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Apparently, Naritsuna also followed the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) because Naritsuna's elder brother, MINAMOTO no Aritsuna, joined MINAMOTO no Yoritomo when Yoritomo rose up in arms (the place name 'OIGAWA village' in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, seems to have had a relationship with Naritsuna or Naritsuna's son Mitsutsuna OIKAWA, but formerly it was also written as '' and was properly read as 'OIGAWA' in a dull sound. 例文帳に追加

成綱の兄・源有綱は源頼朝の挙兵の際に参陣していることから、成綱もまた鎌倉幕府に従ったと思われる(神奈川県厚木市の「及川村」という地名は成綱または成綱の子・及川光綱の縁かとも思われるが、古くは「及河」とも書き「おいがわ」と濁って読むのが正しい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mitsutsuna's offspring Mitsushige OIKAWA became a retainer of the Yuki clan in Shimousa Province and was localized in Shimousa, and Mitsushige's offspring Mitsufusa OIKAWA became a retainer of the Shirakawa Yuki clan and obtained territory in Oshu (Fukushima Prefecture) (there is the place name 'Oikawa village' in Kitakata City, which may suggest that there was a relationship with the Oikawa clan in those days, but the birth of the place name was after the Shoo era and previously it was called Nikkuni). 例文帳に追加

光綱の子孫・及川光重は、下総国の結城氏の家臣となって下総に土着、その子孫・及川光房は白河結城氏の家臣となり奥州(福島県)にも所領を得た(喜多方市に「笈川村」という地名あり、あるいはこの頃の及川氏に関係あるやにも思われるが、この地名ができたのは承応年間以後のことでそれ以前は新国(にっくに)といった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunetaka YANAGISAWA, the fourth son of Yoshiyasu, was bestowed the Kai Nitta Domain with 10,000 koku in Yashiro gun, Kai Province (the present-day cities of Yamanashi and Kofu) in 1709, then in 1724 became the daimyo of the Kurokawa Domain with 10,000 koku in Kurokawa, Kanbara-gun, Echigo Province (which became Kurokawa Town, Kanbara gun, Niigata Prefecture (Kita Kanbara-gun, Niigata Prefecture) and is currently Kurokawa Tainai-shi City, Niigata Prefecture) and the descendents continued to hold that post until the end of the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

吉保の4男柳沢経隆は宝永6年(1709年)甲斐国八代郡(現在の山梨市・甲州市)に甲府新田藩1万石を与えられ、享保9年(1724年)越後国蒲原郡黒川(新潟県蒲原郡黒川村(新潟県北蒲原郡)・現在の新潟県胎内市黒川)で黒川藩1万石の大名になり、幕末まで続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, since a large amount of one-mon coins was minted at zeniza in Kameido, Edo from 1765 under the supervision of kinza (an organization in charge of casting and appraising of gold during the Edo period), at zeniza in Fushimi, Kyoto from 1767, and at zeniza in Ishinomaki of Sendai (coin marked with a letter of ''), Hitachiota City, Hitachi Province (coin marked with a letter or letters of '' or '') and so on from 1768, the market price of currency fell and dropped to about 6,000 mon per ryo in around 1778. 例文帳に追加

さらに明和2年(1765年)から金座監督の下、江戸亀戸、明和4年(1767年)から京都伏見、明和5年(1768年)からは仙台石巻(「千」字)、常陸国常陸太田市(「久、久二」字)などの銭座で鉄一文銭が大量に鋳造され、銭相場は下落し安永7年(1778年)頃には一両=6000文前後を付けるに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But from the end of 18th century, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) began to control directly the Ezo area, Wajinchi expanded gradually, and in the eastern area, the scope of Wajinchi reached Nodaoi (present Yakumo town) in 1800, and Oshamanbe (present Oshamanbe town, later Yamakoshi County, Iburi Province) in eastern area of Ezo in 1864, and within Otaru area corresponding to later Otaru County, Goshi Province (present Otaru City) in western area in 1865. 例文帳に追加

しかし、18世紀の末頃から江戸幕府が蝦夷地の直接支配に乗り出し始めると次第に拡大し、東は1800年には野田追(のだおい、現八雲町)、1864年には同長万部(おしゃまんべ、現長万部町)など、後の胆振国山越郡にあたる地域に広がり、西では1865年に後の後志国小樽郡に相当する小樽内(おたるない、現小樽市)に達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Almost all sculptures designated national treasures are owned by temples or shrines, though some exceptions do exist, including the seated statue of Bhaisajyaguru (Yakushi Nyorai, the Healing Buddha) under the care of the Nara National Museum in Nara (formerly in the possession of the Nyakuoji-sha Shrine in Kyoto), the wooden statue of Samantabhadra (Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese) riding an elephant owned by the Okura Shukokan Museum of Fine Arts (of the Okura Culture Foundation; the original owner is unknown), and the Usuki Magaibutsu (the stone-cliff Buddha) owned by the city of Usuki in Oita. 例文帳に追加

