
「反映」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(177ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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This is probably a reflection of the fact that advice on setting companiesfinances in order and the taxation side of business successions is difficult in practice for proprietors to obtain due to the everyday pressures of work, and that it is difficult for successors, too, to broach the subject of inheritance with siblings and other relatives while their parent is still in good health.  - 経済産業省

以上、3 つの企業アンケート調査のデータから勘案すると、企業の今般の円高に対する危機感は、企業の想定を超える円高水準が長期間続き、円安反転への期待が薄れる中で、迅速に投資判断を行う必要性から現状では国内投資に躊躇せざるを得ないといった意識や行動に反映されていると考えられ、やはり相当に深刻なものであると推察される。例文帳に追加

Judging from the aforementioned results of the three surveys, when enterprises need to make investment decisions swiftly in the face of the yen rate exceeding their profitability/estimated exchange rates for a long time and little expectation for the depreciation of the yen, their sense of crisis about the exchange rates likely leads to realization and actions that they cannot help but hesitating to make domestic investments. Therefore, it can be said that the sense of crisis held by companies is considerably serious. - 経済産業省

サービス産業の成長の背景について、まず、需要面から見ると、経済成長に伴う貿易取引の拡大や国内外での人の移動の増大などを反映し、港湾でのコンテナ取扱量が2000 年以降年平均13.8% で拡大しているほか、航空旅客数も2002 年以降年平均21.1% で増大しているなど、運輸関連のサービス需要が大幅に拡大している(第1-4-15 図、第1-4-16 図)。例文帳に追加

The factors involved in growth of the service industry include, on the demand side, the expansion of trade accompanying economic growth and increased movement of people in India and overseas. Demand for transport-related services has also markedly expanded, with a annual average increase o13.8% in container handling volume in ports since 2000 and a 21.1% average annual increase in the number of airline passengers since 2002 (Figure 1-4-15 and 1-4-16). - 経済産業省

東アジアのこうした財別域内貿易比率の特徴は、1980 年代後半以降東アジアで中間財の相互供給体制が急速に発展したこと、最終財の相互供給体制は発展しつつあるものの、それ以上に域外輸出が大きいこと、素材については好調な経済の下で域外からの調達への依存を高めていることを反映しているものと考えられる。例文帳に追加

The characteristics of East Asia’s ratio of intra-regional trade by class of product probably reflect the fact that since the latter half of the 1980s, a mutual supply system for intermediate goods has rapidly developed in East Asia. It also reflects the fact that although a mutual supply system for finished goods has been developing in East Asia, exports to countries outside the region are larger. And for raw materials, amid a healthy economy, there is a growing dependency on procurement from outside the region. - 経済産業省


三角貿易とは、主に、日本・NIEsにおいて生産された付加価値の高い部品・加工品等を、中国・ASEANにおいて組み立て、日本や米国・EU 等に向けて輸出するという貿易モデルを指しており、労働集約的な工程を賃金が比較的安い地域で行うという東アジア事業ネットワークの特徴を反映したものと考えられている。例文帳に追加

Triangular trade refers to a trade model in which high value-added parts and processed products manufactured in Japan and NIEs are assembled in China and ASEAN and exported to Japan, the U.S., and the EU, reflecting the characteristics of the East Asia business network whereby labor-intensive processes are performed in regions where wages are relatively low. - 経済産業省


一方、このような 紛争解決条項の個別具体的な規定ぶりについて は、締約国間における様々な政治的・経済的な 背景を反映し、多種多様であり、それら条項の 規定ぶり及びその傾向を正確に把握すること は、我が国の貿易投資政策の検討のみならず、 多角的な海外展開を活発に行う我が国企業にと っても重要である。例文帳に追加

