
「Sword」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(58ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Among Japanese swords, the regular size of Uchigatana in the Edo period is about 70cm in blade length except at the very beginning and ending period, due to regulations of the Edo Shogunate (swords of more than about 88cm, that is Nodachi or field sword, were banned). 例文帳に追加

日本刀のうち、江戸時代の打刀は、江戸幕府の規制(2尺9寸以上の刀すなわち野太刀は禁止された)と、外出中は大小を日常的に帯刀することから、(江戸幕府の)創成期と幕末期を除き、刃渡り2尺3寸(約70cm)程度が定寸である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Battles in Japan had mainly long-distance weapons including bows in the middle age and guns in the modern age, and as for a middle-distance fight, after fighting with Yari (spears), they ended up wrestling to cut the carotid artery by Tanto (short sword) or Yoroidoshi (knife going through armor), so Japanese swords were usually used as assistance for Yari. 例文帳に追加

日本の合戦は中世の弓や近世の鉄砲などといった遠距離兵器が主体であり、中距離での戦いは槍などで闘ったあと、短刀や鎧通しで頸動脈を切るための組み打ちで終結するため、日本刀は槍の補助として使われる事が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this hard metal cutting tool developed in Germany is strong against compression stress, it is known in the die level that it will be broken when stretching stress is generated, and a Japanese sword is structured to generate pronounced stretching stress, which makes some people doubt the credibility of this experiment. 例文帳に追加

しかし、このドイツで開発された超硬合金製の刃物は圧縮応力には強いものの、引張り応力が発生すると破損することが金型では知られており日本刀は顕著な引張り応力が発生する構造なのでこの実験の信憑性を疑うものもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this program, however, a white muscular ITF Taekwondo martial artist introduced by swinging, and the superiority of the Japanese sword was not explained specifically or compared with other weapons, so some people think the program had an image-oriented direction and doubt its credibility. 例文帳に追加

しかしこの番組では筋骨隆々な白人のITF系テコンドー家が振り回して紹介したり、日本刀の優位性について具体的な根拠や他の武器との比較が説明されず、イメージ優先の演出で信憑性に疑問を持つ意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperors often gave Kiku-mon and Kiri-mon to persons who contributed much to the imperial family, which is said to originate from the historical event where the Retired Emperor Gotoba gave his favorite sword on which Kiku-mon was mounted to loyal supporters who tried to overthrow the Kamakura bakufu at the time of Jokyu no ran. 例文帳に追加

皇室に対して功績があった者に対して、天皇が菊紋や桐紋を下賜されることは度々あり、一説には承久の乱の際、後鳥羽上皇が鎌倉幕府倒幕の志士達に対して、愛好していた菊の紋を彫刻した刀を賜与されたことが発端ともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While 'hyomon' and 'raden' are originally Chinese techniques, the makie technique is regarded as a Japanese lacquer art only seen in Japan with the earliest piece of work being Kingindenso no karatachi (commonly called 'makkinru no tachi,' a sword made by the ancient lacquer-decorating technique with sprinkled gold powder), which is a Shosoin treasure. 例文帳に追加

「平文」や「螺鈿」が中国起源の技法であるのに対し、蒔絵はその初例を正倉院宝物の金銀鈿荘唐大刀(きんぎんでんかざりのからたち、通称「末金鏤の大刀」(まっきんるのたち))とされており、海外に類例のない日本独自の漆芸技法とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rong Liang in "Xie Cheng Hou Han Shu" and An Jinzang in the 137th volume of "Jiu Tang Shu" both cut open their abdomen or chest with a sword and removed their internal organs for all to see in order to prove their devotion (An Jinzan survived due to surgery and his loyalty and bravery were highly praised by Wu Zetian). 例文帳に追加

