and in Article 30) pertaining to the businesses listed in paragraph (1), item (i), the amount of such older worker exemptions) and the total of the amount of general insurance premiums pertaining to the businesses set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of collected general insurance premiums" in this paragraph and paragraph (8)), the amount obtained by multiplying such amount of collected general insurance premiums by the two-service rate (meaning the rate obtained by dividing the rate of three point five one-thousandth (3.5/1000) (or, in case of the businesses listed in paragraph (4), item (iii), the rate of four point five one-thousandth (4.5/1000)) by the employment insurance rate; the same shall apply in the same Article, paragraph (1)) (in paragraph (8) referred to as the "amount of collected insurance premiums for appropriation to two-service costs"). 例文帳に追加

6 前項の「徴収保険料額」とは、第一項第一号の事業に係る一般保険料の額のうち雇用保険率に応ずる部分の額(前条の規定により高年齢労働者を使用する事業の一般保険料の額を同条の規定による額とする場合には、当該一般保険料の額に第一項第一号に掲げる事業に係る高年齢者免除額(前条の規定により第十一条第一項の規定による額から減ずることとする額をいう。以下この項及び第三十条において同じ。)を加えた額のうち雇用保険率に応ずる部分の額から当該高年齢者免除額を減じた額)の総額と第一項第三号の事業に係る一般保険料の額の総額とを合計した額(以下この項及び第八項において「一般保険料徴収額」という。)から当該一般保険料徴収額に二事業率(千分の三・五の率(第四項第三号に掲げる事業については、千分の四・五の率)を雇用保険率で除して得た率をいう。同条第一項において同じ。)を乗じて得た額(第八項において「二事業費充当徴収保険料額」という。)を減じた額及び印紙保険料の額の総額の合計額をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 46 (1) If, when a proposal of the superintendent of the juvenile training school is submitted, the Regional Board recognizes, with regard to a person committed in a juvenile training school for the execution of protective measures, that release is suitable (or that, with regard to a person who is 23 years of age or older and who has been committed in a juvenile training school, the person no longer falls under the circumstances specified in paragraph (5) of Article 11 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act" (Act No. 169 of 1948) or that release is suitable on other grounds), it shall permit the release by its decision. 例文帳に追加

第四十六条 地方委員会は、保護処分の執行のため少年院に収容されている者について、少年院の長の申出があった場合において、退院を相当と認めるとき(二十三歳を超えて少年院に収容されている者については、少年院法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十九号)第十一条第五項に規定する事由に該当しなくなったと認めるときその他退院を相当と認めるとき)は、決定をもって、これを許さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 74 (1) If, when a proposal of the director of the probation office is submitted, the Regional Board recognizes, with regard to the parolee from the juvenile training school, that it is no longer necessary to continue the probation (or that, with regard to the parolee from the juvenile training school who is 23 years of age or older, such parolee no longer falls under the circumstance specified in paragraph (5) of Article 11 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act or it is no longer necessary to continue the probation), it shall permit discharge from parole by its decision. 例文帳に追加

第七十四条 地方委員会は、少年院仮退院者について、保護観察所の長の申出があった場合において、保護観察を継続する必要がなくなったと認めるとき(二十三歳を超える少年院仮退院者については、少年院法第十一条第五項に規定する事由に該当しなくなったと認めるときその他保護観察を継続する必要がなくなったと認めるとき)は、決定をもって、退院を許さなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the family court shall give a ruling as prescribed in the same paragraph for a case in which a Juvenile who is 16 years of age or older committed an intentional criminal act that caused death to the victim; provided, however, that this shall not apply if the court finds any disposition other than referral to criminal procedure is found appropriate as a result of the investigation in consideration of motive and manner of the crime, circumstances after the crime, personality traits, age, behavior, environment and other circumstances of the Juvenile. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定にかかわらず、家庭裁判所は、故意の犯罪行為により被害者を死亡させた罪の事件であつて、その罪を犯すとき十六歳以上の少年に係るものについては、同項の決定をしなければならない。ただし、調査の結果、犯行の動機及び態様、犯行後の情況、少年の性格、年齢、行状及び環境その他の事情を考慮し、刑事処分以外の措置を相当と認めるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

