
「set up」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(100ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









set upの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 5342


As kishinchikei-shoen (donated manors) and shiki (the right of Shoen clerks in a Shoen) were established in the 11th century, within kuge-ryo (territory owned by court nobles), the high-ranked nobles of the Imperial Family and Sekkan-ke (the line of regents and advisers) received land donated by zaichi-ryoshu (resident landholders), concentrated their honke-shiki and ryoke-shiki (economical right as patron and proprietor), and collected nengu and kuji (land tax and public duties) from the land by setting and making use of a domestic governing system such as Keishi (household superindendent) and Mandokoro (an office set up in the houses of powerful aristocrats in the Heian Period for the administration of their vast property estates). 例文帳に追加

11世紀に寄進地系荘園及び職の体系が確立されると、公家領においては天皇家や摂関家などの上級貴族層が在地領主などからの寄進を受けて本家職や領家職などを集中させ、家司・政所などの家政組織を運営して、現地から年貢・公事などを徴収していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this time, Empress Teishi and her prince, Takahito, were treated coldly by the chancellors (chief advisors to the emperor), and it is said that after Emperor Go-Suzaku decided to abdicate due to his illness when he was staying in the temporary palace of Higashi Sanjo dono, FUJIWARA no Yoshinobu, who supported the Empress, helped set up Prince Takahito as the next Crown Prince according to the will of Emperor Go-Suzaku. 例文帳に追加

その間皇后禎子内親王とその皇子尊仁親王は関白らに冷遇されていたが、後朱雀天皇が里内裏東三条殿において病に倒れて譲位を決断した際、皇后を支援していた藤原能信の働きで尊仁親王を次期皇太子にするよう遺詔を発したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Takakura was TAIRA no Kiyomori's nephew in law, while TAIRA no Kiyomori had the control of the politics at that time, the Emperor Takakura was appointed to succeed to the throne after Emperor Rokujo (Emperor Nijo's child and Emperor Takakura's nephew) was forced to abdicate when he was three years old, who was set up to succeed to the throne after Emperor Nijo died by the retired Emperor Goshirakara in, since Goshirakawa was not able to rule his Cloister government due to Emperor Nijo's political pressure who opposed to Goshirakawa on political policy during that period. 例文帳に追加

政界の実力者・平清盛の義理の甥にあたる事に加えて、当時政治方針を巡って対立した二条天皇によって院政停止状態に置かれていた後白河院の不満から、二条天皇の死後に立てられた六条天皇(二条天皇の子、高倉天皇からみて甥)をわずか3歳で退位させ、天皇として擁立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He set up his official residence as Shinno in Teinami, Shimosa Province (an alternative version holds that it was in Ishii, Sashima-gun county), fashioning Bunahashi after Yamazaki in Kyoto, and Tsu in Oi, Soma-gun county after Otsu, appointing Monbunhyakkan officials such as Sayu-daijin, Nagon, Sangi, and commissioned the creation of a Naiin (inner seal) and Gein (outer seal); it is said that he tried to establish a capital of a new nation in Bando modeled after the imperial capital in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

皇居を下総国の亭南(猿島郡石井という説がある)と定め、檥橋を京の山崎、相馬郡の大井の津を大津になぞらえて、左右大臣・納言・参議など文武百官を任命し、内印・外印を鋳造し、坂東に京に模した国家を樹立しようとしたされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kiyouji moved to the Sanuki area and Yoshiakira ordered Kiyouji's cousin Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA, who was shugo (military governor) of Awa Province to hunt down and kill him; however, Kiyouji made alliances with Nobutane SASAKI of Shodo-shima Island and the Shiwaku marines of the Shiwaku-shoto Island Chain, set up a sea-blockade and fought Yoriyuki using Shiramine Castle and Takaya Castle (present day Sakaide City and Utazu-cho Ayauta-gun, Kagawa Prefecture) as bases. 例文帳に追加

