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This Definite plan summarizes the specific directions of the comprehensive reform of social security and tax, in line with the "Promotion of Social Security Reform" (Cabinet Decision dated December 14, 2010) and based on the results of the concentrated deliberations by the government and the ruling parties. The plan was reported to the Cabinet on July 1, 2011. - 厚生労働省


Regarding an amendment bill for the resumption of the purchase of shares held by banks, which was proposed by lawmakers and submitted today by the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) to the House of Representatives, some people expect this law, even if enacted, would not be actively used because the current stock price downturn has not resulted from the dissolution of cross shareholdings between banks and non-financial corporations.  - 金融庁


Regarding that, we received proposals during a question-and-answer session at this committee, including, for instance, a very good proposal from the Japanese Communist Party. We will incorporate those proposals into the Financial Inspection Manual and the Supervisory Guidelines, which are being compiled now and will be completed soon and of course, we will make their drafts public (for public consultation).  - 金融庁


Regarding the three parties' plans for dealing with the double loan problem, while the LDP and New Komeito are considering using Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan as the purchaser of loans from financial institutions or establishing a new organization, the DPJ basically intends to use an SME turnaround fund and regards the use of Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan merely as an option that may be considered in the future.Given that indirect effects of the earthquake disaster are expected to spread beyond the disaster areas to the whole of the country, if support from Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan is ended in October, it will be unclear how recovery efforts outside the disaster areas should be made thereafter. What do you think of that?  - 金融庁



This would be established on the basis of investment from SME Support, Japan, prefectural governments and financial institutions under the plan. I think that the LDP's plan, with which I am not very familiar, is similar in basic concept to the DPJ's plan in that it is a scheme that concerns the double loan problem and aims to revive SMEs. The difference between these two plans is the scope of support. If the plans are presented, basically, they will be deliberated in the Diet, or will be discussed by the executive team and policymakers of each party. As both plans call for such a scheme, my general impression is that there is room for negotiation.  - 金融庁



Since he was critical of the Cabinet of the Kenseikai and Rikken Minseito, along with minister of foreign affairs Kijuro SHIDEHARA, which took a cooperative diplomatic stance, he rejected an emergency imperial bail-out bill for the Bank of Taiwan and forced the First Wakatsuki Cabinet to resign in 1927; and he acted against the Osachi Hamaguchi Cabinet in the 1930 conclusion of the London Naval Conference.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the study group (the House of Peers), which is the largest parliamentary faction in the House of Peers (Japan) and which still believed in the doctrine of superiority, not only passed a resolution to refuse Ito's request to join his party, but also rallied five factions (sawa kai, asahi kurabu, koshi kai, mokuyo kai, mushozoku dan) and rejected a tax-increase bill to raise military expenditure for the Boxer Rebellion in 1901, which forced the Ito Cabinet to resign en masse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Navy Minister Kabayama became indignant at this revised budget proposal because it ignored the Navy's demand, and at a plenary session of the House of Representatives on December 22, he made a speech, 'You call us Satsuma-Choshu government or something, but who do you think contributed to keep this country safe and quiet today, and protected national security regardless of 40 million lives?', stressing validity of the Satsuma-Choshu-dominated government, refuting the criticism of the Navy and the government by minto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If I remember correctly, a tax revision proposal similar to a preferential treatment for elderly people was included among a set of measures worked out by the LDP's (Liberal Democratic Party's) study group regarding the plan to enable elderly people to remain healthy and continue working.  - 金融庁



As the People's New Party, together with former Minister Kamei, was involved in the drafting of the bill, I care much about the role that the bill has played and I appreciate the bill. I think that its effects should be reviewed.  - 金融庁



I would like to ask you two questions related to the Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ's) plan for dealing with the double loan problem. Do you think that the expansion of the current loan purchase scheme under this plan will be sufficient? Also, what is your view on what to do with the interest subsidy scheme?  - 金融庁


I understand that at today's cabinet meeting, the submission of a bill on the scheme to compensate for the damage inflicted by Tokyo Electric Power's nuclear accident was decided. That was apparently welcomed by the market as the stock price rose in the morning. However, opposition parties have different opinions on this matter, so there is some concern over whether this bill be smoothly passed in the Diet. What is your view, if any, on the impact on the financial markets?  - 金融庁


Under the three-party agreement, I believe that it is necessary to divide the roles between the reconstruction support organization and prefectural industrial reconstruction organizations - each of three disaster-stricken prefectures has received 50 billion yen from the government, if I remember correctly - and it is required that care should be taken to avoid creating confusion in the frontlines of activity. The draft supplementary resolution stipulates that this requirement be included in the bill.  - 金融庁