Despite these common elements, the provisions for dispute settlement in such agreements significantly vary in their specific details, reflecting differences in political and economic factors underlying such agreements and the relationships of the parties thereto. Correctly understanding the meaning of such provisions and the relevant recent trends in respect thereof is important, not only to the Japanese government in reviewing its own international trade and foreign investment policy, but also, to Japanese business enterprises actively developing their own businesses abroad. - 経済産業省


The objective of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act is for licensees to perform proper assessment of a large business plan which may pose large impact on the environment, and to prepare appropriate plan. The Act provides a set of procedures for it. - 経済産業省


Concerning maintenance management conducted by the licensees of reactor operation, the Ministerial Ordinance for the Installation, Operation, etc.of Commercial Power Reactors provides for the policies related to maintenance management of nuclear installations, its objectives and its implementation plan, and requires the licensees to implement maintenance management according to the plan. The Rules also require the licensees of reactor operation to appropriately evaluate the objectives and plans and reflect them in maintenance management. - 経済産業省


Good practices and non-compliances identified during periodic inspections, as well as the experiences in design, construction and operation of domestic and foreign nuclear installations, were analyzed, and the results are incorporated in design modification, improvement of construction methods, etc., when they can be recognized to be effective, during the course of licensing for installment, approval of construction plan and pre-service inspection. - 経済産業省



As matters subject to the periodic safety review, the guideline mentions the evaluation of the implementation status of operational safety activities in the nuclear installation, the evaluation of the situation of reflection of the state of the arts technical knowledge in the operational safety activities in the nuclear installation, and the probabilistic safety assessment. Concerning the probabilistic safety assessment, the guideline mentions it is desirable that this assessment be conducted by the licensees of reactor operation on a voluntary basis. - 経済産業省



Fig. 1-1-14 shows the trends of the Raw materials purchasing prices diffusion index (DI), as well as the Unit prices DI for sales and customer spending, based on the data from the Survey on SME Business Conditions conducted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (SME Agency) and the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (SMRJ). - 経済産業省


As one would expect from these kinds of motives, a majority of educational institutions said thathardly anygraduates actually went to work after graduation for the companies they interned at. Approximately 30% of educational institutions said thatroughly 10%of graduates actually went to work for the company they interned at after graduation. From this, one can see that accepting interns is not leading directly to the procurement of new personnel (Fig. 3-2-14). - 経済産業省


4. Towards the improvement of labor productivity As discussed above, SMEs set their wage levels according to the labor productivity levels, and if the labor productivity level is high, SMEs that set a wage level higher than the average wage level of large enterprises actually exist in abundance, regardless of industry. - 経済産業省


Next, a breakdown of the contribution rate by item to the growth rate in order to determine growth factors in household income reveals that in the U.S. contribution to growth is well balanced between employment remuneration, interest, and dividends while in Japan employment remuneration is substantially negative in contribution and interest income is also negative, reflecting the low level of interest rates in Japan (see Figure 2-2-52). - 経済産業省

「コンゴ民主共和国を原産国とする紛争鉱物の採鉱と取引に関する議会の意見」を述べている第1502(a)条の表題に反映されているように、議会は紛争鉱物法律規定を制定するに当たって、DRC でのきわめて暴力的で、DRC を原産国とする紛争鉱物の採鉱と取引をその部分的な資金源としてきた紛争を終わらせるという人道的目標の達成をさらに進めることを意図していた。例文帳に追加

As reflected in the title of Section 1502(a), which states the “Sense of the Congress on Exploitation and Trade of Conflict Minerals Originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” in enacting the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision, Congress intended to further the humanitarian goal of ending the extremely violent conflict in the DRC, which has been partially financed by the exploitation and trade of conflict minerals originating in the DRC. - 経済産業省


Cited in the research as reasons for labor shortage were 1) the slumping of real-wage levels in the absence of wage hikes that reflect prices increases, 2) increasing job offers in the wake of the expansion of production capacities by Chinese and foreign manufacturers and 3) the expansion of job options by migrant workers from rural areas with industrial development areas spreading to wider areas of China. - 経済産業省