After that, there were several Oe such as Yatatamakatsu no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Kinmei; Oshisaka no hikohito no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Bidatsu who succeeded Emperor Kinmei; Tachibana no toyohi no Oe (later, Emperor Yomei), who was an older maternal half-brother of Emperor Bidatsu; Yamashiro no Oe, who was the eldest son of Shotoku Taishi, a son of Emperor Yomei and a regent for Empress Suiko; and Furuhito no Oe, who was the eldest son of Emperor Jomei, however, only a few of them succeeded to Amenoshita shiroshimesu ookimi. 例文帳に追加

その後の大兄には欽明天皇の子である箭田珠勝大兄(やたたまかつのおおえ)、欽明天皇を後継した敏達天皇の子である押坂彦人大兄皇子(おしさかのひこひとのおおえ)、敏達天皇の異母弟である橘豊日大兄(たちばなのとよひのおおえ、用明天皇)、用明天皇の子聖徳太子(推古天皇の摂政)の長子である山背大兄王(やましろのおおえ)、舒明天皇の長子である古人大兄皇子(ふるひとのおおえ)がいるが、これらの大兄のうち治天下大王位に就いた例の方が少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor decided that Michinaga would be nairan (chief secretary) instead of kampaku (chief adviser) to the Emperor, once he became older, since he wanted to run the government directly instead of having a regent and kampaku, like his great-grandfather Emperor Daigo and his grandfather, Emperor MurakamiI; on the other hand, Michinaga agreed to be nairan and also the head of various sections to control the government, since the regent and kampaku weren't entitled to attend the meetings of the Cabinet; thus a strong political framework was set up and OE no Masahusa acknowledged through "Zoku Honcho Ojoden," with which talented people like FUJIWARA no Sanesuke and FUJIWARA no Yukinari were produced. 例文帳に追加

また、天皇が道長を関白とせずに内覧に留めたのは、天皇自身が長ずるにつれ、曽祖父の醍醐天皇・祖父の村上天皇のように、摂政関白を置かずに親政する事を志したのと、道長自身も、当時閣議に出られない決まりがある摂政関白よりも、内覧を兼ねたまま一上(閣員の首座)として実権を掌握しようとした事が一致した為で、これにより、後に大江匡房が『続本朝往生伝』で藤原実資や藤原行成等の有能な人材を輩出したと称えたほど、有為な政治体制が確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to the age of Tenmu stated in "Ichidaiyoki" (summary chronicle of each reign) in the Kamakura period and "Honcho Koin Joun roku" (the Emperor's family tree) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Tenmu was four years older than Tenji, for which some scholars including Katsuaki SASA, Keiko KOBAYASHI, and Iwao OWA advocate a tentative theory that the father of the fortieth Emperor Tenmu was not the thirty-fourth Emperor Jomei, and it is also advocated that the prerequisite for succeeding to the throne was that his mother was the thirty-seventh Emperor Saimei no matter who his father was; anyway, this is a tentative non-official theory and not accepted by the historical community. 例文帳に追加

また、歴史学界からは相手にされない説であるが、鎌倉時代の『一代要記』、南北朝時代の『本朝皇胤紹運録』に記載の天武の年齢に基づくと、天武は天智より4歳年長であると解釈できることから、一部の研究家により第40代天武天皇の父親は第34代舒明天皇でないとする仮説(佐々克明、小林恵子、大和岩雄ら)が提唱されており、その場合父親が誰であろうと母親が第37代斉明天皇であったことが皇位継承の条件であったことになるとの主張もあるが、これは仮説であり正式なものとはされていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He planned to live his life as a high priest, but after the 5th shogun, Yoshikazu ASHIKAGA, the son of his older brother, the 4th Shogun, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, died suddenly in 1425, and Yoshimochi died in 1428 without deciding his heir, the Kanrei (shogunal deputy), Mitsuie HATAKEYAMA, suggested a plan that the next shogun should be selected from the candidates (Gisho KAJII, Gisho DAIKAKUJI, Eiryu KOZAN, and Gien) by a lottery at Iwahimizu Hachimangu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

