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Have manyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3498


With the increasing recognition of Kyoto ramen, ramen stores have appeared that themselves Kyoto ramen though they are not from Kyoto, and cup ramens that call themselves Kyoto ramen (there are also many cup ramens tied up with existing stores in Kyoto). 例文帳に追加

近年、京都ラーメンの一般への認知が進み、京都発祥ではないのに京都ラーメンを標榜するラーメン店や京都ラーメンを標榜するカップラーメンが現れるようになった(京都の実在する店とタイアップしたカップラーメンも多い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Hawaii, where many Japanese immigrants have resided since the early Meiji period, curry and rice is popular as a daily food and can be found even in the menu of restaurants serving traditional Hawaiian foods. 例文帳に追加

明治初期から日本人移民の多いハワイでは、カレーライスは日常食として普及しており、日本料理店のみならず大衆的なレストランや伝統的なハワイ料理を扱う店のメニューにもカレーライスを名を見つけることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to clarify aiki and breath power as concrete technical principles, there have been many attempts to explain them from various angles such as datsuryoku, the use of body weight, the shifting of one's center of gravity, the abdomen and lower back inner muscles, the leverage theory, the use of illusion and reflex, and psychological manipulation, but research from the perspective of empirical science has not been sufficient. 例文帳に追加

合気・呼吸力を具体的な技法原理として解明するために、脱力・体重利用・重心移動・腹腰部深層筋・梃子の原理・錯覚や反射の利用・心理操作など様々な側面から説明が試みられているが、実証科学的な研究はまだ充分とは言えない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After many jujutsu teachers lost their positions of an instructor at a clan in the early Meiji period, jujutsu is said to have got rare to be taught, but in fact, jujutsu became popular in local villages and other places nationwide, and it was loved like a kind of entertainment. 例文帳に追加

明治初期に多くの柔術師範が藩指南役等の立場を失ったため、柔術は指導されなくなったように言われているが、実際には全国的に地方の村落などで逆に柔術が流行し、娯楽の一種のように受け入れられ大変広まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the viewpoint of world history, not many years have passed since the Meiji Restoration, and food culture is not classified by prefecture, but classified by region under a domain which existed before Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures) in the early Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

現在の日本は世界の歴史的観点から見て明治維新からそう月日が流れておらず、食文化は都道府県の区分けによって分かれているのではなく、明治初頭の廃藩置県前まであった藩ごとの地方によって分かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Greeting: The Japanese language has many linguistic concepts along with delicate nuances which are nonexistent in other cultural areas such as itadakimasu (expression of gratitude before meals), gochisosama (deshita) (phrase used after one has been treated (especially after meals), tadaima (I'm home!), okaeri (nasai) (welcome home), itterasshai (have a good day), ittekimasu (I'm going now), shitsureishimasu (shita) (excuse me), ojamashimasu (shita) (excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you), etc. 例文帳に追加

あいさつ:いただきます、ごちそうさま(でした)、ただいま、おかえり(なさい)、いってらっしゃい、いってきます、失礼します(した)、お邪魔します(した)など、他の文化圏にはない微妙なニュアンスをともなう言語概念が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, in many cases, complete outsiders, viewers and concerned people called participants only have a recognition at a level of 'matsuri equaling to cheerful event' (omatsuri sawagi), and now is in the situation where it is almost far from clear to take days off for a feast compared with cases of taking days off for funeral service and so on. 例文帳に追加

このため、全くの部外者や、見物する者や参加する者という当事者にとっても「祭=楽しいイベント(お祭り騒ぎ)」という程度の認識しか持たれないことが多く、祭のために仕事を休むということは、例えば葬儀のためにということなどと比べると遥かに理解が得られにくい状況にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, new-generation breweries do not pay too much attention to toji schools, and when a previous toji steps down to make room for another person or just leaves his position, many breweries now have the attitude that they invite new personnel through recruitment advertisements and they are willing to accept any applicant who agrees to their conditions of employment. 例文帳に追加