国宝彫刻のそのほとんどを寺社が所有しているが、例外として奈良・奈良国立博物館保管の薬師如来坐像(京都・若王子社旧蔵)、東京・大倉集古館(大倉文化財団)所有の木造普賢菩薩騎象像(伝来不明)、大分・臼杵市所有の臼杵磨崖仏がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the frequent structural changes, the administrative divisions of Taiwan were confirmed as follows: the administrative regions consisting of Taihoku-shu, Shinchiku-shu, Taichu-shu, Tainan-shu and Takao-shu and Taito-cho, Karenko-cho and and Hoko-cho (independent from Takao-shu in 1926) were established in 1920 with the local administrative regions of shi (city), machi (town) and sho (village) ("sha" for the Takasago Tribe settlement) under each administrative region. 例文帳に追加

その後組織可変が頻繁に行われ、1920年に実施した台北州、新竹州、台中州、台南州、高雄州、台東庁、花蓮港庁および澎湖庁(1926年高雄州より離脱)の日本統治時代の台湾行政区分設置と、その下に置かれた市・街・庄(高砂族の集落には社が置かれた)の地方行政区域で最終的な地方行政区域が確定することとなた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later it merged with Oizumi Films, which had achieved success in the film production industry, and Toyoko Film Company (founded in 1938) which had run movie theaters in Shibuya, Tokyo and Yokohama City in order to develop the areas along the Tokyu Toyoko line, but after World War Two it rented the former Shinko Cinema Kyoto Studio from Daiei Motion Picture Company to start film production and changed its name to Toei. 例文帳に追加

やがて映画製作に進出した太泉映画(おおいずみえいが)と1938年設立の東横映画(とうよこえいが)(東急東横線の沿線開発を目的に、東京の渋谷や横浜市で映画館を経営していたが、戦後大映(映画)より京都第2撮影所(旧新興キネマ京都撮影所)を賃借して映画製作に進出。)を吸収合併、社名を東映と改めて出発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Ashio Kodoku Sanjo Gaho" (Reports and Pictures of Ashio Mining Pollution) (1901), Ryukai MATSUMOTO revealed the horrifying fact that in five years there had been only two men who had passed the medical for the draft (there were fifty people who met the age for the draft) in Takayama of Sakai Village, Aso County (present Takayama-cho, Sano City, population of approximately 800 at that time), and out of those two that passed, one was subsequently discharged on medical grounds after only ten days. 例文帳に追加

松本隆海は、『足尾鉱毒惨状画報』(1901年)で、安蘇郡界村字高山(現佐野市高山町、当時の人口約800人)で、5年間で兵役合格者がわずか2名しか出ておらず(適齢者は延べ50名)、しかも、その合格者のうち1名も入隊後10日で病気で除隊となったという逸話を紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kanamura was credited with the reception of Emperor Keitai, was appointed to govern Mimana, and was serving as Oomuraji during the reigns of 5 different emperors--Emperors Buretsu, Keitai, Ankan, Senka and Kinmei but, upon being ousted from power on the accusation of ceding 4 prefectures within Minama to Kudara in the reign of Kinmei, he hid himself in his home in Sumiyoshi County, Settsu Province (present-day Tedzukayama, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City). 例文帳に追加

金村は継体天皇を迎え入れた功績があり、また任那の運営を任されており、武烈、継体、安閑天皇、宣化天皇、欽明天皇の5代にわたって大連を務めたが、欽明天皇の時代に百済へ任那4県を割譲したことの責任を問われ失脚し、摂津国住吉郡(現大阪市住吉区帝塚山)の邸宅に篭る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Assuming the government district was and the Kanzeon-ji Temple district was 三町, Kagamiyama pointed out that the southern border of them could be aligned on an east-west axis, and also he found that the distance between the eastern border of the government district and the western border of the Kanzeon-ji Temple district was equal to two Cho (approx. 218 meters), then he made a hypothesis that a city development plan based on the Cho unit existed and that many peripheral streets and causeways would match with the idea when he expanded the coverage of the plan. 例文帳に追加

鏡山は、政庁域を方四町、観世音寺域を方三町と推定した場合、両者の南辺を東西線上に一致させることができること、かつその場合の政庁東辺と観世音寺西辺の間が二町となることをもって、一町を単位とする造成企画の存在を想定し、その適用範囲を広げると周囲の道路や畦畔に合致するものが多いことを指摘。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the decisions they made there, they had petitioning activity and negotiations with usurers only to fail, therefore, an uprising was proposed in order to make an petition for tax reduction, postponement of compulsory education and deferment of debt to the government, and Eisuke TASHIRO, whose family acted as a nanushi (village headman) for generations in Omiyago (Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture) was recommended for their representative. 例文帳に追加