このまま義教は高僧として生涯を終えるはずであったが、1425年(応永32年)、兄で4代将軍足利義持の子である5代将軍足利義量が急逝し、義持も1428年(正長元年)に後継者を決めないまま没したため、管領畠山満家の発案によって、石清水八幡宮で行われたくじ引きで複数の候補者(兄弟の梶井義承・大覚寺義昭・虎山永隆・義円)の中から将軍に選ばれることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Basara daimyo (unconventional warriors) in general more or less downplayed conventional authority such as the Imperial Court, but for Tadayoshi, the Retired Emperor Kogon was the only authority (chiten no kimi (supreme ruler)) that guaranteed a legitimate reason for the appointment of his older brother, Takauji, to Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and the reason for Emperor Komyo's ascent to the throne, and therefore, Tadayoshi thought that forgiving his behavior would threaten his authority and would negate the legitimacy of the Muromachi bakufu. 例文帳に追加

婆娑羅大名には多かれ少なかれ朝廷などの旧来の権威を軽んじる風潮があったが、直義にとって光厳上皇は兄・尊氏の征夷大将軍任命とそれを行った光明天皇の即位に対する大義名分を保障する唯一の権威(治天の君)であり、その権威を揺るがす行為を容認することは室町幕府の正統性そのものを否定することにもつながりかねない事と考えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From psychological viewpoints, one assumes that Kenshin was influenced by his mother, Seiganin, and his older sister, Sentoin (Kagekatsu's mother), who were religious and splendid women (a theory that men who are deeply loved by noble women in childhood, unconsciously seek the same nobleness from other women when growing up, and they are gradually disillusioned with and show less interest in surrounding women), Kenshin may have been one such person, there are other theories including a kind of vulgar belief that Kenshin UESUGI was intersexual or female, also that he strictly observed a ban of marriage based on the belief of Bishamonten or Izuna-gongen. 例文帳に追加

心理学的な観点から、信心深く立派な女性であった母青岩院と姉仙桃院(景勝の母)の影響があったと推測する見方(幼少期に高潔な人格の女性から深い愛情を注がれた男性は、成長すると他の女性にも同じ高潔さを無意識に求めるため、次第に周囲の女性に幻滅して興味を示さなくなる傾向にあり、謙信もその一人だったのではないかというもの)や、半陰陽説や上杉謙信女性説といった俗談の類から、毘沙門天あるいは飯縄権現信仰の妻帯禁制を堅く守っていたとする説などが存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mochimasa IKEDA who was recommended by the Sonjo-ha party became the lord of the domain on March 26, 1863, but gradually strayed and when Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, his real older brother, became Seiitaishogun (great general), Mochimasa retired from the procurement work between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court, and after the incident that Atsunobu SHINJO, Hiromichi TSUDA, Shigemichi HIRAI, etc. in the procurement side of state affairs (Sonjo-ha) pressed Mochimasa to retire and threatened him by the sound of a cannon from Bansei Pass (Bansei, Okayama City) to the Okayama-jo Castle, Mochimasa ordered thier dismissal of the role and house arrest, but Gonrokuro mediated to release from the house arrest. 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)2月8日に尊攘派に推されて藩主になった池田茂政であるが次第に迷走するようになり、実兄の徳川慶喜が征夷大将軍になると一切の朝幕間周旋の仕事から身を引いたため、国事周旋方(尊攘派)の新庄厚信・津田弘道・平井重道らが隠居を迫り万成峠(岡山市万成)から岡山城へ大砲の音を鳴らして威嚇する事件があり、茂政より役目罷免・蟄居謹慎を命ぜられたが権六郎が執りなして蟄居謹慎を解かせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He condemned them and said that Kikugoro's performance was much better' and fought with Sadanji who intervened and Sojuro didn't like Danjuro's Katsureki-orientation, Danjuro re-creating authentically wearing a graphic outfit such as eboshi (formal headwear for court nobles) and Shinosuneate when he played Goro and on the other hand, when Sojuro played Juro, he appeared wearing kosode (short-sleeved kimono) as if he didn't wear costumes and this odd combination was even laughed at as if 'one was calling on someone to express one's sympathy after a fire and the other called on someone to express one's sympathy after water damage.', 'The older brother went to river to wash his clothes and the younger brother went to the mountain to mow grass.' 例文帳に追加