また、新しい世代の蔵元は、杜氏の流派にもこだわらず、前の杜氏が勇退したり辞職したりすると、とりあえず求職メディアに応募を出して、雇用条件の折り合う応募者ならば誰でも採用する、という人も多くなってきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Japanese dishes have been well known overseas, the number of restaurants that call themselves Japanese restaurants, but use foodstuffs and cooking methods totally different from genuine Japanese dishes has increased (many of them are operated by Chinese or Koreans). 例文帳に追加

海外において、日本食が広く知れ渡るにつれ、日本食レストランと称し、食材や調理方法など本来の日本食とかけ離れた食事を提供しているレストランが数多く見うけられるようになり(韓国人や中国人が経営していることが多い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Obi, which tighten the body, is thought to have magical power that affects the wearer's life, and not only special ones were prepared for pregnant women, but also, according to various folklore, many kinds of accessories such as chikara obi (power obi) can be widely seen. 例文帳に追加

身体を取り締めるものである帯は、生命にかかわる呪術的な力をも有すると考えられ、妊婦のために特別のものが用意されるなどしたほか、様々な伝承において、力帯(ちからおび)やそれに類する装身具が広く見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since many schools of bojutsu have common names for techniques such as "goho" (literally, five methods, five directions, etc.), "sashiai" (literally, doing together, obstacle), "kasanoshita" (literally, under an umbrella), "gorinkudaki" (literally, crushing five wheels), and "mizuhiki" (decorative Japanese cord made from twisted paper), it seems that there has been some relationship among the schools. 例文帳に追加

多くの棒術流派で『ゴホウ(五法、五方、御方)』『サシアイ(指合、差合)』『カサノシタ(笠の下)』『(ゴリンクダキ)五輪砕』『(ミズヒキ)水引』等の技法名が共通している存在する事から、流派間に何らかの関連があると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As seen in the visible examples of wine and champagne made by monasteries of Benedictine Order as well as of beer made by Trappist Monasteries in Europe, many civilizations have a period in which religious power leads the brewing industry for reasons similar to those stated above. 例文帳に追加

ヨーロッパにおけるベネディクト派修道院のワインやシャンパン、トラピスト派修道院のビールなどが分かりやすい例であるように、上記とほぼ同じ理由から、宗教勢力が醸造業の最先端を牽引していく時代というものは、さまざまな文明で見出されるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The above coincides with the fact that many apparitions were created by painters in this period, a peaceful time in which the culture of ordinary people was prosperous and folklore did not exist, and that "the Edo period was a recycling society without parallel in the world" as researchers of the Edo period, such as Hinako SUGIURA, have pointed out. 例文帳に追加

これは、太平の庶民文化の隆盛から、口碑伝承のないこの時代の作家に創作された妖怪の類の氾濫と、杉浦日向子などの江戸時代研究家や学者が説明する「江戸時代は世界に類を見ない資源還元(リサイクル)社会であった」という事実と合致する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most Japanese have no religion, nor practice a particular religion, but it may be not true that they are atheists, as seen from the fact that many of them do not strongly deny religions or Shinto and Buddhist deities, rely on the deities when they are in trouble, and respect religious ideas, such as 'curses' and 'bad karma.' 例文帳に追加

しかし積極的に宗教や神仏を否定するわけではなく、いざとなった場合は神仏に頼ったり「祟り」や「罰(ばち)」などの宗教的概念を尊重する日本人が多いことからも、日本人の多くは特定の宗教を信仰しない無宗教ではあっても無神論者というわけではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The properties accredited as an important art object include many items such as paintings, Buddha statues, craft products, sutra scrolls, classical books, archaeological materials and buildings, and they have a few outstanding characteristics compared to the articles designated as a national treasure (which are equivalent to the 'important cultural property' under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties) of those days. 例文帳に追加