『謝承後漢書』の戎良や、『旧唐書』列伝第137の安金蔵は、自分の誠意を証明するため自分の腹や胸を刀で引き裂き、内臓を取り出して見せた(安金蔵は外科手術によって命を取り留め、武則天からその忠勇を激賞された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nowadays, the vestiges of sarugaku (such as the sword twirling 'gama no abura uri' [toad-oil sellers] or 'nankin tama sudare', where the performer makes fancy shapes with a small bamboo screen) can be only be seen amongst a few family-run tekiya, but they are widely known from the 'daikagura' (lion dances, juggling and other entertainment) performed at yose (storyteller theaters) and entertainment halls by 'Somenosuke and Sometaro'. 例文帳に追加

現在においては、的屋家業としてその片鱗(がまの油売りの太刀まわりや南京玉簾など)は僅かにしか垣間見る事は出来ないが、寄席や演芸場で「染之介・染太郎」に代表される太神楽として広く知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to ordinary swords, known as tachi or daito, there are also wooden copies of the weapons used in other schools, such as kodachi (small swords), saya bokuto (wooden swords with sheaths), naginata (Japanese halberds), yari (spears), kusarigama (chain-sickles), jitte (one hook truncheons), and bayonets used, respectively, in kodachi-jutsu (kodachi techniques), batto-jutsu (sword-drawing techniques), naginata-jutsu (naginata techniques), yari-jutsu (yari techniques), kusarigama-jutsu (kusarigama techniques), jitte-jutsu (jitte techniques), and jukendo (bayonet techniques). 例文帳に追加

太刀(大刀)だけではなく、小太刀、鞘木刀、薙刀、槍、鎖鎌、実手、着剣した銃など小太刀術、抜刀術、薙刀術、槍術、鎖鎌術、十手術、銃剣道においてもそれぞれの武器を木で模したものもがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They wear hokan (crown) (in gagaku [ancient Japanese court dance and music]), it refers to a metal band for hair with a mountain-like ornament on the front and two sword-like ornaments on each side of the band), with arabesque, plated with gold, guilt on their head, and clip two yamabuki (bright yellow) branches, and lower ring of their hair was often set in mizura, tsunogami style. 例文帳に追加

頭に鍍金した唐草模様の宝冠(雅楽では、山形の額飾りと側頭部に二本の剣形の飾りを備えた金属製のヘッドバンドを指す)をつけて二本の山吹の枝をはさみ、図画資料では髪は下の輪のみの角髪に結うことが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The refereeing rules of the kendo matches held in the presence of Emperor Showa for the celebration of the 2,600th year of the Imperial reign: (matches were held from June 18 to the 20 in 1940) Article 9. --- Section 44. When fencers come near each other, become locked in tsubazeriai, and press their own bamboo sword against their opponent's shoulder, one of them may thrust (or thrust after forcibly toppling over) the opponent at the moment of separation, but it is not recognized as a valid thrust. 例文帳に追加

皇紀2600年奉祝昭和天覧試合剣道試合審判規定(昭和15年6月18日~20日)第9條(中略)44、間合接近シテ鍔糶合トナリタルトキ太刀ヲ互ニ肩ニ掛ケ離レ際ニ撃突シ又ハ不正ニ倒シテ撃突スルモ勝ト認メス。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They are often described as "dressed in solid black", "wearing kusari-katabira (chain woven protective wear) inside and paint their face with black ink", "carrying a sword on the back" or "break into the enemy territory under cover of darkness", but a figure in black costume can be seen in the night, thus it is considered that their costume was dark blue or persimmon color. 例文帳に追加

「全身黒の衣装」「その中には鎖帷子を纏い、顔には墨を塗っている」「背中に刀」「夜陰に紛れて敵地に侵入する」という印象で描かれることが多いが、黒は夜に像が浮いて見えることから、紺色もしくは柿色の衣装を使用していたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is believed that in 1776, Toemon NAKAJIMA (1745-1825), a farmer in Yamagata Town, Naka County, Mito Domain, conceived a bright idea of grinding dried konnyaku corms which he had found don't go bad, and then Myojitaito (the right to bear a surname and wear a sword) was awarded for his invention. 例文帳に追加

