
「trees'」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(79ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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This adhesion agent is obtained by mixing a culture liquid (hereinafter referred to as "EM stock solution") in which Effective Microorganisms (hereinafter referred to as "EM") live with a plant essence extract extracted from trees and grass plants and a deep water vitalizer containing natural minerals in the deep seawater.例文帳に追加

有用微生物群(Effective Micro-organisms。以下「EM」という。)が生息する培養液(以下「EM原液」という。)に、樹木及び草本から抽出される植物エキス抽出液、並びに海洋深層水の天然ミネラルを含む深層水活力剤を混合して付着剤とする。 - 特許庁

By thrusting or burying the hollow carbonized material stake prepared by carbonization, etc., into the root bed soil part of the plants such as the fruit trees, etc., water from rain or watering is kept as a pool for aiming at the maintenance of water content against natural drought or the soil having weak water retention.例文帳に追加

炭化等で作った空洞炭化物杭を、果樹等の植物の根床土壌部に打ち込む、或いは、埋め込むことによって、降雨、又は灌水の水を、空洞炭化物杭の空洞部に、溜め水として保存し,自然早魃、或いは保水力の弱い土壌に対して、水分の維持を図る目的としている。 - 特許庁

To avoid giving a driver a sense of incongruity by making not to make auxiliary lines, such as a vehicle width line, a distance line, and an anticipation locus line, superimpose the object images other than a road surface so called trees, walls, other vehicles etc., being in perimeters of a parking frame.例文帳に追加

駐車支援装置において、駐車枠の周囲にある、樹木、壁、他の車両等といった路面以外の物体画像に対して、車幅線、距離線、予想軌跡線等の補助線を重畳させないようにして、運転者に違和感を与えないようにする。 - 特許庁

Wooden chips formed by pulverizing cut-over trees or the waste timber produced in building are incorporated into concrete and after the concrete cures, the concrete is subjected to drying or heating treatment, by which the chips in the concrete are burned out and gaps are formed in the concrete.例文帳に追加

コンクリートに、伐採材や建築物を建築する際に出る廃木材を粉砕して形成した木片を混入して養生し、コンクリートが硬化後に乾燥または加熱処理することによってコンクリート中の木片を焼失させてコンクリート中に空隙を形成する。 - 特許庁


The label is assigned to each client terminal, all of the proper client terminals are covered by a plurality of difference trees, a content key is encrypted for each cover prepared, and a broadcast key block is generated by integrating the content keys encrypted.例文帳に追加

そして、各クライアント端末にラベルを割り当て、すべての正当なクライアント端末を複数の差分木で被覆し、作成した各被覆に対して、コンテンツ鍵を暗号化し、暗号化したコンテンツ鍵を連接してブロードキャスト鍵ブロックを生成する。 - 特許庁


To provide a boring machine capable of eliminating the need for installation of a temporary scaffold, holding the good conditions of natural environment and scenery, and performing boring safely and easily when a sloped ground where obstacles such as trees are located is bored.例文帳に追加

樹木等の障害物のある傾斜した地盤でのボーリングに際し、仮設足場の設置を不要にし、自然環境や景観上良好な状態を保持し、安全かつ容易にボーリングを行うことのできるボーリングマシンを提供することにある。 - 特許庁

This weed and tree trimmer is equipped with a power-driven rotary blade unit and an outer cylindrical cover for covering an outer periphery of the blade rotation orbit of the blade unit, wherein the skirt of the cylindrical cover is partially or totally fabricated with a comb-like member having notches for receiving and gripping the weeds and trees.例文帳に追加

動力で駆動する回転刃ユニットの刃の軌道外周に、外筒カバーを設けた草木伐採装置において、この外筒カバーの下部周囲の一部又は全部を、草木を受け入れて把持する切込みを備えた櫛歯部材に形成する。 - 特許庁

To cope with fungi, termite, wood-rotting fungi in an underfloor space of a house, sterilization by phytoncide is used and also to suppress their emergence, xylose or volatile oil of needle-leafed trees is mixed with a porous substance having xylose's dry rot prevention effect from which an antimicrobial humidity control material is created and this material or building materials for antimicrobial humidity control are used.例文帳に追加