重要美術品等認定物件には、絵画、仏像、工芸品、経巻、典籍、考古資料、建造物など各種のものが含まれているが、当時の国宝指定物件(文化財保護法における「重要文化財」に相当)に比して、いくつかの際立った特色がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many programs contained in the selection feature a role of a handsome man or boy with his face painted white (or a similar role), or a role that appeals his good voice and eloquency, or a role with Edo-style sophisticated and gallant appearance in the case of plays dealing with the lives of ordinary people, and the selection contains few works of Maruhon Kabuki (Plays written for ningyo joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theater) that have been adapted for Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors)). 例文帳に追加

役としては白塗りの二枚目立役または若衆役かそれに類するものであること、調子のよい口跡を聞かせる役が多いこと、世話ものでは江戸前の粋でいなせな風情を見せる役が多いこと、丸本歌舞伎が少ないことなどが特徴。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the annual manufacturing number of "Classic Pants" of the said company has held a constant production since the start of sales, that there has been a constant demand for many years can be supposed to be the evidence that new "fundoshi" fanciers have been produced as well as the group of purchasers for replacement. 例文帳に追加

同社の「クラシックパンツ」の年間製造枚数は販売以来ほぼ一定の生産枚数を保っていることから、年月を経ても一定の需要があることは、買い換え層以外にも新たな「褌」愛好家が生まれている証左であると推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sadaka floats the head of Hinagiku with Hina-ningyo (dolls and miniature instruments displayed at the Girls' Festival) in the river to send it to Daihanji, while gorgeous yet sad Joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment) is played on the musicians' stage; it chants, 'marriage furniture, food box, container, papier-mache dog, and many chests (these are all the instruments included in Hina-ningyo). If she was alive, they would have been real presents once in life, lined up for five or seven cho (distance unit; a cho is about 109 m).' 例文帳に追加

「嫁入り道具、行器、長持犬張子、小袖箪笥の幾さおも、命ながらへ居るならば、一世一度の送り物、五丁七丁続く程」の華やかにも悲しい床の浄瑠璃に合わせ、定高は雛鳥の首を雛人形とともに川に流し大判事に受け取らせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are many major Tenman-gu Shrines on the path Michizane took to his place of exile in Dazaifu, and three Tenman-gu Shrines such Kitano-tenmangu Shrine, Dazaifu-tenmangu Shrine, and Osaka-tenmangu Shrine (or Hofu-tenmangu Shrine), that are considered to have had the deepest connection with Michizane are referred to as the Three Great Tenjins of Japan. 例文帳に追加

道真が大宰府に流されていった道筋に主要な天満宮の多くはあり、その内特に道真と関係が深いという北野天満宮・太宰府天満宮の二つに大阪天満宮・防府天満宮のいずれかを入れた三つの天満宮については、日本三天神と呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, many have survived until today and it is clear that following the middle ages a large number of provincial temples continued to operate in different forms or belonging to different sects from the time of their founding, whereas others were later restored. 例文帳に追加

ただし、中世以後もかなりの数の国分寺は、当初の国分寺とは異なる宗派あるいは性格を持った寺院として存置し続けたことが明らかになっており、あるいは後世において再興されるなどして、現在まで維持しているところもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the chapter dealing with the year 653 in the "Nihonshoki" states 'With the death of Somin, many Buddhist statues were placed in Kawara-dera Temple in his memory', there is an editor's note stating 'it may have been Yamada-dera Temple not Kawara-dera Temple', showing that even at the time the "Nihonshoki" was edited this story was already unreliable. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』の白雉4年(653年)条には「僧旻(みん)の死去にともない、追善のため多くの仏像を川原寺に安置した」との記事があるが、『書紀』の編者は「川原寺でなく山田寺であったかもしれない」との注を付しており、『書紀』編纂の時点ですでにこの話はあやふやなものであったことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Up until the Meiji period, worshipers of Kasuga-taisha Shrine thought they should visit Enomoto-jinja Shrine first while beating a pillar with a fist many times (because the god of Enomoto is deaf) saying 'Kasuga-san, I have come to visit you' and go around his Hokora and then proceed to the main hall. 例文帳に追加