そこでの決議をもとに、請願活動や高利貸との交渉を行うも不調に終わり、租税の軽減・義務教育の延期・借金の据え置き等を政府に訴えるための蜂起が提案され、大宮郷(埼玉県秩父市)で代々名主を務める家の出身である田代栄助が総理(代表)として推挙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hitach City is located in Hitachi Province and this provincial name has its own story with it; that is, a long time ago this region was said to be 'a road to Hitakami Province (old name for the northern region of Japan; then this 'Hitakami' was shortened to 'Hitachi,' and one day Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA, the domain head of the Mito Domain, saw the rising sun in this region and praised the beautiful scene and he changed the characters which make up the provincial name from 'the province we can see the high sun' to 'the sun rising province' although the sound is the same for both names. 例文帳に追加

なお、日立市は常陸国に位置するが「常陸」の国名は「日高見国(東北地方の旧称)への道」を表す「ひたかみのくにへのみち」が「ひたち」へ転訛し、徳川光圀が現在の日立市一帯において朝日が昇る様の見事さを讃えて「日立」の当て字をしたことに由来すると言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The examples include Kosugi Station in Toyama Prefecture (Imizu City) and Musashikosugi Station in Kanagawa Prefecture, Otsuka Station In Tokyo and Mikawa Otsuka Station in Aichi Prefecture, Fuchu Station in Hiroshima Prefecture and Izumi Fuchu Station in Osaka Prefecture, Sunakawa Station in Hokkaido and Izumi Sunakawa Station in Osaka Prefecture, several Nakayama Stations that exist in Japan and Shimousa Nakayama Station. 例文帳に追加

富山県の小杉駅(富山県射水市)と神奈川県の武蔵小杉駅、東京都の大塚駅(東京都)と愛知県の三河大塚駅、広島県の府中駅(広島県)と大阪府の和泉府中駅、北海道の砂川駅と大阪府の和泉砂川駅、全国に複数存在する中山駅に対する千葉県の下総中山駅などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kobe Incident was an incident that occurred on February 4, 1868, in which in front of Sannomiya-jinja Shrine of Kobe (present-day Kobe City), a troop of the domain of Bizen (present-day Okayama Prefecture) injured French sailors who had crossed the array of the troop, and shot horizontally to the Minister-Counselors from Western countries who were inspecting the place which was supposed to be the settlement site (present-day Former Foreign Settlement). 例文帳に追加

神戸事件(こうべじけん)とは慶応4年1月11日(旧暦)(1868年2月4日)、神戸(現・神戸市)三宮神社前において備前藩(現・岡山県)兵が隊列を横切ったフランス人水兵らを負傷させたうえ、居留地(現・旧居留地)予定地を検分中の欧米諸国公使らに水平射撃を加えた事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The urban areas of Kobe were devastated by the great air raids in 1945, so building No. 15 of the former settlement (the former consulate of the United States, and an important cultural property of Japan) was the only building left standing among those built in the settlement period (that is, before 1899) in the western area of the settlement, which corresponds to the vicinity of the present-day city hall of Kobe; most of the modern-era buildings that remain standing were built in the Taisho period. 例文帳に追加

神戸市街地は1945年に大空襲を受けたため、現在の神戸市役所西側一帯にあった居留地時代(1899年以前)の建物で残っているのは旧居留地十五番館(旧アメリカ合衆国領事館、国の重要文化財)が唯一で、多く残る近代ビル建築は主に大正時代のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During Kyoho period and afterward, in order to take a drastic measure against floods, people had petitioned Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by shoguns) for implementation of a plan of controlling floods by excavating diversion aqueducts from around present-day Bunsui District, Tsubame City (former Bunsui-machi), which is located at the upper stream of a fork of the two rivers and the closest to the Japan Sea, but the plan wasn't executed due to the enormous amount of the construction cost and conflicts of interests among the watershed domains. 例文帳に追加

この抜本的治水策として、2つの川の分岐点より上流に当たり、且つ日本海に最も近い現在の燕市分水地区(旧分水町)付近から分水路を掘削する計画が享保年間より江戸幕府に嘆願されてきたが、莫大な工事費と、流域各藩の利害対立により実現しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Shinjukyo (the mirror engraved divine beasts) was discovered in the Tsubaiotsukayama-kofun Tumulus in Yamashiro-cho, Kyoto Prefecture (Kyoto Prefecture) (currently, Kizugawa City) in 1953, Yukio KOBAYASHI focused on the fact that the same form of mirrors were discovered in the various places in Japan and advocated Yamatai-Koku kingdom located in Yamato and the process of the establishment of an ancient government that Shinjukyo granted to Himiko by later Yamato sovereignty (the ancient Japan sovereignty) were given to Gozoku (local ruling family) in the various places. 例文帳に追加

1953年(昭和28年)、京都府山城町(京都府)(現・木津川市)の椿井大塚山古墳から神獣鏡が出土すると、小林行雄は同型の鏡が日本各地の古墳から出土している事実に着目し、邪馬台国が大和に所在し、のちのヤマト王権が卑弥呼に下賜された神獣鏡を各地の豪族に与えたとする古代政権成立過程を提唱した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this law was abolished later, it was not because Tokyo ceased to be the capital, but because the objective of the law (construction of capital) was accomplished and it was necessary to expand the area of city improvement from the capital to the capital and its surrounding region; the succeeding law, 'national capital region improvement law,' has a continuity and unity with the abolished law. 例文帳に追加

