
「Sword」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(59ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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It is said that after the death of his father, Masashige, in the Battle of Minato-gawa River in 1336, when his severed head reached him, he was so shocked in spite of his previous preparation of mind as to enter into Butsuma (a room for Buddha staue) and tried to kill himself with a short sword named 'Kikusui' which was a remembrance of his father, but changed his mind by his real mother's admonishment. 例文帳に追加

延元元年/建武(日本)3年(1336年)の湊川の戦いで父の正成が戦死した後、覚悟していたこととはいえ、父・正成の首級が届き、衝撃のあまり仏間に入り父の形見の菊水の短刀で自刃しようとしたが、生母に諭され改心したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a dream Takakuraji sees Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) and Takamimusubi ask Takemikazuchi no kami for his assistance in subduing the Central Land of Reed Plains, but Takemikazuchi no kami replies that 'rather than go myself, as I have the sword that subdued the country, if I can send it to the Central Land of the Reed Plains, that will suffice.' 例文帳に追加

高倉下の夢の中で、天照大神とタカミムスビが、葦原中国が騒がしいのでタケミカヅチを遣わそうとしたところ、建御雷神は「自分がいかなくとも、国を平定した剣があるのでそれを降せばよい」と述べた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When 'swordsmanship shows' were prosperous, Yukichi took a disciple who made a great fuss about a showman as 'a master with the sword' to the show and said 'It's nothing to crow about'; when they returned home, he showed his swordsmanship to the disciple who was quite surprised about that. 例文帳に追加

撃剣興行が盛んな頃、弟子の一人が「すごい剣の名人がいる」と騒ぎ立てたため、その演武を弟子と見に行ったら「あんなものたいしたことはない」といい、帰ってからそれ以上の演武を弟子に見せ、驚嘆させたというエピソードがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a story that he was so enraged during seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) that he flung his entrails away; however, not only has this been proven impossible from a medical standpoint, but also due to the manner of Kaishaku (to assist someone in committing hara-kiri by beheading him), his head must have been cut off the moment the sword entered his abdomen, so the story is fictitious, and it is likely that the death haiku or rakushu (satire) was made up along with it. 例文帳に追加

切腹の際に怒りのあまり臓物をなげつけたという説もあるが、医学的検証からそのようなことは不可能であること、腹に刀をいれたとたん介錯するという作法があることから、そういった逸話とともに創作された辞世の句か落首の類とも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the year before the Battle of Okehazama, Juami, who was Nobunaga's favorite chabozu (tea-server) and was said to always show various arrogant attitudes toward the busho under Nobunaga, stole the kogai (Japanese hairpin which is said to haven been a present to Toshiie from his wife) on the sword which Toshiie was carrying, and made Toshiie very furious. 例文帳に追加

桶狭間の戦いの前年、普段から信長配下の武将に対して横柄な態度が多かったという信長お気に入りの茶坊主の拾阿弥が、利家佩刀の笄(妻のまつからもらったものともいわれる)を盗み、利家を激怒させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was also because Tadateru put to the sword two hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, which is a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) under Hidetada because they overtook Tadateru's force in Mt. Mori in Omi Province which was marching toward Osaka (However, under military law at that time, Tadateru's actions were legal as during the war kirisute gomen [cut, apologize, and walk away]) was allowed in the case of overtaking. 例文帳に追加

忠輝軍が大坂に向けて進軍中、近江国守山で軍列を追い越したとして、秀忠直属の旗本2名を斬り殺したため(但し、当時の軍法では戦中の追い越しつまり乗り打ちは切り捨て御免となっているので忠輝の処置は合法である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result of a struggle over several years, the alliance of the Azai and the Asakura was defeated by the Oda clan, and in 1573, Hisamasa killed himself in the Kyogokumaru section inside Odani-jo Castle due to fierce attacks from the Oda army while Nagamasa soon fell on his sword, which resulted in putting an end to the Azai family as a feudal lord in just three generations. 例文帳に追加

結果的に数年間の抵抗の末、浅井・朝倉連合は織田氏に敗北し、1573年、織田軍の猛攻を受けた久政は、小谷城京極丸にて自害し、長政もやがて自刃し戦国大名浅井氏は三代で終幕した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She was born to Ayazaburo OGINO, village headman who had been allowed to adopt surname and wear a pair of sword for generations, and Kayo OGINO as their fifth daughter (youngest daughter) in the village of Tawarase, Hatara County, Musashi Province (currently, Tawarase, Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture/ until Sept 30, 2005: Oaza Tawarase, Menuma-machi, Osato-gun). 例文帳に追加