明治時代までは、春日大社の参詣者は、まず榎本神社に参拝し、柱を握り拳で何度も叩きながら(榎本の神は耳が遠いので)「春日さん、お参りました」などと言い、榎本神社の祠の周りを廻った後に本殿に参るという慣習があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During Emperor Suzaku's reign there were many disasters or abnormal events such as the eruptin of Mt. Fuji, earthquakes and flooding; moreover, not only did the Emperor have no children, but he also abdicated to pass the throne to his younger half-brother, Prince Nariakira (later called Emperor Murakami) and left the Imperial Palace to live at Ninna-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

治世中はこのほかにも富士山の噴火や地震・洪水などの災害・変異が多く、また皇子女に恵まれなかったこともあってか、朱雀天皇は早々と同母弟成明親王(後の村上天皇)に譲位し、仁和寺に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Apart from this, there was another theory that the Emperor was killed by tying rope around his neck or by being stabbed to death by someone, there were many rumors like 'doctors of the household of an Imperial prince was called at midnight to the Imperial Palace who treated a nobleman who presumably could have been emperor Komei, he was in blood after being stabbed around his stomach, although treated, he died.' 例文帳に追加

そのほか、天皇が宮中で何者かに刺殺あるいは斬殺されたという説もみられ、「宮家の侍医が深夜呼び出されて御所に上がり、腹部を刺され血まみれになった孝明天皇と思われる貴人を手当てしたが甲斐無く絶命した」という型の話が数種流布している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Kyotanabe Campus was built, school roads were also made from the Kodo Station on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line to the university, but it takes less time to go through the residential streets rather than going along the school roads, and the students do not have to cross the elevated bridge above the Doshishamae Station, so many students do not use the school roads. 例文帳に追加

京田辺校地建設に伴い近鉄京都線興戸駅から大学に向かう通学路を建設したが、その通学路を通るより住宅街を通り抜ける方が距離的に近く、同志社前駅の上の高架橋を通ることなく通学できるため、多くの学生がその通学路を通っていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Educators who believed in the most advanced educational philosophy at the time as well international businessmen who were committed to the British public schools jumped on the idea of the seven-year higher schools, and many seven-year higher schools aimed to nurture students to have sophisticated disposition. 例文帳に追加

七年制高等学校構想には当時の先端的な教育思想を信奉する教育家や英国流のパブリックスクールに傾倒していた国際派経済人がとびつき、おおくの七年制高等学校はスマートな気質の学生をそだてることをめざした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was a great Ommyoji who was trusted by aristocrats during the Heian Period, and he was also an expert who had a remarkable knowledge of the art of Ommyodo (the Way of Yin and Yang), such as divination and 'ancient astrology,' which was the most advanced form of magic and science at the time, and many legendary anecdotes have been created based on mystified stories about him. 例文帳に追加

当時最先端の呪術・科学であった「天文道」や占いなどの陰陽道の技術に関して卓越した知識を持ったエキスパートであり、平安貴族たちの信頼を受けた大陰陽師で、その事跡は神秘化されて数多くの伝説的逸話を生んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Kondo, Serizawa, Negishi had already organized their respective factions, but Tonouchi and Iesato didn't have any factions (probably, they never imagined that so many warriors would be purged in the future) as they became the top warriors who had the confidence of Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and were close to Negishi. 例文帳に追加

近藤、芹沢、根岸らは、既にそれぞれ派閥を形成していたが、殿内と家里は、江戸幕府の信用で筆頭格になったので、派閥らしいものはなく(のちの粛清の嵐など想像もつかなかったことだろう。)、旧知の根岸らと近かったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The event itself was small, but in Mino Province there were many manors which were in possession of Enryaku-ji Temple, and Goshirakawa had been working to control those manors through the kokushi (local governor) who were his attendants, so Enryaku-ji Temple sought to have Narichika exiled and Masatomo detained. 例文帳に追加

事件自体は小さなものだったが美濃国は延暦寺の荘園が多く、後白河は国司に院近臣を任じて荘園抑止の政策をとっていた経緯もあり、延暦寺は成親の配流と政友の禁獄を求めて強訴を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Retsudo Gisen left his name in the history since he was the last son of Munenori YAGYU and the founder of his family temple, but few studies from academic points of view such as historical science and so on have been made, and there are many parts in his history and legends which are not fully known. 例文帳に追加