清氏は讃岐へ移り、義詮から清氏追討を命じられた阿波守護で、清氏の従弟にあたる細川頼之に対しては、小豆島の佐々木信胤や塩飽諸島の塩飽水軍などを味方に付けて海上封鎖を行い、白峰城(高屋城とも、現香川県綾歌郡宇多津町、坂出市)を本拠に宇多津の頼之勢と戦う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, he overruled the former government's view which had considered it a private case between an enterprise and the local people, and expressed his opinion that it was a public pollution case that needed the nation's involvement, and after he returned from his tour, he explained its importance to Shigenobu OKUMA and set up an investigative committee to start the movement to propose drastic measures for the future, while he took the responsibility on himself and resigned. 例文帳に追加

また、企業と地元民の間の私的な事件であるとしてきたそれまでの政府の見解を覆し、国が対応すべき公害であるとの立場を明確にし帰郷後、大隈重信らにその重要性を説諭、鉱毒調査委員会を設置し、後の抜本的な対策に向けて先鞭をつけ、自身は引責辞任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike the case where Hinooka Station remained although it was integrated into Misasagi Station, there had been no plan to set up an alternative station of Kujoyama Station since the early planning stages because it was expected to be a killer construction project and no prospect of many users was seen, despite the fact that residents near Kujoyama Station had been requesting the establishment of an alternative subway station. 例文帳に追加

日ノ岡駅が御陵駅に統合される形で残ったのとは違って、代替駅の建設予定がなかった九条山駅周辺住民からは地下鉄駅設置の要望が出ていたが、難工事が予想された上に利用者が余り見込めないことから、計画段階当初より代替駅を建設する意思はなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, for a while JR West also provided two round-trip services a day with higher-category trains between Osaka and Maizuru; however, when this JR service was discontinued following the electrification of the Sanin Main Line and Maizuru Line, Kyoto Kotsu Bus in turn set up two new routes--between Osaka and Fukuchiyama/Maizuru/Miyazu, and between Kobe and Fukuchiyama/Maizuru--in addition to the conventional route between Maizuru and Osaka Umeda (two round trips daily). 例文帳に追加

JR西日本も一時は大阪-舞鶴間に優等列車が1日2往復運行させていたが、山陰本線や舞鶴線の電化開業に伴い廃止されると、逆に京都交通バスが従来の舞鶴-大阪梅田線(1日2往復)の他に、大阪-福知山・舞鶴・宮津線・神戸-福知山・舞鶴線を新設。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is generally known that, for years, Mabuchi intended to promote his research on ancient words through works such as Kaiko (Commentary on Poetry), Buniko (Commentary on Literature), and Goiko (Commentary on Language), and to set up the philosophy of ancient Shinto after perfecting the fundamentals; however, in consideration of his old age, he passed on his attempt to advocate Fukko Shinto (reform Shinto [prominent 18th century form of Shinto, based on the classics, and free from Confucian and Buddhist influences]) to his successor, Norinaga MOTOORI. 例文帳に追加

古語の研究を歌意考・文意考・語意考などで進め、基礎を大成したうえで古神道の哲学を組成することを真淵は長年意図していたのであるが、自分の老齢を意識して、復古神道の学論を立てる企ては後継者である本居宣長に譲ることにしたということは一般に知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before the second return of the emperor to Tokyo on January 25, 1869, Iwakura believed that there were many in the government including civilians who thought of the move as a capital transition without understanding the true intentions of the emperor, and from the agitation of those in Kyoto and Osaka, held out a proposition of an expostulation edict to let everyone know the reason why the emperor was returning again to set up a new government in Kanto where his influential virtue had not been delivered in the past. 例文帳に追加

明治2年(1869年)1月25日、東京への再度の行幸を前に岩倉は、天皇の意向を知らずに政府や民間で遷都があるかのように思っている者が少なからずいるために、京都や大坂の人々の動揺が大きくなっているとし、関東諸国は王化が行き届いていないため新政を施すための再幸である旨を十分に分からせるための諭令を出すよう求める建議を行なった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In its strategy against Russia, the Imperial Japanese Navy needed to set up a naval military base on the side of the Sea of Japan, and in 1889, decided to establish Chinjufu in Maizuru, singling out Maizuru Bay for its geographical features which were suitable as a naval port with its narrow entrance which could be easily defended while the calm inside of the bay could accommodate many ships. 例文帳に追加