尾上菊五郎(5代目)のほうがよっぽど上手い」と面罵し、仲裁に入った左團次とももめたり、團十郎の活歴志向が気に入らず、彼が勤める曾我五郎が烏帽子に鎧脛当てという時代考証にのっとった写実的な装いだったのに対して、宗十郎の曾我十郎はあえて従前同様の小袖姿で登場し、そのちぐはぐなとりあわせは「火事見舞いに水見舞い」「兄は川へ洗濯に、弟は山へ芝刈りに」と嘲笑されるほどだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa and OKASUGA no Otsugu adopted this edition with the purpose of giving government officials an official education to foster allegiance to the Emperor, as well as to foster "Kuntoku no Kanyo" in the young Emperor Seiwa, thereby tried to overcome the instability of political foundation, which was caused by the enthroning of the infant Emperor Seiwa, with the help of the political power of his maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, against public opinion that pushed for his paternal older half-brother, Imperial Prince Koretaka. 例文帳に追加

その背景について、幼少の清和天皇が外祖父藤原良房の政治権力によって、異母兄惟喬親王を推す世論に反して擁立されたことに由来する政治基盤の不安定さを克服するために、幼い天皇の君徳の涵養を図るとともに、天皇への忠誠を官人教育を通じて強く認識させる目的によって、藤原良房と大春日雄継が導入を図ったものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the three families noted above and the Suruga family, the branch families of the Tokugawa shogun family included the Kofu-Tokugawa family (Tsunashige TOKUGAWA, Ienobu TOKUGAWA and the Matsudaira family of Sama no kami (Captain of the Left Division of Samaryo)) and the Tatebayashi-Tokugawa family (Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA and the Matsudaira family of Uma no kami (Captain of the Right Division of Bureau of Horses)), who were equivalent in both crop yield and social standing; however, the Echizen-Matsudaira family, founded by Hideyasu YUKI, who was a son of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and older brother of Hidetada TOKUGAWA, and the Aizu-Matsudaira family, founded by Masayuki HOSHINA, who was a son of Hidetada and younger brother of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, were not privileged to claim to be TOKUGAWA. 例文帳に追加

また、将軍家(徳川宗家)の分家としては、上記三家及び駿河家以外にも、3代将軍徳川家光の子を分封した甲府徳川家(徳川綱重・徳川家宣・松平左馬頭家)及び館林徳川家(徳川綱吉・松平右馬頭家)が、石高・家格ともに匹敵する家として存在した(但し徳川家康の子(徳川秀忠の兄)結城秀康を祖とする越前松平家、徳川秀忠の子(徳川家光の弟)保科正之を祖とする会津松平家などは徳川姓を許されていない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A legitimate child who was to become the family head was granted to use a portion of those names of the powerful clan members, such as from the Yamana clan, the Ouchi clan, the Shogun family, and the Toyotomi clan, and combine it with "," such as 'O,' for example, "," (Toyomoto) "" from the first name of "山名" (Koretoyo YAMANA), "弘," (Hiromoto) "弘" from the first name of "大内弘" (Masahiro OUCHI), "," (Okimoto) "" from the first name of "大内" (Yoshioki OUCHI), "隆," (Takamoto) "隆" from the first name of "大内隆" (Yoshitaka OUCHI), "" (Terumoto), "" from the first name of the 13th Ashikaga Shogun "" (Yoshiteru); and after the second son, naming by employing "" from the headman's first name and adding another letter to it, such as, younger brother named "就," (Motonari) borrowing "" from his older brother's first name "" (Okimoto). 例文帳に追加

当主となる嫡子は山名氏・大内氏・将軍家・豊臣家などの有力者の偏諱を受け、「○元」(山名是豊の偏諱を受けた豊元、大内政弘の偏諱を受けた弘元、大内義興の偏諱を受けた興元、大内義隆の偏諱を受けた隆元、13代足利将軍義輝の偏諱を受けた輝元など)と名乗り、次男以降は(兄となる)当主の偏諱(元)を受けた形で「元○」(兄・興元の偏諱を受けた元就など)と名乗った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the person who asked me this question knows well, elderly people are increasing in Japan. Elderly people’s reflexes are slow compared with those of young people. Regrettably, as we humans are living things, it is inevitable that the older we grow, the higher our accident rate becomes. In this sense, regrettably, the reality is that the increase in elderly drivers due to the aging of society has led to a rise in the accident rate. 例文帳に追加