1776年(安永(元号)5年)、水戸藩那珂郡山方町農民の、後に名字帯刀を許された中島藤右衛門(なかじまとうえもん)(1745年-1825年)が乾燥した球茎が腐らないことにヒントを得て粉状にする事を思いついたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As stipulated in the Firearm and Sword Control Law, in order to possess modern guns, he or she has to be licensed or permitted to do so, while in order to possess ancient guns, the guns themselves must be registered, which is under the jurisdiction of prefectural boards of education (formerly, under the jurisdiction of the Commission for the Protection of Cultural Properties). 例文帳に追加

銃刀法に定める範囲の古式銃の所持は、現代銃と異なり属人的な免許・許可ではなく、属物的な登録制で、登録は都道府県教育委員会の所管(かつては文化財保護委員会であった)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as Battotai (drawn sword squad) consisting of keishikan (policemen at the time) achieved distinguished military service in the Seinan War, a policy of encouraging Kenjutsu was adopted, including the creation of Keishi-ryu katachi kata (attack and defend with wooden swords) by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and this became the momentum for the restoration of Kenjutsu. 例文帳に追加

しかし、、西南戦争での警視官(当時の警察官の呼称)によって編成された抜刀隊の活躍ゆえに、警視庁では警視流木太刀形が制定されるなど、剣術推奨の方針転換がなされ、剣術の復興の動きの端緒となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the Edo period to the postwar period, women's sumo exhibitions were actively performed as an entertainment show, and in the society of popular dramas, a female player wearing men's dress performed sword fights kilting her kimono and showing her fundoshi loincloth to gain plaudits from the audience for her performance. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代から戦後にかけては見世物としての女相撲興行が盛んに行われていたし、大衆演劇の世界では男装した女役者が着物をはしょり、ふんどしを見せながらの剣戟を演じて客の喝采を浴びたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though the Rikyu family had scattered in all directions after SEN no Rikyu killed himself by the sword, they were pardoned by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI with the entreaty by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, Toshiie MAEDA, and others, and thereby Doan SEN, the fugitive legitimate son of Rikyu, returned to Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, and inherited the family estate (It is said that he was in hiding at the place of Arishige KANAMORI in Takayama City of Hida Province, or Awa Province.) 例文帳に追加

千利休自刃後利休の一族は各地に四散していたが、徳川家康や前田利家らの嘆願で豊臣秀吉に許され、逃亡していた(逃亡先は飛騨国高山市の金森可重説と阿波国説がある)利休の嫡男千道安が堺市へ帰郷し、家督を相続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However Fuki started to have small audience because of the popularity of Kyoraku Theater, which was established by Nippon Dream Kanko as succession of Ebisubashi Shochiku theater, so that theatrical play with sword-rattling play and hand weaving demonstration was mainly performed, but theatrical performance was finished at nakaseki (performance showed from 11th to 20th of the month) of December 1958. 例文帳に追加

しかし、戎橋松竹の後継として日本ドリーム観光が開設した京洛劇場の人気で客入りが悪くなり、剣劇や実演を主体に演芸を取り混ぜた興行を行った末、1958年12月中席で演芸興行を打ち切る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Sorori Monogatari," a collection of Kaidan of the Kanbun era (1661-1673), has a story titled 'The incident in which a huntsman spider transmuted,' the story of which is that one night the Ogumo took the shape of an old woman of around 60 years old, swinging its disheveled hair, attacked a man who lived in the countryside, and its leg was cut off by his sword. 例文帳に追加

寛文時代の怪談集『曾呂利物語』には「足高蜘の変化の事」と題し、ある山野に住む男のもとに夜、大蜘蛛が60歳ほどの老婆に化け、髪を振り乱して襲いかかり、男に刀で足を斬り落とされたという話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to the citizens, the government lifted various restrictions on freedoms that existed during the Edo period whereby the social standing system was abolished and replaced by one that made all people equal, as well as various other reforms such as freedom to travel across the country, freedom to choose occupations, freedom to have closely cut hair and freedom to carry a sword in belt. 例文帳に追加