住宅の床下用して、カビ、シロアリ、木材腐朽菌に対して、フィトンチッドによる殺菌や発生を抑制するために、針葉樹の木糠もしくはその精油と、木糠の蒸れ防止効果のある多孔物質との混合物である抗菌調湿材並びに抗菌調湿用建築材を使用する。 - 特許庁

Even when those sensors 3a to 3c are distributed in a grove 8, one sensor 3b which is made visible by the HEO 6 from between trees is used as a relay station, and the detection information of all the sensors 3a to 3c is transmitted to the HEO 6 as disaster information, and transmitted to a disaster preventing command center which is not shown in a figure.例文帳に追加

これらセンサ3a〜3cが木立8の中に散布されても、そのうちの1つのセンサ3bが樹木の間からHEO6が見えると、これを中継局として、全てのセンサ3a〜3cの検出情報が、災害情報として、HEO6に送信され、図示しない防災指令センタに送られる。 - 特許庁


To provide a storage greening water-supply system in which a large amount of water stored can be ensured, water-supply running cost to planted trees or the like need not be maintained and the reduction of running cost can be expected and a sufficient function as an outflow inhibiting facility can be displayed.例文帳に追加

多量の貯水量を確保することができ、植栽された樹木等に対する給水メンテナンスが不要でランニングコストの低下を期待することができ、また、流出抑制施設として十分な機能を発揮することができる貯留緑化給水システムを提供する。 - 特許庁


The project is expected to contribute to sustainable development of the target area through local forestation and sustainable forest production activities. Around 2,500 jobs will be created; support for school education provided, which will help improve people's lives; and with nursery trees and forestation technologies provided to farmers.例文帳に追加

同社の事業は、2,500人規模の雇用創出、学校教育支援等による事業対象地域の生活改善、さらに、農民に苗木と植林技術を提供するなど、地域に根ざした植林活動、持続的な森林生産活動を通じて、地域の持続的な発展に資することも期待されている。 - 経済産業省

and by the help of this moralizing turn, in that life of his, remote from public haunts, he could find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. 例文帳に追加

そして、常に教訓を読みとってきたおかげで、先に述べたことから人里離れた生活を余儀なくされた今でも、木々に言葉を、流れる小川に書物を、石ころの中に神の教えを、つまり、あらゆるものの中によきものを見いだすことができるようになった。 - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』

But at noon-day, when the weary woodman rests from cutting trees, and takes his dinner in the quiet hills, the Greeks of the first line made a charge, Agamemnon running in front of them, and he speared two Trojans, and took their breastplates, which he laid in his chariot, 例文帳に追加

だが、疲れ果てた木樵が木を切るのを休み、静かな山の上で食事を取る正午のころには、第一線のギリシア軍が突撃すると、アガメムノーンは前面に走り出て、二人のトロイア人を槍で刺し殺し、その胸当てを奪って戦車にのせた。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

The practical thing was to find rooms in the city, but it was a warm season, and I had just left a country of wide lawns and friendly trees, so when a young man at the office suggested that we take a house together in a commuting town, it sounded like a great idea. 例文帳に追加

市内に部屋をみつけるのが現実的なやりかたではあったけれども、暑い時期でもあり、涼しげな芝生や木立が広がる田舎から出てきたばかりだったから、オフィスの若い男が、ベッドタウンに共同で家を借りないか、と言い出したときは、とてもいいアイデアだと思えた。 - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』

and when they had talked to their hearts' content, it being then a little past noon, the doctor took up his hat and pistols, girt on a cutlass, put the chart in his pocket, and with a musket over his shoulder crossed the palisade on the north side and set off briskly through the trees. 例文帳に追加

もう十分というほど相談すると、昼をすぎたころだったが、先生は帽子とピストルを何丁か手にとり、短剣を腰につけ、ポケットにあの地図をいれて、マスケット銃を一丁肩にかけると、北側の柵をこえ足早に森の中に姿をけした。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』

This piece of wood gets all its carbon, as the trees and plants get theirs, from the atmosphere, which, as we have seen, carries away what is bad for us and at the same time good for them,—what is disease to the one being health to the other. 例文帳に追加