対ロシアの戦略上、日本海軍は日本海側へ海軍の軍事拠点を設置する事が悲願となっており、1889年(明治22年)に、湾口が狭く、防御に適しており、また湾内は波静かで多くの艦船が停泊できるなど軍港としては格好の地形であった舞鶴湾に白羽の矢をたて、舞鶴に鎮守府を設置する事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Of all administrations in the military government, each samurai authority of Kamakura, Muromachi, and Tokugawa were set up by force and could be traced back to the establishment by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo; he started the bakufu by arriving in power of seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") in the form of being entrusted by the Imperial Court, achieved decentralized governance, called a "feudal system," and adopted a form of coalition government of samurai who held sway over their region as a local feudal lord. 例文帳に追加

そのうち鎌倉、室町、徳川の各武家権力は、武力により政権を樹立し、源頼朝が確立したが、形式上朝廷から任ぜられる形で征夷大将軍の位に付く事で幕府を開き、封建制とも呼ばれる分権的な統治を行い、地方領主として地域の実効支配権を持つ武士の連合政権の形をとった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, by the four wars of Jinshin waran (the Bunroku War in Korean), the Japanese Invasion in 1597, the First Manchu invasion of Korea and the Second Manchu invasion of Korea, the "office land" (chikchon) system collapsed and during the late seventeenth century, kyuso or tonsho which were given the privilege of tax exemption from the nation were set up and the constraints on the purchase and sale of land were increasingly loosened and the shoen system culminated. 例文帳に追加

だが、16世紀末から17世紀初めにかけて起きた壬辰倭乱・丁酉倭乱・丁卯胡乱・丙子胡乱の4つの戦乱によって職田制が崩壊し、17世紀後半には免税特権を国家から与えられた宮荘や屯庄が設置されるとともに土地売買の制約が一層緩くなり、荘園制度は最盛期を迎えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At first the group had been formed to counter the group of Sonno Joi (19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and the Choshu clan; after the Sonno Joi group had been purged by the August 18 Coup (the Bunkyu Coup of 1863), the powerful lords including the three of the Ichikaiso Government participated in the Sanyo-kaigi (the Councilor Council in the Court) which had been set up so that the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Imperial Court cooperate on dealing with impending matters; although the Sanyo-kaigi was unraveled soon, the three politicians had maintained their power and dominated over the politics in Kyoto until the Overthrow of the Shogunate and the Decree for the Restoration of Imperial Rule (1867). 例文帳に追加

この体制は尊皇攘夷・長州藩への対抗を通じて形成され、八月十八日の政変以降、尊皇攘夷派が退潮し、さらに公武合体論に基づく有力諸侯による参預会議が崩壊したのち、王政復古の大号令による倒幕派クーデタまでの京都政界をほぼ支配した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once ITO assumed office as Prime Minister, SANJO transferred to imperial court as Minister of the center, after that, he served as a close adviser of Emperor, but Minister of center's Office was originally a honorary position exclusively set up for SANJO, so actually he was just like a man in a penthouse without means to go down. 例文帳に追加

伊藤が内閣総理大臣に就任したことにともない、三條は内大臣として宮中にまわり、以後は天皇の側近としてこれを「常侍輔弼」することになったのだが、そもそも内大臣府は三條処遇のために創られた名誉職であり、実際は彼を二階へあげて梯子を外したも同然だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Heian period, as the reconstruction of Owada no tomari is described in the June 812 chapter in "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), Zo Owada funaseshi was set up and the reconstruction work was always done like building stone dikes (iwakura) for storm and wave prevention and so on and to cover the cost, shosairyo (custom duty for freight) or funaseshodento was levied, which is confirmed in various documents (historical study). 例文帳に追加

平安時代には、『日本後紀』の弘仁3年(812年)6月条に大輪田泊修築のことが記されるのをはじめ、造大輪田船瀬使がおかれ、防風と防波を兼ねて石の堤(石椋)を築くなど、たえず修築がおこなわれ、その経費を充当するため勝載料もしくは船瀬庄田稲を徴収していたことのあったことが各種の文献資料(歴史学)で確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Boxer Protocol permitted foreign troops to be stationed at Beijing and Tianjin, and the Qing dynasty had to accept foreign control of financial affairs (custom tariff, 関税, and salt tax were held as a guarantee until payment) due to the massive reparations, and the Republic of China was not set up as an independent nation, instead becoming a 'half-colony'. 例文帳に追加