列堂義仙は柳生宗矩の末子で柳生家の菩提寺の開基であることから歴史に名を残したが、歴史学などの学術的視点からの研究はあまり行われておらず、その事歴については十分に分かっていない部分も多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ii's Akazonae (red arms) had such great success in their first engagement at the Battle of Komaki-Nagakute that Hideyoshi HASHIBA, supreme commander of a Hashiba army that consisted of nearly 10 times as many soldiers as the allied forces of Tokugawa and Oda, and his busho (Japanese military commanders) were said to have trouble with them. 例文帳に追加

初陣の小牧・長久手の戦いでは大いに活躍し、徳川・織田連合軍の約10倍近くの兵を有していた羽柴軍の総大将である羽柴秀吉(後の豊臣秀吉)やその配下の武将達もこの井伊の赤備えには、大変手こずったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ii's Akazonae (red arms) were renowned around the country as the most elite force among Sengoku (warring provinces) during the Azuchi Momoyama Period, however, there seem to have been many vassals who couldn't stand the strict military discipline of Naomasa and left to serve Tadakatsu HONDA instead. 例文帳に追加

井伊の赤備えは、戦国屈指の先鋭部隊として安土・桃山時代の初期から末期にかけて天下に名を轟かせていたが、家臣達の中には直政による厳しい軍律に耐えられなくなり、本多忠勝の下に去る者達も多かったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as no child was born with any lady other than Yodo-dono (Many researchers doubt the existence of his children at the time of Nagahama-jo Castle in Omi Province, for example; his first child, Hidekatsu HASHIBA [Ishimatsumaru]), and only Yodo-dono bore two children, therefore, doubt about relationship of Hideyoshi and Hideyori have been raised. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その一方で淀殿との間以外に子ができず(長子羽柴秀勝(石松丸)ら長浜城(近江国)時代の子の実在を疑う研究者も多い)、また、淀殿だけが2人の子供を生んでいることから、秀吉と秀頼の父子関係に対する疑問が唱えられたものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Jyozankidan, a collection of anecdotes compiled in the Edo period) Narimasa tended to be underestimated due to the bad reputations created by the winners Hideyoshi or Maeda, but Hideyoshi and Maeda seemed to have highly recognized the heroic act of Sassa as an army commander and there are many heroic records commending him. 例文帳に追加

(常山紀談)このように勝者である秀吉や前田氏に悪評を創作され、過小評価を受けがちな成政であるが、その秀吉・前田も佐々の軍事指揮官としての武勇は非常に認めていたようで、多くの賞賛をした記録が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In connection with the policy of receiving Kazunomiya, a granddauthter of her elder brother Sanehisa, into the royal kitchen of the 14th general Iemochi TOKUGAWA as part of the Kobugattai (combining noble and general) process, Anegakoji is said to have asked many times the Hashimoto family and her niece Keiko HASHIMOTO (Kazunomiya's mother) for the rank-down marriage of Kazunomiya. 例文帳に追加

兄・実久の孫娘・和宮を公武合体の一貫として14代将軍・徳川家茂の御台所に迎える政策で、姉小路は和宮の降嫁を橋本家や姪の橋本経子(和宮の母)に何度も要求したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides, in her own book "'Enka' no Susume" (Recommendation of 'Japanese ballad'), a vocal musician Yumi AIKAWA says 'any of the pronunciation of the lyrics, the vocalization, the musical interval, the rhythm, and so on is never praiseworthy' as an evaluation after she listened to the records of MIURA's performance, and presents a question as to 'the legend that Tamaki MIURA was a prima donna of the world' which many Japanese have cherished. 例文帳に追加