Let me ask you one more question, which concerns the appointment of a new FSA Commissioner. Media reports say that Mr. Hatanaka, director-general of the Supervisory Bureau, will be promoted to the FSA Commissioner. Could you explain the thinking behind this appointment? Also, the Chief Cabinet Secretary has said that personnel changes related to director-generals and higher positions will be frozen. Am I correct in understanding that the freeze has been lifted?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, regarding which the ruling parties will unveil the outline of a bill for revision tomorrow. Am I correct in understanding that rather than revive the act - which expired in March - in its original form, the FSA intends to review it with an open mind and make some revisions before submitting a bill?  - 金融庁

なお、2011 年予算管理法の第 2 段階として超派特別委員会が検討した「今後 10 年間で 1.5 兆ドル以上」の財政赤字削減策については、期限の 11 月 23 日までにとりまとめが不成立となったため、2013 年からはあらかじめ決められた歳出削減 1.2 兆ドルが自動的に実施されることとなっている。例文帳に追加

Immediately after that, however, Incidentally, in regard to the fiscal deficit reduction measure ofUS$ 1.5 trillion cut over the next ten years” that the special bipartisan committee examined as the second installment of the Budget Control Act of 2011, the committee was unable to agree on how to reduce the deficit. Thus, predetermined expenditure cut in US$ 1.2 trillion is going to be automatically implemented in 2013. - 経済産業省


Today, I do not have anything particular to report to you.Today, I do not have anything particular to report to you. However, at the informal meeting of cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Kan mentioned what might be called a “1.5th” supplementary budget. For example, in relation to the double loan problem, concerning which I take questions in the Diet as the Minister for Financial Services, plans for dealing with this problem have been presented by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito. On the part of the government, the FSA, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are cooperating with each other to deal with the problem under the leadership of the Cabinet Secretariat, as you know - at the FSA, staff members have been working very hard - and we are working on our plan.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, when the LDP adopted measures to enable elderly people to remain healthy and continue working, Mr. Yosano, who is now the minister for economic and fiscal policy, proposed that a tax-free treatment, rather than the reduced tax rate of 10%, should be applied to the investment income of elderly people, if I remember correctly. We intend to reach a conclusion by the end of August after considering what measure will be the most effective and realistic with due consideration of a proposal like this.  - 金融庁


Therefore, while I would appreciate continued deliberations, I requested the members of the committee yesterday to understand the role of this bill and make efforts toward its early enactment, even though we could do nothing if the opposition were to reject the bill. In this connection, some opposition party lawmakers showed understanding.  - 金融庁


Yesterday, I explained the purpose of the postal reform bills at a session of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on Postal Reform, as you know. This was the first time for me to explain the purpose of these reform bills in the one and a half years since I took office as the minister in charge. At the cabinet meeting and informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed my appreciation to the relevant people and organizations. As the agreement signed by Prime Minister Noda and Mr. Kamei, leader of the People's New Party, stipulates that full-fledged efforts should be made to enact the bills during the current Diet session, I requested that each minister issue relevant instructions so as to ensure the bills' enactment.  - 金融庁


As the Minister who oversees the FSA, I would like to refrain from making comments on the specifics of the three parties' plans. I am convinced that the parties, as players in the Diet, which is the highest organ of state power and the sole legislative organ, have formulated their plans for dealing with the double loan problem by fully exercising their capabilities and wisdom. As for Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, which you mentioned in your question, it is important that this corporation provide appropriate support in a timely manner based on common sense, so when the Diet deliberation has started, I will appropriately handle this matter with that in mind.  - 金融庁


The greatest of all was the Lehman shock, whose impact was felt after the Republican President Bush was succeeded by Democratic President Obama. Following such changes, the U.S. SEC released a staff paper (Work Plan for the Consideration of Incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards into the Financial Reporting System for U.S. Issuers) on May 26. Although it was previously indicated that the United States would adopt IFRS, this paper is very ambiguous and may be interpreted in various ways. However, as a result, I think that it represents a slight step back from the full adoption of IFRS.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you one more question about the facilitation of regional financing. The Democratic Party of Japan, the opposition party that aims to achieve a change of government, is planning to introduce a new bill for promoting smooth regional financing. According to the draft of the bill, which has already been made public, the new law would aim to pressure financial institutions to provide loans to local companies by requiring information disclosure. Could you tell us how you view the idea of using a new law to promote the facilitation of financing in addition to the FSA's inspection and supervision? You may answer my question on a generally speaking basis.  - 金融庁