しかし、ご質問された方もよくお分かりのように、今、日本も大変高齢者が増えてまいりまして、私は医者ですが、高齢者の方というのはどう見ても若い人のように神経の反応等々が遅くなってくるのです。残念なことに、どうしても、お年を取ってこられますと事故率が上がってくるというのは、人間が生物である限り防ぎ得ないようなところもございますし、そういった意味で、今、大変日本の高齢化社会が進むにつれて、高齢者のドライバーが増えてきており、それがまた、大変残念なことに事故率を引き上げている事実もございます。 - 金融庁

If the encryption key used for the encryption processing when the service is used last time is older than the current encryption key, encryption processing is performed using both the current encryption key and old encryption key to generate two pieces of service use identification information, which are transmitted to the service providing server to instruct the service providing server to update the old service use identification information into the new service use identification information.例文帳に追加

そして、前回サービスを利用した際に暗号化処理に用いられた暗号鍵が現在の暗号鍵よりも古い暗号鍵である場合に、現在の暗号鍵と古い暗号鍵の双方で暗号化処理を行って、2つのサービス利用識別情報を生成し、生成した2つのサービス利用識別情報をサービス提供サーバに送信して、古いサービス利用識別情報を新しいサービス利用識別情報に更新するよう指示する。 - 特許庁

By penetrating natural sodium glutamate contained by a large amount in the tangle into the content of the garlic, it is possible to provide the tangle broiled down with soy sauce containing the garlic, capable of being taken widely by older people as well as younger one with a feeling of a conventional tangle broiled down with soy sauce.例文帳に追加

昆布とニンニク又は黒ニンニクと混ぜ合わせ、更に好みにより松茸・椎茸・山椒の実等の山菜、雑魚・シジミ等の海産物と混ぜ合わせ、これらを熱湯で1時間以上煮込み佃煮にすることにより、ニンニク独特の食感・臭い・食後の口臭を和らげ、昆布に多量に含まれる天然のグルタミン酸ソーダをニンニクの中身に浸透させる事により、従来の佃煮感覚でお年よりから若年層まで広く食することが可能な、ニンニク入りの昆布の佃煮を提供することが出来る。 - 特許庁

The facsimile equipment is configured such that a version information table 12a stores version information of a computer program installed in each client computer, the facsimile equipment compares the version information of a new computer program with that of the computer program installed in each client computer when acquiring the new computer program and updates the computer program of each client terminal when the version information of each client computer is older.例文帳に追加

クライアントコンピュータにインストールされているコンピュータプログラムのバージョン情報をバージョン情報テーブル12aに記憶し、コンピュータプログラムを入手した際に、このコンピュータプログラムのバージョン情報を各クライアントコンピュータにインストールされているコンピュータプログラムのバージョン情報と比較し、後者のコンピュータプログラムの方が古いバージョンであればアップデートを行なう構成とする。 - 特許庁

The main details of the FINPAW include: (1) the endeavor to promote the health and maintain the capability to work of the elderly in their workplaces through provision of training programs and information to the personnel in charge of health and safety at the workplaces, the local occupational safety committee, personnel in charge of labor management, and the workplace and individual, as well as to raise awareness on aging; (2) implementation of detailed health promotion activities for older workers, study on the employment issues and development of a public employment service; (3) development of a support system for lifelong learning by the aged population; and (4) reform of disability and unemployment insurances, among others.例文帳に追加

FINPAWの主な内容は、①職場の健康安全担当者、地域の職業安全委員会及び労務管理者、職場、個人に対し研修プログラムや情報を提供することを通じ、高齢者の職場での健康増進や労働能力の維持を図るとともに、加齢に関する認識を高めること、②高齢就業者に関する具体的な健康促進活動や雇用問題の研究、公的な雇用サービスの開発を行うこと、③高齢者の生涯学習に対する支援体制の整備を行うこと、④障害保険や失業保険の改革を行うこと等が含まれている。 - 経済産業省

As the difference between the productivity and wage level of middle-aged and older workers has not been as great as at large enterprises, there has been relatively less sense in establishing such a system of mandatory retirement. As described in Section 5, therefore, a high proportion of SMEs have either not had a system of mandatory retirement or have set the mandatory retirement age at above 60. And those enterprises that have introduced a system of mandatory retirement have implemented it flexibly, such as by extending employment of employees beyond the mandatory retirement age.例文帳に追加