国民には、江戸時代の自由の制限をなくし、身分の撤廃を行い四民平等とし、日本全国の行き来の自由を認め、職業の選択の自由や、散髪帯刀の自由など様々なことを改革していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Your master, the Judge Takasada ENYA had some disagreement with my lord, Mr. Moronao, who drew his sword and slashed him in the palace and it ended up with the judge's mansion being closed and him being carried as a criminal on a palanquin. 例文帳に追加

うぬが主人の塩谷判官高貞と、おらが旦那の師直公と、何か殿中で、ベッちやくちやくつちやくちやと話しあひするその中に、ちいちや刀をちよいと抜いて、ちよいと切つた科によつて、屋敷は閉門、網乗物にてエッサッサエッサッサエッサエッサッサ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is assumed that it was the effect of "Ogon batto" and "Superman," but the traditional chanbara style fighting with swords remained intact and a blending of Japanese and Western styles appeared in 1970's that a hero wore wrapping cloth cape as well as a sword in his waist. 例文帳に追加

これには『黄金バット』や『スーパーマン』のイメージがつよかったと思われるが、刀で打合う伝統的なチャンバラのスタイルはくずれなかったため、1970年代ごろからのチャンバラ遊びでは、正義の味方は風呂敷のマントに木刀を腰に差すという和洋折衷スタイルも登場した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The autobiography of Kikugoro mentioned that a man involved in play whose name was Naosuke visited Kikugoro to show nishiki-e (a color woodblock print) drawn by Kunisada UTAGAWA which showed that Kikugoro himself was disguised as Bentenkozo stick a bare sword into a floor and drank sake, and Kikugoro immediately asked Shinshichi KAWATAKE to adapt it. 例文帳に追加

菊五郎の自伝によれば、芝居の関係者の直助と言う男が、歌川国貞画の錦絵を見せに来たら、自分自身が弁天小僧の扮装で抜き身の刀を床に突き刺して酒を飲む絵柄だったので、早速河竹新七に脚色を依頼したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of the scene, two actors perform a mie pose called 'Tenchi-no-mie' (mie pose emblematic of heaven and earth), in which from above Goemon, putting his foot on the railing and his hand on the hilt of the sword, stares at Hisayoshi, while from below Hisayoshi, catching the shuriken with the dipper, stares at Goemon; with such three-dimensional picturesque view on the stage, the curtain falls and the gorgeous scene is completed. 例文帳に追加

幕切れの見得は、五右衛門が刀を抜きかけて欄干に片足をかけて下をにらみ、久吉が柄杓で手裏剣を受けて上をにらみ返す「天地の見得」と呼ばれるもので、絢爛豪華な舞台にふさわしい立体感あふれる幕切れである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gloating Giheiji held the sword and issued a challenge, 'Listen, a father-in-law is a father and if you kill a father, you'll be dragged by an Isshaku (about thirty centimeters) bamboo saw as if cutting down Issun (about three centimeters), you'll be hanging upside down from a Sanjaku (about ninety centimeters) tree if cutting down Sanzun (about nine centimeters), so, cut me down, with this'. 例文帳に追加

義平次は図に乗り、「これよく聞け、舅は親じゃぞよ、親を切ればな、一寸切れば一尺の竹鋸で引き回し、三寸切れば三尺高い木の空で、逆磔じゃぞよ、さあ切れ、これで切れ」と刀をつかんで挑発する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 4 in 1868, Ninnajinomiya Yoshiakira Hosshinno (later, Imperial Prince Komatsunomiya Akihito) was accepted as seito taishogun and given the banner and a sword from the emperor by the new government, and took up a position at the Toji Temple, then proceeded to Osaka where he directed military affairs in the Keihan area. 例文帳に追加