この木材は炭素をすべて大気からもらってきます。木や植物はすべてそうです。大気は、これまで見てきたように、われわれにとって有害で、同時にかれらにとっては有益なものを運んでくれるわけです。一方にとっての病気は、相手には健康をもたらすものなんです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

(6) The term "designated seeds" as used in this Act means seeds (excluding that of trees provided for forestry), appearing in the form of seeds, spores, stems, roots, seedlings, saplings, scions, rootstocks, spawn or other parts of plants specified by the Cabinet Order, which are designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as requiring certain matters to be labeled at the time of sale thereof in order to facilitate identification of their quality, and the term "seed dealer" as used in this Act means persons engaged in the sale of designated seeds in the course of business. 例文帳に追加

6 この法律において「指定種苗」とは、種苗(林業の用に供される樹木の種苗を除く。)のうち、種子、胞子、茎、根、苗、苗木、穂木、台木、種菌その他政令で定めるもので品質の識別を容易にするため販売に際して一定の事項を表示する必要があるものとして農林水産大臣が指定するものをいい、「種苗業者」とは、指定種苗の販売を業とする者をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 101 (1) When it is necessary for survey and on-the-spot investigation concerning mining, those who intend to create their mining rights or those who intend to become holders of mining lease right, mining applicants, and holders of mining right or mining lease right may enter into the land of others or fell obtrusive bamboos and trees with permission of the Director of Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry. 例文帳に追加

第百一条 鉱業に関する測量又は実地調査のため必要があるときは、鉱業権の設定を受けようとする者、租鉱権者となろうとする者、鉱業出願人、鉱業権者又は租鉱権者は、経済産業局長の許可を受けて、他人の土地に立ち入り、又は支障となる竹木を伐採することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Any person who intends to perform actions which might affect flights of aircraft (except installation of objects and planting of trees) in an airspace other than that set forth in the preceding paragraph, as may be specified by Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, shall make a prior report to that effect to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to the provision of Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の空域以外の空域における航空機の飛行に影響を及ぼすおそれのある行為(物件の設置及び植栽を除く。)で国土交通省令で定めるものをしようとする者は、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、その旨を国土交通大臣に通報しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ix) In cases of development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order, the development design, in order to preserve the environment of the development areas and surrounding areas, shall include taking of necessary measures such as preservation of trees and preservation of surface soil which are needed for ensuring growth of plants in the development area, considering the purpose of the development activities and the matters listed in item (ii) sub-items (a) through (d). 例文帳に追加

九 政令で定める規模以上の開発行為にあつては、開発区域及びその周辺の地域における環境を保全するため、開発行為の目的及び第二号イからニまでに掲げる事項を勘案して、開発区域における植物の生育の確保上必要な樹木の保存、表土の保全その他の必要な措置が講ぜられるように設計が定められていること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

There is a poem created by ISE no Taifu, 'Some time ago, double-flowered cherry trees bloomed in the colorful capital of Nara; today they bloom in Kuju Castle in this capital of Kyo, as they did before,' which was collected in "Shika Wakashu (Collection of Poetry)"; the poem was written in dedication to the Empress along with yaezakura (double cherry blossoms) presented to the Imperial Court; however, according to "ISE no Taifu shu (Private Collection)" it was supposed to be a duty of Murasaki Shikibu, but she delegated the duty to a newcomer, Taifu. 例文帳に追加

『詞花和歌集』に収められた伊勢大輔の「いにしへの奈良の都の八重桜けふ九重ににほひぬるかな」という和歌は、宮廷に献上された八重桜を受け取り、中宮に奉る際に詠まれたものだが、『伊勢大輔集』によればこの役目は当初紫式部の役目だったものを式部が新参の大輔に譲ったものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It consists of various types of writing: 'chapters of Ruiju' of 'Monowazukushi (enumerating the things in the same category),' as represented by the lists of things like 'Insects,' 'Flowering trees,' 'Dispiriting things,' 'Endearingly lovely things,' and 'Chapters of Zuiso (essay),' which is an observation of daily life and nature in the seasons, and 'chapters of reminiscence (chapters of a diary)' in which the author wrote about the life around Empress Teishi, whom she served in the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