北京議定書によって、北京や天津に外国の駐兵権を認め、また巨額の賠償金によって外国による財政支配(海関税・常関税・塩税が支払われるまでの担保として押さえられた)を受容せざるを得なくなった清朝、そして中華民国は、もはや独立国としての体裁をなさず、「半植民地」ともいうべき状態に陥った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In more details, regions are roughly classified into the following three categories:- Regions which were directly controlled by an emperor of China, who received the will of heaven (Administrative districts called "sho (Province)" were set up.)- Indirectly controlled area (Influential persons in outlands were appointed to doshi/dokan (local governor) and a certain level of autonomous control was allowed in exchange of tributes.)- Outside of the territory (regions in which "iteki" lived; land which was not covered by influence of the virtue of the emperor; so-called "kegainochi (land out of states reign)"). 例文帳に追加

具体的には、天命を承けた中国皇帝が直接支配する地域(行政区である省が置かれている)間接統治地域(辺境の有力者を土司・土官に任命し、貢ぎ物と引き替えに一定の自治を認める)版図外(「夷狄」のいる地域、皇帝の徳の感化が及ばない土地。所謂「化外の地」)という大きく分けて三つのカテゴリーがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the people who followed the nationalism and took this movement as a crisis, united the group following the People's Alliance (dissolved in 1902) set up by Atsumaro KONOE in 1900, and they advocated that it was necessary for people to pursue independence with united the nation by strengthening of the nationalism and reinforcement of control over the people. 例文帳に追加

だが、逆に国粋主義の流れを汲みこの動きを国内における危機と見た人々は既に1900年に近衛篤麿が結成していた国民同盟会(1902年解散)の流れを汲む諸派に結集して、国家主義の強化と国民への統制強化によって国民が一致団結して自主・独立を追求すべきであると唱えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

All the domestic materials of medicines sent from various districts to the cities where the agency was set up, as well as those sent to other districts passing through the cities, were obligated to receive a seal of approval (a brand or paper tag) after being inspected at kaisho for their genuineness and quality (if the amount of the materials was large, visiting inspection was performed by officials of the kaisho.) 例文帳に追加

諸国から設置都市に送られてきた和薬種及び都市を通過して他の地域に向かう薬種は全て会所にて検査を受けて薬種の真偽及びその品質を検査した後に検印(焼印もしくは紙札)を得ることが義務付けられた(対象となる薬種が大量の場合は、会所役人が出張して検査した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to their announcement, following Shonai Bank's acceptance of new shares issued by Hokuto Bank, the two banks plan to jointly set up an open platform-type holding company that combines their middle and back office functions by around April 2010, and they will negotiate toward integration in earnest. 例文帳に追加

両行によりますと、今般の荘内銀行による北都銀行の増資の引き受けを契機として、更に平成22年4月を目途に両行のミドルオフィス及びバックオフィスの機能を共有化するオープンプラットホーム型の持株会社を共同設立するということとしており、今後、両行において統合に向けて真摯な協議が進められていくという状況であるというふうに承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

However, when I served as minister in charge of IT around 2003 to 2004, for example, I set up an expert committee to evaluate the achievements made so far under an IT promotion plan ("e-Japan Strategy") that was launched in 2001. 例文帳に追加

ただ、私が例えばIT担当大臣をやりました時に、そこの中で、日本におけるIT戦略がどこまで進んでいるか、ただ、2001年に始まったプランにしても、ちょうど私が2003年から2004年くらいにやりました時に、進めるのはいいのですが、これまでやってきた評価はどうなのか、ということで、評価の専門委員会というのを作りました。 - 金融庁

I was told yesterday that in response to this suggestion, the Trust Companies Association of Japan voluntarily set up a project team to study the idea. The FSA, together with relevant ministries and agencies and various industries, will make every possible effort to prevent a recurrence of this problem. 例文帳に追加