明治元年(1868年)正月4日、新政府は仁和寺宮嘉彰法親王(後の小松宮彰仁親王)を征討大将軍に補して、錦旗・節刀を授けられ東寺に陣を敷き、次いで大阪に進み、京阪地域の軍事を指揮した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even until the Kamakura period, shooting arrows on horseback as typified in Yabusame (horseback archery) was the main style; from the late Kamakura period to the Muromachi period, this trend was accelerated due to the emergence of villains and armed peasants, and the battle style of mounted warriors shifted to the use of cutting weapons such as a long sword or a Japanese halberd. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代まではそれでも流鏑馬に代表される様に騎射が主流であったが、鎌倉時代後期から室町時代になると悪党・野伏などの出現によりこの傾向は更に加速され、騎馬武者の戦闘は斬撃武器である長巻や薙刀を用いる様になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Go Dan Sho," written by Oe no Masafusa, there is an example of the above: Yorimichi did not give away Tsubo kiri no ken (a traditional sword handed down from emperor to crown prince) which passed through successive princes for 23 years until the enthronement of the prince, the reason being that 'the Tsubo kiri no ken was meant for the FUJIWARA clan's (specially the Sekkan-ke (families of the Fujiwara clan whose members were eligible to become regent) treasure.' 例文帳に追加

その一例として、歴代の東宮が伝領する「壷切の剣」を頼通が「藤原氏(特に摂関家)腹の東宮の宝物」との理由で、23年もの間、親王が即位するまで献上しなかった事が、大江匡房の談話集『江談抄』に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The new Emperor went to the Main Hall of Matsu of the Imperial Palace accompanying other Imperial Family members, guided by the Grand Steward of the Imperial Household Agency, he then sat down in the front seat facing the audience who attended the ceremony, there was a short ceremony with the chamberlain placing a sword and Ju and the seal of state and the Imperial Seal on the desk in front of the new Emperor. 例文帳に追加

新天皇は宮内庁長官らに先導され皇族を従え松の間に臨場し、参列者に向合う形で正面の席に着き、剣・璽及び国璽・御璽を侍従が新天皇の前にある机に置く短い儀式が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In March 1701, when Emperor Higashiyama sent his Imperial envoys to Edo, Sukekado YANAGIWARA and Yasuharu TAKANO, while they were welcomed by the Genroku Ako, who was in charge of looking after them, the Genroku Ako Incident took place when the host of the lord of the Ako Domain, Naganori ASANO attacked an instructor with his sword, Koke (a master of ceremony), Yoshinaka KIRA. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに1701年3月には、東山天皇が江戸へ派遣した勅使、柳原資廉・高野保春の接待をめぐって接待役の赤穂藩主浅野長矩が指南役の高家吉良義央に斬りかかるという元禄赤穂事件が発生する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, a genealogy indicating the existence of Obiko no Mikoto, the first Prince of the Emperor Kogen, was engraved on kinsakumei tekken (an iron sword with gold-inlaid inscriptions) unearthed from Inariyama-kofun Tumulus; then more people now believe that the Emperor Kogen and his father, Emperor Korei actually existed. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、稲荷山古墳出土の金錯銘鉄剣に次代孝元天皇の第一皇子大彦命の実在を示す系譜が刻まれていたことから、孝元天皇及びその父である孝霊天皇も実在の人物とみなす見方も出てきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Eukashi set up a trap called 'Oshi' (crusher) to kill Emperor Jinmu, Michinoomi said to Eukashi, you should step in first, now that you yourself made the residence,' and as he forced Eukashi to enter his residence with the trap, gripping the sword by the hilt and fixing the arrow to the bow with the tip of the arrow to him, Eukashi was smashed by his own trap and died. 例文帳に追加