That being the case, the volume of public works is, as is evident from the state of the housing construction sector, for example, no longer as plentiful as in the past. Thanks to the SME Financing Facilitation Act, which was enacted when the effect of the largesse, in a sense, given by the LDP administration in its last days was gradually running out, the construction industry has managed to survive. Given the nation's debt that now amounts to 9 trillion (yen), however, I believe that no matter which political party takes the reins, it would just not be feasible to go with any policy measure involving a large increase in public works spending at the levels seen in the past.  - 金融庁


The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) approved a bill for the resumption of stock purchases by BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation, and as much as 20 trillion yen will be allocated for this in the second supplementary budget. Although stock purchases by this corporation are expected to be resumed quickly if the bill is passed in a Diet session next year, some bank officials expect that this will have limited effects as banks find it difficult to sell their shareholdings at the current slumping stock prices. How do you view the effects of the resumption of stock purchases by this corporation?  - 金融庁


I was just told by the administrative staff that the Law has been fairly effective. The agreement reached among the three ruling parties last September clearly states their commitment to properly rectify credit withdrawal and credit crunch especially with respect to SMEs in times of recession like this. As the bill for facilitating SME finance was put together with this in mind, we will properly give positive consideration to this matter.  - 金融庁


Today, the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association and I agreed on a variety of matters, including the assessment of the current economic situation. Regarding the bill that the three parties, then opposing parties, previously submitted as a measure to deal with curbs on new loans, the chairman told me, “That has apparently prompted the FSA to make a policy change.” I am not sure whether that led to a policy change by the FSA, and there was probably no change because the FSA paid no heed to us at that time.  - 金融庁


Regarding the reduction of the burden of interest payment, I understand that the DPJ's plan calls for early debate on a scheme to reduce the burden of interest payment on old loans during a certain grace period until judgment is made on the chance of business recovery for SMEs. As was instructed by the Prime Minister, relevant ministries will conduct appropriate consideration while taking account of the DPJ's plan.  - 金融庁


In any case, regarding measures to prevent the recurrence of this case, we will quickly conduct deliberation while taking into consideration the results of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission's additional investigation and the survey on all companies managing customers' assets under discretionary investment contracts - the second-round survey is underway - as well as the various opinions expressed in the Diet, including the arguments made in the interim report, which was written under Ms.Renho's leadership. We will implement measures one by one after each has been finalized.  - 金融庁


As for the European situation, long-term interest rates have been fluctuating recently. While the Greek problem is said to have been brought under control for the moment, a general election was held in Spain. Yesterday, I happened to see a TV program pointing out that support for established parties has been declining sharply, and it occurred to me that in Japan, a similar phenomenon may arise.  - 金融庁


In the policy pledges, which I call the “Super Manifesto,” our commitment to properly implement SME financing including dealing with the credit crunch and credit withdrawal-the gist of the SME Financing Facilitation Act-had already been written in the form of a common pledge before the election, based on which the three parties reached an agreement after the change of government on September 9, 2009. The content, as it was, was then passed on to and implemented by former Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei.  - 金融庁


The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) plans to submit to the House of Councillors a bill for the facilitation of regional finances, which requires financial institutions to make information disclosure, regarding their loans to small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). In the past, there were moves by local assemblies and SME associations to request a similar information disclosure requirement. As the ongoing financial crisis has drawn attention to the need to facilitate financing for SMEs, what is your view on the necessity of such a bill?  - 金融庁


It is critical to enact the budget for FY2008 and legislation related to tax system reform within the current fiscal year in order to ensure that right from the beginning of the new fiscal year, we can smoothly implement measures to maintain the public's safety and security, revitalize regions and strengthen Japan's growth potential. Therefore, I earnestly request the understanding and cooperation of the nation and of my fellow parliamentarians, from both ruling and opposition parties, with regard to the budget and the government's approach to future fiscal management. - 財務省


I would like to ask you another question about tax breaks for securities investment. For now, there are three major proposals that have been made public: one from LDP Secretary-General Aso, one from the LDP's joint committee and one from the Japan Securities Dealers Association. Either of them would inevitably make the tax system very complicated, by making an addition to the existing measures adopted by the FSA on a provisional basis or by dividing taxpayers into age groups. It may be argued that from the viewpoint of simplifying the tax system or promoting a shift "from savings to investment," it would not be appropriate to consider introducing tax breaks as an economic stimulus measure. Could you tell me more about what kind of proposal will be made by the FSA?  - 金融庁


Having quoted the saying, "never invite suspicions needlessly," I find that idea to be quite natural as a course of action to gain higher trust and as a possible future issue. All in all, it’s common sense that an advisor is a high position in the FSA as a matter of course. What I consider constitutes a basic philosophy of conservatism is not to "help the weak and crush the strong," but rather to "help the weak and have the strong assume responsibility," which is an idea that the PNP supports. I believe that those in a position to lead others should exercise strict oversight that the public can feel satisfied with, be it in the capacity of a publicly-elected Diet member or Minister for Financial Services, in comprehensive consideration of ethics, morals, commonsense or, in some countries, religions, before law.  - 金融庁