It has been pointed out that some discrepancies exist between the social needs from industry and a university education, and this is due to the fact that industry does not inform universities of its educational needs and universities do not collect data and do not verify whether the content of their education reflects social needs. - 経済産業省


This is due to an increase in food prices caused in part by reduced production of grain and oilseed crops due to natural disasters, and increased living costs (utility costs) reflecting increases in energy demand. The upward pressure on food prices which had been particularly sharp, was alleviated somewhat by increased food production from summer 2004 and over the entire year food prices rose 3.9%. - 経済産業省


The recent trend in the number of new job openings by employee size of business establishments can be read also as a clear indication that the business sentiment gap between large enterprises and SMEs is reflected in employment patterns; the number of new job openings at small enterprises with 5-29 employees has decreased (Fig. 1-1-16) while remaining flat even since 2007 at enterprises with 300 or more employees. - 経済産業省


The price of services is usually determined by the relationship between supply and demand. However, in order for an appropriate price for services to be formed in the market, it is necessary to provide sufficient information on the quality and value of services, to perform evaluations and negotiations, and to appropriately reflect the quality and value of services in prices. - 経済産業省


Creating a fair transaction environment through the above documentation of contract content so as to have the quality of service appropriately reflected in the price will bring out the drive and abilities of service-providing SMEs, and is also considered incredibly important in efforts to improve the productivity of small and medium service providers. - 経済産業省


The discrepancy in export competitiveness between the four countries above throughout the 2000s is reflected in their respective share of the world's total export values. France's share and Italy's share declined from 5.1% and 3.7% in 2000 to 3.4% and 2.9% in 2010 respectively, but Germany's share maintained almost the same level - 経済産業省


To create excellent university settings, the Muroran Institute of Technology aims to reform instructors' awareness, encourage self-development, foster high quality instructors, and systematically improve education quality. To this end, the university evaluates its education targets and achievements on a self-assessment basis, assesses classes, evaluates education contributions, and assesses university instructors based on comprehensive evaluation on education, research, social/international contribution, as well as university operations. By doing so, the university treats its instructors in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration these evaluation results. - 経済産業省


The college conducts questionnaire surveys for companies or graduates about its curriculum and objectively recognizes problems identified from the survey results. To incorporate survey results in improvement in their curriculum or teaching methods and to review the process of organizational framework, principals of local junior high schools, high schools, university deans, and local companies' representatives are giving feedback to the college as external evaluators after evaluating the college's programs. - 経済産業省


In addition, given that profit generated from direct investment abroad is returned to companies in Japan, the generation of a virtuous circle of growth would be possible through putting such profit return in capital investment, research and development, employment, etc. Therefore, it is also important to encourage the return of profit generated from direct investment abroad to Japan. - 経済産業省


3) Due Restraint; also known as the peace clause (Article 13 of the Agreement on Agriculture -- expired at the end of 2003 pursuant to Article 1(f) of the Agreement on Agriculture) The 'Due Restraint' clause stipulates that domestic support measures, which are compatible with the Agreement, as well as domestic support measures and export subsidies reflected in a Member's Schedule of Concessions, would not be subject to countervailing duties and remedies under the ASCM until 1 January 2004. - 経済産業省

検討中の会社法改正においては、取締役の義務を上記のような考え方を反映して明確化することが予定されているとともに、こうした長期的な価値創造を企業が達成しているかどうかを評価するための仕組みとして、従来の財務関連報告書に加えて、「企業活動財務報告書( Operating and Financial Review)」を企業が作成・開示することが検討されている。例文帳に追加

In the reform in corporate law under consideration, obligations of board directors are set to be clarified to reflect the above-described line of thinking. Also, as a mechanism to assess the achievement of such long-term value creation by companies, the preparation and disclosure of the "Operating and Financial Review (OFR)" are under study, on top of conventional financial reports.] - 経済産業省