「虫は」「木の花は」「すさまじきもの」「うつくしきもの」に代表される「ものはづくし」の「類聚章段」をはじめ、日常生活や四季の自然を観察した「随想章段」、作者が出仕した定子皇后周辺の宮廷社会を振り返った「回想章段」(日記章段)など多彩な文章から成る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Yamagata Prefecture, they adore a mossy or sandy area of about 40 square meters in the bushes in mountains in summer as 'the sumo ring of Tengu,' and in mountain villages in Kanagawa Prefecture they regard the mysterious sound of cutting trees at midnight or one of cutting a big tree on a mountain called 'Tengu's felling' and a hut's shaking without wind as a trick of the mountain Tengu. 例文帳に追加

山形県などでは、夏山のしげみの間にある十数坪の苔地や砂地を、「天狗のすもう場」として崇敬し、神奈川県の山村では、夜中の、木を切ったり、「天狗倒し」と呼ばれる、山中で大木を切り倒す不思議な音、山小屋が、風もないのにゆれたりすることを山天狗の仕業としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For hone-shibari, wastepaper that has strength was used, for intermediate processes Minato-gami (Minato paper, a paper made of used paper in Minato-mura village, Izumi Province with thin black or gray color) or chachiri-shi (a paper made from the wastes of the black bark of paper mulberry trees) was used, and for the process of kiyo-bari, the highly sticky kizuki such as Mino-gami, Hosokawa-gami and Sesshu-hanshi (standard-size Japanese writing paper made in Iwami Province) were used. 例文帳に追加

骨縛りは引きの強い反故紙を用い、中期工程には湊紙(和泉の湊村で漉かれた漉き返しの紙で、薄墨または鼠色の紙)や茶塵(ちゃちり)紙(楮の黒皮のくずから漉いた紙や、故紙を再生したもので単に塵紙ともいう)を用い、清貼の工程には粘りの強い生漉きの美濃紙・細川紙・石州半紙などが用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that it was initially called 'Yoshino' after Mt. Yoshino-yama in Yamato Province (a mountainous district in Nara Prefecture), which is a place noted for its cherry blossoms; however, since there was concern that the name 'Yoshino (Yoshinozakura)' would be confused with Yamazakura, which grows a lot in Mt. Yoshino-yama, Dr. Yorinaga FUJINO, who had conducted research on the cherry trees of Ueno Park, called it 'Someiyoshino' in 'Japanese Gardening Magazine.' 例文帳に追加

名称は初め、サクラの名所として古来名高く西行法師の和歌にもたびたび詠まれた大和国の吉野山(奈良県山岳部)にちなんで「吉野」とされたが、「吉野(桜)」の名称では吉野山に多いヤマザクラと混同される恐れがあるため、上野公園のサクラを調査した藤野寄命博士が「日本園芸雑誌」において「染井吉野」と命名したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masayuki HASHIMOTO, a lecturer at Iwate Univesity (who died on November 25, 2003, at the age of 75), followed the theory by Kaname TAKENAKA but couldn't breed a cherry tree similar to Someiyoshino; however, based on advice by Hashimoto, Ikuo NAKAMURA and others, from the DNA analysis, he crossbred the Oshima cherry and Komatsuotome of Ueno Onshi Koen park and planted five trees in pots at Chiba University's Faculty of Horticulture, expecting them to be reappear four or five years later (2012 or 2013) as Someiyoshino. 例文帳に追加

これは岩手大学講師であった橋本昌幸(2003年(平成15年)11月25日没75歳)が竹中要の説に従い交配した桜はソメイヨシノに似ず、橋本の助言がきっかけで中村郁郎らがDNA解析からオオシマザクラと上野恩賜公園のコマツオトメを交配し2008年春に千葉大学園芸部で5本を鉢に植え、4年または5年後の2012年または2013年にソメイヨシノが再現されると見込んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a broader sense, fushin may include establishing public utilities in major towns such as oceanic cargo shipping executed by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), reclaiming land for population growth, constructing levees and dikes to improve river embankments for unloading cargo; it may also include such projects as promoting planting cherry trees to help maintain reclaimed land and embankments, encouraging fireworks display, establishing yukaku (red-light district), and so on. 例文帳に追加