兄猾(兄宇迦斯、えうかし)が神武天皇に押機(おし)という罠を仕掛けた際、道臣は兄猾に「おまえが作った屋敷には、貴様自身が入れ」と述べ、剣の柄を握り、弓に矢をつがえ追い込み、兄猾は自身の罠に押しつぶされて死んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

KUSU no Iwate was ordered to kill Kurikuma no Okimi when he showed any signs of refusal, but KUSU left Tsukushi without executing the assassination plot since Minu no Okimi (written in two ways in Japanese Kanji characters; "三野" or "") and Takeie no Okimi were standing by Kurikuma no Okimi with their swords ready, as he tried to take his step forward while holding his sword. 例文帳に追加

樟磐手は、従わない様子が見えたら栗隈王を殺せと命じられていたため、刀を握って前に出ようとしたが、栗隈王のそばに三野王(美努王)と武家王が帯剣して立っていたため、断念して帰った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Upon Emperor Komei's visit to Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine to pray for the execution of Joi, if Iemochi received Setto (Emperor's sword that symbolically authorizes the Shogun to take charge of the upcoming battle on behalf of the Emperor) from the Emperor, he would have no choice but to execute Joi; Yoshinobu quickly made Iemochi cancel the audience [with the Emperor] by saying that Iemochi had a cold and a fever (pretended illness). 例文帳に追加

孝明天皇が石清水八幡宮へ行幸しての攘夷祈願において、天皇から家茂が節刀を受けてしまえば攘夷を決行せざるを得なくなるので、「風邪発熱」(仮病)と称して家茂に拝謁を急遽取りやめさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In March, 1861, Iguchi-mura village sword wound incident occurred in Tosa, which deepened conflict between the lower-rank samurai to which Ryoma belonged and the upper-rank samurai (refer to "Ishin Tosa Kinnoshi" (History of Support of the Emperor in Tosa during the Restoration), which reads "SAKAMOTO and other lower-rank samurai temporarily gathered at IKEDA's house and showed their enthusiasm to fight against the upper-rank samurai"). 例文帳に追加

1861年(文久元年)、3月、土佐で井口村刃傷事件が起り、龍馬の属する下士と上士の間で対立が深まる『維新土佐勤王史』「坂本等、一時池田の宅に集合し、敢て上士に対抗する気勢を示したり」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an anecdote that Ryoma assisted Toranoshin IKEDA, who was blamed for the incident and was forced commit seppuku (ritual hara-kiri suicide), in committing seppuku by beheading him and Ryoma pledged solidarity among the lower-rank samurai wetting his sword knot with Toranoshin's blood, but this anecdote is a fiction appearing in Shiran SAKAZAKI's novel "Kanketsu Senri no Koma." 例文帳に追加

なお、事件の当事者で切腹した池田虎之進の介錯を龍馬が行って、その血に刀の下緒を浸しながら下士の団結を誓ったという逸話が流布しているが、これは坂崎紫瀾の小説『汗血千里駒』のフィクションである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the material evidence such as the scabbard left on the scene at the time of Ryoma's assassination, and the testimony by Goryo eji including Kashitaro ITO assassinated three days later than Ryoma's assassination, Shinsengumi's Sanosuke HARADA was believed to be the Ryoma's assassin, but there is a theory that the sword wounds were by left-handed person. 例文帳に追加

龍馬暗殺当時の現場に残された鞘などの物証や、3日後に暗殺された伊東甲子太郎の御陵衛士らの証言から新選組の原田左之助によるものと信じられていたが、刀傷は左利きによるものであると言う説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

SERIZAWA, astonished, jumped out of bed and tried to reach for his sword but failed, then rushed naked into the next room where YAGI family was sleeping but stumbled over a small table for reading books, at which point the assassins slashed him into pieces; the assassins left after killing SERIZAWA. 例文帳に追加