のちに同法は廃止されたが、廃止理由は、東京都が首都でなくなったからではなく、あくまで同法の目的(首都の建設)が達成され、整備の対象を「首都」から「首都とその周辺地域」に広げるための発展的なものであり、後継の首都圏整備法とは連続性、一体性を有するものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the standpoint of negative capital, on the actual condition of 'Transfer of the capital to Fukuhara' talked in the literary work such as "the Tale of Heike," some insist that the Taira clan government set Angu (tentative capital) in Fukuhara only for the purposes of transfering the captial toward Wada (Kobe City), and since Heian-Kyo did not lose any function as a traditional capital, Fukuhara ended up being the sub-capital to complement Kyoto in military and trade functions. 例文帳に追加

首都否定論の立場からは、『平家物語』などの文学作品に語られる「福原遷都」の実態については、平氏政権が和田(神戸市)方面への遷都を目的として福原に行宮を置いたに過ぎず、それによって平安京が従来の首都機能を失った様子も特に見られないことから、建前はどうあれ、福原は京都の機能を軍事・貿易面で補完する事実上の副都に留まった、とする主張がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "A letter by Kaneo KURASU" in the collection of Kanazawa Library which was sent on May 16 from Rokuhara Tandai Minamikata (Rokuhara Tandai South) in Kyoto to Myoninbokena, the second choro (patriarch) at Shomyo-ji Temple in Kanazawabunko (in Yokohama City), the situations of Kyoto after the incident observed by Rokuhara Tandai Minamikata, where the head officer was Sadaaki HOJO from the Kanesawa line of the clan whose grandmother was a sister of Tokimura HOJO, were as follows: "The situation in Kyoto became turbulent. 例文帳に追加

金沢文庫に残る5月16日の京の六波羅探題南方から金沢文庫・称名寺(横浜市)の二代長老明忍房剱阿に送られた「倉栖兼雄書状」によると、北条時村の姉妹を祖母にもつ金澤北条貞顕が探題であった六波羅探題南方では、このあと、次のような状態だったという、「京中連々騒動す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In later years the Kuki family in Ominato (Ise City) in Ise built an Atake-bune virtually equivalent to a tekkosen and named ""Oniyado", and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who liked the magnificence of the ship, adopted it as a flag ship in the Bunroku-keicho War, put a madder streamer and an Uma-jirushi (commander's flag) of a golden fan on it as a token of a flag ship, and renamed it "Nippon Maru". 例文帳に追加

後年、九鬼家は伊勢の大湊(伊勢市)において、鉄甲船とほぼ同水準とみられる安宅船を建造し「鬼宿(おにやど)」と名付けたが、この船の威容をいたく気に入った豊臣秀吉は、文禄・慶長の役の際の旗船としてこれを採用し、旗船の証である茜の吹流しと金団扇の馬印を授け、船名も「日本丸(にっぽんまる)」と改称させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the present day, the Ando family remains as one of the sightseeing spots in Motohama Town, Nagahama City, but the sites of the Yoshikawa and Shimomura families were bought by Denbei SHIMOGO (the first) who had a relation to the families by marriage, the site of the Yoshikawa family has been used as Nagahama municipal kindergarten, and the site of the Shimomura family has been used by Shimogo Kyosaikai foundation after used as Shiga prefectural Daiichi Elementary School (from 1871 to 1874, present day Nagahama municipal elementary school). 例文帳に追加

現在、長浜市元浜町の安藤家は観光地として残っているが、吉川家・下村家は跡地として、縁戚関係にあった下郷傳平(初代)が購入しており、北船町の吉川家跡地が長浜市立長浜幼稚園、西本町の下村家跡地が滋賀県第一小学校(明治4年~7年・現長浜市立長浜小学校)を経て財団法人下郷共済会となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Ten-year Plan of Development Commissioner was completed in 1882, Hokkaido Development Commissioner was abolished as originally planned, and it was decided that administrative districts called "prefecture" were introduced just as outside Hokkaido and that three prefectures were newly established in accordance with jurisdictions of the government in Sapporo City and two offices in Hakodate and Nemuro Cities which had been administered by Hokkaido Development Commissioner. 例文帳に追加

そして開拓使十年計画の満期を迎えた1882年、当初の計画通り北海道開拓使を廃止し、その当時置かれていた北海道開拓使の札幌市の本庁および函館市・根室市の2支庁のそれぞれの管轄区域に応じて道外と同様に県という行政区域を新たに3つ設定することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nankai Railway operated between Namba Station and Wakayama City Station, and Tobu Railway operated between Kitasenju Station and Kuki Station, and both were considered for the buyout at one time, but as there were Kansai Railway in Wakayama district and the lines operated by Nippon Railway in Northern Kanto district which were both the buyout candidates, they were excluded from the buyout due to budgetary constraints. 例文帳に追加