主要都市の公共事業としては幕府が行った海運荷役や人口増加の為の埋め立てや治水や河川荷役の為の護岸工事を始めとし、埋立地や護岸の締め固めを目的とした桜の植樹や花火の打ち上げの奨励や遊郭の設置なども広義では普請と言えるだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He gained a reputation for roles such as Okaru, Enya hangan and Oishi of "Kanadehon Chushingura," Shizuka Gozen of "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura" (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees), Omiwa of "Imoseyama (Mt. Imose) Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue), Omitsu of "Shinpan Utazaimon" (The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu) (Nozaki Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji" (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil) (Gappo Anjitsu [hermitage of Gappo]), Sakuramaru of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy) and Yoshitsune of "Kanjincho" (The Subscription List) and "Jinya KUMAGAI, Ichi no Tani Futabagunki" (Chronicle of the Battle of Ichinotani) in the area of maruhonmono (Kabuki drama of joruri [puppet-play] origin). 例文帳に追加

丸本物では『仮名手本忠臣蔵』のお軽、塩冶判官、お石、『義経千本櫻』の静御前、『妹背山婦女庭訓』お三輪、『新版歌祭文』(野崎村)のお光、『攝州合邦辻』(合邦庵室)の玉手御前、『菅原伝授手習鑑』の桜丸、『勧進帳』や『一谷嫩軍記・熊谷陣屋』の義経などが当たり役であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His important works are Tokubei in 'Sonezaki shinju,' Jihei in 'Shinju ten no amishima' (Lovers' suicide in Amijima), Chubei in 'Fuinkiri (breaking the seal), Koibikyaku Yamato orai' (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway), Jubei in "Iga-goe dochu sugoroku (Japanese backgammon); Numazu" (Through Iga Pass with the Tokaido Board Game, Numazu post), Jujibei MINAMIGATA in "Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki; Hikimado"(Skylight of "A Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters"), Igami no Gonta of "Yoshitsune senbon zakura; sushiya" (Sushi restaurant of "Yoshitsune and the 1000 cherry trees") and Lord Tsuchiya in "Tsuchiya Chikara" (Chikara TSUCHIYA, hatamoto (a direct vassal of the shogun)). 例文帳に追加

「曾根崎心中」の徳兵衛、「心中天網島」の治兵衛、「恋飛脚大和往来・封印切」の忠兵衛、『伊賀越道中双六・沼津』の重兵衛、『双蝶々曲輪日記・引窓』の南方十次兵衛、『義経千本櫻・すし屋』のいがみの権太、『土屋主税』の土屋侯などが代表作。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'Kumadori' of kabuki assumed the human face shape and generally used only for humans ('kaen-guma' (makeup like flames) of Genkuro Gitsune that appeared in Yoshitsune Senbonzakura (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees) represented not animal but spiritual power), but there were several kumadori that assumed the animal role starting with the Kumadori of Goku SON in 'renpu' of Chinese opera. 例文帳に追加

歌舞伎の「隈取」は人間の顔かたちを想定したものなので基本的には人間にしか用いない(義経千本桜に登場する源九郎狐の「火炎隈」などもあるが動物の隈取というより神秘的な力を現す隈取)が、京劇の「瞼譜」は有名な孫悟空の隈取をはじめ動物役を想定した隈取が何種類も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On a spring evening, on the rooftop of Nanzen-ji Temple, Goemon ISHIKAWA, a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of Japan, is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom, and says his famous line: "What a superb view, what a superb view; that man, saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit), was a person of really small, small caliber; for this moment, I would spend ten thousand ryo, hundred million ryo" ('a moment of a spring evening' refers to the famous phrase of a Chinese poem "Chunye" by Su Shi; in the original, it is 'one thousand gold' 春宵一刻値千金). 例文帳に追加

南禅寺の南禅寺伽藍の屋上、天下をねらう大盗賊石川五右衛門は煙管を吹かして、「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の宵は値千両とは、小せえ、小せえ、この五右衛門の目からは、値万両、万々両」という名台詞を吐き、夕暮れ時の満開の桜を悠然と眺めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto Gyoen is a relaxing place for citizens with abundant trees, together with facilities related to the Imperial Household Agency and Imperial Guard such as the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto Omiya Imperial Palace, Kyoto Office of the Imperial Household Agency and Kyoto Guard Station of the Imperial Guard Headquarters, several remains of residences of the nobility such as Shusui-Tei which used to be Kujo House, Kyoto Gyoen National Garden Office, Ministry of the Environment which manages the garden, and athletic facilities such as a playground and tennis court. 例文帳に追加