The above-mentioned accounting policy is applicable only to goodwill acquired in the combination of businesses such as corporate mergers. But since goodwill itself reflects a range of intellectual assets including human capital and organizational capital, the progress of the above-described method of evaluating goodwill should be noted as one of the evaluation methods under the "capitalization approach" of intellectual assets. - 経済産業省


The third point comprehend the development of Job Passport scheme, to enhance ability to obtain a job through unpaid work experience which are evaluated, so that companies can know the worker’s capacities. - 厚生労働省

また、使える能力“can do ability”をベースにして教育と訓練と雇用をつなぐということになりますと、“can do ability”というのは、何なのか、あるいはそれをどう評価をするのか、その評価結果を教育とか訓練といったプログラムにどうやって反映させていくのか、あるいは職業的な資格とどうリンクさせるのか、ということが非常に重要になってくると思います。例文帳に追加

Secondly, when linking education, training, and employment on the basis ofcan do ability,” it will be critical to determine what exactlycan do abilityis, how it can be evaluated, how the results of the evaluation can be reflected in programs for education and training, and how it can be linked with vocational qualifications. - 厚生労働省


As long as young and unstable workers remain members of their parents' households, their low income levels have a limited impact on income disparity data. However, to prevent them from contributing to widening income disparities when they form independent households in the future, the government should continue to take measures to foster regular employment of freeters. - 厚生労働省

5カ年計画においては「中間年で達成状況を評価し、それに基づいて必要な見直しを行う等、我が国の状況を反映した方策を採っていくことが適当である」としていたことから、 今般、「新たな治験活性化5カ年計画の中間見直しに関する検討会」を設置し、以下のとおり、検討を行った。例文帳に追加

As the 5 Yearly Plan stipulates that it is "appropriate to take measures that reflect the situation in Japan by evaluating the progress made in the mid-term year and conducting necessary reviews based upon this evaluation, etc.," an "Investigative Commission for the Mid-Term Review of the New 5 Yearly Clinical Trial Activation Plan" was established and reviews were conducted as follows: - 厚生労働省


Additionally, more than 70% of the companies plan to change their wage systems. Contents of the changes indicate that many companies are considering changing their wage systems to performance-based ones, in which the individual's performance is reflected in bonuses and basic wages, in addition to ability-based wage and promotion systems - 厚生労働省

・ まず、医薬品産業を取り巻く環境の変化として、生命科学分野の研究開発の動向、特にヒトゲノムの解読を終え、ポストゲノム研究がむしろ RNA 転写レベルでの機能の理解や、分子生物学的な疾病構造の理解などが重要なテーマとなっていること、それを反映して医薬品分野では、抗体医薬や分子標的薬といった新薬開発競争が激化していることを取り上げている。例文帳に追加

First of all, this vision addresses as changes in the environment surrounding the pharmaceutical industry, trend of research and development in the life science field, especially, that after completion of genome sequencing, post-genome research deals understanding of functions in RNA transcript level and understanding of molecular biological disease structure as important themes and that by reflecting these themes, competition in new drug development gets more serious in the pharmaceutical field such as antibody drugs and molecular targeting drugs. - 厚生労働省


During 2004, non-scheduled cash earnings increased by 4.8% over the previous year, the secondconsecutive annual increase and a faster rise than the year before, due to an increase in non-scheduledwork hours. Scheduled cash earnings, however, were down 0.7% and special cash earnings dropped 1.8%,showing a continued downward trend. Total cash earnings declined 0.7%, the fourth consecutive annualdecrease. - 厚生労働省


A survey team, composed of academic experts, the Japan Water Works Association, the Federation of Japan Water Industries, Inc., the water supply utilities of principal cities, and MHLW, was dispatched to Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, in order to have a grasp of the damage situation of water supply utilities in the affected areas and the status of restoration of them, to be reflected in the future recovery plans and measures. (from May 8 to 11, 2011) - 厚生労働省