当時、南海電気鉄道は難波駅-和歌山市駅間、東武鉄道は北千住駅-久喜駅間の営業を行っていたが、和歌山方面には買収対象である関西鉄道の路線、関東北部へは同じく日本鉄道の路線があったため、国有化の対象に一時は含まれたことがあったものの、最終的には予算問題もあって外された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the formal reason was to concentrate the power on Hongan-ji Temple by suppressing the power of large-scale branch temples, the real reason was seemingly to revenge the permanent disadvantage of Renjun's newly-built Kensho-ji Temple in Otsu city in a scramble for followers and donations between Hongan-ji Temple whose parish overlapped with that of Kensho-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

そのため、表向きはこうした大規模な末寺の権力を抑圧して本願寺に権力を集めることとされたが、実際には大津市にあった蓮淳の顕証寺と地域が重複するために門徒・布施の取り合いとなり、常に新興の顕証寺が不利に立ってしまうことに対しての腹いせであったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, although OKUMA was considering bimetallism should be introduced as "nickel silver (Mexican dollar)"-based transaction was normal in Yokohama City as well as many other Asian countries, he decided the gold standard system would be introduced based on the proposal, "now, most countries are going to the gold standard system." by Hirobumi ITO, Okura no shofu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of the Treasury) and Minbu shohu (Junior Assistant Minister of Popular Affairs), who was on a business trip to the United States at that time. 例文帳に追加

また横浜市では、他の多くのアジア諸国と同様に「洋銀(メキシコドル)」での取引が常態化していたため、大隈としては金銀複本位制を考えていたが、当時アメリカ合衆国に出張中の大蔵少輔兼民部少輔伊藤博文の「現在、世界の大勢は金本位に向かいつつあり」との建言に基づき、金本位制の採用を決定する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Kanegasaki, was a battle between the troop of the Southern Court (Japan) led by Yoshisada NITTA who held Kanegasaki-jo Castle in Echizen Province (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture), and the troop of the Northern Court (Japan) led by Takatsune SHIBA who attacked the castle, from 1336 to 1337 in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan). 例文帳に追加

金ヶ崎の戦い(かねがさきのたたかい)は、南北朝時代(日本)の1336年(延元元年/建武(日本)3年)から翌1337年(延元2年/建武4年)にかけて、越前国金ヶ崎城(福井県敦賀市)に籠城する新田義貞率いる南朝(日本)方の軍勢と、それを攻撃する斯波高経率いる北朝(日本)方の軍勢との間で行われた戦いである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Out of his concern as a religious leader, Nichiren, who lived in Kamakura at the time, wrote the treatise at Jisso-ji Temple (in present-day Fuji City) in Suruga Province, following his "Shugo Kokka-ron" (Treatise on the Protection of the Nation) published the previous year, to present his arguments on political and religious ideals to Tokiyori HOJO, who was the actual leader of the Kamakura Shogunate government at the time. 例文帳に追加

当時鎌倉にいた日蓮は立正安国論撰述の前年『守護国家論』を撰述したのに続いて、宗教家としての憂慮から政治・宗教のあるべき姿を当時鎌倉幕府の事実上の最高指導者である北条時頼に提示するために駿河国実相寺(富士市)に籠って執筆した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example; 'This year things go better, eejanaika (it's good)' (Awaji Province), 'Japan's better condition, eejanaika, I'm very happy with Honen Dance (dance praying for a year of good harvest)' (Awa Province), 'Luckily good, yoijanaika (it's good), don't care anything, yoijanaika, put a slip of paper on omako (vulgar dialect of pubes), put it again if it comes off, yoijanaika,' (applause for sexual liberation: Awaji Province), 'Choshu (a domain advocating the imperial rule) took the capital, things become cheap, ejanaika (it's good)' (Nishinomiya City), 'Choshu people go up to the capital, ejanaika, Cho (Choshu) and Dai (Daigo area, Fujimi, Kyoto meaning the center of Kyoto), ejanaika' (Bingo). 例文帳に追加

例えば、今年は世直りええじゃないか(淡路)、日本国の世直りはええじゃないか、豊年踊はお目出たい(阿波)、御かげでよいじゃないか、何んでもよいじゃないか、おまこに紙張れ、へげたら又はれ、よいじゃないか(淡路)という性の解放、長州がのぼた、物が安うなる、えじゃないか(西宮)、長州さんの御登り、えじゃないか、長と醍と、えじゃないか(備後)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as Emperor Meiji's Tokyo Gyoko (Emperor's going out to Tokyo) was nearing, OKUMA could not immediately move from Kyoto to Yokohama City where Parkes was, so he and others such as foreign governor Munenari DATE (Uwajima Domain) had a conference, resulting in an announcement to Japan and foreign countries on February 5, that they would issue new currency in the near future, and for Parkes, he instructed officer of Foreign Affairs Council Munenori TERASHIMA, who was also the governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, to appease. 例文帳に追加