中高年齢においても、生産性と賃金水準との違いは大企業ほど大きなものとはならず、自動的な解雇としての定年制を設ける意味は中小企業にとって相対的に低いので、中小企業においては、第5節で述べるように、以前から定年を設けない企業、60歳よりも高い定年を設ける企業の比率が高く、また、定年制を採用しても雇用延長等は柔軟に行われてきた。 - 経済産業省

Naturally, the decision to run one's own business as described above is not guided solely by economic motivations, but also by motivations such as selffulfillment and the desire to contribute to society, and so cannot be entirely explained by the employer to employee income ratio. Nevertheless, the rise to date in employees' incomes among middle-aged and older workers in particular32) and the relative decline in the incomes of self-employed businesses33) appears to have impacted on the decrease in self-employment and the decline in the entry rate since the 1980s in particular, and attention needs to continue to be paid to trends in them in the future.34)例文帳に追加

もちろん、先に述べたように自ら事業を営むという選択は経済的な欲求のみによるものではなく、自己実現や社会貢献等の欲求からも起こるものであるから、事業者対被雇用者収入比率で説明を尽くし得るものではないが、これまでの被雇用者収入の中高年層を中心とした高まり32と、自営業者収入の相対的な低下33は、特に1980年代以降の自営業の減少と開業率低下に影響を与えたと考えられ、今後ともその動向に留意が必要である34。 - 経済産業省

Especially, elder job-hoppers (25-39 years old) are likely to have few opportunities of employment as a regular staff as they grow older, and it is necessary to get heavy continuous supporting. And it is a problem that they have no professional skills , and supporting for regular employment is conducted focuses on employment support and professional skill building, and also supporting for keeping life in a training period is conducted to have a training at rest.例文帳に追加

とりわけ、年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)については、年齢が高くなるにつれて、正社員としての雇用機会が少なくなる傾向があることなどから、引き続き重点的な支援を行って行く必要があるとともに、これらのフリーターには職業能力が形成できていないという問題があり、就職支援と職業能力形成支援を中心に常用就職に向けた支援を行いつつ、安心して訓練が受けられるよう、訓練期間中の生活を支える支援を併せて行っている。 - 厚生労働省

Article 134 (1) A Pension Insurer, by the due date as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare every year, shall provide notice of the name, domicile and other matters, as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, of a person that has received an Old Age, etc., Pension Benefit from said Pension Insurer as of April 1 of said year and is the age of 65 years or older (except for those persons listed in the following) to the Municipality where said person is domiciled as of the same date (in a case when said person is a Primary Insured Person of Long-Term Care Insurance provided by another Municipality pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), notification of said fact shall be provided to said other Municipality; the same shall apply from the following item to item (vi) (except for item (iii)): 例文帳に追加

第百三十四条 年金保険者は、毎年厚生労働省令で定める期日までに、当該年の四月一日現在において当該年金保険者から老齢等年金給付の支払を受けている者であって六十五歳以上のもの(次に掲げるものを除く。)の氏名、住所その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を、その者が同日現在において住所を有する市町村(第十三条第一項又は第二項の規定によりその者が他の市町村が行う介護保険の第一号被保険者であるときは、当該他の市町村とする。次項(第三号を除く。)から第六項までにおいて同じ。)に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

It can also be assumed that Nobunaga could never divorce Nohime due to a dispute with the Saito clan led by Dosan's opposing older brother Yoshitatsu SAITO, because it was essential for Nobunaga to keep Nohime as his lawful wife, for he received the letter from Dosan in which Dosan appointed his son-in-law Nobunaga as successor of Mino Province, and in addition, it can be understood that Nohime did not die of sickness or some other reasons before the Capture of Mino Province, in view of the fact that Nohime encouraged the attack on Mino Province for she was the daughter of Dosan and was linked by blood to the Akechi clan, a branch of the Toki clan (however, she wouldn't be linked by blood to the Toki clan if Yoshitatsu was actually the son of Dosan), which could give her husband Nobunaga a good reason to be the legitimate successor of Mino Province, and also that the high-ranking officials of Mino Province were treated the same way as those of Owari Province. 例文帳に追加