A Special Ministerial Ordinance for the "Enforcement of the Act on the Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labour Insurance" was established, which stipulates that workers' compensation insurance benefits granted for occupational accidents associated with the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake shall not be taken into account when calculating the balance of workers' accident compensation insurance of respective businesses; the content of the Act was notified to the Prefectural Labour Bureaus (August 11, 2011). - 厚生労働省


When and only when the concrete process of further reviewing and improvement - that should reveal the facts of the past and clarify the background as well as the causes, consider today's circumstances, and incorporate these findings in our future development of government policies - is implemented, connecting the nation, society, and individual citizens, then the results of our verification shall receive true praise. - 厚生労働省


(Wage Trends)During 2004, non-scheduled cash earnings increased by 4.8% over the previous year, the secondconsecutive annual increase and a faster rise than the year before, due to an increase in non-scheduledwork hours. - 厚生労働省


In particular, the municipal government and public employment agency mustcooperate in order to secure human resources willing and capable of supporting regional industries. - 厚生労働省


The prefectural government shall therefore make use of councils for the promotion of regional and occupational cooperation made up of Health Promotion Plans executive, personnel, medical institutions, representatives of companies, prefectural labor department personnel, and other relevant personnel, shall hold discussions regarding policy in order to define the divisions of roles between these relevant personnel and facilitate10 cooperation between them, and shall reflect the results of these discussions in the Prefectural Health Promotion Plan. - 厚生労働省


When carrying out these evaluations and revisions, as well as evaluating projects that they themselves have carried out, prefectural or municipal governments shall also evaluate the progress and achievements of initiatives by medical insurers, school health personnel, occupational health personnel, companies, etc. within the prefecture or municipality, and be mindful of reflecting these in subsequent initiatives, etc. - 厚生労働省