たくさんの木々が生い茂る公園内には、京都御所、仙洞御所、京都大宮御所、宮内庁京都事務所、皇宮警察本部京都護衛署などの宮内庁・皇宮警察関連の施設をはじめ、九条邸の拾翠亭などの数少ない公家屋敷の遺構、公園の管理を行う環境省京都御苑管理事務所のほか、グラウンドやテニスもあり、市民の憩いの場になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Here, too, "Yakushikyo Sutra" has a description in the section where every evil act done by people will be expiated by the power of Yakushi Nyorai, 'They pray to the spirits of the mountain forests, trees, and graves. They kill living beings in order to make sacrifices of blood and flesh to the yaksha and rakshasa ghosts. They write down the names of their enemies and make images of them, and then they hex those names and images with evil mantras. They summon paralysis ghosts, cast hexes, or command corpse-raising ghosts to kill or injure their enemies' and the section following 'They kill living beings' in particular. 例文帳に追加

これも『薬師経』に薬師如来の力で人々の悪行が全て消滅するであろうと説いている中の、「告林神・樹神・山神・塚神・種々別神、殺諸畜生、取其血肉、祭祀一切夜叉羅刹食血肉者、書怨人字、并作其形、成就種々毒害呪術・厭魅蠱道・起屍鬼呪、欲断彼命、及壊其身」の句、特に「殺諸畜生」以下が基になったものとの説もある - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The project, which is named 'Kafun no Sukunai Morizukuri' (lit. The Creation of Low-Pollen Forests) and has conservationist and author C. W. NICOL serving as representative promoter, aims to fell Japanese cedar forests in the Tama area and transplant them with low-pollen Japanese cedar cultivars and broadleaf trees over a 50 year period as well as reduce pollen levels by 20% over the next 10 years. 例文帳に追加

この計画は「花粉の少ない森づくり」というプロジェクト名で、自然保護活動家として知られる作家のC.W.ニコル氏らが代表発起人となり、多摩地域のスギ林の伐採および花粉の少ない品種のスギや広葉樹への植え替えなどを50年計画で行い、今後10年間で花粉の量を2割削減するという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is generally believed that the party were descendants of ONO no Takamura; however, Motohisa YASUDA carefully examined family trees, and calculated the number of years among generations, and studied appointments of kokushi (provincial governors) at that time, and consequently thought that this was contrived by later generations, and the party were actually descendants of kaihatsu-ryoshu (local notables who actually developed the land), and passively supported a view that the party may have been descendants of Musashinokuni-no-MIYATSUKO, which is a view found in the "Seishi Kakei Jiten" (Dictionary of Family Names and Lineages in Japan) by Akira OTA. 例文帳に追加

小野篁の後裔といわれているが、安田元久は諸系図の精査や世代間の年数の計算、当時の国司の任命状況から見て後世の作為で、実際は在地の開発領主の末裔であろうと推測し、太田亮の『姓氏家系辞典』での所見である武蔵国造の末裔ではないかという見解を消極的に支持している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The semi-sedentary life, settling temporarily in specific locations, didn't afford the reclamation effort of surrounding areas; however, when the Jomon people adopted a sedentary life, they cut down the laurel and deciduous forests surrounding their settlements and cleared the space for secondary forests (secondary vegetation) of chestnut, walnut, and other trees. 例文帳に追加

一時的に居住する半定住的な生活の仕方では、周辺地域の開拓までに至らなかったが、定住的な生活をするようになった縄文時代人は居住する周辺の照葉樹林や落葉樹林を切り開いたことにより、そこにクリやクルミなどの二次林(二次植生)の環境を提供することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The family tree is unclear because as for the roots of the Makino clan before the Azuchi Momoyama period, many unclear points and discrepancies exsist, and there are some different family trees prevailing, and because of those after the Makino clan belonged to the Tokugawa clan, it is considered that the Makino clan intentionally kept away from Lord of Mikawa Ushikubo-jo Castle Yasushige MAKINO who was one of the anti-Tokugawa radicals. 例文帳に追加