また声楽家の藍川由美は自著『「演歌」のススメ』の中でレコード録音された三浦の演奏を聴いて「歌詞の発音や発声法、音程、リズムなど、どれをとってもけっして褒められたものではない」と評し、日本人のなかにある「三浦環世界のプリマ伝説」に対し疑問を呈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The line was established in the early Meiji period; many of the railway structures (such as station platforms and grade separations) on the Kusatsu Line are still in use, and some of them have various designs in their structures or decorations (this is not limited to the Kusatsu Line). 例文帳に追加

明治期の早い時期に敷設されたが、沿線の鉄道構造物(駅のプラットホーム、立体交差部など)で、現在に至って使用されているものが多く、その構造や装飾などに(ここだけではないが)意匠に富んだものがしばしば見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Except for Shijo-Omiya, Katabiranotsuji, and Arashiyama, all stations are unmanned; some unmanned stations which handle many passengers (such as Uzumasa Koryu-ji Station) may have a staff member on site during rush hours or peak seasons to guide passengers and assist in fare collection and safety management. 例文帳に追加

四条大宮・帷子ノ辻・嵐山の各駅を除き無人駅だが、無人駅でも乗降客の多い駅(太秦広隆寺駅など)には時期や時間帯によって係員が配置され、乗客案内、運賃収受の補助、安全管理などを行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An ad is posted on the exterior wall of the Kyoto Tower (Keihan Electric Railway is its parent company) and guide maps have been prepared, but since this station is a stop for local (sub-express) trains, many passengers still use Shichijo Station at which limited express trains stop (or they use Tambabashi Station, which connects to the Kintetsu Kyoto Line). 例文帳に追加

京都タワーの外壁に広告が掲示されたり(京阪電気鉄道は京都タワーの親会社でもある)、ガイドマップなども作成されているが、当駅が普通(準急)停車駅であるために、依然特急停車駅の七条駅(若しくは近鉄京都線と接続する丹波橋駅)を利用する客が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because the station names of the former City Trams Higashiyama Line and the names of the bus stops of the City Bus became generalized in many cases (although some have now been changed), and as a result the word 'Higashi-oji' is not basically used for the names of the intersections, but instead the word 'Higashiyama,' from the alias of the street Higashiyama-dori Street, is used. 例文帳に追加

かつての市電東山線の駅や市バスのバス停の名称(現在は変更されているものもある)が一般化している事例が多いためであり、まず基本的に「東大路」を冠さず、別名の東山通から「東山」を冠する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the catches of many species have been significantly reduced by the disturbance of native species, caused by the invasion of introduced fish such as the largemouth bass and bluegill, the amendment of the Ordinance on Control of Water Level (琵琶湖水位操作規則改訂) in 1992, the loss of lagoons and the disconnection of the lake from the network of paddy fields. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、オオクチバスやブルーギルをはじめとする外来種の侵入や1992年の琵琶湖水位操作規則の改訂、内湖の消失、水田とのネットワークの分断等によって固有の生物相が大きく攪乱を受け、漁獲高が激減した種も多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the houses along the river, approximately 250 of them have thatched roofs and many of them remain in the northern settlement, in particular; with the natural scenery and thatched houses in perfect harmony, the area retains the unspoiled landscape of farming villages in Japan. 例文帳に追加

川に沿って建てられた民家のうちおよそ250棟は、昔ながらの茅葺き民家で、特に北集落は茅葺き民家が多く残っており、自然景観と、茅葺き民家がうまく調和して、日本の農村の原風景とも言うべき風情を呈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many concepts have been added to Koshinto since ancient times, including the idea of shinra bansho (all natural things in the world), making it very difficult to classify the religion precisely, but the following concepts--as well as comments concerning the meaning of the Chinese characters and ancient Japanese words used in Shinto terms--of the religion, beginning with Koshinto and turning into today's Shinto, can be listed 例文帳に追加