This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. - Tatoeba例文

第三十四条 国は、容器包装廃棄物の減量及び容器包装に係る資源の有効利用を図るために再商品化に要する費用を商品の価格に適切に反映させることが重要であることにかんがみ、その費用の円滑かつ適正な転嫁に寄与するため、この法律の趣旨及び内容について、広報活動等を通じて国民に周知を図り、その理解と協力を得るよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 34 In view of the fact that it is important to reflect expenses required for recycling in the price of goods in order to reduce waste containers and packaging and achieve the effective utilization of resources pertaining to containers and packaging, the state shall endeavor to obtain public understanding and cooperation by making public the purpose and content of this Act through publicity activities, etc. in order to contribute to smooth and proper shifting of expenses.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 市町村は、前項の当該市町村における指定地域密着型サービスに従事する従業者に関する基準及び指定地域密着型サービスの事業の設備及び運営に関する基準を定めようとするときは、あらかじめ、当該市町村が行う介護保険の被保険者その他の関係者の意見を反映させ、及び学識経験を有する者の知見の活用を図るために必要な措置を講じなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) A Municipality, when it intends to provide standards concerning employees that engage in Designated Community-Based Service in said Municipality as set forth in the preceding paragraph and standards concerning Facilities and Management of a Designated Community-Based Service Business, shall reflect the opinions of Insured Persons of Long-Term Care Insurance provided by said Municipality and take necessary measures in order to promote the use of knowledge of persons with relevant knowledge and experience.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 市町村は、前項の当該市町村における指定地域密着型介護予防サービスに従事する従業者に関する基準並びに指定地域密着型介護予防サービスに係る介護予防のための効果的な支援の方法に関する基準及び指定地域密着型介護予防サービスの事業の設備及び運営に関する基準を定めようとするときは、あらかじめ、当該市町村が行う介護保険の被保険者その他の関係者の意見を反映させ、及び学識経験を有する者の知見の活用を図るために必要な措置を講じなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) A Municipality, when it intends to promulgate standards concerning employees that engage in Designated Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, standards concerning effective support methods for Prevention of Long-Term Care pertaining to a Designated Provider of Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, and standards concerning facilities and management of the business of Designated Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care in said Municipality as set forth in the preceding paragraph, shall reflect opinions of Insured Persons by Long-Term Care Insurance provided by said Municipality and take necessary measures in order to promote to use knowledge of persons with relevant knowledge and experience.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 この法律は、行政機関が行う政策の評価に関する基本的事項等を定めることにより、政策の評価の客観的かつ厳格な実施を推進しその結果の政策への適切な反映を図るとともに、政策の評価に関する情報を公表し、もって効果的かつ効率的な行政の推進に資するとともに、政府の有するその諸活動について国民に説明する責務が全うされるようにすることを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 It is the purpose of this Act to promote the objective and rigorous implementation of Policy evaluation and to reflect the results of this evaluation in the planning and development of Policy, and to publicize information on Policy evaluation by providing for basic matters regarding Policy evaluation carried out by Administrative Organs, with a view to promoting effective and efficient administration, and ensuring the Government's proper discharge of its responsibility to remain accountable to the public for its operations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 行政機関は、その所掌に係る政策について、適時に、その政策効果(当該政策に基づき実施し、又は実施しようとしている行政上の一連の行為が国民生活及び社会経済に及ぼし、又は及ぼすことが見込まれる影響をいう。以下同じ。)を把握し、これを基礎として、必要性、効率性又は有効性の観点その他当該政策の特性に応じて必要な観点から、自ら評価するとともに、その評価の結果を当該政策に適切に反映させなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) An Administrative Organ shall study and acquire information on the Effects of Policy (i.e. the effect which a set of activities it carried out or intends to carry out has or is expected to have on the lives of people and/or society and the economy; the same shall apply hereinafter) under its jurisdiction at the appropriate time, and on the basis of such study, evaluate own Policy from the standpoints of necessity, efficiency, effectiveness, or other standpoints as special characteristics of the said Policy may require, and appropriately reflect results of such evaluation in the planning and development of the said Policy.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 生物の多様性の保全及び持続可能な利用は、生物の多様性が微妙な均衡を保つことによって成り立っており、科学的に解明されていない事象が多いこと及び一度損なわれた生物の多様性を再生することが困難であることにかんがみ、科学的知見の充実に努めつつ生物の多様性を保全する予防的な取組方法及び事業等の着手後においても生物の多様性の状況を監視し、その監視の結果に科学的な評価を加え、これを当該事業等に反映させる順応的な取組方法により対応することを旨として行われなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity shall be carried out for the purpose of making responses by a preventive method in which biodiversity is conserved while endeavoring to enrich scientific knowledge and by an adaptive method in which the state of biodiversity is monitored even after project, etc. is started, scientific evaluations are made on the monitoring results and the evaluation results are reflected on said project, etc., taking into consideration that biodiversity is based on a subtle balance and involves many phenomena that have yet to be scientifically explained and that it is difficult to regenerate biodiversity once it is damaged.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 綱紀審査会は、弁護士会が第五十八条第四項の規定により対象弁護士等を懲戒しない旨の決定をし、かつ、日本弁護士連合会がこれに対する懲戒請求者による異議の申出を却下し、又は棄却する決定をした場合において、なお懲戒請求者からの申出があるときに、国民の意見を反映させて懲戒の手続の適正を確保するため必要な綱紀審査を行う。例文帳に追加

(2) If a Discipline Requesting Party files a request for a review of a matter regarding which a bar association had issued a ruling not to discipline the Accused Attorney, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 58, paragraph (4), and to which the Japan Federation of Bar Associations had issued a ruling dismissing or rejecting the Discipline Requesting Party's objection to the bar association's ruling, the Board of Discipline Review shall reflect the public opinion of Japan and conduct discipline reviews as necessary to ensure that disciplinary procedures are appropriate.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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