安土桃山時代以前の牧野氏のルーツは、不明な点や矛盾が多く、複数の異なった系譜が伝わり、また徳川氏帰属後は反徳川の急先鋒だった三河牛窪城主・牧野保成との関係を意図的に遠ざけたとも考えられ、これも系譜関係の不明確さの一因となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The essential oil extracted from leaves of fir trees from Siberia by steam distillation, which contains an extract of vegetable origin having as the principal effective components terpenes such as bornyl acetate, camphene, pinene, limonene and carene, is effective as cosmetics, medical materials and a medical material for tranquilizing.例文帳に追加

シベリア産のモミの木の葉から水蒸気蒸留した抽出成分の精油において、ボルニルアセテートとカンフェンとピネンとリモネンとカレンとのテルペン類を主要有効成分にした植物性抽出物が身体において化粧料、医療材料、精神安定化として保健医療材料に有効効果を示すものであった。 - 特許庁

The tree classification method and pruning method are such that garden trees are classified in five categories from the viewpoint of a tree form, and shown as tree forms made by patterning peculiar features for each classification, based on each physiological ecology for each classification, and the pruning method backed up from the physiological ecology.例文帳に追加

課題を解決するために、樹形という観点から庭木を5つに分類して、分類毎に其々の生理生態と生理生態から裏付けされた剪定方法に基づいて、分類毎に特徴的な形態をパターン化した樹形とて現したことを特徴とする樹木の分類法と剪定のメソッドを提供して課題解決を図るものである。 - 特許庁

The method for producing a methane gas, employed for producing the methane gas 3b from a woody biomass a such as waste broad-leafed trees, comprises following process: a solid-liquid separation of the resultant blast product is conducted after conducting the step of blasting biomass; and the resulting liquid phase is subjected to UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket-type high-speed methane fermentation) treatment.例文帳に追加

広葉樹廃材等の木質バイオマスaからメタンガス3bを生産するメタンガス生産方法であって、バイオマスを爆砕処理する爆砕工程を行った後、爆砕生成物を固液分離する固液分離工程を行い、固液分離された液相をUASB(上向流汚泥床式高速メタン発酵)処理する。 - 特許庁

When receiving power failure information, the construction work management server 2 causes the display part 16 to blink the displayed target electric pole, and transmits the information to a worker terminal 4a(4b, 4c, and so on) of a representative of a construction company that fells trees in a target area, and determines safe of the worker by response.例文帳に追加

工事施工管理サーバ2は、停電情報を受信すると、表示部16に表示された対象電柱を点滅表示させ、対象区域内で伐採作業中の工事会社の現場代理人の作業者端末4a(4b,4c,…)へ、停電情報を通知し、返信によって作業者の安全状態を判定する。 - 特許庁

The method for selecting and maintaining trees includes extracting, as classification conditions, similar elements of morphogenesis appearing on a tree form to make a reclassified tree form taxonomical group followed by showing the characteristic tree form as a schema, and arranging a tree kind suitable for the tree form schema.例文帳に追加

樹形に現れる形態形成の相似要素を分類条件として抽出して再分類した樹形分類群としてその特徴的な樹形を模式図として現したことを特長として、更にその樹形模式図に適応する樹種を配置した樹木の選定及び維持管理のメソッドを提供して課題を解決する。 - 特許庁

This polymeric particle 1 is obtained by impregnating and maintaining different essential oils of trees in vinyl acetate-based polymeric particle 4 and 5 and preferably forming a shell 2 at outside of the particle wherein the essential oils have same or resembling molecular weight and molecular formula and different structure and another subject wax composition is an acrylic resin-based wax obtained by adding and mixing the polymeric particle.例文帳に追加

α−ピネン6とリモネン7のように分子量や分子式が同じか極めて類似しているが構造が異なる樹木精油成分を酢酸ビニル系重合体微粒子4,5中に含浸保有させ、好ましくは、その外側に外殻2を形成した重合体微粒子1及びこの重合体微粒子を添加混合したアクリル樹脂系ワックス。 - 特許庁

This fresh flower arrangement vessel is constituted of a cylindrical case body 2 having enough weight for sinking in water and a retaining member 3 detachably inserted inside the case body, having water-absorbing property and retaining flowers and trees; and is characterized in that the inside shape of either one of the upper end or the lower end of the case body 2 is formed narrower.例文帳に追加