古来からの古神道は、後から意味付けされたものも多く、その対象も森羅万象に及ぶので、必ずしも定常に当てはめることはできないが、古神道に始まり現在への神道までの流れとして時系列や、漢字や日本語としての古語の意味などを考え、記述する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, Miko no mai (Shrine maidens' dance) as well as many kinds of entertainment among the common people and professional performers that have been passed down to the present day, including the "show business (Sumo) as Shinto ritual" or various kinds of mai (dance) like the Matoi (flaming flag) mai, shishi (lion) mai, Kagura (musical dances including Miko no mai) and Daikagura (spinning tricks and acrobatics), were originally types of ritual prayer intended to honor and appease the gods. 例文帳に追加

また巫女の舞や庶民や芸能の芸として現在に受け継がれる「神事としての興行(相撲)」や舞(纏舞い・獅子舞)や神楽(巫女の舞など)や太神楽(曲独楽・軽業)なども神に捧げ神を和ぎ(かんなぎ)させるための祈りとしての祈祷である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, while there is a way of thinking that some of the descriptions in the latter half of the book are still skeptical, many of the recent archaeological findings have resulted in providing more support to prove the accuracy of the descriptions in the Kiki (the description of the reconstruction of Horyu-ji Temple and Amakashi no oka Hill of the Soga clan.) 例文帳に追加

ただし後半においてもなお疑義がもたれる記載内容もあるとの見方もある一方、近年の考古学的発見の多くは記紀の記事の正確さをより裏付ける結果となっている(法隆寺再建の記事や蘇我氏の甘樫丘など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wishing to eliminate the syncretism of Buddhism and Shintoism and have the nation return to the simple and right world of ancient times, Razan visited many sites of folklores and origins of shrines and recorded legends of the main shrines in Japan by referring to "Kojiki" (Records of Ancient Matters), "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), "Engishiki" (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers), "fudoki" (description of regional climate, culture, etc.) and others. 例文帳に追加

神仏混淆を斥け、国家を上古の淳直の世に立ち返らせようとこいねがい、口碑縁起を訪ね歩き、これを『古事記』、『日本書紀』、『延喜式』、『風土記』その他に証し、日本のおもな神社の伝記その他をしるしたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With respect to the point that Kimigayo is militaristic, there is an opinion that, starting with France of which national anthem is old martial music, La Marseillaise, there are many countries that have national anthems that are extremely militaristic or a martial song itself and Kimigayo does not particularly symbolize militarism. 例文帳に追加

また、軍国主義的だという点から見ても、古い軍歌であるラ・マルセイエーズを国歌としているフランスを始めとして、過激な軍歌調或いは軍歌そのものの国歌を持っている国は多く、君が代が特別軍国主義を象徴するものではないとする意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The historian Henri Pirenne presented the argument that the conquest activities of the Islamic world caused the significant villagization of the economy in medieval Europe and the traditional feudal system which was the local power hierarchy supported by the class of serfs (however, many people have different opinions). 例文帳に追加

歴史家アンリ・ピレンヌは、イスラム圏への征服活動が、ヨーロッパ中世経済の著しい農村化をもたらし、また多様な農奴階級が支える地域権力ヒエラルキーという伝統的な封建様式を引き起こしたとする説を展開している(ただし異論も少なからずある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once the shoen-koryo system was established in the 11th century, however, many samurai were appointed shoji (also known as shokan), gunji, goji, or hoji, and they began to own some manors or the Imperial demesnes such as gun, go, and ho as their settled territories and to have tato and fumyo under their control. 例文帳に追加

しかし、11世紀に荘園公領制が成立すると、多くの武士は荘司、郡司、郷司、保司に任命され、荘園、または公領の郡、郷、保を確固たる所領とするようになっていき、田堵負名を自らの支配下に置いていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This indicates the following concept: When two coins have the same face value, but are made at different costs are circulated at the same time, people collect coins with a higher value (high-quality coins) and keep them, not using them, or melt them to mint many lower-quality coins, and therefore, high-quality coins disappear from the market and inflation ensues. 例文帳に追加

価値の異なる原価をもった同一額面の通貨が同時に流通しようとするとき、人々は原価の高い貨幣(良貨)を集めて死蔵し、あるいはそれを元手に融解して多くの悪貨を生み出し、良貨が市場から消滅してインフレを招くという考え方。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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