そのような意見を受けて、信託協会でも自主的に今プロジェクトチームを作ってその辺を検討して頂いているという話を昨日聞かせて頂きまして、これは本当に関係省庁、それから色々な関係業界といったところの総力を挙げてきちんと再発防止に努めていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Second, JBIC, in consideration of customer needs and other information grasped by Japanese financial institutions and after entering into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a local financial institution, etc. overseas, will have a service section catering to Japanese-affiliated companies (Japan Desk) established in that local financial institution, etc. Under this arrangement, this so-called Japan Desk will be set up in a financial institution of the country of business. 例文帳に追加

2番目として、JBICが本邦金融機関の把握した顧客ニーズ等を踏まえ、海外の地場金融機関等との間での覚書(MOU)を締結した上で、当該地場金融機関等内の日系企業担当窓口(ジャパンデスク)、このジャパンデスクというのは、その国の金融機関の中に置いて頂くという話で、 - 金融庁

We have also announced to set up a new financing mechanism (the Cool Earth Partnership) with a contribution in the order of US$10 billion, aimed at supporting developing countries to reduce green house gas emission through energy conservation, and help adapt to serious damages caused by climate change. 例文帳に追加

同時に、既に公表したとおり、我が国は 100億ドル規模の新たな資金メカニズム(クールアース・パートナーシップ)を構築し、省エネ努力などの途上国の排出削減への取組みに積極的に協力するとともに、気候変動で深刻な被害を受ける途上国に対し支援を行いたいと考えております。 - 財務省

With this in mind and with the target of "issuing new government bonds of less than 30 trillion yen" in compiling the FY2002 budget, we have set up a policy to "re-allocate 2 trillion yen to core areas, while making an overall reduction of 5 trillion yen". We have accordingly pushed for further efficiency in spending, while significantly shifting budget allocation to such core areas as measures against the declining birthrate and aging society, and promotion of science, education and IT.例文帳に追加

こうした考え方に立ち、平成十四年度予算編成に当たっては、「国債発行額三十兆円以下」との目標を掲げ、「五兆円を削減しつつ重点分野に二兆円を再配分する」との方針の下、歳出の一層の効率化を進める一方、予算配分を少子高齢化への対応、科学技術・教育・ITの推進等の重点分野に大胆にシフトいたしました。 - 財務省

Articles L614-19, L614-20 and L614-21 shall not apply if the applicant does not have his place of residence or business in France and the National Institute of Industrial Property therefore acts as receiving Office in place of the national Office of another State party to the Washington Treaty or if it has been designated as receiving Office by the Assembly of the Union set up by that Treaty. 例文帳に追加

出願人がその居所又は営業所をフランスに有しておらず,従って工業所有権庁がワシントン条約の他の締約国の国内官庁の代わりとしての受理官庁を務めている場合,又は同庁が同条約によって設立された同盟の総会によって受理官庁として指定されている場合は,第L614条 19,第L614条 20及び第L614条 21は適用されない。 - 特許庁

A chuck for a web-fed apparatus, comprising a housing (31) which is attached on a mandrel (33) so as to be rotated and where at least one circumferential groove is set up in its external surface; a spring (39) with multiple cantilever fingers (42) which is placed in said circumferential groove and is so formed that they are integrated with the bottom contacting the floor of the groove. 例文帳に追加

マンドレル(33)上に回転可能に取付けられ、外面に少なくとも1つの円周溝が設けられているハウジング(31)と、該溝の中に設置され、溝の床に接触する底部と該底部と一体に形成されていて溝の外まで伸びている複数本の片持フィンガ(42)を有するばね(39)とを備えていることを特徴とするウェブ巻取装置用チャック。 - 特許庁

(b) is received, by the server of that system set up to receive such transmissions, at any time before midnight on any day which is not an excluded day for the business of sending to or filing with the Registry any document by means of that system, that document shall be treated as sent to or filed with, and received by, the Registry at that time and on that day.例文帳に追加

(b)当該システムにより登録官に書類を送信し又は提出する当該業務の非就業日でない日の真夜中より前に,かかる送信を受信するために設定されたそのシステムのサーバにより受信された場合,当該書類は,登録局に当該日時に送信又は提出され,かつ受信されたとみなす。 - 特許庁