-武蔵国幡羅郡(はたらぐん)俵瀬(たわらせ)村(現在の埼玉県熊谷市俵瀬、2005年9月30日までは大里郡妻沼町大字俵瀬)に、代々苗字帯刀を許された名主の荻野綾三郎、嘉与(かよ)の五女(末娘)として生を享ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, around 11 a.m. just before the ceremony, Naganori approached Yoshinaka KIRA from behind while Kira was having a meeting about the ceremony with hatamoto (bannermen) Yoriteru KAJIKAWA at the Great Corridor of the main ward of Edo-jo castle (common name; matsu no roka [literally, a corridor of pine trees]), and Naganori slashed Kira with a short sword. 例文帳に追加

ところが、儀式直前の巳の下刻(午前11時頃)、江戸城本丸大廊下(通称松の廊下)にて、吉良義央が旗本梶川頼照と儀式の打ち合わせをしていたところへ、長矩が背後から近づいてきて、突然吉良義央に対して脇差でもって刃傷に及ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that at the moment when OISHI came to confirm death of SANO, SANO was revived to slash at OISHI (In the theory that he was barbarously killed by OISHI, it is said that SANO, at the moment when his belly was pierced with a spear by OISHI, rallied his last bit of strength and drew his sword to slash at OISHI and injured him). 例文帳に追加

佐野は、大石が検死にやってきた時に一旦甦り、大石に斬りかかったと言われる(大石に惨殺されたとする説では、佐野は大石に槍で腹を刺し抜かれたが、必死の抜打ちで、大石に手傷を負わせたと言われている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Her books "A Japanese Interior" mentioned above and "Japanese Girls and Women" (Japanese title was "Meiji Nihon no Onna-tachi" [Japanese Girls and Women of the Meiji Period]) written before "A Japanese Interior" are important historical materials that describe Japanese women of the Meiji period without prejudice; and Ruth Benedict referred to it to write "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword." 例文帳に追加

先述した『日本の内側』、それ以前に著した『日本の女性』(日本語訳題『明治日本の女たち』)は明治時代の日本の女性事情を偏見無く書いた史料として貴重であり、ルース・ベネディクトが『菊と刀』を執筆するときに参考文献とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Incidentally, Araki's daughter married Hideteru, grandchild of Yoriteru KAJIKAWA, who was known to have stopped Naganori ASANO during the sword fight in the castle, and due to this relationship, Araki's third son Masamichi changed his name to Uehide () KAJIKAWA, and was adopted to the Kajikawa family. 例文帳に追加

ちなみに荒木の娘は、殿中刃傷の際に浅野長矩を押し留めたことで有名な梶川頼照の孫秀照と結婚しており、またこの縁で荒木の三男政方も、梶川上秀と改名して、梶川家の養子に迎え入れられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said that Fujitsuna felt strange for this selection and asked the reason, and then declined the appointment by saying, "if you say you employ a person on the basis of a dream, it is possible that you would put him to the sword also by mear dream. A person receiving an award without his achievement is same as a traitor"; his sensible reply impressed Tokiyori. 例文帳に追加

藤綱はその抜擢を怪しんで理由を問い、「夢によって人を用いるというのならば、夢によって人を斬ることもあり得る。功なくして賞を受けるのは国賊と同じである」と任命を辞し、時頼はその賢明な返答に感じるところがあったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanpaku (Chief Advisor to the Emperor) Motohiro KONOE wrote "A Diary of Lord Motohiro" in which he sounded interested when he described how KIRA Kozukenosuke had been injured in a sword attack was remarkable ("Chinji, chinji" in Japanese), and Motohiro also wrote that when he had reported the incident to Emperor Higashiyama, the emperor "had conveyed the sense of happiness." 例文帳に追加

関白近衛基煕の日記「基煕公記」も吉良が刃傷されたことについて「珍事々々(ちんじちんじ)」とおもしろげに記しており、また基煕から東山天皇に報告された際、天皇の様子を「御喜悦の旨、仰せ下し了んぬ」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Kojiki" and an Arufumi (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki) of "Nihonshoki" describes that Kuramitsuha no Kami as well as Kuraokami no Kami were born from the blood gathered at the hilt of the sword, while an Arufumi of "Nihonshoki" describes that one of the Mihashira no Kami (three gods) created when Kagutsuchi no Kami was killed was Takaokami no Kami. 例文帳に追加