だが、明治天皇の東京行幸を目前に控えて大隈は直ちに京都からパークスのいる横浜市に動くことは出来ず、大隈は外国官知事伊達宗城(宇和島藩)らと協議の結果2月5日に内外に向けて近いうちに新貨幣を発行することを発表し、パークスには神奈川県知事を兼務していた外国官判事寺島宗則が宥めるように指示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jobosei is the rule of capital system stated by Kao Gong Ji (Records of technology, architecture, city planning etc.) in "Rites of Zhou," a classic of Confucianism, which defines Tojo as follows: (1) its shape is a square, nine li (li is an old Chinese unit of distance) on each side; (2) it has nine north-south streets and nine east-west streets, which are nine carriage tracks in width; and (3) the palace is located in the middle, with the alter of imperial ancestors on the east, the altar of soil and grain on the west, the imperial court on the south, and the market on the north. 例文帳に追加

条坊制は儒教の古典である『周礼』(しゅらい)考工記による都制の基準で、都城は9里の方形であること、南北9条、東西9坊の街路が走りその幅が車のわだちの9倍であること、中央に宮室を置きその左右に宗廟と社稷を配置すること、宮室の南には朝廷、北には市場を配すること、などが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The influence of Luoyang of Northern Wei has been pointed out in the layout of Fujiwara-kyo, for its characteristics such as the area surrounded by the ancient paths in Yamato Province (Nakatsu Michi, Shimotsu Michi, Yokooji and Yamada Michi), the streets dividing the city into twelve rows and eight columns (each of the east and west towns devided into four), three gates attached on each of the north, south, east and west walls (twelve in total), the imperial palace located slightly north to the center and a pond park located further north. 例文帳に追加

藤原京は大和の古道(中ツ道・下ツ道・横大路・山田道)に囲われた領域に南北12条東西4坊ずつの街路が整備され、東西南北3門ずつ計12門を持ち、宮城は市域の中央北寄りに位置しており、その北には苑池が配されていたとことなどから、北魏洛陽城の影響が指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1415, when Zenshu UESUGI started a revolt in Kanto region, Mitsushige (which is the name of Ogurihangan's father but refers to Ogurihangan himself in this context) ran away as he was defeated by the shognate deputy Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, but Oguri became engaged to the Princess Terute, a young woman from Yokoyama family (Daizen YOKOYAMA's legend remains in Matano, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City) in Sagami Province, whom he fell in love with while hiding together with 10 of his retainers in Sagami Province. 例文帳に追加

1415年、上杉禅秀が関東地方において乱を起こした際、満重(小栗判官の父の名であるがここでは小栗判官自身)は管領足利持氏に攻め落とされ、落ち延びるが、相模国の国に10人の家来とともに潜伏中に見初めた相模横山家(横山大膳・横浜市戸塚区俣野に伝説が残る)の娘照手姫と結婚の約束を交わす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The night when Ogurihangan was killed, Daiku Shonin had a strange dream in Yugyo-ji Temple in which Enma Daio appeared and said: "The corpses of 11 people have been abandoned in Uenohara City and Ogurihangan is the only one who could be resuscitated, so you should help me in putting him in Yunomine-onsen Hot Spring to restore his body," so Daiku Shonin followed the oracle by going to Uenohara, burying the dead retainers and bringing Ogurihangan, still showing signs of life, back to the temple. 例文帳に追加

判官が殺されたその夜、遊行寺では、大空上人の夢枕に閻魔大王が立ち、「上野原市に11人の屍が捨てられており、判官のみ蘇生させられるので、湯の峰温泉に入れてもとの体に戻すために力を貸せ」という不思議な夢を見、そのお告げどおり上人が上野原に行き、死んだ家来達をほうむり、まだ息のあった判官を寺に連れ帰ったのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, 200 years before Shingen, Akiie KITABATAKE, who was a young court noble and busho (Japanese military commander) as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), used the emblem of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan on a flag when he raised an army at Mutsu Taga-jo Province (present Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture) in order to defeat Takauji ASHIKAGA, who took control of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

実際は風林火山の旗印は信玄よりも200年早く、南北朝時代(日本)の若き公卿武将で鎮守府将軍であった北畠顕家が、京を制圧した足利尊氏を打倒するために陸奥多賀城(現在の宮城県多賀城市)で兵を挙げた時から使用していた陣旗であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Shigetada HATAKEYAMA Rebellion was the rebellion in which Shigetada HATAKEYAMA was killed in an attack by a large army, planned by Tokimasa HOJO and executed by Yoshitoki HOJO; it took place at the Futamata-gawa River in the Musashi Province (present-day Asahi Ward and Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama City) on July 17, 1205 in the early Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

畠山重忠の乱(はたけやましげただのらん)は、鎌倉時代初期の元久2年6月22日(旧暦)(1205年7月10日)、武蔵国二俣川(現神奈川県横浜市旭区(横浜市)保土ケ谷区)において、武蔵国の有力御家人・畠山重忠が武蔵掌握を図る北条時政の策謀により、北条義時率いる大軍に攻められて滅ぼされた事件。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The survey covered the whole Kii Peninsula and he wrote reports in "Kumano Bussan shoshi" to cover most of the Kumano Region (Muro-gun) from Nakahechi and Ohechi to Owase City and Nagashima-cho (Mie Prefecture), "Kinan Rokugun shi" for the northwestern area from Muro-gun, "Yasan Somoku tsushi" on the vegetation of the estate of the Koyasan Temple. 例文帳に追加