(a) in the cases provided for in Article 51 and 55(c), (d), (e) and (f), by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, as well as by any natural or legal person or any group set up lawfully to represent the interests of manufacturers, producers, service providers, traders or consumers who are affected and who hold a subjective right or legitimate interest;例文帳に追加

(a) 第51条及び第55条(c),(d),(e)及び(f)に定める場合は,スペイン特許商標庁,又は自然人若しくは法人,又は影響を受ける若しくは私権若しくは正当な権益を有する製造業者,生産者,サービス供給業者,取引業者若しくは消費者の権益を代表するため法的に設立された集団 - 特許庁

After the update, the firmware restores these parameters set up under the pre-update firmware in memory in accordance with the storage conditions of the post-update firmware, by referring to the setting file written by the pre-update firmware and the storage structure table contained in the post-update firmware.例文帳に追加

更新後のファームウェアは、更新前のファームウェアによって書き出された設定ファイルと、更新後のファームウェアに内包される格納構造テーブルとを参照し、更新後のファームウェアが設定パラメータをメモリに格納する様態に合わせて、更新前のファームウェア下で設定された設定パラメータをメモリに再格納する。 - 特許庁

The method and system set up a beacon group for both wired and wireless UWB nodes along a single superframe with a single time frequency code and then transmit data between the wired and wireless nodes per the single superframe and time frequency code.例文帳に追加

本発明の方法およびシステムは、単一のスーパーフレームに沿って、単一のタイム周波数コードと共に、有線UWBノードおよび無線UWBノードの両方のための1つのビーコングループを構成し、スーパーフレームおよびタイム周波数コードごとに有線ノードおよび無線ノード間でデータを送る。 - 特許庁

In a manufacturing method for an electric wire and a cable in which a silane crosslinking insulation composition including polyolephine, a silane compound, and a silanol condensation catalyst is extruded and coated on an outer periphery of a conductor, with a moisture content in the silane crosslinking insulation composition set up to be 800 ppm or below.例文帳に追加

ポリオレフィン、シラン化合物、遊離ラジカル生成化合物およびシラノール縮合触媒を含有するシラン架橋性絶縁用組成物を導体外周に押出被覆して電線・ケーブルを製造する方法であって、前記シラン架橋性絶縁用組成物中の水分含有量を800ppm以下とする。 - 特許庁

An ECR 1 calculates the tax amounts of respective commodities to be taxed in packed commodities including a plurality of commodities to be taxed by one commodity registering processing in accordance with a tax calculation method previously set up in a TAX table setting memory 54 and prints out the tax amounts of respective commodities to be taxed on a receipt.例文帳に追加

ECR1では、課税対象商品を複数含むパック商品に対して、1回の商品登録処理により、予めTAXテーブル設定メモリ54に設定された税額計算方法に従って、各課税対象商品の税額を計算し、その各課税対象商品毎に課税額をレシートに印字可能とした。 - 特許庁

In order to decrease deviation from the desired wavelength at the shutdown release time, a reference signal control section is set up for controlling the temperature of a laser diode to become lower compared to the target temperature for the non-shutdown state when the laser diode is in a shutdown state in an optical transmitter.例文帳に追加

シャットダウンの解除時における所望波長からのずれを減少させるために、光送信器において、レーザダイオードがシャットダウン状態にある場合は、シャットダウン状態にない場合の目標温度より低い温度となるようにレーザダイオードの温度を制御する基準信号制御部を備えた。 - 特許庁

To provide an induction heating cooker having a plurality of heating coils capable of attaining effective heating and improved cooking performance to pans with various shapes and sizes even if a heat radiating fin and a cooling fan for cooling a power module controlling current circulated in the heating coils are set up to be compact inexpensively.例文帳に追加

複数の加熱コイルを備えた誘導加熱調理器において、加熱コイルに流れる電流を制御するパワーモジュールを冷却するための放熱フィン及び冷却ファンを小型で低コストなものとしても、様々な形状及び大きさを有する鍋に対する効率のよい加熱及び調理性能の向上を可能とする。 - 特許庁

The burner device which combusts a mixture of an oxidant and the fuel includes an exhaust gas flow passage 1 in which an exhaust gas passes, a tube part 4 whose inside is hollow and which is connected to the exhaust gas flow passage 1 from the above, and an ignition device 7 set up in the tube part 4.例文帳に追加