『古事記』及び『日本書紀』の一書では、剣の柄に溜つた血から闇御津羽神(くらみつはのかみ)とともに闇龗神(くらおかみのかみ)が生まれ、『日本書紀』の一書では迦具土神を斬って生じた三柱の神のうちの一柱が高龗神(たかおかみのかみ)であるとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An article from January of the fourth year of Empress Jito (690) in the "Nihon Shoki" states, 'MONONOBE no Maro Ason held up the large shield; NAKATOMI no Oshima no Ason, who was Jinginokami, read the Shinto prayers; afterwards INBE no Sukune no Shikobuchi presented the sacred treasures of the sword and the mirror to the Imperial princess and she was conferred an empress.' 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』持統天皇四年(690)正月の条に、「物部麿朝臣大盾を樹て、神祇伯(じんぎのかみ)中臣大嶋朝臣天神の寿詞(よごと)を読み、畢(おわ)りて忌部宿禰色夫知神璽の剣鏡を皇后に奉上り、皇后天皇の位に即く」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sword was then enshrined in the Imperial Palace as a 'shintai' (an object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity) of Amaterasu Omikami along with the 'Yata no Kagami' (the eight-span mirror), but during the age of Emperor Sujin (148 B.C. to 30 B.C.) it was enshrined outside of the Imperial Palace with the 'Yata no Kagami' by order of Princess 'Toyosukiiribime no mikoto.' 例文帳に追加

以降、皇居内にアマテラスの神体として八咫鏡(やたのかがみ)とともに祀られていたが、崇神天皇(紀元前148年-紀元前30年)の時代に皇女豊鍬入姫命(豊鋤入姫命)により八咫鏡とともに皇居の外に祀るようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an article from after the battle dated April 11th of the same year (May 19, 1185), after a report on the number of Heishi soldiers killed and number of prisoners taken, it is recorded, "The 'naishidokoro' ('Yata no Kagami' - the eight-span mirror; one of the three Imperial regalia) and the 'shinji' ('Yasakani no magatama' - the grand jewel; one of the three Imperial regalia) were found, but the sacred sword (Amakumo no Tsurugi) was lost." 例文帳に追加

また戦いの後の元暦二年四月十一日の条に戦いでの平氏方の戦死者、捕虜の報告に続いて「内侍所(八咫鏡)と神璽(八尺瓊勾玉)は御座すが、宝剣(天叢雲剣)は紛失」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Imperial Accession Law (1909 Imperial Household law No.1), which was abolished after World War II, the divine sword and jewel were to be 'served' and 'transferred' by a chamberlain in the ceremony, while the Great seal and Imperial seal were to be held by a secretary of the Minister of the Palace and placed on a table in front of the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

戦後廃止された登極令(明治42年(1909年)皇室令第1号)によれば、侍従が「奉仕」して「渡御」する剣と璽及び、内大臣秘書官が捧持する国璽と御璽を内大臣が天皇の前にある机の上に置くことが行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to 'Onisaburo DEGUCHI' from 'Omoto' to which Tenmei also belonged when he was young, the appearance was a glittering old spirit with thoughtful twinkling eyes and white hair, belting 'the sacred Yatsuka sword' on. ("the Cauldron of Hell of the volume 3 of Great Mother" written by Yasuaki DEGUCHI) 例文帳に追加

天明自身も若い頃に所属していた「大本」の「出口王仁三郎」によると、その姿は光明に輝き、深いまなじりに光をたたえた、「八握の神剣」を腰に帯した白髪の老神だったという。(出口和明『大地の母3巻 地獄の釜』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the Three Sacred Treasures that were stolen, the sword was discovered at Kiyomizu-dera Temple, but the shinji were not found until 15 years later in 1457, when remaining followers of the Akamatsu clan, who had become impoverished during the Kakitsu Incident, recovered the shinji after a great battle during the Choroku Incident, and they were returned to the Northern Court the next year. 例文帳に追加