その調査はほぼ紀伊半島全域にわたり、中辺路・大辺路から尾鷲市・長島町(三重県)に至る、おおよそ熊野地方(牟婁郡)全体を対象とした『熊野物産初志』、牟婁群より西北を扱った『紀南六郡志』、高野山寺領内の植物誌『野山草木通志(やさんそうもくつうし)』といった著作にまとめられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ina no Agata was controlled by 'the Inatsuhiko family', gozoku (local ruling family) of Inatsuhiko Shrine was located in now Ishimaru, Mino City, Osaka Prefecture, and it is thought that a state had been established in now Hokusetsu area before the Isshi Incident (when Emperor Tenchi and FUJIWARA no Kamatari destroyed the Soga family) and following 'Taika no Kaishin' (Great Reformation of the Taika Era) occurred in the Asuka period. 例文帳に追加

この猪名県を支配していたのが、現在の大阪府箕面市石丸に存在する為那都比古神社の豪族であった「為那都比古一族」(いなつひこ)で、飛鳥時代に起こった天智天皇・藤原鎌足らが蘇我氏を滅ぼし(乙巳の変)、それに伴う改革である「大化の改新」以前に現在の北摂を支配していた国家が成立していたとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, many potteries, the flagship product of karamono (things imported from China) that time have been excavated from the remains of Heiankyo, and many think that although the number of the Japanese envoys to Tang Dynasty China declined, and even after the transfer of national capital to the city of Heiankyo, many potteries were brought from China into Japan and many of those were brought by private merchants. 例文帳に追加

更に今日かつての平安京からは当時の唐物の代表的商品である中国製陶器が多数発掘されており、遣唐使の減少にも関わらず平安遷都以後においても中国から大量の陶器が流入しており、それらの多くは民間の商人の手によってもたらされていたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though there are temples with a Chinese-style symmetrical garan layout in which a sanmon gate is connected through the corridors to the Buddha hall, behind which a lecture hall and a hojo (head priest's living quarters) are built, a kuin and a sodo on the left and right sides of the corridors, and a yokushitsu and tosu are placed diagonally across the sanmon gate; such temples whose whole garan structures (including the corridors) remain are limited to those built in the early-modern times, such as Zuiryu-ji Temple (Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture), Mampuku-ji Temple (Kyoto Prefecture), etc. 例文帳に追加

三門からの回廊が仏殿に達し、後ろに法堂・方丈を建て、回廊左右に庫院と僧堂を、三門斜前方に浴室と東司を設けるという中国風の左右対称の伽藍配置をもつ寺院もあるが、回廊まで含めて残っているのは富山・瑞龍寺(高岡市)、京都・萬福寺など近世以降のものに限られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was rebuilt, but after it was destroyed again by a storm on July 9, 980 (old lunar calendar), it was never rebuilt and its remains were deserted as Ukyo (the west district of Heian-kyo) declined in population, and the security of the south area of Heian-kyo steadily deteriorated along with the desolation of the country, turning the neighborhood of Rajomon, the south of the capital city, into an area no one would dare to come close to. 例文帳に追加

再建されたが、天元3年7月9日暴風雨で再度倒壊してからは再建されず、右京の衰えと共にこの門も荒廃していき、国内の荒廃につれて平安京南部の治安は悪化の一途をたどり、洛南の羅城門周辺は夜ともなれば誰も近付かぬ荒れた一画となっていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This park consists of several areas: a walking trail with Mt. Hiei and Kyoto International Conference Center as a backdrop, the pond on which people can enjoy rowing boats, an athletic park on the other side of the hill and at the side of Matsugasaki Station on the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line, 'Kodomo no Rakuen' (Children's Paradise) which has play facilities for children, and 'Ikoi no Mori' (Recreation Woods) that links the pond and Kodomo no Rakuen. 例文帳に追加

比叡山と国立京都国際会館を借景として楽しむ遊歩道とボート遊びが出来る本体部と、山を越えて京都市営地下鉄烏丸線松ヶ崎駅側にある運動公園、子供向けの遊戯施設がある「こどもの楽園」と、本体部とこどもの楽園を結ぶ「いこいの森」部分から成り立つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kawakami Dam is under construction at the Maefukase-gawa River, a subsidiary stream on the left of the Kizu-gawa River, while Yodogawa River System Committee's recommendations in 2005 led to the conclusion that "it is appropriate to abort the construction," and the agency's supervisory Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism intends to change the dam to a flood-control dam, but Mie Prefecture, Iga City, residents in the river area, and those residents to move out oppose the Ministry's intention saying that the construction should be continued as it is planned. 例文帳に追加