酸化剤と燃料との混合気の燃焼を行うバーナ装置であって、排気ガスが通過する排気ガス通過流路1と、内部が中空とされると共に当該内部が上記排気ガス通過流路1に対して上方から接続される管体部4と、上記管体部4の内部に設置される着火装置7とを備える。 - 特許庁

The ultra low frequency sound reducing device is provided at an opening of the soundproof house which covers a sound source making an ultra low frequency sound, is disposed along an edge of the opening as to project inside of the soundproof house, has a cylindrical shape, and is set up integrally in the soundproof house.例文帳に追加

本発明は、超低周波音を発する音源を覆う防音ハウスの開口部に設けられる超低周波音低減装置であって、前記超低周波音低減装置が、前記開口部の縁部に沿って前記防音ハウスの内側に突出して設けられ、筒状の形状を有し、前記防音ハウスと一体に設けられていることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a PDA with a car navigation system, a vehicle management system, music, videos, a TV playback function all gathered into one, which, at the time of using a car, can be set up in the car to be used as the car navigation system and to improve the vehicle security by the personal authentication system.例文帳に追加

本発明が解決しようとする課題は、カーナビのナビゲーションシステム、車両管理システム、音楽、映像、TV再生機能をPDAに集約させ、車を利用するときは、PDAを車にセットすることで、カーナビとして利用し、個人認証システムにより車両のセキュリティ向上を目指すものである。 - 特許庁

An impregnating period is set up to be a designated time, an amount of impregnated ionic liquid is measured when impregnating it by changing atmospheric temperature in impregnation, and conditions for making a catalyst layer impregnate the ionic liquid by setting atmospheric temperature in impregnation so as to make an amount of impregnated ionic liquid be 10-50% of pore volume of the catalyst layer.例文帳に追加

含浸時間を所定時間に定め、含浸時の雰囲気温度を変えて含浸させたときのイオン液体の含浸量を測定し、該イオン液体の含浸量が触媒層の気孔容積の10〜50%となるように、含浸時の雰囲気温度を設定して触媒層にイオン液体を含浸させるときの条件を設定する。 - 特許庁

Then, when an area Δg acquired by the integration operation exceeds a threshold area gth set up in advance, among image data recorded in a ring memory 27, the image data, recorded in the ring memory 27 before or after predetermined time when the acceleration α exceeds the threshold acceleration αth, is chosen and recorded in a recording medium 26.例文帳に追加

そして、この積分演算で求められる面積Δgが予め設定した閾値面積gthを超えた場合に、リングメモリ27に記録されている画像データ中の、加速度αが閾値加速度αthを超えた時点前後の所定時間のリングメモリ27に記録された画像データを選択して、記録媒体26に記録する。 - 特許庁

An output command value generating unit 64 for the SOC maintaining mode generates a value obtained by correcting an output command value generated by a demand and supply control apparatus 7 by using the charge efficiency value or the discharge efficiency value set up by the charging and discharging efficiency values setting unit 63, as an output command value for the SOC maintaining mode.例文帳に追加

SOC維持モード用出力指令値生成部64は、需給制御装置7により生成された出力指令値を充放電効率設定部63により設定された充電効率値もしくは放電効率値を用いて補正して得られる値をSOC維持モードのための出力指令値として生成する。 - 特許庁

Since a paper cutter is set up at the tip of the paper cradle, the paper can be cut by pulling downward, thus allowing the end of the paper having length easily graspable for a next person to remain on the upper surface of the paper cradle, and hence allowing the roll paper holder to be sanitary and available easily by everyone.例文帳に追加

又ペーパー受け台先端に紙切りが設置されていることにより、下方に引き下げればペーパーを切る事が出来るので、次に使う人がつかみ易くなる様な長さのペーパーエンドがペーパー受け台の上面に残されるので、衛生的で簡単に誰でも使用可能なものとすることが出来る事を特徴とするロールペーパーホルダー。 - 特許庁

The solid electrolyte film 16 is set up to be in a wet condition by properly moving generated water generated at an oxidizing gas passage F side to a fuel gas passage T side while a pressure difference between the pressure of oxidizing gas and the pressure of fuel gas is enlarged, and movements of electrons from a cathode side to an anode side in power generation are properly performed.例文帳に追加