驚いた芹沢は飛び起きて刀を取ろうとするが叶わず、真っ裸のまま八木家の親子が寝ていた隣室に飛び込むが、文机に転び、そこを刺客たちがよってたかってずたずたに斬りつけ、芹沢を殺すと刺客たちは立ち去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The decree banning the wearing of swords was issued in March 1876, and after the Kinroku-kosai Shosho Jorei (regulation for the security of the Kinroku government) was established in August, many of the Shigakko party, which came from the warrior class, and their relatives (who were made to be warriors for generations by the Conscription Ordinance) were indignant that the prerogatives of the warrior class, that is, being able to wear a sword and the Chigyochi fief were taken from them. 例文帳に追加

明治9年3月に廃刀令が出、8月に金禄公債証書条例が制定されると、士族とその子弟で構成される私学校党の多くは、徴兵令で代々の武人であることを奪われたことに続き、帯刀と知行地という士族最後の特権をも奪われたことに憤慨した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They withdrew from the direction of Tahara, and while protecting their flank, NAGAYAMA, who had failed his objectives with the back army of the government that had landed, was censured himself and committed suicide with his sword, and also Ikegami failed at the Battle of Anseibashi-guchi on April 8, and upon being allowed to communicate with the back army and Chindai, the Satsu-gun was like an attacked both in front and rear. 例文帳に追加

こうして田原方面から引き上げ、その後部線を保守している間に、上陸した政府背面軍に敗れた永山が御船で自焚・自刃し、4月8日には池上が安政橋口の戦いで敗れて、政府背面軍と鎮台の連絡を許すと、薩軍は腹背に敵を受ける形になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same trial, when commanders and warriors of the Tokugawa side condemned him for not having committed suicide by the sword and instead being captured, he said 'I hold my life dear. If I can have my life and right hand, I can make Ieyasu and Hidetada into the same form as I am now.' and he begged for his life saying 'I will become a priest.' 例文帳に追加

同じく白州において、自刃もせずに捕らわれたことを徳川方の将兵が蔑むと「命は惜しい。命と右の手がありさえすれば、家康と秀忠をこのような姿にもできたのだ」と言い、「出家するから」とまで言って命乞いをしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "The Tale of the Heike," nobles hated Tadamori because he became Tenjobito (a high-ranking courtier allowed into the Imperial Palace). They plotted a surprise attack; however, Tadamori used his wit to save himself by threatening nobles with a silver-plated wooden sword (Tenjo no yamiuchi, or Surprise attack in the Palace) 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』では武士である忠盛が殿上人となったことを憎んだ公卿たちによる闇討ちが企てられるが、忠盛は銀箔の木刀によって公卿たちを脅す機転によって防ぎ、鳥羽上皇から賞される(殿上闇討)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The armor which 2-year-old Yoshiie wore, 'Genta ga Ubuginu' (the baby clothes of Genta), and the katana (Japanese sword) called 'Hige kiri' (beard cutter) that was named for cutting off the bearded heads of a thousand prisoners, became treasures passed down to the Kawachi-Genji clan heir, and there is an anecdote in the "Heiji Monogatari" (The Tale of Heiji) that Yoritomo MINAMOTO used it during the Heiji no ran (Heiji Rebellion). 例文帳に追加

義家が2歳のときに用いた「源太が産衣」という鎧と、生け捕った敵千人の首を髭ごと切ったことから「髭切」と名付けられた刀は、河内源氏嫡子に伝えられる宝となり、後の平治の乱では源頼朝が用いたという逸話が鎌倉時代初期の『平治物語』にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Knowing that he could not compete with Yoshitsune with quick work, Noritsune prepared to die, threw away his long sword, took off his helmet of armor, drew himself up to his full length, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Anyone who has self-confidence, come here and capture Noritsune alive. I have something to say to Yoritomo in Kamakura." 例文帳に追加