尚、木津川の左支川・前深瀬川には現在川上ダムが建設中であるが、2005年(平成17年)の「淀川水系流域審議会」の答申により『建設中止が妥当』という判断が下され、機構を所管する国土交通省は治水ダムへの変更を図ろうとしているが、三重県や伊賀市、流域住民や移転住民から計画通りの建設を行うべきと反発を受けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, symbolic structures like Tenshu were not absolutely nonexistent before Azuchi-jo Castle was built; examples from various places include Seishoken of Dokan OTA which had been in Edo-jo Castle around 1469, Settsu Province Itami-jo Castle (Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture), Yamato Province, Tamonyama-jo Castle built by Hisahide MATSUNAGA in the Eiroku era (1558-1569), and the Yonkai Yagura (four-story turret) in Shigisan-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

ただし、天守のような象徴的な建物は安土城以前に全くなかったわけではなく、1469年前後の江戸城にあった太田道灌の静勝軒、摂津国伊丹城(兵庫県伊丹市)、また松永久秀が永禄年間(1558年-1569年)に築いた大和国多聞山城や信貴山城の四階櫓などが各地に造られていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The remains are located on a plain on the western shore of the Iruma-gawa River to the north-west of the urban area of the current Kawagoe City, sandwiching the Joraku-ji Temple to the south-east and covering an area approximately 150 meters east to west and 200 meters north to south, with a mound about one to three meters high, and part of the moat remains on the outside, with the total area covering approximately 240 meters east to west and 300 meters north to south. 例文帳に追加

遺跡は、現在の川越市市街地の北西、入間川西岸に接する平地にあり、その南東部を占める常楽寺境内をはさんで、東西約150メートル、南北約200メートルの方形の区画(曲輪)を思わせる高さ1メートルないし3メートルの土塁およびその外側の堀が一部遺存しており、全体では東西約240メートル、南北約300メートルの規模を有する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In November 21, 2008, Kyoto City announced the introduction of naming rights for the three facilities (athletic stadium, ballpark, and gymnasium) in The Nishikyogoku Comprehensive Sports Park and as for the ballpark; it solicited for the buyer, the right from January 8 to 30, 2009 under the condition that the amount of yearly contract should be more than 25 million yen, the term of contract should be more than five years, the name of the facility should include the word 'Kyoto' or 'Nishikyogoku,' and so on. 例文帳に追加

京都市は2008年11月21日、西京極総合運動公園内の3施設(陸上競技場、野球場、体育館)を対象に命名権(ネーミングライツ)を導入する意向を明らかにし、このうち野球場について年間契約額2500万円以上、契約期間5年以上、施設名称に「京都」もしくは「西京極」を付与することなどを条件に、2009年1月8日から1月30日まで売却先の募集を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The museum has attracted attention as an example to be followed in other regions in that the city and the university jointly collects, exhibits and preserves materials so that the systematic study of manga and animation can help promote the lifelong learning, tourism activation, development of human resources and creation of new industries, the fruits of which can be shared and can contribute to the cultural activities of local communities. 例文帳に追加

マンガ・アニメーションを体系的に研究し生涯学習、観光誘致、人材育成や新産業創出等への活用を図るため資料の収集・展示・保存を市と大学の共同により行い、その成果を地域社会の文化活動に対しても還元・貢献できる形態は他地域の先進事例となることが注目されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In view of these remains, the central area of the Shirakawa region from the late sixth century to the early eighth century is presumed to have been this area (the southern part of Izumizaki Village, Nishishirakawa County, Fukushima Prefecture and the northern part of Shirakawa City) and these remains including Izumizaki Yokoana Cave are important for making clear the changes from the era of Shirakawa no Kuni no Miyatsuko (regional administrator of Shirakawa Province) to the ancient Shirakawa County. 例文帳に追加

これらの遺跡より、6世紀後半から8世紀初めまでの白河地方の中心地はこの一帯(福島県西白河郡泉崎村南部・白河市北部地域)と推定され、泉崎横穴を含めたこれらの遺跡群は白河国造から古代白河郡への変遷を解明する上で重要である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Following the dawn of the sixteenth century, amid the turmoil of Sengoku, the Honganji Buddhist sect engaged its activities in various regions in Japan using its power of organization, which was constituted by petty peasants up to samurai hierarchy such as the local samurai, the local ruling families and so on; however, in 1532 Yamashina Honganji Temple suffered damage due to the Tenbun-hokke-no-ran War, and therefore the tenth generation (Shonyo) moved to Ishiyama Gobo, which was opened in Nishinari-gun, Settsu-no-kuni (currently Osaka City) by Rennyo, which became Ishiyama Honganji Temple. 例文帳に追加

16世紀に入ると、戦国の動乱の中で、本願寺教団は零細な農民から地侍、土豪などの武士階層に至るその組織力を武器に日本各地で活動を活発化させるが、山科本願寺は天文法華の乱により1532年に戦災にあい、第10代証如は摂津国西成郡(現在の大阪市)に蓮如が開いた石山御坊へと移り、石山本願寺とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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