酸化ガスの圧力と燃料ガスの圧力との圧力差を大きくして、酸化ガス流路F側に生成された生成水を燃料ガス流路T側に適正に移動させて、固体電解質膜16を湿潤状態とし、発電時の電子のカソード側からアノード側への移動を適正に行う。 - 特許庁

If the plurality of sessions to newly request the setup start of the sessions are present, on the basis of a result of determining whether the session to be set up by the UHP is present, the PC controls the timing to transmit the plurality of request signals requesting the setup start of the plurality of sessions (S4-S9).例文帳に追加

PCは、新規にセッションの確立開始の要求対象となるセッションが複数存在する場合に、UHPによって確立されるセッションが存在するか否かの判断の結果に基づいて、複数のセッションの各々の確立開始を要求する複数の要求信号の送信タイミングを制御する(S4〜9)。 - 特許庁

In the electron source provided with a needle electrode 104 made of a metal wherein a pointed head is made at a needle-shape, and a heating element 103 for heating the needle electrode, the electron source has a diffusion source which can be heated with the heating element 103, and the a mixture of a barium compound containing oxygen and carbon particles is set up to be a diffusion source 106.例文帳に追加

先端を針状にした金属からなる針状電極104と、前記針状電極を加熱する発熱体103からなる電子源において、前記電子源は前記発熱体により加熱可能な拡散源を有し、酸素を含むバリウム化合物と炭素粒子の混合物を拡散源106とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a cold insulation rice dispenser in which cool performance does not become inferior even in high ambient temperature, a quality of cleaned rice is maintained, an air inlet is provided for taking fresh air in a radiator even when the dispenser is set up in a narrow space, and a filter is provided in addition so that the cool performance is not deteriorated due to performing a periodical maintenance.例文帳に追加

高周囲温度でも冷却性能が劣らず、白米の品質を維持し、狭小スペースに設置された場合でも、放熱器にフレッシュエアーを吸込む吸気口を設け、さらにフィルターを配備することで定期的なメンテナンスを実施することで冷却性能が劣化することがない保冷米びつ装置を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

The offset implement 2 enabling offset movement of the working part 20 for farm work and attached to the tractor 1 is provided with the display 51 and a sensor 41, and the display 51 displays a present offset position 51a indicating offset moved position of the working part 20 by information from the sensor 41, and a preset offset position 51b which is set up beforehand.例文帳に追加

農作業を行う作業部20をオフセット移動可能でトラクタ1に装着するオフセット作業機2において、表示部51と、センサ41とを有し、表示部51は、センサ41からの情報によりオフセット移動による作業部20の位置を示す現在オフセット位置51aと、あらかじめ設定されている設定オフセット位置51bとを表示することで上記課題を解決する。 - 特許庁

To provide a package container that can easily be set up, and during cooking with the microwave oven, that can prevent liquid from splattering due to water vapor and a liquid bumping generated from food products by heating, and after cooking, that can be taken out from the microwave oven without directly touching the hot container, and after using the container, that can be disposed as a combustible waste.例文帳に追加

電子レンジで加熱調理時に、加熱により食品から発生する蒸気、液汁突沸による液飛びなどの心配がなく、調理後、包装容器を取り出すときに熱くなった容器に直接触れることなく、簡易的に組み立て可能で、かつ使用後は、焼却ごみとして廃棄できる電子レンジ調理用包装容器を提供するものである。 - 特許庁


The band for calling attention for safety includes: a belt-like body part 10 put around the wrist of the wearer; a display part 11 which is set up outside the body part 10 and displays awareness-promoting information such as catchwords, signs and/or symbols to promote awareness on the safety to the worker; and a fixing part 12 fixing the body part 10 put around the wrist of the wearer.例文帳に追加

装着者の手首に巻き付けられる帯状の本体部10と、本体部10の外側に設けられ、作業者に対して安全に関する注意を喚起する標語や標識、記号などの注意喚起情報を表示する表示部11と、装着者の手首に巻き付けられた本体部10をその両端で止着する止着部12とを備えることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁


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