早業ではかなわないと思った教経は、今はこれまでと覚悟を決め、その場で太刀を捨て、兜も脱ぎ棄てて、仁王立ちし「さあ、われと思わんものは組んで来てこの教経を生け捕りにせよ。鎌倉の頼朝に言いたいことがある」と大音声をあげた - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshitaka's horse was weary and for a short while removed himself from the front, but a number of the priests surrounded Yoshitaka and because they fired countless arrows, Yoshitaka tried to pursue them flailing his long sword; however, because the Ryugegoe has rough mountain roads, there was nowhere for horse to advance. 例文帳に追加

義隆は馬が疲れて少しの間、戦線から下がっていたが、複数の法師が義隆を取り囲んで無数の矢を射掛けてきたので、義隆は太刀をふるって追っ払ってはみたものの、龍華越は山蔭の道は難所である故、馬を駆けさせるところもなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the annual year-long historical drama series "Tokimune HOJO," Motohira was depicted as an uncompromising Kanpaku as could be seen in the scene where he committed seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) aided by Tokisuke HOJO's act of kaishaku (a merciful blow on to the neck by a second with a sword) in front of Emperor Kameyama, insisting that Tokimune not respond to the letter from Yuan (Mongolia); however, the story is, of course, fictional. 例文帳に追加

大河ドラマ『北条時宗(NHK大河ドラマ)』では基平は元(王朝)(モンゴル)への返書を非として亀山天皇の眼前で切腹自害し、北条時輔の介錯を受ける硬派な関白として登場するが、勿論フィクションである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some say that he was trained at Katayama-Hoki school; however, bases for this theory are that at the time most popular iai (instantaneous drawing of sword) had been that of Hoki style, and although the movement had been different, Hoki style of iai included cutting the opponent slashing from bottom to top up to the shoulder. 例文帳に追加

片山伯耆流を修行したという説もあるが、その根拠となっているのは、当時、熊本藩で最も盛んだった居合が伯耆流だったという事と、所作こそ異なれど伯耆流には逆袈裟斬りの業が多い点が、その理由として挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 788, the ceremony to celebrate Otsugu's coming of age was held under the sponsorship of the Emperor Kanmu and the Emperor himself put on the crown and presented a sword to Otsugu and Otsugu was at this moment appointed to Shorokuinojo (Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade) and Udoneri (Ministerial equerry) and received kind treatment including 150 houses as his territory. 例文帳に追加

延暦7年(788年)、桓武天皇自らの主催によって宮中で緒嗣の元服の儀が行われ、桓武天皇の手で加冠と剣の賜与が行われてその場で正六位上内舎人に任じられ、封戸150戸を与える厚遇を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His painting "U-zu" (Cormorant), "Koboku Meigeki-zu" (Shrike on a Withered Branch) and "Kobai Hato-zu" (Pigeon on a Red Japanese Apricot) are designated as important cultural properties of the country, and there remain his other great works of ink-wash painting such as "Shomen Daruma-zu" (Bodhidharma Facing Us), "Royo Daruma-zu" (Bodhidharma by Reed Leaf), "Rogan-zu Byobu" (Folding Screen of 'Goose by Reed Leaf'), "Yaba-zu" (Wild Horse), and craft including a saddle and a wooden sword. 例文帳に追加

国の重要文化財に指定された『鵜図』『枯木鳴鵙図』『紅梅鳩図』他にも『正面達磨図』『盧葉達磨図』『盧雁図屏風』『野馬図』など優れた水墨画・鞍・木刀などの工芸品が現在に伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There remain some of "Namako Sukashi Tsuba" (Namako Sukashi Shell) by Musashi in Shimada Museum of Art and so on, and one of copper "Namako Sukashi Tsuba," which had been kept in the Terao family, is regarded as the one had been attached to Musashi's sword "Hoki Yasutsuna,"and designated as cultural property of Kumamoto Prefecture (at present, it is kept by a private person). 例文帳に追加

また、武蔵作とされる海鼠透鐔が島田美術館等にいくつか残されているが、武蔵の佩刀伯耆安綱に付けられていたとされる、寺尾家に伝来していた素銅製の「海鼠透鐔」(個人蔵)が熊本県文化財に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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