また婿である信長を美濃国の後継者と定めた道三の国譲状がある以上は、濃姫を正室としておくことが信長にとっても必用不可欠であった事もあり、その道三と対立した、兄・斎藤義龍筋の斎藤氏との諍いにより離縁して実家に返したという可能性は考えられず、美濃攻略を推し進めて行った背景には道三息女であり、また土岐氏の傍流明智氏の血を引く濃姫の(義龍が道三実子であった場合、土岐氏と血縁関係はない事になる)、婿である信長こそ正統な美濃の後継者であるという大義名分があったためという推測も成り立つこと、美濃攻略後に美濃衆が尾張衆と同様に待遇されていることからも、濃姫が美濃攻略前に病気などで亡くなったという可能性もないと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2. Specifically, we will carry out measures such as the following as a package: Tax reductions for R&D and focused investment incentives, for improving the competitiveness of Japanese industries; Integration of inheritance and gift taxes for encouraging the smooth transfer of assets from the older generation to the younger generation and cuts in tax rates; Reduction and simplification of taxation of financial transactions and stocks for encouraging a shift from 'deposits' to 'investment'; Cuts in the tax rates of registration and license taxes for promoting utilization of land; Abolition of' special allowance for spouse' (exceeding the amount of the 'allowance for spouse')to simplify personal allowances, etc.; Reduction of the tax-exempt threshold, etc., to increase people's trust in the consumption tax and improve its transparency; Review of tobacco and liquor taxes; and other measures例文帳に追加

2具体的には、我が国産業の競争力強化のための研究開発・設備投資減税の集中・重点化、次世代への資産移転の円滑化に資する相続税・贈与税の一体化及び税率の引下げ、「貯蓄から投資へ」の改革に資する金融・証券税制の軽減・簡素化、土地の有効利用の促進に資する登録免許税の軽減、人的控除の簡素化等の観点からの配偶者特別控除の上乗せ部分の廃止、消費税に対する信頼性・透明性を向上させるための免税点制度等の改革、酒税及びたばこ税の見直しその他の所要の措置を一体として講ずることといたします。 - 財務省


People employed by enterprises have thus generally grown more risk averse in recent years. Regarding the relationship between the decline in the prospective entry rate and recent changes in the labor market such as those described in Chapter 2, attention may be drawn to the following: (1) the seniority-based pay systems found primarily at large enterprises up to the 1990s were recognized as having become entrenched as "Japanesestyle employment practices," and the future wages expected by people rose; (2) the negative effects of the deflationary economy in the 1990s first manifested themselves in the form of an increase in bankruptcies and exits among small enterprises such as the selfemployed, and there was a conspicuous decrease in the incomes and a conspicuous increase in the risks of selfemployment expected by people; (3) as full-fledged employment adjustment did not really impact on employees of large enterprises until the latter half of the 1990s, it took considerable time for future expected wages to fall; and (4) the instability of income after mandatory retirement even with "Japanese-style employment practices" has long been recognized, enterprises restructured their middle-aged and older workers in the 1990s, conditions in the elderly reemployment market remained severe, and wages of employees in their fifties underwent adjustment from a comparatively early stage, creating the possibility that for the middle-aged and elderly, the opportunity cost of entry compared with changing jobs has fallen, in addition to which people in this age group were comparatively less affected by the effects of the collapse of the bubble, such as the decline in home prices.例文帳に追加

このように、近年、企業に雇用される人々の意識が一般的にはリスク回避的になり、開業希望率が減少していることと、第2章で述べたような、近年の労働市場の変化等との関係については、〔1〕1990年代まで大企業を中心とする年功賃金制が「日本的雇用慣行」として定着していると認識され、人々の予想する将来賃金が上昇してきたこと、〔2〕1990年代のデフレ経済の悪影響がまず自営業等の小規模な企業から破産・廃業の増加等の形で現れ、人々の予想する自営業の所得が顕著に低下しリスクが顕著に増加したこと、〔3〕大企業の被雇用者に本格的な雇用調整が及んだのは1990年代後半であったことから、将来の予想賃金が低下するにはかなり時間がかかったこと、〔4〕定年退職後の収入については、「日本的雇用慣行」の下でも不安定性があることが早くから認識され、また、1990年代に企業が中高齢層のリストラを進め高齢者の転職市場は厳しい状況が続き、50歳代の賃金については大企業でも比較的早くから調整が進んだことから、中高齢者にとっては転職と比較して開業することの機会費用が下がった可能性があること、また、この年代の人々はバブル崩壊による持ち家価格の低下等の影響を被ることが比較的少なかったこと等が指摘できる。 - 経済産業省


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