奪われた神器のうち、剣は清水寺で発見されるが、神爾は持ち去られたままであり、15年後の1457年(長禄元年)には、嘉吉の乱で没落した赤松氏の遺臣が長禄の変での奮闘により神爾を奪い返し、翌年には神爾は北朝の手に戻っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 11 (old calendar) (since the late Oei era) every year, hyojohajime was conducted through the convening of kanrei (shogunal deputies) and their subordinates with more ritual formalities than in the Kamakura period: yuhitsu (an amanuensis) appointed by bugyonin gave a speech of auspiciousness; kanrei and hyojoshu offered a sword to the Shogun, and the Shogun also granted them swords. 例文帳に追加

毎年1月11日_(旧暦)(応永年間後期以後)、管領以下を召集して開催され、まず奉行人より任命された右筆が祝詞を述べ、管領や評定衆が将軍に対して太刀を献上し、将軍側からも太刀を下賜するなど鎌倉期に比べて形式的な要素が強くなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The origin of the word 'tsuwamono' is uncertain, but Rizo TAKEUCHI referred to it as 'the abbreviation of tsuwamono (guard) or a weapon mentioned especially when there is a tsuba (sword guard)' in "Daigenkai" (literally, great sea of words, a Japanese dictionary) by Fumihiko OTSUKI, and applied to weapons until the ninth century without a doubt and became a synonym for 'busha' from the tenth century. 例文帳に追加

「つわもの」の語源は明らかではないが、竹内理三は、大槻文彦が『大言海』の中で「鍔物(つみはもの)の略にて、兵器、特に鍔(つば)あれば云うとぞ」と書かれていることを紹介しながら、9世紀頃までは武器を指した言葉であることは間違いがなく、10世紀頃から「武者」と同義になるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Japanese medieval society, an offering of sword to Buddha was generally accepted as an expression of belief such that when regent Yasutoki HOJO prohibited the Buddhist monks in the city of Kamakura from wearing swords in the Kamakura period, he declared that he would contribute the confiscated swords to Kotoku-in Temple. 例文帳に追加

中世社会では、信仰の形として刀を仏にささげる行為が一般化しており、鎌倉時代には執権北条泰時が鎌倉市中の僧侶の帯刀を禁じた際に、没収した刀を高徳院に寄進すると述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the above-mentioned circumstances, the strongest theory as of late was that Hideyoshi's katanagari edict was aimed at the heinobunri, controlling the use of weapons by revoking the right for peasants to wear a sword and not aimed at disarming those in the peasant class. 例文帳に追加

以上のことから、秀吉の刀狩令は百姓身分の武装解除を目指したものではなく、百姓身分から帯刀権を奪い、武器使用を規制するという兵農分離を目的としたものであったとする学説が現在では有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, to belt on a sword was originally more like a symbol of privileged class rather than a practical weapon and denying it meant denying their status and identity along with conscription and Chitsuroku-shobun (abolition measure of hereditary stipend) introduced in the same year which actually denied their privileges. 例文帳に追加

しかし、帯刀はもともと実質的な武備というよりも特権身分の表象としての意味合いが大きく、それを否定する事は、実質的な特権の否定である同年の徴兵および秩禄処分とともに身分アイデンティティーの否定であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With Yoritsuna's support, Sadatoki established the tyranny of the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan in which Sadatoki himself was the leader, but he came to be disturbed by Yoritsuna's reins of power and, finally in 1293, taking advantage of the turmoil caused by the Kamakura Earthquake, Sadatoki invaded Yoritsuna's house in Gyojigayatsu in Kamakura and made him commit suicide with his sword. 例文帳に追加

貞時は、頼綱に支えられて自らを頂点とする得宗専制体制を敷いたが、頼綱の権勢に不安を抱くようになり、ついに1293年(永仁元年)、鎌倉大地震の混乱に乗じて鎌倉・経師ヶ谷の頼綱邸を攻撃し、頼綱を自刃させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when Kira Kozuke no Suke and a bakufu hatamoto (direct retainer of the bakufu) Yoriteru KAJIKAWA were discussing the ceremony at the Great Pine Corridor in Honmaru Palace of Edo-jo Castle at around 10 a.m., Asano Takumi no Kami suddenly attacked Kira Kozuke no Suke with a small sword. 例文帳に追加