The double loan problem has become a major issue in the Diet. As I am the Minister for Financial Services, I take questions concerning this problem. I have been saying that this is a very important matter. As the Prime Minister recently instructed the Minister of Finance, the Minister for Financial Services, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to work hard to resolve the double loan problem under the leadership of the Cabinet Secretariat, I have been acting accordingly. I am aware of media reports that the DPJ has worked out a plan for dealing with the double loan problem, as you mentioned.  - 金融庁


A trademarks shall not be registered in the Register unless it contains or consists of at least one of the following essential particulars- (a) the name of a company, individual, or firm, represented in a special or particular manner; (b) the signature of the applicant for registration or some predecessor in his usiness; (c) one or more invented words; (d) one or more words having no direct reference to the character or quality of the goods or services, as the case may by, and not being, according to its ordinary signification, a geographical name or a surname or a personal name or any common abbreviation thereof or the name of a sect, caste or tribe in Bangladesh; (e) any other distinctive mark.  - 特許庁


Given that insurance is intended to cover accidents under those conditions and that insurance is affected by the accident rate, I think that if an increase in the premium rate is decided, it will be inevitable to accept it in light of the various circumstances.  - 金融庁


I assume you are asking what FSA’s economic policies would consist of. The FSA will continue to closely monitor the developments in markets including foreign exchange and stock markets, and respond properly according to the economic and financial climate from the viewpoint of sufficiently demonstrating financial intermediation functions. In fact, at today’s informal gathering with Cabinet ministers, financial measures for SMEs were brought up by the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, if I am not mistaken. As you may already know, the Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc. was established based on the agreement among the three ruling parties when Shizuka Kamei served as Minister for Financial Services. I am paying very close attention to the Act, which covers a period of two years including two year ends and two fiscal year ends; I believe this is groundbreaking legislation in Japan. The perspectives of megabanks seems to have somewhat changed, as I have been told by a staff member at one of the local financial bureaus that a megabank started participating in conventions of shinkin banks and credit unions since the establishment of the Act for the first time ever. It may be common knowledge, but 99.7% of companies in Japan are SMEs, and 42 million people work for SMEs. SMEs are rather agile, flexible and extremely precious. As I may have mentioned previously, in my hometown Kitakyushu City, which is a city dominated by SMEs, I have been told by businesspeople that their companies have actually managed to survive due to the establishment of the Act. Then again, I have also heard cries from them that what they want now is work, so we intend to execute appropriate policies in a timely manner by taking these matters into consideration as well.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, I, together with the BOJ's Governor, have requested relevant financial institutions to take appropriate measures that take account of the convenience of the disaster victims in a timely manner. In response to our request that branches be kept open on holidays, nearly 90% of the branches were open last Sunday. Also, financial institutions have paid out deposits even in cases where depositors have lost their certificates of deposit and passbooks if identification can be made in some way or other. I am also aware that they have taken other measures that take account of the convenience of disaster victims, such as flexibly responding to customers' requests for consultation about new and existing loans. Moreover, we have submitted a bill to extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc. I hear that as this was a once-in-a millennia tsunami disaster, various people in the region and the ruling and opposition parties have reached agreement. In order to ensure recovery from the disaster, financial institutions are making serious efforts to take various appropriate financial measures in a timely manner and are cooperating while listening to the voice of local communities, prefectural governors, municipalities, and associations of small and medium-size enterprises. The FSA will also continue efforts to take appropriate measures.  - 金融庁



I might add my personal comment, though – the action plan for the New Growth Strategy, which we developed recently, advocates growth of financial institutions themselves and it is therefore quite critical for various financial segments, including securities, to have as many trading activities as possible, which makes any potential impact on them from taxation quite significant. At the same time, there are the principles of simplicity, fairness and neutrality in taxation that we should bear in mind as I realize, from many years of my involvement in the area of taxation when I was with the ruling party, that this is the kind of area in taxation that is traditionally prone to general criticism as a tax break for the rich. That being the case, in the context of a growing consensus on international cooperation between nationseach of which has its own economic, financial, and fiscal policies and is faced with its own challenges in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and is also founded on its own economic, historical, and traditional qualitieswe are hoping to ultimately make a decision on how to add more vitality to financial and economic activities, bearing in mind the points that I have just made and incorporating, as a democratic nation, inputs from various people.  - 金融庁


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