水に沈む重さを保有する筒状のケース体2と、該ケース体2の内部に着脱可能に嵌挿され且つ吸水性を保有する花樹を保持するための保持部材3と、から構成し、前記ケース体2の内部形状は上端部又は下端部のどちらか一方が狭くなっていることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

The clock trees 5-1 to 5-4 each comprise a delay adjustment circuit 32 which delays the first clock signal 16 so that the variation in phase difference may be small, and generates second clock signals 37 and 38-1 to 38-2; and a flip flop 34 which operates synchronously with the second clock signals 37 and 38-1 to 38-2.例文帳に追加

複数のクロックツリー5−1〜5−4の各々は、位相差のばらつきが小さくなるように第1クロック信号16を遅延して第2クロック信号37、38−1〜38−2を生成する遅延調整回路32と、第2クロック信号37、38−1〜38−2に同期して動作するフリップフロップ34とを備えている。 - 特許庁

The natural language parsing device creates a syntactic forest including a plurality of construction trees, by subjecting an inputted line of morphemes to syntactic parsing and comprises a first memory for storing grammar rules and a detection means for detecting on the basis of the grammar rules and from the inputted line of morphemes any head-words and a head-word-dominant area corresponding to partial structures dominated by the head-words.例文帳に追加

入力形態素列を構文解析することにより、複数の構文木を内包する統語森を生成する自然言語解析装置であって、文法規則を記憶する第1のメモリを具備し、前記文法規則に基づいて、前記入力形態素列から主辞及び前記主辞が支配する部分構造に相当する主辞支配域を検出する検出手段を具備する。 - 特許庁

To provide a gnawing trouble-preventing material for preventing an electric wire, a communication cable, piping, furniture, various kinds of trees, or the like, arranged in indoor or outdoor from being gnawed by rodent animals, hardly polluting the natural environment, sustaining the gnawing trouble-preventing effects without being affected by rain water, and naturally degraded after few years or after use.例文帳に追加

屋内や屋外に敷設される電線・通信ケーブル・配管類、家具類、各種樹木等がネズミ・リス・ウサギ等の齧歯類動物よって齧られるのを防止する齧害防止材であって、自然環境を汚染せず、また雨水によって影響されずに齧害防止効果の持続性を有し、さらに経年後または使用済後に自然に分解することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

When A6 is invalidated, for example, for each of partial trees formed by excluding a terminal node corresponding to A6 and an ascendance node of the relevant terminal node from the tree structure, a specific group information generating part 402 specifies a terminal device 300 corresponding to a terminal node included in the same partial tree as a valid terminal.例文帳に追加

例えばA6が失効した場合、特定グループ情報生成部402はA6に対応する末端ノードと当該末端ノードの祖先ノードとを上記木構造から除外することにより形成される部分木ごとに、同じ部分木に含まれる末端ノードに対応する端末装置300を有効端末として特定する。 - 特許庁

Further, soft chips 4 shaved out of various trees are filled into the bag 2, and the inner bag 2 is sewn in a lattice pattern to prevent the internal materials such as mugwort leaves and chips from slipping and collapsing.例文帳に追加

外袋(1)となる包覆カバーの内側に内袋(2)となる携帯健康まくら本体を入れて、内袋(2)の略中間部の中央部分に乾燥よもぎ(3)を位置させ、更に、その周囲に様々な樹木の薄く削り出したソフトチップ(4)を充填し、それらの内材がずれて型崩れをしないように内袋(2)を格子状に縫って安定させた枕。 - 特許庁


The abstract binary tree generating unit 110 obtains information about a functional specification of the target system and generates abstract binary trees that associate states that can occur in the target system with respective nodes and that associate state transitions of objects constituting the target system and interactions between the objects with connection relationships between the nodes.例文帳に追加

抽象二分木生成部110は、対象システムの機能仕様の情報を取得し、この対象システムが取り得る状態をノードに対応付け、かつこの対象システムを構成するオブジェクトの状態遷移とオブジェクトどうしの相互作用をノード間の接続関係に対応付けた抽象二分木を生成する。 - 特許庁


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