しかし同日巳の刻(午前10時ごろ)、江戸城本丸御殿松之大廊下(現在の皇居東御苑)において吉良上野介と旗本梶川頼照が儀式の打合せをしていたところへ、突然、浅野内匠頭が吉良上野介に対して脇差による殿中刃傷に及んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially Taketsune HORIBE (bodyguard, 200 koku), who was known to be a great swordsman in Edo, Yoshitsugu TAKATA's descendant Gunbe TAKATA, who was known for his spear skills (bodyguard, 200 koku), and Magodayu OKUDA (magistrate for arms and armor as well as a bodyguard, 150 koku), who came from the same sword school as Horibe, strongly suggested killing Kira Kozuke no Suke. 例文帳に追加

特に剣豪として江戸で名を馳せていた堀部武庸(馬廻役200石)、高田吉次の子孫であり槍の達人の高田郡兵衛(馬廻役200石)、堀部の剣の同門である奥田孫太夫(武具奉行馬廻役150石)などが強硬に吉良上野介の首級をあげるべきと主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The retainers of the Asano family became very angry claiming that the fact only their lord Asano Takumi no Kami committed seppuku and Kira Kosuke no Suke did not receive any punishment was against 'Kenka,' and there are, in fact, some 'judicial precedents' for affairs of sword fight based on Kenka Ryoseibai (in a quarrel both parties are to blame) in the early Edo period 例文帳に追加

主君である浅野内匠頭だけが切腹となり、吉良上野介に咎めがなかったのは「喧嘩」に反すると浅野家の家臣達が憤慨したと言われており、確かに江戸前期の刃傷事件には喧嘩両成敗の“判例”がいくつかある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was no affair of sword fight from the Iemitsu TOKUGAWA to Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA periods, and even for the affairs that happened inside the palace in the Tsunayoshi period, victims were killed on the spot and offenders were sentenced to seppuku; therefore, the example of both victims and offenders surviving did not exist for a long time. 例文帳に追加

徳川家光の時代から徳川綱吉の時代まで長く刃傷事件がなく、また綱吉時代に起こった殿中刃傷にしても、被害者がその場で殺害されており、ただ加害者を切腹させればよいだけで、被害者も加害者も生き残った例が長く存在しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Katatoyo was regarded as the top of senior vassals and well respected as described above, this feud (the pretext why Yoshiharu killed Katatoyo being feigned to be bureiuchi (death penalty by sword slash for rudeness)) led up to distrust of Yoshiharu among the feudatory of Rokkaku clan in connection with the trouble of reigns of the both families of Rokkaku clan and Sasaki clan, the latter being Rokkaku clan's root. 例文帳に追加

賢豊は前述したように重臣の筆頭格であり人望も厚かったから、この事件(義治が賢豊を討ち取った名目は無礼討ちとされていた)は、佐々木六角氏の家督問題と関係して六角家臣団の義治に対する不信を持たせることにつながった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(* The episode of the sword fighting between Sanai OKA and Masamune in the river of Matsukawa is written in the 'Kaiseigo Mikawa Fudoki,' the 'Togoku Taiheiki,' and the 'Aizujin Monogatari' [a note on 杉原 Hikozaemon SUGIHARA story], which share the view that the battle broke out on April 26, 1601. 例文帳に追加

(※松川での川中での岡左内と政宗の太刀打ちの逸話は、「改正後三河風土記」「東国太平記」「会津陣物語」(杉原彦左衛門、物語覚条々)の全てに記載され、いずれも慶長六年四月廿六日で一致している。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For its modest sentiment, the purpose of Zanpatsu Datto Rei is now recognized as the very first attempt to prohibit wearing a sword as a part of policy to take away the rights of warrior class, of whom could cause the uprising if the policy simply forced seizure of their swords, which were believed to be 'the soul of samurai.' 例文帳に追加

だが、この法令の目的の1つには廃藩置県を受けて、旧武士に対する特権廃止の一環として帯刀の禁止が検討されたものの、「武士の魂」と信じられていた刀を直ちに取り上げることは士族反乱につながる可能性がある為に様子見の一環として出されたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a theory that the bronze spearhead civilization, which used the so-called Three Imperial Regalia in its rituals - a sword, a mirror and a curved jewel, described in 'Gishiwajinden' and also in "Chronicles of Japan"- destroyed the bronze bell civilization, whose solemn rituals used bronze bells and which had spread from Kinki region to Tokai region. 例文帳に追加

近畿地方から東海地方にかけて広まっていた、銅鐸による祭祀を行っていた銅鐸文明を、「魏志倭人伝」に記載された道具であり、『日本書紀』にも著される矛(剣)、鏡、勾玉の、いわゆる三種の神器を祭祀に用いる「銅矛文明」が滅ぼしたとされる説。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Lupin III has stolen numerous treasures around the world with his fellow gang members: Jigen Daisuke (Tamayama Tetsuji), an expert marksman; Ishikawa Goemon (Ayano Go), a sword master; and Mine Fujiko (Kuroki Meisa), a female thief who often betrays Lupin.例文帳に追加

ルパン三世は,熟練した射撃の名手である次(じ)元(げん)大(だい)介(すけ)(玉(たま)山(やま)鉄(てつ)二(じ)),刀の達人の石川五(ご)エ(え)門(もん)(綾(あや)野(の)剛(ごう)),ルパンを裏切ってばかりいる女泥棒の峰(みね)不(ふ)二(じ)子(こ)(黒木メイサ)という仲間とともに世界中で数多くのお宝を盗んできた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

This handkerchief is such that the opposed two sides of the handkerchief are formed in a symmetric cone shape, valley shape or trapezoid to bring to the shape of the point of a sword so that a rectangle made by long horizontally sequentially folding the handkerchief becomes a collar shape.例文帳に追加

ハンカチを横長に順次折りたたむことでできる長方形が襟形状になるように、ハンカチの対面する2辺を、左右対称形の山形、谷形、又は台形に成形して剣先の形状になるようにしたことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

This program or the like stores a moving locus of a tip of a sword 5(operation object), and sets a colliding range 30 expanded toward a direction viewing a base from a virtual camera CM using a side connecting a current tip position P2 and a position P1 at a slightly earlier time as the base.例文帳に追加

刀剣5(操作オブジェクト)の先端の移動軌跡を記憶しておき、現在の先端位置P2と、少し前の時間の位置P1を結ぶ辺を底辺として、仮想カメラCMから当該底辺を見る方向へ拡張したヒット可能範囲30を設定する。 - 特許庁

For example, even if the attacker carries a large Japanese sword with him, the movement of the attacker is retrained by the handcuff-type bifurcated pole for a body, and by holding down the attacker by the handcuff type bifurcated pole for a leg, the attacker is made to fall down; and hence, the attacker can be apprehended in a safe and easy manner.例文帳に追加

たとえば、暴漢が長い日本刀などを持っている場合でも、胴体用の手錠式さすまた拘束具で動けなくし、脚用の手錠式さすまた拘束具で押さえつけることで転倒させ、暴漢を取り押さえておくことが、安全かつ容易に実施できる。 - 特許庁

A sword bean tea having features hitherto non-existent is developed by fermenting the bean with microorganisms, more specifically a koji mold (Aspergillus) or a lactic acid bacterium (Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus and the like).例文帳に追加

そこで、微生物による、具体的には、麹菌(アスペルギルス属菌)や乳酸菌(ラクトバチルス属菌、ロイコノストック属菌、ペディオコッカス属菌など)を用いて発酵することによって、従来にはなかった特徴を持ったナタマメ茶を開発に至った。 - 特許庁

A game screen W2 is displayed on a first liquid crystal display 1406, and an edit screen W4 of a weapon 8 (a both-edged sword) used by a player character 2 is displayed on a second liquid crystal display 1408 equipped with a touch panel 1409.例文帳に追加

第1液晶ディスプレイ1406にゲーム画面W2を表示させ、タッチパネル1409が装備された第2液晶ディスプレイ1408にプレーヤキャラクタ2が使用する武器8(両刃剣)の編集画面W4を表示させる。 - 特許庁

In the snow blower 10, a forward protruded sword-like blade part 35 is provided in the center 32a of the lower edge of the housing 22, so that remaining snow 61, which reaches the auger housing 22 via a part below the auger transmission 23, can be crushed by means of the blade part 35.例文帳に追加

この除雪機10は、オーガハウジング22の下縁中央32aに、前方へ突出させた剣状の刃部35を設け、この刃部35でオーガミッション23の下方を通ってオーガハウジング22に到達する残雪61を破砕するように構成したものである。 - 特許庁

The penetrating needle for a cork plug is provided with a passage for liquid and gas with keeping the liquid sealed airtight by piercing a cork plug 2 installed in a bottle 1 with the penetrating needle 3 having the tip section formed in the shape of an acute angle or in the shape of a sword edge and provided with a passage for liquid or gas.例文帳に追加

ビンに装着されたコルク栓に対し,先端部を鋭角状あるいは刀刃状に成形し,かつ,内部に液体あるいは気体の経路を設けた貫通針を穿刺貫通させて,機密性を保ったまま液体及び気体の流路を設ける。 - 特許庁

When the once raised sword 17 is lowered close to the lowest position by the operation of the player, a force for urging the lower part of the side surface of the front metal fitting 104 acts on a roller bearing 135 by the springs 132.例文帳に追加

剣17が一旦上昇した後にプレイヤの操作で下降させるとき、最も下の位置に近い位置まで下降させるときに、前面金具104の側面下部に付勢する力が、スプリング132によってローラーベアリング135に働くこととなる。 - 特許庁

The haft 4 is set to be 10 cm thick at the haft head 1, and 11 cm thick at the border to the sword blade 3 in a gradually thicker oval form in cross section.例文帳に追加

全長は85cmと短くし、柄頭1から剣先2に至るまで順次太く、刀身3は丸峯すなわち断面瓜実形とし、柄4は柄頭1で10cm刀身3との境で11cmとなるように順次太い断面楕円状をなすようにした。 - 特許庁

The pusher 6 comprises a pusher body 6d installed in the staple guide 50 and so locked that the sword tip at the end of a pusher band 6c can be inserted therethrough and left and right pusher plates 6e installed on both sides of the pusher body 6d and abutting on the staple.例文帳に追加

ステープルガイド50の内部に設置されて、プッシャバンド6cの先端の剣先部が挿通自在に係止されるプッシャ本体6dと、このプッシャ本体6dの両側に設けられて、ステープルに当接する左右のプッシャプレート6eとを有するプッシャ6とするものである。 - 特許庁

The fan is contained in the case 4 as it keeps folded up into concertinas that the fan could not be bulky for carrying, and inventive shapes of the case 4 and the grip part 3 allow its appearance on the whole to be elaborate such as a sword-like one.例文帳に追加

また蛇腹状に折り畳んだ状態でケース4内に収容されるので携帯時に嵩張らず、ケース4やグリップ部3の形状の工夫によりたとえば全体として刀剣などを模した興趣に富む外観を呈するものとなる。 - 特許庁

And he saw the fine figure of the Captain wheeling on horseback at the farm-house ahead, a handsome figure in pale blue uniform with facings of scarlet, and the metal gleaming on the black helmet and the sword-scabbard, and dark streaks of sweat coming on the silky bay horse. 例文帳に追加

そして彼は今、先駆けて農家のところでぐるりと向き変えた大尉の、馬の背に乗った立派な風貌──緋色の襟章のついた、淡青の軍服の品格ある大尉の姿を、それから、黒いヘルメットと剣の鞘の鈍いひらめきと、絹のような馬の鹿毛につく汗の暗い濡れた筋とを、眼にした。 - D. H. Lawrence『プロシア士官』

After Orochi got drunk and slept there, Susanoo took Totsuka no tsurugi (a sword) and cut Orochi into pieces. 例文帳に追加

オロチが酔ってその場で寝てしまうと、スサノオは十束剣『日本書紀』においては剣の名称を「蛇の麁正(おろちのあらまさ)」「韓鋤の剣(からさびのつるぎ)」「天蠅斫剣(あまのははきりのつるぎ)」などと呼称している。この剣は石上布都魂神社で祭られたが崇神天皇の代に石上神宮に納められたというが所在は不明である。を抜いてオロチを切り刻んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the main point of 'A poem About the Japanese Sword' is to lament that books already lost in China still exist in Japan, and not about Japanese swords, it shows that the beauty of Japanese swords was already recognized by overseas curiosos from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period as one of Japan's exports. 例文帳に追加

「日本刀歌」が歌いたいことは日本刀のことではなく、中国では既に散逸してしまった書物が日本には存在しているということを嘆いた詩ではあるが、日本刀の美しさが、平安時代後期-鎌倉時代初期に既に海外の好事家などにも認められており、輸出品の一つとされていたことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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